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Thursday, May 09, 2002

<  Session 1077 (Private/Phone)  >

“Generating Financial and Emotional Rewards in a Job”

“The Trauma of the Shift IS Being Expressed”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Curtis (Juva).

Elias arrives at 10:39 AM. (Arrival time is 21 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

CURTIS: Elias!

ELIAS: Ha ha! We meet again!

CURTIS: Yes, we do. This is great! I’ve been looking forward to this.

ELIAS: And how shall we proceed?

CURTIS: Well, according to the pad of stuff I worked up for you here, I was hoping you could get me some insight into some of the stuff I’ve been doing throughout my whole life. I’ve been kind of lost and alienated. I lost my job recently, or actually months ago. I’m having real trouble in just generating ideas or directions of where I want to go. I’ve been very confused and just really ... I’ve never been very connected to the culture, but this is really starting to become an issue with me. I was hoping you could give me some insight.

ELIAS: And express to myself, what is your preference and offers you an expression of pleasure in association with your creativity?

CURTIS: Oh, I don’t know, maybe growing stuff, domestic things. I’m always growing gourmet mushrooms or gardening or doing something in the kitchen with nutritious foods or something like that. That would probably come as close as anything I could think of.

ELIAS: And in this, how do you prevent yourself from generating your creativity and allowing yourself to generate income in association with your preference?

CURTIS: That’s a good question. I guess... I’ve kind of moved back in with my parents here for a little bit, and I’m able to do, I guess, just about everything I want here. So there’s no reason, no burning impetus, to go out there and try to make a living at it. I guess I just think in the back of my head as a knee jerk reaction that it would be very difficult to do something like this and make any kind of living. I don’t even know where I would begin.

ELIAS: This is an expression of trust, my friend, allowing yourself to trust your ability to generate your preferences and what you want and to trust yourself that you shall also generate the income in association with your wants easily. For you are not acquiring but rather you are creating, and it is your choice of what you create and how you shall allow yourself to generate this.

But I may express to you, in association with your beliefs your response to myself is quite understandable, for this is quite familiar to you, to be generating difficulty and struggle in association with what you want. For if you are not struggling, you do not view the value in what you generate, which is quite an expression of beliefs.

CURTIS: No pain, no gain?


CURTIS: Okay, that’s a part of my belief system.

ELIAS: I am aware.

CURTIS: I also feel a little bit guilty maybe when things come too easily with all the other suffering people out there.

ELIAS: Ah. (Laughs gently) Therefore you choose to suffer also.

CURTIS: Yes, but I’d really rather not.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, there is no nobility in suffering. It is merely a choice. It is a choice of experience and does not offer you a greater expression of worth or value.

CURTIS: Well, where were you when all those people in my religious past were telling me that martyrdom is virtue? (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: (Humorously) Floating about the cosmos, appreciating effortlessness and the tremendous gloriousness of self and ease! Ha ha ha!

CURTIS: Well, I’m on my way to joining you. I’ll tell you, there’s been a real turn around in my life recently. Could you address that a little bit?

ELIAS: Offer explanation.

CURTIS: There’s been less of what you would call thickness. There’s been much more of an ease in creation of everything, like just things will come to me much more easily than they used to. I am creating much less of the struggle that we were just talking about. Like a synthesizer, for example, that I’ve always wanted dropped in my lap for a really good price. The shitake mushrooms that I’m growing, there’s no contamination even though it used to be that they were always overridden by renegade fungus. Just all kinds of things that I’ve never been able to accomplish I’ve started to be able to do.

ELIAS: And shall you be acknowledging of yourself in your accomplishment of more of an acceptance of yourself, and also your movement into paying attention to you and what you generate?

CURTIS: So I’ve probably been doing a good job of that. I feel I have anyway. I know I shouldn’t be looking for compliments, but could you verify that?

ELIAS: Yes, I shall validate you in your movement. And does this not offer you much more of an expression of freedom than you have allowed yourself previously?

CURTIS: Yes, it has, and I guess one of the things is I don’t know quite what to do with that freedom or where to direct my... It’s almost as though there are too many choices. I’m not quite sure what direction to go.

ELIAS: Ah, but I may express to you, my friend, you may explore, and it is unnecessary to be generating obstacles within yourself in expressing to yourself that it is necessary to choose one direction. You may explore and you may be incorporating choice in many different directions. As you allow yourself to explore, you offer yourself more information in association with what YOU want. In a manner of speaking, it is a process of experimentation.

CURTIS: I need to have an income, and I have just had, as you were telling me, a really poor interaction with bosses in the past. I mean I could just... It’s been a really nasty picture. It’s been very difficult for me to even imagine going into a place and being rewarded adequately financially, given that it is rock-bottom pay, or has been in the past, or to be rewarded even emotionally for what I do. Every job I’ve had has been pretty much dismal. How do you break out of something like that? Are there any steps or objective things that I could do that would help me to get into the place that I want to go?

ELIAS: Yes. This genuinely is an opportunity for you to genuinely offer yourself permission to be directing of yourself. I am aware of the challenge and the struggle that you have generated for quite a time framework in not offering yourself permission to be directing of yourself but also simultaneously genuinely expressing the desire to be allowing this expression within you, and this is the reason that you generate the conflict that you do in these scenarios of employment.

Now; pay attention to what you have expressed. How do you generate being rewarded financially and emotionally in what you view as a job? This question, in the manner that you are expressing it, implies that you shall be appreciated by some source outside of yourself, and therefore that source shall reward you and this shall offer you a validation of your value. But you are looking outside of yourself; you are projecting your attention to other individuals to provide you with an expression that they cannot offer to you, for other individuals do not create your reality. YOU create your reality; therefore the appreciation is generated within you.

In appreciating of yourself and offering yourself your value and your acceptance and your expression of trust of yourself, you shall automatically generate this perception which shall create the actual physical imagery in your reality, which may appear to you that other individuals shall be appreciating and valuing you also; but this is the reflection that you are creating in association with what you generate within yourself.

CURTIS: I feel that I’ve made enormous strides along those lines and in just the past decade or so. I mean just enormous strides, and yet the financial rewards are not yet coming. Are they going to be in the future, do you think, or I haven’t waited long enough? What exactly is going on with that?

ELIAS: This is not a situation of waiting, my friend, but actively participating in familiarizing yourself with you, recognizing the influence of your beliefs and how that is affecting of your perception, recognizing the reality of perception and that this is the mechanism that actually generates all of your actual physical reality – even other individuals.

In this, as you allow yourself more and more of an expression of trust of yourself and your ability, and you allow yourself information and an objective understanding of perception and of your beliefs, you shall also generate what you want financially. This is not, as I have stated, a situation of waiting. But as you more and more generate a trust and an acceptance of yourself, you shall also more and more allow yourself to generate the evidence of this in the manner that you want, which is that of financial gain.

CURTIS: I see. Could you validate an impression? I see myself moving in a direction of actually being rewarded reasonably well for what I do at some time in the future. Is that, as probabilities go, is that going to be something that you think is going to happen?

ELIAS: I may express to you, you are generating this potential, yes. This is also your choice. And I may express to you, if you continue to be moving in the direction that you are now incorporating, the potential to be creating this type of scenario is quite strong, yes.

CURTIS: Excellent.

Also, interactive with spirit – is there anything that I could do to become ... I would really like to have... First of all, have you been sending the little blue dots and stuff that I’ve been seeing these days?

ELIAS: This is an expression of my energy, yes.

CURTIS: Okay. Is there anything else? I was just reading in a session last night where someone talked about rocking. It was almost as though someone had their hand and they were pushing rhythmically the chair back and forth. Is that something else that you’re doing or you and I are doing together?

ELIAS: A combined expression.

CURTIS: So when these things happen, I should stop and think where I’m directing my attention or...? Is that what they’re meant to be doing?


CURTIS: I’ve noticed, for example, I’ll be reading a book and there will be a dot that appears over top of a certain paragraph. And I’ll read that paragraph over which the dot appeared, and it’s probably the most banal paragraph in the entire book. I can’t get any message out of it.

ELIAS: This is an automatic familiar association, my friend, with absolutes. Allow yourself to recognize that I may be interactive with you in an energy expression and I may be offering vibrational qualities of color to move your attention, but it may not necessarily be in association with an absolute such as rereading a particular paragraph but rather to be paying attention to what you are actually generating in the moment.

CURTIS: Emotionally inside?


CURTIS: Okay. Wow. Are there any other kinds of energy that you’ve been sending me?

ELIAS: I am interactive with you quite often. It is merely a matter of your allowance to be noticing and openness to be receiving. I shall express to you, for the most part my interaction with you is an expression to be moving your attention and allowing you more of an objective awareness of what you are actually generating. In this, at times, it is also an expression of validation and acknowledgment.

CURTIS: Can you give me an example of something that I might not have noticed, that you were trying to direct my attention in some way?

ELIAS: Offer to myself your impression, for it is significant that you allow yourself to pay attention. Therefore, offer an impression.

CURTIS: Wait, I didn’t get that. Could you put that in other words, please?

ELIAS: Very well. It is significant that you allow yourself to pay attention to the energy expressions, for this allows you the opportunity to not be discounting and to reinforce your trust. Therefore, in this present now, allow yourself to offer to me an impression of an energy expression that has been offered in validation.

CURTIS: When you say that, I kind of think of like birds flying over; but the thing that came to mind when you said that is, I was driving to a Metro station the other day and some guy just blew past me. I was going pretty fast, but he didn’t think I was going fast enough, and he gave me the finger in the rearview mirror. Whenever somebody is angry, they send out this almost vortex of energy that I very often get sucked into. So I hit the accelerator and I went and I cut him off. I wasn’t really that angry, but I cut him off.

So anyway, I parked my car in the Metro parking lot and there’s this guy, this really angry black guy, who had parked his van across the walkway, the little delineated walkway, that everyone has to go to from the parking lot to the Metro station. He was standing there with his arms folded, probably ready for a fight. I must have had maybe a hundred pounds on him weight-wise, but a feeling of kind of peace came over me and I walked right past him as he was screaming at me, “Why’d you cut me off?” and everything. He never laid a hand on me; he never even came at me. But I remember thinking that it was just such an elegant example of how your inner feelings create your objective reality. (Slight pause) Hello?

ELIAS: I am understanding.

Now; do you notice in this experience, as you began walking, the difference in energy expression?

CURTIS: The difference between what, the one that drew me into the situation, his anger in the first place, and my walking past him? The difference ... what do you mean?

ELIAS: Yes. For in that moment there is an energy expression which is being offered in association with your energy and my energy together, and you experience an immediate alteration which you allowed to translate to your perception.

CURTIS: Okay, yeah, because I went from being angry to being at peace and then having a very deep understanding that this guy was not going to attack me and that everything was going to be fine.

ELIAS: Correct. Therefore you generated a different reality through the alteration of your perception. And in the moment just prior to your physical movement towards the other individual, if you are allowing yourself an objective recall, you experienced a moment of different energy. In this...

CURTIS: Okay, I remember that.

ELIAS: In this, in the objective recall of that expression of different energy, you may allow yourself the recognition of the moments in which I am interactive with you. For my energy expression is different from your energy expression, and in this you may allow yourself to objectively notice futurely the moments in which I am offering an expression of energy in supportiveness to you. Are you understanding?

CURTIS: I believe so. I’m trying to think of some little piquant little twist to that. I just remember being very calm and thinking objectively that this guy could very well take out a gun and shoot me, and then yet I just have a confidence that nothing’s going to happen. But I’m trying to come up with a little flavoring to the energy. All I remember is calm, really.

ELIAS: Correct.

CURTIS: That’s you?


CURTIS: Okay, so you’re calm. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: Quite! (Both laugh) I am a tremendous advocate of relaxing! Ha ha ha!

CURTIS: Excellent, because I’ve been tense my whole life. I’ve been grinding my teeth ever since I can remember, and I’m really becoming a fan of relaxing. (Elias chuckles) Wow. So you were actually there, huh?


CURTIS: Who created that experience? Was it something that I was showing myself as to the power of mastering my own inner feelings as a way of creating my own reality?

ELIAS: No. You did generate this experience and created that scenario to offer yourself an objective view of the power of perception.

CURTIS. I think I already get that, though. I really in my heart understand that my perception and the way that I’m approaching things is generating my reality.

ELIAS: I am understanding, my friend, but I shall express to you, not within your heart, so to speak, but within your intellect you understand. This now moves you into experimentation in reality in experiencing what you understand intellectually.

CURTIS: And there’s going to be a lot more of that, you think, in the future?

ELIAS: Yes, for this offers you information concerning HOW you create your reality – not WHAT you create, for you are already familiar with what you create. Now you move into the exploration of HOW you create, which is another point of this shift in consciousness, that you allow yourselves an objective understanding of how you create your reality and therefore offer yourselves the ability to be intentionally generating the type of reality that you want.

CURTIS: As long as I’m thinking about this, is there any... When you asked the original question what I could be doing for a living, the nurturing people through good food and kind of the domestic thing was only one of the things that I might be doing. I feel that I’ve really done some pretty good work on this whole create-your-own-reality thing. Is there any kind of future that I might be able to be more interactive with spirit and helping people or helping to guide people through what you’ve always termed to be the coming trauma with the shift in consciousness?

ELIAS: Yes. In presenting yourself as the straight little sapling, you shall be allowing yourself to generate this type of interaction.

Concerning yourself with other individuals is not helpful; attempting to be guiding of other individuals is not helpful. It is, in actuality, a discounting of the other individuals, that they are not generating creating their reality good enough, and it is a discounting of yourself.

CURTIS: I understand that.

ELIAS: But in genuinely allowing yourself to become intimately familiar with you, allowing yourself to be expressing the action of the straight little sapling, you shall automatically generate outwardly a genuine expression of helpfulness, and you may be creating this in association with your preferences and your creativity in what you appreciate.

As one example, in your affection for generating the creation of certain vegetations, as you direct your energy into the appreciation of your own expression and your creativity in this type of action, you also allow yourself to share that expression with other individuals, and it is received.

CURTIS: How does one make a living guiding other people without actually guiding other people? There’s a mass belief of the psychotherapy session, where you’re supposed to... You know, they don’t pay you money if you’re not going to guide them, know what I mean? (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: I am understanding of the mass belief, but this is not to say that you do not incorporate choice. Many individuals generate their expression of creativity in what they appreciate and value and prefer and hold in affection, [and] they also generate income in their sharing of their expression, and they are not guiding.

An individual may generate income in expressing their creativity in music or in dance or in nutrition, in your terms, and their objective is not to be guiding or generating helpfulness to another individual, necessarily, but to be freely expressive of themselves in their expression of creativity and appreciating of their ability to generate outwardly in association with other individuals and share their creativity. And this is received and appreciated also by other individuals and does allow the individual to generate income.

CURTIS: All right. Well. As you were talking, I was thinking about another little tangent that has come into this thing. When I was young, even in like fifth grade, I was reading Edgar Cayce and I became really enthralled by the idea that there are going to be all kinds of earth changes and things. I think one of the reasons that I haven’t been more building of wealth and stuff in my own personal life is that I kind of expected the bottom to fall out of things in what Cayce’s book called the 1958 to the 1998 cycle. He was talking about cataclysms, like California sinking into the ocean and that there was going to be some real decimation with the earth. And even you were talking about trauma.

I remember reading a transcript where there was something that you said, I forget what it was, but it was though you grabbed me by the lapel and gave me a shake and said, “Curtis, listen. There is no time to mess around anymore. There is going to be trauma. It is going to be massive and it is going to be soon. You must get in touch with this stuff, turn your attention to self, and have the psychological wherewithal to be able to deal with this.” Could you speak a little bit more on that?

ELIAS: There already IS trauma. But I am not expressing of the type of trauma that you are associating with in relation to that individual. What I am offering information in relation to in association with trauma is the trauma that is expressed by the individuals, which also becomes generated en masse in association with beliefs and the unfamiliarity of the movement that you are all generating in association with this shift in consciousness.

Look to your world, my friend. Look to yourself. There IS trauma. It is not ensuing; it is not coming – it IS. There is trauma being expressed en masse and individually. What is significant is that the trauma is being expressed individually and in such numbers that it generates mass trauma also. The trauma is associated with strongly expressed mass beliefs that you are addressing to in this time framework in objectively inserting this shift into your reality.

I expressed at the onset of this millennium that you are moving into the whirlwind. The insertion of this shift is quite unfamiliar. Directing of oneself and allowing the directing of oneself is very unfamiliar. Allowing oneself choice and continuing to incorporate your beliefs – not changing your beliefs, not eliminating your beliefs, but merely recognizing the existence of them, accepting of that design but not generating the judgment, and allowing yourselves choice – is a tremendous alteration of your reality. And as I have expressed, you are redefining terms, and in this actually redefining all of your physical reality and how you shall create it now.

Acceptance is NOT an expression that you are familiar with. It has not been throughout your history. Duplicity is tremendously familiar. Turning your attention from outside of yourself to inside of yourself is also tremendously unfamiliar. You are quite familiar with concerning yourself with the expressions of other individuals or actions that occur outside of yourself and expressing to yourself that you yourself are not creating that.

What is occurring within your continent of Africa; what is occurring within your physical location of your Arab countries, your identification of Middle Eastern locations, South American locations? You may express to yourself, “I create all of my reality,” but you do not necessarily believe that you are creating all of these conflicts, for you are not physically occupying that location and these expressions are being created by other individuals.

(Emphatically) If you perceive it, you create it. This is tremendously unfamiliar, and in its unfamiliarity individuals generate trauma in their struggle to be moving into the expression of this shift.

CURTIS: All of the things you mentioned are not really affecting me very deeply. Is that kind of how I should be moving?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

CURTIS: Well, there’s a lot of people who are really upset about what’s happening, the World Trade Center, too. It just left me absolutely cold. I just didn’t have any real emotion about the whole thing to begin with. I’ve never been terribly connected to the culture to begin with. But, you know, a lot of these actions that are happening are not affecting me very deeply.

ELIAS: And it matters not. I am merely expressing to you, it is not necessary for you to generate an emotional communication concerning what is being created. What is significant is moving the concept of perception into the reality of your understanding and knowing, for as I have stated, if you perceive it, YOU have created it.

Now; this is not to say that it is necessary that you generate a judgment concerning what you have created, but merely that you recognize that you HAVE created it. the significance of this recognition is addressing to the lack of separation, which is an extremely strong mass belief.

CURTIS: So I believe that the World Trade Center crash that I created is just massively different from the World Trade Center crash that most of the people that I meet with flags on their cars and everything have created. Is this the path? How do I wend through this trauma with the least amount of trauma?

ELIAS: Once again, in paying attention to yourself.

Now; you may validate yourself in recognizing that you also have participated in this mass event, you have created it, but you have allowed yourself not to express trauma in association with THAT particular event or some other events.

Now; the significance of this is to offer you evidence that you do incorporate the ability to be moving within this shift and not generating trauma and therefore objectively recall this information in the moments in which you are individually generating conflict and drama within your individual expressions, that you may allow yourself not to incorporate trauma in your individual creations.

CURTIS: Kind of like walking by the guy with van.


CURTIS: Is there anything else? Well, I’ll tell you what. We’ve got like ten minutes or seven minutes. While I’m here, my life’s purpose – you know, these little things that you tell everybody, like if they’re a religious focus and everything.

First of all, the life purpose: I was trying to work that out, as contrast living from my heart as opposed to living for others, but it occurred to me that that might be a little bit too general and trite. Would you call that a good expression of what my major life purpose would be?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, for throughout your focus your direction or your intent has been expressed in an exploration of contrast, and you have also generated somewhat of a fascination in exploration of the extremes of contrasts. (Curtis laughs)

CURTIS: Yeah! (Elias chuckles) Well, I learned a lot from it.

ELIAS: Yes, for this offers you a tremendous volume of information and also has moved you into more of a recognition of yourself.

CURTIS: So, would you say that the living from the heart thing, I mean that’s been the biggest revelation to me is to dance to my own tune rather than to other people’s.


CURTIS: I’ve tried way too hard to dance and to appease other people in my life, and now I’m starting to be much happier by being me.

ELIAS: Correct, and this is another avenue of exploration in association with your movement in exploring contrasts.

CURTIS: Can you think of something that I haven’t thought of as being either tangent to that or another major life purpose in a core focus kind of thing?

ELIAS: This is the expression of it, my friend. Let me express to you, individuals manifest within this physical reality in association with its design and choose one general direction of exploration. This is what we identify as the individual’s intent.

Now; within that general direction of exploration you also generate many, many, many specific avenues of exploration of different aspects of that general theme, and these are merely choices that you generate within the moment. No exploration is any more significant than any other exploration. The exploration itself is what incorporates significance.

CURTIS: But do you think that I made the core expression the contrast between living from my heart and living for others? Would that be as good an expression of that life purpose or that core thing, or could you help to define that a little bit better?

ELIAS: What are you seeking, my friend?

CURTIS. In general?

ELIAS: In this direction of questioning?

CURTIS: I was just trying to come up with a definition of the core purpose of my life.

ELIAS: Which you have offered to yourself and I have validated.

CURTIS: Oh, you did, okay. So it was the living from heart or dancing to my tune rather than the dancing to other people’s tune?

ELIAS: And the exploration of contrast.

CURTIS: Contrast, just any contrast.

ELIAS: Correct.

CURTIS: Okay. I had also thought that I was probably a religious focus. Is that true?

ELIAS: Political.

CURTIS: Color would probably be like yellow-orange?


CURTIS: Musical tone – oh, I don’t know, A.

ELIAS: F flat.

CURTIS: F flat? (Elias grins) Is that like E? (Elias laughs) All right, but the fact that you made it F flat rather than E, there’s some significance to that, I bet. (Elias chuckles)

Have you and I ever had any focuses together?


CURTIS: What is my impression, is that what you’re going to ask?

ELIAS: No, I have expressed yes.

CURTIS: What did we do together?

ELIAS: And shall you not investigate this?

CURTIS: Yeah, that’s what I thought, okay. (Elias laughs) Could you give one word that would just kind of key me into where it is or what it is or just...?

ELIAS: Russia.

CURTIS: Did I have any notorious focuses? I was in the Second World War, but I wasn’t like Himmler or anything was I?


CURTIS: I’ve also felt a great deal of guilt throughout my life. Is there something that happened in a previous life that I...? I always felt like I ought to be apologizing, especially with my mother and father. I’m having a real hard time tuning into that. What happened there?

ELIAS: I may express to you, this is not an association with a bleed-through. This IS an association with your expression of your worth and also in association with your beliefs with regard to your intent of your exploration of contrasts and your assessment that this may not necessarily be quite acceptable.

CURTIS: So it wasn’t like I did something in a previous life that I’ve... There is a psychic who told me once that I was an American Indian who was responsible for keeping the tribe from being attacked and that I blew it and the tribe was attacked and massacred, and that this resulted in guilt. Is there anything to that?

ELIAS: I may express a confirmation of this other focus, but this is not what generates the guilt in this focus, no.

CURTIS: It’s just more of the contrast?


CURTIS: Wow. That’s interesting.

You gave me a couple of focuses to explore before. One of them was in Scandinavia. Every time I try to imagine the guy, I see him living on a farm. There’s a fence with a hill. He’s in some kind of tweed kind of thing. He’s not real gregarious. He’s kind of a loner, and maybe even a little bit bitter. Can you validate any of that?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

CURTIS: It’s true?


CURTIS: Is there more to it?

ELIAS: You may continue with your investigation. This is information that you offer to yourself, my friend, and the point of offering this type of information to yourself is to be allowing yourself the genuine objective recognition that you are much more vast than you view yourself to be in association with separation.

CURTIS: And the focus that you mentioned in Portugal, the Spanish dancer, every time I think of her I think that she probably might have some loose morals and maybe not have the greatest respect for men, or maybe even a loathing. (Elias laughs loudly) Is that true?

ELIAS: Quite accurate, my friend!

CURTIS: Wow, that’s great. Can you think of anything else, another focus that you could like clue me in on to be thinking about? Our time’s almost up here.

ELIAS: I have offered you the challenge of investigating this...

CURTIS: Okay, you and me in Russia. Rasputin doesn’t enter into this, does he?


CURTIS: Okay. (Both laugh) Well, our time is just about up. And I give you permission to be as forcefully interactive in my life as you choose to be, okay? I’d really like to walk more in tune with, I don’t know, with these larger aspects.

ELIAS: Very well, although I may express to you, I do not express a forceful energy. Ha ha ha!

CURTIS: Yeah, right – you were the laid-back one! I remember that. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: But I shall be...

CURTIS: All right, Elias, I’m going to let you go. Thank you very much. You know, I’ve been reading these transcripts for years now and it’s been extremely helpful, and I just want you to know how deeply I appreciate being able to be interactive with you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend, and I shall be encouraging to you to be remembering to incorporate playfulness.


ELIAS: Very well, my friend. As always, I express tremendous affection to you and shall continue to be interactive and encouraging. To you this morning in lovingness, au revoir.


Elias departs at 11:39 AM.

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