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Friday, January 01, 2005

<  Session 1687 (Private/Phone)  >

“Elias Blue-Plate-Special Life Intent Changer Instructions”

“Giving Up, as a Method”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Steve.

(Elias’ arrival time is 15 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

STEVE: Elias, is that really you?

ELIAS: Ha ha! Yes!

STEVE: I need your help bad.

ELIAS: Very well.

STEVE: This is Steve L. in Tucson, Arizona. Are you as always?


STEVE: I like that answer you give, because you always are “as always.”

ELIAS: (Laughs) And yourself?

STEVE: We bounce up and down, but not you.

Anyway, Elias, my friend, since I talked to you a couple of weeks ago, my consciousness has found a new way to torment me when I try to do something that runs the risk of becoming famous. It used to just raise my blood pressure, make me feel kind of ill and nauseated and a bunch of other things until I stopped doing that particular activity that risked that. But now it gave me an infection in my toes, and when I do something that risks fame, it makes that infection worse. When I stop, it makes that infection better. It literally talks to me that clearly about what I’m supposed to be doing and what I’m not supposed to be doing.

By the way, can I use those symptoms, up and down like that, as a guide as to what my consciousness is thinking on this issue, as opposed to intuition, impression, all that other stuff? Is this the best possible way to know exactly what the communication is, by the symptom responding immediately?

ELIAS: It is efficient, yes.

STEVE: I don’t have to worry about the other things, then, is that correct?


STEVE: Here’s the thing. I started reading your material on intent and on desires versus wants. I understand you cannot create except in alignment with your intent, so that rules out a lot of things that people want that they’re never going to get, no matter what they do, because it’s not within their intent, right?

ELIAS: Somewhat. It is not that absolute. You can create different expressions that are not in alignment with your intent, but generally speaking, that would generate conflict and struggle and a thickness in your energy, which would generate difficulty in your movement.

STEVE: In other words, for a while you could actually pull off some of these wants, except it’ll make you sick or something?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual how that shall be affecting of them.

STEVE: So here I am – I’ve got two things right now that, if I was allowed to do them, would make me famous. In fact, it would probably make me more famous than anyone who’s walked on the face of the earth. One of those things, as I’ve explained to you before, is that if we do things that we evolved doing in our lives, like putting our hands in the fetal position, it turns on a healing system that’s so powerful it can cure a cold in three hours instead of ten days. It turns on all of our healing systems.

The problem is that nobody believes me, and virtually no one will try it, except for the thirty people that have already tried it, and so I’m foiled. I’ve actually had the thought that maybe I’m sending them a subliminal message that it doesn’t work. Kris told me that I’ve had at least three former lives where being famous either cost me my life or cost me a body part or cost my mother her life. At any rate, I have in me either a belief or a part of my intent that I am not to be famous. When I do try to push the idea that I just explained about healing, I get symptoms, worse symptoms than I already have.

Originally, this disease was put on me to block my psychic ability twenty years ago, because I was using it in an intrusive way. I got over that problem by not doing it anymore, and also making a monster that actually made it impossible for me to succeed doing that anymore. But then this other restriction on my psychic ability, which is like a blanket over my brain it feels like, was to apparently block the things I do that would make me a famous. Being psychic obviously will make a person famous if he is as telepathic and psychic as I believe I am, allowed to my own devises, and also this healing thing.

So here I am. I try to get rid of this disease so I can do both of those, and I try to push the healing thing, anyway, because I can do that even though I have this disease, but it’s not working. People aren’t trying it. They don’t believe me – simply putting their hands in the fetal position, just to show them that this actually works.

I don’t really know for sure if I’m dealing with a belief that has to be neutralized about the fame thing. It seems to be more likely, from some information that I’ve gotten in the last week, that this prevention of me being famous is actually part of my intent. That’s the reason that I just go up against a brick wall trying to get rid of it, because you can’t. For example, even when I think of it being my intent rather than a belief, I get a reduction in symptoms. I made a mantra that says when I do anything that is against my intent that has to do with this fame thing I will get a gigantic pain in my left forearm – I wrote that in my mantra – that reduced my symptoms quite a bit. I don’t see why it reduced my symptoms to have that mantra, unless in fact it was my intent.

Hypothetically, I mean, you can’t tell me for sure it’s not my intent. Let me say one thing, interject here. I look through my whole life, and there is one theme in my life. It started when I was an infant, to me standing here at this phone. I enjoy drawing attention to myself, and I am motivated to do that. I never really thought about that before, but that is the common theme in every damn thing I’ve done. Is it possible for a human being to have a life intent that is described thusly, to draw attention to oneself but not to become famous?


STEVE: How can you have a life intent that is a negative, not to do something? That can still be a life intent?


STEVE: So far so good. That leaves us with the possibility that this is a life intent. Now, life intents can’t be neutralized like beliefs, right? A life intent isn’t a belief, is it?

ELIAS: It involves beliefs, but it is a direction. It is not a belief in itself, for it is a direction.

STEVE: Therefore, it can’t be neutralized with some sort of noticing or a method. It can’t be neutralized that way, can it?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: So any attempt I do at neutralizing or even giving up, which is part of that neutralizing thing, will not work if it is an intent. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

STEVE: So the next question becomes, and you have said at least twice, that you may change your life intent. By that, do you mean that your subjective awareness has the ability to change your life intent, but it doesn’t do so because there are so many other focuses going on that the essence can just experience different types of lives, becoming famous in another focus, and it doesn’t have to do it in this one? Or is there some possibility that we with our conscious minds, the part of my objective awareness that I am easily able to pay attention to, is there something we can do with that part of us that’s accessible to us to influence the subjective awareness to change our intent?


STEVE: Well, hell! Elias, why don’t you push that harder with people? You could get whatever you wanted if that were true. Whatever you wanted, you just change your intent to be inclusive of that.

ELIAS: But you may generate what you want and also NOT change your intent.

STEVE: Let’s say you want the human race – forget about me – to benefit permanently from this information that I have about how to stimulate the immune system and other healing systems, but somehow I’m blocking that information from being accepted because of my fear of or my intent of not being famous.

ELIAS: Partially.

STEVE: Well, I could change my intent to be still drawing attention to myself, but I would just change this one little part of it. I would say that it is now my alignment with my life intent to become famous. What’s wrong with that?

ELIAS: Now; there is no wrong expression in that, but the element that you are missing in this direction, which we have discussed previously several times, is the other individuals, all of the other individuals in your world. It is not merely that you block certain actions from being accomplished, but other individuals also incorporate the choice. You do not create all other individuals’ realities.

STEVE: Let’s change the hypothetical, then. Let’s say I just want to legalize my telepathic ability so I don’t have this disease that puts a blanket on my brain and stops my ability to do telepathic things. Like I have been able to influence the outcome of football games 3000 miles away by energizing the players telepathically when I am allowed to do that, by not having this disease. That is one thing I am able to do.

Let’s say I want to do that some more, or let’s say I wanted to predict the direction of the stock market, which I am able to do with great regularity if I don’t have this blanket disease on me. I can use a method that I have developed which has to do with being psychic. So let’s say I want to do that, and it doesn’t involve anybody else, just predict the stock market. In a sense, that would make me famous, because I could be the richest man in the world. Let’s say I wanted to do that. It doesn’t affect anybody else. Would I be able to change my intent to get this disease off my back so that I could predict the stock market and as a result become famous? But I don’t really give a damn about that.

ELIAS: But it does affect other individuals, for every action you engage ripples in consciousness and is affecting of other individuals. And let me...

STEVE: That’s true of anybody, of anything that I do. So what difference does it make if I change it over to something else? My focus could have just as easily picked a life where I would be in alignment to be famous, right? There’s no rule that says I had to pick it the other way.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: There is no harm done in picking it, whatever way it wants.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: Since it could have picked that from the beginning and I have the ability to change it, and you say I may do that, what’s the big deal about doing it then?

ELIAS: There is none.

STEVE: Are you saying that other people are going to prevent that from happening? What are you saying?

ELIAS: In the manner of the healing expression, that is a tremendous potential, for your direction is negating free will and choice, and...

STEVE: They still have the choice of doing it.

ELIAS: Correct, and in that, the outcome may be the same.

STEVE: Well, that’s cool. At least I won’t have this disease anymore. For God’s sake, this disease is driving me crazy! How would you like to get an infection every time you tell somebody to try a cotton ball in their ear or put their hands in a fetal position, and you get a worse infection in your toe? That’s no way to go through life!

ELIAS: And why do you continue?

STEVE: I don’t. I can’t. My toe will fall off.

But let me ask you this. If it’s not in alignment with my intent for me to tell people about this healing method because it might lead to my fame, would my subjective awareness then create this infection to make this message even stronger than it already has that it’s not in my intent alignment?

ELIAS: Yes, that is possible.

STEVE: That’s probably why it’s doing it.

ELIAS: Let me also express to you, my friend, that you may be generating less physical communications to yourself and less blocking of yourself if you are allowing yourself to be aware of your expectations and what your motivation is. In this, that is what generates the restriction that you express within yourself, for in expressing the expectations you...

STEVE: What expectations, that it’s going to happen?

ELIAS: That another individual shall accept what you express to them.

STEVE: Well, okay, don’t use that one. Just use the psychic one so that part of it doesn’t complicate matters.

ELIAS: But the underlying expression and motivation is the same in expectations.

STEVE: What is it that I expect?

ELIAS: You expect other individuals to generate certain actions and certain responses to create the outcome that YOU want rather than create...

STEVE: If I predict the stock market on the Internet, nobody even knows what you’re doing.

ELIAS: And you can.

STEVE: You can what?

ELIAS: You can engage the stock market if you are so choosing.

STEVE: But first I gotta get rid of this disease that blocks my ability to do that. Why are you resisting a person wanting to change their intent? Why would you resist that? Is it hard to do? Is it improbable that I would succeed in doing it? Is it about as easy to do as walking through a wall? What would you say to that?

ELIAS: I am not being resistant to you, but I am expressing to you realistically that it is not an action that would be generated easily.

STEVE: I might not succeed, no matter how hard I tried?

ELIAS: It is likely.

STEVE: That I would not?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: First of all, nobody’s ever done it because no one’s ever tried, right?

ELIAS: It is not that individuals have not attempted, but generally speaking, individuals do not change their intent, for it is unnecessary. What they do is allow themselves to choose different influences of their beliefs to allow them to express more in keeping with their preferences in association with their intent.

STEVE: I want to give it a shot first. How do you change your intent? If you can’t neutralize it, what do you do?

Let me tell you this, I did try a little bit yesterday. You have to remember that I might be better at this than somebody else, because I am actually pretty telepathic. I can do some things and maybe someone else can’t. So anyway, I said a couple of times, “I’d really like to change this intent, to allow me to be famous.” And you know what happened? I could do all those things that I just described that were making my infection worse and giving me high blood pressure and giving me nausea, all those things. I could do them or at least I could think about doing them. Whereas, just thinking about doing them before caused all these problems, it didn’t cause them at all. Then I went out and did one of those things that I’m not allowed to do, and I got symptoms but only half as much as they were before. Not only that, but in my last session with you, I told you I can’t even say things to myself like “relax my energy” or “allow” or “it matters not.” I can’t try any of those techniques or mantras, because when I try, I get smashed. The symptoms just crush me. I can’t continue to do it; I’ll have a stroke or something. But I can do all of those now. Right after I said that, it changed everything.

ELIAS: And what information are you offering to yourself?

STEVE: I simply said, a couple of times, “I would like to change my intent right now about doing things that would make me famous, like being psychic or pushing this cure of mine that I discovered, and have it be in alignment with my life intent as opposed to not in alignment.” I said I would just like to change that aspect of my intent, and I got this half result of benefit. It still remains, a day later. Maybe that was just some belief of mine that won’t go any farther, or maybe it was the real thing. How would you have suggested to change your intent, or what would your instructions have been?

ELIAS: First of all, let me pose an inquiry to you. If it matters not to you whether you incorporate fame or not, what motivates you to concentrate upon that direction so intensely?

STEVE: When I first understood that I had this ability, I actually had the idea to do it anonymously because it might be more efficient that way. They might pass a law saying that if you are able to psychically predict the stock market or something. So I was thinking it might be better to do it anonymously, but as the years went by it actually started to appeal to me in the last year or two that this would be one hell of a ride to be as famous as it would make me. So I said well, this might be a little scary, but it does sound rather attractive at this point. I never pursued fame in my whole life, which would be consistent with my intent, but just recently I’ve become more interested in it. I don’t think it’s that big a deal. I’d settle for getting rid of the disease and being able to do some things that I can’t do right now.

ELIAS: Hmm...

STEVE: Is that a good enough answer?


STEVE: So I’m awaiting your instruction as to the Elias Blue-Plate-Special Life Intent Changer Instructions.

ELIAS: I would express to you that to be altering your intent, that would somewhat require you widening your awareness more and becoming much more aware of your expressed beliefs and the influences of them, and to be genuinely examining what you think you want, and in the evaluation of that, recognizing what your motivation is in what you think you want.

STEVE: Just the same as anybody else – getting hugely rich. One problem that I have in life is I am disliked by every person I meet, since puberty, because of this tone of voice that I have, which makes me sound as though I’m impressed with myself. I would like to change that. That would be good. I would like to keep the healthy diet I’m eating, but change my taste buds to actually like the taste of this gruel that I eat. There’s about 5000 things that I could tick off that would make my life more fun.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but you may engage that without altering your intent.

STEVE: Wanna bet? (Elias chuckles) You don’t understand how thick the blanket on my ability to do anything telepathically is. It’s total!

ELIAS: And what would be so very distasteful to you to move in conjunction with your intent and alter what you are actually doing, alter what you are focusing upon?

STEVE: I’ve thought about that, and that’s a possibility. I could maybe try to get this health information out using a fake name or through a third party, and therefore disguise who I am and never reach any fame because of it, and that would be cool.

ELIAS: And how does that benefit you?

STEVE: Altruistically it benefits me, and I also guess, from a selfish point of view, it just would be a thrill to see my idea change the world, whether I’m a part of it or not.

ELIAS: But the outcome is the same, my friend, and that is the point.

STEVE: We don’t know that. What do you mean? It might catch on.

ELIAS: The point is it is the choice of other individuals to...

STEVE: Yes, they already choose to go to the doctor for their problems and try every cockamamie herb and every other crazy thing under the sun, so they may as well try this instead.

ELIAS: Many individuals do, but that also moves in conjunction with THEIR beliefs.

STEVE: I wouldn’t have this belief that it works, as well as the thirty other people... I mean, it’s caused some miraculous cures in a lot of diseases, like ulcers, colitis, and diseases you can’t beat any other way.

ELIAS: I am not disputing you, my friend, and I am not expressing to you that your method does not work or shall not work. What I am expressing to you is that for your method to work, in your terms, it is dependent upon the individual that engages it and their beliefs, and whether they choose to be incorporating actual healing of themselves. You are correct, many individuals engage physicians and medical sciences and many different types of healings that you in your time framework now term to be alternative healings, but even in engaging many of those methods, they do not necessarily alter their physical creation and...

STEVE: Elias, we’ve got limited time. Let me run through a few questions with you, and then we’ll get back to this.

ELIAS: Very well.

STEVE: What makes giving up work? Why does that work? Is that just because we created that system for ourselves? Once you’re stuck and you don’t seem to automatically address and accept the belief you’re trying to neutralize, your recommendation is to give up and the bird lands on your finger by itself. What makes giving up work? Is it just because we created the system to work that way or what?

ELIAS: No. It generates success for what you do in that action is you stop struggling with the energy. You stop forcing energy in opposition to yourself and in opposition to your beliefs, and therefore, you generate more of an ease, which allows you to move in a different direction.

STEVE: How would that be affected by either doing or not doing the thing that your belief doesn’t want you to do? Like in my case, it doesn’t want me to predict the stock market. If I try to predict it anyway during this time I was giving up, would that be consistent with giving up or inconsistent with giving up?

ELIAS: Inconsistent.

STEVE: So if give up, you also can’t do the things that your belief is dictating that you not do, is that correct?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.

STEVE: That’s consistent with what I find, because when I give up but I still do the things that are forbidden that I do, these symptoms crush me like an ant.

ELIAS: That is not a genuine expression of giving up, if you continue to engage the actions.

STEVE: What is it that we’re giving up? We’re giving up trying to neutralize the belief. We’re not giving up living our lives as if the belief didn’t exist, are we?

ELIAS: No. You are allowing yourself to stop struggling with it.

STEVE: Are you struggling with it if you just live your life the way you want, as if it didn’t exist, and thereby piss it off?

ELIAS: I am understanding what you are expressing, and no. That would not accomplish, as you are aware.

STEVE: That is not giving up, then.

ELIAS: Correct, as you are already aware.

STEVE: By the way, when you say we create perfectly, when you want us to trust ourselves and understand that we create perfectly, are we trusting ourselves to create perfectly within our life intent? Is that what you mean by that?


STEVE: In other words, what you’re saying is understand that without even raising a finger, without you doing anything about it, you will perfectly create within your life intent; you will create your intent.


STEVE: It doesn’t mean I have to worship my intent, does it?


STEVE: It’s not that my focus picked this intent so, therefore, it’s going to be the greatest benefit for me of anything. If I change it to something else, I might not get as much of a benefit. I might not experience what it is that was intended for me to experience in this life. Maybe it wanted a good experience here to balance a bad experience in my past life, and maybe there was some reason.

Is there a reason why it picks a specific experience for me to have and that’s why it creates a specific intent in this life, and therefore, it might not be good to tamper with your intent for that reason? Or is it almost like what the hell, there are 165 focuses here, we’ll give him this one as his intent. I’ll throw a dart against this board and here’s your experience. Is that the way it’s done?

ELIAS: No. It is each individual focus chooses their intent for that particular focus.

STEVE: But what would be the reason to pick one intent versus another? Could I have just as easily picked the opposite?


STEVE: So really, there is no thought or rationale in picking the intent.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. Yes, there is a reason, for each focus chooses the direction in which they shall explore this physical reality, and not...

STEVE: But it could have just as easily been the opposite of what they picked, and that’s fine, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: If we had just picked a different intent, we’d be bowing down to and trusting those probabilities as the best ones for our benefit, right? So how can you be saying go ahead and trust these choices that were made by our focus for this intent and to trust the probabilities that come from it? It could have just as easily been something else, and there’s nothing special about it.

ELIAS: Ah, but there is.

STEVE: What’s special about them?

ELIAS: They are specific and unique to you.

STEVE: But it’s almost like they threw a dart against the wall.

ELIAS: No. It is NOT random.

STEVE: You said it was.


STEVE: There is no rationale as to why each one is picked. There is no rationale, right?

ELIAS: I did not express that. I expressed a confirmation that yes, you could pick a different intent, but you didn’t. You created this intent, and in that, it is beneficial and the most purposeful FOR YOU in your unique experience and exploration in this particular focus. An intent is not defined by good or bad or...

STEVE: But what is the most beneficial? Another one could have been picked instead, and it would be the most beneficial!

ELIAS: But this is what YOU chose, and therefore, it is the most beneficial.

STEVE: But here’s the thing. I’m choosing differently now and we’re going to make another one the most beneficial, and that seems to be just fine.

ELIAS: Very well.

STEVE: Well, good! All I have to figure out is how to do it. (Elias laughs) But if I stop following my intent, I disengage. Holy Christ!

ELIAS: Not necessarily. If you are not creating your value fulfillment, you shall disengage.

STEVE: I never understood that word, by the way, as many times as I read your sessions on it. It says it’s your highest expression, most excellent expression, but you don’t define what “highest” and “most excellent” means.

ELIAS: That is dependent upon the individual, and once again is not synonymous with positive or negative or comfort or discomfort.

STEVE: So what does it mean? You know how everybody interprets that in these websites. They think it means by reaching your potential, being the best you can be. That’s not what you mean at all, is it?

ELIAS: Achieving your potential, but not necessarily in the expression that you have expressed now. No, you are correct. That is not my meaning, for being the best that you can be may be interpreted in many different manners and not necessarily in what you define as a positive manner.

STEVE: Sometimes you say your value fulfillment is whatever causes you happiness.

ELIAS: No, not necess...

STEVE: You can be fulfilling your value by being locked in a closet by your parents and suffering until you die in there, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: That isn’t much happiness, right?

ELIAS: Value fulfillment is not synonymous with happiness, either.

STEVE: Even though you said that once to Drew.

ELIAS: It may be with some individuals.

STEVE: I’m starting to understand how to read your writings now. Not everything you say is absolute. It may apply sometimes or not sometimes.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: See if you can make it more distinct in my mind, because nobody really understands what you mean by that.

ELIAS: Your value fulfillment is expressed in what you value.

Now; many individuals value many different experiences that are not necessarily comfortable.

STEVE: What is your definition of value? What my subjective awareness values, is that what you mean?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: As opposed to my conscious mind?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: It only values good stuff.

ELIAS: You THINK you merely value good, but that is not true.

STEVE: We think we do, but your point is when you say “highest value,” you’re speaking of in the mind of your subjective awareness mostly, aren’t you?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, no.

STEVE: But mostly so? I mean, that’s the one that’s calling the shots.

ELIAS: No. It is in harmony with your objective awareness.

STEVE: It might be in harmony with my objective awareness that I’m not paying attention to, but it’s not in harmony with the part of my objective awareness that I do pay attention to, because very few people want to die when a plane flies into a 9/11 building and blows them up. None of those people wanted to die one second before that plane hit. You agree, don’t you?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: Come on, Elias, look at reality! They have nice families, they have nice lives, and they want to keep going.

ELIAS: Do they?

STEVE: That was an aside; we can complete this some other time. Let me push through this. (Elias chuckles)

By the way, in what way is intrusiveness harmful to me? You said at one point it can make your awareness less wide if you’re intrusive to other people. Let’s say I use my psychic ability to be intrusive. What harm would that bring to me?

ELIAS: Whatever harmfulness you express in intention to another individual is expressed more strongly with yourself.

STEVE: Let’s say I’m able to change my intent so that it’s okay to be famous. Is it possible that something might go horribly wrong in this transition and I’d lose my psychic ability, even though I didn’t intend for that to happen?

ELIAS: It is possible.

STEVE: If I do succeed in changing my intent, my value fulfillment will then be fulfilled in a different way. Is that correct? It will automatically follow the intent, whatever it changes to, right?

ELIAS: It depends. Your value fulfillment may not necessarily alter in altering your intent.

STEVE: It might not follow along? If that’s so, I’d die. I’d be killing myself.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. The manner in which you express your value fulfillment may or may not alter. It is possible, but it is also possible that it may not alter.

STEVE: If it doesn’t alter, then I’ll be stuck with no fame and I’ll be creating way outside of that, because I’ll be doing these things that might lead to fame without any problem and then I’ll die because my value fulfillment is not...

ELIAS: Not necessarily. That is not what I am expressing to you. Let me offer you an example. In this present now, you are experiencing discomfort and a lack of happiness in what you perceive to be your intent now, and you are generating struggle in forcing energy in opposition to it.

Now; you may change your intent, as an example, and generate a new intent in which you allow yourself to generate fame, and even in generating fame, you may continue to be experiencing unhappiness and discomfort. Therefore, your value fulfillment may continue to be expressed in similar manner, though you have altered your intent. Or your value fulfillment may also alter, and you may be expressing it in different manners.

STEVE: Would you say that again, please?

ELIAS: You may be expressing your value fulfillment in different manners, but it is also possible to continue to be expressing your value fulfillment in the manner in which you are and alter your circumstances.

STEVE: I suppose there’s nothing I can do either way. It’s going to do what it’s going to do, regardless of me. Can I assume that you’ve never advised anybody about how to change their intent?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: So this is almost like a new one from me? You haven’t really thought about it before.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It merely has not been presented.

STEVE: So you don’t actually know, therefore, what might work and what might not work, is that correct, and maybe I should just experiment on my own, or what?

ELIAS: You can. I cannot express to you a specific method that would be an absolute, for it is dependent upon you. I have expressed to you that you CAN alter your intent if you are so choosing. I have also expressed to you that to be engaging that action successfully, it would require you being much more aware of your direction and your expressed beliefs and what you GENUINELY want, and what the motivation is in association with that want.

STEVE: What would be the actual thing that would change it? Would I have to say to myself “I want to change it to this”? Would I have to express that?

ELIAS: You can. It is not necessary.

STEVE: How else would I get the point across to my subjective awareness? How else would I influence it?

ELIAS: In the manners that I have just expressed to you.

STEVE: Just by knowing why I would want to tells it that I do want to? I suppose so.

ELIAS: Genuinely recognizing...

STEVE: Understand my motivations and my beliefs that have to do with why I want to change.


STEVE: You understand that nobody is going to pass this up. Nobody on the face of the earth is going to pass it up.

ELIAS: I would beg to disagree!

STEVE: If you could be the most powerful man on earth and the most famous man on earth and heal every sick person better than they’ve healed with any other modern medicine, people would pass that up? They’d have to be nuts!

ELIAS: (Humorously) And I suppose within your perception you would label them as nuts! (Laughs)

STEVE: I don’t know who you talk to. You talk to different people than I do, I guess. I mean, these people that sit on this website that Paul’s a part of,, they try all day long to figure out what you’re talking about and apply it so they can make their lives the way they want.

ELIAS: Correct, but that does not necessarily involve fame and fortune.

STEVE: I don’t care about the fame as much as just having the ability to do all sorts of things. I could find a way to create energy psychically that would mean we wouldn’t be relying on oil. That would be a wonderful thing for the human race. It would give anybody a thrill to do it! They wouldn’t be human if it didn’t; they’d be some kind of dog or something. It’s pretty obvious why I’d want to do all these things.

ELIAS: To you, but it does not necessarily apply to other individuals.

STEVE: Do you have any other ideas on this issue as far as things I might have to do to change my intent? We are both paving new ground.

ELIAS: Evaluate your motivation. That would be the most significant.

STEVE: By the way, if you’ve never advised anybody on how to do this, how do you know it’s possible? How do you know we haven’t created a system whereby it’s not possible?

ELIAS: It is possible, and there are many individuals that do not engage conversation with myself and may be generating actions that have not necessarily been discussed in this forum, but that is not to say that they are not being engaged or that it is not possible. There are many subjects that have not yet been discussed in this forum, for individuals have not asked.

STEVE: How do these other people do it?

ELIAS: In evaluating their motivation and their genuine wants. In this, as I have said, this is an action that can be accomplished, but it is rare that an individual would engage that action, for...

STEVE: If somebody’s subjective awareness decided to do it, their subjective awareness could just snap their fingers and do it, right? It’s not restricted by anything, or is it?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: It’s our trying to influence it that’s the tough part.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: That’s always been the tough part. I still don’t have any way of knowing for sure, do I, whether this restriction on fame is a belief caused by some horrific experiences in a past life or if it’s part of my intent. There is no way for me to know for certain with a hundred percent certainty which it is, correct?

ELIAS: It is not either/or. It is both.

STEVE: In other words, having that as an intent creates beliefs in alignment with it?

ELIAS: You incorporate beliefs in alignment with that, yes, and you draw energy from other focuses also that are in alignment with that.

STEVE: You know, I never understood why it is that our subjective awareness is this all-powerful creature. Let’s say it wants to do one thing, and it’s been doing that for a while, and all of a sudden we get this belief that influences it to do something different, something opposite. That happens, right? What’s the story with our subjective awareness that it acts like such a eunuch and just lays down before the influence of some nut-ball belief of ours? Can’t it resist that belief?

ELIAS: That is not the point, my friend, for beliefs are an element of the blueprint of this reality. Were you not choosing to be engaging beliefs, you would not be choosing to be manifest.

STEVE: Can’t the subjective awareness discriminate between the beliefs that make sense and the crazy ones like Hitler had?

ELIAS: Once again, beliefs in themselves are neutral. It is your individual association that generates the perception that one is bad and one is good. That individual’s perception was that his actions and experiences were good and right. You perceive them to be bad and wrong, but this is the point of differences and the point of this shift, generating the expression of acceptance, not forcing energy and...

STEVE: So any belief that I have that is contrary to being in alignment with my life intent, we don’t have to call it bad. We can definitely call it inefficient, or something that we would want to neutralize.

Kris, by the way, claims that a part of our consciousness holds the beliefs. You’ve never stated it that way, almost like the belief is just floating in mid-air. What is your opinion on that?

ELIAS: As you are manifest in this physical reality, that would be accurate.

STEVE: You just never had expressed it that way.

We just about got everything. Thank you very much! This has been beautiful. I understand everything we’ve talked about, although I still might have a little problem with value fulfillment and always will.

Paul claims that you have to not only notice your particular belief, say fame and not becoming famous, but you have to know what system it comes from to make this noticing thing work. That’s not true, is it?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: What belief system does it come from? Say someone has a life intent of not becoming famous. What belief system is that a part of?

ELIAS: Religious.

STEVE: Why is that?

ELIAS: That would be the belief system that incorporates that belief of fame or the lack of fame.

STEVE: What does that have to do with religion?

ELIAS: It does not necessarily express an association with religion. Religion is not the only expression of religious beliefs.

STEVE: What’s the definition of “religious”?

ELIAS: The religious belief system would be associated with all of the beliefs concerning your measure of yourself and how you compare yourself to any association of higher or lower than yourself.

STEVE: Would giving up work if you didn’t do this noticing thing first? If you did it with any crazy technique and then you just gave up, would that give-up thing still work?


STEVE: Would giving up only work if it follows your going through this noticing and whatever?

ELIAS: No. It would accomplish without generating all of that evaluation.

STEVE: But you do have to do something first, right? Otherwise, you’re not giving up the forcing of energy. There is no energy that has been forced yet.

ELIAS: It would be a matter of noticing that you are forcing energy and that you are not accomplishing, but not necessarily generating the evaluation of specific beliefs and belief systems and analyzation. You may merely be noticing that you are generating an action that is not creating success and is creating frustration, and therefore allow yourself to, in your terms, give up.

STEVE: By the way, are we ever allowed to talk with your buddy Paul/Patel? Do you just put him on the line with people, is that what you do?


STEVE: So we can’t just say we have five minutes left, can I speak with Paul/Patel for a minute? That’s not possible?

ELIAS: Not in association with this energy exchange.

STEVE: Okay, my man. If you hear about some people putting little pieces of cotton in their ears to cure their cancer, you’ll know I’ve made it.

ELIAS: Very well!

STEVE: You’ll know I’ve made it to another intent!

ELIAS: Ha ha! Very well!

STEVE: Thank you very much for your help, and it was beautiful. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. As always, I continue to offer my energy to you in encouragement and support.

STEVE: Maybe I’ll have something to offer YOU one day!

ELIAS: In great lovingness, my friend, au revoir.

STEVE: Thank you very much. Good day.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 2 minutes.

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