The Elias forum: “Experience is your best teacher.”










<  pay attention to self: what do I want in this moment?  >

CHARLIESE: “Frank, it’s your session. Speak up!

FRANK: You know, I have to do it all myself. I have to figure it all out myself. It’s my own logical impressions.

EDWARD: Well, what are some of your impressions?

FRANK: I don’t have anything specific. I feel like musically I must have done something. I’m so attracted to music. It’s like everything to me, and it hasn’t manifested itself in the way I wanted at this point. Did it ever? I feel it must have at some point.

ELIAS: Yes, but it matters not. What holds significance is what you are creating and generating now, and what you want and what you are not allowing yourself. And what generates that?

FRANK: You mean not allowing it? Obviously it’s fear, I guess.

ELIAS: What do you not allow in your choices? What do you want?

FRANK: I want to make a living. I want to make a living off of my music, have people recognize it, hear it.

ELIAS: And what do you express within yourself that you cannot choose? (Pause) ‘Not good enough yet.’

FRANK: Exactly.

ELIAS: Therefore, what are you DOING?

FRANK: I guess I’m doing nothing.

ELIAS: No, you ARE doing.

EDWARD: We’re always doing.

ELIAS: What are you doing? Listen to your expression: ‘I am not good enough yet.’ What are you doing? (Pause) You are discounting of yourself and you are projecting your attention futurely. You are not paying attention to the now.

FRANK: Absolutely.

ELIAS: How may you generate what you want if you are not paying attention to the now and you are not allowing yourself permission to create that now? You shall wait and wait and wait and wait, for what you create in the now is what creates the future. The future is an illusion. There is no future.

What is, is now. If your concentration moves to waiting, you shall continue to generate waiting. Each day that you continue to express to yourself that you are not good enough YET, you continue to reinforce this discounting of yourself and you do not generate what you want. This is the significance of paying attention to you, familiarizing yourself with you, knowing what beliefs are influencing of your perception – which creates your actual reality – and paying attention to the now, being aware of what you are generating, expressing and creating NOW in each moment.

I am aware that this appears to all of you to be insignificant. ‘What am I generating now, in this moment? It matters not. I am doing nothing.’ Incorrect, you ARE choosing.

EDWARD: I discovered something that I’d guess to be ... because I’ve been trying to get another job, because I hate my job and all that, and it’s not going anywhere. Then when I saw the ad for this music buyer position at the Wiz – I don’t know if I’ll get that or not – but I realized at that moment WHY I wasn’t getting another job. Because what that job would give me would be almost like a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, holidays off, something I’ve never had in retail all my life. I’m going, THAT’S my stumbling block. I feel like if I’m going to have to create another job doing the same thing, why bother. You know, the devil I know is as good as the devil I don’t. But when I saw that I went, ‘This is it; this is what I’m trying to find.’ Maybe this is the opportunity I’ll get or not, but...

FRANK: You want that.

EDWARD: I would like something like that. I realized that’s the point, that’s why I wasn’t finding another job. I was just going to trade Walmart for Bed, Bath and Beyond, and what difference did it make?

CHARLIESE: But there are differences, actually.

EDWARD: The devil you know in the retail...? It depends where you are in the level. But I would have to enter into the same basic position to start in retail. Like I could go to Macy’s and be a manager and still work the nights and still have to deal with every holiday I work.

CHARLIESE: You already have the time in Bed, Bath and Beyond. Why go beyond that unless you’re going to do something radically different?

EDWARD: Right, yeah. So for the first time I think I realized what was blocking me.

FRANK: It’s like what you’re telling him right now.

EDWARD: I was focusing on the future, but then I couldn’t realize what I wanted.

ELIAS: In the now.

EDWARD: In the now. That’s what I want!

ELIAS: Let me express to you also, this is all objective imagery that you are speaking of, which objective imagery is abstract as you are aware. You may choose myriads of expressions of objective imagery in relation to one expression within you subjectively. Therefore it matters not.

The significance of paying attention in the moment to what you want and allowing yourself the freedom to generate that, to choose and to express yourselves freely without restriction, is that this offers you a familiarity with that action, which is quite unfamiliar.

In this day, I shall express to you that you each allow yourself to practice this exercise and allow yourselves to view the information that you offer to yourselves in this exercise in each moment, regardless of what you are interactive with. Presently you are interactive with myself. Subsequent to your interaction with myself, you shall be interactive with your friends. Interaction between individuals distracts, for you are familiar with projecting your attention outside of yourself in interactions with other individuals.

Now; in each moment regardless of how insignificant it appears to you, periodically throughout your day – this day, for you shall not generate this action continuously as it is much too unfamiliar yet – but allow yourselves the opportunity to pay attention in the moment and question yourselves, ‘What do I want in this moment?’ – not what you may acquire, not what you want in relation to other individuals or what you want the other individuals to express. What do you want to express in the moment?

For in actuality, as I have stated, objective imagery is quite abstract. What you each, what you all want in the basic expression is to offer yourselves freedom to express yourselves without limitation in appreciation. And this manifests in objective imagery, as your example with the employment. In paying attention to you and what you want to express in each moment in freedom and appreciation of yourself without limitation, you shall manifest what you want easily and almost magically, for you shall generate that for you are projecting that energy.

Energy is quite real. And the manner in which you create physical imagery is that you offer information through energy to your perception, which is the projection mechanism, and that translates that energy into actual physical matter. The more you are paying attention to yourself and the less limitation you place upon yourself in interaction with time and perception, in your terms the faster or the slower you manifest.

EDWARD: I don’t know how to hold that...

ELIAS: Let me offer an example to you that you shall understand as soft individuals.

... Each of you may incorporate this example in your own individual unique manner, but you shall all objectively understand. Hypothetically, allow yourselves to imagine that you are interactive with another individual. It may be an individual known to you or it may be a new individual. Let us express that it is a new individual you are objectively encountering, and this individual is not objectively known to you. As you engage this individual, you may be experiencing a twinge of familiarity, or perhaps you may be noticing objectively that you incorporate mild attraction to this individual. It may be expressed in whatever manner you choose.

Now; in the moment, in paying attention to yourself and recognizing what you want and offering yourself the freedom without limitation, what shall you immediately express to this individual? What you want, in acceptance of yourself and appreciation of yourself and trust, is to be outwardly projecting that energy to the other individual. In recognizing that you incorporate beliefs concerning appropriate behaviors and interactions with other individuals, BUT allowing yourself the freedom of choice – not attempting to change beliefs but merely acknowledging them – your immediate influence may be to withhold, in relation to appropriate behavior: ‘I am encountering this individual in a first encounter. I know nothing concerning this individual objectively, and therefore I dare not express to this individual ‘I am appreciating of you.’ I am recognizing that I am experiencing this or that, and I am choosing to be sharing this in this moment.’

I am understanding that my expression to you is much more formal than yours shall be with each other, but you are understanding what I am expressing to you. But in recognizing that there is an influence of beliefs concerning appropriate behavior, you may acknowledge that and CHOOSE, regardless, and move into the expression of allowing yourself to express what you want.

Now; in relation to your employment, how very often do you NOT allow yourselves to express what you want to express for it is not compliant with the rules or what you view to be the establishment of your employment? It is no different than our example of interaction in encounter with a new individual. This is what I am expressing to you: the objective imagery matters not. The action is what is significant, the paying attention to yourself, for this is what you express every day: limitation, non-allowance, compliance with rules.

EDWARD: I think we’re better at that than she is. I think she’s a little bit freer.

CHARLIESE: You think so?

EDWARD: Oh yeah. If you think about last night, I mean last night you were very accepting.

CHARLIESE: Yeah, but I was drunk also. (Elias laughs loudly) Well, you know, I mean because ordinarily if I’m not drinking I’m kind of more reserved. I would be more accepting, but I would have a tendency to kind of keep more to myself; whereas when I drink, it opens up that portal for me and it allows me to live in the moment and express myself without any limitations.

ELIAS: Which is what we discussed in your previous...

FRANK: Should we always be drinking then?

CHARLIESE: No, but it opens that door. It almost allows you to be something that you’re ordinarily not. So you use it as a tool, almost.

EDWARD: But it’s who you are; it’s the Elias material. I can sit there, right, I’m hearing her, and I’m thinking about the whole idea about expressing yourself freely to people you just meet that you might feel something about. And I’m not talking sexual; I’m talking just like you said, familiarity. It’s like when I met you, after I got over you – maybe not you, but Michael. After I got over the strange hippie thing that got out of the car, but then I met Michael after the session, there was an immediate something there, and I did not really allow my expression at that point. That’s a very radical theory, and you’re allowing yourself that when you drink. I’m allowing myself more to accept the Elias material, which is some of Buddha’s material, which is something else you’re hearing. It’s very thready. And you’re going, ‘I’m allowing it.’ I’m allowing it to go, ‘This is right.’

If I could stay here in this moment of now, I would be doing so much better – like what you’re doing now. If I could stay here, this open and free with people... Which is I think the expression of who she really is, right? If not, she’s not drinking like some other people drink. Other people will drink just to suppress themselves. You and I are drinking for the same reason, you know, to be... Now, I think Tyne [Frank] has a different reaction to drugs and alcohol. I think part of his is the creative process.

FRANK: It allows me to do it.

EDWARD: Some of it allows you to do it, but I think also...

ELIAS: Ah, but what are ALL of you expressing? That this substance allows you your expression – no, the substance incorporates no power...

FRANK: Whatsoever.

ELIAS: itself, and in actuality the substance incorporates no actual physical affectingness in itself.

FRANK: It’s our belief.

ELIAS: Correct.

EDWARD: We believe that the alcohol...

ELIAS: You may be consuming this substance in tremendous quantity and incorporate no affectingness whatsoever. It is your belief that influences your perception that generates this reality and the actual physical affectingness. YOU are creating that.

It is very familiar to you all to credit things, situations and other individuals with your expressions, and not to credit yourselves. ‘I choose to be in a relationship with this individual in intimacy for this individual ALLOWS me to express myself, and therefore without this individual I cannot express myself freely for it is their allowance that generates that.’ No. You are crediting another individual with what YOU are choosing and creating. You may create these expressions and the other individual matters not. ‘I may freely express myself openly and without limitation if I am incorporating a substance, for it ALLOWS me.’ No, YOU allow you.

In relation to your beliefs, you justify that allowance for the substance is generating a physical affectingness which is beyond your control and not an aspect of your choices, which is quite incorrect. There is no substance within your physical reality that intrinsically in itself generates ANY physical affectingness of you. Were there to be, you would be denied choice, and there is no expression BUT choice in relation to consciousness. It is merely your beliefs that limit your choices.

As I have expressed to many individuals and yourself also, Colleen [Edward], it matters not what substance you incorporate; none of them are bad. They are neutral. And it is not bad that you incorporate a substance to allow yourselves a freedom of your expression.

What is significant is that you recognize the time frameworks in which you do NOT allow that, and that you pay attention in the now – not merely to the now but to yourselves also – and offer yourself permission to express that freedom in each moment, to question yourself, ‘What do I want now?’ I may express to you each, you shall be privy futurely to the interaction that occurred in our most recent group interaction, and I quite playfully expressed to several individuals the question, ‘What do you want now?’ and the consistent response is ‘I know not.’ What do you want, now, this moment?

FRANK: (Whispering) A Margarita.

EDWARD: Yeah! (Laughing)

CHARLIESE: But that’s the future.

ELIAS: Correct. Now?

CHARLIESE: I don’t really want anything. I’m just kind of happy to be sitting here, you know?

ELIAS: THAT is paying attention, for what you want is to be engaging the interaction that you are engaging presently.

FRANK: And I could agree with that, or else you’d be somewhere else, you know.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

CHARLIESE: So many people are always looking... It's so Zen, it’s not even funny, you know? It’s ‘Star Wars,’ it’s like when – who is it – Yoda is always saying, ‘Your mind is always off in other places except where you are now. This is where you are. Pay attention. Stop looking towards the future!’ I mean, come on, Yoda’s so Zen it’s not even funny! But he’s making a point there.

We’re always looking away and not right here, and then the next thing you know the moment is gone and you missed out on it. You have to pay attention, like even when you’re eating something or chewing something. You eat something so fast, it’s like did I even enjoy that? You have to sit there and savor each bite. (Elias chuckles) Because you lose it, you can’t recapture it.

ELIAS: The point is appreciation. What you all express ideally that you want within this physical dimension and your physical manifestations, ultimately the one expression that you ALL express commonly is that you want to be expressing love. What is love? Within your physical dimension the translation of the truth of love is knowing and appreciation. Therefore you are continuously seeking, in your terms, this expression of knowing and appreciating, knowing WHAT you are appreciating, and this requires holding your attention in the now.

EDWARD: I find that very difficult.

ELIAS: (Laughing) As do many individuals!

EDWARD: We were talking about that one of the things we think is the reason we come into physical focus is for experience, to experience things.

FRANK: But is it the same thing all the time?

EDWARD: No, what I’m going for is that I know that’s why we incorporate physical focuses where we’re straight sexually or gay sexually or black or white or female or male and go through all these focuses where we’re rich and famous or we’re slaves. The whole idea is to experience. So my first focus is as King Tut and then this is supposedly my last focus. So why am I sitting on my ass in my last focus? I wonder if it’s just I feel like I’m done and I’m just waiting or it’s like I’m going to disengage. I don’t guess you would say permanently, because I would still have the option at anytime, my essence, to re-engage in physical focus. Is that right, or once I disengage...? Like you have disengaged from physical focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

EDWARD: You have the option to re-engage in it if you choose?

ELIAS: Yes, although this is redundant. It has been explored.

EDWARD: So why at the end here am I just like not...?

CHARLIESE: Maybe you’ve explored enough.

ELIAS: And this is also a belief, that you shall explore and not incorporate interest any longer or that you shall be fatigued for you have moved through many focuses. This is associated with your beliefs concerning linear time.

EDWARD: Well, there isn’t any, I know that. I know everything is happening at once. All my focuses are still happening right at the same time.

ELIAS: Correct.

EDWARD: It’s one of the few things that I can grasp easily.

FRANK: You can?

EDWARD: Yeah, I can grasp that really easily because I feel it at times. I mean there are times when I can feel it. It feels like you can just feel all of it going through.

ELIAS: Many individuals that are designated final focus express a justification for not generating what they want or turning their attention to themselves for what is the point, they are the final focus.

EDWARD: I’ve said that a lot!

ELIAS: This is a camouflage. The point is that you DO wish to be creating what you want. You each do. And the manner in which you create that is to be offering yourself this freedom, not changing beliefs, not eliminating beliefs, and I shall continue to reiterate that throughout the entirety of my interactions with you all in reminder.

There are no beliefs to be changed. You incorporate them all and you shall not eliminate any of them, not even duplicity. But it is unnecessary to change them or to eliminate them, merely to be acknowledging them, recognizing that they exist, and allowing yourself the freedom of choice that you may align with them or you may not. It matters not. What is significant is that you offer yourself permission to express freedom to express your preference and direct yourself.” [session 1114, June 15, 2002]

Digests – see also: | accepting self | attention (doing and choosing) | being in the now | belief systems; an overview | choices/agreements | desires/wants | dimension | duplicity | information | imagery | impressions | love | manifestation | objective/subjective awareness | perception | relationships | | truth | you create your reality |

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