the Elias forum: Digests of Essential Elias.










connective tissue of consciousness

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “This evening we shall be discussing the connective tissue of consciousness; that element of consciousness that provides communication through different dimensions and through different time dimensions, with particular respect to this dimension throughout its time periods and alternate realities that are connected to this particular dimension.” [session 280, May 14, 1998]

VICKI: I have another question. What’s connective tissue?

ELIAS: This is the term that I have chosen to be using in describing that element of Regional Area 3 which is the consciousness that connects you all together in information and experience, that binds you and offers you the similarities in your creations and your experiences, that you may be manifesting within Regional Area 1 and offering yourselves the validation of this interconnectedness. These links of consciousness within Regional Area 3 are that which you may term to be the connective tissue between you.” [session 281, May 17, 1998]

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “Many individuals hold many questions as to what you view to be mythology within this particular dimension. I have mentioned previously in these sessions that your mythology is reality, although all of your mythology is not necessarily reality which has been inserted into this particular officially accepted reality within this dimension. Some of this mythology stems from a knowing of parallel dimensions to this particular dimension, which this knowledge is passed through generations in your particular dimension.

One in particular is your mythology concerning your ‘lost continent’ of Atlantis. This has invoked many questions with individuals throughout your ages. You continue to pursue archeological endeavors to be uncovering evidence of this so-called ‘lost civilization.’ There are other elements in conjunction with this civilization that also enter into your stories of mythology.

I shall express to you that this civilization is a reality. It is NOT inserted into this particular physical dimension. It occupies a parallel dimension. Therefore, you may continue to be searching for your ages for evidences of this particular civilization – which you view to be ‘lost’ – and you shall not be uncovering the ruins of this civilization, for it is not occupying physical space within this particular dimension. It is within a parallel dimension to yourselves.

Within this particular dimension, THIS physical dimension, I have stated many times: you hold countless other dimensions within this dimension. You hold time dimensions and you hold alternate dimensions. These are not probable dimensions. That would be a different subject matter entirely, for probable realities are those realities which you within this dimension create and insert elsewhere in consciousness. These of which I speak this evening are dimensions in themselves.

Now; let us move back to what I term to be ‘before the beginning.’ ‘Before the beginning’ of what you know of your species presently, in the creation of this particular physical dimension were those essences representative of each of the nine essence families, which we term to be Dream Walkers. These were essences not entirely physically focused. They inserted themselves into this dimension to be creating of this particular dimension, but were not choosing to be entirely physically focused. Therefore, your physical view of these individuals would be more of a translucent form. Some essences chose to be entirely physically manifesting. This was the beginning of your creation of this particular dimension.

Now; in this also, these Dream Walkers have been interactive in parallel dimensions to your own. In this, there have been civilizations created such as your civilization of Atlantis, and these continue within your present now.

As to the connective tissue of consciousness, this particular subject holds importance, for it is affecting of you and it may offer you answers to many of your questions that you have held throughout your ages. Within this same dimension that your Atlanteans exist, other civilizations continue their existence, as they have moved out of this particular dimension and into that particular dimension; just as I have expressed to you previously that creatures upon your planet, when exhibiting the choice of what you term to be extinction, they merely move from one dimension to another dimension. They are not non-existent any longer. They are merely not existent within your officially accepted reality. In this same manner, cultures also have moved in what you may term to be extinction into another dimension, and continue.

There are many myths surrounding your civilization of Atlantis. Many of these stories are more accurate than you realize. There are stories surrounding this particular civilization, of essences that appeared initially in the form similar to what I have expressed to you as the Dream Walkers. These essences were those that religiously have been classified as ‘the sons of light’ or ‘the supreme beings’ or many other terminologies that set them apart as ‘the creators.’

Be remembering that these terminologies and these stories are influenced by belief systems, and are handed to generations and MORE influenced by belief systems, especially in the areas of religious belief systems. Therefore, you shall find much material upon this subject which shall express to you many religious overtones.

Within the dimension that these individuals occupy, they have been interactive with the Dream Walkers, as have you also, and these Dream Walkers continue their interaction to this present now, as they do also with you.

I have spoken previously of experiments within physical forms. Your evolutionary process that you are taught is incorrect. You have not evolved in the manner that you believe yourselves to have evolved. Your sciences look for what they term to be ‘missing links’ within your evolutionary process, for there are gaps in their findings of artifacts that do not explain certain changes and what they view to be ‘jumps’ in the evolutionary chain of developments for your species, and also for some other species. The reason there are ‘missing links’ is that you have developed new belief systems in the area of your sciences. In this, you have accepted this reality that you have evolved through a certain time framework.

Let me express to you, you as individuals blink in and out continuously. You blink so quickly that your ‘in’ time, which you are aware of, seems completely uninterrupted. You are unaware objectively of your ‘out’ time. As you blink out, you are interactive with other dimensions, but your attention moves to this dimension. I mention this to you, for your planet and your existence upon this planet also blinks in and out.

Your sciences express that your world holds a definite age. Your sciences do not allow for much information within consciousness that they may not hold evidence physically of, although as your time progresses they discover more and more physical evidences that are inconsistent with their original beliefs. Your particular planet is much, much older than your sciences believe. It has blinked in and blinked out many times. In this, you as a species have occupied this particular ‘blink in’ for much longer than you realize. In this, I have expressed previously that even within what you now term to be your Americas, your existence of your species extends beyond fifty thousand years previous to this present now. Your sciences shall be recovering evidences of this, and are in the process of these discoveries presently.

Another myth which is in conjunction with your Atlantean culture is that your Atlantis was sunk into the depths of your seas, but not before its inhabitants would be fleeing their native land and scattering to different areas of your globe, establishing new cultures, creating what you may term the origins of new civilizations.

I express to you that within the knowledge of this parallel dimension, you use information that you hold within consciousness to be explaining to yourselves your own existence and your own civilizations, and answering questions to yourselves that your sciences and your religions are inadequate for answering. I express to you that this concept, this story of these Atlanteans escaping and repopulating in different areas of your globe, is closer to truthfulness than what your sciences express to you.

Atlantis has not occupied this dimension. It did not sink into your ocean and its inhabitants did not scatter, creating new cultures throughout your globe; but the element of the story that IS correct is that you have originated your species within each of your main continents upon your globe. You did not originate your species singularly in one area upon one continent and populate and then migrate northerly to what you term to be Europe and Asia, and you did not migrate across a strait and populate downward into what you view to be your Americas presently. These Dream Walkers – which you are a part of, make no mistake of that – have created the existence of your species in each of your continents simultaneously. Therefore, you view differences in appearances. These also are elements of the experimentations within physical form of these Dream Walkers.

You have experimented with physical form in many manners. You have chosen to be experimenting with different types of forms, which also shows itself within your mythology. Now, these HAVE been inserted into this particular dimension and this officially accepted reality. Your paintings and your sculptures of creatures that appear to be partially man and partially creature are not projections of imagination. They are re-creations of that which you know has been within existence upon your particular planet within this officially accepted reality in this dimension, and have existed as experimental forms which were not continued and were not adopted as your final officially accepted form, for they were inefficient. This is not to say that they were ‘bad’; merely inefficient for what you have been choosing to be creating within your civilizations.

Therefore, I express to you that each of your continents has also held its own experimentations in forms, of your species and of other species. You have chosen to be creating of different types of appearances within different locations of your planet to be offering yourselves a wondrous variety. Your basic form and its functioning is the same, but your coloration, your expression of these forms, is slightly different. This offers you variety visually, and also offers you the opportunity to assign differences in cultures to these differences in appearances.

The mythology of your Atlantean civilization also suggests connections between these individuals scattered throughout your planet and certain creations that you as a species have created upon your planet. This offers you the explanation for your pyramids and their appearance within different areas of your planet. I express to you, this be the area of your connective tissue of consciousness.

You hold much more awareness and knowledge than you THINK you hold. You are continually tapping into what I have termed to be Regional Area 3 of consciousness, which is a collective conscious. In this collective, you may access very much information and you may cross dimensions to be accessing information.

In this crossing of dimensions, you allow yourselves as individuals and as cultures to be connecting with other cultures and other individuals within your dimension and expressing yourselves in like kind. This offers you an objective connection that you may objectively view, that no matter that you be upon what you term to be opposite sides of your planet or that you do not hold communication within the technology that you hold in this present now, you continue to be connected and not separated within consciousness, and you continue to offer each other information and the confirmation of this through your objective expressions.

Atlanteans did not teach Egyptians or South Americans or Central Americans to build pyramids. You within this dimension have built these marvels yourselves and have tapped into the collective consciousness to be sharing of information, that you may validate yourselves and also remind yourselves that there is no separation in consciousness, that although you manifest yourselves encased in a form and you view yourselves to be separated from each other and from all that you create, you are not, and there are very strong elements within consciousness that bind you all together, and that you share the same creativity and the same direction within this dimension.

I express these subjects to you, that you may look to your history within this dimension and you may view the interconnectedness of all of yourselves, and you may also look to your present now and your future in conjunction with this shift in consciousness and recognize that as all before you has not been separated, all that is presently is not separated, and as you have moved in like expression and creations in what you term to be past, you continue to move in like expressions and creations presently and futurely.

Therefore, although objectively you may view what you think of as very slow or a lack or movement and involvement of individuals within this shift in consciousness, be assured that it escalates and it IS within great movement within this present now. Just as individuals within your Americas built pyramids and held no objective knowledge that these similar structures occupy lands halfway across your globe and that other individuals have created these same structures, it matters not that you hold an objective awareness of the vastness of movement. You move in your spheres, so to speak, presently, within this present now within your location, and the movement within consciousness accelerates and is occurring throughout your globe. This also offers you elements within consciousness, that you may tap into information that shall be helpful to yourselves in your sojourn in this action of this shift, and you may be also helpful to other individuals.” [session 280, May 14, 1998]

ELIAS: “Good evening! (The group responds) This evening we shall be continuing with our discussion that we have started with our young Sumafis recently, involving the connective tissue of consciousness. In this, we shall be discussing Regional Area 3 and the collective consciousness aspect of this area of consciousness.

There are many aspects to Regional Area 3. This one of the collective consciousness holds significance in offering you many answers to questions that you have held for much time period, and also may be helpful in your understanding of certain elements of this shift in consciousness.

You have been offered prophecies previously, and you have also gathered information of all different types which also lend to certain prophecies and create many of your myths. The information that is connected to is that information which is within Regional Area 3. Individuals tap into this information quite often, but in translating the information that they tap into within Regional Area 3, they also create interpretations and speculations as to the meaning of this information. Therefore, they create your myths to be fitting this information into your particular dimension and creating some sort of reasonable explanations for imagery that they do not understand. This may be viewed in many different aspects.

Some individuals tap into this area of consciousness and receive information not pertaining to this particular dimension. Therefore, you have created situations of individuals espousing upon the connections between yourselves and beings within other dimensions. You have also created myths in the areas of your mythology partially, and in areas of Atlantis, which also do not belong in this particular dimension, but parallel enough that the information is formed to fit into this dimension, and therefore creating of myths.

This information which is tapped through Regional Area 3 also creates a situation for prophecies. There are many prophecies that are being espoused on presently in conjunction with your new millennium.

As your century turns, so to speak, you look to all types of signs of a new age. You look to prophecies of elements which have been stated, that there is the possibility or the probability for many actions to be occurring. These may be destructive actions or they may be what you term to be positive actions. Either direction matters not, in one respect. In the respect that it is all information that is being gathered from Regional Area 3 and is not necessarily information that may be connected to your particular dimension, this would be the information in itself mattering not, but in gathering such information and sharing objectively this information and the interpretations of the information which then become distortions, there is much energy lent to these myths, which become prophecies. In this, the energy lent to them creates the possibility for probabilities. In this, the information which is tapped and inserted into your dimension begins to matter, for it may be altering of your reality in directions that you may not necessarily choose to have be accomplished.

In this, you may look to many different types of information which has been tapped through Regional Area 3. Presently, individuals occupy themselves with much attention in the areas of all of your pyramids upon your planet and all of the cultures that have surrounded those structures, these being in your Egyptian cultures and also in your Central and South American cultures, for they bear similarities to each other. The reason that they bear similarities to each other is that they have been created through tapping information within Regional Area 3.

You are all connected through this tissue of consciousness, which you may all tap into and you all share. I have stated many times to you that one individual in one location of your planet may be experiencing one action, and another individual halfway round your globe may be experiencing the identical same action in connection with the first individual. Your sciences demonstrate this also with the behavior of your atoms and your electrons. Your photons behave in similar manners. It matters not their physical location, for their communication is instantaneous. It is not a communication in the manner that one is expressed and another received. It is an instantaneous knowing of the same information.

In like manner, you all as individuals within this dimension create the same action, and then you marvel at yourselves that you may be creating of quite similar expressions and expressing to yourselves that you hold no objective knowledge of other cultures which create the same expressions, and this becomes a wonderment to you! As I have stated, the reason that these elements are created so very similarly is that you are all tapping into the same storehouse, so to speak, of information and sharing this information. Not only do you create physically similar structures, but your cultures develop in similar manners.

Now; the reason this information holds importance is that I wish you to be recognizing that information tapped through Regional Area 3 is not always in conjunction with your particular dimension. Therefore, there is a vast area that may be distorted in this. In this situation, you shall be viewing futurely many areas of distortion. As individuals move more actively into the action of this shift in consciousness and begin to open to their awareness, they shall also allow more of a flow of information, which flows through Regional Area 3. In this, there shall also be many interpretations of the information which is tapped. This has already begun.

You may look about you and be listening to other individuals and they shall be expressing of great movements which shall be occurring, in their interpretation, in connection with ancient civilizations. You may observe situations that shall be expressed, such as prophecies of Mayan civilizations that shall be occurring futurely, alignments with certain cultures, new powerful energy sources that may be being produced within the area of your Arabic countries holding the great pyramids. What is occurring in these actions is that individuals are opening their awareness, and in this they are also connecting with information which is held within Regional Area 3. But, not holding the information of WHAT they are tapping, they view themselves to be receiving revelations, and in these revelations they are expounding on these and offering their own interpretations, which many other individuals subsequently collectively join in agreement to these speculations and interpretations. This creates a situation not only of distortion, but of lending energy to those distortions.

(Intently) The more energy which is lent in the direction of these distortions, the more those distortions move into the area of potentiality for actualization of probabilities. Therefore, it is important that individuals be offered information and allow themselves the opportunity to recognize their interpretations through their belief systems of what they speculate to be true, for not all of the information that they may be receiving in their revelations is relative to this particular dimension.

You may offer yourselves many examples of this throughout your history and upon your bookshelves presently. You may account for many such instances in which individuals have tapped information which is not relative to your particular dimension, but has been made to fit in a manner which is being accepted. This becomes dangerous in that your objective is to be creating the least amount of trauma in this shift in consciousness, and with the influx of information there may be much confusion within the distortion, and therefore there may be trauma as individuals are swayed into distraction and not necessarily paying attention to the actual shift in consciousness itself, but awaiting strange developments which may not be occurring, for they are not relative to this dimension. (All very deliberately) Or, you may be creating of certain actions which are less desirable, as you have lent them much energy in creating new belief systems based upon the speculations and interpretations of information from Regional Area 3 that does not belong in your particular dimension.

Now; the area that this becomes quite confusing is that Regional Area 3 also provides much information which IS pertaining to your particular dimension. There are many aspects of information which to this present now have been ignored, so to speak, which are validating of the information which I offer to you and other teachers have offered to you previously.

We speak of nine essence families. Within your ancient cultures that you look to for prophecies presently, there are also mentionings of nine ‘masters’ or nine ‘guides,’ nine ‘spirits of night.’ These are the hidden elements, so to speak, within the information which is contained within Regional Area 3 which also has been tapped, but does not provide the sensationalism or the drama that may be provided to you in ideas of famine and earthquakes. Therefore, you pay little attention to these aspects of connective tissue, but you magnate to the elements of distortion and lend energy to these distorting factors, which then, as I have stated, creates the potentiality for creating probabilities in these areas. (Ten-second pause)

JO: ... I have a question about what you were just talking about. There was some imagery that came up that had to do with biblical imagery that had to do with Rose imagery, and I’m wondering if this is another example of what you described earlier about....

ELIAS: Many individuals within this time period are connecting with imagery of Rose. Some individuals are connecting with this imagery in physical aspects with the plant or the flower that you term to be rose, and they may be interpreting this as objective imagery in awareness of the movement of this shift.

At times, when there are ‘surge movements,’ so to speak, individuals shall be presenting themselves with more objective imagery of Rose, for this is the reminder objectively to you of this action of the shift. Therefore, at times you may view yourselves to be paying little attention to any imagery in connection with Rose, and then you may view that you involve yourself within a time framework of presenting yourselves with imagery continuously of Rose, and this would be an indication to you that there is an energy surge occurring in conjunction with this shift.

JO: Thank you. With regard to biblical prophecy and Rose imagery, is this an example of a myth that is formed that is of the more accurate variety, as information from Regional Area 3?

ELIAS: This also be my meaning, that many prophecies shall be surfacing, so to speak, presently and within your near future time frameworks from all different areas. Different mythologies, different philosophies, and also your religions shall all be surfacing within their prophecies, and this may be confusing to you if you are allowing yourselves to move into the direction of correlating all of these prophecies too closely with your shift in consciousness. There are some aspects of these prophecies or myths that are in correlation with this shift in consciousness, but the most overt prophecies are not. These have been selected, so to speak – tapped into by individuals within many different time frameworks within this particular dimension – and interpreted in conjunction with the mythology or the religion or the philosophy and made to fit. Therefore, they appear to you as plausible and you may be accepting of these, therefore lending energy to these, and in that lending energy to the potentiality of creating the probability of their actualization.

This is the manner that your fulfilled prophecies occur. There is enough energy lent to that which has been projected, and in that the energy has created the potentiality for creating a probability, and as more energy is lent in that direction, it becomes no longer a potentiality but an actual probability, and as more energy is lent, it then becomes an actualization within your dimension.

As I have stated, you create the probabilities within the moment, not before you. Therefore, the prophecies merely create the potentiality for the probability and its creation, but I wish you to understand that looking to other time frameworks and elements which have been set forth within the dawn of your Christianity, these may be quite distorting and confusing to you. Therefore, I express to you to be watchful as to HOW you are lending your energy.

PAUL: Does this work for all prophecy then? Are you saying that all prophecy, as it manifests in our probable realities here, that it contains the potential first, or primarily?

ELIAS: Correct. Precognition also filters through Regional Area 3, although this is an action of tapping into one very precise event, and for the most part, tapping this type of information, in your terms, holds a very limited time framework. You do not tap into precognitive information or what you think of as precognitive information in extended time frameworks, but short or limited time frameworks, which is different from prophesying.

PAUL: So someone like Nostradamus ... I’m just trying to think of his work that he did and seeing things. I’m not an expert on gauging the accuracy, but my question is about accuracy and what would be helpful for individuals who are tapping into this information to think of in terms of accuracy. That may not be the right question, but how is someone like Nostradamus seemingly so accurate, or was he not? Did he have great distortion also, in your terms?

ELIAS: This be the area that you hold such confusion. You look to an individual which has tapped information within Regional Area 3. Now; to your thinking, you THINK that this individual holds this information, and therefore this also is truth. He is creating of predictions, and in this, as you view that these predictions materialize, you credit the individual with having held the information and therefore having been the catalyst for the creation of these probabilities. In actuality, the individual merely taps information and then interprets the information into your objective reality, which may be extreme distortions, but they provide you with an objective explanation of the vision in terms that you may be accepting, and in this the collective lends energy to the actualization of that very speculation which has been set forth.

This be the reason that I offer you this information and caution you to be aware of what information you are lending energy to, for you have many examples of prophecies that you collectively HAVE actualized. Those prophecies were not set forth as a probability before you, and that you merely awaited its occurrence as an inevitable action. Those prophecies are set forth as an interpretation by an individual of information that has been tapped within Regional Area 3 which may not necessarily be relative to your particular dimension, but within the interpretation and within the lending of energy – the acceptance of the interpretation and the lending of energy to this interpretation – you then create the actualization.

You collectively are creating the actualization. The element was not existing previously and you were merely awaiting its materialization. You are creating of it as you are lending energy in the acceptance of what is set forth.

PAUL: So just to use a Nostradamus example, there was a famous prediction he made in his time about King Henry II, who would have a jousting accident and would pass away that way, and that came to manifest. So in the way that you’re explaining it to us, is that an example of him tuning into a potential, putting it out there, and Henry, in his probable present moment, choosing to manifest that in the collective for all the political and mass event ramifications that the death of a king would have? Is that an example of the collective manifesting a prophecy? The follow-up question is, was that a distortion of an other-dimensional thing, or is that an example of where Nostradamus did tune into something that he didn’t distort as much, in terms of it relating to this dimension?

ELIAS: You may use this as a very good example. The information – the impression and the visualization – which was tapped by Regional Area 3 was not of the king, but of certain objects which were unfamiliar within the visualization, and the translation of the objects and the action of these objects was set forth in an interpretation of the closest possible physical manifestation of similar objects. In this, the individual of Nostradamus creates an interpretation; views that this must be what this vision is expressing. This interpretation is directly influenced by the known elements of the individual’s reality and their held belief systems. Now in this, as this is set forth to the masses, the energy is lent in the direction that the individuals lean towards; what they are choosing for the creation. Therefore, it is influencing in energy of the probabilities, which then become actualized. Now in this also, the individual acting out the probability is also a participant, for the individual themself also is influenced by the belief system and the strength of the energy.

You may express this also in other terms. You all presently occupy a location which has developed a reputation for shaking Earth. You have been offered information and explanation as to the creation of this and how you are creating of this. An individual may be projecting and prophesying that you may be creating of one of your earthquakes, and if lent enough energy by the collective which occupies this area, you may manifest and actualize this probability, which was a prophecy with merely the potential to be a probability but not actualized, and an individual may express that certain individuals may be disengaging in the action of this earthquake. The individual may prophesy that a specific location may be more involved with this earthquake than another location and that this shall cause great damage and loss of life, so to speak. In lending energy to this prophecy, you collectively may create this, and those individuals which shall be affected in loss of life, so to speak, are also participants in accepting the belief of the prophecy, and also themselves lending energy to its creation. Therefore, they are not victims and the collective has not created their reality for them, but they are active participants in creating the whole of the reality, even to the point of their disengagement.

VICKI: So basically, are you saying that a fascination with a prophecy, whether it’s a biblical prophecy or an other-dimensional reality like Atlantis or the myth of the destruction of Atlantis, a fascination with those things can be affecting of actualizing those types of probabilities here?

ELIAS: Correct. In focusing much attention in these areas, you are distracting yourselves from the action of your shift and the lessening of trauma in this shift, and focusing upon elements which you have created within your mythologies and your prophecies, and in that you are lending energy to the potentiality of the creation of the probabilities.

BOBBI: Considering that these prophecies are so talked about and widely known, is just being what you term ‘a good little sapling’ (1) enough? Is the interconnectedness of all consciousness just doing that, is that enough to deflect or sort of neutralize those probabilities?

ELIAS: Your objective and your subjective work within harmony. If it be merely enough to be subjectively lending energy and offering information, I would not be speaking with you. But it is also important that you hold an objective awareness of the actions of this shift, that there may be individuals that may be offering information to other individuals, as a tree branching out continuously.

I offer the information to you in continuation of information that has already been offered to you, that you may also be offering information to other individuals, and in this you may be helpful in the lessening of trauma within this shift, and also, in a manner of speaking, deflecting that energy which is lent in the direction of the potentiality of the probabilities for trauma.” [session 281, May 17, 1998]

End Notes:

(1) Paul’s note: a reference to the “straight little sapling” allegory that Elias often refers to when he discusses our need to trust, accept, take full responsibility for only ourselves.

Digests: find out more about the sapling story.

Digests – see also: | alternate selves | aspects of essence; an overview | “before the beginning” | belief systems; an overview | blinking in and out | dimension | distortion | Dream Walkers; an overview | essence; an overview | essence families; an overview | imagery | information | links of consciousness | objective/subjective awareness | probabilities | prophecy | Regional Area 1 | Regional Area 3 | Rose; an overview | sapling | separation | shift in consciousness | time frameworks | trauma of the shift in consciousness |

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