ELIAS: “I am only who I am. The only difference between me and you is that I remember who I am. Therefore, I know, and you do not; this being the only difference.” [session 50, October 30, 1995] ELIAS: “I am Elias. I am an energy personality essence. I occupy an area of consciousness which shall be known to you henceforth as Regional Area 4. In this realm, I occupy a position of teaching. I am in conjunction with many other essences which are also in the capacity of teaching. I speak to you in response to you all in your questioning of this shift in consciousness, which is occurring upon your planet within this time framework in this present now, in which you are all involved.” [session 270, March 19, 1998] ELIAS: “It is unnecessary to be creating of destruction and doom and trauma. It is more efficient to be creating of ease, and the manner in which you create ease is to be listening to self and not accepting all of what is offered by what you perceive to be outside of self. “In like manner, I express to all individuals to not be following of this essence. I do not require disciples. I do not solicit followers. I am encouraging of every individual to be following of themselves, to be acknowledging of themselves, and to be recognizing that it is unnecessary for you to be continuing within your belief systems of authorities and other individuals that shall direct you. “YOU hold the ability to direct YOU! You do not need any other individual or essence to be directing your movement. You may direct your own movement, and create wondrous experiences in your own direction!” [session 293, July 01, 1998] ELIAS: “All that I may express to any individual, and yourself also, you DO already know! I am merely reminding you of that which you already know. My purpose, so to speak, in interaction is to be facilitating of the remembrance. You already hold all of this information. You merely are requiring of a ‘little push,’ that you may be remembering of all that you know.” [session 293, July 01, 1998] LYNDA: “And why is it that I feel so close to you, Elias? This has nothing to do with fragmentation, right?” ELIAS: “No. This is merely a knowing of interconnectedness of essence. “Also, I may express to you that a very large reason that you feel emotionally the expression that you feel in interaction with myself is that you also hold the knowing that I offer to you acceptance. This is the expression of acceptance. It matters not what you express to me, for I offer you acceptance regardless. Therefore, you are acceptable in interaction with myself in every expression and within every movement and moment, and you hold the knowing of this. “This is not offered in entirety within physical focus in expressions between individuals, but it is offered within essence, and you have offered yourself the opportunity to view this and be interactive with this complete acceptance in drawing yourself to this forum.” [session 399, May 19, 1999] ELIAS: “You have addressed me with specific questions in quite absolute terms, and I have answered in unabsolute terms, for we are not speaking in absolutes, for there are no absolutes, but within physical focus you want absolutes, for this is familiar and this offers you comfort, but it also limits your abilities.” [session 411, June 07, 1999] ELIAS: “I express to you, there are many individuals within your physical focus that are creating of physical ailments, so to speak, that hold no conflict in their creation and are not attempting to be altering their creation and are quite accepting of what they are creating. This appears foreign to you, for your beliefs move in different areas, but this also is the reason that you each have engaged myself. You have asked for information to be creating your reality more efficiently and with less conflicts and with less trauma. Therefore, I am responsive to you in offering you information to be creating of what you wish ... although I am not your fairy godmother!” [session 431, July 23, 1999] ELIAS: “I am what you are. I am the same as you. I am an energy personality essence, in like manner to yourself. You also are an energy personality essence, but you choose to be focusing your attention within the exploration of physical dimensions. I choose not, presently. I hold a remembrance and you have forgotten, and this is the difference, and beyond this, what I am is the same as what you are.” (Smiling) [session 475, September 22, 1999] ELIAS: “Within certain time frameworks, individuals may present themselves within a group, and those individuals may hold an openness to be receiving information which moves in conjunction with waves in consciousness that are occurring. Or, the individuals may be interactive with other individuals within your physical focus, and this shall determine the direction that I choose to be moving into within the particular forum. The individuals that are present physically are quite influential, so to speak, in the direction of the session and the information which is offered within that time framework. “Each of you attending a session in this manner is not merely one individual. You are one individual and you also hold a potentiality, and in this potentiality, you may be affecting of a great number of other individuals in your interaction. “I assess, in a manner of speaking, the energy of the individuals that are participating within a particular session and the potentiality of each of those individuals and which direction they shall proceed within subsequent to the session, and what they shall offer in energy and how they shall be affecting of other individuals in conjunction with this information and in conjunction with the movement of this shift in consciousness. “Therefore, as this is the intent of this interaction with this phenomenon, to be offering information in conjunction with this shift in consciousness and to be helpful in the movement of this shift, it moves in that direction continuously. Although I may be offering information to each of you individually in what you think of as personal information, I also offer a subjective interaction with each of you that you carry with you within your focus and are subsequently affecting of other individuals in conjunction with this shift in consciousness.” (Chuckling) [session 488, October 20, 1999] ELIAS: “The engagement of this phenomenon with this individual manifest of the essence of Michael [Mary] is no accident. This phenomenon that is engaged with Michael [Mary] in this focus has been purposefully chosen, as I have stated previously. “In this exchange, Michael [Mary] provides another aspect of the phenomenon itself, in allowing himself to be incorporated in many situations as an example. I have stated previously several times, Michael [Mary] allows himself a very swift movement in relation to this information and his ability to be incorporating it into his objective reality and into the movement of his physical focus. “His participation in this phenomenon is not merely to be offering an avenue of communication from myself to all of you, but his participation in this phenomenon also is the allowance of himself within this physical focus to be viewed and incorporated as an example to other individuals, for he does hold a tremendous ability to assimilate this information and offer to you an avenue of translation that you may view and that you may interact with. “I am non-physically focused as essence. I do not provide you with a physical example of this information. I provide you with information that you inquire of. But for the most part, without the physical incorporation of experience within your physical dimension, the information that I offer to you remains as concept until you allow yourselves examples through experience.” [session 743, December 17, 2000] ELIAS: “Even my engagement with you, what you view this to be, the students and the teacher – no. Do you view that I may be learning from you? No. But I am creating new expressions of essence, new discoveries of manipulation of energy. “I am not teaching you, my friends. I am merely offering information that may be helpful to you in your journey of discovery, and you are not less than. You are not less than yourselves, and you are not less than any other expression of consciousness. “You are continuously creating anew, and THIS particular movement of newness within this physical dimension is massive; it is so very immense and so very different from what you have created throughout your history in this physical dimension. THIS is the reason that you incorporate interaction with essences such as myself, to be helpful to you in easing your movement and validating and reinforcing in expression that you ARE creating this. For you also hold strong beliefs in relation to your realities, and quite easily move yourselves into the association that you are experiencing lunacy – and you are not! (Laughs) “Therefore, this is the purpose of our interaction; not that I may be reminding you of what you are, but that I may be expressing validation to you that you are creating what you suspect you are creating and what you doubt you are creating, and that you are not experiencing lunacy. (Chucking) I have expressed to you, there is challenge in this movement! Ha ha ha ha! ... And I have expressed that you shall be incorporating trauma.” [session 800, March 18, 2001] RON: “... [Will you] introduce yourself, or choose a subject of your own that would possibly introduce you to people who don’t know you.” ELIAS: “Very well. “I am identified in the tone of Elias, which is an energy personality essence. I do not focus my attention within your physical dimension as do you, but I interact with individuals within your physical dimension in response to your collective request for information in relation to the shift in consciousness which is occurring presently. “... this shift in consciousness is, in your terms, the basis of this interaction and the motivation for the creation of this energy exchange. “In this, there are many aspects of your reality that are altering presently in the accomplishment of this shift in consciousness. “The shift in consciousness itself is a Source Event which is being translated into your physical reality in this particular dimension. It is not being created in relation to other physical dimensions, but has been chosen by you in this dimension collectively, to be offering you the opportunity to continue to manifest and engage this particular physical dimension within its original design, so to speak, but to be widening your awareness and dropping the veil of separation. “This one action of dropping the veil of separation is quite affecting in altering much of your reality. In relation to that action of eliminating this veil of separation, which is created through your perceptions and influenced by your beliefs, you are engaging a new awareness of self, of the individual. You are allowing yourselves a new awareness of attention, and redefining your reality in all aspects of it. “This is accomplished through the action of acceptance – acceptance of self and acceptance of beliefs – recognizing that you each are a focus of attention of essence, and that as a focus of attention, you are quite influenced in this physical dimension by the beliefs which you have created in relation to your reality. “As you allow yourselves to become more familiar with yourselves as that focus of attention, and recognize that the attention steers the mechanism of perception of each individual, and that your perception is what creates your actual physical reality but is also influenced by your beliefs, you may turn your attention, recognizing the expression of your beliefs, and therefore accept their expression within your reality and allow yourselves the freedom to create choice, objectively and intentionally, in relation to what you create within your physical reality. “As you move in this century, in the beginning of this new millennium, you are objectively inserting this shift in consciousness into your physical reality, and it is being inserted merely through the action of awareness, and your individual and collective participation in widening your awareness and opening your perception to the reality of consciousness and how it is manipulated. “In this, you undertake an enormous feat in altering the entirety of your physical reality, for as you continue this action of inserting this shift in consciousness into your reality, you alter the expression of your societies, of your governments, of your interactions in countries and cultures, your expressions of exchange and currency – ALL of your reality is being redefined. “The emphasis is shifting, literally, from that of authorities and certain individuals as the directors of masses and groups of individuals into the expression of the reality being directed by the individual. The emphasis is moving into the expression of focusing the attention and appreciation, and recognizing the worth of the individual and the abilities of the individual. “You shall be directing of your reality, individually and intentionally, in an objective manner, rather than allowing yourselves to be dictated to by mass beliefs or authority figures that you have set as your examples or your directors previously. “In this, you offer yourselves tremendous freedom and new opportunities to be exploring this physical dimension and what you may be creating within this physical dimension in a much more expansive manner, allowing you to move within consciousness without limitation, but continuing the blueprint or the design of this particular physical dimension.” [session 846b, June 05, 2001] ELIAS: “... in my offering of information to you, I choose selectively in recognition of the strength of the expressions of your beliefs and the knowing of the reinforcement movement that shall be incorporated in the expression of information that I may offer within any particular time framework. And in that expression, I may offer to you limited aspects of information concerning any particular subject matter merely to acknowledge to you an actual existence, so to speak, or validation of reality within your physical dimension and your associations with energy; but I also choose, in relation to your physical movement and your TIME factor, when I shall be offering other information concerning certain subject matters, as to NOT be reinforcing the strength of your automatic responses and alignment with your beliefs.” [session 876, Tuesday, August 07, 2001] MARGOT: “... Just ‘cause I want to know, how many focuses did you have in this dimension?” ELIAS: “I may express to you that within your physical dimension I have incorporated more than 3000.” MARGOT: “Oh, oh, oh! Wow! You get one point, Elias! (Elias laughs loudly) Wow! Oh, okay!” (Margot and Howard both laugh) [session 967, November 24, 2001] SHERI: “My friend, Chris, has a question. She was wondering: ‘Why does he choose the syntax he does and convoluted sentences? Is it a filtering a system?’” ELIAS: “Let me express to you, within this energy exchange and offering an objective expression through language, incorporating words and expressions that shall not be reinforcing of your beliefs requires creativity.” (Chuckling) SHERI: (Laughs) “I told her it had something to do with not reinforcing our beliefs!” (Elias laughs) [session 983, January 18, 2002] DANIIL: “In the future, what I know as the future, would it be meaningful to request more private sessions? Or this is not the best application of your effort and of Mary’s time and effort?” ELIAS: “Ha ha ha! Do not concern yourself with the individual that you recognize as Mary, and do not concern yourself with my energy, either. Listen to yourself, my friend. “I may express to you, this is your choice. If you choose and if you generate the want to be engaging conversation with myself, allow yourself that freedom. I am always available and express a willingness to be interactive with you in playfulness, in friendship and in conversation, which may be to offer information or merely to exchange.” (Chuckles) [session 1130, July 12, 2002] JOANNE: “I’ve been hoping to have contact with you, and I don’t know whether I’m just not receiving it properly or not open to it. Is there some way that I can be more open to contact with you when we’re not in session?” ELIAS: “Yes, if you are relaxing your energy and allowing for a recognition of the interaction. For the most part, you are wishing for this interaction – which is occurring – but you are not objectively aware. For you are distracting yourself and generating a tension in association with your natural flow of energy, and this does create an interruption in which you may not necessarily allow yourself an objective awareness of my energy and interaction with you.” [session 1132, July 13, 2002] ELIAS: “As I express to any of you in many, many, many situations that choices are choices and that it matters not, I am not expressing to you that it does not matter. There IS a difference, which I have expressed previously. There are many expressions that matter. In actuality, ALL of your expressions matter; ALL that you do matters. The expression of “it matters not” is directed to the recognition that choices are choices and that any choice is merely a choice, and that it is not necessary to be expressing judgment of one choice being better than another choice. That is not to say that your expressions do not matter, for they do. “Being responsible for self is tremendous, and being responsible for self is what generates the natural action of essence to not be intrusive.” [session 1521, February 26, 2004] VICKI [asking a question on Mary’s behalf]: “‘I would like to know about the level of distortion through a channel, and how much distortion is involved with me.’ ELIAS: Interesting question! I have discussed this issue previously. Many individuals incorporate much distortion. I will also express to you all, that given even what you would view to be a ‘perfect channel,’ as you would express, there will always be an element of distortion, for you incorporate language. Therefore, the concepts must be ‘turned and molded’ to fit to your language, to which you may understand. Therefore, a partial distortion is always incorporated; but I will also express that there are essences which seek out individuals who possess the ability to incorporate this phenomenon with the least amount of distortion. This is dependent upon the information to which the essence is wishing to express. Some essences, within the focus of teaching, are not as concerned with the amount of information to which they wish to be expressing. They also are not concerned with the type of information, for their connection is being made through the phenomenon itself. They also are helpful and instructive, within the phenomenon, in vibrational qualities and telepathic information which is expressed during their sessions, so to speak. Others are quite specifically focused, and incorporate more information at a more involved (pause) ‘level’; this being one of your limiting words, for there are no levels! You must also realize that although there may be distortion through an individual, these individuals are in agreement with an essence, if they are incorporating this phenomenon in actuality. Therefore, the essence is aware of the distortion properties. The agreement may be made regardless, for there may be qualities of energy incorporated, which may be beneficial. Within this group of individuals, the essences connected have been conscientious and careful in choosing individuals to be incorporating information. In this, individuals have been taught and prepared, for what you would view as a great length of time. This preparation has been focused upon for the reason of the least amount of distortion. The individuals have been chosen, and have agreed. As I have expressed previously, these individuals possess the ability to allow their belief systems personally to move, allowing information to be set forth, even given conflicting belief systems. Also, within these ‘channels,’ so to speak, they are clear enough that where a block may be encountered, it may be expressed openly that the block exists. Therefore, particular subject matter may be diverted temporarily. This is also known, that within a reasonable eventual time period, these subjects also will be allowed to be incorporated and expressed. It is not important, this time element that you incorporate; for all things will be expressed. (Pause) VICKI: So, I’m still unclear. There are ‘levels,’ so to speak, of distortion between different individuals? ELIAS: There is your distortion presently! (Grinning) There are elements of distortion with certain individuals, or you may view as levels, which are not levels, but your comprehension is limited. Therefore, we use available language. Also, many individuals do not possess an active working vocabulary. This is limiting, for if the individual does not possess, within their ‘brain,’ not consciousness, the language skills, this will also be hindering. There are words within your language that Michael [Mary] (1) does not incorporate a working knowledge of, but through years of his studying, his visual perception has incorporated these words. He may not have a working understanding of their definition, and he may not even realize that he has ever encountered a specific word, but the brain has registered this information and it has been stored; for all that you encounter is kept. Every element of information that you encounter within your physical experience is kept. None is lost. Therefore, you may not incorporate a working definition of certain elements of vocabulary, but I do! Therefore, I may access words not used within your brain, and I may use these for my expression. Some individuals do not encounter a wider range of your language; therefore, their skill is limited. I may speak to you only of what the individual incorporates within this consciousness. Now you may say to me, ‘But what of individuals who may be speaking within another language through this channel, a language which this individual has no knowledge of?’ Incorrect. When this phenomenon occurs, this will be happening for the reason that the individual acting as the channel incorporates a closer remembrance to [a] past developmental focus which does incorporate this language. Therefore, within their present consciousness, this is available to be drawn upon by the essence channeling through. Michael [Mary] is unaware of French words that I express to you, but you have each shared developmental focuses with this language. Therefore, within your consciousness you possess an awareness; and you within this company have moved your consciousness into an area of remembering, through your meditations and your focus, which allows this information clearer access. VICKI: So this language issue; would that be an explanation of why this essence, speaking in this book that we just read, incorporates words such as karma? (2) ELIAS: Partially. As I expressed earlier, this is also in agreement. The essence is aware of the individual to whom it is channeling through, and also is aware of the individuals being affected within the phenomenon, listening. Therefore, in order to be affecting and also answering to these individuals, certain language and concepts are expressed forth, for this will be accepted and understood. These individuals incorporate western focus, but are viewing eastern philosophy as being more truthful. Therefore, speaking with tones of eastern philosophy will be accepted and incorporated. There are always reasons. There are no accidents! VICKI: Well, what about this reference to schizophrenia being an issue of possession ? (Elias chuckles) This was the most glaring discrepancy! ELIAS: You will view, as you are moving through, once again, our previous material, that Elias has incorporated information which you may also view to be discrepancies; although if you are truly looking and listening, you will come to understand that there is no conflict, and that all of this information ‘fits together.’ Words, once again, are offered in a way that individuals will understand. You will notice that this essence expresses that another essence is not intrusive. This essence’s words may be differently formed, but the idea is the same. There are no intrusive essences! You will notice that the essence has been confronted, not only within this encounter, but at other times also, of ‘May an essence be incorporated into one’s physical expression of body?’ The answer is absolute, just as Elias’ answer has been absolute: No! Therefore, this offers you clues that within this essence’s own words, it is being contradictory; but, it is not! For within this issue of what you term to be a mental dysfunction, these individuals do incorporate other essences; not within their physical body, but are in communication with them. They do speak to them, and these essences do speak to the physical individual. These essences are not within a focus such as I. These essences would be within a focus of transition, to which many essences may create much mischief, for they know not what they actually affect; just as you may encounter, with your Ouija board, essences who may not in actuality be within a teaching focus, but may be within transition, and mirroring to you your own focus. These essences within transition do incorporate, sometimes, with individuals physically focused. Within the physically focused individual, they are still within their oubliette; therefore they misinterpret, and they do not recognize what they are experiencing. Therefore, you express this as a dysfunction with the mental capabilities of the individual. They have chosen this experience. In actuality, there is no conflict within the expression of information. It is only expressed within words that you find distasteful. Within our own sessions and group of individuals, we incorporate many distortions of interpretation of individuals with information! I express concepts. You pull these concepts within and change them into unrecognizable concepts, far reaching from my expression! (Laughter) This coming back to our discussion of the channel, this being the reason why essences such as myself or Paul (Patel) (3) search out individuals who will incorporate the least amount of distortion by blocking, therefore allowing the clearest amount of information; for it will be distorted on its own with you!” [session 66, January 14, 1996] ELIAS: “You have asked me a very general question. I have offered an all-encompassing answer. If you are wishing for very specific answers, then I will be instructing you to be focusing and formulating very specific questions. I have reasons for directing you within specific areas. You choose to not focus specifically, therefore you do not deal with your issues. You hold them static. Therefore, it is equally important that you be able to formulate specific ideas and questions; to isolate your uncomfortableness. Therefore, you offer yourself the opportunity to be viewing these elements within yourself, which you are not viewing; for you incorporate this as easier to be ‘generally feeling badly’ of everything, and not specifically of anything; but within this generality, you hold the conflict static within this Regional Area. If you are truly wishing to be moving through this issue more quickly, for you are moving, then I am suggesting that you ask yourself specifics. Are you understanding?” [session 68, January 28, 1996] VICKI: “We are curious, Michael [Mary] and I, regarding your interaction with Joshua the other night. It seemed unusual, and we don’t understand. (4) ELIAS: And why are you viewing my interaction as unusual? VICKI: I’ve never seen you be quite so blunt with a new individual. ELIAS: Ah! So this is your interpretation. VICKI: Yes. ELIAS: And this was offensive to you? VICKI: No, not offensive, but I’m very curious about it because it was unusual. It seemed unusual to me. ELIAS: (Firmly) I interact with this individual according to this individual’s connections and awareness within consciousness. Your perception, you may be wishing to re-evaluate, of this individual. VICKI: Well, my perception was that he was a very intelligent young man. ELIAS: Correct. VICKI: But I would have to reiterate that within the incorporation of a new person, it just seems unusual to me the way that you interacted with him. Maybe I’m just not getting something. ELIAS: What you are not getting is connecting within consciousness, and identifying the reality of what you view to be the situation. This individual is quite efficient at projecting a facade. VICKI: And that was confirmed within his interaction with Elizabeth [Elizabeth]. A lot of people are quite efficient at projecting a facade, though. ELIAS: This is correct; and you do not believe that I may see through this facade? VICKI: I believe that you probably always see through the facades, but I’ve just never viewed you to interact in that way on a first-time basis. ELIAS: This individual is quite connected, and understands quite well. This individual also projects an element of helplessness. He was not experiencing an emotional response to my presence. There was no fear. VICKI: Oh. Being part of the facade? ELIAS: Being part of the game! This individual was quite understanding of my response to the initial question. There was no misunderstanding incorporated. This individual was not wishing to be asking of the next question, for he was aware already of my response; therefore engaging helplessness within focus, asking for assistance. It was not offered, therefore the response was incorporated. You were presented with the facade of fearfulness, which was quite efficient. Within consciousness, behind the facade, was irritation that he was not assisted, therefore a directedness to me; a temper tantrum. ‘You will answer my question, Elias!’ I will not answer your question, Jaren [Jason], for you may answer this question yourself. You already know; and he does. I respond to individuals according to their state of consciousness, and how much actual fearfulness they incorporate. Many individuals may project the camouflage of being quite self-assured and knowledgeable, and are very fearful within; therefore my response to them. This individual does not incorporate this fearfulness. VICKI: Okay. Well, let me ask you one more question about that. The question that I heard him ask was in relation to his interaction with this Jack, within his coma. Was that the question? ELIAS: Correct. He would like to understand his connections to this individual. It was quite possible for me to be offering this information to him, but I will express to you: If your son is kicking in front of you on the floor and demanding of you within a temper tantrum, shall you respond? VICKI: No. ELIAS: It is a manipulative tool. (Firmly) It is inappropriate. VICKI: Okay, I think I understand. ELIAS: Be aware that I am aware; and although this individual presently will not be rejoining our sessions, what I have been offering him, not only this ‘now,’ will continue; and he is aware of this. There are no coincidences. He does not speak as he does without hearing it ‘previously.’ (Pause for emphasis) So you see, he is not so new. (Smiling, and a pause) VICKI: Interesting. (Another pause) ELIAS: I do not hold the belief systems of offending an individual within these sessions, as do you. It is unnecessary; but I may get away with this! After all, I am a ghost! (Grinning, and we all laugh, breaking the tension) VICKI: That does give you license. ELIAS: To be truthful!” [session 87, April 17, 1996] VICKI: “So this whole thing ... is this also why you seem to be so different recently? Your energy? ELIAS: I remain the same ... VICKI: Okay, I’ve asked this question before. ELIAS: ... you change! Your awareness is widening. Michael [Mary] also, moving very quickly, is widening awareness. In this, he is also incorporating a greater ability for acceptance. This is quite influencing of this phenomenon. The merging of consciousness, within the element of this phenomenon, increases; therefore the changes that you view. I will also express to Lawrence [Vicki] that your interaction within our information will increase also; for within physical terms, although you may view and experience a very slow delivery of information, within consciousness, and also within the process of this phenomenon, information is processed at such a phenomenal rate that this physical brain may not assimilate all of it. Therefore you may, subsequently now, experience some gaps. Therefore, be attuned; for communication continues continuously, uninterrupted; and within consciousness, it is much vaster than what you verbally experience within our sessions. Also, other factors enter in within this phenomenon; for as the consciousness expands and allows itself, within the subjective self, to widen and experience more, there is also more interaction and more energy exchange, which is also affecting of delivery of information. You will not experience more distortion. You may frequently experience a more retarded delivery; for to compensate physically, the brain will slow the process of information tremendously, retarding the process to assimilate, therefore compensating for the tremendous rush and volume of information and electrical impulses being received. As I was expressing previously within another session, I am not wishing to be short-circuiting Michael [Mary]! Therefore, adjustments are made. This is an allowance in preparation, and also a compliance for expansion. You possess an inner knowing subjectively.” [session 93, May 12, 1996] VICKI: “... You have made the statement, quite a few times, that hurtfulness to another essence is never acceptable. ELIAS: This is correct. VICKI: Isn’t that encouraging of a basic belief system of right and wrong also? ELIAS: Within your definition, yes. VICKI: Well, then I’m not understanding something! ELIAS: (Smiling) Within an expression of essence, within a wider consciousness, hurtfulness is not acceptable, for it is unnecessary. I have expressed to you that hurtfulness is acceptable to you within physical focus, for you may view this to be beneficial for many given reasons. This does not make this acceptable within essence. VICKI: Well then, what’s the difference between acceptable and unacceptable, right and wrong, good and bad, correct and incorrect? ELIAS: Ah! (Laughter) I use these terms for YOUR benefit, for these are terms and words that YOU understand and connect with. There are no terms to be expressing of some elements within consciousness. You do not understand, as this stands presently, there is no right and wrong. Therefore, you relate to correct, incorrect, right, wrong; expressions within this language. It is not possible for me to express to you essence expressions out of time, out of space, and out of your belief systems. Therefore, I DO express to you within your belief systems. I use terms, such as correct or incorrect, to emphasize less of a strength within your own belief systems, and less of an identification of certain elements. Within your understanding of terms, if I express to you incorrect, you may be accepting that you may not necessarily be wrong, that you may have connected ‘less probable.’ If I express to you wrong, you think in absolutes. I attempt to speak to you NOT in absolutes. I do not express the term incorrect to be expressing to you that you are wrong. The reality incorporates many more probabilities than you may comprehend. Therefore, there cannot be a wrong. There are more probable actions, for you choose more probable actions, or answers. VICKI: So cause and effect is a belief system. Is this correct? ELIAS: To your way of thinking, yes. VICKI: But this other statement is not, that it is unacceptable to be hurtful to another essence? ELIAS: I express this to you, for it is more easily understood than to express to you that THERE IS NO ISSUE. If I express to you that it is acceptable to be hurtful to another essence, to another individual within physical focus, you will incorporate these words literally. Therefore, I do not express these words to you. I also express contradictions, or seeming contradictions, to you continuously for this same reason; for you DO incorporate what I express to you, and you assimilate this literally. Within literal terms, to you, Lawrence, there is no issue. But then you may say to us, ‘Well, then I may murder my neighbor, and this is acceptable.’ In truth, within essence, yes. In truth, I may express this to some individuals, and their awareness may incorporate an understanding of truth; but within your belief systems, and your ‘locked’ of right and wrong, although you may view yourselves to be letting go of these concepts and understanding, you WILL assimilate these words literally. You will fall back upon them. Therefore I express, no, it is never acceptable to be hurtful to another essence; but it IS acceptable to be hurtful to another essence, for it is beneficial; for there is a difference between physical focus and experiences physically, and essence; for you have CHOSEN this.” [session 99, June 09, 1996] ELIAS: “You will always incorporate a dominant perception, for this is how you have created physical manifestation; interacting and intersecting within a time element. Therefore, even within a wider awareness, you will continue to hold a more dominant perception in one direction, but you will allow for the secondary perceptions to be viewed and accepted as reality; without struggle, without question. RON: So within your consciousness, are you interacting and communicating equally with others right now, as you are with us? ELIAS: Correct. Within your perception presently, our engagement through this phenomenon seems singular. Elias arrives, Elias interacts, Elias departs. In actuality, Elias does not arrive, for Elias is already present! Elias is also present within many other areas of consciousness simultaneously to what you would view to be equal, within perception.” [session 106, July 21, 1996] ELIAS: “I have offered you little information of the reality of this area of consciousness [Regional Area 4]. This area of consciousness to which I occupy, so to speak, is very diversified. I am aware of many aspects of myself. Simultaneously, I am beyond awareness of the aspects of self, for I am also actively, consciously engaged with each of these aspects. In this, each aspect flows through a variance of vibration. This is an explanation that you physically will understand, for you may understand vibrations, and differences in vibrations of waves and tones. In this, each aspect or focus, so to speak, although they are not physically focused, holds its own vibration or wavelength. They may hold very slight variances, but each is individual. These all incorporate individual personality, which causes them differences. In this, I am focused within them all; this that you view being only one. As I hold this ability to interact and be each of these aspects of self and hold a complete awareness of each, I also hold the ability to manipulate energy within these aspects. Therefore, as we have used the example of your television, it is quite effortless for me to ‘change the channel.’ I may shift into another aspect, to focus interaction with you. The essence in question, for Lawrence’s [Vicki’s] benefit, as it shall remain nameless as you have not chosen a name, does not hold the awareness of self to manipulate its own energy into specific channels; into its own specific areas of aspects and frequencies. It directs a scattered energy into a target area. It focuses what you would think of as the bulk of its energy in bursts, into a localized area that it perceives as its target; but within itself, it is not familiar enough with its own energy, and its own focuses and aspects, to channel this energy sufficiently and precisely within different areas; this being an advantage on the part of Elias, for I do remember, and hold the ability to manipulate this energy more efficiently. In this, though, I shall explain that regardless of focus, regardless of awareness, focusing and manipulating energy through different areas of consciousness, and connecting and intersecting and communicating with any area of physical focus, requires adjustment. It also requires an acclimation period, for you are entering energy from fluidity into thickness. Therefore, there is resistance. In this also, as I have stated, there is an acclimation required on the part of Michael [Mary], or whomever the receiver may be. This shall not be difficult for Michael [Mary] for it is not a major adjustment, but it shall require acclimation. Therefore, I offer this information to you, that you may not be confused.” [session 132, November 10, 1996] VICKI: “I have a question about intent, regarding our conversation in the break and the essence families. You refer to yourself as Sumafi, correct? (Elias nods) And we also know that these essence families apply to physical focus. So would it be correct to assume then that you are applying those terms to yourself in terms of intent? ELIAS: Correct. VICKI: And within other focuses there are other essence families ... ELIAS: ... or pools of consciousness which align with each other. Correct. For your understanding, I express to be Sumafi, for within the pools of consciousness that I align with within the area of consciousness that is occupied, it would be comparable; for the intent is the same. VICKI: Are you saying that the intent, within your alignment with different dimensional focuses, is the same? ELIAS: Yes. VICKI: So, if you were talking to a roomful of little gray squashy guys (Vic’s note: our term for ‘aliens.’), your intent would be the same. ELIAS: Yes. We shall be also entering this area very soon, once again, of your extraterrestrials, in offering more information as to this ‘phenomenon.’” [session 137, December 01, 1996] NORM: “When [Vicki] asked you the question [about fragmentation], you closed your eyes and took some deep breaths and slowly came up with the answer. Could you describe how you did that? ELIAS: This is an allowance of information. What you view is an exchange of energy. In this exchange of energy, the personality focus of Elias appears to you. Translations are accomplished within this exchange. Within certain requests of certain information, an opening is allowed, therefore funneling in information which is not as readily accessed. Different information is occupying different areas of consciousness. Just as you within essence focus your essence into many different focuses, in this same type of manner, within essence I focus attention in many different areas. While directing [the] energy exchange within this area, there is a concentration of specific energy; a focus of energy which is directed to be exchanged with you. In this, just as you within a focus are concentrated on that focus for that time period, within this exchange I concentrate an energy focus. Therefore, other information must be accessed, or openings must be allowed, to filter in some information. It is necessary to be directing of energy within the thickness of the time element. Much in concentration is involved in this type of energy exchange. Much that you do not understand, in what you may term as mechanics, operate within the accomplishment of this type of exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to be directed. Without the concentration of direction, you shall experience much distortion. In the event of the least amount of distortion, the x-ray is focused precisely. Therefore, in answering of certain inquiries, what appears to you as moments are taken, to allow openings for accessing other focuses and areas of information. NORM: That doesn’t always have to be opened by the other essence. In other words, you ask for access to information, but the essence that has the information does not have to open? Does not have to? ELIAS: I do not ask for access to information. I possess the information. I only open to another channel of my own essence. RETA: Are you getting the information out of Region 2? Is that where you’re going to get the information? ELIAS: Not necessarily, although within certain inquiries, I may access focused energy within Regional Area 2 for information. RETA: But normally you don’t have to, because you have that knowledge. (Here, Elias is grinning, and we all start laughing) ELIAS: I shall express, Dehl [Reta], that all of my focuses are the same to me, so to speak. Therefore, it is not a question of ‘going to’ somewhere to be accessing information. It is, in your terms, not unlike you being engaged within a conversation singularly with one other individual. Your attention may be quite intent. The individual may be speaking to you, and you may turn your attention slightly to hear another individual speak. Therefore, you do not go anywhere! You only turn your hearing. In this same type of manner, I momentarily open my awareness to another area or focus to access information, allowing information to be transmitted to be answering of certain inquiries; for these inquiries are not within the directed attention presently of the focus of this energy exchange. NORM: You have created focuses to the extent of all of your interests. So your desire for completeness of knowledge was quite intent, and you do have almost complete capability in gaining information then. ELIAS: Within your physically focused terminology, not! (We all crack up) You shall never be complete, for there is no completion, for you are continuously within a state of becoming! Therefore, how may you be complete? NORM: Well, you’ve gone quite a ways, then! ELIAS: I have only remembered, and so shall you. TOM: Is there ever gonna be an end to this physical focus to where we have a perfection of all, the universal one, the universal whole? ELIAS: The point is not to be striving for perfection within physical focus. The point of physical focus is to be experiencing, for you already are perfect!” [session 138, December 08, 1996] VICKI: “In reference to your statement of how you have an understanding of the concept of time because you project through the thickness of it, do I understand that correctly? (Elias nods) I would have thought that you also would have an understanding of this concept as a result of your own experience in physical focus. Is this incorrect? ELIAS: This is also partially correct, although this is an awareness that is held in what you may liken to be memory stored. It may be drawn upon at any moment, so to speak, although it may not be within the forefront of attention; just as you may, at any given moment, remember an event when you were at the age of nine years old, but you are not holding a continuous constant attention of nine years old and this one event throughout your entirety of your focus. It is readily available to you in accessing information of memory. In this like manner, I may access memory of time and also simultaneously experience time within the memory. My attention is not focused continuously within a time element, for the focuses of my essence are not interacting within time frameworks.” [session 140, December 15, 1996] ELIAS: “There is no ‘method’ to be presented to other individuals. I have expressed many times within this forum, the point of these sessions, this interaction, is not to be creating a new religion, a new discipleship, new methods to be converting individuals to new belief systems. The point of this interaction is to be helpful to you to understand that you hold belief systems, that you may accept these belief systems and widen them, and widen your awareness. Also, that you may know your self, and trust your self, and listen to self; and in this, you shall be very instructional to all of those around you, and you shall be quite influencing within consciousness.” [session 145, January 05, 1997] DREW: “The word appreciation is one that is more understandable for me, an appreciation of our becoming and being, because I can understand that without an association of good or bad. Joyfulness is one that I have some belief systems attached to that imply for me a value as opposed to a neutrality, and so for now I’ll work with appreciation. ELIAS: But this is as intended! You associate joyfulness with value. Therefore, a strategically placed word. DREW: I know you choose your words carefully! Along the same lines, we had a discussion last week after session about the importance of it all. In fact, during session we talked about this a little bit, about whether anything we do really has any meaning or importance. I asked what’s the point of it all, to which you responded that everything has meaning because each choice and action is affecting of every other, and while I understand that everything is affecting of everything else, I still don’t understand why it matters, why it’s important, because if it’s all just experience anyway, why does it matter how my experience affects any other, since one experience is just as valid as any other? So, where’s the meaning? And as happens as I mull these questions, sometimes answers come to me. So let me offer two answers that have occurred to me over the past week, and you can give me some direction as to whether or not there’s validity in either one of them. The first is that meaning and importance are only belief systems in the first place, which is an answer I’m not really comfortable with because again, it implies that in the big picture there is no meaning or importance. The second answer that came to me is that the experience is important in the same way that learning is important, which I have a strong sense that learning is important although I can’t really say why, except for growth. ELIAS: It is an innate knowing; and you may express growth as synonymous with learning, and knowledge, and knowing, and becoming. And as another teacher of yours (5) has illustrated previously an explanation of consciousness and its desire to be knowing of all aspects of self, so in this same manner are you; for you are consciousness, and the nature of consciousness is to be knowing of self, which is a continuous journey with no end. DREW: Is the concept of meaning and importance a belief system that we hold, or a concept that is real in subjective reality? ELIAS: It is relative within your thought processes to this reality, for within other realities your explanation of meaning means nothing! Value fulfillment is a truth. This is common to all areas of consciousness in all focuses. This may not adequately be expressed within your individual focus and language, for it expands beyond this reality. It is a reality within all realities. As you have created and as should be within your intent of creation within this dimensional physical focus, you view your creations and your belief systems and thought processes as all of reality. It is beyond your thinking to view that your reality is not valid throughout all of consciousness. It is valid in that it is beneficial within experience, and adding to value fulfillment within the whole. It is lacking in meaning within other dimensional focuses for they have been created quite differently; as their meaning is meaningless to you; as my reality, in truths, holds little meaning to you; for they are all different areas of consciousness for different experiences which you incorporate to yourself, all; for you are multidimensional. You may express that it matters not and that your experiences hold no meaning if you are thinking in the direction of progression, to which, within this dimension, you do. You create this reality on the basis of progression. You progress. You move forward. You attain. In these terms, you are correct. It matters not. It holds no meaning. In terms beyond this individual focus, of which you have asked to be informed, it holds to your way of thinking great meaning, for all of meaning is in becoming. Therefore, all of experience is important. DREW: Let me finally ask a question for Michael [Mary], if I may. Michael [Mary] has begun reading Seth, not just the notes of the life of Jane and Rob, but the Seth material ... ELIAS: We are aware. DREW: ... and is finding contradictions with the material that you have been offering and is confused and frustrated by that, and asked if you could give some explanation as to how there could be contradictions or help Michael [Mary] to understand the contradictions, and all of us to understand the contradictions. (6) ELIAS: And how appropriate that you may ask this question in following your questioning, for it is the same, for you hold interpretations and you focus upon words; and as you inquire to me of the word of joyfulness, which is offered for the express purpose that it symbolizes a certain meaning within you although it does not represent your definition, in this same manner information has been offered throughout your ages by many, in different terminology. Information has been offered to be accommodating and influencing of individuals in strategic manners; for essences of Dream Walkers, who have not physically manifest throughout your history but continue with you in cooperation of your creation of this reality, communicate throughout your history information to you all to be helpful in your remembrance, that you may not drift so very far within your separation, in your desire for the purity of your experience. Therefore, they serve as reminders to you, but these reminders are also offered in conjunction with the individuals that seek the information. The response is influencing of the information. What you may assimilate shall be offered. It is known, within essence, what you shall assimilate. You have been offered information in line with your creation of progression, for this is how you have created your reality; progressively; and within what you view to be your future time period shall be experienced another which shall seemingly be contradictory to Elias, but shall not be contradicting. It shall be additional; to your way of thinking, a furthering; a continuation of information; as was the one before, and as was the one before. You may assure Michael [Mary] that although he experiences confusion and conflict within information, there is no conflict. There is a very slight, underline, very slight bleed-through allowance of belief systems within previous information, but this is not exceedingly influencing of contradictory information. For the most part, information was offered intentionally within the manner that it was delivered, as this was the most efficient incorporation of information within consciousness to be assimilated, in opposition to belief systems within that present now. To your way of thinking, within this present now you have gained information in preparation. Therefore, you continue with what you may view to be a greater capacity objectively for assimilating information further. Also, you incorporate a different intent, which is also quite influencing. Information shall be delivered within the context of the intent. The Sumari holds different intent from Sumafi.” (7) [session 154, February 23, 1997] VICKI: “And in fact, in his next communication [Bruce] states, ‘I truly do wish Elias would badger me a bit, or point me in the right direction. I don’t have to be out there for him to do that, right? As we used to say when our basketball went into the next court, how about a little help, Elias? Although he’s probably already giving me help. I’d be interested to know if he is with me sometimes, but that’s a personal question so I won’t officially request it.’ ELIAS: Unofficial information. You may express to Uriel [Bruce] to be noticing of unofficial information and small twinges that may be felt and also activity that may seem easily discounted. Yes, this essence is interactive, with all of these individuals. Once again, you view very singularly and you equate essence with what you know within physical focus; individual. This word of individual holds an entirely different meaning outside of your physical framework. It is much more expansive; and just as an atom may be in more spaces than one, and just as our links of consciousness are everywhere at once simultaneously, so are you also, although you are objectively unaware of this. I am not unaware. Therefore, I may take full advantage of the manipulating ability that I hold within consciousness to be interactive and intersecting with many essences simultaneously; for I am aware and recognize the multidimensionality of this self. It is not so unbelievable that I may be interactive with individuals although they may be placed within what you view to be far locations, for there is no far location! You may also express to Uriel [Bruce] that I am interactive with individuals much farther than the opposite side of your one country upon your one small planet.” [session 155, February 24, 1997] ELIAS: “You may not express to me what is death, for you have not experienced this objectively within your knowledge. Therefore, you do not know objectively what it is. DREW: Although I understand that death is an area that is unknown to me. ELIAS: Correct. DREW: So in that same way, is there an area or an experience that you haven’t had that is unknown to you? ELIAS: Yes. There are areas of consciousness that are, to this element of essence, unfamiliar. DREW: To this element of essence. ELIAS: Correct. You interact with an aspect of this essence. This essence is focused within all areas of consciousness, although this element of essence does not hold the complete awareness of all areas of focus. Therefore, I do not incorporate the experience within awareness of wider awarenesses, which we shall term Regional Area 26! (Vic’s note: I’ve jokingly asked about Regional Area 26 for quite some time now!) VICKI: That’s why you’ve never explained that! ELIAS: Quite! We shall be engaging your Seth to be explaining of this area of consciousness, for Elias, in your terms, is not quite this wide as of this present now! I do not claim to be omnipotent. I also do claim to be the same as you and I do claim to be a god, but as all of essence and all of consciousness is always within a state of becoming, there is nowhere an aspect of consciousness that incorporates all, for there is never an ending. Therefore, in your language I also look forward to great adventures within consciousness in expanding awareness, although within present awareness I do hold a knowing of very many aspects of essence, that which you may term to be focuses; all physical focuses which have been manifest, and many non-physical also.” [session 159, March 23, 1997] NORM: “I have been curious for some time as to what you do, other than the activities that we’re experiencing now with you and Michael [Mary]. Can you classify your activities other than this channeling? Do you have ‘likes’ that you like to do? ELIAS: Ah! (Humorously) I am quite gallivanting through the cosmos! (Much laughter) Also, intersecting crafts every so often! My dearest friends may be extraterrestrials! (Grinning) NORM: Well, tell us about it! (Elias chuckles) ELIAS: Essence is very multidimensional. It is not a scenario of when I am not engaged with you, for all is simultaneous. Therefore, I am engaged with you continuously, and also simultaneously engaged with many other elements of essence. NORM: Can I ask you, have you been creative lately? ELIAS: Always! (Laughter) NORM: Could you give us an experience? ELIAS: Are you wishing of grandeur, or may I be expressing of small creativity? (Grinning) NORM: I’ll let you have the choice! You’re the captain! ELIAS: Some activity that I engage simultaneously is involved with transition; not only of my own essence focus, but also in helpfulness within what you may term as stabilizing energy to other essences’ focuses within the area of transition. Also, within non-physical focus I am instructive to other essences, as Paul (Patel) ... NORM: As Paul? (Vic’s note: Paul is a non-physically focused essence.) ELIAS: Correct. ... for their movement and connection within their intent and desire. Therefore, you may express that I conduct classes within physical focus, and also within non-physical focus. NORM: You said that you help stabilize energy of those that are in transition. ELIAS: Correct. NORM: Why is that important? ELIAS: Many focuses entering into transition move through their initial belief systems, and as they move through these initial belief systems they find themselves in what they create and view as a void. This is unsettling, for the individual does not understand what they are creating. Therefore, other essences are helpful within this area of transition, to be stabilizing and offering helpfulness within direction.” [session 165, April 19, 1997] VICKI: “Good evening. I just have one question. I’ve had this question for a while. It might sound a little presumptuous and stupid, but I don’t care. The question is, why is it that you focus so much on certain individuals? For example, there are a few individuals that you offer a lot of personal information to. Another person could ask the same kind of a question, and you may deliver a one or two sentence answer or you may suggest that the person investigate for themselves. But there are a few individuals that you offer a lot of personal information to, and I’m curious why. ELIAS: I address to each individual individually. Some individuals request information for they are not willing to exert the energy to be investigating and discovering the answers for themselves, although they hold the ability within objective consciousness to attain their own answers. Within your progression within society, you have become lax in your self-motivation. Therefore, many individuals shall seek information in whatever form they may attach to, in an attempt to not be exerting initiative and energy of their own. This is quite identifiable within consciousness; and within this scenario, upon questioning, I am encouraging for these individuals, which are many, to be investigating of their own answers to their own questions, for it is available to them. Some individuals do not follow this same direction and are inquiring of information, but are not truly wishing for this questioning to be responded to. Therefore, slight responses are offered. Some individuals hold issues that they are not ready in actuality to be addressing. They may ask for information, but they shall block subjectively their reception. Therefore, they do not wish this information. Therefore, it is not offered. Some individuals, as yourself, request information and are within themselves actively seeking their answers, but are not availing themselves of all of their choices. All of these situations are quite obvious and recognizable within consciousness. Therefore, these individuals may be offered more information. Also, some individuals may be offered more information without inquiry, for they may assimilate this information, but objectively they restrict themselves from inquiry.” [session 169, April 28, 1997] VICKI: “Also, in the last month or so in the process of transcribing, I’ve noticed some pretty unusual sentence structure coming from The All-Knowing Elias! ELIAS: Ah! (Grinning) VICKI: There’s been a definite obvious difference. I’ve been paying attention tonight and I have not noticed that sort of thing happening tonight, and I’m just real curious about what the deal is with that. ELIAS: You shall experience periodically this type of translation; for although you speak with me, you speak at times with many me’s. Therefore at times, that me which you are most familiar with may be removed, in your interpretation, as another moves into substitution. This is not a case of two or seven individual Eliases! It is all one. There are different aspects which engage different activity, which may be diverting of some attention. Therefore, other aspects move into substitution position to be continuing with communication. VICKI: Well, then my question would be, I’m not quite sure if I would want to leave those sentences stand as stated, for the record and for further study by people who are interested in such things, or if I should protect the image of The All-Knowing Elias and fix them! ELIAS: You may choose to be altering this yourself, or if you are experiencing conflict with this situation you may, at any moment, call upon Elias to be helpful in interpretation or ‘fixing’ (grinning) the interrupted or jumbled sentences. You do not understand that communication which is offered to you within your language is not being presented in the manner that you present communication to each other. Elias does not sit upon a cloud and speak these words to you ... RON: (Making sounds of extreme disappointment, and much laughter) GAIL: Burst your bubble! (We’re cracking up) ELIAS: (Grinning) My profound apologies for your disappointment! I shall be remembering of this fantasy, and therefore be attempting not to be squelching of this! RON: I thought you were Jesus, since I wasn’t! ELIAS: No, no, no, no, no, no! Much bigger! (And we all lose it) Intergalactically! RON: Beyond the beyond! ELIAS: Quite! VICKI: All-Knowing! ELIAS: Quite! RETA: I think we’re getting carried away here! RON: Quite! (Much laughter throughout this exchange) ELIAS: (Chuckling) As I was stating, what is transmitted is a series and sequence of vibrations which is translated through several layers of consciousness, then entering into your Regional Area 2 where it is reformed within energy and translated into your objective language, which is then transmitted to the physical form. It is a more complicated process than the event of your own speaking in communication with each other. Therefore at times, as another aspect is moving into position of substitution ... this being figuratively speaking, for this is limited to your language ... there may be interruptions in the frequencies and the transmission, which objectifies itself in inconsistencies within verbalization. RETA: Well I would say, for all the transcripts that are done, that the inconsistencies are minuscule. It’s wonderful that the language comes out clearly and distinctly, and you pretty well never have to go back and retrack. I do all the time! Gee whiz! ELIAS: I am quite efficient!” [session 176, May 25, 1997] The shift in consciousness, an overview. Clip 1. [ 6:15" ]
VICKI: “I’d like to ask a question just for everybody here. There’s a lot of people here that I don’t even know, that are unaware of what these sessions are all about that we’ve been having and your intent within the interaction. It might be helpful I think, for the people that are here that are brand-new, if you could explain that a little bit. ELIAS: Very well. This essence is that of Elias, within the family of Sumafi. Within your dimension presently you engage a collective event, which is translated into a global event, which you recognize as a shift in consciousness. Individuals holding no knowledge of information that you have availed yourselves of recognize also this shift. They do not hold an understanding objectively of the workings, so to speak, of this shift in consciousness, but they are aware, as they feel a shifting within themselves and as they notice changes moving throughout your objective creations – a new allowance of subjective information that you have chosen to allow to bleed through into your awareness objectively. It is reflected in all of your creations – all of your arts, all of your sciences, even your religions. There is a growing awareness. This has been presented to you individuals previously by another. (8) Now this family of Sumafi continues the information, to be detailing to you helpfulness within understanding of this shift in consciousness and the role objectively that you have chosen to engage within helpfulness in preventing trauma; for you move from your religious era into a new creation of consciousness within your dimension, within this planet. In this, the belief systems are strong. Therefore, as individuals begin to experience what you have all agreed upon within the action of this shift, many will not be understanding what they objectify. Many will experience conflict, as they do not understand within their officially accepted belief systems. You have been offered the opportunity to recognize the existence of belief systems. Now you offer yourselves more information to be accepting belief systems – not eliminating, not changing, but accepting – and in this recognizing that your creations are all filtered through your belief systems. This is your creation. This is a magnificent invention of creativity within your dimension, but your creativity now becomes limited. Therefore, in a recognition of this limitation, you offer yourselves new horizons in objective awareness. The shift in consciousness, an overview. Clip 2. [ 6:48" ]
The action of your shift in consciousness encompasses the entirety of your globe. It is not limited to any group, any family, any selectivity of consciousness within this dimension. It is all-encompassing. It is agreed, but you have also previously, in your terms, agreed within your religious-focuses to be creating of prophecies and ideas of future events, also in your terms, which are probabilities. They are not actual realities that are unchangeable. Within the action of your shift, you have chosen to alter these probabilities, within a recognition that all that you hold to be negative within destruction within your belief systems is unnecessary. Therefore, you offer yourselves the opportunity to exercise your creativity and your understanding of consciousness and no separation within consciousness, and that you all are one. You only appear separately within your disguise. In this, you also offer your assistance to all other individuals. Within an action of acceptance of belief systems, you may offer helpfulness to those other individuals that do not objectively avail themselves of information concerning this shift in consciousness. Many of you experience new elements of yourselves, new elements of your reality. You recognize the bleed-through of subjective information. Your dream activity accelerates. Your objective awareness changes. You visualize exciting but odd new occurrences. Objects that you are familiar with alter their form before your eyes temporarily. Every individual within this company has availed themselves of some form of new, expanded, subjective bleed-through. Individuals, you shall recognize, allow more connection with their inner senses. You are more connected with yourselves presently than you have allowed within your history. For you which hold some understanding, you may also feel some elements of frightenedness, some elements of confusion, some elements that you do not understand, but you also hold an acceptance of this change. There are many individuals that you encounter always that do not avail themselves of this information presently. They shall experience the same bleed-throughs as do you, but within a lack of understanding they may interpret these bleed-throughs as insanity. They may not be as accepting of their objectifying of this subjective information. In this, you may be very instrumental in helpfulness, in acknowledging that this has been agreed [upon]. They hold nothing ‘wrong’ with them, as you hold no thing wrong with you. The shift in consciousness, an overview. Clip 3. [ 4:52" ]
You move into magnificent creativity! This allow[s] yourselves to recognize and embrace and share with other individuals, knowing that each focus which is manifest is an ultimate creation of essence. This dimension and this physical focus is exceedingly complex. You have created a magnificent intricacy of creativity within this dimension. Many belief systems presently express to you that others in other dimensions are more magnificent than you. I express to you all, and hear this: There is no dimension more than you, for you are all. Therefore, all of these dimensions which are spoken of are you! There is no separation. Therefore, how may you be less? (Pause) There is no differentiation within consciousness. There are only different expressions of creativity, but all is the same. In this, recognize your own creativity and magnificence. Understand your language to yourselves, which is that subjective bleed-through information. As you witness a dropping of a veil of time frameworks, recognize that this is you. There is no division. Within the action of this shift, you shall become aware of the creation of physical time frameworks. Therefore, you shall hold the ability to access intentionally, consciously, other focuses that you hold within this dimension. You may also, within other areas of consciousness, access other essences and all other aspects of your essence. Your essence is so very vast that within this present now, it is incomprehensible to you. You occupy all of consciousness. Therefore, within this shift, you offer yourselves the opportunity to view what you are. (Pause, and to Vic) Is this acceptable? (Much laughter) VICKI: Quite! Thank you. [ end of audio clip – ... ] PAUL: I have one more question for today. Looking at Jane and Seth and Rob and the way they met as to their objective state, and looking at Mary, who I still haven’t met tonight, and Elias ... it’s a gender question. I’m noticing the similarities – Jane as a female, Seth referring to an entity name of Ruburt, a male, and Seth being a male – it’s in a very similar alignment. Why that gender choice? ELIAS: There is no gender. Within tone, you may choose within essence a leaning within consciousness that you objectively identify and interpret as male or female. Within words, you objectively interpret within male and female. The word, which is of the essence name, is a word. It is a tone. Throughout your history, you have created these words to be names in many cases, for you identify the significance of tone. Therefore, you choose these tones, in translation into your language, to be names of identification. Within your reality, you incorporate gender. Therefore, you also incorporate gender within your naming. Within essence, there is no distinction, although there are leanings within tones of aspects of personality. In this, you interpret this within male or female, logical or intuitive – masculine energy, feminine passiveness. These are identifications that are relative to your physical dimension, this physical dimension. Many other physical dimensions do not incorporate gender, this being one that you have chosen to be incorporating gender; but as I have expressed, this also being an extensively complex reality. You have chosen many aspects quite intricately to be experiencing within this particular dimension of reality physically. Within essence, it may seem coincidental that these two individuals (9) incorporate masculine essence namings, and that these essences with engaging this energy exchange also hold masculine namings. This is an alignment within those leanings, and within personality and consciousness, that is facilitating of this exchange. It in your terms creates more of an ease to be accomplishing, through many layers of consciousness, the energy exchange which occurs. It is more difficult to be engaging the energy exchange if you are not within alignment in tone and personality and your leanings. They being the same family orientation, these two essences also being the same family orientation. They holding very similar tone, for one is fragmented of the other. In this, this essence and Michael [Mary] hold extreme similar tone, being also fragmented. Lawrence [Vicki] also holds very similar tone, as they have been fragmented as one essence and chosen to be splitting into two essences. Therefore, there is a tremendous alignment and connection within energy and consciousness. There be your similarity and your coincidence.” [session 185, June 21, 1997] JO: “Can I ask one question, Elias? Do you feel joy when you are in this situation? ELIAS: No. It is unnecessary, as I am not experiencing my attention within physical manifestation. JO: Thank you. ELIAS: You are welcome. PAUL: When you laugh, when you have that chuckle, (laughter) do you experience humor then? ELIAS: This is a translation for your understanding. You identify with emotion. You identify with humor. You identify with affection, with joy, with love, with fearfulness, with anger. In these, you identify with the manifestation of this energy exchange within a language that you understand. It is a translation. Within the area of consciousness that this essence occupies its attention, these are unnecessary elements of language. It is filtered through, within energy, many layers of consciousness to be accomplishing this energy exchange which you recognize and speak to. There are tremendous elements of energy arrangement which must be accomplished to be filtering through for your understanding. (Pause) Therefore, what say you of your wishing? Shall you disengage, or shall you break? (Vic’s note: I remember looking around the room here, wondering if everybody was as fried as I was. It was obvious they were, but nobody wanted to end the moment!) ANDY: One more question. Elias, would you be able to communicate with us even without using a human body? For instance, using your essence personality? And would we call that then, generally, a ghost appearing? ELIAS: This is possible temporarily, very momentarily in your terms. I have projected this imagery which many individuals allow themselves the opportunity to physically view. Within the energy exchange, at every moment physically, you may also access this projection; although I shall express that at times, I have diversified the energy to be offering another projection which may be visually viewed, not necessarily within this particular body. Individuals have held the opportunity to be viewing of this form, although it holds no solidity and may be viewed temporarily; for this is a division of the energy projection within the energy exchange which is requiring of an accelerated concentration of energy, which is unnecessary. But within your parlor tricks, it has been accomplished at times!” (Grinning, and we all laugh) [session 186, June 22, 1997] STELLA: “Larry, my friend Larry that I used to work for, he died a year ago, and I think a lot about him. The two people that I call on are you and Larry, and Larry is very dear, and I feel he’s closer to me now that he has ever been. Can you tell me anything about Larry? ELIAS: I express to you, as I have expressed to other individuals, this information you may acquire through other mediums, so to speak, which focus within the area of transition or within areas more closely aligned with physical focus. The area of consciousness that this essence filters through is removed from physical focus and is aligned with teaching. Therefore, this be my attention. Information may be accessed, although it is requiring of more energy than this essence chooses to focus attention within, for it is unnecessary, as you may attain the information that you seek through other means. STELLA: Okay. Thank you. ELIAS: You are welcome. You may also receive your information directly, and need not employ a ‘go-between!’” [session 202, August 02, 1997] TIM: “Why did you choose Mary ... Michael’s [Mary’s] body to go into? Why was her body a choice? ELIAS: This be an interesting question! Initially, this essence was focused within this energy exchange with several physically-focused individuals simultaneously within this present now time framework. This was purposeful initially, for much preparation was still being accomplished with Michael [Mary] to be accomplishing the extent of this exchange as you view this to be presently. Much time period within this particular focus has been devoted to the preparation of this individual of Michael, of Mary, within this time framework. Although Michael [Mary] held no objective awareness of the interaction that was occurring subjectively for what you may term to be many years, much preparation was engaged, for this individual holds the ability to ‘step aside.’ Within your physical focus, most individuals hold very tightly to the direction of their attention. In this, they also hold what they view to be much control of their awareness. Michael [Mary] holds the ability to let go, and in this, he also affords the opportunity for an energy exchange which may be accomplished without much interference of his own belief systems. He holds the ability to step away, so to speak, subjectively within consciousness, and allow a pure exchange of energy, and allow this essence to move into the physical body consciousness without interference. Therefore, this essence may be manipulating of brain activity without thought processes, and manipulate the physical body consciousness to be expressing within your language, although not in the manner that it normally operates, as the subjective communication directs it. Therefore, there is little interference of Mary’s belief systems within this focus. This allows a more efficient exchange; for within the intent of this essence, being that of the family of Sumafi, there is great importance placed on the least amount of distortion within information. This may not be accomplished if the exchange is tremendously filtered through the individual’s own belief systems. (Pause) TIM: Anyone else want to ask a question? I did mine. WENDY: I have a question. You mentioned the family of Sumafi? ELIAS: Correct. WENDY: Can you elaborate on that? What is that? ELIAS: Within this dimension, within this particular physical focus, there are nine pools of consciousness that may be designated as essence families. These nine essence families are directing of all of your reality, and each individual essence is belonging to one of these nine essence families. Therefore, you and you and you and you and you all belong to an essence family within consciousness which is directing of this particular dimension. Within other dimensions, other pools of consciousness are directing of their reality, and they are different. In this, one essence family of this nine is that of Sumafi; this being the essence family holding the intent of teaching, and also holding and offering information within the least amount of distortion.” [session 209, August 19, 1997] ELIAS: “Good afternoon. I shall approach you slightly differently this day, and introduce myself as Elias Bodreaux. (10) Born, Michelle, France, 1774. Upon adolescence, move to Paris. Quite handsome! (Laughter) [Died in] 1821, Paris. Killed with a bullet. I shall also introduce myself to you as what may be translated in your sound as Knar, from the planet which translates in sound – although this is not its name, but translates into sound – in your language as Tüle. This would be located outside of your present known galaxy, but also within this present now; for simultaneously, I am these focuses, although I also hold no focuses in any physical dimension. And you are this also. I offer you two examples of two physical focuses which I have manifest within. I also express to you that I am non-physically focused, holding no focuses in any physical dimension presently. These are both true, but they are seeming to be contradictory. You also hold many focuses in this dimension and in many other dimensions, and you also are non-physically focused within essence.” [session 211, August 30, 1997] LINDA: “So when some of the masters and angels and stuff come through and they say that they’re of the violet ray, like St. Germain comes in and says he’s of the violet ray, is that just terminology for us? ELIAS: Correct. LINDA: Okay. They’re just basically telling us that they’re aligned with us? Is that all it really is? ELIAS: They are expressing within the confines of your belief systems. LINDA: So if they tell me that they’re of the same ray that I am, then I’m aligned with them and they’re basically guiding me? ELIAS: They express that they are the same quality as you are, for they are, for we all are, for there is no separation; but within the confines of your belief systems, you view a separation. Therefore, they offer you terminology that may be more acceptable to you. Other essences may be suggesting to you that there is the action of karma. These are terms that you understand. There are few essences presently of the Sumafi family that are physically engaging energy exchanges. Therefore, these few shall be the only ones that are expressing to you outside of your accepted belief systems and terminology, for this essence family engages the intent of the least distortion. Other essence families do not engage this intent. Therefore, it matters not to these essences how they are expressing within your language and your belief systems. They are merely attempting to be helpful. This essence shall be expressing to you outside of your accepted official belief systems, therefore may be causing slightly more confusion and seeming to be conflicting with other information that other essences are offering, but it is not conflicting. They are merely expressing to you within the confines of your belief systems, and this essence, for the most part, shall not be. Although I shall also express to you that certain individuals are allowed the luxury of their belief systems with this essence temporarily, for it is intrusive to be expressing contrary to them, for they are not ready.” [session 220, September 20, 1997] (Vic’s note: The following was a long-distance private session. Michael and Dawn sent their questions, and I asked them. This is only the second time we’ve attempted this, and I’m not sure how efficient it is!) MICHAEL: “‘In keeping with my often silly and spontaneous nature, I’m keeping one of my curious questions in, knowing full well that it may not be answered. If you are so inclined, I’d like my brother to have the first official Elias music review for his song Moonrise. I’m curious to know what you hear, how you hear it, and how the song makes you feel. I am banking on a past session where you commented on the beautiful quality of the night noises.’ VICKI: He has suggested that I play the song for you, which I’m.... (Michael had included a CD which I was going to play for Elias, but he cut me off) ELIAS: Interesting! I am recalling of this session in question, and I may be clarifying of misunderstanding. It was merely a noticing. There is no feeling. There is no emotion; for although, as I have stated many times, I am projecting to you objectively of emotional qualities, this is merely for your benefit that you may understand and identify with, for it is familiar to you. But within the area of consciousness that I occupy my attention, there is no emotion and there is no feeling, and I do not HEAR any of you in the manner that you hear each other objectively. The exchange is communicated objectively, for this is what you understand and what you identify with; just as in similar manner with the Ilda family, extraterrestrials may be presented to you as Dream Walkers, but they are not extraterrestrials. They are an image to communicate with you in an area that is partially familiar to you and that you will be accepting of, but with this exchange also, their communication and their presentment of self to you as essence is presented only in an image objectively. The communication is subjective. The interaction is subjective. YOU perceive the objectivity of the exchange, that you may notice and that this will obtain your attention, but they do not communicate within their awareness objectively. The energy, which is filtered through many layers of consciousness, reorganizes to be presenting what you in this now may identify as a hologram, as is the same with this energy exchange. The objective element of it would be comparable to a hologram. It is real, but the projection is not what it appears to be. In this, that which is projecting is not connecting in the manner that you perceive. You are connecting within your objective and subjective awareness. This essence, Elias, as other essences engaging similar exchanges, are not communicating in the same manner. In another manner of speaking, or example for your understanding: You are receiving in one manner. I am projecting in another manner. I am understanding of your position in a very different manner than you are objectively projecting. You objectively project through energy, thought, audible verbal communication; language, words, sounds. You present yourselves with your creations, which are objective and material. I receive through energy, which is translated much differently; not through sound, not through thought. These are much denser. They are thicker, and they are too slow. The energy is converted and filters back through layers of consciousness and is accelerated tremendously, far beyond your comprehension objectively. There is no sound. There is no thought attached to this energy. It is an instantaneous knowing within an energy exchange. (Emphasizing the word exchange) Therefore, your creations of your creativity are meaningful to me only in the capacity for an understanding of communication to you, but hold no meaning to me. They are only meaningful within your dimension. They are meaningful to YOU. ALL of your reality is meaningful to you and holds great significance and is reality, and I am quite acknowledging of this. It holds importance to me to be accessing elements of your reality, that I may be efficiently communicating with you within what you understand, that I may be helpful to you within this shift; but elements of your reality are not for Elias to judge. They are your reality. I am accepting of it all. They are your creations. They are wondrous and meaningful to you within this dimension, but they hold little meaning, if any, within other dimensions and other areas of consciousness. This is not to be discounting of your creations, for they are reality. They are merely singularly focused within one area of consciousness, and as you are viewing ten thousand aspects -- this is a very limited number -- on television stations simultaneously and interactive with them all, one element of one station holds little importance. VICKI: So when you view a whole group of people, you’re seeing all aspects of each individual simultaneously? ELIAS: Correct. VICKI: Well, let me ask you: Conceivably then, we could sit here in complete silence and ask our questions just by thinking about them? ELIAS: Yes, as I have expressed previously, but this would not be beneficial to you all. VICKI: It wouldn’t be a matter of what we would all automatically assume, that you would be ’reading our minds?’ ELIAS: Absolutely not! VICKI: It’s a matter of somehow you interpret energy ... ELIAS: Correct. VICKI: ... and it seems to interpret quite literally ... ELIAS: Absolutely! VICKI: ... which is interesting to me. ELIAS: It is quite proficient! VICKI: Hmm! So this assumption we’ve been under for a long time, that when you talked to Cathy on the telephone once that Mary’s ear worked, this was really not the way it was? (11) ELIAS: Correct. I am not operating through Michael’s [Mary’s] physical senses. VICKI: So, it just matters not. It does not matter what Mary’s condition is in any way, shape or form, basically ... ELIAS: Correct. VICKI: ... because it has nothing to do with that. ELIAS: Correct. It is not affecting of the energy exchange, for the energy is not filtering through physical senses. The body consciousness is affected, but this essence, Elias, as other essences, is not accessing information from you through the physical body consciousness or its functioning. I do not process through the physical brain of Michael and through physical thought processes of Michael. It is entirely a different action. VICKI: Well, I understand completely now! (Cracking up) ELIAS: (Grinning) I am quite sure! Therefore, you may extend to Delal [Michael] that it would be meaningless for Elias to be listening, so to speak, to your instrumentals within this dimension and focus, for I do not HEAR them. I do not HEAR you! VICKI: Interesting. In your focus, do you connect with anything that we would even equate to music? ELIAS: Not within your focus. It is far removed, for there is no sound, although I may equate this to what you interpret as music, but it holds no sound. It is an energy.” [session 243, November 25, 1997] RETA: “I just want to ask you how the energy of these flowers comes to you, these lovely flowers that are in this room this evening. How does that energy come to you? ELIAS: As energy. (Grinning) RETA: Oh, I’m thinking tone.... ELIAS: It is a creation of your physical focus. RETA: It’s just a complicated little energy system there? Do you see the color? Do you feel the color or see the color in the energy? ELIAS: No. RETA: So to you it’s just a flower, not necessarily colored? ELIAS: It is energy, no different from any other energy within your room, other than yourselves. RETA: But would you know that it’s a flower, distinct from a box of chocolates? ELIAS: I do not distinguish. If I am focusing upon an object within your room for a purpose, then I shall be identifying the object. But generally, if I have no purpose for identifying an object within your focus, my attention is focused upon the individuals, the essences which are occupying your space arrangement. All other energy is blended together as energy and not distinguishable. KAAN: So if you need to focus on an object, would you be actually looking and drawing an understanding of that object from within our context, within our beliefs, within our attention on it? ELIAS: Correct. For the purposes of examples, at times I may be focusing upon an object within your space arrangement and I may be using an object as an example for you in an analogy. But generally speaking, as I am interacting with you, I am interacting with each of your focuses within this time framework and all of its aspects that are parts of it, so to speak. Therefore, I am interacting with YOUR energy and your personalities and your subjective and objective attentions. I am not focusing my attention and energy upon objects within your space arrangement. In a manner of speaking, to me it appears merely as energy.” [session 260, January 18, 1998] ELIAS: “Within physical focus to this point, you have created your reality to be following other individuals. You have created your reality to be projecting yourselves outside of yourselves and looking to what you view to be “authorities” or individuals that you BELIEVE to be more knowledgeable to be directing you. As you move into the action of this shift, you now turn to looking to self for your directiveness. In this, you shall also recognize that there shall be becoming less of this action of projecting to another individual and placing upon pedestal, so to speak, for you shall recognize your own worth and also be allowing yourselves to be letting go of the element of duplicity, which prevents you and limits you from expressing your own value. In this, you shall also become aware that you, in your fullness, are no different from Elias. As I have stated, I merely remember!” [session 272, April 05, 1998] MICHAEL: “You’re aligned with ... in this focus, you’re aligned with Sumari, correct? ELIAS: No. MICHAEL: No? ELIAS: This is pertaining to Michael [Mary]. MICHAEL: Oh, Michael [Mary]! Oh! Okay, I see. ELIAS: You align with another essence family within physical manifestations. I do not hold physical manifestations presently. Therefore, I am belonging to the family of Sumafi, but hold no alignments with other essence families, for I am not manifest physically within your particular dimension. MICHAEL: Okay. Then that would bring me to, how long are you a teacher for? How long will you be doing this? ELIAS: This would be dependent upon the individual essence choice. Within your terms of your linear time framework of what you may term to be ‘Earth time,’ I may choose to be within this position in this area of consciousness for many thousands of years, but be remembering also that time is relative to physical focuses. Therefore, although I may express to you an amount, so to speak, of time in increments of thousands of years, this is relative to what you understand within your physical dimension, for within the area of consciousness that I occupy this is not relevant, for I do not experience time framework as do you. MICHAEL: Okay then, tell me, after you’re done holding that position, what will you do? I mean, what will you do after you’re done being a teacher? ELIAS: There are many choices available to myself in essence. Essence is continuously exploring and becoming. As I move from this area of consciousness into a new exploration of consciousness, I shall remove myself farther from those interactions with any physical manifestations within any physical dimensions and move deeper into areas of consciousness which are non-physical that I shall choose to be exploring in my endless becoming of self. Do not confuse this statement with those ideas that are presented within your present time framework of planes or plateaus within consciousness. Many individuals within metaphysical communities presently interpret these types of statements as moving from one plane to a higher plane of consciousness, which is incorrect. There are no higher planes of consciousness. There are merely different areas for exploration within consciousness; new avenues, new areas to explore which have not been experienced by the individual essence previously.” [session 279, May 12, 1998] SUE: I have a question. A few months ago when I asked about my family alignment, I didn’t know what it was. I went through half the families, including Vold, and you said no to each of them, and then finally you told me that it was Vold. Was that for the same reason, because I wasn’t going on an impression? I was just going through them at random? ELIAS: Correct. SUE: Okay, that makes sense. ELIAS: These are examples of our continued interaction with each other, and at times in the offering of information that I present to you, you become selective in what you allow yourselves to receive. You also become complacent in your involvement, and in this it is much more efficient that I allow you to view what you THINK of as mistakes, for you shall be noticing of this, for you evaluate this essence and you pay attention to what you think of as inconsistencies. Therefore, this attaining your attention is much more efficient and shall remain in your memory much more efficiently than at times that I may merely be expressing the information to you and offering you explanations, as you are not entirely listening. But eventually you shall be listening and noticing, for you may not be noticing of your own inconsistencies, but you shall be quite aware if you believe that I shall be inconsistent!” [session 281, May 17, 1998] FEMALE: “Are you familiar with Landmark work at all that’s going on right now? Landmark education? ELIAS: Yes. This would be another avenue for information and allowance of widening awareness. I shall express to you, there are many avenues available to you. Not all individuals draw themselves to myself and this information that I offer. It is available to all individuals that choose to be drawing themselves to it, but not all individuals shall draw themselves to this information. They shall move in other directions, but it matters not. It is merely a choice, and there are many avenues, many actions that are established presently and shall be becoming established, for they all are in compliance with this shift in consciousness. Even within your religious communities, there becomes a new movement in a similar direction. It matters not what you look to for your information. It matters that you allow yourselves the opportunity to receive information, for information allows you knowledge, and knowledge creates wisdom, and in wisdom you create for yourselves an opening in consciousness and a freedom. And this be the point, to be allowing yourselves a new liberation and freedom within your creativity. ... I shall be expressing to you all this evening much affection and much lovingness, and also offering to you each much encouragement and acknowledgment in your accomplishments and in your movement. For although you do not see or believe your accomplishments, you ARE accomplishing and you ARE moving, and in this I offer to you my energy to blanket you each and to be with you in your quest and to be encouraging of you always within each moment. And if you are viewing blue in your objective experiences, or if you are viewing blue within your dream state, or if you are viewing an individual appearing to you within your dream state that is holding of these blue eyes, you shall be assured that this is my visitation to you in validation of you and in continuation of connectedness with you, for I am always connected with you, for there is no separation.” [session 284, May 30, 1998] MALE: “Why do you speak in such a low monotone boring voice that is almost discomforting to listen to? (Laughter, and Elias grins) FEMALE: I apologize, but I have to go. I’m sorry. ELIAS: (To the woman) Very well. (To the man) My voice is merely a projection within the energy exchange. It matters not, for it is accomplishing of its purposefulness. Individuals are responsive to this tone in many different objective manners. MALE: It’s almost hard to hear. I understand your words, but I find my mind drifting off because you’re so ... it doesn’t hold people’s ... or it doesn’t hold MY attention very well. My mind drifts off from what you’re saying very rapidly. It feels like, gawd! You’re putting me to sleep! ELIAS: Many individuals also experience this same action, but information is being received and assimilated subjectively regardless. Therefore, it matters not. MALE: I think expression can make a lot of the communication stick better. ELIAS: At times. MALE: Whereas if you’re ... ELIAS: I am understanding of what you are expressing ... MALE: If you have the ability to choose to come through any person you want to, why do you choose a voice that is boring?? ELIAS: For not all individuals view in this same manner, or hold ... MALE: (With agitation) Huh?? I can’t understand what you’re saying half the time! I’m not lying. I’m being truthful! I don’t even understand what you’re saying! ELIAS: I am quite understanding. MALE: Good! I’m glad you are! (some inaudible comments here) FEMALE: Probably a microphone would be very helpful. MALE: Hmm. I mean, is this ... can’t you use the voice that Mary uses? Is this an emperor’s clothes thing? ELIAS: This is the tone that I choose. MALE: Why? Why do you choose that tone? ELIAS: For it is appealing to me. MALE: To yourself, regardless of what everybody else feels? ELIAS: Quite. FEMALE: You know, you should speak for yourself! MALE: Okay. You’re right, I should. You’re right. I apologize. ELIAS: It is unnecessary ... MALE: For me personally, in all honesty, it’s like (snoring sound.) That’s the effect it has, but some of the stuff that I listened to is very interesting, but the VOICE is like ... gawd! (Elias chuckles) Sorry, it’s just what I feel. I don’t think you need that. ELIAS: It is unnecessary for apology.” [session 287, June 18, 1998] ELIAS: (To ANON, chuckling) “Greetings! ANON: Hello! ELIAS: And how be you this day? ANON: Pretty good, pretty good! How about yourself? ELIAS: As always! (Chuckling) Interesting and amusing questioning! Many individuals move into the area of inquiring of myself, which in answering this question in the direction of your anticipation, I shall be participating in your own belief systems, expressing “good” or ‘bad’ or ‘fine’ or ‘not so very well this day!,’ (chuckling) of which I do not experience these elements, for I do not experience the belief systems and the emotional attachments that you experience within physical focus. Therefore, my answer is, ‘As always!’ JEN: Thanks for explaining that! ELIAS: (Chuckling) You are very welcome! JEN: ... You mentioned a state of becoming. Can you talk a little bit more about that? ELIAS: This is what you are. This is your movement. This is all of consciousness. There is no beginning, there is no ending. There is no purpose, there is no mission. There is merely experience in a continual state of becoming; exploration of all that you may possibly imagine! JEN: So YOU’RE experiencing. When you’re not speaking to us, what are you experiencing? ELIAS: My own state of becoming, which moves beyond the aspects of physical experiences, but moves into the areas of great exploration of non-physical aspects of consciousness; an expansion of awareness of self. ANON: Were you ever in the physical state? Were you ever like where we are? ELIAS: Yes. ANON: Do you remember it? ELIAS: (Chuckling) This also in a respect is simultaneous, and therefore may be viewed presently! ANON: Okay, you lost me! (Laughter) ELIAS: Therefore, just as I speak to you as a focus ... I have offered the analogy previously of your cameras, and you may view many lenses within your cameras. They all offer a particular focus to the picture. Look with your physical vision. Focus upon me, and also notice that your vision engages many other aspects within your physical room. Your periphery is viewing many other elements within your physical room, not only myself. In this same manner, essence focuses attention in many, many directions simultaneously. You are a camera lens. You are one television within a room of thousands of televisions, and the room itself holding all of these televisions is viewing all of the pictures, and each picture is a focus, and this is you! (Chuckling) And these are merely the physical aspects of you! ANON: So what’s it like for you to be here right now? ELIAS: Quite amusing! (Chuckling) ANON: Are you laughing with us or at us? (Laughter) ELIAS: With! ANON: ... Do you have likes and dislikes of people? Do you ever meet people and they give you a bad vibe, for lack of a better word? ELIAS: No. JEN: I think bad and good is what we put on it. ANON: Oh, I see. ELIAS: I am interactive with the whole of your energy with every individual that draws themselves to me. Therefore, I do not view bad or good energy, or even good or bad expressions. They are merely choices of experiences, and filtered through the individual’s own held belief systems. ANON: Oh, I see. ELIAS: Therefore, for myself, it matters not ... although I am quite aware that within physical focus, you all hold annoyances with certain individuals and magnate to certain other individuals!” [ MIKE: “Okay, and now to come down to my next question: Why is it that everyone I know in this forum has like seen you or had interaction with you or has picked up your presence, but yet I don’t? ELIAS: (Chuckling) You have chosen to be interactive with me, but you have also chosen not to be engaging with me physically at this time. Now; I shall express to you that not all individuals that interact with me objectively have offered themselves the opportunity to be physically within my presence. You do not occupy the position solely of being the only individual that has held interaction with me objectively, but not within physical presence. In this, individuals choose to be interactive with me at times NOT physically, but to be experiencing an interaction objectively and speaking with me, merely not engaging physically; for subjectively, there is a knowing of the energy exchange that occurs within physical presence. This is not to say that you do not experience a physical energy exchange and a knowing of this within any interaction that you engage with myself, but within physical presence, the exchange and the affectingness of the energy is slightly more of an intensity. Therefore, you, as with some other individuals, choose presently not to be engaging that action.” [session 290, June 25, 1998] JIM: “One last question: [my wife] Borloh [Cindy] woke up the other morning with a profound knowing of Malta, and we’ve been searching for some sort of connection. Could you give me a brief explanation as to maybe what that was about? Is that a name, or does it have to do with the islands of Malta? ELIAS: It is a name of another focus which is bleeding through in an offering of connection to other focuses. As I have stated to you, it matters not that individuals move into the objective direction of incorporating this information or connecting themselves in interaction with myself, for they SHALL be receiving this information and the action of the shift SHALL move forward regardless, and all individuals shall be experiencing within their own time element all of these aspects of connecting with other focuses and widening their awareness regardless of the information that they draw themselves to.” [session 292, June 30, 1998] NANCY: “I wonder if you would start off, Elias, by just telling me my family, my essence name, that sort of thing that everyone that seems to be connected with you speaks of. ELIAS: I have offered this to you at our last meeting. NANCY: That’s right, you did, but I’m not quite sure that I got my name. I didn’t have anything to write it down. ELIAS: Very well. This is acceptable. You may be connecting with Michael [Mary] after this particular session and he shall be offering you the information, and also you may inquire of him to be delivering to you our script of information pertaining to the essence families that I have already given, and this shall be helpful to you in identifying yourself and the qualities you hold within this particular focus. I shall express to you that although it may seem in certain situations with individuals non-cooperative of myself to not be repeating myself, there is a purposefulness in this, in that there is an exchange occurring during all of these sessions that is within what you would term to be a subjective awareness. This is an inner, so to speak, communication between my energy and your energy, and in this you receive the tone. The reason that you do not hold an objective recall of what has been offered to you is that you are assimilating this information subjectively, and as you assimilate this information you also shall be allowing a bleed-through of that into your objective awareness. Not all individuals are assimilating this information objectively initially or first. Some individuals are assimilating the information subjectively. Michael [Mary] also moves in this direction of receiving this information subjectively first, and subsequently allowing the objective awareness. You also move in this type of direction. You allow yourself a time period – a few days, at times a week – to be assimilating the information first in a subjective manner. Now; let me express to you that it is purposeful of myself not to be interrupting this process, so to speak, with you, for this may be causing of confusion objectively with you. This would be the situation of offering too much information in one time frame. Therefore, there is an allowance for you to be assimilating the information within your own time framework and offering to you different information that you may also be assimilating, and then within your time you shall allow yourself the objective awareness and it shall merely ‘come to you,’ so to speak. Are you understanding? NANCY: Yes, very much so. ELIAS: Therefore, Michael [Mary] may offer you the information that I have already given to you, and you may take this physically with you, and in this action you may allow yourself time to objectively assimilate the information and to be connecting with this. Therefore, you view presently the effectiveness of your creation within your own probabilities, not necessarily to be inquiring that I repeat this information for you, but that you have offered yourself the opportunity to be connecting with more of the information in connection to these essence families and yourself. NANCY: Okay, thank you. ELIAS: You are very welcome. NANCY: Do you read my mind? How does the energy exchange happen and stuff? I can feel something in your presence, but I just wonder ... if it’s as simple as you can read my mind, then I’ll just drop everything that I’m thinking and just ... ’cause I know I still have a certain amount of my personality here, and I’d just as soon drop that and just go kind of like right for the good stuff, you know, and leave me out of it. ELIAS: (Chuckling) But you ARE the good stuff! NANCY: Oh! Okay! (They both laugh) ELIAS: Let me express to you that within physical focus, this would be one of your inner senses, which you term to be telepathy. This would be the action of what you think of as reading another individual’s mind. In actuality it is a subjective communication that you hold with other individuals, that you allow yourself development of in recognizing the communication objectively, knowing what is being communicated. I do not participate in this type of action. I am interactive with each individual in a subjective manner, but within an energy exchange. Therefore, there are no thoughts attached to the exchange in which I am participating with you. This be the reason that you speak audibly to me, and I speak audibly through Michael [Mary] to you. That offers you the opportunity simultaneously to be engaging in objective awareness and understanding; asking questions and receiving responses to your questioning. The reason for this objective exchange, that you speak and I speak, is that within physical focus, once you begin to be opening your awareness and opening to your periphery you become impatient, and you are wishing for your answers objectively immediately. Therefore, it is insufficient to you within your belief systems that there merely be a subjective exchange. You wish to hold answers objectively. In an understanding of this, I have chosen to be interactive with individuals objectively, allowing for their objective questioning and my objective interaction with them. But in actuality, more of the exchange occurs within energy. This is the element that you feel, the energy that you experience. Although you may not objectively attach thoughts or reasoning to this feeling, there IS an exchange of energy. Within non-physical areas of consciousness, there are no emotional qualities or thought qualities that are projected. It is merely energy which is exchanged. You have created thought processes and emotional involvements within physical focus to be experiencing these aspects of reality. Therefore, you allow yourself the creation of these, and within this particular dimension these are your expressions and how you process information within this particular focus. My exchange does not move in the area of thought or feeling, which at times may be misinterpreted by individuals within physical focus, although it is purposefully projected. I purposefully exchange with you through the individual of Michael [Mary], which offers you a physical form that you may identify with and feel comfortable with – in opposition to a ghost visiting you! (grinning) – and I also purposefully manipulate the energy to be expressive in the direction of emotion, for this is also what you create within physical focus and what you understand and may relate to. Therefore, you view me as exhibiting emotional qualities, but this is a manipulation of energy, a projection, just as your films project an image that you may view. I am projecting not only an image, but also all of the qualities – or ALMOST all of the qualities (grinning) – that you exhibit within physical focus. I do not move in the direction of non-acceptance as do individuals within physical focus, for this is not purposeful and is not in alignment with my intent and my communication with all of you. I also do not move in the direction of expressions that each of you view as negative, for I wish not to be reinforcing of your own belief systems in negativity. Therefore, I do not become impatient or angry or exhibit lack of acceptance. These are unnecessary expressions for myself to be exhibiting with you. I may express also that although there is no waste of energy within the area of consciousness that I occupy, it may be considered to you, within your focus and belief systems, as a waste of energy for myself to be engaging in the responsiveness that are directly influenced by your belief systems, which I do not hold. (12) NANCY: ... I’ve studied under a teacher named Ramtha (13), and you seem to go beyond that, which is what I like. You talk more about how our only purpose here is to really just experience. It’s not to get anywhere else, it’s not to go anywhere else. It’s simply being and experiencing. I just wonder if you can give me some of your input on Ramtha. Is he a good thing to follow? I don’t mean follow in the sense of ... I don’t follow anything! But is he a good thing to stay connected with and try to move through some of this? I would really appreciate your personal take on my personal connection with that. ELIAS: Let me express to you as I have expressed previously to many individuals, there is much information to be gained and much information offered by many essences, and also by many individuals within physical focus. I am familiar with this essence. This essence is belonging to a different essence family than myself. Therefore, the expression holds differences. Let me also express to you that within different essence families, essences may be choosing to move into the direction of creating an energy exchange and offering information, and ALL of the information is valuable to you within physical focus, for you draw yourself to the information that shall speak to you and that you may implement within your sojourn in your own discovery of self, in your experiencing within this particular dimension. Therefore, I shall not express to you that connecting with information which is expressed by that essence to be (is) incorrect or wrong, for it is not. It is offering you information and helpfulness in allowing you to be widening your awareness in the most efficient manner for you. Therefore, I am encouraging of your continuation in accessing information that that essence offers, but I shall also express to you to be remembering that within different essence families, the energy exchange incorporates an action of allowance for belief systems. This is purposefully implemented, for information is offered in certain directions in conjunction with your belief systems, that you may understand and that you may assimilate objectively and that shall attain your attention. Myself, belonging to the family of Sumafi, my choice in alignment with my intent in energy is to be creating of an energy exchange that shall be offering information with the least amount of distortion, which creates the situation that I shall not be aligning with the belief systems held within physical focus. Therefore, in the expression of my intent, I shall not be offering you information that shall be reinforcing of your own belief systems. I shall be addressing to your belief systems and exposing them to you, and offering you the opportunity to view your own belief systems. There are no secrets within consciousness. Therefore, all is exposed regardless, and it is not intrusive of myself to be exposing what is already exposed, which is yourself; although at times I may NOT be expressive with you or with other individuals and allow – for a time period ONLY – your own continuation within very strongly held belief systems, and I shall not be challenging of that, for that may be intrusive in offering information to you that you may not be ready for, so to speak, objectively, for your time factor is not in alignment yet. But for the most part, with each individual and with yourself also, I shall be direct and I shall be exposing of your own belief systems and addressing to your own belief systems with you, for this offers you the opportunity to view them and to address to them yourselves. You may not be addressing to your own belief systems and moving through these belief systems if you do not objectively hold an awareness of them! THIS is my intent, to not be perpetuating the already existing and held belief systems, but to be offering information that individuals such as yourself may move into the direction of noticing and identifying their own belief systems, which IS perpetuating of this shift in consciousness and allows you the ability to move more fully into this shift in consciousness, for you shall not be actualizing this shift if you are holding to your belief systems, for the action of this shift is to be accepting of your belief systems. Once again I shall express: this is not to say that you shall be eliminating of your belief systems, but you shall be neutralizing them. You shall continue to hold belief systems and hold opinions in regard to these belief systems, but they shall not be affecting. There shall not be any judgment attached with them. Therefore, they are neutralized. Presently, you all hold many, many, MANY belief systems, and there ARE judgments attached with them. As you move more fully into the exploration of acceptance of belief systems, you may also offer yourself the opportunity to view how very many aspects there are to each singular belief system. They are much more complicated than individuals view them to be! But each little bird that you allow to fly free from the cage of the belief system serves you well to be moving you more fully into the acceptance, which allows you a wondrous new freedom, a liberation from old creations that no longer serve you well and into the new freedom of the exploration of your own creativity without the binding of the belief systems which hold to you and limit your own freedom and creativity.” [session 293, July 01, 1998] MARI: “Okay. I would like to move to an area now regarding my job. I am 56 years old. I have had a good job with a good company for a little over a year. My manager has decided to separate from the parent company and go out on his own. The parent company has wonderful benefits and is the major reason I took the job. Will I remain with this manager in the separate company, and if so, will I get equivalent benefits, including a good retirement plan? Or would I be better off financially hoping for a job with the parent company and leaving my present job, which I do like? ELIAS: And I shall pose the inquiry back to you. Where is your desire? MARI: I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. Could you repeat? ELIAS: The inquiry returns to you. Where is your desire? MARI: I would like to stay on the job I have now with my manager, but get all the benefits, including a retirement plan. I like my job, and my manager is a genius and he’s exciting to work for, and I like him and I’d like to stay there, but I would like to know that I could have a good package when I retire, and all the good benefits. ELIAS: Therefore, your conflict stems from the lack of trust within self and what you may be creating within your physical focus. Now; let me express to you that I shall not enter the area of prediction with you. I shall not offer you statements of predictions as to what probabilities shall be occurring futurely, for be remembering that all actions are probabilities and may be altered at any moment. Therefore, there is no set line of probabilities and there is no set future in one direction or another direction. You always hold the ability to be creating of new probabilities and new actions. In this, it is dangerous to be accessing information that moves in the direction of absolute predictions. I shall suggest to you to be leery of any essence or any individual that moves into these areas, for this is discounting of your free will and your ability to be altering probabilities in every given moment. I shall express to you that this would be your choice as to which direction you move into futurely, but in this choice, let me also acknowledge to you that you hold the ability to move into different areas and continue in the direction that you view as interesting, exciting, and fun, and you may also be creating of what you view to be your financial physical needs also. Let me express also that individuals within physical focus concern themselves very strongly with physical needs, so to speak. There is no physical need that you hold that you are not capable of providing for if you are merely trusting and accepting of yourself, for as you trust within yourself, you also create situations that shall provide you with your needs. In actuality, you have no physical needs, so to speak. In this, they are physical wants, but wants are not bad! They merely are, and in this you hold the ability to fulfill any particular want that you may be moving in the direction of. You may more efficiently create what you want if it is in alignment with your intent and with your desire. You may create a want which is not in alignment with your desire and your intent, but it shall also create a thickness and it shall create conflict for you. But in moving in the direction of your intent and your desire within your focus, you may be creating of that which you view to be your needs quite easily! It is merely a situation of trusting yourself and your abilities to be accomplishing ANYTHING within your focus.” [session 299, July 19, 1998] PAUL: “[I have] another question in this area – it’s a question about this aspect of Dream Walker that you’ve talked about and delivered a lot of information about. I guess my question is – I’ll frame it in terms of Elias – this essence of Elias, does it hold an aspect of Dream Walker? ELIAS: Yes, although this essence of Elias is not a Dream Walker, for this essence has chosen to be physically focused, and these Dream Walkers are not choosing to be physically focused, with the exception presently of that essence of Rose, which I have recently delivered information in this direction that you shall be objectively and subjectively connecting with. But this essence of Elias has chosen manifestation within physical focus, therefore would not be classified as a Dream Walker, but does hold that aspect, and therefore is Seer.” [session 300, July 21, 1998] JEN: “How come you choose to come back into this dimension now? ELIAS: I have chosen to be interactive objectively with individuals to be offering information with regard to this shift in consciousness, offering individuals information of their reality, of belief systems, and of self to be helpful in the area of encouraging their own remembrances, which shall be helpful in their own addressing to the action of this shift in consciousness, which shall be lessening of the trauma which is associated with this shift in consciousness. I have expressed many times, there is much trauma which is expressed in accordance with this shift in consciousness, and myself and many other essences offer energy in helpfulness, lending in the directions of the particular intents of each essence to be helpful in the area of objectively lessening the trauma associated with this shift in consciousness. As you move more into your own widening of awareness and addressing to your own belief systems, you shall view small expressions of your own trauma and confusion in addressing to your own belief systems. In this, you may also offer yourself information of the vastness and the intensity of trauma that other individuals may be experiencing if they are not offering themselves information with regard to this shift in consciousness. There ARE individuals that offer themselves information and draw themselves to this information and like information concerning this shift in consciousness and choose to be holding very strongly to their belief systems and NOT moving in the direction of acceptance of these belief systems, and shall be creating of tremendous trauma! JEN: A very inefficient use of energy then, huh? ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, quite! And this be the reason that I and other essences continue to be offering information, for within physical focus you ALL exhibit an element of stubbornness in holding to your creations and your belief systems, and in this our patience is rewarded eventually as you move into your own awarenesses and your own remembrances and offer yourselves your own opportunities to be eliminating of your own traumas. In a manner of speaking in physical terms, it is creating of great sadness to be witness to individuals that hold an awareness or that offer themselves information and choose to be creating of individual trauma in movement into the action of this shift, for it is greatly unnecessary. JEN: I wonder if having some awareness myself, if I might be helpful in helping others? ELIAS: Absolutely. You have already lent much energy in this area and continue to move in this direction of offering information and lending energy to other individuals objectively and subjectively, in lessening the trauma that they shall be creating. JEN: How can I help? How can I be more focused on doing that? ELIAS: As I have expressed to other individuals, you shall draw yourself to this information with an understanding that you shall also in like manner share this information with other individuals that shall be helpful to them in like kind that it has been helpful to yourself, and continues to be. And this shall be the point: that I shall be offering information to individuals and those individuals shall be offering information to other individuals, and this shall be the action of affectingness that shall be creating of much helpfulness in lending energy to the elimination of this trauma and lessening of the conflict and confusion that is expressed with many individuals, and you already move in this direction.” [session 308, August 21, 1998] PAUL: “I have another question for you, and I think I’ve debated this with Vicki too. I don’t think I’ve talked to Mary; maybe I have. But anyway, given that you offer information in your terms within the intent of the least distortion, are you to be considered an infallible source? (Elias chuckles and Paul laughs) JO: Can we believe what you tell us? (humorously) ELIAS: I shall express to you that infallible implies an absolute, and in this there may not be any infallible element within consciousness, for there are no absolutes. Therefore, I may express to you that the information that I offer to you is correct within its translation, and is offered for your understanding of your reality. But as to an expression of infallible, which is your projection of your idea of gods, this would be incorrect, for this is offering the idea that there are certain expressions that may not be changed, and this would not be correct. There is no absoluteness within essence. It is merely not possible to be translating to you the lack of absoluteness within the confines of your language, for your language itself implies certain absolutes. This be the reason that I am encouraging of you to be conceptualizing in assimilating this information, for language is a translation which is quite limiting at times.” [session 336, October 27, 1998] MIKE: “… I’m gonna return to my [attempts to connect with my focus as a] German writer. (Elias grins) First of all, I want to ask you, why am I creating so much conflict with finding this individual if he is so famous? ELIAS: You have moved yourself into an area, that you may offer yourself the opportunity of noticing. NOW; this is precisely the type of action that I have been expressing to you. Look to what you are creating. You move more and more into a narrowing of your attention. The more you move in this direction, the more you narrow your perception, the more rigid you become, and the more you block your own efforts. As you create more and more of a singularity of thought and more concentration in this area, you create a larger expression of blocking your own efforts, which we have discussed previously. But once again, you offer yourself your own imagery to be presenting this type of action to yourself, for this is an automatic area that you move in. You automatically focus your attention in an area, and you do not notice how you allow yourself to be consumed with the singularity of your own movement. Therefore, you continue to present yourself with examples in imagery of this type of action, that you may be noticing what you are creating and allow yourself the relaxation of your focus, and in that relaxation, you shall be finding that which you seek. MIKE: Is this person ... because I know Nietzsche is referred to as a writer, but if you go to a bookstore, he’s under philosophers. Is my focus ... what would he be considered? A writer/philosopher or a writer/writer? ELIAS: A writer/philosopher. MIKE: Okay, I’ve put down three more names, but they’re not him, are they? ELIAS: I shall express to you, before you are even engaging in this action, that you may continue your search! (Grinning) MIKE: (Laughing) Continue my search! So I haven’t uncovered him, right? ELIAS: And you continue to KNOW that you have not offered the connection with the identification of this focus. NOW; I shall express to you that you have, in your terminology, exposed yourself to the naming of this individual, but you have also passed over this identification, for you are narrowing your focus and your energy, and in that action, you are blinding yourself to the information and connection that may otherwise present itself to you. MIKE: It’s not Marx, is it? ELIAS: I shall express to you, no. But I shall express to you, in quite colorful terms, you have engaged upon your Easter egg hunt, and you have passed the egg several times, not even noticing that it lies before your foot, looking beyond to the hidden eggs, for they are more intriguing and offer you the hunt! Whereas the egg that you seek is brightly colored before you, and you are merely not noticing. (14) MIKE: Okay. Are you still gonna withhold your answer as to whether or not he’s in that book or not? ELIAS: (Chuckling) I am challenging you! This is an excellent exercise for you, and this be the reason that I continue to play the game with you, for you offer yourself many areas in this challenge, that you may be noticing of many different elements with yourself. Therefore, in this, I continue to play the game, but as your teacher. As the student, I am continuing to encourage you to be challenging yourself to be acquiring your answer, for as I continue to step back, figuratively speaking, this allows you to challenge yourself and to be accomplishing within yourself, and this shall be much more affecting than for me to be offering you your answer. You shall gain much information, in this particular investigation, of yourself.” [session 363, February 21, 1999] MIKE: “You said in session 154, I believe, that ... it was a very brief thing that you said to Drew about an individual carrying on the information after Elias, which may seem conflicting although it’s not conflicting. But anyways, will this individual be in the family of Tumold? (15) (Pause) ELIAS: No. MIKE: What essence family? (Pause) ELIAS: This would also be within the Sumafi family. MIKE: Really. Is it gonna be like a concurrent thing? Like as you finish up, it’ll start up, or is there gonna be a time period after you’ve finished? (Pause) ELIAS: There may be, within present probabilities – although this may be altered – a time period between the two expressions. MIKE: Okay, is this individual gonna be coming a little bit later on in the century? (Pause) ELIAS: Within present probabilities, yes. MIKE: Okay, so within my probabilities, I won’t be around to see him then, right? ELIAS: Correct.” [session 374, March 19, 1999] VIVIEN: “Alright, a question about you affecting stuff. I have an alarm system in this house that we don’t have hooked up right now – the alarm is switched off – but every now and again it rings three times, and I was just wondering if you were having some fun? ELIAS: (Laughing) And you are noticing, and I am acknowledging of your noticing, for this is not harmful, but merely an expression of playfulness! VIVIEN: Well, I’ve been taking it that way, but I was wondering if you were ringing it every time I had a good idea or a bad idea! ELIAS: HA HA HA! At times I may be acknowledging, but at times I may merely be choosing to allow you the knowing of my presence. VIVIEN: Well, it’s nice to have you around so often! ELIAS: HA HA! This is also purposeful, let me express to you, for individuals within this time framework, as they are continuing in their connection with this information, may be experiencing feelings of disconnection with myself or that I may not necessarily be paying attention. Therefore, I have been engaging playful activity with many individuals, yourself also, to be allowing you the remembrance that I am aware and that I am interactive, regardless of your doubtfulness at times. VIVIEN: Ah, that’s very nice. Thank you! ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 382, April 12, 1999] DEANE: “Now, regarding this manuscript that I’ve been working on. In our last session, you said, and I quote: ‘You shall notice my participation with you in objective terms, as you notice blue and also electrical occurrences during your participation with that manuscript.’ When I finished revising the session portion of chapter one, I noticed a blue streak on the wall. Then, when listening to my stereo and trying to assess this, I noticed the same blue streak, vertical and off to my left. Was that you? ELIAS: Correct. This is your objective validation of which I spoke with you, in offering you objective manners of being validated that I shall be interactive with you. In this, you may view objectively, in physical terms, the energy presence. DEANE: Okay. As I continued my revision process, I experienced much tingling in my hands and fingers. This was with me day and night. Sometimes it was quite profound, scary, and often uncomfortable. Since I’m finished with this manuscript – with the exception of the title – the tingling has subsided, but not completely. Is this the electrical occurrences stuff from you that you mentioned, or one of the side effects that can occur with my eye medicine? ELIAS: This would also be an electrical energy which has been expressed by this essence with other individuals also. This is quite efficient, for you shall pay attention to physical symptoms, so to speak, and shall notice particularly sensations of electrical impulses within certain areas of your physical form. This particular area of your physical body, hands or feet, are not disruptive to your production and your functioning. Therefore, it is also an efficient manner of expressing an exchange of energy. It shall not worry you in the manner that you begin to doubt within your thought process whether you are contracting a sort of dis-ease. It shall merely gain your attention and be a physical manifestation that you shall recognize. Are you understanding? DEANE: Yes, I am. Another question. How is it exactly that you help me write? Do you move my fingers – give me thoughts, ideas – and have I resisted your efforts? For I sense that I have! ELIAS: Let me express to you that I do not offer you your own information. I am not manipulating your energy or your thought process. I am merely lending energy to your own creativity, that you may be efficiently expressive in this area. YOU have chosen the intent of this project. You have allowed yourself to be accessing and connecting to information that shall be creating of this manuscript. I have offered energy to you that may be helpful and lend more of an ease in your accomplishment for your accessing of this information, but YOU have allowed yourself to relax your focus, and therefore also access the information that you seek to be completing this project. Now; at times, you have blocked or resisted certain aspects of incoming, so to speak, information which you are accessing. In this, within these particular time frameworks, you may also have noticed a shift in the energy, and this is my manipulation of energy to be helpful to you in allowing you to notice that you ARE blocking of your own accessing of information ... OR that you are moving off of your direction, so to speak, and moving once again into the direction of the beliefs. Therefore, I offer you energy merely in a directing manner and a helpfulness that shall lend to the ease of your own expression. These are YOUR expressions which are created from YOUR creativity. I shall not be intrusive to you in the manner of creating an expression FOR you. In this also, this would be defeating of the point within this shift in consciousness, which is to be offering you information, that you may be directing of yourselves and NOT creating a continued expression of interdependence upon each other, but recognizing that you hold great abilities individually, that you need not be allowing any other individual or essence to be directing of your focus. You hold the ability to be accomplishing this quite efficiently yourself, and this IS an element of this shift in consciousness – your accomplishment of your own independent expression, in a manner of speaking.” [session 383, April 15, 1999] DEANE: “Elias! It’s so nice to be with you this day, my ale-drinking friend! I send you my very best! (Elias chuckles) When I said that in our last session, you said, ‘Received,’ and I have a question in that regard. When I send you my good will, and when I drank that beer in your honor that day and did my best to send that pleasure to you, is there something that you actually receive, like my emotion of good will or the sense of pleasure that I experienced in your behalf? ELIAS: I receive the energy projected in the intent that it is sent within. Therefore, there is an actual receiving of movement in energy which is recognized. It is not received in the physical sense or pleasure that you experience, but it is received in what you may interpret as a pleasurable experience, for it is a projection of energy which is directed through that particular intent, and within the purity of that expression, it is accessed and assimilated by this essence. DEANE: That is good to know! That will cause me to drink one more in your honor, and perhaps even more after that! ELIAS: HA HA! DEANE: Elias, you have sent me much energy to assist me in accomplishing my goals, and I thank you for that. Now, can I not direct that same energy to myself as you direct it to me, with the same force and quality? Would it be as effective? ELIAS: Quite. You may be directing energy in whichever manner you are so choosing. DEANE: That is so interesting! It just dawned on me – I could send it to you or to anyone else, and why not myself? I thank you. That is most informative. ELIAS: This would be the point, and I am quite acknowledging of you within this present now, of your recognition of this REALITY and not merely the concept. For in actuality, this IS the point, to be recognizing and realizing and remembering that you hold the ability to be directing of this energy. In the same manner that you direct outwardly, you may be directing this energy inwardly, and you may be quite affecting of your reality in that movement. DEANE: ... Regarding my novel, which I have now completed, you last mentioned a portion in chapter one and in the middle of the book that could stand some further adjusting. I feel sure I’ve found those parts and adjusted them. Would you comment on that, please? ELIAS: And I express to you that you have accomplished, and you have addressed to the areas that I have referred to in offering you that information. DEANE: Okay. Even though my book is finished, I still experience minor tingling feelings in my hands, and occasionally see a blue spot. Are these leftover remnants from our energy exchange during my project, (Elias grins) or are these markers of a continuing contact with you, or do these tinglings indicate something else, such as my own tapping into consciousness? ELIAS: I express to you, why shall you be surprised? Was your anticipation and expectation that I shall be discontinuing my interaction with you once your task is completed? (Chuckling) DEANE: Well, I assumed it would be your decision as to whether we would continue with this or not. I don’t think I really need help at this point, at least not in the construction of text, so the fact that these things were here, I wondered about them. ELIAS: I am not referring to the construction of text, but merely a lending of energy and a continuation of interaction with yourself, not necessarily in conjunction with your production of your creative endeavor. DEANE: Well, if I was without the tinglings, my friend, let me assure you that I would miss them very greatly, I certainly would! ELIAS: It is an offering in continuation of energy, that you may objectively recognize the continuation of interaction and that I have not withdrawn my interaction or energy simply for the reason that you have completed your project! (Chuckling) DEANE: I imagine you’re doing that so I continue to drink an ale every evening in your behalf, huh? (Laughing) ELIAS: HA HA! DEANE: I see! Well, one more question regarding this book. How would you assess the probabilities of this book being made into a movie, or would that be of significant assistance regarding the intent of this book? ELIAS: This is merely a choice of probabilities that you presently within consciousness are toying with, and I express to you that you may be creating of that movement if you are so choosing, and you may be not creating of that particular direction. It matters not. This is an objective choice, and it may be created simply for your acknowledgment of yourself, your accomplishment, and your pleasure. But I express to you that it may be helpful to some individuals if you are moving into this type of creation of probability, for it shall be addressing to a different element of individuals within consciousness than may be drawn to be accessing the information within written form. But I express to you in this manner, that you may not be assuming pressure within yourself, that you may [not] be creating expectations upon yourself that you must be moving in this type of direction. It is merely a choice. It may be helpful if you are choosing to be engaging in that manner, but you have accomplished within your expression of this particular production if you are not choosing to be moving in that direction.” [session 410, June 04, 1999] ELIAS: “Greetings! JEREMY: Hello! ELIAS: (Chuckling) And you have inquiries this day? JEREMY: Well, first I have a few jokes. ELIAS: Ah, an offering of humor! JEREMY: Are you familiar with knock-knock jokes and how they go? ELIAS: You may be informing me. JEREMY: Okay. I don’t know the terms to use, but the joke starts off with me going, ‘Knock knock,’ as if I’m at a door, and you’ll say, ‘Who’s there?’ and then I’ll give the name of a person who is there. But after I say who is there, you’ll restate who is there, and then you’ll say, ‘Who?’ and then I’ll give the punch line. ELIAS: Very well. JEREMY: Okay. Knock knock. ELIAS: Who is there? (Vic’s note: the way Elias says this is SO FUNNY!) JEREMY: Opan. (Short pause) Now you say, ‘Opan who?’ (Cracking up) ELIAS: Opan who? JEREMY: Opan your mind! (Elias chuckles) Lacy came up with that joke! (Cracking up, and you can hear laughter in the background) ELIAS: (Chuckling) You may continue with your humorous expression! JEREMY: Okay, I came up with another one. (Still cracking up) It’s an after-the-shift joke. Are you aware that in our society now, that it’s pretty common for children to wet the bed? (Pause) ELIAS: Yes. JEREMY: Well, this joke is based on the premise of that. After the shift, a child wets the bed. And then the mother, finding out about this, asks, ‘Why did you do that?’ And the child says, ‘It was a bleed-through!’ (Much laughter in the background) ELIAS: Ah! And I shall be expressing to you that you may be incorporating a female and a menstrual cycle for this particular humorous expression, which shall be more appropriate to ‘bleed-through!’ Ha ha ha ha! JEREMY: (Laughing) That’s all the jokes we have today! ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Very well!” [ JOE: “In reading one of your recent transcripts, you had said to the individual that you were speaking to, ‘We are not here to learn, but to experience physicality.’ Now I don’t know whether I took this out of context or whatever, but maybe you could clear this up for me. Now to me, it kind of seems to be a contradiction in what a lot of other entities have said, like Seth. Seth many times said about physical expression that being here is a learning experience, and Kryon (16) might have put it that we’re here because we’re ‘in lesson.’ Could you comment on that? ELIAS: Very well. Let me initially express to you that different essences may choose different terminology or words in their communication. In this, I wish to express to you a reminding that each essence that is communicating with you all is offering information in conjunction with their intent as expressed in alignment with the essence family of which they may belong to, and each of these intents are different. Therefore, the expressions of the information offered may be slightly different also, for different family intents do not concern themselves with the accuracy, so to speak, of certain terminology. They also may not concern themselves with your belief systems per se. In one respect, they are concerning themselves with your belief systems in offering you information to be widening your awareness in conjunction with your belief systems, but many essences may move in the direction of expression of moving within the framework of your belief systems and not necessarily challenging those belief systems. Within the expression of the intent of the Sumafi family, the information offered is to be delivered within the least amount of distortion. In this, offering information in conjunction with your belief systems – within the framework of your belief systems, that shall be reinforcing of them – is NOT in alignment with this intent. Therefore, as I offer you information, I may move in the direction of offering similar information to other essences, and I may also offer you an expanded version, so to speak, of information which moves beyond the confines of your belief systems and therefore challenges you in the area of moving your awareness into an acceptance; not merely an altering of your belief systems and not merely a continuation of movement within them, but to be allowing you an expanded amount of information, that you may view more clearly your belief systems and recognize the affectingness of them. Now; as to your manifestation within this particular physical dimension, I hold the awareness that it has been stated to you many times – and you have created belief systems in this area and you align with these belief systems and are creating your reality accordingly – in the direction that this particular dimension of physical manifestation is a learning process, a dimension of schooling, so to speak. I express to you that quite liberally viewing this type of expression, in a figurative manner of speaking, you may express to yourselves that in one respect this may be correct, but this is a very liberal stretching of the actual action that you are creating within this physical dimension, for in a manner of speaking, you may express to yourselves that you are learning in one respect, for you are assimilating information. In this, what shall we define as the action of learning but to be accessing and assimilating information, be it in any type of expressed form. Therefore, in a liberal sense, you may express to yourselves that you are, in a manner of speaking, learning. I move quite intentionally away from these types of expressions, knowing that this merely reinforces your belief systems that you are less than, that you are aspiring to, and that you are growing, in a manner of speaking, none of which is the reality of the situation in actuality. You are not aspiring to anything. You are not growing, in a manner of speaking, for what shall you grow to? This suggests that there may be higher planes for you to aspire to, which is also incorrect. You are not learning as students, for this suggests that there may be areas of consciousness or essences that hold greater knowledge than do you or are higher or more efficient than you, and I express to you that this is also incorrect, for you already occupy all areas of consciousness as essence. Your attention is merely focused in each area, and in this, your attention is focused presently in this particular focus, this particular manifestation. This is only one of your attentions. All of your attentions are occurring simultaneously. This is one area of your attention. In this, you manifest within physical dimensions to be exploring your own creativity, your abilities, your imagination, in a manner of speaking. You are experimenting and you are exploring. You are in actuality creating the same action that you are creating within all other areas of consciousness – you are becoming, which is a continual state. In this, you are assimilating experiences, and you create this for it is pleasurable and for within essence there is an insatiable curiosity of self and what you may be creating and what you may be exploring within all that you are. You are not aspiring to be any ‘thing’ else, for you already are! You are merely exploring all of the abilities that you already hold and all of the experiences within you that you choose to be actualizing and manifesting. You already hold all information that is or ever shall be, but you choose to be actualizing that information through different experiments and explorations of experiences. Therefore, I express to you that you manifest within this dimension not as a student, not to be learning, so to speak, in the definition that you hold within your physical dimension, for there is no being that holds any more than yourself. You ARE essence. You ARE All-That-Is. Therefore, there is no thing for you to learn, but there is much for you to explore and for you to experience. I wish not to move in the direction of reinforcing the belief systems in duplicity that you hold to very tightly within this physical dimension that express to yourselves that you are less than any element within consciousness, for this is quite incorrect. Now; this is not to discount information that is offered by other essences, for it is merely a difference in choice of terminology within your language, and this may be open to interpretation in like manner to the information that I offer. You each interpret the information that I offer to you filtered through your belief systems, but this also be the reason that I choose intentionally what I express to you, to be presenting the least amount of distortion which is possible to be offered within the framework of the filtration which occurs through the translation into your objective communication, for I hold an awareness that there shall be elements of distortion, for you filter through your belief systems into the creation of your perception, and therefore there shall be elements of distortion, but this need not be reinforced in my offering of information to you in the area of compliance with your belief systems and merely lending energy to their perpetuation. Other essences do not concern themselves with this type of action, for it is not an element of their intent. Their intent may be different. They may concern themselves with the offering of information, but it matters not how they are offering the information, and this is quite in conjunction with their intent, which is an element of the family that they belong to. In the area of your teacher Seth – which YOU designate as a teacher – the essence family is not of Sumafi but that of Sumari, and those essences belonging to this family of Sumari do not concern themselves with elements of your language and factors of distortion. This is not the point in the offering of information by that essence, for the point is to be shaking you, so to speak, into a new awareness. This is the intent, to initially open your vision to new concepts, which are not necessarily in actuality new, but their presentment is different, which moves you into a new area of allowance, of awareness objectively, which also is helpful in allowing you future opening of awareness in objective terms, which is what you create now. Therefore, it has been a shaking, so to speak, of your objective awareness. In very figurative terms, it may be likened to another attempt at shaking you from your beds of sleep. You have held many alarm clocks, so to speak, within this century that have been ringing, ringing, ringing, and you all have been resetting them to be sleeping ten more minutes! Ha ha ha ha! And within the ringing of Seth, you have allowed yourself to awaken, and now you move into your day and the presentment of interaction with myself. (Chuckling) JOE: That was really an eye-opening answer! I mean, I don’t think anyone anywhere at any time could have answered that question any better. I think now, I completely, maybe not one hundred percent, but I really think I’m really starting to get a handle on a lot of this stuff. ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! This be the reason also that I express to you that you may not necessarily be discounting of the information which is offered by other essences, for it is not invalidated merely for the reason that it moves within the confines of your belief systems. There is beneficial information offered regardless. It is merely offered within the expression of your belief systems, and in this, I merely express to you to hold an awareness that you are receiving information which is offered within the expression of your belief systems, but this is not to say that it is invalid. It is merely offered within your belief systems, but you may benefit from this type of information also. You DO, each day of your manifestation. You offer to yourselves and to each other information continuously to be widening your awareness, which is ALL filtered through your belief systems and offered through your belief systems, but this is not invalidating or discounting of the information that you draw to yourselves. It is merely offered in a different manner. JOE: Yeah, and I can understand that too. I can see how you can take something that’s said, view it from a wide variety of different focuses, not so much in our earthly focuses, but just looking at it from different ways and coming up with different answers – sometimes quite different! But I’m absolutely sure that I understand now exactly what the heck it is that you’re saying, as far as that goes, although I’m not that good at verbalizing it. ELIAS: Express to yourself the questioning, that you may also enter discussion with other individuals. You align yourself with information that has been offered within your linear time framework previous by this other essence. You also are privy to elements of the energy exchange which occurred in conjunction with that essence. Now; in this, different aspects of that essence were expressed within the energy exchange. How shall this be possible if you do not occupy all areas of consciousness simultaneously? If you are aspiring to greater and higher planes, another aspect of Seth would not hold the ability to be engaging the energy exchange which occurred from what you assess to be a higher plane, for Seth had not approached that yet, in your very physical terms. Therefore, it would not be possible to be accessing that aspect of that essence which was identified by the physically focused individuals as Seth Two, for this would be requiring of Seth to be aspiring to that position. But it IS possible, for essences occupy all areas of consciousness already, and you are no different in this respect, regardless that you occupy physical focus. There are focuses of your essence that occupy physical dimensions. There are also focuses of your essence that occupy nonphysical areas of consciousness. It all is occurring simultaneously. Therefore, there is no area for you to be aspiring to. This be the reason that I have expressed to individuals many times previously, ‘You are not moving from the third dimension to the fifth dimension or the seventh dimension.’ This is ludicrous! You all occupy all areas of consciousness simultaneously, and no areas are above or below any other areas. There are no planes! In this, you already are perfect, and that I express to you not figuratively, but quite literally. Although you do not believe this, you are, and you are creating your reality quite perfectly already! (Chuckling) JOE: It’s a lot to understand, at least from my standpoint of being a single physical focus. Even though I know there’s no difference whatsoever, there’s still ... I guess you could say the veil is in place, and so I strive to understand. ELIAS: Let me express to you, there are differences. It merely is a matter of choices, and in this, there are no differences in the whole of essence, so to speak, with the exception of the choices that each essence moves into. Within your individual focus, the difference which is held is merely in the area of remembrance. You may look to myself or you may look to Seth or you may look to any other essence, and the difference that is expressed is the remembrance. I hold the remembrance, and within the focus in which you hold your attention presently, you do not, but you are moving into that direction, and this is the action of this shift in consciousness. You have created your reality within this dimension for millenniums without holding objectively the remembrance, and you choose presently to widen your awareness objectively and incorporate more of the remembrance of essence and of consciousness into your physical reality, allowing you greater freedom and greater abilities to be creating within your physical dimension; once again, an expansion upon your exploration and your creativity.” [session 437, August 03, 1999] JULIE: “When you were speaking earlier, I felt something like a ... I’ve felt it before in my life, but just a few times, and it only lasts for 20 seconds or so. It’s like a thickness; that’s the only way I can describe it. It just feels like some kind of thickness, and then it goes. ELIAS: Let me express to you, in like manner to many, many other individuals that have chosen to be objectively engaging this forum and objectively interacting with myself, this is not an accident. Energies have been interactive previously. Energies have been offered previously as an introduction, so to speak. Therefore, what I am expressing to you is that I am interactive with many, many, many individuals within your physical focus ... and not merely as they objectively engage myself! (Grinning) But many times, in your linear terms, previous or prior to our objective meeting, I have allowed an energy expression to individuals that serves as a type of introduction. As they engage myself objectively in interaction in this manner, this allows them an element of familiarity and comfort, and allows them an identification in which they express, as you have expressed, ‘I hold an awareness of this energy. I am familiar with this energy.’ In this, it serves to be eliminating of much fear which may be incorporated in the interaction objectively if the individual holds no identification of familiarity. Therefore, what you have experienced previously or pastly has merely been an influx of energy of this essence in communication with you briefly, knowing within probabilities and the simultaneousness of time outside of your physical dimension that you have leaned in the direction of creating this probability of objectively meeting with myself. Therefore, you have allowed yourself a prior interaction to provide yourself with a familiarity. JULIE: Thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance objectively!” (Chuckling, and the group laughs) [session 475, September 22, 1999] JOE: “I’m a little confused about the terms of dimensions and realities. Let me ask you something. From your vantage point, can you see myself and the desk I’m sitting at and the paper in front of me? ELIAS: Let me express to you, as I filter my energy through different areas of consciousness into a direction of attention which focuses itself within your Regional Area 1, which is your expression of your physical dimension, I do not concern myself with the objective manifestations. Therefore, I do not focus my attention in viewing your actual physical creations, in a manner of speaking. As I interact with an individual objectively in what you would term to be personal interaction physically, my energy translates through Michael [Mary], through his physical form and through his physical senses, but I do not engage his physical senses in the same manner that he engages his physical senses or that you engage your physical senses. Therefore, in your question – do I see you at your desk before your papers – no, I do not envisage yourself as a physical form, or your physical matter that you have inserted into your physical dimension. (Vic’s note: Elias pronounced ‘envisage’ with a very French accent, and then smiled, as if he was very pleased with himself.) ELIAS: I view, in a manner of speaking, the energy which is expressed within your physical dimension. I view and interact with the energy that you interact with, and I may access that information in physical terms. At times I may choose to direct a much more concentrated element of my energy, and in that action, I may focus my attention specifically upon your physical manifestations in solidity and matter. But this action is requiring of much more of an expression of energy than is necessary for my interaction and my communication with each of you. Let me also clarify to you in this. I hold a great awareness of the action that occurs within the energy exchange that I engage with Michael [Mary], and in the interaction, in the filtration of energy through layers of consciousness and into your physical reality, there are effects, so to speak, which occur physically and alter certain elements of your physical reality in the engagement of the translation of the energy exchange. Therefore, in this awareness of all that occurs in this energy exchange, I also choose not to be directing more energy, in a manner of speaking, than is necessary to be facilitating this energy exchange. Figuratively speaking, I may express to you, in your very physical terms, the more energy that I engage and focus through this energy exchange merely to be accomplishing physical identifications in what I term to be ‘parlor tricks’ or unnecessary expressions, the more affecting it shall be physically with Michael [Mary]. JOE: Elias, I can understand that. The only reason I asked was, if you could – and I didn’t know if you could – I was just going to make a drawing as to what it was that I felt that you were saying, and in that way make my understanding that much better. That was the only reason, but I can understand now that it just doesn’t work like that. ELIAS: Ah, but let me also express to you that although I choose not to be viewing a particular drawing that you engage physically, I DO access the energy movement that you are creating and the information that is held within that. Therefore, it is unnecessary for me to see your drawing, for I understand the information which is transmitted without the drawing.” [session 481, September 30, 1999] ELIAS: “Continuing. (Pause) And you hold no other questions? (Pause) Very well. We shall be discontinuing! (Laughter, and Elias chuckles) JENNIFER: How come you choose sometimes to ask for questions? I was recalling in past forums, when there was a group of people, that you would start your own dialogue about certain subjects. ELIAS: This is quite dependent upon the time framework, and also upon the individuals that are attending the individual session. Within certain time frameworks, individuals may present themselves within a group, and those individuals may hold an openness to be receiving information which moves in conjunction with waves in consciousness that are occurring. Or, the individuals may be interactive with other individuals within your physical focus, and this shall determine the direction that I choose to be moving into within the particular forum. The individuals that are present physically are quite influential, so to speak, in the direction of the session and the information which is offered within that time framework. Each of you attending a session in this manner is not merely one individual. You are one individual and you also hold a potentiality, and in this potentiality, you may be affecting of a great number of other individuals in your interaction. I assess, in a manner of speaking, the energy of the individuals that are participating within a particular session and the potentiality of each of those individuals and which direction they shall proceed within subsequent to the session, and what they shall offer in energy and how they shall be affecting of other individuals in conjunction with this information and in conjunction with the movement of this shift in consciousness. Therefore, as this is the intent of this interaction with this phenomenon, to be offering information in conjunction with this shift in consciousness and to be helpful in the movement of this shift, it moves in that direction continuously. Although I may be offering information to each of you individually in what you think of as personal information, I also offer a subjective interaction with each of you that you carry with you within your focus and are subsequently affecting of other individuals in conjunction with this shift in consciousness. Within this particular forum this evening, individuals have presented themselves and drawn themselves to the information in a desire for understanding of certain basic belief systems and an explanation objectively offered in the area of questions which are held in relation to reality and spirituality, in the design of the beliefs of reality and spirituality. This has been recognized, and the information shall be offered subsequently to other individuals outside of this forum, which allows for the potentiality of the expansion within the agenda of this forum. It is all quite purposeful, Margarite [Jennifer].” (Chuckling) [session 488, October 20, 1999] ELIAS: “Good morning! LESLIE: Good morning! Now, when we say to you, ‘How are you?’ and you say – oops, what do you say again? – ‘the same,’ or something to that effect, what do you mean by that? ELIAS: Precisely what I am expressing! You inquire how am I, and my response to you is, ‘I am as always.’ I am not good or bad; I merely am! (Grinning) LESLIE: Do you have good and bad days? (Elias chuckles and Leslie laughs) Well, I’m just curious! ELIAS: No, I do not experience good and bad days. I do not experience days! (Chuckling) LESLIE: Oh, that’s right. I forgot! It all depends on what time frame you’re in, huh? (They both laugh) Well, it’s kind of hard! Sometimes I sit and I wonder what it’s like where you are! (Elias chuckles) Do you understand? ELIAS: Quite! LESLIE: Yeah! And this sounds terrible – well, for us it does – but are you void of emotion? ELIAS: In the area of consciousness that I occupy or focus my attention, yes, this would be correct. I do not experience the manifestation of emotion in what you identify. LESLIE: So, what we would identify as Spock? (17) (Laughing) ELIAS: (Chuckling) Not necessarily, for there is no replacement of the emotional manifestation or quality with merely a logical manifestation or quality. LESLIE: Oh, okay. Well, at some point, I’ll probably find out! ELIAS: Ha ha!” [session 494, October 27, 1999] WARREN: “Do you have contemporaries in your dimension? ELIAS: All of you, and many beyond. (Grinning) WARREN: Well, one thing I was wondering about, that being the case, in the dimension that I’m in, there are a lot of people who would be skeptical of the energy transfer we're experiencing. I was wondering if beings in your dimension ... how they feel about an energy transfer to our dimension from your dimension. ELIAS: Let me express to you, I am not a being from another dimension, in the terms that you are placing this ... WARREN: Well, I understand that.... ELIAS: ... and for clarification, that there be no misunderstanding or element of distortion, the difference between myself and yourself is merely that I incorporate a remembrance and you do not, for you have chosen, within the manifestation of this physical dimension, to be forgetting and to be separating, within your objective awareness, your remembrance. In this, I hold an awareness that there are individuals that you may classify as skeptical or doubting of the validity of this energy exchange. I express to you that this is not an unusual expression within your physical dimension, in conjunction with your belief systems. You hold doubtfulness of yourselves! Why shall you not be doubtful of myself also? WARREN: Good point. ELIAS: In this, as to your inquiry of my view or what you term to be my contemporaries’ view of your dimension, the expression of skeptical holds no relevance, for there is an awareness of essence in the area, so to speak, of consciousness that I project energy from, and in this, there is an awareness of the remembrance of essence. Therefore, it is unquestioned, for it is a reality! You are. You exist. You manipulate energy. You are a manifestation of consciousness. There is nothing to question in this, for it is a reality. You merely do not incorporate your remembrance. Therefore, you continue to search for your explanations of reality and of self. Once you are allowing yourself to be recognizing and accepting of self, you also shall incorporate the remembrance, and you need not be nonphysical to be incorporating this action.” [session 510, December 04, 1999] ELIAS: “Good morning! RODNEY: Good morning! (Elias chuckles) Did you have a good trip this morning? ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am always traveling, my friend! RODNEY: (Laughing) I bet you are! (Elias chuckles) How many other time frames are you teaching in at the moment? Do you teach in a lot of different time frames? ELIAS: Within your particular dimension? RODNEY: Yes. ELIAS: In actuality, you are correct, and within this present moment, in your terms, I am interactive within (pause) 1,002 different activities and engagements concerning your physical dimension. RODNEY: Wow! Are those all taking place ... in my linear terms, are they taking place at different times? (Pause) ELIAS: Yes. RODNEY: Okay, so they'd be taking place in my past and in my future? ELIAS: Yes. RODNEY: Okay. Well, you told me not to make comparisons, but that sounds like a lot to me! ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Although I may express to you that within all of this interaction, this particular design of phenomenon – that is engaged in this type of energy exchange with Michael [Mary] – is the only action that I am participating in, in which I am translating energy into verbal speech with other individuals. RODNEY: Really! ELIAS: Yes. RODNEY: Well, would that imply that in the others, there is not an objective awareness that it is you who is interacting? ELIAS: Not necessarily. In many of these interactions, there is quite a clear awareness objectively of my interaction, and of my personality expression in that interaction with other individuals. It is merely configured in the energy exchange differently. RODNEY: Okay. I find that fascinating! Could you give an example of what one of those interactions would look like ... or wouldn't I comprehend? ELIAS: Oh, you shall comprehend. I may express to you, as an example, I am presently interactive with several individuals in what you may term to be an inspirational type of energy exchange in relation to the writing of different books. RODNEY: Wow! Okay. That's fascinating! I'm tempted to say, I didn't know you were available for consultations! ELIAS: Ha ha! I have expressed previously, my friend, that you may be engaging interaction with myself individually, if you are so choosing, and you may be speaking to me without the engagement of Michael [Mary] as the facilitator. RODNEY: I have not yet given that an honest try. (Elias laughs) But I'm getting there!” [session 687, September 03, 2000] GEORGE: “I’m sticking another random question in here: what is your relationship, or can you make any comments on Sai Baba or Franklin Merrell-Wolff? ELIAS: I may express to you, my relationship to any of these essences that focus manifestations within your physical dimension is the same as my relationship with all of you that I interact with within this forum in our discussions together. I, as an energy personality essence, focus attention in many areas of consciousness. This particular aspect of attention that you speak with this day also is interactive with many, many essences focused in your physical dimension and not. I may express to you that the term “relationship” in correlation to essence holds a different type of meaning, so to speak, than is incorporated or understood within your physical manifestation and your objective understanding of ‘relationship,’ for I hold the recognition of essence and its interconnectedness with all other essences and all other expressions of consciousness. Therefore in a manner of speaking, in response to the question of my relationship to these other essences as consciousness, we are all one. Therefore, I may be viewed as they, and they as myself, for there is in actuality no distinction, so to speak, within consciousness. The only distinction is the expression of personality energy, which creates the identification of aspects of consciousness which are identified as essences. GEORGE: ... Can I access your help through the use of a pendulum and/or meditation, or both? ELIAS: If you are so choosing, yes, you may access my energy and my interaction with you in any manner that you are so choosing. You may be incorporating a focal point, and allow yourself to be concentrating your attention upon that focal point, and this may be facilitating in your individual expression of your allowance of your recognition of my interaction with you. I may express to you, my friend, you may incorporate any type of focal point in relation to your interaction with myself, EXCEPT that which you identify as the Ouija board. GEORGE: (Laughing) Oh, I hear you! Absolutely, that would be the farthest thing from my mind.” (Elias laughs) [session 821, April 12, 2001] BEN: “... I want to talk about Oscar Wilde today. (18) ELIAS: Very well. BEN: Since we last talked, I have been taking a class on Oscar for the past twelve weeks, and I thought it would be interesting, because there doesn’t seem to be that much in the transcripts, to just devote a whole session to talking about him and his life and his work. ELIAS: If you are so choosing. BEN: Well, the first question I want to ask is, in the 20s we had Hester Travers Smith, and then in the 60s we had Leslie Flint, both claiming to be speaking for Oscar. What’s the difference between those situations and what we’re doing now? ELIAS: Let me express to you that within the engagement of an activity that individuals term to be channeling, generally speaking, for the most part, an individual that engages that action is not in actuality creating an energy exchange with another essence, but is allowing themselves to literally channel information from other areas of consciousness – for the most part, other areas of information which are held within their own essence – into their objective awareness within physical focus. Now; at times in this type of action, an individual may be tapping into the energy deposit – which we term to be the world view – of a particular individual or focus of attention. Now; one of these individuals – the first individual that you have identified – actually allowed an opening of awareness and moved into that tapping of information which is held within the world view of the focus. Therefore, that particular individual channeled information and energy from that area of consciousness through other layers of consciousness into the physical focus objective awareness, and allowed a presentment of some information in relation to that world view of the focus. Each focus holds an energy deposit which is the world view of their manifestation, which also holds information beyond their individual experiences which have been explored or created within their individual manifestation within physical focus. Now; this is not an actual interaction, so to speak, with the essence itself that has created that focus of attention that you identify as that individual of Oscar. It is an energy deposit of the essence concerning that one focus of attention. The other individual of which you are speaking was not tapping into the world view of that particular focus, but rather allowing information and energy to be filtered through layers of consciousness of that one essence – their own essence – and in that action, [there] was created a perception by the individual that the information and the experience felt or seemed to be resonating with a quality that may be associated with that individual of Oscar as it was manifest within physical focus. Therefore, this action was created differently from the first action, for this was an interpretation and a translation in association with the individual’s beliefs. Now; recognize that the first individual also filtered some information concerning that world view through their own belief systems and associations. But in actuality, there is less of that affectingness with the first individual than with the second individual. Are you understanding? BEN: Yes. ELIAS: In this energy exchange that is occurring presently, I am not presenting myself to you as this one focus of attention of Oscar. This is one manifestation of this essence that you are speaking to. I am not presenting to you that particular focus of attention. There are many, many, many focuses of attention of each essence, as you are aware, this being merely one focus of attention. What you interact with in this forum is another aspect of the essence that also has created that particular physical manifestation of that individual. But as you are aware – as you have been privy to our recent conversation with Colleen [Edward] – this is not a singular manifestation, exclusive, so to speak, to one essence. Therefore, other individuals lay claim to an exchange and an interaction with the actual focus of attention which has disengaged, as dictated through their beliefs and their physically focused associations of those beliefs. In this, I have offered information that that is one focus of attention of this essence, but this is not the aspect that engages interaction with you within this forum. Are you understanding? BEN: Yes. Okay, to me it was almost like when we spoke before ... well, it has been very interesting for me to take this class and to learn about Oscar Wilde. But I guess it seems interesting to me that considering the numbers of focuses that you and I might possibly have shared, that I would necessarily go towards this one over any other one ... not that it hasn’t been interesting. ELIAS: And what is your fascination with this one focus? BEN: Well, I personally didn’t have a fascination with it, except thinking that I might learn something about you by learning something about him, but also to learn something about myself. ELIAS: Correct, and in this exploration, you do offer yourself information concerning both essences, for although this is but one focus of attention of this essence, it is an aspect of this essence. Also, I may say to you, there are some qualities of that particular focus which are expressed as preference of this essence. Therefore, it may offer you some information as to the qualities and preferences of this essence that you are speaking to, for this essence has manifest many focuses of attention in physical manifestation in your particular dimension that exhibit similar qualities to that one particular focus that you are investigating. There are qualities of physical projection of appearance that are preferred by this essence, and are similarly manifest in many other focuses of attention physically. There are some qualities of personality type that are also manifest in many other focuses of attention physically within your dimension. Therefore, you may offer yourself information as to the preferences of this essence that you are speaking to through investigation of some of its focuses. It also, as you have recognized, shall offer you some information concerning your own essence and what you choose to be manifesting in different focuses, allowing yourself information to your own preferences as essence. For each essence, as they physically manifest within this physical dimension, does hold certain preferences of manifestations and personality types, orientations, direction of experiences. (Pause) BEN: Great! (Laughing) ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! In this, within this physical focus, I may express to you, you also express many of the preferences of your essence for physical manifestation – in physical form, and in expression of personality type, and in certain aspects of the exploration of the base elements of this physical dimension, in emotion and sexuality. BEN: Well, as long as we’re gonna talk about sexuality.... ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! BEN: What’s up with Oscar? I mean, we have a particular idea of what we think Oscar’s sex life was supposed to have been like, but there was so much myth and legend surrounding the man. I can’t imagine that the reality would be as boring as what we imagine. ELIAS: (Chuckling) Let me express to you, Albert [Ben], individuals create a perception of other individuals – and of this particular individual – in relation to their preferences and their experience. In this, this particular character, so to speak, is quite colorful and allows for a diversity of associations within other individuals, and in relation to sexuality, there are many associations that individuals create in relation to him. As to this character himself, the expression of sexuality was in actuality less flamboyant, so to speak, than the myths that surround him. There are many stories and many associations that individuals attribute to this particular individual. In actuality, there has been a tremendous aspect of fear that was expressed in that particular manifestation. The individual in actuality expressed less physical participation or expression of his own sexuality – in the terms that you are referring to – than is perceived by other individuals, for there have been held strong influences in belief systems by that individual which created tremendous limitations within the expressions of that individual. I may express to you, the individual’s expression of sexuality was more limited to the exploration of fantasy and what was created inwardly than actual participation physically, outwardly. This individual also, although holding a fascination with certain sexual expressions within physical manifestations, in actuality held an appreciation for both physical genders, so to speak, but also created a tremendous expression of fear in association with both physical genders. BEN: Because he was married? ELIAS: No. But I may express to you, as I have stated, the beliefs that are held by that individual are strongly expressed, and in this, there are tremendous expressions underlying – and objectively held in awareness – in association with religious beliefs, which create tremendous limitations and were of tremendous influence in the behaviors and actions and creations of this individual. The individual himself holds a fascination with what he perceives within his time framework to be decadence, in very similar manner to what you yourself may associate with in subsequent time frameworks in your artistic movement of your surrealists. This individual – this character of Oscar – held a very strong fascination with expressions within his reality that he perceived to be forbidden and decadent, and the exploration of that in the purity of its expression. Are you following? BEN: Oh yes. ELIAS: The direction of his attention was to be exploring the purity of the experiences that beliefs express as decadent, and exploring the underlying associations in the rawness of the experiences. But as I have stated, there are also simultaneously expressed strong associations with belief systems. Now; simultaneously, there is a general expression of this individual that holds an appreciation for the traditional creations and movements of the societies, and an appreciation for the expressions of those religious beliefs which he strongly associates with. Therefore, two objectively conflicting directions are engaged simultaneously by this individual. There is a genuine appreciation within this individual of the physical manifestation of both genders, the physical expression and function of both genders, the appreciation of physical form of both genders, and a particular fascination with the qualities that may be expressed in the physical manifestations of both genders and the exploration of those expressions, and in that exploration, there is a particular fascination within this individual of how those expressions are not as absolute as perceived and expected by the society. Are you understanding? BEN: Yes. ELIAS: Therefore, there is an exploration of this individual in the base elements of your physical reality, of sexuality and emotion, and how those qualities of your physical dimension are expressed through individuals in a lack of absoluteness in association to gender. This individual allowed themself movement through experiences and [an] exploration and discovery within physical focus in a fullness, to an extent, in association with the allowance of traditional expressions, in compliance with mass beliefs within the societies, and also allowed for an exploration and discovery of experiences outside of the officially accepted societal beliefs. But there has also been strongly expressed, in both directions of exploration, many limitations within his individual actual physical participation, for the fear that was generated within this individual created an obstacle and a block in the actual physical participation of his fascinations, for the most part. Occasionally there were actual interactions of himself in association with that exploration and other individuals. But for the most part, within that particular manifestation – and also influenced by the designation of a final focus position – the exploration, in physical terms, was engaged more in observation than in actual physical participation. Therefore, quite simply, I may also express to you, as I engage interaction with other individuals and with yourself also, you may be inquiring as to interactions and physical relationships that may have been engaged between yourself within another focus of essence and that individual, and I may express to you in the affirmative, but that is not to say that there has actually been created a physical, sexual interaction between the two individuals. I may quite clearly express to you presently, for the most part, this individual of Oscar participated in those types of relationships quite infrequently, and much more often participated in an emotional exchange with other individuals, and observed the physical interaction between two or more individuals outside of himself. Are you understanding? BEN: Like a voyeur. ELIAS: Quite. BEN: So that scene in the movie ‘Wilde’ is not that far off. ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Yes, you are correct. This in actuality is an expression that is much more frequently exhibited by this individual than an actual participation physically himself. BEN: Very interesting. Now, I want to ask you ... for example, in class, I had to read De Profundis. (19) I found myself reading it in two ways, and I think it must have been based on perhaps some interaction with a focus of mine and a focus of yours. But also, the fact that I was reading it from a ‘there are no victims’ standpoint, because I kept reading this, thinking that he was pathetic! (Elias grins) I don’t know if that was based on some relationship that we had, or was just based on the fact that I was reading his life from this other viewpoint. ELIAS: I am understanding. Now; this also may offer you more information in relation to you and your essence, and also in relation to what you engage in this particular physical focus. Now; at our previous last meeting, I offered information to Colleen [Edward] in relation to this focus of attention of Oscar, this character. (20) BEN: Yes. ELIAS: Therefore, you hold information that more than one essence may be participating in the manifestation of one focus of attention, one physical manifestation, correct? BEN: Yes. That’s very interesting. ELIAS: Now; in this, I am aware of your search and research in relation to your associations with different focuses of attention, other focuses of your essence. I have expressed an identification, in part, of the focus of attention that is identified as the individual to which that letter was written. I may express to you, the individual – or the essence – that I have identified previously as being that particular individual in that focus is not the primary aspect. [It] is an aspect of that particular focus of attention and manifestation, but is not the primary aspect of that attention. Now; I may also express to you presently, this essence of Albert [Ben] is the primary focus of attention in that focus. Are you understanding? BEN: Well, is it like the joke I was saying to Michael [Mary], saying that if you and Edward can be Oscar, then she and I can be Bosie? (21) ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Quite! In this, the essences share, so to speak, the manifestation. Michael [Mary] is not the primary aspect of that focus of attention. BEN: But I am. ELIAS: Correct.” [session 742, December 17, 2000] AXEL: “Something that’s really interesting me, I have read a little of Abraham, and they present the ‘17-second exercise.’ Are you aware of that? ELIAS: I may express to you that I hold what may be identified as a general awareness of the direction of this essence, but do not focus my attention upon the specifics of what is offered in physical exercises, so to speak. AXEL: Well, they say if you hold your awareness very clearly on one thing that after exactly 17 seconds it will rise on a higher energy level, and after another 17 seconds, it will rise again on another energy level and up to 64 seconds, where it will reach a very high energy level. They recommend this as an exercise in your attempt in creating something. They compare this with man-hours, that one 17-seconds is worth one working week and things like that, very much expressing absolutes, and they are very concrete in their expressions. ELIAS: Very well. And what is your inquiry concerning this exercise? AXEL: The truthfulness in this, or is this rather distorted information? ELIAS: I am understanding of the direction of the expression in offering this exercise. I may express to you that I hold an understanding of the intention of offering this type of exercise. (22) Now; as to the absoluteness of the comparison in relation to energy expressions, in physical terms ... (Elias speaks slowly, and appears to be choosing his words thoughtfully) in actuality, this is an offering of a suggestion. It is not in actuality accurate. It is an expression which is offered with the intention of creating a suggestion and a method in which the individual within physical focus may be directing their attention, noticing, and therefore also practicing with their awareness in expanding, so to speak, their awareness. For the action of holding your attention clearly within the now and upon self is quite unfamiliar, and any concentrated time framework in which you actually allow yourself to engage that action consecutively, so to speak, shall be affecting in widening your awareness and creating an ease in your trust of yourself. But as to the expression of comparison of 17 seconds in relation to the physical energy expression of an individual within a week’s time framework is quite inaccurate. It is offered expressly as a motivational point, but not in actuality as an accurate comparison of energy expressions. I may also express to you that this type of suggestion and the manner in which it is presented is expressed quite strongly in alignment and in relation to beliefs that you hold within this physical dimension in association with levels of energy. Now; I may be expressing to you, you may engage this exercise, and it may be affecting of your perception and of your awareness, and it may be affecting of your ability to be concentrating your attention within the now. But recognize that there are also expressions that are quite in alignment with mass belief systems within your physical dimension. You are not attaining to enlightened levels of consciousness – you already are enlightened.” (Chuckles) [session 830, May 03, 2001] KATHLEEN: “Elias, you said to me there is no intrusiveness in essence form, and I want to understand that more. I also want to ask if you have, in essence form, if you have books or libraries, or how do you deal with masses of information that existed and still exist? ELIAS: Information is accessed through awareness. As an essence may not be focusing attention within physical dimensions, there is not the incorporation of beliefs or the incorporation of the designs of particular physical dimensions. As example, this physical dimension incorporates a design which is expressed in sexuality and emotion. This is an aspect of the blueprint of this particular physical dimension. In not holding attention or participating in a physical dimension, an essence also does not incorporate those designs of expression. Therefore there is less limitation, for the attention may be allowed simultaneously to be incorporated in tremendous diversity. My attention is focused in MANY directions simultaneously, and I hold an awareness of all of the attentions simultaneously. You hold an awareness of ONE focus of attention, in keeping with the design of this physical dimension and how you have chosen to be creating it. Therefore, accessing information is merely a movement of turning my attention in different directions. Some information may be in relation to other essences. In that situation, my attention is turned to the mergence of this essence of myself with another essence, to access that information which may be requested, or I may create a curiosity concerning experience of another essence. Therefore in turning my attention into a mergence with another essence, I may access that information. You may also create very similar actions, for you have chosen to be manifest in this time framework in which you are inserting a shift in consciousness into this dimension, which is dropping the veils of separation and allowing you to continue to incorporate physical manifestation within a physical dimension but also open your awareness and your accessibility within this physical dimension to many more aspects of consciousness and other dimensions. KATHLEEN: It’s fun! ELIAS: Quite! And quite exciting. You open to yourselves tremendous freedom and tremendous avenues for expanded exploration.” [session 848, June 09, 2001] LIZ: “Do you feel it when people touch you? Can you feel that? ELIAS: I am aware of the energy expressed by the individual, and I participate in projecting my energy through this physical body to the other individual. As to your question of whether I feel the touch in a physical sense, not in the terms that you associate. For the body consciousness is not associated with my essence, it is associated with another essence; but I do recognize the energy exchange and experience that. LIZ: Oh, thank you. (Elias smiles and gives a little bow to Liz) … Do you enjoy talking to human beings? ELIAS: Quite! I speak with you all, for collectively within consciousness you have asked. You wish to be accessing information in relation to your shift in consciousness that you are creating, and as an essence that has participated in this physical dimension, I express a compliance and a willingness to be interactive with you in response to your request. In your translation of enjoyment, yes, I am quite amused! I am quite experience[ing] of joyfulness in my interaction with you all. BOTH: Thank you! ELIAS: I may also express to you both this day, I especially am enjoying my interaction with all small ones, of which you both are also. BOTH: Thank you! ELIAS: For as small ones you have chosen to be manifest in the throes of this shift and hold a natural openness and understanding and acceptance of it, which moves energy in its accomplishment more swiftly. You also incorporate a natural expression of individuality and directing of your own plays, steering of your own ships, and not the willingness of your parents to allow other individuals or circumstances to be steering their ships. (Chuckles) And my encouragement extends to you to continue to be offering the example to those individuals that may be more steeped in their beliefs than are you. LIZ: … Can you hold things? ELIAS: This is possible. I may express to you that as I focus my energy through this energy exchange, it is projected through many layers of consciousness to enable my awareness to be presented within an objective physical interaction in a manner which you understand and which you shall receive in alignment with your physical dimension in the expression of sexuality and emotion. In the area of consciousness that I occupy my attention, there is no incorporation of sexuality or emotion. But this is the design of YOUR physical dimension, and therefore this is what is familiar to you. Therefore, I focus my attention through layers of consciousness and configure the energy in a manner that presents myself to you in this type of expression. I am understanding of the associations of your physical dimension. As to other aspects of my interaction with you, my attention is focused in the exchange of energy with you. Therefore, physical matter is unimportant. Now; this is not to say that I may not focus the attention to be actually physically viewing through the physical sense of vision that Michael incorporates, for I may and at times have and do, although this action is requiring of much more of a stream in preciseness of energy in a specific configuration to be actually viewing or engaging sense manipulation of Michael’s body in relation to objects. The objects are unimportant. Your energy and the exchange of energy that we create together holds much more importance, and in that exchange I may allow myself to more easily flow an energy to you without the distraction of physical matter. LIZ: Okay. Thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 851, June 10, 2001] ELIAS: “You create many avenues of communication. You communicate to yourself through your outer senses. You communicate to yourself through your inner senses. You communicate through physical body incorporations, manifestations. You communicate through emotion. You communicate through impressions and impulses. You create MANY avenues of communication. Imagination is another avenue of communication. Thought is not a communication. Thought is a translator. It objectively interprets and translates information that you offer to yourself through communication. (23) LESLIE: Then what is action? ELIAS: This is the choosing, and the choosing follows your direction. Many times individuals may express that they are objectively unaware of what their direction may be within a particular moment. I may express to you, if paying attention to what you are choosing, you shall also offer yourself information concerning your direction, for it moves in harmony with your direction. LESLIE: So your creation, which is your action, is an expression of your direction? ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: So direction’s pretty big, it’s like... ELIAS: Yes, and it changes. Your general direction throughout your focus is your intent, but that also incorporates many, many, many more precisely expressed directions within every moment. LESLIE: Do we decide on our intent before we come here? ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: And it’s really just saying that my intention is to have a certain type of experience, is that right? ELIAS: It is a direction of exploration, yes. LESLIE: Do we decide that with each other? ELIAS: At times. But in choosing that with each other prior to your manifestation, what you are choosing is actually a potential; for you choose in the moment, but you do incorporate pools of probabilities which are the potentials within a particular choice of direction. LESLIE: At any time, though, you could just jump over those pools of probability and... ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: ...change your intention all together? ELIAS: Yes. Generally speaking, individuals do not, for... LESLIE: Why would they? ELIAS: Quite. For you are incorporating many manifestations, therefore you ARE creating many avenues of exploration. Therefore it is expressed by some individuals, but it is uncommonly expressed. LESLIE: What does it look like when they do it? Is it just like a total change of their reality? ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes – a dramatic alteration. LESLIE: Anybody in history come to your mind who’s done it that I would know, so that I could think of an example? ELIAS: I may express to you, within this forum presently Michael [Mary] and Lawrence [Vicki] have BOTH created this action. Therefore, you need not incorporate your history! LESLIE: Yes, it’s in the present! ELIAS: Correct! LESLIE: That’s very cool to be part of that (Elias chuckles), and to watch it and to observe it. ELIAS: And this phenomenon has ensued in relation to that choice to be moving outside of the pool of probabilities. LESLIE: So when they decided to change their intention, was that like an invitation for you? ELIAS: Ah. They have not altered their intents within this focus, but they have moved outside of their pools of probabilities, and in that action have altered a direction of their movement. The intent for each individual remained the same but a significant alteration occurred within movement and direction. LESLIE: In timeframes, did it occur first and that was like an invitation for you to use ... or not to use them, but to channel? ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: Oh! Were you excited about that? (Elias laughs) Were you like waiting for someone? (Laughing) ELIAS: In your terms, I was already knowing of this action. Ha ha ha! LESLIE: Oh, okay. So there was no surprise? ELIAS: No, for this also was in what you term to be agreed. LESLIE: Is this part of your intention? ELIAS: Yes, to be engaging all of you objectively to be offering information in helpfulness of ease in the movement of this shift. LESLIE: Do you have feelings? I mean, does it feel to you, are you getting the communication that it’s being successful? Do you sense it will be an easier shift, that you’re having luck getting through to us? ELIAS: It is already being accomplished, and has been, yes. LESLIE: Does that make you feel good on an emotional level? ELIAS: No, I do not incorporate emotion. LESLIE: It’s not part of your design? ELIAS: No. This is an element of the design of your physical dimension. Outside of your physical dimension it is not necessarily relevant. LESLIE: What about sexuality, same thing? ELIAS: Correct. Now; in other physical dimensions, not all, they may incorporate some similarities of expressions of sexuality or emotion; but within nonphysical areas of consciousness it is not expressed, for this is an objective expression. LESLIE: Which is tied into manifesting things in the physical. ELIAS: Correct. LESLIE: So what are your foundation blocks in your dimension, in your design? ELIAS: This is not within a physical dimension. LESLIE: So you don’t have design? Do you have design in your dimension, or is that physical? ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is in actuality, if you are choosing to incorporate the term of ‘design,’ the choice of what I may incorporate as my own design. It is not necessarily a collective design. LESLIE: Oh! Is this one of the few collective places? ELIAS: No, there are many. LESLIE: It’s hard being in the collective! Is it more difficult? ELIAS: In actuality not necessarily, for you offer yourselves tremendous diversity in allowing yourselves manners in which you facilitate creating physically. LESLIE: But in your dimension it’s not collective. ELIAS: Not in the manner that you recognize. All is collective for all is consciousness, and there is no separation, in actuality. LESLIE: Do you have collective beliefs? ELIAS: There are no beliefs associated with nonphysical areas of consciousness. Those are also a construct of physical dimensions. LESLIE: But you create, right? You’re still creative? ELIAS: Quite! LESLIE: But you just don’t need tools like emotion and sexuality, those don’t fit into your... ELIAS: Correct. LESLIE: What DO you have, though? What do you use, or do you not have to use anything? ELIAS: It is not a question of use. It is an exploration. LESLIE: Okay, so you just explore differently. ELIAS: Correct. LESLIE: And are we all exploring the same thing... ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: ...just differently? ELIAS: Yes. LESLIE: So part of your exploration is reaching us objectively. ELIAS: Partially, yes, and the manipulation of energy to accomplish this. LESLIE: Is it difficult? (Pause) ELIAS: I may express to you that it may be more challenging in some expressions than in others. Manipulation of physical form in excess is more challenging. As you recognize, I manipulate this physical form limitedly for this is accomplished in what you term to be more of an ease. I incorporate the ability to focus the energy and manipulate this body form much more animatedly, but it also is, in a manner of speaking, requiring much more of a focused expression of energy and this is unnecessary, for the action that I am incorporating is focusing upon the interaction between this aspect of myself and each of you. Therefore, the physical body element of this exchange is insignificant. LESLIE: But you just have to do it because of our belief systems, that’s how we kind of see exchanging information and things? ELIAS: It is an offering of energy exchange in a familiar design. LESLIE: That is so kind of you, because you could be using your energy to do other things! ELIAS: And so I am! (Both laugh) I am not limited to merely this action. I may express to you also, although I have become more accustomed to the manipulation of the energy of language, this may be challenging at times also, for there are some expressions that you do not incorporate terminology for. LESLIE: We were just talking about that. You know, it seems like language contains too much, the energy. If there was just some way that we could receive the energy without the language. Is that the way our physical is set up, that we need that language to... ELIAS: It is yet again ONE avenue of communication. LESLIE: It’s the one we tend to focus on. ELIAS: Correct, but you also do focus your attention upon the exchange of energy. You are aware of energy expressions between you, regardless of what the language communication may be. For the most part your language communication follows your energy expression and is in harmony with that, but at times you do alter your language in conjunction with your thinking that you may be secretive (Leslie laughs) or hiding of an expression from another individual – which is quite comical for the other individual is aware, regardless of how you attempt to divert their awareness. LESLIE: So by attempting to divert someone’s awareness, it’s just a waste of energy. ELIAS: Quite, in a manner of speaking; for in actuality there is no waste of energy. LESLIE: True. Thank you, Elias. (Elias chuckles) ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 942, October 28, 2001] SHERI: “My friend, Chris, has a question. She was wondering: ‘Why does he choose the syntax he does and convoluted sentences? Is it a filtering a system?’ ELIAS: Let me express to you, within this energy exchange and offering an objective expression through language, incorporating words and expressions that shall not be reinforcing of your beliefs requires creativity. (Chuckling) SHERI: (Laughs) I told her it had something to do with not reinforcing our beliefs! (Elias laughs) Okay, well, I think that’s pretty much it, unless you have something you want to add. I think we’ve got about three minutes. ELIAS: (Chuckles) Be practicing paying attention to what you are choosing. I hold an awareness of the potential – which wavers presently but is continuing to be expressed – in Michael’s [Mary’s] objective expression in direction subsequent to our group meeting. In this, the potential that he is expressing is in association with what we have been discussing this day, and as I have expressed previously, it is worthy of individuals’ attentions to pay attention. For in his participation in this phenomenon, he has been chosen specifically as expressing an ability to be an objective physical example of the concepts that I express to you all, [and] therefore, in incorporating the concepts in action, may offer a physical objective example that may be viewed by other individuals to incorporate more of an objective understanding of these concepts. Therefore it may be beneficial to be offering yourself the opportunity to objectively participate in that forum. (24) SHERI: I plan to be there. Are you speaking of asking questions myself, or just participating in the audience? ELIAS: In Michael’s [Mary’s] interaction, not within our group interaction. SHERI: Okay, great, thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 983, January 18, 2002] RETA: Tell me, to get back to being able to see more or work with it more, what is the fear that we have? Can you tell us more about the fear or the removal of the fear, to be able to see more or use our essence more to further ourselves? ELIAS: And what is YOUR identification of the fear? Stephen [Norm] has already expressed in response to my question what his identification and expression of fear is, the lack of control or the suspicion that you may be harmful to yourself in allowing yourself to be projecting. What is the nature of your expression of... RETA: It’s probably the same thing. I want to go there and not be harmful to myself – allow the allowance, allowing myself to do that. ELIAS: And I shall express to you both quite definitely, in projection of energy in what you may term to be outside of the physical expression of your physical body, you naturally move and you naturally allow yourselves to not be hurtful, and you naturally move in a manner which is aware subjectively of your connection to your physical expression. Therefore it shall not project, in your terms, too far. RETA: Sounds good. ELIAS: In this, I may express to you, in actuality you incorporate much more potential to be harmful, in your terms, to yourself in your objective waking physical expressions. You generate that type of action in your actual physical expressions and manifestations. NORM: If we were to carry that over, in a sense. ELIAS: And you do not. NORM: The natural is not that. ELIAS: Correct, and therefore as you allow yourself to be projecting, your subjective awareness is continuously aware and directing of your physical expression, and as you allow yourself the objective awareness of your projection, that subjective awareness directs the mechanism of your physical expression. Therefore it shall not untether itself, in a manner of speaking. NORM: Right. I just have to realize we all have those capabilities and it’s just built in. I have to accept the fact and allow it and believe it. Well, I think I understand this now. ELIAS: Let me also express to you, I hold an awareness that an aspect of your fear is expressed in relation to your objective knowledge of an experience of Michael [Mary] and my responsiveness to it, in expressing to Michael [Mary] a caution that his projection was quite far. This has been assimilated by you both and has generated in your associations this possibility. (25) Now; let me clarify. In relation to each of you and the directions that you choose and the types of manifestations that you have created within this focus, neither of you in most probable probabilities would be generating that type of projection, first of all. Let me also express to you that even if you were to be generating that type of expression, which in most potential you shall not, you would incorporate a recognition at a point and a knowing at a point of a choice, and in that moment you would be returning yourself to your physical expression and not venturing beyond that point. The reason the caution was offered to Michael [Mary] – which would have been also offered to Lawrence had Lawrence attempted such a projection – for Michael’s [Mary’s] agreement and choice is to be in a particular position in relation to this phenomenon. But Michael [Mary] also incorporates at times a tremendous curiosity, and in that curiosity at times does not concern himself with any other movement than the curiosity. Therefore although the choice may have been generated and created and the agreement altered at any moment, the caution was merely a reminder that this is what Michael [Mary] has chosen and is his genuine desire in relation to this physical dimension, and that in the simultaneousness of time it is unnecessary for his exploration in following that curiosity within this particular physical expression. Most individuals within your physical dimension do not create this type of action, and even in the rare expressions in which an individual may be generating that type of projection, they do move to a point in which they allow themselves the recognition of the choice and choose to be reconnecting with the physical expression, for you have chosen to be manifest purposefully. NORM: The only harm would have been you wouldn’t have been back here, you would have been there, and there wouldn’t have been any harm being there. Am I interpreting that correct? I mean, the only harm being that you would not have returned to your body but there would be no harm to you as an essence. ELIAS: Michael [Mary]. NORM: To Michael [Mary], yes. ELIAS: Correct. It is merely a choice. But in that choice, it would have altered the expression of the energy exchange and this phenomenon, which if that had been chosen would merely be a choice, and I myself in agreement with the expression of consciousness would have chosen another individual; but that also may have been, in your terms, somewhat of a challenge, for much preparation was incorporated with Michael [Mary] prior to this energy exchange. RETA: Oh, I can imagine. Wow. By the way, how’s Lawrence [Vicki] doing out there? Have you visited with Lawrence [Vicki] since he left this dimension? NORM: Transitioned. ELIAS: It is not in actuality a question of visitation... (Chuckles) RETA: Yeah, right. Wrong word. ELIAS: ...for each essence occupies all areas of consciousness, and in actuality there is no separation; therefore there is an awareness of all essences. As to Lawrence’s [Vicki’s] engagement presently, as I have stated recently, there continues to be incorporated an objective expression of awareness, therefore there continues to be a projection of physical imagery in exploration; but there also is allowance of that attention to be exploring or, in a manner of speaking, peering in upon other physical dimensions in satisfying of his curiosity objectively. RETA: That’s interesting.” [session 989, January 21, 2002] JOANNE: “A couple times when I’ve had sessions with you, I thought for sure you had said something to me, and then later when I read the transcript or listened to the tape it wasn’t on there. ELIAS: I may express to you, my friend, this is not unusual. As I have explained previously with many individuals, more than merely an action of verbal communication occurs as we engage an energy exchange together. In this, I am interactive with you objectively and subjectively simultaneously. I am projecting an energy expression to you, and in this, you may be translating some aspects of that interaction into a verbal communication within your thoughts. Although you may not audibly hear this communication, you are allowing yourself at times to be incorporating more of the energy exchange that is occurring and translating that into actual language communication in thought. This is quite valid. JOANNE: I mean, because I remember it clear as a bell. ELIAS: I am quite understanding. JOANNE: And it’s like, ‘Oh, okay, it’s not here; it’s not on the tape!’ (Laughs) ELIAS: Now; I may express to you also, at times this may not necessarily be what is occurring. At times, it is what you are generating – and what many other individuals generate also – an allowance of themselves to be translating more of the energy exchange as it is occurring between myself and yourselves into an expression of language which may not necessarily be audibly expressed within your recording, for it is not necessarily audibly expressed. But this is not to say that it is invalid or that you have not, in a manner of speaking, heard that communication, for you have. Now; within other time frameworks, dependent upon your energy expression, you may translate what I am expressing to you differently than what I am actually audibly expressing to you in language. JOANNE: Oh, yeah, I know. I’ve done that! (Laughs) ELIAS: Ha ha ha! And so have many individuals! (Laughs) JOANNE: It sometimes takes a little time, and then I calm down and go back and listen or read it, and then I really hear what you are saying... ELIAS: Yes. JOANNE: ...not what I thought you were saying. ELIAS: Correct. At times, this is merely an expression of the individual blocking their objective reception of what I am expressing to them, dependent upon their individual energy expression in the moment. But... JOANNE: I felt that a couple times. One time in particular I know I threw up a wall, because I couldn’t hear a word you said. ELIAS: Correct. I am quite understanding. But be remembering also that you do generate other actions at times which are not blocking and actually incorporating more of an openness to the energy exchange that occurs. JOANNE: The one time I’m talking about, those things sort of happened in that one conversation with you on the phone. The wall went up and yet I left hearing something that later wasn’t on the tape or in the transcript. ELIAS: Correct. JOANNE: Both situations occurred in that same conversation. ELIAS: Correct.” [session 1030, March 09, 2002] LUANA: “Elias, when we were about six months along into our group – we’ve been meeting just a little over a year now – about six months along into this, we started asking for a teacher to come to our group. It wasn’t very long after that that I ran across your name in the computer and started studying you, and we started doing some meditations. One of our questions is, have you been aware of our activity here in northern California, and do you sometimes drop in to either our meetings or our individual lives? ELIAS: Am I and have I been aware of your energy expressions? Yes. Am I aware of your request? Yes. Am I responsive to that request? Yes. Have I been interactive with you in energy expression? Yes, individually and within your interaction with each other. LUANA: So when we have our meetings, your presence is there. ELIAS: Yes. LUANA: Is there any one of us that can either speak or write or somehow bring out your presence more to be evident and accessible to us? ELIAS: No, for I may express to you, my friend, I am available in offering an energy expression continuously to many, many, many individuals and groups of individuals. You may in actuality, if allowing yourselves an openness, even view my presence in energy visually. But accessing an actual energy exchange with myself in the manner in which you are engaging that presently in audibly speaking with me and in engaging conversation with myself? No. For this is my choice, and I have chosen and expressed previously, in offering clarity to other individuals, that I have chosen to be engaging an energy exchange with Michael [Mary] singularly and do not choose to be engaging this action in relation to other individuals. For I incorporate a recognition of Michael’s [Mary’s] energy and willingness to not be expressing interference in this energy exchange, which offers myself an avenue in which I may express information to all of you with the least amount of distortion. LUANA: We’ve set up a little meditation circle, including structure with pyramids, which came to me in a meditation to set up, to increase the energy force for ourselves. I’m wondering if it’s possible during meditation for each one of us to get in contact with you in our inner world, or the second question is, is it possible that one of us can access another essence or another teacher to come to us, if it is not you? ELIAS: You may interact with my energy expression and you may translate that energy in impressions and even visualizations within your meditations, even not incorporating meditation. In allowing yourself an openness, you may be offering yourselves information through an interaction with my energy expression, which always offers information. In this, if you are offering yourself an expression of openness and trusting your impressions, yes, you may be accessing information through the exchange of energy which is offered. It shall not be presented in language, but this is not entirely necessary, for you shall translate into language through your impressions. As to your second question, yes, if you are so choosing and if you are allowing yourselves an openness within your expression of consciousness, you may access other information through your own essences or through other essences, or through energy deposits of other essences or through accessing world views of other essences. There are many avenues in which you may offer yourselves information, and they are all available to you. You all incorporate these abilities to be accessing information. Let me express to you, my friend, the information that you offer to yourselves through access of wider expressions of your own essence is no less valid than information that you may offer to yourself through an interaction with other essences, for all essences incorporate the same information. There are no lesser or greater essences; it is merely an expression of choices of attention. You incorporate a physical manifestation, which is an attention of essence. You are no less essence than am I. LUANA: Melanie is interested in knowing whether you have appeared in any of our dreams. ELIAS: And your impressions? MELANIE: I don’t have any. I haven’t thought that I’ve had you in a dream, so it’s a general question. ELIAS: And to you each, what are your impressions? CARMEL: I have an impression – Carmel. Someone is assisting me in waking dreams and visions. Is this partly your influence? ELIAS: Yes. CARMEL: Wow, thank you. It’s very powerful. I appreciate it and honor it and value it, and hope it continues. ELIAS: And I may express to you that you may be paying attention and allow yourself to differentiate the expression of my energy and the expression of your energy, which shall allow you more of an objective familiarity with what you term to be the feeling of my energy. CARMEL: I must admit I don’t understand what you just said. ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Each essence incorporates a specific expression of energy. Now; within your physical dimension and your physical manifestations, you recognize the differences in energy through a type of sensing or feeling. If you allow yourself to be noticing and paying attention, you shall recognize the difference of your expression of energy and what that feels and that of other individuals, and in this, you also incorporate a natural ability to recognize the difference in feel of another essence’s energy. Now; in time frameworks in which you are offering yourself, such as you have, impressions that some other energy expression than yourself is offering an expression to be facilitating or helpful in an action that you are incorporating, you may allow yourself to engage that type of action and pay attention to the energy which is being expressed in the moment. Now; the significance of noticing these energy expressions is that in other time frameworks you shall offer yourself a greater clarity objectively and allow yourself to recognize my energy expression and therefore know the moments in which I am present in association with yourself and with your group. CARMEL: Thank you. I have recognized that energy. I did not know it was yours. I have tried to get into the meditative state to call it in. Can you offer me a suggestion as to how I can at any moment get to a place where I can call in your energy, that I recognize now, to help me with a vision? ELIAS: Very well. Allow yourself to be incorporating a genuine relaxation and allow yourself to merely visualize blue, and I shall comply. CARMEL: Thank you very much. ELIAS: You are quite welcome. LUANA: Elias, next is Jim. ELIAS: Welcome! JIM: Thank you. Two items – the first is, prior to us repairing to the room in which we’re participating in this consultation, I was sitting outside this room and I began to have a strong perception or feeling of someone or something else. At the time I attributed it to your energy, although I guess I wanted to ask you about that. The second thing is, during a group meditation that our group had recently, which was facilitated by Carmel, at one point for some reason I elected to enter into the consciousness of a wild animal, to wit, a wolf, and I began to experience a shift in my perception and status which was rather profound. I’m interested in your comments on that. Thanks. ELIAS: Very well. Your impression as to your first question is correct, and I may express similarly to you that you may allow yourself to pay attention and you shall recognize this energy expression and presence, so to speak, futurely, for I am available. As to your experience and your second question or statement, I may offer to you the explanation that what you have allowed yourself is an experience engaging your empathic sense, to allow you a clear identification of what occurs in engaging this inner sense, this empathic sense. The empathic sense allows you to actually experience the action and the incorporation of manifestation of any other expression of consciousness, in which, in a manner of speaking, temporarily you merge with the other expression of consciousness and therefore almost become it. This offers you an objective recognition of what other aspects of consciousness experience in their manifestation. You may incorporate this inner sense in mergence with any expression of consciousness and allow yourself an objective experience of it. JIM: Thank you, Elias. ELIAS: You are quite welcome. MELANIE: ... Elias, this is Melanie again. I had asked you first of all about the dream thing, whether you have been coming into any of our dreams, and you didn’t comment very much, so I came away with perhaps that you hadn’t. I have not had that experience of you being in any of my dreams. My dreams are very important to me, and my question is, if I were to ask to access you or your energy or to be able to see you or receive guidance from you, would it be through my dreams, and if so, how would I further that process? How would I make that happen for myself? ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you, I have offered an energy expression to you but you have not translated that. Therefore, you are correct, you have not engaged an actual allowance of an interaction with myself within your dream state. Now; you may easily engage this action. As I have stated, I am continuously available and am quite compliant with individuals’ requests to be interactive. Within your culture and the beliefs that are expressed more commonly in your culture, you allow yourselves an interaction with an essence such as myself much more easily within your dream state. Therefore, if you are so choosing, I shall offer to you my compliance with your request to be interactive with you within your dream state and offer my energy expression once again. You need not incorporate any complication of method. Merely request and I shall be responsive. Now; I shall also playfully express to you, perhaps you shall recognize my expression within your dream imagery in viewing myself in my preferred manifestation, which was incorporated in my choices in physical manifestation within your dimension and your physical reality – which I may say to you is quite attractive. Ha ha! MELANIE: Wonderful! ELIAS: You may recognize my expression, for I choose to appear to individuals within their translation incorporating quite STUNNING blue eyes and flowing hair! Ha ha ha! JIM: (To Melanie) You had that! LUANA: Jim has something to say because he was recalling that Melanie had something like that. Go ahead and say. (Elias laughs) JIM: During our group meditation, Melanie said that she saw me as a kind of Merlin or something with long, flowing white hair – is that correct, Melanie? – and bright blue eyes. (To Melanie) Did I have blue eyes? Is that right? (To Elias) If it wasn’t me, it was probably you. ELIAS: Ha ha ha! You are correct, and you may generate this within dream state also. MELANIE: Thank you! ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friends, the incorporation of energy within a group interaction is quite powerful, for if you allow yourselves to express a common direction within your group in your energy expressions, you allow yourselves much more of an ease in generating information and visualizations and at times other types of experiences. For the collective merges energy together, which generates a powerful expression of energy in which each individual experiences much more of an ease of their own movement and their own expressions. You may allow yourselves quite easily to view other focuses together and even to view other physical manifestations of yourselves or of each other merely in the incorporation of your combined energies. LUANA: Elias, might another expression of that be of the combined energy together to manifest an object? ELIAS: If you are so choosing. LUANA: I want to go back one second to what you were telling Melanie about her translation of your energy of visiting her in a dream. Would each person’s translation project a different view of you? ELIAS: Correct. LUANA: Would it be wise for each person to know what that view might be, so that we could see which person or object or symbol in the dream would be representative of you? ELIAS: I may suggest to you that you allow yourselves not to incorporate such rigidity, for as you have stated, each individual shall generate their own translation of my energy. Now; an expression that I incorporate consistently in projecting energy to other individuals is the vibrational quality of blue, for this is incorporated with my signature color and it is quite a bright hue of blue. Generally, individuals recognize almost immediately their translation of this color and offer themselves an impression that they have been interactive with my energy. If you are not discounting of yourself or doubting of yourselves, you shall recognize that this is an expression of energy that I consistently and quite easily generate to you all. You may image it in different manners, and this is what I am expressing to you, to not incorporate a rigidness in expectation of one particular manifestation. For I may express to you that I incorporate quite a playful energy for the most part and am quite versatile in my expression of what I may be offering in energy, which, in a manner of speaking, prompts different translations of that energy. LUANA: If we were working as a group – like we talked before, that while we cannot have somebody here channel you, we can nonetheless as a group manifest your energy while we are together in our group – would we then all see the same manifestation of you? Or would we each, when you came to us with your blue energy, each one of us would see you differently? ELIAS: It is dependent upon your choices. I may express to you, somewhat you shall each generate a different translation, for you each incorporate your own individual unique perception. Now; this is not to say that if you are so choosing that you may not incorporate the translation in which it may be perceived closely enough that you shall not objectively notice the differences. Just as within your physical reality you may incorporate an object upon your table, each of you shall perceive the object slightly differently, for you incorporate a uniqueness of your individual perceptions. But the difference in how you perceive the object may be so slight that you are not objectively noticing, and your interpretation is that you shall view the precise same object. Are you understanding? LUANA: I think so. ELIAS: Therefore you may also in agreement generate one collective translation of my energy; and if you are so choosing and open, you may even, as I have expressed, generate a physical manifestation. This is not... LUANA: Of you in form? ELIAS: Somewhat. Not incorporating the same solidity as do you within your physical manifestation, but somewhat. More translucent. LUANA: (To group) Who else has a question? MELANIE: This is Melanie again, and I would like to know further that if you were to manifest at my request in a dream or in dreams, my hope naturally would be for guidance. You said something before about our not being able to talk to you, but within a dream would you speak? ELIAS: Yes. MELANIE: In that venue? ELIAS: Yes. MELANIE: So I could go to bed with a particular question in mind or guidance that I needed and you would possibly manifest in my dream with that verbal guidance? ELIAS: Yes. Now; be remembering, this also is a translation. Therefore, allow yourself the recognition that there is the potential for distortion. But yes, I shall be compliant, and I may communicate with you in language in dream state or in a meditative state. I may express to you also, perhaps you may enjoy an experience of playfulness rather than the continued seriousness of guidance! Ha ha ha! MELANIE: What kind of playfulness do you have in mind? ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Whatever you prefer, my friend! MELANIE: How about out-of-body travel together? ELIAS: If you are so choosing. You incorporate the ability to generate this action within any moment, and if you are choosing, I may be compliant with this action, perhaps even to allow yourself an experience of flying together. MELANIE: Good! I like that! (Elias laughs) Thank you very much. ELIAS: You are quite welcome. LUANA: ... Elias, I’m not sure of the time because I forgot to look at the clock, but it must be getting pretty near it. I think maybe the last not question but maybe comment is to ask you if you have any further information or advice or encouragement or some other thing for our group in general or in particular. ELIAS: I am greatly encouraging of you in your interaction with each other, and in this, I may express to you, as I have stated I shall be continuing to offer my energy to you in supportiveness, and if you are so choosing, in information. Merely be aware that there is a potential for more of an expression of distortion. But you also incorporate the availability to be inquiring in this type of interaction that you are engaging this day in validation of the information that you offer to yourselves, and I shall be quite willing to confirm or to validate the impressions or the information that you have allowed yourselves to interpret, and also clarify if necessary. I express to you each that you incorporate a powerful energy in association with each other and may be allowing yourselves interesting experiences in association with this shift in consciousness. Be remembering to be playful and incorporate fun, for many times individuals generate a movement in association with your definitions of spirituality and express tremendous seriousness and do not necessarily allow themselves to generate a genuine appreciation of all that is incorporated in your exploration within your physical dimension. You do not incorporate a lower plane, for there are no planes. You are merely choosing to incorporate an exploration of consciousness and of self in a physical expression. That corporealness of your manifestation is no less spiritual than any other expression of consciousness, for every aspect of yourselves is a projection of essence, and essence is consciousness and one may not be less than another. I continue to be encouraging of you all and shall be offering my expression of energy to you each individually and collectively. MELANIE: Oh, yes, thank you so much, Elias! It was wonderful to meet with you today, and I hope to have at least one private session myself – this is Melanie – so I bid you goodbye. ELIAS: Very well, my friend, and I offer my affection to you also. CARMEL: Thank you, Elias. I am grateful for your assistance and recognize all of the playful images and visualizations you have brought my way. I look forward to a private session with you, but also to more of the same in more consciousness of these visualizations. Thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome, and I offer my affection to you also, and perhaps a ticklish energy that you may anticipate! Ha ha ha! (Group laughter) JIM: Thanks, Elias! LUANA: That’s Jim; this is Lulu here. Goodbye, Elias! I’ll see you next week! Thank you very much. ELIAS: Very well, my friends. My affection to you all, and I anticipate our next meeting. To you each this day, au revoir. GROUP: Au revoir.” [session 1093, May 28, 2002] BILL: “I’ve been wondering, for the sake of others too, if there are others doing something similar to your present enterprise with us, in other cultures, for instance in Asia or Africa, and what form those would take as far as... Well, they must have their own individual direction in moving those cultures in the action of the shift. Could you speak to that a little bit? ELIAS: As to other individuals that may be channeling information within other cultures, yes, there are in actuality many other channeling expressions that are occurring now. There are many more that are expressed in the manner of channeling information from their own essence, which is no less valid in information; but it also is dependent upon the individual, how they choose to be incorporating the action and what their intent is and what their family is that they are belonging to, in whether the information shall incorporate distortion or not. I may express that there are what you would term to be very few individuals within this present time framework that are engaging an energy exchange with another essence and that are engaging that action in a manner that allows for the least distortion. But there are many different expressions that are occurring throughout your world presently in which individuals are offering themselves information concerning this shift in consciousness. They may not identify it in those terms, they may be incorporating different words, but they are incorporating the concept of a shift in reality. Now; individuals present themselves with information in many, many different manners. Many individuals present themselves with information through familiar avenues, so to speak, through religious organizations or through different types of organizations that are associated with established, familiar beliefs; but it matters not, for metaphysics is beliefs also. Therefore, it is merely a matter of the individual and what they draw themselves to, what information they prefer and also what the individual’s intents are and what are their most strongly expressed beliefs. Some individuals are choosing not to offer themselves much information concerning this shift in consciousness, but that may be in association with their intent and perhaps they are choosing to be exploring conflict. BILL: Yes, that makes perfect sense. I look at all these cultures and I see different personalities exhibited by each culture, each individual lending their own personality to the expression of the whole. It’s quite a mosaic. I like the way you explain it. So those that are choosing the Shift will create some kind of a bridge belief system out of whatever they hold originally, some kind of bridge to the equivalent of how they relate to this shift. Is that clear, as I’m stating that? (Pause) ELIAS: Perhaps, or perhaps not. You all are moving with this shift, and I may express to you that individuals choosing not to be moving in conjunction with this shift or in agreement with it shall disengage and not participate within your physical reality, for it has been chosen by the collective, by all of you that are participating throughout your world. In this, some individuals may be choosing to be in agreement with the actual shift in consciousness, but not choosing to be moving in their physical directions with it and therefore generating trauma and conflict, but that is also their choice. It is not that they are unaware of what is occurring, in your terms, around them. It is what they choose in how they shall move. Some individuals, in relation to their direction and their beliefs and their intents and their individual value fulfillment, may choose to be experiencing the conflict and the trauma. Those of you that draw yourselves to this information and to interaction with myself have chosen to be moving in a direction of the least conflict and the least trauma, and therefore offering yourselves information to prevent that action, and also choosing to offer energy to the whole, so to speak, to ease the expression of trauma and conflict even in association with those individuals that choose it, that it may be lessened than it might have been. BILL: ... When I usually sit in the afternoon with your sessions – and I get so much from them each time I read them – it’s different each time. I’m wondering about the processes of my mind at that moment, whether I’m internally focused on self or is it just all intellectual stuff? I’ve often wondered while I’m sitting there reading if you’re connected with me, if you can feel what I’m feeling at that time. ELIAS: Yes, I am continuously interactive. But if you are aware of my energy objectively or not, it is present continuously and I am there. In this, there are several actions that are occurring in these experiences that you engage as you are engaging these transcriptions. You are connecting with my energy, and you are generating several actions simultaneously. You engage the transcription, and it is continuously changing, is it not? BILL: Oh yes, that it is. ELIAS: This action occurs for there are several movements that are occurring. One, each time you generate interacting with these transcriptions, you change it. You change the past. For what you read, what you have already read, you have changed the past reading to be a new reading. In that new reading, you offer yourself new information and you offer yourself new understandings. And this is magic!” [session 1446, September 26, 2003] MARJ: “Speaking of energy and messages, the Kentucky session (26) – what I noticed was a major difference in the energy level at that session. I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of difference between Mary’s voice and your voice in tone. The energy level I’m used to is this ‘woo!’ at the sessions, and it was kind of low, almost felt anesthetized. I was wondering if you were purposefully giving us some calming energy? Conversely, I go back to ‘I created this.’ Was I offering this to myself because of obsessing about trying to get it quicker or whatever? Or am I just moving in a sense of noticing that, no major difference between Mary/Michael and yourself? I’m all over the place with choices of what I was receiving there, and Joanne was feeling the same way. We talked about it all the way home, and we’re guessing. ELIAS: There are several factors, and all of what you are noticing is valid. I may express to you that the energy that I projected was also in reflection of the individuals participating in that group collectively. You also generated the experience that you incorporated, and your impression is correct that you created that to offer yourself more of a calming energy and more of an even energy. Now; I may also express to you that your recognition of less difference in tone between myself and Michael [Mary] is accurate, which has been generated intentionally and purposefully. For as I have expressed in previous conversation and explanation, this energy exchange generated a tremendous contributant to the physical affectingness of Michael [Mary] in previous manifestation, which generated a tremendous uncomfortableness and also generated a fear of continuance of this energy exchange in relation to the physical illness and manifestation that occurred. (27) Therefore in recognition of that, I have chosen to be incorporating different physical tones vocally as to not express a strain in the blue energy center which may affect the physical vocal apparatus. PATRICIA: Could I ask a question? Could I ask you why you picked Mary, and also did you come to express a certain message or to help us understand ourselves, something like that? ELIAS: I have chosen to be interactive with all of you for you have asked, and I have responded. You wish for information and I have been responsive, and I am responsive continuously to your request for information. What information is presented in any particular session is determined by you; what you request is what I am responsive to. I am aware that you are not necessarily objectively aware of what you are requesting – although you are, you merely are not paying attention, but you are aware – and in this, as you generate your request collectively, I respond and address to your questions and your desire for information. I have chosen Michael [Mary] as the partner in the energy exchange purposefully, for he generates a genuine allowance of this exchange without distortion and offers himself in agreement to be a focal point and an example in actual physical manifestations and actions of the concepts that are presented by myself. I offer the concepts and the information, and Michael’s [Mary’s] participation is to be enacting the physical presentment of those concepts; which is purposeful, for it presents an actual physical manifestation of an example that all of you may understand, for you generate very similar experiences. And in sharing information Michael [Mary] may incorporate an actual physical ability to demonstrate the application of these concepts, which is reinforcing to all of you, for if one individual may accomplish in these concepts, you all may. He has agreed to be incorporating this responsibility in this agreement, and as long as his agreement continues, I shall continue to interact with all of you. PATRICIA: Thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 1468, November 08, 2003] OGE: “... I am at this point quite anxious about this conversation, so I’d like to explore that. I just thought, while I was listening to you, that I’m quite anxious. I don’t know if agitated is the word, but I’d like to explore what’s happening right now, why I am anxious about this. ELIAS: And what is your assessment? OGE: The first one is linked into something, again, I read in one of the transcripts, which really rang true with me. I think I approach these sessions as a sort of a teacher and a pupil kind of thing, and there’s a part of me that’s anxious about getting told off and not getting it right. (Elias laughs) Which is quite odd, because sort of intellectually I know that that’s almost silly, but emotionally I am feeling that. ELIAS: And what are you discounting and defending within yourself that is generating that communication? OGE: I suppose that I’m making myself wrong, I think. ELIAS: And what are you defending? OGE: What am I defending? I don’t know! Nothing! (Laughs and Elias chuckles) What am I defending? That I don’t want to be wrong, I think. I think that’s it. ELIAS: Partially. I may express to you that you are discounting yourself and generating this expression that you do not incorporate enough information and therefore you do not know enough, and that triggers an automatic defense. OGE: Yeah, that’s it. So how do I work with that? I think the first thing is actually recognizing that’s there, because just in recognizing it, it’s kind of eased a bit. ELIAS: Yes. OGE: So acknowledging that that’s what I’m feeling now has eased it a bit. ELIAS: Correct. In this, an element of the process is to recognize and identify what the signal is first. The signal is the feeling. Once you identify what the signal is, you move into the next step, which is to identify what the message is associated with that signal. The signal was anxiousness, and the message concerns discounting and defending. Once you identify that, you question yourself. What are you discounting and what is generating the defensiveness? What are you shielding? As you allow yourself to evaluate further, you recognize that you are in this moment expressing a belief that you do not incorporate adequate information. Therefore, what you are expressing in your own communication to yourself is that you do not feel informed enough to be engaging conversation with myself. Therefore, you are also automatically generating a shielding or a defensiveness. The defensiveness is expressed in relation to the projection of attention to myself in anticipation of my reflection of your discounting, which I do not necessarily engage. Let me express to you, I do not participate in physical manifestation within your physical reality. Therefore, I am not bound to the blueprints of your reality, [and] therefore I do not incorporate the beliefs that you incorporate. Now; in this, I also am in part a reflection to you – the reflective element of your curiosity and your desire to offer yourself information. But I am not necessarily a reflection of what you are generating in energy. Within your physical reality, this is a natural and what you would term to be normal automatic expression. You all generate this with each other and with your environment and with any aspect of consciousness that you interact with. You reflect the energy that you project, and this is what creates all of your scenarios and all of your experiences within your physical reality. This is a natural expression. Generally speaking, other individuals or other expressions of consciousness do not necessarily automatically reconfigure your energy. Therefore, they receive your energy and they reflect it in the manner that it has been received. I do not necessarily generate that action with any of you. Therefore, regardless of the energy that you are projecting in discounting and shielding yourself, I DO reconfigure that to offer you information, and not to discount you and not to generate a conflicting or discounting or discouraging reflection.” [session 1589, July 07, 2004] PAUL T: “... I have done some auto-writing, channeling my own essence, and one time I had the very clear impression that it was you that I was conversing with, as opposed to my essence. Confirmation of that? ELIAS: A combination. PAUL T: A combination – that was going to be my next question. Are you still of the intent that you are not going to conduct an energy exchange with any other physically focused individual? ELIAS: Yes. PAUL T: And so any sort of interaction... ELIAS: I am continuously interactive with all of you. I am interactive with your energies, and many of you are quite aware and some of you even hear my voice. Many of you interact with my energy visually. Some of you interact with my energy and translate that in many different forms of information, which is all valid. They are all your translations, and my energy is directly interactive with you. I am not choosing to engage an energy exchange of this type with any other individual, but I am continuously interactive with all of you. PAUL T: Thank you! ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 1695, January 15, 2005] ELENA: “... Well, Elias, I want to know a little bit about you. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy doing, wherever you’re doing it over there? (Both laugh) ELIAS: First of all, I may express to you that I do not incorporate happiness or sadness, for I do not incorporate emotion. As I express my energy through layers of consciousness in engaging this energy exchange, I configure that energy in a manner that is familiar to you as I interact with you. Therefore, it incorporates inflection and different emotional qualities that you are familiar with, and that generates a comfort in the allowance for interaction between us. But in actuality, in the areas of consciousness that I occupy, I do not experience emotion. Emotion is an objective expression, and I do not incorporate an objective awareness, for it is unnecessary. Therefore, much of which is known to you within your physical reality would not necessarily be relevant to what I experience or what you would term to be what I do. Although, some of what I do is to be interactive with all of you and continuously projecting energy to all of you that you may configure in whatever manner you choose. I do incorporate interaction with individuals that have disengaged in a limited capacity, and I do incorporate focuses of attention in many other dimensions. Therefore, there is actual manifestation participations in other realities, as I have with yours also, previously. ELENA: Can you describe the manifestations that you exhibit in the other dimensions? ELIAS: There are countless. ELENA: I’ll let you pick one. ELIAS: Very well, I shall offer one example. I incorporate one type of focus in another dimension that, in your terms, may be translated that I incorporate a fondness for those particular manifestations. The manner in which it may translate into what is known within your reality is that the manifestation would be somewhat likened to a jelly-like substance, which appears quite pliable and can move itself into many different forms, dependent upon the expression in the moment. Each expression that is generated creates a different configuration of actual forms. The form is quite pliable and can even be separated into sections and reunited and absorbed together again, dependent upon what the expression is and how that is affecting the physical manifestation. We also, in that physical dimension, incorporate an equivalent to pets, as do you in your physical dimension. The pets are somewhat different, but they incorporate a significant interconnectedness with the focuses. These also incorporate the ability to alter their form, but also express significant color in association with their form, which changes, which is somewhat entertaining and also amusing. (Chuckles) ELENA: That sounds fascinating. Do they eat? ELIAS: They do consume. That would be somewhat more challenging to translate into what is known within your reality, for it somewhat would appear to you to be likened to air, but in actuality, there is more of a substance to that air. But it is colorless, and therefore, it does not necessarily incorporate actual form but density. ELENA: That dimension, does it have a name? ELIAS: Does your dimension have a name? ELENA: Yes, it’s called the universe. It’s not really a name, though. ELIAS: Quite. Every dimension incorporates its own universe, but none of the dimensions actually incorporate a name unless you choose one for it. But that would not necessarily be the official name, it would be your name that you have assigned to it. ELENA: What is the social construct like? ELIAS: Social construct in that dimension... It would be likened to the construct of plants in your dimension but incorporating personality and curiosity, fascination and amusement. There is a playful expression within that physical dimension. NAOMI: Playful plants. ELIAS: They are not actually plants, but the question has been posed of the social construct and the most translatable would be similar to the social construct of plants, how they merely exist and interact in the same space arrangement and share interconnectedness, but are not necessarily, for the most part, expressing any competition or aggression. ELENA: That sounds so fascinating to me. Maybe I’ll go visit you there! (Both laugh) ELIAS: And so you can! ” [session 1824, August 19, 2005]End Notes: (1) Paul’s note: as you read the information offered by Elias, you’ll notice that he refers to individuals by names that are different than their given names. Elias calls these “essence names.” They represent the entirety of us as essence which is incomprehensibly vast. Traditional words like “soul” or “psyche” attempt to describe the same phenomena. However, these words contain the baggage of religious and scientific belief systems, each accompanied with their own limiting dogmas. One way to think of essence is like an iceberg with multiple tips. Each tip is a single focus personality living in its own time framework, while the submerged portion represents the subjective or inner portions that provide all of the “source energy.” Together, this iceberg with its “submerged” and “surface” aspects provide a glimpse into the true multidimensional nature of human personality. Elias also uses the term “essence tone” which is not limited to our hearing range but is a fundamental quality of essence that encompasses all of the aspects of the iceberg. Since physical focuses of essence – lifetimes – include expressions in both genders, essence names are also used to describe the overall leanings of our essence in terms of a single gender. For example, in Mary Ennis’ case, Elias uses the male name Michael, for Vicki Pendley he uses Lawrence. As you read the Transcripts, you’ll notice that all session participants are listed in the beginning by their first names along with their essence names in parentheses, for example Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), etc. In every excerpt used in the Digests, Exercises, and Gems, each person’s given name appears in brackets next to each instance when Elias uses only their essence name – for example Michael [Mary], Lawrence [Vicki], etc. Digests: find out more about essence names. (2) Vic’s note: the book referred to is titled Reaching For The Oversoul by Eugene G. Jussek, M.D. (3) Vic’s note: Paul (Patel) was introduced by Elias as an essence that had much relevant information to deliver, and would most likely, deliver it through Ron via “automatic writing.” Patel is the essence name and Paul is a focus of Patel’s that Ron connect’s with very strongly. Hence, we often use both names to describe this essence. Elias occasionally uses only the name Paul or Patel but they refer to the same essence. Ron began this energy exchange on June 10, 1996. For the most part, Paul (Patel) delivers information that is similar to the information that Elias delivers. However, it seems to be of a more personal nature than the information offered by Elias. Most of the exchanges are either in response to specific questions asked, or are a complement to the concepts presented in the information offered by Elias. Digests: find out more about Paul (Patel). (4) Paul’s note: Vicki refers to a session that occurred three days earlier (#86) in which Joshua attended with his mother. Vic’s note from session 86, April 14, 1996: Joshua was a very interesting addition to our group this evening. He is seventeen years old. Two years ago, he was involved in a serious automobile accident. Shortly after, he was pronounced “dead,” but he didn’t stay that way for long! The resulting coma lasted for four months, a coma that his doctors said he would probably never come out of. When he defied their predictions again, they said his mental capabilities would probably never proceed beyond the age of a two-year-old. Josh didn’t listen to this prediction either! Today, he is a very bright teenager with a great sense of humor, and an avid interest in girls and music, especially The Grateful Dead. He has some physical symptoms as a result of this experience which are improving steadily, one of which manifests as a slight difficulty in speaking. Therefore, some of his words were a bit difficult to transcribe. Still, I feel the transcription is quite accurate. For reference, note that Vikki is Josh’s mother. Transcripts: find out more about session 86, April 14, 1996. (5) Paul’s note: Drew is a long time Seth reader. Here Elias uses the term “another teacher” to refer to Seth. Like Elias, Seth is a self-described “energy personality essence.” Jane Roberts engaged her own energy exchange with Seth from December 1963 until her passing in September 1984. Seth/Jane produced over 40 books of material during that time that now forms a body of the perennial philosophy called the Seth Material. (The Early Sessions, Books 1-9 are now available, [sessions 1-510].) (6) Paul’s note: Elias claims to be aware of the Seth material but says that he uses different words to describe similar concepts so as not perpetuate a new cult built around these ideas.
Elias engages what he terms an “energy exchange” with a woman named Mary Ennis. This exchange is similar to what many call “channeling,” but, Elias says that these two actions are somewhat different. Channeling involves an interaction with aspects of one’s own essence, and an energy exchange involves a mergence and an exchange with another essence. Mary’s experience within this exchange has changed many times since the sessions began in April 1995. Elias also claims to belong to a different family of consciousness – Sumafi – than Seth who holds Sumari intent.
My interpretation of “outside of accepted official belief systems” means that Elias offers information that doesn’t align with the mass, consensus reality. In other words, it’s outside of the beliefs held by the majority of people at present. It doesn’t mean without belief systems. It is a basic premise of the philosophy of conscious creation (you create your reality) that we each create our percpetions through the complex filters of our beliefs systems. So as long as we are experiencing linear time, we will be creating and perceiving in the context of our belief systems. One can also apply this concept of “outside of belief systems” to the Seth material. The fact that the majority of the Western world isn’t yet familiar with the foundational ideas of the Seth material supports the notion that it was intended to stir the pot but was not intended to be embraced by a majority any time soon, in spite of the fact that Seth claimed that these ideas will one day take their place in Western thinking. Was that a literal or a figurative statement? We may never really know. That determination may well be left to succeeding generations. When first exposed to an Elias transcript people are often struck by his “improper” use of the English language. But it is clear that he is fulfilling his intent of offering helpful information containing the least distortion that is “outside” of our officially accepted reality. In being “outside” of the norm, one can expect a few surprises along the way including “improper” English syntax, run-on words, and even “made-up” words. Regardless, all of the sessions have been faithfully transcribed to include all of Elias’ unique verbal mannerisms. Any changes are footnoted. (7) Paul’s note: one way to understand the differences between Seth and Elias is their family of consciousness intents. The Sumari are doers, artists, very creative, playful and their efforts tend to stir the proverbial pot. The Sumafi intent is to present information with the least distortion. So it follows that Elias would tend to use “alternate” terms to describe the same metaphysical phenomena as Seth, so as not to lend energy to the creation of a new cult around his ideas. For example, Elias uses the term “essence” to mean the same thing as Seth’s term “entity” and “regional areas of consciousness” as opposed to “frameworks of consciousness.” The words we use to describe these qualities within consciousness are not the qualities themselves and serve only as secondary representations for purposes of verbal communication. So, ultimately, the ideas described by words are more important than the words themselves. That is, it is more important to discern what Seth or Elias means, not what they say in terms of actual words. Regarding the relationship between these two family intents Elias said that:
In my view it is clear that Elias is building upon the foundation laid by Seth in much the same way music historians now consider Brahms’ First Symphony to be “Beethoven’s Tenth.” In other words, their relationship is that of belonging to the same tradition of perennial thought and holding a teaching intent. They are thus complementary bodies of information that build upon the same perennial concepts and ideas. And these ideas are not new! They are just the most recent translation of perennial wisdom into the context of Western culture since the 1960’s. As always, it is ultimately up to you the reader, to make you own determination of what works for you and what doesn’t. At this point, I’d like to provide some excerpts from the Elias transcripts that shed further light on his intent and relationship to Seth in his own words:
Introduction: find out more about the many additional similarities between Seth and Elias. (8) Paul’s note: a reference to the work of Seth/Jane Roberts. Seth delivered information about this shift in Seth Speaks (1972), Chapter 21, session 586 and introduced the notion that this action would be, more or less, completed by the year 2075. This is actually one of the few “predictions” to be found in the entire body of the Seth material, in terms of a mass event that affects the entire population of the planet to be completed by a certain date. (Seth and Jane also belong to the Sumari essence family.) (9) Paul’s note: referring to the similarities between Mary Ennis and Jane Roberts as females, their essence names, Michael [Mary] and Ruburt [Jane] respectively being male, and the essences that they engage an energy exchange with choosing the male names of Elias and Seth respectively. (10) Vic’s note: this was an interesting introduction to a session, as Elias has rarely talked about his physical focuses. Also, another interesting note is that this focus of Elias Bodreaux would be the one which the name Elias comes from, as this was not the name that Elias initially used to introduce himself. Elias first introduced himself as Rastin, or “Raz.” Mary was uncomfortable with this name and insisted on calling him Elias, as she had “remembered” an individual named Elias during a past-life regression a few years prior. She was very comfortable with this particular memory, as she had remembered Elias as a very close friend. Recently, Elias told us that we had altered probabilities (whatever that means!) and that his “essence tone” is now Elias. (11) Vic’s note: Elias has talked on the telephone one time. This was unplanned, and occurred on January 21, 1996. There is a record of this conversation in the transcript dated as such. We realized later that Elias had been holding the phone up to Mary’s deaf ear, and came to the conclusion that Mary’s physical creations are only reality during objective waking consciousness. I still think this is true, but the assumption that Elias “listens” to us seems to be incorrect now. Paul’s note: I watched the portion of the videotape from this session, #67, with Vicki and some friends in March, 2000. I was curious about physical aspects of the phenomenon and Elias’ use of Mary’ physical senses, brain, neural pathways and the like. I’ve often wondered what a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) would reveal during the energy exchange. The thought of Mary lying down and speaking for Elias while wrapped in the cocoon of an MRI machinge is funny and scary though. Still, I am curious what type of activity, or lack thereof, we would see in the temporal lobes, which are located just above our ears. All of our speech recognition and auditory processing occurs in these areas of our brain. Here’ the actual phone conversation from Elias’ end. The sight of Mary/Elias talking on the phone and attempting to just chat, asking about the weather and so forth, is just hilarious!
(12) Vic’s note: this particular “phase” that this energy exchange seems to be going through right now is definitely affecting Elias’ use of the language. I’ve observed other phases, but this one seems kind of backwards to me. I would think that his use of language would become “better” through time. However, sentences such as the footnoted one indicate not only an unusual choice of words, (responsiveness vs. responses) but also a present inability to use the correct verb tenses. Maybe it isn’t an inability at all; maybe it is a choice. (13) Paul’s note: Ramtha is an essence who offers information through an energy exchange with a woman named J. Z. Knight. Digests: find out more about energy exchanges. (14) Vic’s note: following are Mike’s notes regarding his efforts to identify his focus as a German writer – his Easter egg hunt!
(15) Paul’s note: Michael’s question derives from the exchange between Drew and Elias in session 154, February 23, 1997 that’s included in this Digest. I’m reprising a slightly expanded version here with some further notes that help explore the subtle implications presented by Elias, as he is acknowledging that his information exists in the context of preceding (Seth/Jane Roberts) and following work:
Michael asks about the next “channeling” phenomenon to follow Elias/Mary Ennis the context of the Tumold family based upon information that Elias delivered concerning the sequence of the Dream Walkers within the actions of their intents . Elias states that Dream Walkers holding the intent of the Sumafi family were active in the period from 1990-2000, then the Dream Walkers holding the intent of the Tumold family will, in turn, be active from the year 2000 until the shift in conscousness is completed, some time around the year 2075. Again, the Tumold intent is that of “returning to the natural state.” According to Elias, the shift in consciousness is a “return” to a state of greater waking awareness of subjective states and information. Digests: find out more about the sequence of the Dream Walkers within the actions of their intents. Also, since Elias has experienced physical lifetimes, and Seth too, they are not Dream Walkers. By definition Dream Walkers are essences who do not choose to engage the cycle of physical manifestations, but play a significant role in supporting, nurturing, and maintaining physical areas of consciousness. Digests: follow these links for more information on the Dream Walkers; an overview | the cycle of manifestion.(16) Paul’s note: Kryon is “channeled” by Lee Carroll. (17) Paul’s note: Mr. Spock is a character from the classic, late-1960’s TV show Star Trek. He plays the role of the first science officer who is a Vulcan, a race that no longer uses emotions but relies solely upon reason and intellect. (18) Paul’s note: Elias has mentioned a number of physical focuses of his. He also mentions that each of us usually choose at least one lifetime in which we are well known (fame or infamy). Elias tends to down play his well known focuses as so many people seem to concentrate on these and miss the point that their own “every day” focuses are just as important and purposeful. Elias mentioned in 1995 one of his physical focuses was Oscar Wilde.
Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland and lived from 1854-1900. He led a colorful and artistic life that provided fodder for his plays, novels, and satires on Victorian society. He promoted the Romantic ideal of art for art’s sake. In 1996, Elias mentioned that one of his focuses was Ludwig Van Beethoven who lived from 1770 – 1827 [unpublished session 72b, February 18, 1996]. He expressly stated that he did not want this session to be made available, so it became the first session unpublished by request. I note with irony, however, that this fact is now common knowledge among Elias readers. And even though the session is not available, the information has been “leaked,” so to speak, further reinforcing the original idea of not getting distracted by our draw to our own famous focus personalities and concentrating on ourselves in this focus. In 1997 Elias revealed several additional focus personalities:
I’m also including Vic’s note from the above session as it offers some additional insight into how Elias originally got his name:
(19) Paul’s note: “In 1895, at the peak of his career, Wilde became the central figure in one of the most sensational court trials of the century. The results scandalized the Victorian middle class; Wilde, who had been a close friend of the young Lord Alfred Douglas, was convicted of homosexual offenses. Sentenced in 1895 to two years of hard labor in prison, he emerged financially bankrupt and spiritually downcast. He spent the rest of his life in Paris, using the pseudonym Sebastian Melmoth. He was converted to Roman Catholicism before he died of meningitis in Paris on November 30, 1900.” “... While in prison Wilde composed De Profundis (From the Depths; 1905), an apology for his life. Some critics consider it a serious revelation; others, a sentimental and insincere work.” [from Microsoft Encarta, http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761573798, February 12, 2002] (20) Paul’s note: for more info see session 737, December 09, 2000. (21) Paul’s note: “Bosie” was a nickname for Lord Alfred Douglas. (22) Paul’s note: it’s important to not get too caught up in the “more or less distortion” aspects of Elias’ comments regarding Abraham, as there is a tendency to interpret them as “better or worse.” Elias has stated many times that ALL information has some type of utility. There is also a subtext to it, including Elias’. So it’s equally important to apply Elias’ “reading between the lines” to ALL of his information, too. To compare Elias’ own intent and style, see the following exercise that fleshes out his comments above regarding Abe’s ‘17-second exercise’: Exercises: Ferris Wheel: noticing how and when we hold attention outside of self. (23) Bobbi’s note: originally stated as “It interprets and translates objectively information that you offer to yourself through communication.” (24) Bobbi’s note: Elias is referring to Mary Ennis’ talk given on January 20, 2002, entitled ‘The Thinking, Feeling, and Choosing Pieces.’ A transcript of that talk was released and is available at www.eliasforum.org/transcripts/M02_012002.html. (25) Bobbi’s note: this is Elias’ first warning to Mary about projecting too far; he mentions it in many other sessions as well. From session 9, May 24, 1995:
Digests: find out more about altered states/projections of consciousness. (26) Paul’s note: Marj refers to the recent group in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky hosted by K.C. Anneken. See session 1447, September 27, 2003. (27) Bobbi’s note: Mary had two growths removed from her larynx in September 2002. Digests – see also: | absolutes | accepting self | agenda | aspects of essence; an overview | attention (doing and choosing) | avenues of communication | becoming | belief systems; an overview | bleed-through | blueprints | camouflage | choices/agreements | dimension | dimensional veils | dis-ease and healing | distortion | duplicity | Dream Walkers; an overview | energy centers (body) | energy exchanges; Elias, Paul (Patel) | essence; an overview | essence families; an overview (Sumafi, Sumari, Vold) | essence families; belonging to/aligning with | essence families; intents (Seers) | essence tones | essence names | extraterrestrials | fear | focus of essence; an overview | forum | fun & pleasure! | imagination | information | intents | inner senses; an overview | “karma” | links of consciousness | manifestation | manifestation; the cycle of | noticing self | objective/subjective awareness | officially accepted reality | oubliette | Paul (Patel) | perception | pools of consciousness | probabilities | Regional Areas of consciousness; an overview | Regional Area 1 | Regional Area 2 | Regional Area 4 | religion (spirituality) | religious era | remembrance of essence | Rose; an overview | science | separation | Seth, Jane Roberts | shift in consciousness | Source Events | time frameworks | transition | trauma of the shift in consciousness | trusting self | truth | unofficial information | value fulfillment | waves in consciousness | widening awareness | you create your reality | The Elias Transcripts are held in © copyright 1995 – 2024 by Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved. © copyright 1997 – 2024 by Paul M. Helfrich, All Rights Reserved. | Comments to: helfrich@eliasforum.org |