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Sunday, March 26, 2000

<  Session 587 (Phone/Private)  >


“The Steps to Acceptance”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra).

Elias arrives at 11:30 AM. (Arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

FRANK: Good morning! How are you today?

ELIAS: As always!

FRANK: Wonderful!

Well, today, the subject I would like to discuss primarily has to do with my employment situation, where there’s currently, I guess, quite a bit of conflict for me, but I think also an opportunity, hopefully. So for starters, maybe I could ask you a few questions.

First of all, on a subjective level, I am curious to know sort of what is going on. Why did I create the situation that I’m currently confronted with, which as I said, contains both difficulties and opportunities?

Secondly, what I would like to know is if you could give me some very specific advice on what is my best course of action of going forward in the next few days.

ELIAS: Offer to me your impression of what you are presenting to yourself.

FRANK: Pardon me? Can you repeat that?

ELIAS: Offer to me first, what is your impression of what you are creating?

FRANK: Let me see ... okay. I am in a situation with my employer where I commenced working at this company about nine or ten months ago based on a certain agreement about how we would work and what my compensation would be, and just how everything would develop in terms of my relationship to this company. Since then, many, many things have changed within the structure of the company, and now we are sort of in a dispute as to what should the financial arrangements be, and other arrangements. I am in a situation where I am trying to either A, work this out with them, or B, maybe leave the company and go off on my own and start my own company.

Whichever course I choose, there’s a lot of questions as to how this should be worked out in terms of the financial arrangements and other arrangements, and that’s basically what the situation is.

ELIAS: Now; listen to my question once again, for I have offered an inquiry, and you have offered an explanation of the situation.

My inquiry is, what is your impression as to what you are creating and how you are affecting yourself?

FRANK: Hmm. Okay. Well, I guess I am creating a situation where I feel to some degree trapped in this particular situation, and I guess to another extent, I feel sort of unappreciated. I guess those would be the two main things.

ELIAS: Very well. Now; let us examine this situation.

Now; you have continued to offer to me a description of what you are experiencing, and not offering your impression as to why you are presenting this scenario to yourself. Therefore, let us examine this situation, for this shall be a beneficial exercise to you in offering you the recognition of what I have been speaking of previously – in noticing, in holding your attention within the now, in recognizing and identifying your beliefs, in allowing yourself objectively to be assessing why you are creating certain actions, why you are creating certain responses. For all of these move in relation to your beliefs, and your beliefs thusly influence your perception, and your perception, as I have stated previously, creates your reality.

Now; in viewing the scenario, your perception is that you have entered into an action in agreement with another individual. Your perception now moves in the assessment that that particular agreement is not being complied with. Therefore, you also are creating responses within yourself. You have identified specific responses that you are creating in feelings.

Now; you have also stated that you hold some recognition that you may have created this scenario as an opportunity. If you have created this scenario as an opportunity, express to me, recognizing what you are creating in your feelings in response to the situation presently, what do you identify as the possible opportunity that you are presenting yourself with in this creation?

FRANK: Well, this is sort of a situation that has come up in the past, no surprise there, and whatever it is, it’s obviously something I need to get over, to move through, or it would be best if I would move through it, and so on the most obvious level, I think it’s that. Now, what exactly it is, I’m not sure, but ... I don‘t know. Perhaps it’s a lack of confidence in myself?

ELIAS: Let me stop you momentarily. I am not asking you to identify right now what the belief systems are that are influencing of your perception. We shall address to that subsequently.

What I am asking is, how do you view in any manner that you may be offering yourself an opportunity by presenting yourself with this scenario? What would the opportunity be?

FRANK: Well, on an objective level, I think there’s an opportunity for me to be quite a bit happier doing what I’m doing in a different manner; in other words, moving away from or changing the situation. I think, again objectively, it would make me much happier to do that.

ELIAS: Very well.

FRANK: Does that answer the question?


Therefore, you identify that in addressing to this situation and identifying the beliefs that are influencing of your perception, you shall allow yourself the ability to be eliminating conflict and not re-creating this type of situation futurely, correct?

FRANK: Correct.

ELIAS: Very well.

Let me express to you, this is purposeful that we have engaged an examination of these elements which you have involved in this situation, for within the steps that I have presented previously of the movement into acceptance, many of you, yourself also, hear the terminology that is offered to be engaging these steps, and you objectively, automatically express to yourself that you understand what I am expressing to you.

But in actuality, you hold tremendous difficulty in actualizing this method, so to speak, for you are not quite understanding what I am expressing to you, for you are continuing in your automatic thought processes and you are not genuinely allowing yourself the opportunity to be recognizing and identifying.

In these steps which have been presented as the method, so to speak, in movement into acceptance, first of all, as you may be recalling, step one is to be noticing. You have allowed yourself to be noticing that you are experiencing conflict. Step two is, as you may recall, to be recognizing and identifying WHAT you are noticing.

Now; this step two is the area in which you have deviated.

You may be expressing to yourself that you are recognizing and identifying, and I shall express to you that in actuality, you are continuing to be noticing, for in your explanation, you are replaying this scenario. That is the noticing.

The recognizing and the identifying is to be viewing the scenario and allowing yourself to question why you have created that situation – why you have drawn yourself to the situation, why you have created it, and what is influencing that creation.

Now; as you allow yourself to be within the now, and as you allow yourself to be paying attention to self – listening to your own words, your own descriptions, identifying your own feelings – you also offer yourself objectively the opportunity to view what influences that feeling and that response.

The struggle involves trust in your ability, and acceptance of yourself in value; trusting in your ability to be accomplishing certain activities and tasks, which subsequently you look for an acknowledgment of those accomplishments.

Now; hear this. In an expression of genuine trust of your ability, there is no necessity for acknowledgment from outside.

As you create a feeling that you wish for another individual to be recognizing and acknowledging of your ability or your performance or your choices, the reason that you feel this draw, so to speak, and are wishing for the acknowledgment of another individual is that you are expressing to yourself an element of a lacking in your own expression of trust in your ability and acceptance in your worth.

Therefore, you look to outside for reinforcement to be offering you the expression that you are not offering to yourself.

Now; as you allow yourself to move in the examination of these steps into acceptance, you offer yourself a tremendous volume of information concerning yourself – why and what and how you create your reality, what you draw to yourself, what you place yourself within in the midst of other individuals’ creations, what you design within your perception, how you create different scenarios, why you repeat certain actions, and also why you do not repeat certain actions.

In this, as you allow yourself the opportunity to view and assess your genuine measure of your worth and value presently, you shall also offer to yourself the understanding of why you create certain scenarios and draw yourself into certain situations in which you are looking to other individuals to be providing you with the acknowledgment that you are not providing within self.

You also may allow yourself the viewing of why you have not created movement in what you may term to be, in your common vernacular, bold expressions, for this is requiring of an acknowledgment of your own trust of your abilities. There is a safety in allowing another individual to dictate to you what you shall create and how you shall create it. Are you understanding thus far?

FRANK: Yes, I think so.

ELIAS: In this, another individual does not dictate to you what you shall feel, or your responses in your creation of your emotions or your feelings. YOU create those responses in relation to how you perceive what is occurring, and how that is interplaying with your valuation of yourself.

Now; you do present yourself with an opportunity in this situation. The opportunity is that you may be recognizing that you hold choices. This is a tremendous expression of freedom, the recognition that you hold choices.

(Intently) No other individual may be affecting of you without your allowance for them to be affecting of you.

Therefore, you always hold the choice. The tricky area is that you objectively do not recognize that you hold these choices, and you move in automatic responses. Another individual may be expressing any element that you may perceive as different or not in agreement with you, and once there is a recognition of either of these factors, there is also created an automatic response.

For quite contrary to your objective thought process in general throughout your globe, in which you all for the most part define that you value difference and that you need not be in agreement with other individuals continuously, in actuality, your ideal, philosophically, would be to be in continuous agreement with other individuals and to be the same.

For difference and lack of agreement creates an automatic response that is perceived as threatening. It threatens your assessment of your value of self, for this is exceedingly strong in ALL of your beliefs. You ALL move in a base expression of influence of the belief system of duplicity, which automatically discounts self.

You even create, within your largest expressions of religious belief systems, elements which are comparable to the idea of original sin. It may not be expressed in those terms in some religious belief systems, but the concept is the same, that you enter into this physical manifestation flawed. This is reinforced continuously throughout your focus.

This is a very large, very fat bird within your bird cage! It is moving throughout all of your other bird cages and it is continuously influencing of your perception.

In this, as you allow yourself to be recognizing this very large fat bird and the tremendous influence that it exerts upon your perception, you also allow yourself the opportunity of choice to be creating your reality NOT listening to that bird so very intensely.

FRANK: With respect to the bird, in my case what you’re talking about is lack of trust in self, lack of acceptance?

ELIAS: Yes. This is directly related to the assessment or measurement that you hold of the value of self.

Now; this may be quite camouflaged at times, and you many times may not even recognize objectively the tremendous influence and strength of the lower scale of measurement, in your physical terms, of your value of self.

For objectively, you may allow yourself to be engaging in activities and productivity, which you subsequently credit yourself with and acknowledge yourself in expressing that you do recognize your worth, your value. But your key clue and indication of your assessment of your value of yourself and your measurement of your worth is your objective expressions in your want of validation in outside sources, so to speak.

You may think to yourself, of certain creations that you have engaged within your focus, that you hold no doubt within your abilities, that you express what you term to be great confidence, and in those expressions, it matters not if you are receiving outside validation. Outside acknowledgment is unnecessary. You hold a knowing within you of your ability, and this is satisfactory to you.

If another individual IS acknowledging of you, you shall be unreservedly accepting of their acknowledgment. You shall not be discounting of their recognition of your ability. You shall not be discounting of yourself and exhibiting false humility.

You shall express confidently the acknowledgment – in response to their acknowledgment of you – of yourself, and you shall be accepting and welcoming of their expression NOT in expectation and not in the want for that expression to be offered. Are you understanding?

FRANK: Yes, I am.

ELIAS: This is the difference.

Now; in this particular scenario that you have co-created, so to speak – for other individuals involve themselves also in this creation – you hold choices, but the base element of these choices, in your particular situation and what you are presenting to yourself individually, is to be recognizing your genuine acceptance of self and trust of your abilities, regardless of the response of the other individual. Look to self first. (Emphatically)

Your objective choices, your objective creations or manifestations, matter not. What you objectively create in action or in materialization holds little importance, in actuality. HOW you are expressing that holds tremendous importance, for the actual physical manifestations may be altered from moment to moment.

FRANK: Now, this last part you just said, I do not understand ... if you could explain to me the difference between the manifestations and how I express them.

ELIAS: Let us express in quite physical terms. This may offer the concept in simplicity to you.

All that you create within your reality are choices of probabilities. Probabilities are all created within the moment. Therefore, any element that you manifest within your physical reality is a choice of a probability inserted into your physical reality in the moment.

Probabilities are momentary manifestations. They are not solid. They are not permanent, in a manner of speaking. They are momentary actualizations. Therefore, it matters not what you are physically actualizing. This applies to a physical action, to thoughts, to words, to solid objects – it matters not.

You may be choosing a probability of creating a dis-ease within one moment. You may be creating a probability of actualizing a physical manifestation of a broken bone. You may be creating an object of a cup that you have formed in pottery. You may be expressing words to another individual. You may be creating an emotion. You may be creating a thought. You may be engaging driving your vehicle.

The action, the expression, the physical manifestation in matter – a table, a wall, a cup, walking, speaking, thinking – these are all expressions of energy which are created within the moment as an actualization of a choice of a probability, and probabilities are momentary.

What holds importance is the motivation for those creations, and that is the perception. Perception is the element of your reality which actualizes all of your reality. It is the catalyst.

FRANK: It’s what chooses the probabilities, or causes them to be chosen?

ELIAS: Partially. It is the actualization. It also partially chooses the probabilities. There is an influence of the perception, which are the beliefs, which also choose the probabilities. They are influencing, many times in great strength, of the perception.

Now; the reason the perception holds such tremendous importance is that perception holds the ability to alter choice and alter actual creations instantaneously from moment to moment. Even physical matter may be instantaneously altered and reconfigured within one moment, from one moment to the next moment within your linear time framework, but that action is created by your perception.

Therefore, the actual creation holds much less importance, for this actual creation may be altered within any moment.

As I have stated previously, you may create the probability of breaking an actual bone within your physical body. Within the very next moment – in your linear time framework, within one second – you may choose a different probability, and your bone shall not be broken any longer. This is not a miracle. This is the power of choice, which is exerted through your perception.

Therefore, the physical actions, the physical manifestations, hold little importance, for they may be altered instantaneously and moment to moment.

FRANK: So how do I alter my perception?

ELIAS: By familiarizing yourself with self. By allowing yourself the familiarity of your beliefs. By allowing yourself to recognize your beliefs, and thusly recognizing the influence that your beliefs hold in relation to your perception. By familiarizing yourself with yourself in the area of your acceptance or lack of acceptance with self, your measurement of worth and value.

You offer yourself objective evidences of all of these aspects of yourself continuously, in all of your movements.

You have created a base element of your reality in emotion. Your emotions are a tremendous indicator objectively of your assessment of self, and your acceptance and lack of acceptance of self.

You have created a base element of your reality in sexuality, which also incorporates the intellect. This is another tremendously valuable tool and indicator to you continuously of your assessment of your value and worth.

You offer yourself evidences continuously through your own stimulus. The elements within your reality that you hold strength in response to offer you information concerning your trust and acceptance of yourself.

Look to this very scenario that you have offered to me this day – your response to another individual – and what have you assessed in your feelings in conjunction with this situation? You feel unappreciated. You feel unacknowledged.

FRANK: Okay, so then what you’re saying is that I don’t appreciate or acknowledge myself. It’s a reflection of that.


You shall draw to you the expression of energy that you express within yourself. You shall draw to you what you believe within yourself. I may not express this to you or to any other individual strongly enough. This is genuine. You shall draw to yourself like energy.

You romanticize this idea and you express to yourselves, you draw to yourselves in like spirit. Like attracts like. But in the time frameworks in which you present yourself with situations or scenarios or individuals or actions that you view as uncomfortable, you move yourselves into the expression of difference, which is unacceptable. You are not drawing this scenario to yourself in like attracts like, for this is reinforcing of the belief that you already hold in a lack of trust and acceptance of self.

But if you are not identifying those expressions that devalue you – or that you believe are devaluing of you, for in actuality, you may not be devaluing of yourself – how may you address to these expressions and allow yourself acceptance of self if you are not allowing yourself to recognize these areas in which you strongly align with the expressions of duplicity?

If you do not view yourself to be caged, how may you experience freedom? For you do not view the actual expression of freedom, for you do not recognize that you are confined.

FRANK: Okay. So let’s say that now, at least on an objective level, I understand I’m confined, and the nature of the confinement. If I understand what you said a few minutes ago, you’re saying that I need to offer to myself evidence of self-worth and self-value in an effort to alter the perception. Am I understanding that correctly?

ELIAS: Partially. In this scenario within your employment, what holds the fear?

FRANK: That I won’t succeed if I move off on my own.

ELIAS: And in this, you also identify the lack of trust.

FRANK: Mm-hmm.

ELIAS: And in this fear that you shall not succeed, what shall be the expression of fear beyond that?

FRANK: Oh, I don’t know ... that my family will wind up destitute. (Elias chuckles) I’m exaggerating a bit, but I think you know what I mean.

ELIAS: Ah, but this may not in actuality be so very much of an exaggeration within your genuine beliefs, for within your genuine beliefs, this is an actual possibility ... in your beliefs!

FRANK: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, you restrain yourself and do not attempt the freedom in fear.

FRANK: Correct. That I understand objectively.

ELIAS: Now; I am not expressing to you that you approach this other individual and that you express that you are trusting of yourself spontaneously in this moment, and you are automatically moving into an expression of no doubt, and you shall be accomplishing tremendously and fulfilling of all of your desires in acceptance now. This is quite unrealistic. You already incorporate the fear.

What I AM expressing to you is, the movement into an expression of lessening the fear – and the empowerment of self in the recognition of choice – is to be allowing yourself the genuine examination that you do hold abilities that are trustworthy, that you may allow yourself to be trusting the same abilities in yourself that other individuals trust.

Offer to yourself, as you have stated, evidences of your accomplishments, and in this, also allow yourself the recognition that you are no less than any other individual. The expression of your identification and your definition of authority – as an employer, as what you term to be a boss, even a partner – is a designation of your beliefs.

No other individual holds greater position than yourself. No other individual holds greater responsibility than yourself. You engage differences in actions, but in the quality and quantity of your expressions and your responsibilities, you are the same.

FRANK: But I don’t look at it that way.

ELIAS: I understand that you are not viewing in this manner, and this is what I am expressing to you in suggestion, that you allow yourself to begin turning your attention in this manner. This shall be helpful to you in beginning or initiating movement into altering your perception.

FRANK: I have the desire to take a chance, and just move off on my own.

ELIAS: And why shall you not?

FRANK: Well, I guess the fear we discussed earlier, but the more I think about it, the more I’m sort of leaning to the conclusion that maybe that’s the direction I should go.

ELIAS: I shall be encouraging of you in this type of expression, and I shall also offer to you an expression of energy of mine to be encouraging of you in this type of action, and I shall also express to you to be validating and encouraging of yourself.

(Firmly) But do not be discounting of yourself in whichever choice you move into. They are merely choices. They are not an assessment of your value.

FRANK: So in other words, what you’re saying is that if ultimately I decide, well, this isn’t the right time, I’m not quite ready, don’t be hard on myself.

ELIAS: Quite, for this merely reinforces what you have already created, and perpetuates the fear.

FRANK: Okay. Can I ask you about something else briefly?

ELIAS: You may.

FRANK: I got bit by a dog yesterday, and I’m curious to know why I created this manifestation.

ELIAS: In actuality, this creation holds relation to all that we have been discussing this day.

FRANK: I thought you might say that.

ELIAS: For this action that you have participated in is an offering to yourself, in recognition subjectively, of the value and importance and strength of perception, and of what you draw to yourself.

Now; you have engaged an action in participation with this creature. The creature has created this action of biting you, so to speak, which may be interpreted by yourself objectively as a projection of energy, as an action of offense, and as hurtful.

But you also allow yourself the recognition of the power of the perception, for you do not necessarily automatically move into the expression of perception of any of these identifications. You have allowed yourself to view them within thoughts as possibilities, but you also have not concerned yourself with the actual action of the creature.

Therefore, your perception is already altered in a situation which within your officially accepted reality would be perceived as hurtful and an offensive.

FRANK: So this is progress.

ELIAS: This, in a manner of speaking, in your terms, yes, is, for this is an offering to yourself of your ability to be altering your perception. You have offered yourself evidence that without even concentrating within your thought process, you, merely in offering yourself objectively information, have also allowed yourself to be altering your perception.

Now; recognize that this all moves in harmony, for you held the objective knowing that you would be engaging conversation with myself this day and that you would be addressing to this subject matter this day. Therefore, you also have offered yourself an experience to be viewing that you do hold the ability to alter your perception with little effort, merely in offering yourself information concerning self and turning your attention.

You are not holding your attention outwardly to the dog. Your attention is not fixed upon the dog, correct?

FRANK: Yes, absolutely.

ELIAS: Your attention is fixed upon self. Therefore, your perception is not concerned with the threat of the dog.

This you may also offer to yourself as evidence and an example of how you may be creating the same type of action in relation to another individual, expressly within your situation in your employment.

FRANK: Okay, I understand. (Elias chuckles) Well, this has been most enlightening and helpful.

ELIAS: And difficult! Ha ha!

FRANK: Well, I suppose it’s no coincidence that we set the date for this talk six weeks ago when we last talked.

ELIAS: (Laughing) I shall express to you as I have expressed many times previously, there are no accidents! There are no coincidences! Ha ha ha ha!

FRANK: Is there a way that I can make sort of a quantum breakthrough through all this business about altering perception and the things we’ve discussed?

ELIAS: Quite! You hold this ability. You hold the ability to be altering your reality, as I have stated, instantaneously within the moment, for you are creating your reality moment by moment.

Your greatest tool is your allowance of yourself to be within the now and to be turning your attention to self. This is also one of your greatest challenges!

FRANK: You mean me personally?

ELIAS: All of you! You are not merely the only individual upon your planet that holds this in great challenge! (Laughing)

FRANK: Okay. Well I will review our previous conversations. Hopefully, I can move more in that direction.

ELIAS: (Chuckling) You shall, my friend, you shall!

FRANK: Well, thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

I anticipate our next meeting, and I shall be offering energy to you in encouragement and also in acknowledgment. To you this day in great affection, au revoir.

FRANK: Thank you very much.

Elias departs at 12:40 PM.

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