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Tuesday, June 03, 1997

<  Session 180 (Private)  >

“Trusting Self/Relationships”

Participants: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), and Christie (Oliver).

Elias arrives at 5:14 PM. (Time was 20 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good evening. (Smiling)

CHRIS: Good evening. (Pause)

ELIAS: You are wishing inquiry this evening?

CHRIS: Yeah. I have a few things that I would like to talk about that I’m really kind of confused about. How are you?

ELIAS: Quite fine, as always!

CHRIS: Great. Well, I’ve been going through some changes in my life and I feel like I’m having a lot of emotional difficulties right now. I just kind of wanted to talk to you a little bit about where this might be coming from, if there’s something in my past or whatever ... if you can enlighten me at all, or guide me or something. I have been going to a session similar to this, but it’s with the Course in Miracles. Have you heard of the Course in Miracles?


CHRIS: Everything that I’m learning in the Course in Miracles almost is verbatim what you say, and it just is blowing me away because things that I’ve heard you say I hear this book say, and I’ve come to believe that it’s pretty darn true. They say it was written by Jesus, but it really doesn’t have an author on it, and so I’ve felt very comfortable in staying with the Course in Miracles. I’ve been doing it for a year because I feel like it has a connection with everything that you’re teaching as well, and then I feel that I haven’t lost much of the teachings that you teach because of this. It’s like a parallel, but what I have lost is a connection ... and I’m going to get emotional with you. I hope you don’t mind. (Crying) I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what is happening with my connection with people. Things are happening in my life, where I believe it to be true and then it happens, and I’m finding that things that are effortless happen just like that. (Snapping fingers) I wanted a car, and effortlessly a car came into my view. It’s just amazing. I wanted a house, I wanted to move, my kids are saying we’ve got to move out of here, and effortlessly a house just appeared. So my confusion is that the rest of my life isn’t really effortless and I have conflict, especially when it comes around people in relationships. Are you following all of this, I hope?

ELIAS: Quite. Continue.

CHRIS: And then of course my love relationship now is falling apart and I see a pattern, and it’s like I don’t want to have the same pattern happen because I don’t want this pain in my life any more. I know that everything is an illusion and I’m bringing this on myself. And what I want to know, is it true that things happen to us in our life over again as kind of a chance for us to do it right? Is that true? Is it a chance for us to ... We have it in front of us, we did it one way, right or wrong, and we get to do it again in a different way that makes us not quite so messed up, if you know what I mean?

ELIAS: Your boat shall not dock only once. It continues to come back to you repeatedly. You may view this as that you receive more than one chance to be accomplishing with different choices, or you may view that you are continuing and not necessarily repeating but offering yourself opportunities to be moving forward, disassembling shrines that you have assembled within your past within similar situations. You view patterns, for you offer yourself situations that are similar. They are not the same identically but they hold similarities, and you view yourself as moving within behavior similarly. This is your opportunity, in noticing, to alter your behavior and therefore initiate new choices.

Within physical focus, as you are faced with many emotional situations and feelings which are influenced by your belief systems, this creates confusion while you are dealing with certain issues. It also reinforces your own belief and feeling of duplicity. Therefore, as you all lean in the direction of the negativity, you automatically focus your attention in this direction, not allowing yourself to listen to subjective information and to see what you may view as the positive aspects of these situations.

You offer yourself the opportunity for growth. You have availed yourself of information, which as I have stated previously, each individual shall draw themselves to information which speaks to them. No information offered is wrong. Therefore, if you are benefiting from the information and it is edifying to you, it shall be a beneficial direction. I do not discourage this action at all. In addition to this, I encourage acknowledgment of self.

Within many different elements of information offered presently there is still held slight curves, shall we say, in underlying tones, which are reinforcing of old belief systems such as karma or duplicity. For the most part you may be incorporating information of other sources, and if you are carefully discerning you shall be offering yourself valuable tools in your movement within this present now, and also within your shift.

Be remembering, though, not to be caught in the underlying web of discounting self, for this you automatically do anyway. It is a continuing uphill struggle for you all, to be battling against these belief systems that you hold so very tightly in discounting of self and in lack of trustfulness of self, which creates doubt and confusion and conflict. Each time a situation arises within your everyday life that you question, you automatically lean to ideas of fault and inadequacy. You automatically attempt to be analyzing the situation and not viewing those areas of the situation which are reinforcing of self. You are only analyzing those areas which are questioning self. (Christie affirms)

You have been struggling for much time period within the same issue. You have offered yourself some reinforcing elements to be expressing positive movement, but now you may view that no matter how great your objective imagery or symbolism appears within actual objects physically, you continue to hold conflict, regardless; for these things are not what you seek. We have spoken previously much time ago of the wants that you desired physically. Now, within an attempt to be trusting of self, you achieve and acquire those very wants, and you are still unhappy.

I am remembering of our discussions of a little house and your wanting of movement in this area, but now you offer yourself the opportunity to view that although you may in actuality achieve successfulness in objectifying what you want in creating your reality physically, these are mere parlor tricks! (Christie laughs) They are not satisfactory, for within you are still confused; and although you may hold the ability to express to another that you may create your reality objectively, within you doubt this, for you do not create what you truly seek; this being what you identify as peacefulness and happiness and effortlessness within. Although you may accomplish this effortlessness outside, it is merely imagery; this being what we have spoken of many times, in that you are seeking the answer or the method to be attaining this effortlessness which resides within you already. You need only be trusting self.

This sounds very simple, but this faces you within every moment of every one of your days within every situation. You are faced continuously with opportunities to be trusting self or not trusting self, and acknowledging within that trustfulness that you accept you. This is not to say that you objectively act out, but within do not accept your expression. Within interaction of other individuals, as you express from an area of trusting within self and expressing what is beneficial to you, you must also accept your own expression and not be recoiling this within, although outwardly you continue your expression. Inwardly you are within argument of your outward expression.

These are, I am understanding, very difficult practices within physical focus, for you are accustomed to operating within the confines of your belief systems and those of mass accepted belief systems of acceptable behavior, and also of acceptable interaction within interpersonal relationships of any type. What you do not realize is that within expression of essence, within trusting and accepting of self, you shall be expressing within acceptable and beneficial means to not only yourself, but to all those around you also. As you are continuing to look to outside elements to be creating of your happiness and your fulfillment, you will continue to be disappointed; for you may quite temporarily feel somewhat of a satisfaction and an appeasement by outside creations, but this is fleeting. What is lasting and what shall create your true effortless and your true calm is that acceptance of self, in knowing that you are a worthy and perfect being.

In this, let me offer you a slight example of alteration of perception that you may draw upon, for this is quite common within physical focus. You are interacting with another individual upon very mundane lines. The subject matter may be very small or very large. It matters not. It may be as mundane as removing bread crumbs from a counter. Within the interaction, one individual views a situation and holds thought processes about this situation. In this, let me express, let us choose an absolute situation. I shall present you with a very simple, mundane situation ...

CHRIS: Okay.

ELIAS: ... but it is applicable to all situations.

Individual number one is walking through their parlor and spies socks upon their floor. They look to the socks and they express, “Tsk, tsk, tsk! Why must individual number two always be placing the socks upon this floor? This is irresponsible! This is not cooperative and this is irritating!” Individual one is operating within the framework of mass belief systems; allowing emotional response, allowing projection of judgment, allowing focus to be deferred off of self onto the behavior of another individual which they deem to be unacceptable.

Now; in altering perception, individual one may instead be inquiring of self, “Why is this irritating to me? How is this offensive or hurtful to me? Which belief system am I operating within? Does this matter? How does this hold importance to me? Is individual number two being hurtful to me? Do I feel devalued by the action of individual number two? If I feel devalued, why? For I hold no reason to be devalued.” For no other individual may devalue you. It is only your only belief systems that allow this occurrence. If you are knowing and accepting of your value within you, it matters not the expression of another individual.

Let us express slightly differently. Within relationships between individuals, there is a consistent, constant striving for each individual to feel appreciated and valued by the other individual. If you are valuing and appreciating of self, you need not value from another individual. The input is not necessary. It may be accepted graciously, but it is not a necessity. Therefore, whatever is offered is accepted for it is not a need within you, for you are understanding already that you are accepting and appreciating of you. Individuals create conflict as they are attempting to change another individual or holding an expectation of another individual, which is the same; for as you hold an expectation of another individual, you are within {although not thinkingly} wanting their behavior to change and be expressed differently.

In this, we are entirely forgetful of the little sapling, which concerns itself not with the other sapling. The other sapling may convolute itself in as many ways as it may possibly imagine and it affects not the straight sapling, for the straight sapling recognizes that that is its creation. It is not wrong. It is not worse. It is different; and within an acceptance that each individual creates their own reality, which is reality, and that you create your reality and are not a victim, it is acceptable for each to be creating within their own expression.

In this, one does not attempt to be directing of the other. As I have stated, this is not quite so easily accomplished, for you are quite accustomed within your belief systems to operating within different methods. You automatically lean into these belief systems. You automatically allow affectingness. Another individual may approach you and may verbally express a statement to you that you may feel automatically offensive within. You have automatically leaned into your mass belief systems without thought process. It is quite natural. You are attempting now to be altering and widening perceptions that you have held not only throughout this focus, but throughout many focuses. This is unfamiliar. Therefore, it is difficult. It is not impossible!

In this, I express to you that you have offered yourself quite a wondrous opportunity presently, if you be not viewing this in a negative direction. You have created objective imagery within ideals that you have expressed your wishing for. You have in certain areas allowed yourself to view your ability to create your own reality. You also allow yourself to view elements of self that are dissatisfactory to you. This is not negative. This is an opportunity to create new choices.

It is interesting that within belief systems, individuals are continuously concerned with how they are viewed by other individuals. They are also quite protective of their image and their camouflage.

You present your camouflage to the world and are very, very protective of this projection of image, and as it is challenged in any direction by any other individual, you must be drawing of your sword to be in defense of this camouflage! It is merely camouflage. And shall you die within what you think to be acquiescence? And if you shall, it matters not. It is only through the operation of belief systems, individually and en masse, that these elements become mattering. “I shall not allow another individual to be walking upon me! I shall not allow another individual to be taking advantage of me!”

CHRIS: So is there then anything to the statement that if someone believes something of you, and then you get your armor up in defense of that, that it’s possible ... the possibility in the belief system then is that it becomes true? Whereas if somebody believes something of you and you don’t defend yourself, you just go “Hmm,” that it actually dissipates and is not true?

ELIAS: Partially. I express to you that you must be realizing of each situation and circumstance and individual that you are dealing with and evaluate each situation, for at times you may be presented with certain issues or circumstances that you may be drawing to yourself as mirror action, that you may be acquiring information for yourself to be addressing to issues that you hold. But within other circumstances you also may not be involved with this activity, and you may be confronted with the belief systems of another individual which are not held by yourself; this being where it is necessary to be accepting and trusting of self, that you may discern which situation you are being faced with. But regardless, within each situation you are not looking to self in chastisement. You are recognizing of your involvement within the situation and you are recognizing of the acceptance of self, and that even within an uncomfortable confrontation of mirror action, this does not pose to you the wrongness of self. It merely offers you an opportunity to view an element of self that you have chosen to be changing.

CHRIS: Okay. Can I throw out a circumstance here? I think I’m getting what you’re saying, in that in my relationships that I’ve had through the years ... It’s like I have a relationship with someone, I start a relationship with someone who I know inside me, this must be myself, isn’t going to work. And something tells me this isn’t going to work, and then I tell myself, “We’ll give it a go and see what happens.” And then years go by, a couple of years go by, and then upheaval! And I think it’s because inside of me, that person that I should have trusted in the first place is going “ugh,” trying to get out of my stronghold of going, “I’m going to make this work!” And I’ve done this over and over and over, in my striving to find that thing on the outside to make me feel better, okay? So now here I am again. I’m in this situation again. I did pretty good with the Lazslo thing I think, and I recognized that this wasn’t going to work and I went, “I’m out of here.” But I’ve done exactly the same thing. I’ve picked somebody who I go, “Well, we’ll see what happens,” knowing that it’s never going to work! The man is going to drive me absolutely nuts, right? So, in the past I’ve done numerous things. I get out of there, I don’t see them for years, and then I feel better because it’s completely out of my system. It’s like I have to take myself out of the situation to be able to breathe again. And now, it’s the same situation! It’s like “Hello again!” And I don’t want to do this again! I do not want to go through this again!

ELIAS: You allow yourself to be distracted. Think with me carefully. Within the onset of a new relationship, you have moved yourself into an area of building confidence, although not entirely. Therefore, you face yourself and draw to yourself a situation of a new individual.

Now; realize that you may move to a certain point of acceptance of self. As you approach this point which you do not feel you may cross beyond, you begin to seek out, not within thought process but you do within energy, seek out a new individual as partner, to be continuing that expression of acceptance that you may not continue for yourself. Therefore, you have moved to a certain point within self; and as this stops and becomes blocked, you are also realizing that this is not completely accomplished and there is a need for more movement. You do not trust self to accomplish this. Therefore, you begin to look outside, believing that outside will provide the missing element and finish the project.

In this, innerly you do hold a recognition that in your terms this shall not work, for you are understanding subjectively that you are not going to accomplish what you seek by drawing outside elements. It is necessary to be crossing that line and continuing with acceptance within and exploring and acknowledging within, but as this is a very definite blocking cut-point, you move to the area of shifting your objective to outside. In this, within your diligence you attempt all possible to be accomplishing within the given relationship, continuing for a reasonable time period but eventually recognizing that this is not your answer; therefore placing yourself back to your line, expressing inwardly to yourself [that] you must offer this trustfulness and acceptance to yourself, and recognizing that no other individual shall be capable of giving this to you.

You may be accepting of another individual’s expression freely and hold joyfulness in this once you have already crossed your own line of acceptance and have learned the acceptance of self, for you reach a point with other individuals that you recognize that their acceptance is not adequate. It is not enough. You are needing more. There are time periods that they hold no understanding. There are time periods that they are not accepting of your expression. They are not unconditionally supportive continuously, which is what you seek. But you are, to you! (Christie chuckles)

Another individual shall never entirely always be accepting of every expression of you, for they are a different individual and their reality is approached from a different perception.

CHRIS: But I can be entirely accepting of me!

ELIAS: Yes, absolutely!

CHRIS: So in accepting of self, you just accept anything that happens. If you do something that in your belief system is say wrong, you just accept it and say, “Yeah, well. Oh well! This is me. This is who I am.”


CHRIS: “This is me, and it’s not wrong.”


CHRIS: “This is me, and it’s pure love.”

ELIAS: Yes, and do not confuse yourself with temporary distraction. As you have come to your line that you will not cross, as you draw to yourself another individual to continue what you will not allow yourself to continue, you very efficiently distract yourself with feelings. You enter emotions of infatuation or excitement. The excitement distracts you from your objective. The excitement is misinterpreted. The excitement becomes consuming, and allows you the opportunity to not be focusing within any longer and distracting yourself away from self to focusing upon another individual. In this, you reinforce yourself by expressing that you hold feelings. The feelings confuse you; but as a candle, within a certain time period it burns away, for it is temporary. Its temporariness is dependent upon how much you wish to be distracting of yourself and how far away from your line you wish to go. At times you are choosing to be extending this time period for quite a while, not wishing to be approaching this line and having to be accepting of self. Now you move to a time period of shorter, and the realization that this is not the direction that you wish to pursue.

I offer you a break, and I shall return to be discussing with you further momentarily.

CHRIS: Okay, thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

BREAK: 6:14 PM.
RESUME: 6:32 PM. (Time was fifteen seconds.)

ELIAS: Continue, Oliver.

CHRIS: Okay. So I guess then the next step is getting past that wall, getting past that point where then I start looking out for something else to entertain me so that I don’t have to deal with ... So then that’s really what I need. And once I get past that wall, then more things will open up for me and I’ll just ...

ELIAS: Quite.

CHRIS: ... I’ll get it!

ELIAS: Be remembering that this shall be more difficult than it appears in words; for within your species, once you enter into the throes of your emotional state, many times you disengage your rationality and you allow yourselves to move into the acceptance of the “rightness” of your feelings. You do not always recognize that there are times that you are engaging these feelings to be distracting you.

CHRIS: Hmm. Well, oftentimes it’s kind of hard to discern whether to go with the feelings or which direction to go, whether you ignore what’s going on or you actually go with it.

ELIAS: This being the recognition of the acceptance of self. If you have moved to an area of acceptance of self, you shall not be seeking out this distraction. Therefore, when you do draw yourself or allow yourself to be drawn into a relationship with another individual, it shall hold a different quality. It shall not appear initially so all-consuming. It shall not be so all-distracting. You shall hold a balance in awareness, continuing your awareness of self and your direction while also accepting the relationship and interplay of another individual.

There are indicating factors that you may look to presently that are suggestive to you that you have approached your line and are not willing to be crossing this line, and are now beginning to distract yourself by looking outward. Your objective imagery shall be quite indicative of this, to where you distract yourself initially entirely! You may continue in your activities that you normally engage, but you shall also involve the other individual within these activities. You shall feel the need to be connected to this other individual within all of your activities, and therefore preventing yourself from independent activity.

CHRIS: Okay, I can appreciate that. I’ve been doing that a lot. I’m at a turning point at the moment, okay? Am I up against that wall going, “I don’t want to do this anymore?” Is that what I’m doing? I’m kind of at a place where I just really want to look at myself? (Elias is nodding)

Okay. I belong to this club and I’m involved in the club, and I’m thinking Gaylon also belongs to the club, and I’m thinking of getting out of it completely and not being distracted by that anymore because I’m not sure how to handle that anymore. Is that trying to get through my wall, or is it another diversion? How do I know?

ELIAS: These are indications that you are attempting to offer yourself the opportunity to change your direction. These indicators are speaking to you, in an effort to divert you away from those elements that you normally magnate to for your distraction. You place yourself into situations that allow you a ready availability of distraction if you are wishing to avail yourself of this distraction. In this, presently you are offering yourself the opportunity to create different choices and move away from this situation that you have set up quite efficiently for yourself previously. Within your involvement in this organization, you hold a continuous, steady opportunity to be engaging your distraction. As you move away from one you may engage another, for the availability is present.

CHRIS: Right. And so how do I then stay on track? I don’t have a real good track record of staying on track with things!

ELIAS: You may choose to be continuing with your affiliation to this organization if you are wishing, but be remembering that this also serves you in your method of your distraction. Therefore, it creates another obstacle of which you must be aware. This is not a “bad thing!” It is only that you must hold an awareness of the areas that you place yourself within. You may be choosing to disengage and eliminate that temptation, so to speak. This is your choice. Some individuals choose to be disengaging from those elements which do not serve them and create added obstacles to their course. Some individuals do not choose to disengage. It is entirely a choice. The awareness is there. You are understanding that the situation presents a ready opportunity to be slipping into your method of distraction.

CHRIS: Okay. What can I do? What are some kind of guidelines to do to get over that wall? I mean, are we talking meditation? I can’t analyze myself to death, you know. What exactly do I need to do?

ELIAS: You need not analyze yourself to death! You need be recognizing of your own imagery and your own signals. Be listening to self. Recognize that which you understand. You are understanding of your feelings. They are expressing communication to you. They are not in conflict with your thoughts. When your feelings are in conflict with your thoughts, then you may be evaluating; as when you are entering into a relationship, your feelings are excited and carrying you off. Your thoughts are expressing reluctance. Therefore, they are not in agreement.

CHRIS: Right.

ELIAS: Presently, your thoughts and your feelings are in agreement. As they are in agreement and as you are emotionally focused, listen to what you are expressing to yourself through your language. You are expressing that you are not satisfied, that you are unhappy. You hold the ability to alter this. Think first of self.

CHRIS: Which goes entirely against our belief system!

ELIAS: Absolutely. Think first of self. Concern yourself with self and be attending to self. In this, you shall be benefiting of others also. This is not to say that I encourage negativity or maliciousness to others, but you express severity to self presently. This is for your attention. You are yelling to yourself presently. Therefore, listen!

CHRIS: Okay. So what I’m coming to believe is that if we are accepting of ourselves, and in that time that we become accepting of ourselves then our life becomes effortless, and because I’ve done a few parlor tricks, so to speak, and what I think I’ve done is recognize the effortless of a few things, and therefore in those respects I have become recognizing of myself.

ELIAS: Correct. You have offered yourself some imagery to be expressing this to yourself and to be validating of yourself. In this, you are moving yourself to the point that you are at now.

CHRIS: Right. And another expression of being able to accept self is living in the present?

ELIAS: Absolutely.

CHRIS: As opposed to thinking of the past, wishing for the future, living in the present. I’ve noticed that when I have sat down and actually lived in the present ... there’s been a few times! ... that things happen differently. Things happen to me, and it’s not a trick. It’s just an awareness. Like I will say, “Where are my glasses?” And I’ll be in the present, and I’ll look and I’ll find them. I mean, it’s just amazing. And so maybe I’m being shown a picture of what it can really be like?

ELIAS: You are showing yourself ...

CHRIS: Ah, okay ...

ELIAS: ... your picture.

CHRIS: Of what it really can be like, and that’s maybe why all of this is just kind of hitting me at one time?


CHRIS: It’s like the same thing with my weight. I just don’t want to do the up and down and up and down, and I think that my weight is just a protection, that for some reason I feel I need to be protected because I’m afraid of being alone. And this has got to be part of this wall that I’m hitting, that I’m afraid that ... I’m afraid to be alone and that’s why I pull these people into my life. It’s like a big, round wheel going around and around, but I don’t want to do it anymore! I want to get out of it!

ELIAS: And what do you fear so desperately? What may be so unworthy of you that you may not joyously enjoy and accept your company?

CHRIS: (Laughing) It seems pretty ludicrous, huh?

ELIAS: For no other shall offer you the acceptance that you may offer yourself, if you are allowing yourself. You also allow yourself tremendous freedom in accepting of self, for you do not look to other individuals for validation and completeness. Therefore, you may accept your own creativity and be appreciative of this and allow yourself new freedoms.

CHRIS: I’ve always had a problem with creativity, not thinking I had any.

ELIAS: Duplicity is the curse of your present age. Your globe is plagued with this belief system of duplicity, which is so very unnecessary!

CHRIS: So really, it’s easy, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.

ELIAS: Quite; for as you engage this action, you may find the difficulties and the confusions within the action. It is all well to be engaged within this audience and listening to the expression of these concepts. But in practice, as you move upon the morrow and you are interacting with other individuals, you may draw upon these words and you will also battle with your feelings and your thoughts which automatically lean into that belief system of duplicity; and as another individual is supportive temporarily or appearing to be understanding and kind, this shall reinforce that which you have already set as your method, which is diverting of your objective.

CHRIS: But if I’m aware of that diversion, then I can alter it.

ELIAS: You very well may. It requires only your attention ...

CHRIS: Right.

ELIAS: ... and your perseverance.

CHRIS: Right, such as the attention my back caught when I was hating my job and my work. I caught my own attention. I don’t want to do that again! I think I’m getting it. I think I’m picking up things.

ELIAS: Quite. You have been leading yourself in increments through your own issues, as do many other individuals within our forum. You do not instantaneously alter and change all of the issues and elements that you are wishing to be changing, for the belief systems and the patterns are strong; but you each lead yourselves in your own constructive directions, to be addressing to the issues that you hold and moving through the belief systems to acceptance. These, as you may observe with many other individuals, are very difficult endeavors. They are not accomplished without elements of mild trauma.

CHRIS: Hmm. So we have to have mild trauma in our lives?

ELIAS: No, but in light of your belief systems, you create this.

CHRIS: Oh, okay. We create it to wake ourselves up?

ELIAS: There are many reasons that you create this. You hold very strongly to your belief systems. You are not so very anxious to be letting go of these belief systems. Therefore, you create conflict in your attempt to be moving into acceptance of these belief systems. You create battles. It is unfamiliar to you. You also hold belief systems atop of the belief systems that you address, that attainment of any element holds value if it engages struggle.

CHRIS: Right. Well, we can let that one go!

ELIAS: Can you???

CHRIS: (Laughing) That would be something to go towards, huh?

ELIAS: Yes, it very well would! But as you may see now, you not only address an issue within belief systems, but you hold belief systems on top of belief systems on top of belief systems, which are all influencing in the reluctance of movement! Putting aside all of these belief systems, you are correct; it is unnecessary to be creating trauma or conflict or any element of what you term to be negativity in accepting anything. You may also accomplish this instantaneously, although within the belief systems that you hold, you do not believe this! There must be a method and a process.

CHRIS: But if we could believe it instantaneously, we could get it!

ELIAS: Yes, you could.

CHRIS: If we let go of the belief systems.


CHRIS: Right. Well, it’s like building one on top of the other. It’s like the people who want to get rich but they’ll never get rich, because their belief system says that rich people do such-and-such and so-and-so to people getting rich. Therefore, they do not want to be one of those people, so they will never get rich. That’s exactly what you’re saying, right?


CHRIS: So we just have to look at each situation that comes up and trust ourselves and what we feel? And then what we feel is what we think, and they’re in agreement and there’s no conflict? Then that’s the effortlessness that we’re looking for? And then we just know that we’re in line, that we are accepting of ourselves? (Pause)

ELIAS: This requires careful evaluation. I wish not to be misleading you in offering you information, that you may be thinking that if you are experiencing no conflict that you are absolutely moving within the most effortless or efficient direction; for there are times that you may delude yourself within your own belief systems and feel no conflict, but you are continuing within the throes of your belief systems. Therefore, you must be ever watchful and following of your impulses; which be remembering, are not feelings. They are also not thoughts, although they may be translated subsequently into a feeling or a thought; but initially, they are neither. Therefore, it is important that you are trusting of self and accepting of self, and in this you shall also be listening to yourself.

CHRIS: I have another question. I went to a psychic woman who told me that there was a dark cloud of negativity hanging around me, by someone in my past who was a love relationship who was like zapping me with negative vibes. Is that her belief system? Is that true? Is there something I must do to get rid of that?

ELIAS: This is a filtration through belief systems. As I have stated, individuals that you term to be psychics very often are connecting with the first layer of consciousness relevant to your objective consciousness. In this, there is much leeway for misinterpretation and allowance for interjection of belief systems within the individual of the psychic. The individual picks up, so to speak, the energy within your energy field which feels oppressive. This energy has been present for much time period. Therefore, the individual may not only associate this with this present now. Therefore, they associate this energy with past, for it has extended in what they term to be backward. It also, as you are aware within our discussion this evening, involves your issue with relationships and your issue with not crossing this line inwardly.

In this, you translate this issue into being an issue with other individuals or relationships. The individual of the psychic picks up this information also and interprets this in connection with duration, as being past relationship and heaviness. Therefore, they filter through their belief systems and evaluate, offering you the explanation distortedly of another individual projecting negative energy around you, which is incorrect. It is an evaluation of your own energy within your own energy field, which is dealing with this issue presently. This as you may see has been a misinterpretation, although the individual is connecting with your energy field and some elements of this which are correct, but is filtering this through their belief systems and understanding and creating of their own interpretation of the situation. This offers you also an example of how individuals distort information within their belief systems, and also within their lack of fitting all of the information together.

CHRIS: So it looks like then for me, I just have to stay focused, which is real hard for me because I get distracted so easily. Perhaps this is why I join groups and then I get to a point and then I feel alienated and then I stop, because I’ve hit that wall again and I just distract myself and then ...

ELIAS: (Smiling) It is all the same issue. They are all attempts at distraction from self.

CHRIS: Has this been going on for lives, or is this pretty much this life? I mean, my childhood and whatever I’ve picked up?

ELIAS: This would be within this particular focus, although you have also experienced one other focus that parallels this focus in many elements; but primarily, this has been the action within this particular focus. You have confused yourself and distracted yourself away from your intent and yourself, allowing counterparts to be experiencing your intent action for you as you divert yourself into distracted areas, but continue to seek your main objective.

CHRIS: Will I seek my main objective in this lifetime, do you think?


CHRIS: Good! I’m really glad to hear that! Okay. Well, you’re looking tired. Thank you so much. You’ve helped me so much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, and as I have expressed previously, you may be calling upon this essence for helpfulness as you wish. I shall then very lovingly bid you au revoir, until we meet again.

CHRIS: Au revoir!

Elias departs at 7:15 PM.

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