essence families; counterpart action
ELIAS: “Each physical reality holds their own equivalent of essence families. Some realities may have fewer essence families; some may have the same number of essence families. These families, as we have discussed previously, are related directly to the individual physical realities. Just as you together in a group would cooperate and volunteer to exercise your individual talents and your individual contributions if you were to be planning and creating a town or a city, these essence families also cooperate in creating this reality. This is voluntary action. Groups of essences choose individual physical realities to align with and be creating of.” [session 138, December 08, 1996] ELIAS: “Not all counterpart actions are continuous. Just as within your physical focus, which mirrors essence, you may hold counterpart action for a time framework with another individual, and you may also, within the period of time framework of an entire focus, you may disengage the counterpart action with the particular individual. In this, essence families do this also. At different time frameworks within your history temporarily, essence families choose to engage a temporary counterpart action with one essence family that they may not be engaged with in what you may term to be normally or usually. ... No one essence family holds only one counterpart action with only one other essence family. Therefore, this may be dispelling of your confusion in expression of this essence that one essence family holds counterpart action with another essence family, and then expressing also that this same essence family holds this counterpart action with a second essence family. They are different actions. There are different actions within the action of counterparts which serve different purposes for the creation of your experiences and the assimilation of your experiences collectively. Therefore, it is not limited to one action; just as within your physical focus, you hold very many counterparts to yourselves, not only one.” [session 215, September 09, 1997]
Sumafi [intent of Seers; maintaining and passing along original information within the least amount of distortion.]
Gramada [intent of Formers; initiating action and original ideas.] ELIAS: “As we move into another expression of counterpart action, we shall view the Gramada family and the Sumafi. Presently, within this time period, you may view individuals of the Gramada family as initiators; behind the scene individuals; those individuals that may be inventing of elements, discovering ideas, initiating actions in many different areas, but are generally little-known. These individuals do not enjoy the spotlight, so to speak. They prefer to be quiet individuals; instigating movement, but not marching in the forefront of the parade. Presently, the Sumafi will appear to you, in most instances, as intellectual types; those individuals that are preoccupied with learning and teaching. They are perfectionists. Most Sumafi within your present time period are very rigid individuals within whichever focus of direction they choose, for they strive for excellence. This is a response to an inner knowing of an expression of the least amount of distortion within physical focus. Most of your Sumafi within present time period are not aware of this underlying, driving force, but will be displaying these characteristics. 'Before the beginning', the Gramada were also initiators, but once again, in a different angle. They were not initiators of inventions or technology, but were initiators of your societies. They were initiators of your creation of becoming physically focused from dream focus. They were the leaders in the manifestations physically. You will notice within these explanations that none of these families would be operating singularly, for without the cooperation of all of the other families there would be incomplete manifestations, in your terms. Therefore, each family contributed vital elements. 'Before the beginning', the Sumafi were not teachers, so to speak, in the respect that you view them presently; therefore, the word Seers. They were seers of probabilities. They were knowers of reality creations. They were holders of information, as to physical manifestation. Within the small example offered in our written text of Seven (1), you are given a small example of Speakers and the action symbolically that you may connect with, within an element of ‘before the beginning.’ In recalling this information within the example of the Speakers, you may also view the elements of the tiles and the symbols. These would be a creation of the Seers. The Speakers, as indicated by their designating word, were communicators also, as has been stated. The action of these families was quite similar to this action if you are viewing within mundane daily life, as you view it, as has been offered within this text of this book.” [session 140, December 22, 1996] Milumet [intent of Watchers; continuing and holding the remembrance of our true connections with essence.]
Zuli [intent of Imagers; pursuing physical expression and aesthetic appreciation of the beauty of the physical body.] ELIAS: “Zuli focused upon physical manifestation. Within your present time period, this is translated into the perfection of physical body; athletes, dancers, individuals that in your terms are prideful of physical form, that view the aesthetic beauty of the physical body. Within the Zuli family ‘before the beginning,’ the intent was the creation of physical form. Many experiments were accomplished, within ages of your planet, in creating physical forms; the Imagers. They have created many images. Not all look as you do. Many looked quite different throughout your ages. I have expressed briefly previously that you have experimented with many different types of forms. You have created your creatures also; but as nature, as you term it, and yourselves are one and are not separate, it was not inconsistent to combine different elements and imagination in imaging and creating of forms quite unlike your own. Many of these forms which were created were highly efficient within their time period, but as the Imagers continued with experimentation of form, and within cooperation and agreement with the other essence families, you have agreed upon this form, choosing this as what you view presently to be the most efficient. Within the action of counterpart, the Milumet provides the subjective and the Zuli provides the objective. These two essence families you may view to be comparable, within your present time period, to those of you in the counterpart action of opposites. ‘Before the beginning,’ these were not opposite and were not repelling to each other. Within your present time period, those counterparts that are opposite to you, as we have stated previously, you will repel. They add to your experience within physical focus, but you choose to not be engaged with them. They provide what you think of as the extreme, in focus, to yourself; just as within your thinking presently, the spiritual and the physical appear to be the extremes; the opposites.” [session 138, December 08, 1996] Vold [intent of Hearers; reforming or changing the status quo.]
Tumold [intent of Readers; pursuing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing; of returning to the natural state.] ELIAS: “Moving to Vold and Tumold: Within your present now, your individuals of the Vold family are viewed as revolutionaries; reformers. These individuals are those within the forefront of uprisings of political change. They are always involved quite directly within actions of upheaval and wars. They are cause-fighters. Within your present now, the action of the Tumold family are healers. They are quite focused upon the action of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. ‘Before the beginning,’ both of these interpretations of intent were unnecessary. 'Before the beginning,’ the Tumold family, as Readers, did not hold the action of altering any other individual, within cooperation, in the area of healing; for the understanding was quite obvious within the individuals that whatever your creation, you have created for your experience and for your own reasons and your own responses to yourself. Their action was to be reminding elements of consciousness to reestablish harmony. Within this, if an individual chose to be manifesting of dis-ease, there was a recognition of the action and the reasoning for this, understanding that this action was created in response to subjective activity. There was no lack of communication within the individual of the action being created. Therefore, the action of the individuals of the Tumold family were to be supportive and helpful in furthering the action that the individual had chosen. In some instances, as individuals became more physically focused, if choosing within physical activity to be injuring of their physical form, the action of the Tumold family was to be reestablishing communication between the body consciousness and the consciousness of the individual, not to be “fixing”; but just as you, within excitement presently, may lose sight of certain subject matter and may not be listening to or hearing what is occurring about you, in this same manner, within an action of injury physically, the physical body consciousness experiences trauma and what you term to be shock. In actuality, it is a disorientation temporarily. Therefore, the consciousness of the physical form was connected with and instructed gently to be reestablished, essentially calming of the physical form consciousness and reminding that consciousness of its natural, uninterrupted state, allowing its knowing to reestablish itself in alignment with your consciousness.” [session 140, December 22, 1996] Sumari [intent of Speakers; pursuing artistic expression and stirring the pot.]
Ilda [intent of Tellers; exchanging ideas and information between disparate groups or cultures.] ELIAS: “Within the Ilda and Sumari, they are quite close, in your terms. They offer each other complementary actions. These counterparts would be likened to those of you that are aware of counterparts; those of you that know and interact with other counterparts. You are compatible. You offer additional information to each other. You offer helpfulness to each other. You may be interacting with little conflict. These essence families are very close within their action. They also bear words that are symbolic of this; Speakers and Tellers. Both families are communicative, but within different actions. ‘before the beginning’, these two families were those that created social interaction. Within physical focus, [within] physical manifestations and these experimentations of physical manifestations, within your consciousness, as you forgot essence, you also forgot intersection with each other. Therefore, the action of these two families is to be creating communication and social activity. Within your present now, the Ilda family serves to be continuing in communication. The Sumari serves to be communicating, but within what you may term to be ‘agitating’ of your societies. This word of agitation, I do not use in what you may view to be a negative terminology. It is used to be meaning a ‘pushing and mixing’ of individuals and ideas. Presently, within your now, the Sumari are not quite as social as originally, but their interaction within society continues. They are very focused within social action, although they may not be social individuals. As contrary with Ilda, within the counterpart action, presently these individuals care little of social action, but are quite communicative; therefore are complementary with the Sumari. One may choose involvement with government, and another may choose to speak about government. One may choose to be carrying a cause. The other will be choosing to be communicating the cause, to be furthering it.” [session 138, December 08, 1996] Borledim [intent of Bearers; providing and nurturing all Earth stock or children. Counterparts to all families.] ELIAS: “Your Borledim family holds counterpart action to all of the essence families.” [session 138, December 08, 1996] ELIAS: “As to the Borledim family: ‘before the beginning,’ the intent of this family was to provide an Earth stock. These individual essences were to be reproducing. Within your game, look to your Source Event which has been attributed to this family; for within Source Events, although your interpretation does not encompass the actual Source Events, this family was one orchestrating one of the other Source Events connected with your dimension and your planet. In this, the creation of all reproduction is including your planet, which has been reproduced also. All of your species of animals, and of plant life also, has been a contribution of this family. (Vic’s note: The Source Event connected in our game is “The creation of all reproduction”) 'Before the beginning', as has been stated, you did not reproduce as you do presently. Therefore, one family was designated to be introducing new essences into this dimensional framework. This would be the Borledim family, offering the action of fragmentation to be populating your planet. Within your present time period, members of this family serve continued in the area of providing Earth stock and reproduction, but you reproduce yourselves. Therefore, within the knowing of an individual belonging to this family, there shall be a very strong desire and urging for reproduction. This shall be the main concern. Now; as with the initiation of your religious time period, one essence chose to be initiating a movement within consciousness. This was an agreement with all essences familiarized with this dimension. This one essence manifest within three physical manifestations. Within your present time period, you approach a very large shift in consciousness. In this, the Borledim family has manifest one, in cooperation with the Sumafi, which has divided into nine manifestations. These are physically manifest presently upon your planet. (2) The objective, so to speak, of the Borledim family presently is to be producing new individuals more consciously aware, in your terms. Therefore, from the onset of their manifestation, they shall display unusual, to your way of thinking, traits. They shall display activity that you are not used to. Within the nine manifestations of the one essence, which has chosen through desire to manifest in this manner for this shift, each of these manifestations exhibit obvious inner senses working equal to outer senses. These small individuals presently you may think of as paving your way. They, within consciousness, are being helpful to the accomplishment of your shift. As I have stated, each one shall exhibit unusual behavior; small things that you look to and notice as out of the ordinary. As these small ones grow and move more within consciousness into the action of this shift, they shall be very affecting. They shall also be very helpful within your shift. For the same reason as within your initiation of your religious element, this essence also has manifest within more than one physical manifestation within one time period; for the action required, within energy and consciousness, to be moving of an entirety of your planet requires more physical manifestation than only physical expression. This shift you may view as larger, within a mass event, than your religious movement. It shall continue longer. It also is requiring of much concentrated energy. Therefore, not three but nine have been manifest. This also is significant, for each of these nine are representative of each of the essence families. Therefore, each of these small ones shall belong to a different essence family. They are not manifest all as Sumafi or Borledim, aligned with different families. They have each chosen to be a representative of each of these essence families, in the effort to be concentrating energy in the direction of returning your intents of each family to that of your Dream Walkers.” [session 141, December 22, 1996] BOB: “Is there an exercise, so to speak ... ELIAS: So to speak! (Chuckling) BOB: ... for focusing on the game, or a methodology for playing? ELIAS: No. There is a trusting of self and of your impressions, and a listening to impressions, and an allowance of subjective activity to be bleeding through more obviously in what you recognize as impressions. This would be the point in practicing being in touch, so to speak, on a continuous basis with your subjective activity. Also, as I have stated from our simultaneous beginning of our game, much information is held within this game of your essence families and their actions. Much of their counterpart action is held within this game. It is not merely a random placement of words.” [session 140, December 15, 1996]
ELIAS: “Very well. We shall begin with our discussion. I shall begin by addressing to the family of Sumafi, and expressing to you that Sumafi engages counterpart action with the families of Gramada, of Ilda, and of Sumari. Each family chooses to be engaging counterpart action with other families. There is no set amount of counterpart actions. Some families choose to be engaging counterpart action with more families than other families. Some choose less counterpart action. I also express to you that in like manner to physical focus, one family may hold counterpart action with another family, and this is not reciprocated. It is not automatic that if one family is engaging counterpart action with another essence family, that THAT essence family shall automatically be also counterpart to the first essence family. Therefore, if Milumet is counterpart to Zuli, it is not necessarily stated then that Zuli is counterpart to Milumet, although they are, but this is not an absolute; for some essence families choose counterpart action in one direction with another essence family and this is not returned, so to speak, automatically, for the other essence family holds no need or desire to be engaging counterpart action with the original essence family; just as you in physical focus may hold counterpart action to another individual, and they may not hold this counterpart action in return to you. They may continue the counterpart action in a different manner with another individual, extending this in your terms outwards instead of automatically returning the action to you. In this, if you are looking to your Milumet family, this family engages counterpart action with Zuli, and also with Tumold, and also with Sumafi. The essence family of Gramada exchanges within counterpart action to Sumafi, and also with Ilda. The essence family of Vold engages counterpart action to Borledim, and also to Ilda, and also to Sumari, and also to Tumold. The essence family of Ilda engages counterpart action to Sumari, and also to Sumafi, and also to Borledim. The essence family of Sumari engages counterpart action to Milumet, and also to Sumafi, and also to Zuli. The essence family of Tumold engages counterpart action to Milumet, and also to Ilda, and also to Vold. The essence family of Zuli engages counterpart action to Borledim, and also to Tumold, and also to Sumari. The essence family of Borledim holds counterpart action to Zuli, and also Vold, and also Sumari; and fluctuates holding, at times, counterpart action to Sumafi.
ELIAS: “... Not all counterpart actions are continuous. Just as within your physical focus, which mirrors essence, you may hold counterpart action for a time framework with another individual, and you may also, within the period of time framework of an entire focus, you may disengage the counterpart action with the particular individual. In this, essence families do this also. At different time frameworks within your history temporarily, essence families choose to engage a temporary counterpart action with one essence family that they may not be engaged with in what you may term to be normally or usually. (Vic’s note: speaking of ‘usually,’ the second sentence in this paragraph displays sentence structure that is unusual for Elias. Strange....) There you have your listings of the counterpart actions within the essence families. No one essence family holds only one counterpart action with only one other essence family. Therefore, this may be dispelling of your confusion in expression of this essence that one essence family holds counterpart action with another essence family, and then expressing also that this same essence family holds this counterpart action with a second essence family. They are different actions. There are different actions within the action of counterparts which serve different purposes for the creation of your experiences and the assimilation of your experiences collectively. Therefore, it is not limited to one action; just as within your physical focus, you hold very many counterparts to yourselves, not only one. You may engage your questions. RON: A few sessions ago you went through a whole list, just like you just did, only you connected two essence families with each other as counterparts. Was that because they are ‘more’ counterpart, (laughter) or stronger counterparts than the other ones that they’re counterpart with? ELIAS: In actuality, this be an interesting question, for you are correct. Some essence families hold a stronger connection within counterpart action than other essence families. I may also express to you, be remembering that essence families exchange and may temporarily, within any given time framework, choose to be counterparts to each other quite strongly in a temporary action. RON: So at that time, that was like the most probable counterpart action? ELIAS: Occurring within the present now. RON: Okay. JIM: What type of counterpart action occurs? Within intent? With the intents of the family of counterpart action? ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, you may view certain essence families to be expressing opposite, or what you view to be opposite, intents as counterpart action. Within obvious lines of this situation, you may look to your Milumet and your Zuli families, holding what you view to be opposite intents; but you may also look to your Sumari and your Ilda families, which hold different intents, but not opposite and also not parallel. This would be likened, within our example of our little clouds, as the puffy little white cloud engaging action with the smoke cloud. They are not opposites, but they also are not paralleling. The little rain cloud parallels the more intense storm cloud. The action is different, the intent is different; but they hold a parallel action. The families of Sumari and Ilda are not paralleling, but they also are not opposite to each other. Therefore, they are complementing of each other. JIM: With Tumold and Milumet, those are complementing each other? ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. This would be more likened to the comparison of the little smoke cloud and the little rain cloud. The actions are different, the intents are different; but in this, they hold also very similar actions, but are not parallel. VICKI: And so in physical focus, are the counterpart actions between essence families more affecting within the family that you are aligned with in that focus, or within the family that you choose within essence? ELIAS: It is dependent upon which family you are belonging to and which family you are aligning with within an individual focus, for you may be aligning with one essence family within an individual physical focus which holds opposition to the essence family that you are belonging to, so to speak, and not holding counterpart action. In this, the influence would be more heavily exercised by the family that you are belonging to, and the family that you align with in counterpart action would be lessened. VICKI: So it can all get pretty confusing. ELIAS: Quite. (Laughter) It is all intermingled. (Pause) We have held an awareness for what you may term to be a time period that you within this forum are requesting of this information, but hold not a readiness objectively to be accepting this information. You, within your subjective and objective harmony, express a desire for information of essence families and of counterpart action. It is offered briefly to you for this is your request, although it is known that you shall not be entirely connecting with this information within this present now; for although you hold the desire to be ‘skipping shells,’ you do not understand what you request. (Vic’s note: anybody remember requesting this information? Strange....) Therefore, for the purpose of your transcribing, you have been presented with the information. Within your understanding, you may be considering this information in length within your understanding. In this, I shall break, and I shall open to your questions in regard to OTHER subject matter.” (Vic’s note: but no questions in regard to subject matter delivered this evening? Strange ... This was the strangest presentation I’ve ever seen Elias deliver, in my memory and perception. Interesting!) [session 215, September 09, 1997] End Notes: (1) Paul’s note: a reference to The Education of Oversoul Seven (1973), a “fictional” book, written by Jane Roberts, that depicts the action of the essence family of Sumari and their intent as Speakers within an element of “before the beginning.” Jane Roberts also “channeled” an energy personality essence named Seth from 1963 to her passing in 1984. Jane wrote three Oversoul Seven books that are primers for the information contained in the Seth Material. Many of Seth’s fundamental concepts and ideas, for example simultaneous time, probabilities, the cycle of manifestation, essence families, altered states, etc., are covered in the information presented here by Elias/Mary Ennis. Digests: find out more about Seth/Jane Roberts. (2) Paul’s note: a reference to the nine children of the essence of Rose. Digests: follow these links for more information on:
Digests – see also: | “before the beginning” | counterpart action; group | counterpart action; individual | Dream Walkers; an overview | Dream Walkers; the sequence of action | essence; an overview | essence families; an overview | essence families; belonging to/aligning with | essence families; energy exchanges | essence families; intents | essence families; subdivisions | essence names | essence tones | forum | the game | impressions | intents | Rose; an overview | Rose; the nine children of | A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview | shift in consciousness | skipping shells | Source Events | trusting self | The Elias Transcripts are held in © copyright 1995 – 2024 by Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved. © copyright 1997 – 2024 by Paul M. Helfrich, All Rights Reserved. | Comments to: |