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Sunday, March 23, 2003

<  Session 1301 (Private/Phone)  >

“Taking the Chore Out of Writing”

“Allowing Vulnerability and Trust”

“‘Controlling’ the Mood of the Day”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anne (Monique).

Elias arrives at 2:19 PM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good evening!

ANNE: Good evening! Hi! Sorry, you kind of caught me off guard there.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! How shall we proceed?

ANNE: Yes, nice to meet you. This is the first time I’ve spoken to you, but I’ve read a lot of the transcripts so I have a good sort of idea about the sort of information I could ask you. The first thing is my alignment and family?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

ANNE: Ilda and Gramada, respectively.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: Wow! I’m impressed with myself. I got that through a meditation, so I am pretty happy with that.

My intent, I have an impression... Actually, I had two dreams. One said that it was a combination of mixing people and cultures, and the other dream talked about bringing in original ideas.

ELIAS: Now; this would be associated with your family and alignment, which is incorporated within your direction and within your theme, which is your intent. These are qualities that you express in association with the family that you are belonging to and that which you are aligned with.

Now; what would you view as the theme of yourself in association with your experiences throughout the entirety of your focus? The intent is the general theme or direction of your focus throughout its entirety – which also incorporates many different more precise and specific directions associated with that general theme – but the general theme is associated with what you would identify as your intent.

ANNE: What would that be? Let me think. I want to say extreme situations, but then I also want to say to create experiences which will continuously bring out my belief in myself.

ELIAS: Yes, the latter would be associated with what you all generate within your explorations within this physical dimension.

Now; I may express to you that within your general theme there are times that you choose to be incorporating more specific directions that do involve some extremes, but this is not a constant throughout the entirely of your focus.

ANNE: Yes, you’re right. Then I can only bring it down to this constant... Actually, that’s not constant either. I can’t answer it, then.

ELIAS: This is the significance of allowing yourself a time framework in which you may be investigating and familiarizing yourself with you, which is quite significant and also important. For this is the point, especially in association with this shift in consciousness, to be familiarizing yourself with you and therefore allowing yourself the expression of your freedom more fully, to accomplish generating what you want specifically.

ANNE: So that’s it. It’s the expression of freedom.

ELIAS: This is associated with this shift in consciousness.

ANNE: Oh, I see. So it isn’t specific to me.


ANNE: Could you give me any clues regarding it then, the intent?

ELIAS: Let me merely express to you a direction. Allow yourself to incorporate the action of evaluating and investigating yourself through all of your experiences within the entirety of your focus. Look to all of your years of your focus and discover what is the constant throughout your entire focus, what generates the most constant expression of curiosity within you.

ANNE: I’ll have a think about it, then. ELIAS: Very well.

ANNE: Oh yes, my essence name – can I have that, please?

ELIAS: Essence name, Monique, M-O-N-I-Q-U-E.

ANNE: I would never, ever have guessed that. (Elias laughs) It doesn’t even connect with me somehow yet, but I’m sure it will.

I would like to just start off with verifying some impressions that I have already.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANNE: Twice recently I have experienced what I would call peace, contentment and the “nothing matters” idea. The first occasion was in connection with a mediation I had with dolphins. The second was on a train trip that I took. Were those what you would consider to be, those two experiences, what we are trying to get to here, which is this total peace, contentment, happiness kind of thing?

ELIAS: It is an example of acceptance and therefore, yes, in part, this is what you are generating in association with this shift. But do not misunderstand, for even within the accomplishment of the completed insertion of this shift in consciousness into your physical reality, this is not to say that individuals may not continue to generate conflict as a choice; but the difference shall be that each individual recognizes that they are generating those choices intentionally.

ANNE: I see what you are saying. On a plane recently – this is another experience I had – I had a conversation with Einstein, which was the first time I had it. Actually, I’ve had dreams with Einstein as well, so it’s not really the first time. What is my connection with Einstein? He talks a lot about simultaneous time and always trying to get time through to me and science and all of this sort of thing. But what is my relationship with him there?

ELIAS: You allow yourself to tap into this energy expression of that particular individual for there is a familiarity in that energy. I may express to you that you incorporate the action of being an observing essence in that focus throughout the entirety of that focus. Therefore, you generate very much of a familiarity of that energy and also what you term to be a respect for the exploration that that individual generated within that focus.

ANNE: Yes, to this day I have it, total respect for him.

A lot of this information that comes through is through dreams, so I want to talk a little bit about that. There is this woman in my dreams who comes out from time to time who expresses herself through astrology. Is she me? (Pause)


ANNE: I thought so but I wanted to confirm that. Also a dream about a woman in the 1700s. It was me actually, where I saw myself writing a letter – again, this is just verification – and my current husband was also there in that scene and he at the time was courting me.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ANNE: Also, of being a Chinese woman in the aristocracy – I can’t place the time but it was the old days. A Chinese woman in the aristocracy who was married to a man but actually in love with someone else.

ELIAS: Correct, within one of the Ming Dynasties.

ANNE: Yes, I’ve always been fascinated with Chinese culture. That explains that. Also, there is a strong connection with the building of the American Constitution, either a connection with Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Paine. Did I participate in the writing of the American Constitution?

ELIAS: Not actually in the writing of it, but closely associated with the information and incorporating quite a curiosity and a fascination with the information. I may express to you that within that time framework you incorporate a focus as a slave to that individual of Thomas Jefferson, which...

ANNE: That’s who I was in the dream!

ELIAS: This individual was also what you would term to be a lover to that individual.

ANNE: Exactly. That’s who I was in the dream. I wasn’t quite sure if it was Thomas Jefferson or the lover, but I was one of the two.


ANNE: I have to go back to that dream. He talks a lot about the writing of the constitution and the ideals that went into it, which was fascinating. Also, a dream about me being a leader or a judge in a Scandinavian village. This was way back when, ages and ages ago.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ANNE: I’ve had a dream with Thomas Mann, the writer who was around in the 1920s. In the dream I was discussing with him society and the education system in general. It was almost as if he was putting me through an interview. What I would like to know is my connection with Thomas Mann and why he would come to interview me at all.

ELIAS: I may express to you, initially you incorporate the role as a student and subsequently generate the relationship of friend.

ANNE: So I guess I’ll be visiting him at some point. (Elias laughs) Fascinating, absolutely fascinating.

Anyway, carrying on, I had an experience a few years back in Hungary, Budapest, when I was there as a student, where I lost everything that I owned at the time. Initially I felt a very strong sense of me, myself, my own strength and security and health, and it didn’t really matter on the one hand. Am I right in saying the experience was a sort of shedding of the old to make way for the new?


ANNE: And the trauma that I felt after that event wasn’t really necessary. That was more associated with beliefs about possessions and stuff like that.

ELIAS: Correct, and moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar,

ANNE: You know, I couldn’t find that house, no matter what I did. I kind of got the sense that it was because... I was walking up and down the streets with the key in my hand. It didn’t fit a single house. To this day I cannot understand why I could never find that house again. Was that a probable reality I was stepping into or something?

ELIAS: Actually, creating a probable reality, and in this, inserting that particular dwelling into the probable reality rather than in this reality.

ANNE: Wow! I just want to get into this a little bit. When I was actually sleeping there, that morning something in me said, “Make sure to take your passport, your money and your ticket, and that’s all you need.” That’s what I left with in the morning. Everything else was left. Was that waking up in the morning part of that probability as well?

ELIAS: That was your communication to yourself in association with creating that probable reality, yes.

ANNE: It was a life-changing experience, I tell you that! (Elias laughs)

Moving onto the next thing – I have a friend who is extremely psychic and I am actually interested to find out the reasons he’s actually in my life. Is he in my life to serve as an example of what everyone is capable of?

ELIAS: Partially, and also you draw this experience to yourself to be allowing yourself to view yourself. View this individual as a reflection of you, therefore sharing experiences, which offers you information concerning yourself.

ANNE: That’s really cool to know; thank you for that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are welcome.

ANNE: I’ve noticed that when I do something as opposed to just sit and think about doing something, wonderful advice and guidance usually comes in that I do listen to all the time. For example, I was in a meeting and we were talking about whatever we were talking about, and all of a sudden very loud and clear I could hear “don’t worry, the money is available.” And because of that sort of communication, I thought to myself I’m not going to worry about that. It’s a done deal. Now, was that my essence talking to me?

ELIAS: In a matter of speaking, for it is you and you are essence.

ANNE: So it is me speaking to me.


ANNE: I love it when things like that happen. It seems to be unexpected. It just flashes in whenever it feels like it, which is great it. I don’t mind.

ELIAS: This, my friend, is an example of trusting yourself and listening to your communications, which is quite to be acknowledged.

ANNE: Yes, it is, and I listen to it all the time. I really do take it onboard.

I want to get on to a couple of other points. My writing – I get a whole lot of ideas on subjects of books that I could write and all of the ideas that come through are really exciting. I just love thinking the ideas. But when it actually comes to executing it and sitting there and writing, I can start off with the first chapter, maybe up to three chapters, and then all of a sudden I kind of lose steam.

I get bored with the process and I don’t know where this boredom is coming from. It’s actually quite frustrating because I don’t feel like I’ve finished this idea that I had originally. I don’t know where this boredom is coming from; I don’t know if it’s the process of it. What I also notice is that I become very critical of my writing. This whole writing thing is a real challenge for me. I am wondering if you might be able to shine some light on that.

ELIAS: Very well. Allow yourself more of an expression of spontaneity, my friend. For you begin this action in an inspiration, but subsequently you move into the perception of it becoming a chore.

Now; as you incorporate your beginning and you are expressing that inspiration, allow yourself to enact your writing. But once the inspiration has ceased, I may offer the suggestion that you also discontinue the writing within that time framework and allow yourself more of an expression of spontaneity. For you move the fun into chore, and as you continue to incorporate the fun of the action, you shall allow much more of a free flow and therefore also generate satisfaction in completion. But you generate a frustration, for you lose your fun, so to speak, and in that you force your energy and this becomes a chore.

ANNE: So it’s the idea about it becoming a chore.

ELIAS: Correct. If you are allowing yourself to continue in the action in time frameworks in which you are allowing yourself playfulness and you are expressing fun through the inspiration aspect of it, you shall allow yourself to accomplish much more to your satisfaction. But in association with your beliefs, once you have begun you must continue and you must be expressing discipline. In this, discipline is not necessarily an expression of being rigid or forcing your energy.

Therefore, allow yourself to move your attention and incorporate more of a spontaneity, and this shall be quite altering of how you incorporate this action of writing.

ANNE: I shall try to put that into practice. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ANNE: One of the biggest challenges I feel is in allowing myself to be vulnerable and to trust, shall we say, others, although it probably always comes back to oneself at the end of the day. I can really swing from one extreme of happiness and trust of myself, to the opposite of wanting to control as much as I can, which is very uncomfortable, actually.

This vulnerability thing is something that I don’t really allow to happen. There is a very strong protection I put up around myself because I have this very strong feeling of I cannot be taken advantage of. No one better take advantage of me. I’d like to talk a little bit about that because I’ve really got to do something about it. It’s getting on my nerves, to be honest.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I am understanding. These are strong beliefs and quite strong expressions, and they do limit your freedom tremendously. For you express much more freedom if you allow an openness, and openness is vulnerability. As you allow yourself exposure, you also allow much more of a freedom, for you are not holding to your energy so tightly and you allow much more of an ease in an interaction with other individuals.

Now; let me express to you, no other individual creates any aspect of your reality, and this is very significant.

ANNE: Yes, I know what you are saying. I think that’s at the base of all of this.

ELIAS: Correct. For most individuals may allow themselves a recognition that they create some of their reality but they do not create all of their reality, that other individuals do create some of their reality, which is quite definitely incorrect. There is no expression that occurs within your reality that is not generated by you.

Now; this is not to say that other individuals do not interact with you and that they do not create their own expressions, for they do, but they are not and you are not co-creating with each other. Therefore, what are you protecting?

ANNE: This is my question. What am I really protecting?

ELIAS: You are protecting you from you, in the guise of protecting yourself from other individuals. If you believe that other individuals may be taking advantage of you, what are you actually expressing?

ANNE: That’s just it. It never actually happens. Once I sense that that might be a possibility, I really put on the barriers and therefore it never really happens. What happens is that I repel them immediately.

ELIAS: Correct, which actually repels yourself also. In this, what are you actually expressing if you are protecting yourself from being taken advantage of? You are expressing that you incorporate the potential to be a victim and that some other individual holds the power to being hurtful to you. But not merely this! What is implied in the action of what you believe to be any individual taking advantage of another individual?

ANNE: That one is the victim and one is the perpetrator.

ELIAS: Not merely this. But in being that victim, what are you expressing within yourself? That you are not capable of generating your reality in a safe manner and that you are not aware enough or savvy enough or intelligent enough to be generating your reality yourself and that other individuals may be cunning and may deceive you, which expresses that you do not incorporate enough awareness. Therefore who are you discounting, but yourself?

ANNE: Myself.

ELIAS: Correct, for you are expressing to yourself that you are not good enough – not genuinely that other individuals are deceitful, but that you are not adequate enough to be creating your reality in the manner in which you want and generating a safe environment.

ANNE: Yes, I had a dream which told me that. I am beginning to be aware of that now. That is also very much in line with an experience I’ve had for the last three years with my neighbor. I have a business and she is my neighbor. She seems to express all of those elements in the relationship that we have with each other. Is she part of that?

ELIAS: All of the elements of...?

ANNE: Basically, I’ve been trying to figure out why... It’s been three years and no matter what I do or don’t do or whatever, nothing changes in the relationship. I just cannot figure it out.

ELIAS: And what do you wish to change?

ANNE: I just want her to leave me alone. (Elias chuckles) You laugh! That’s all I want, just leave me alone, just get out of my hair. Let me get on with my life, you get on with yours, we’ll stay out of each other’s hair and that is that.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) But you continue to interact.

ANNE: Well, yes, because we are next door to each other.

ELIAS: Ah! And this does not necessarily matter.

ANNE: I know it doesn’t, but...

ELIAS: (Laughs) Merely that you incorporate the physical proximity is not necessitating that you also incorporate interaction. Therefore, why do you choose to be interactive?

ANNE: I really try not to. I try to avoid her. Most times, I do try to avoid her as much as I can. I’ll walk in a different direction. I’ll make sure if I have to walk in front of her shop, I’ll just look straight ahead. I just don’t want any interaction. But she’s so provocative! That’s all I can describe it as. She will not let anything go.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Let me express to you, there are two actions occurring in this. One is a counterpart action, an opposite counterpart action, which naturally repels. She does not incorporate the opposite counterpart with you, but you do with her.

ANNE: I don’t quite understand that but...

ELIAS: Counterparts do not always engage each other. At times, it may be in one direction. Therefore, you are engaging a counterpart action with this individual, herself being an opposite counterpart to you, but she does not engage counterpart action in her direction with you. Therefore, in your terms, it is one-sided.

Now; this is one element of the affectingness and one of the reasons you are responsive to this individual in the manner that you are. For this is an opposite counterpart action, and in that action, individuals do express a repelling and a desire not to be interactive with the other individual for it is irritating.

Now; you also are presenting this individual to yourself as a reflection of certain expressions that you are attempting to present to yourself which you wish to be incorporating within yourself – more of an expression of boldness, more of an expression of openness within yourself, and less concern for the perceptions of other individuals. The reason that you have drawn this individual to yourself in this type of counterpart action is that it does gain your attention.

ANNE: She gains everyone’s attention, I tell you that. You can’t help but notice her. You said she does not incorporate the counterpart action. That I don’t quite understand.

ELIAS: Counterpart action is an action that you all engage with countless other focuses and other individuals. The purpose of counterpart action is to be offering yourselves experiences that you are not necessarily choosing to express in your focus, experiences and qualities that are latent within yourself but are not necessarily being expressed. Therefore, you engage counterpart action with another individual.

Generally speaking, as I have stated previously, individuals do not incorporate much interaction with opposite counterparts, for they are repelling and there is an immediate and on-going disdain. But at times, individuals do choose to be interactive somewhat with these individuals that are opposite counterparts, for they are attempting to reflect some expression to themselves and offer themselves information concerning their own focus and their own movement, which is what you are engaging – an opportunity to view yourself, through the reflection of this individual, in some of the very expressions that you view to being annoying as being actual qualities that you wish to express. Perhaps not in the same manner, but the manner is not what is significant.

ANNE: I take it that the only way this whole thing is going to end, this whole relationship, is either I accept this reflection or I move out.

ELIAS: Ah, this is quite black and white.

ANNE: (Laughs) I don’t know any other way to deal with it.

ELIAS: Or perhaps in your investigation of yourself and your addressing to certain beliefs and expressions within yourself, you shall alter your perception and therefore alter the interaction, alter the relationship or even discontinue it. There are many different choices besides merely the either/or.

ANNE: So it’s a matter of changing perceptions, altering perceptions of the events.


ANNE: To be honest, I don’t know when that’s going to happen! (Elias laughs with Anne) Because I just want her to get away from me. That’s my primary feeling. She gives me the creeps!

ELIAS: Now; pay attention to this also, for this is significant, especially within this time framework.

Pay attention to the energy that you are expressing outwardly. For there is a tremendous intensity of energy which is being expressed throughout your world, and each individual is generating a contribution to conflict or not, and that is expressed in what you generate within each moment and each day of your focus.

ANNE: So those sorts of reactions that I have, shall we say automatic responses of anger, are just that? They are just by-products of the real thing that is going on. I don’t know how else to explain it. Do you know what I mean?

ELIAS: Yes. If you are expressing anger, what are you communicating to yourself? In the moments that you are expressing anger, that is a signal, and the message that is being communicated to you is that you perceive yourself to incorporate no choices.

ANNE: Correct, yes, I agree.

ELIAS: Therefore, it is quite significant to be recognizing what you are actually communicating to yourself within a moment and recognizing what you are actually generating, for merely the recognition that you are expressing the signal of anger and that your communication is that you incorporate no choice offers you an immediate opportunity to generate choice and to dissipate the signal immediately and alter your perception immediately.

ANNE: It’s going to take practice. I will get there, but it will take practice.

ELIAS: Also, perhaps you may, in moments that you view yourself to be beginning to generate frustration or anger, allow yourself to stop and inquire within yourself what you want in that moment – not what you want of the other individual, but what YOU want.

As example, if you are interacting with this particular individual and you view yourself to be becoming irritated, rather than expressing the inquiry to yourself “what do I want” and responding to yourself “I want this individual to disappear” – which is an action in which you are projecting your attention outwardly and generating some expectation of another individual – rather, express the question to yourself “what do I want in this moment.”

Once you discover ANY expression that you want – it matters not what you offer to yourself – but once you offer any identification of what you want in that actual moment, allow yourself to act. Not merely think, but incorporate action.

ANNE: It’s scary, that one, but I will. (Laughs)

Moving along, just a quick thing about this pattern of having extremes in my life. She’s one of them, by the way, really extreme situation, that one. But anyway, other areas it’s affecting is, I would say, money and also – how should I explain it? – moments of complete synchronicity and also moments of complete out of whack, like nothing goes right, no matter what I do, say, try. You know, you just have those days where nothing goes right, and then you have those days when everything falls in line perfectly and it’s wonderful.

ELIAS: Calm or chaos! (Laughs)

ANNE: It’s one or the other, it seems. There are those in-between days, of course, but what is it? What I’ve noticed is that there doesn’t seem to be any pattern within those extremities. In other words, I don’t see a pattern when those extremities will take place or not, and I don’t understand when I’m actually triggering them to happen.

ELIAS: Ah, and perhaps you shall allow yourself a much clearer awareness of these time frameworks if you are genuinely paying attention and noticing your energy. For I may express to you, it is quite obvious in a day, so to speak, in which you may be generating chaos or what you term to be all of your actions being wrong or much drama that you may notice that as you arise within your morning you are already expressing that energy.

ANNE: Yes, exactly, I am!

ELIAS: It is an energy of restlessness, and in those time frameworks you do offer yourself a prelude to the direction of your day.

ANNE: You are right. That is another thing I was going to ask. Often I’ll wake up and I know what’s going to happen that day, the mood of the day. I feel like I don’t really have – I know what you’re going to say but I’m going to say it anyway – that much control over it because I am just waking up. Usually I have had a dream that will set the tone, shall we say.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

ANNE: And so I wake up from that dream, it sets the tone within me, and then I have my day and then I go to sleep – you know the cycle.

ELIAS: The significant factor in this, my friend, is this term “control.” This is quite significant, for it is not a matter of control. In expressing the control or the lack of control, you also deny your choices. The expression of the lack of control within your reality individually is, in actuality, another form of control, for it binds you.

As you awake and you incorporate an awareness that your day is doomed (Anne laughs), you actually control it to be so. This denies many of your choices and also creates a very strong rigidness in which you do not allow yourself to deviate.

I may express to you an identification that there have been incorporated times within your focus in which you are experiencing one of your chaos or doomed days and an individual may approach you and attempt to lighten your expression and mood, and this is evidence of your control, that you refuse to allow it. Your day has been set, you are aware of it, you are controlling that it shall be doomed until you retire within that evening, and NO expression shall alter it.

ANNE: (Both laugh) That is so true! It’s quite funny now that you say it that way. I know control is one of my big issues. I am aware of that. I am working on it, but you know, that’s a big one. That’s a very big one.

Now, we’re heading towards that time, but we do have a bit of time left. I’d like to talk about my body a little tiny bit because I find its language I don’t sometimes quite understand. For instance, for a time last year I was beginning to break out on my neck and it’s starting to happen again now. I have no idea why and what it is expressing to me.

ELIAS: Very well. Let us incorporate an exercise in examination, that you may allow yourself a clearer method, so to speak, in translating to yourself your own actions and your own creations. How do you view this manifestation?

ANNE: How do I view it? I go through your typical it’s the throat, the communication chakra, that’s obviously being effected. These spots, I don’t really like them, so it has to do something with that, not liking communication.

ELIAS: Now; without incorporating all of this metaphysics, merely express to me what your initial response is as you view this manifestation and what is your feeling.

ANNE: It bothers me.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; define “bothers you.”

ANNE: I don’t want it to be there; I don’t like it.

ELIAS: And what do you dislike?

ANNE: That it’s not attractive.

ELIAS: Aha! This is the point.

Now; view how you may be inquiring of yourself what your responses are to what you create and what answers you offer to yourself. You express that this bothers you. As you define that term of “bothering,” you offer yourself more information, and as you continue to evaluate, you recognize that you view this to be unattractive.

Now; it is not associated with your throat or your blue energy center or communication, other than a communication to yourself. But it IS associated with how you view yourself in relation to attractiveness, how you present yourself to other individuals and whether you view yourself as being attractive. In time frameworks in which you are not viewing yourself to being attractive and you are discounting yourself, you generate this type of manifestation – which you do not continuously but you do at times.

ANNE: Regarding my weight, which I don’t really want to shift and I have to say it’s not bad, but a lot of it is concentrated on my belly. Again I don’t quite understand why.

ELIAS: And how do you view this?

ANNE: Well, it’s kind of unbalanced distribution, basically. I view it as a genetic thing, to be honest.

ELIAS: And what do you want?

ANNE: I just don’t want it to be there. I want it to go away, flatten out.

ELIAS: Now; but what are your expressed beliefs in association with this? First of all, you have expressed one.

ANNE: Again, it’s unattractive.

ELIAS: And another which you have expressed to myself, that it is genetic.

Now; if you are generating an expression physically that is genetic, what do your beliefs express? That you do not incorporate the ability to alter this. Therefore, once again, you incorporate no choice and you are a victim to your own body consciousness.

ANNE: Got it. Of course, I should see that.

Just one last quick one – my husband’s alignment, family and essence name.

ELIAS: Essence name, Roth, R-O-T-H. And your impression as to essence family and alignment?

ANNE: I would say there is some Zuli in there somewhere.

ELIAS: Alignment.

ANNE: The other one I’m not sure. I haven’t thought about it.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Essence family, Vold.

ANNE: Ok, I’ll let him know that – he’ll be pleased with that. I think that is almost it now. He did want me to ask you one little question but we don’t have enough time. Would it be okay if I quickly asked?


ANNE: He’s wanting to start a business. He has a feeling of wanting to start a business but he doesn’t quite know what it is and why the idea hasn’t made its presence known. I’m not quite sure what he wants to ask about it in relation to, but what I want to ask is why hasn’t the idea reached him or why hasn’t he allowed himself to have the idea?

ELIAS: For he is pushing too hard, and in this, expressing an impatience rather than an allowance. You may express to this individual to incorporate my suggestion of allowing himself to relax and listen to his communication of imagination, and to listen to that expression in a playful manner rather than a seriousness and a force of energy, and he shall offer himself his inspiration much more clearly.

ANNE: I shall let him know that. Am I correct in saying that the idea is actually there but he just hasn’t...

ELIAS: ...translated, yes. The communication is being expressed; it has merely not been translated yet.

ANNE: Am I also correct in saying that you have been around me for a while now?


ANNE: I have sensed that and I wanted to acknowledge that. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are quite welcome.

ANNE: I see your blue energy hanging around. I see it. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: And perhaps it shall increase, to be reminding you of what we have discussed this day. (Laughs)

ANNE: Thank you very much, it’s been such a pleasure.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I express to you great affection, my friend.

ANNE: Thank you very much, and to you.

ELIAS: And I shall be anticipating our next meeting.

ANNE: Yes, we will have one.

ELIAS: I offer to you in affection and encouragement. Au revoir.

ANNE: Au revoir. Thank you; good-bye.

Elias departs at 3:24 PM.

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