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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

<  Session 1502 (Private)  >

“YOU Are Generating the Interaction”

“Finding the Least Conflict in a Difficult Situation”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Pat (Fryolla).

(Elias’ arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

PAT: Hello, Elias, how are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

PAT: Well, as always, more or less. (Elias chuckles) I’ve got a whole slew of stuff here for you.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAT: I was scheduled to have a session on Friday, and my feeling is it got postponed because I needed a little bit of time between one of my problems and now to assimilate and think about it. Do you think that’s probably correct?

ELIAS: Yes. And what is your assessment now?

PAT: My assessment is being at the public session, it wasn’t really what you said but it was being surrounded by a bunch of like-minded people that kind of gave me their support and had me look at things a little more objectively than I probably would have on Friday, if I hadn’t seen them first. Does that make sense?


PAT: So, it’s the same old story about my daughter, my Sumari/Vold daughter. Last August we had a huge confrontation, which I think you’re aware of because in Kentucky you sort of looked right at me and answered a question that led me to believe you knew what I was talking about.

I’m just wondering, why do we have these confrontations? It’s been a constant thing. It’s finally escalated to the point where I’m dead to her. She won’t come see me and I really don’t want her to. But as of last week she’s denying me visitation to the grandchildren, and that bothers me more than not seeing her. Do you have anything that might be helpful that you could tell me about this?

ELIAS: First of all, offer to myself your observation and your impressions both of the situation and the triggers.

PAT: That’s pretty easy, I think. In this particular case, as in many cases, somehow my daughter-in-law always seems to be involved. It’s almost as if she expects me to take the side against my daughter-in-law, even when my daughter-in-law’s not doing really anything. She almost comes in just waiting to find the trigger to set her off.

I feel it’s jealousy. I feel she’s jealous of me as well as jealous of my attention. I cannot understand why I could have set... I guess I should take that back. It’s not that I set her up for that. But in raising her, I don’t understand why she would constantly be vying for both my attention and being jealous of me.

ELIAS: Now; you have offered an assessment of the situation concerning the other individual. What is your assessment of you?

PAT: My triggers?


PAT: Well, again, it sounds like I’m putting it on her, her attitude. Her attitude is what set me off, so I have a hard time there.

ELIAS: Very well. Let us examine this.

Now; what do you view in this attitude, so to speak, or in actually what is presented or said that presents a trigger with you?

PAT: There are times she has said in front of people what I remember as not happening in my perception. Things like saying that when the kids were young I’d be in the car and I would lift up my shirt for truck drivers so they would honk. I would never have done that with my children! But she says this with a smirk on her face when people are around like “Ha!” You know, like she got me, she’s embarrassing me, she’s making me look bad. Then I react to that with, “You know that’s not true. Why would I ever do that?”

Another thing is at various times she has said, “I will not come to your house if so-and-so is coming,” like on Christmas or whatever. I used to change the plans because I want to see my granddaughter. When I did, the very next day she would come and hang out with the very people she said she would never be around! She would say she wouldn’t be around my daughter-in-law and get in a fight with me and run out of the house, and the next day go invite my daughter-in-law to go shopping with her. That doesn’t make sense to me, Elias. It’s like bullshit! That aggravates me because that’s not truth to me. My truth says that’s bullshit! So I need help with this.

ELIAS: Very well. First of all, once again, remember, what is significant is for you to be paying attention to you and for you to be examining what you are responding to.

Now; this also includes your truths. Let me express to you, the reason that this situation is ongoing and it continues to manifest in these manners is that you continue to participate. You continue to allow the other individual to dictate to you your behaviors. And the manner in which you allow the other individual to accomplish this is that you react rather than examining what those triggers are. Rather than examining what your beliefs are and what you are generating within yourself, you automatically allow the triggers and you automatically project your attention to her. In that, you freely offer her the power and the payoff, and you frustrate yourself and you aggravate yourself.

Now; in examination of this situation – of this particular relationship – recognize, first of all, that your beliefs and your truths are not your enemy. They are not your foe. They are beliefs that you hold and that you express that move in conjunction with your preferences – but your preferences are not absolutes. And remember, the energy that you are projecting is the energy that you shall reflect to yourself; it is not cause and effect. It is a natural expression that you all generate.

Now; you may be thinking, “But Elias, she begins this. She engages the first move upon the chessboard.”

PAT: It’s the first thing I’m thinking!

ELIAS: But this is the reason that it is important to be paying attention to yourself and what type of energy you are expressing. For in this, prior to any attitude, any comment, any action that the other individual engages, where is your anticipation?

PAT: When is it going to blow up.

ELIAS: Correct. You are already expressing outwardly an energy in anticipation. Therefore, that energy is already being expressed.

This is what we were discussing in the group situation, the significance and the importance of paying attention to yourself, what to pay attention to, how to pay attention and how to move your attention in the moments in which you begin to notice what type of energy you are projecting. That creates the scenario and it may easily be reconfigured, but it requires you paying attention to you and not to the other individual – not anticipating what the other individual may or may not do in any situation, but empowering yourself and reconfiguring your energy to generate different scenarios. You do incorporate this ability; you do incorporate this power. It is your reality and you are creating it, regardless of how many other individuals may be participating. It is your responsibility to be paying attention to your energy and what you are projecting and what you are doing, for that is what creates the scenarios.

Now; you have offered several aspects of information in your account of your relationship with this individual, and you attempt different actions to be accommodating and acquiescing to the other individual. Where is your attention? Your attention is projected to her. You are not paying attention to you and what you want or your free expression. You are acquiescing to her demands in an attempt to quell the fire, which it does not accomplish – you have offered yourself that evidence – and which merely contributes to your frustration and confusion, for you view yourself moving this way and that way, and regardless of what direction you move, none of them accomplish what you want. But the reason they are not accomplishing what you want is that you are not responding to you; you are responding to scenarios and situations and actions outside of you.

Now; in this, regardless of your assessment of her and the reason that she generates this type of behavior and these types of expressions and regardless of whether it is accurate or not, which in some degree it is, what shall be instrumental in altering the situation is how YOU are generating the interaction (1) first of all, whether you are waiting in anticipation of her expressions and her behaviors.

That is one point, for that is the beginning of you acquiescing and attempting to mold yourself to her expressions, in which you are discounting yourself and you are setting into motion precisely what you do not want to occur. Therefore, this is point one: the first action you engage, you wait. You allow the first expression outwardly, in action or in communication, to be hers.

Your energy is already projecting. But that is your first point to notice, that you are not actively engaging, you are waiting. That is your first clue, which now remember that and recognize, notice when you are waiting, for that is your indication that you are already projecting energy.

Now; remember, do not discount yourself for this. For in the noticing of that, you offer yourself an empowerment, for in that moment you then may begin to evaluate: What are you actually doing? What type of energy are you projecting? What is it that you are anticipating and what does that trigger inside of you?

You offer a specific example of a communication that is offered by her in the midst of other individuals that embarrasses you and that you do not recall within your reality. Therefore, there are several actions that are occurring in that moment.

The reason that you express embarrassment is that you are concerned with how other individuals perceive you. The reason that you are concerned in how other individuals perceive you is that you incorporate your own truth of what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

Now; that is not bad and it is not wrong and it does not need changing, but it is significant to recognize, to acknowledge and to evaluate. For without that evaluation and recognition, you merely generate automatic responses.

Now; knowing that you incorporate a truth concerning how you perceive yourself and therefore how you should be perceived by other individuals, and knowing that there is a potential that this individual may be exposing some behavior and attaching it to you that is unacceptable to you, as you begin to examine this truth and recognize that this is your truth, this is your expression of what is an acceptable direction for you, you incorporate this as your guideline for your behavior.

Now; whether another individual expresses that you have incorporated any other different behavior which is contrary to your truth, you know what you have created within your reality. Therefore, it is unnecessary to justify yourself. It is unnecessary to defend and to express opposition to the other individual, for you know what your reality has expressed. You know what your experiences have been within your focus.

In the other individual’s perception, they may have very well created a different scenario, which I have spoken of previously. Your perceptions are individual and you each create your reality yourselves, and in that, your realities do not always match. For dependent upon the individual and the moment and the direction that the individual is engaging and their beliefs and perhaps any issues that they may be expressing in any particular moment, they may or may not be directly interacting with your energy. They may be interacting with your energy without the attention. Therefore, they create what they choose.

PAT: Why would they choose...? Let’s say, in particular, my daughter chose to have a perception of me doing something that she finds not too good, a little offensive, as well as myself. Why would she want to see her own mother in that light?

ELIAS: I may express to you that there may be many different reasons. I may express to you, in this scenario this individual incorporates her own fears in relation to exposure, and therefore this is a manner which is presented in safety in association with your roles and your relationship. It is safe to generate an expression of some type of exposure which is merely imagery, in which she does not allow herself to be exposing of herself, for that is too fearful yet.

Now; let me also express to you, once again moving to you, regardless of the reasons that another individual shall generate any behavior or any interaction, once again what is significant is what you do, how you respond, whether you allow the expressions of another individual to penetrate you, and whether you allow that for you are in some type of agreement for you are discounting yourself.

Now; this is a significant example that you have presented, for there are many elements of this particular example. There is one of exposure. There is one of how you perceive yourself, of how you want to be perceived by other individuals. There are expressions concerning responsibility and appropriate behaviors. There are expressions concerning what is acceptable in diverse company or in privacy. There are expressions of how you allow yourself to be manipulated by other individuals rather than reconfiguring the energy and not allowing other individuals to dictate to you.

This individual has become quite adept and familiar with what you will allow, and has become quite familiar with what you will respond to and therefore offer her her payoff.

PAT: As it stands now since August, I do not see her. There’s a part of me that feels really bad because that’s my daughter. There’s another part of me that is quite relieved because I just cannot deal with that energy anymore. It’s becoming too overpowering to me.

ELIAS: But you sacrifice.

PAT: I sacrifice my granddaughter.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAT: I’m curious – is this going to get me anywhere? I mean, I worry about my granddaughter. I worry about the possibility of abuse. I have never seen any symptoms of physical abuse, but my daughter’s very, very verbally abusive to everyone, not just me – to her daughter, to her husband. She’s outlandish in her behavior, not just to me. A part of me feels a personal responsibility to be there for my granddaughter in case it escalates.

On the other hand, I have been told I am dead to them. Sometimes I feel relieved; I don’t have that responsibility. I don’t have to carry that weight. Then at other times I wake up and I’m just devastated. So what do we do?

ELIAS: I may express to you, first of all, this is your choice. What is significant is that you evaluate what is more important to you, whether it is more important to you to continue to generate the position that you have chosen now to not be interactive and therefore not engage in conflict – which is acceptable, it is merely a choice; remember that – recognizing that it is a much less conflict scenario in what you are choosing now, not to be interactive.

If you are choosing that direction, reinforce yourself to be paying attention to yourself, engaging what you want to be engaging, expressing yourself in the manner that you want to be expressing yourself, and reminding yourself that you are actually not responsible for any of their actions or their roles or their interactions – even your granddaughter.

PAT: You mentioned once that she was my counterpart. I don’t know it that’s lifelong or a short period of time, but if I back off now do you feel the probability of her searching me out later would be there?

ELIAS: It is possible. That is the choice of that individual. She is choosing to be in the scenario that she is participating in.

PAT: That’s what’s hard, to realize that the young ones... I say that intellectually, I understand that...


PAT: ...but then when I look at her and the things she says, I think she’s vulnerable, she’s not making the choice, others are making it for her. But I know up here that it is her choice.

ELIAS: Yes, and I am understanding of this. Many individuals grasp the concept, so to speak, intellectually but have not actually offered themselves the experience of the concept, and therefore it remains a concept.

PAT: So now I’m offering myself the experience.

ELIAS: Somewhat, somewhat. In the choices that you are engaging now to not be interactive with them, you are somewhat offering yourself an experience of some recognition that they each do create their realities, as you present to yourself experiences in which you allow yourself to see, to view that regardless of age and regardless that your granddaughter may be a small one, she is directing of herself and she is engaging her choices, and as you begin to recognize in the examination of your own truths that all individuals do not choose the same experiences, that some individuals choose to be generating what you would view as uncomfortable experiences.

PAT: Is that where the counterpart action comes from? Is that our counterpart thing? That she’s experiencing something that I would never choose to experience?


PAT: And yet... Well, let’s let this go for a while and let me think about all this, because I’ve got some other stuff and I don’t want to... It’s given me a lot to think about.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAT: I had another granddaughter born by my son and she was a preemie, 2 pounds, 9 ounces. I found out later that my former husband was a preemie, and of course my son was a preemie. Is there any correlation here why the three generations of Duncans were preemies, or is it just coincidence? But there’s no coincidence!

ELIAS: It is a choice.

PAT: Why would one family, the father, the son and the son’s daughter, all be preemies? For all different reasons?

ELIAS: I may express to you, in all three of these scenarios, each of these individuals has chosen to be emerging into physical manifestation in haste, so to speak...

PAT: I knew that! I’ve been telling people that! But when they hear it from you, that means it’s real. (Laughs)

ELIAS: an expression of curiosity and excitement of actual physical manifestation and participation of that. Each of these individuals also, as essence, incorporated the focus of attention prior to conception. Therefore, there is what you may term to be an anxiousness to be participating.

PAT: See, when I was pregnant, I knew my son was already there, that his consciousness was already there. I felt some wait until later, but I knew he was excited. So while I’m on this, could you give me my granddaughter Arwin’s essence name, family and alignment? That’s the newborn baby.

ELIAS: Essence name, Aowen, A-O-W-E-N (AY oh when). And do you incorporate impressions?

PAT: Well, being so young it’s hard to judge. I would think Sumari, and other than that, alignment I would have no idea because I’ve only seen her a few times. (Elias chuckles) I have no impressions.

ELIAS: I express to you, essence family Zuli, alignment Sumari.

PAT: I want to say this, just mainly for the record, that when she was first going to be named, my son wanted to call her Eowen. Then they changed it to Arwin. I think that’s rather interesting. I think he was picking up on her essence name when he was coming up with that. (Elias chuckles)

When I was in London, I got on this train and there was a Scottish woman. We sat there and we shared champagne with her and I talked to her for two hours. There was something about her energy. I thought she could have been my reconfiguration of your energy. Am I correct? It seemed like it had to be.

ELIAS: There was a participation of my energy in that interaction; the individual was not a manifestation of myself. That is a manifestation of their own individual self.

PAT: Right, there was just something about you, though, that hung around there.

ELIAS: Yes, which at times upon occasions I may choose to be generating that type of interaction in which I am merely incorporating my energy in conjunction with an actual individual, and you may recognize the similarity and know that I am present and interacting with you.

PAT: I really liked her. (Elias chuckles) Also, I had this dream. I can’t remember all of it. All I can remember is that KC was in it, you were in it, and you were handing me a blue leaf. Was that accurate? That was you there? (Elias nods in agreement) I woke up and I felt so happy! I felt like wow, something just great happened, although I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. (Elias chuckles)

My best friend Patty, I have no idea what her essence name would be. I’d like to ask that, and my impression is she could be Milumet/Tumold.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAT: And her essence name?

ELIAS: Maishan, M-A-I-S-H-A-N (MAY shan).

PAT: Interesting. Now, everybody’s going to laugh when they read this. Could I be an observing essence of Agassi, the tennis player? Because I think of him when...


PAT: ...when I’m playing. Am I lifetime or temporary?

ELIAS: Throughout.

PAT: All right! I knew it, I knew it! Maybe I will end up in Vegas! (Elias chuckles) That’s another thing I’d like to talk to you about before I run out of time, the probabilities of this new job, but I want to save that for later. I also woke up with this name in my head, Jay Palmer. I felt like this was some type of focus of mine, this name.


PAT: Can you give me any information on him?

ELIAS: The individual is what you would term to be one of your early settlers of this country.

PAT: That’s so funny, because I got the impression that it would be a future focus. The reason why is during that dreamtime it was as if I was watching a movie. I was more awake than asleep, and it went on all night long with this person, so I thought maybe he was kind of showing me stuff. I never thought it would be an early settler showing me something. I figured it would be a future somebody.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. (Chuckles)

PAT: I guess not. I’m learning!

Today we just found out my mother-in-law has an inoperable brain tumor and they give her about six months to live. About a year and a half ago she almost died, and in trying to figure out what was wrong with her, they figured it was a form of alcoholism causing damage with her brain. Instead of choosing to let her die, which she was very, very close to dying, the father decided to put stomach tubes in her and kind of force her to live, which I felt was intrusive. In my mind, she obviously was ready to go and nobody wanted to let her go. Personally I didn’t care; I don’t like her so much. (Elias chuckles) But anyway, they brought her through and she did okay. As of a month and a half ago, her brain started talking gibberish again, just as if it were the alcoholism situation. She got an MRI today and they found out it’s a brain tumor and it’s inoperable.

Now, my feeling is a year and a half ago she was ready to die, and even though no one dictates to you when you die and when you don’t, somehow they forced – you can’t say forced – they encouraged her to live and she decided to. Now there’s no way to fix her; it was her time anyway and she just made sure that there was no alternative here. Am I right, on the right track?

ELIAS: Somewhat. I may express to you that had the individual actually engaged the choice to disengage one year ago, it would have occurred. Regardless of any action that any other individual may have incorporated, it would have mattered not, for it is the choice of the individual when they shall disengage and when they shall not. In this, this has offered a time framework in which this individual may disengage in a more acceptable manner in association with her beliefs, in offering a time framework of preparation of those individuals surrounding her.

PAT: I understand that totally. I don’t even need to go into that anymore. That just makes so much sense.

I think I’m counterparting with KC, because in the Kentucky session she mentioned hearing this highway noise. I’ve lived in the same location for five years and I’ve never heard... I mean, I hear street noise. It doesn’t bother me. But I started hearing this low tone. It’s like two tones, almost like a foghorn in the distance. I hear it every morning, it goes on and on and on, and every night before I go to sleep. During the day because of traffic noise I don’t hear it, that could be the reason. I’m just wondering if I’m counterparting with her, and her highway noise somehow I’m hearing. What is it I’m hearing? Because I’ve never heard it in all these years before.

ELIAS: There is a counterpart action. You are not hearing what she is hearing. You are generating your own manifestation.

PAT: Is it highway noise or am I hearing my inner noise? No one else hears it.

ELIAS: It is neither. What you are generating in this counterpart action is a different sound, in association with Nanaiis’ exercise. The exercise was to be reconfiguring the energy of the sound into one that would be less disturbing or more preferred, and the suggestion was to be incorporating the perception of boats.

PAT: Really! That’s why I think it’s like a lighthouse or something. It goes (makes a foghorn sound).


PAT: And it just goes on. If I really think about it, it can get louder and it can make me crazy. But then I just try to think of something else and I get over it.

Pat/Ling-Tu – we call her Pattoo – are she and I counterparts, her Voldness being so much like my daughter and my being so different? I’m trying to deal with my daughter, but yet I can talk to Pat and see my daughter and not have the conflicts.


PAT: So that’s counterpart. You know, I’m gonna get this where I don’t even need to come here! (Elias chuckles)

There is this video on the computer. It’s a short song and it’s these stupid kittens playing these instruments and it sounds kind of French. It’s called “Independent Woman.” It’s nothing I would buy or want to listen to, but I kept it on my computer and every once in a while I get the urge to want to watch this thing. And it’s totally ridiculous! It’s not even... Why am I doing that?

ELIAS: Entertainment.

PAT: Oh, that’s all? I just need to watch a bunch of cats look stupid? (Laughing)

ELIAS: In distraction.

PAT: That’s all?

ELIAS: It is a distraction in a form of entertainment. (Chuckles)

PAT: In the last couple of weeks, on New Year’s Eve and my birthday, I managed to burn myself. First I burned my arm while I was cooking on New Year’s Eve, deep enough to make a little scar. Then on my birthday I bit into a soufflé and burnt my lip, and it’s still having problems. Was there any significance to burning myself?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

PAT: Well, I figured you were gonna tell me to pay attention to myself, but I was having a good time when it all was happening. I thought I was paying attention.

ELIAS: Now offer an impression not as general.

PAT: Give me a hint. I don’t know! I’m at a loss.

ELIAS: It is a matter of paying attention, but more specifically paying attention to how you become scattered at times in interactions with other individuals and what behaviors you are generating. You become not merely scattered, but your energy increases.

You may be evaluating that you are enjoying yourself and you are enjoying the atmosphere that you have created in relation to other individuals; but in that, you also generate a tension, for you are, in a manner of speaking, revving your energy to a higher frequency than is necessary, which becomes distracting, and is unnecessary for you to be generating that enjoyment.

You express expectations of yourself of what you must do in association with other individuals to be generating an enjoyable time framework. You expect much more of yourself than is necessary. You expect yourself to be the individual that is in control and providing and producing and creating the atmosphere, not merely for your own enjoyment but to be providing that and attempting to create that for other individuals.

PAT: The personal responsibility issue.


PAT: We talked about my intent. My intent was sort of exploring endings. But when I look back on my life, I also see a big intent of personal responsibility. Yet you never said that was my intent.

ELIAS: That is not an intent. That is a very strongly expressed belief that you incorporate.

PAT: I could just be exploring that belief as being an intent, that’s what I’m saying. I thought maybe since it’s constantly come around in my life, personal responsibility, that somehow I was exploring the belief of that as well as endings. Does someone have more than one intent?

ELIAS: Generally no, but there may be different aspects of the intent.

Now; recognize that the intent is a general theme, and there are many more specific avenues associated with that general theme that allow you to explore more intensely and more specifically different types of associations with that general theme. This may be considered one that you have incorporated repeatedly in different capacities.

PAT: I better get going; I only have like ten minutes.

My husband has a thing that may happen in six months or a year and a half, a job opportunity that he terms as being history-making. I won’t spend my time going through the details of it. But if this would come to happen, we would have to move to probably a remote area in Nevada. Now, where I live now I am totally happy. I have surrounded myself with friends, which has always been important to me. I’ve given myself roots here. I told my husband if this is where he wants to go, I will go. I’m wondering what you think the probability is of my energy being okay there. (Pause)

ELIAS: If you both generate that probability – which it is a potential, but it has not yet been inserted – but if you choose to be generating that probability, in association with your energy now and probabilities and potentials, incorporating the consideration that you continue to be incorporating this information and widening your awareness and moving your attention more so to yourself and practicing in that action, yes, you shall be generating what you would term to be a favorable experience.

PAT: Okay. My friend Deane/Leland has given me a question for you. I will just read it the way he sent it, and probably a simple yes or no will be fine: “This past Wednesday, Deane received impressions regarding the rooms under the Sphinx’s paw. The one immediately below is empty and from the side of it a flight of stairs continues down. At the bottom of the stairway, there are two empty rooms, one right, one left. Directly ahead is a six- or eight-step stairway going up to a door. Past that door is another room that contains many writings and scrolls. Pages of some of these are made from leaves of palm trees that have been specially treated.” Are his impressions correct?


PAT: I said yes or no and you gave me a...! (Laughing and Elias smiles) He’ll be happy to hear that.

This again kind of goes back to my daughter, real quick. She’s married to this man, Ron, and it seems like the scenarios that Gayla believes happened, I don’t see them happening in my reality and let’s say five people in the same room don’t see it happening that way and he doesn’t see it happening that way. He leaves, and five days later he comes back believing everything happened the way she said. Is he honestly seeing this happening this way, or does he just choose to say that as to not make waves?

ELIAS: He is neither choosing to agree, in your terms, to not make waves nor is he actually viewing a scenario in the same manner, but questions himself and in an action of acquiescing chooses to be generating agreement.

PAT: Does he realize he’s choosing that, or is he just choosing it as an automatic response?

ELIAS: As an automatic response for the most part, not entirely. There are times in which there is an awareness of what is being chosen.

PAT: Also, my sister-in-law Sangshin wanted me to ask you why she is having all this trouble with itching on her skin. They recently moved to Alaska. I assume she’s happy there, but she’s been having a real hard time with itching.

ELIAS: It is an adjustment to the environment. I may offer a suggestion; but in association with the beliefs of this individual, I may almost predict that it shall not be incorporated. (Chuckles) The suggestion would be to allow the physical body to adjust to the difference in not merely climate but environment, and what you term to be elements.

In different areas of your world you create your actual air differently. Your scientists may express that air is composed of certain elements and that they are consistently the same regardless of where they are expressed, but I may express to you that this is not quite accurate. You create your air, and you, in different locations within your world, create it collectively differently. Therefore, it is interactive with your physical manifestations in different manners.

This is also the reason that you create different types of creatures in different areas, for their physical manifestation is more compatible with the type of environment that you collectively create. You shall not find certain creatures in certain areas. You shall not encounter a polar bear in the desert.

PAT: So are you saying that she, as a creature... Well, not as a creature, but she as a focus is not comfortable in that area?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of comfortableness. It is a matter of readjustment and unfamiliarity. Therefore, in the unfamiliarity, the individual generates adjustments to their environment that they are choosing to participate within.

In this particular environment, the air is expressed differently. If she is so choosing to heed the suggestion, I would be suggesting that she incorporate much less usage of water in association with her physical body. Within your society or your cultures in different areas, you incorporate beliefs concerning bathing quite frequently. In association with the configuration of air in this physical location, she may discover that she is incorporating itching much less if she is incorporating less of that action.

PAT: You know, we’re out of time. We’re one minute over and I don’t want to take up any more than I’m supposed to.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAT: I’m sure that’s her case, because she loves to bathe. (Elias laughs) And it’s cold where she is, so that makes you want to bathe more!

ELIAS: Very well. I may express my encouragement in your challenges, and remember my supportiveness is with you always.

PAT: Well, I want to thank you. This has been really good for me. I would love it if you would just show yourself to me once in a while.

ELIAS: Very well, I shall.

PAT: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: To you, my friend, as always in great affection and encouragement, au revoir.

PAT: Bye-bye.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 4 minutes.


(1) Originally expressed as “Now; in this, regardless of your assessment and regardless of whether it is accurate or not, which in some degree it is, of her and the reason that she generates this type of behavior and these types of expressions, what shall be instrumental in altering the situation is how YOU are generating the interaction.”

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