the Elias forum:










<  the Elias forum Newsletter, May, 2005  >

In this Issue:

> What's New?
> Gem of the Month
> Resources for Newcomers
> New & Updated Digests/Exercises
> Recently Published Transcripts: April 2005
> Please Notify Us About Typos, Broken Links, Or ...
> Monthly Musings - The Ten Belief Systems: Relationships
> 2005 Schedule and Updates
> Speak to Elias: Hold Your Own Private or Group Session
> Order Video and Audio Tapes
> Order The Shift: A Time of Change
> Order Mindscapes Music CD
> Order The Cellophane Prophecy
> Public Email Lists

What's New?

> Over 1 million webpages served!

Since opening our cyberdoors in February 2002, we have served over 1,312,000 webpages to more than 80,200 visitors in over 120 countries. We also had over 11,500 visits last month.* Many thanks to all of you who continue to provide us with tremendous support, constructive suggestions, and email feedback!

> Happy Tenth Anniversary to Mary and Elias!

As many know, Elias began speaking through Mary Ennis is April of 1995. So this past month marked the tenth anniversary of the first times Elias came through. Congrats Mary! In order to honor this occasion, we're posting the link to Vicki Pendley's recollection of her first encounter with Elias: How Did These Sessions Begin?

> Mary Will No Longer Travel to Group Sessions

Mary Ennis has been holding group sessions since 1995. This phenomenon started out in a group context, and it was a couple of years before the first private session was held or any money was charged. As more and more people came to the sessions, Mary's friends in Castaic tried to help her find a way to commit to the Elias sessions full time and had to gradually convince her to accept any money. She has received a lot of help and support from those who transcribe and publish the sessions, as well as those who attend. Still, Mary never really enjoyed the travel part of her business, well, except maybe her visits to France! But for one reason or another she has decided to reduce her travel. There will still be group sessions, but they will occur in Brattleboro, Vermont beginning this Fall. For an update, see: A Note From Mary, April 17, 2005

> Group E-fest in Chicago, Illinois in July 2005.

See below for details on Mary's last group session In the USA.

> DVD Archive Project Update

This is one of those “behind the scenes” projects whose goal is to ensure that the legacy of the Elias forum continues long after we’re gone. At last count, Mary had recorded over 1,700 sessions on videotape! Since DVDs take up less space, we purchased a DVD recorder last March, and began to transfer the ’95 sessions from Ron and Cathy Churchman’s video archive. We’ve finished through session 440.

> Support Our Work

We’d like to express our heart-felt appreciation to those of you who have made donations to help support our work. Thank you!

If you’d like to make a contribution to help support our projects and the website, click here.

> Kosmic Books & Music

Click to order. The Shift: A Time of Change compiled by David Tate.

This 365 page second edition of Elias excerpts features a beautiful new cover design, and an extra 70 pages of new information. A must-have for any collector and enthusiast.

Listen to Mindscapes. Mindscapes Music CD by Paul Helfrich.

A conscious creation music CD with over an hour of music on 22 tracks. Now available on Apple iTunes,, and Best Buy.

Read The Cellophane Prophecy. The Cellophane Prophecy by J. K. Greenfield (aka Jo Helfrich).

A hilarious spoof on the New Age classic The Celestine Prophecy.

> Reminders

Bobbi Houle recently moved and has been very busy settling into her new home near Yosemite, CA. The flow of transcripts has slowed down during the past couple of months, and some of you have written about this. Please give Bobbi some time to sort things out, and in the mean time let her know how much you appreciate all the hard work she has done over the past three and a half years, along with all the transcribers as well.

Also, Some of you have changed email addresses or have spam filters that block your reception of the newsletter and transcripts via email. If you haven’t received either in a while, you can always update your info on the registration page (there’s a link on the bottom of the home page), or just send a private email to Paul & Jo (newsletter) or Bobbi Houle (transcripts).

If you use this newsletter and website, please take a minute to let us know what you think. Your feedback helps us to make them easier to use.

Best Wishes,

Paul & Jo Helfrich
Castaic, California, USA

*Note: we used to show only monthly visitors, but now we're showing monthly visits, since there are repeat visitors.

P.S. Newsletters since March 2002 are available online in the Library, under the letter “N” at:

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Gem of the Month

The Gem of the Month is a regular feature that provides an excerpt from a recent transcript that captures a snapshot of essential Elias.

This month’s gem is taken from the Frank’s private session:

FRANK: “... I’d like to start by asking you about a dream I had since we last spoke. I was in my home and I saw this little alligator, about a three- or four-inch long alligator, that had a sort of menacing look on its face. The next thing I knew, I was trying to find this alligator again because I wanted to get rid of it or kill it or whatever, and I couldn’t find it. Then there were a lot of these little alligators all over the place, and my wife and a close friend of mine were present also. Shortly thereafter, there was a hornet as well, which I think I killed in the dream.

“My impression of this dream is that the little alligators represent either beliefs or perceptions that I view as negative that I’m trying to change or get to the bottom of.”

ELIAS: “Partially. I may express to you, the stronger message in this imagery is to be paying attention to actions that you generate throughout your day that you perceive to be small, for those actions or responses or expressions that you deem to be small are those that comprise the larger picture of the entirety of the movement of your day.

“In this, all of these small actions that generally speaking are overlooked and not noticed are indicators of how you are generating your movement and your direction throughout your day. Those indicators express to you the moments in which you are allowing yourself flexibility and the moments in which you are expressing rigidity, the moments in which you are generating automatic responses and not noticing, and the moments in which you are actually paying attention.

“The number of these small menacing creatures is your imagery to yourself in relation to how many times throughout your day there are expressed automatic responses and actions that may be noticed by turning your attention to serve you as indicators. But without noticing, they remain the expressions of reinforcement of automatic responses. Are you understanding?”

FRANK: “Yes, I am, although I have a question, or maybe you could give me an example of one of these small actions that I’m not paying attention to.”

ELIAS: “Examine mundane movements of your day. Let us begin with how you awake. What do you incorporate in the first few moments as you awaken?”

FRANK: “Usually that I’m tired, I guess.”

ELIAS: “And as you move from your bed, what are your actions?”

FRANK: “I don’t know. I guess I would say they’re pretty mindless.”

ELIAS: (Chuckles) “Quite. Even an action of showering or brushing your teeth, if you are noticing, you generate the action in the same manner. You shall incorporate the same movements. You shall incorporate washing in the same manner each day. You shall brush your teeth beginning on one side or in one particular motion each day, and you move your attention to thoughts concerning what shall be occurring later within your day, and you pay little attention to the actual actions that you are incorporating. Consuming your coffee or certain meals throughout the day, certain manners in which you approach your vehicle and how you engage starting your vehicle, these are all actions that you incorporate in each and every day. They are all actions that you generate in a manner of automatic responses, and they are all influenced by beliefs.

“In this, you generate all of these actions throughout your day and you do not notice what you are actually doing, which we have spoken of previously – paying attention to what you are actually doing. All of these actions you deem to be mundane, insignificant and small, and therefore you do not pay attention and you do not notice the mechanics of them. Even the manner in which you may prepare a sandwich may be generated in the same action each time.

“Actions such as these are the actions that you generate continuously, and these are the actions that are indicators to you concerning your automatic responses and the influence of beliefs that are reinforced daily. They are also actions unnoticed, which generates another indicator that you are not moving your attention in the now or upon self. But...”

FRANK: “Are you saying that to the extent that I do focus on these mundane actions and pay attention to how I’m doing them, as opposed to doing them on an automatic basis, that that is sort of – well, I don’t want to use the word “practice” – but it’s a way of making sure I’m in the now and paying attention on the more significant items in my life?”

ELIAS: “In a manner of speaking, for all of these actions that you incorporate are, in a manner of speaking, puzzle pieces that contribute to the design of the whole picture, and therefore offer you more of a clarity in understanding what you actually generate and how you create within your reality.

“You, in like manner to many other individuals, move your attention to what you deem to be large actions or significant actions: your business, your family, engaging interaction with your children, planning activities or events, planning actions that shall generate clients within your business, actions that shall be generating greater income. These are actions that you deem to be large and significant.

“All of these small actions that you incorporate in hundreds of movements throughout your day contribute to how you shall generate the large actions that you wish. But what you focus your attention upon are these large events, so to speak, or actions, and confuse yourself in how you may generate those in a manner of intentionally directing your energy and your movement to accomplish what you want.

FRANK: “Let me ask you this question. Let’s take the action of brushing my teeth, for example. Other than by noticing it, other than by keeping myself in the mode of noticing myself and focusing on myself and not doing things automatically, how else does that contribute to these big actions that I am in fact concerned with?”

ELIAS: “For these are indicators of your beliefs and your hold in rigidity to these beliefs.

“As an example, in brushing your teeth, let us say that you brush your teeth in a specific manner in specific motions, and in those specific motions you generate that action for a reason. You may not express a thought translation of those reasons, for you are generating an automatic response. But in recognizing that, you may be incorporating a belief that expresses if you incorporate certain motions in brushing your teeth, you shall be preventing harmfulness to your teeth and therefore you are generating a protection of your teeth. This is influenced by beliefs.

“This is what I am expressing to you, my friend. Even an action that you view to be so small as brushing your teeth is influenced by many beliefs that are expressed in those larger actions, associations that there are elements that incorporate the ability to attack your teeth that are not generated by yourself and that may be harmful to your teeth. Therefore you must be generating actions to be protecting of them, for they serve a function which is important to you.”

FRANK: “That I understand. That does get down to a significant belief that really pervades everything in my life.”

ELIAS: “Correct, and this is the point. This is the significance of the dream that you have offered to yourself in this type of imagery, that all of these creatures appear to you to be very small but they also appear to be menacing and there are many of them.” [session 1196, December 02, 2002]

Digests: find out more about imagery.

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Resources for Newcomers

New to the information? Want to share it with someone else? Here are some great pages to read and/or print out to share with friends and family:

> Introduction & Overview

> Acceptance 101

> Acceptance 102

> “the straight little sapling”

> “the secret of life”

> NIRAA - A Summary of Accepting Self

> About Elias

> A Glossary of Elias’ Terms

> A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview

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New & Updated!

The website is a work in progress! New transcripts come out almost every week that further expand the information offered to date by Elias. New excerpts are added to various Digests every month, and new Exercises, too, when new material is offered.

New & Updated! Exercises

> create a painting of your energy

New & Updated! Library

> NIRAA - A Summary of Accepting Self

New & Updated! Updated Digests

> imagery

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Recently Published Transcripts: April 2005

Thanks to Bobbi Houle, Paul Tews, Margot Reed, Daryl Horton, Fran Wing, and Donna Friedman, new transcripts are published weekly. If you or someone you know wants to get ON or OFF the email list to receive new transcripts, contact Bobbi H. at Please specify a preference, either MS Word or Plain Text.

> Session 1194, Sunday, November 24, 2002
“Initiating Focus”“
“Time and the Creation of Physical Manifestations”

> Session 1195, Sunday, November 24, 2002

> Session 1196, Monday, December 02, 2002
“Small Actions, Large Actions – Same Belief”
“The Belief that Hard Work Equals Successfulness”

> Session 1197, Monday, December 02, 2002

> Mary Session 06, Castaic, California, Sunday, January 16, 2005
“Balance, and Recognizing the Influence of Others’ Energy”
“Responding to Anger and Hurtfulness”

> Session 1199, Thursday, December 05, 2002
“Validations of Impressions and Experiences”

*unpublished by request.

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Please Notify Us About Typos, Broken Links, Or ...

Another special thank you to those of you who continue to send us reports of typos, broken links, or suspected errors. We greatly appreciate your efforts in helping to keep this HUGE online encyclopedia free of mistakes (even though “Elias says” there aren’t any :-) It is an ongoing effort and we appreciate you taking the time to let us know when you find something odd.

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Monthly Musings - The Ten Belief Systems: Relationships

Last month we learned that the mysterious “you” in “you create your own reality” is much more than our objective awareness. We explored a comprehensive map of objective and subjective awareness called The Menu of Life. This month we're going to begin a series on the ten foundational belief systems.

But first, a little Elias trivia. Elias talked about belief systems and their affectingness from the very beginning of the sessions. But it wasn't until a private in February 1999, session 364, that someone finally asked the simple question, "How many belief systems are there?" Now, you never know if Elias is going to answer any question directly or abstractly. But in this instance he answered James Evan's question by outlining the ten foundational belief systems. Here, then, is a summary:

Digests of Essential Elias relationships (interpersonal/intrapersonal = other/self)
Digests of Essential Elias duplicity (morality/ethics)
Digests of Essential Elias sexuality (sexuality/gender/orientation/preference)
Digests of Essential Elias truth (relative truths/Absolute Truth)
Digests of Essential Elias emotion (emotional/feeling)
Digests of Essential Elias perception (perceptual/attention)
Digests of Essential Elias the senses (inner/physical sensing)
Digests of Essential Elias religious/spirituality (exoteric/esoteric)
Digests of Essential Elias scientific/elements of physical reality (scientific/rational)
Digests of Essential Elias physical creation of the universe, including accidents and coincidences (creation mythos)

While there are only ten belief systems or bird cages, to use Elias' metaphor, there are many hundreds if not thousand of beliefs contained therein. In terms of the Seth material, then, these ten form the core belief systems that comprise our worldviews. They develop in relation to our over all life conditions: intentional, behavioral, cultural, and social factors. They also form a typology – a general “worldview roadmap” – that we can trace through the various stages of life. For example, all the above belief systems emerge during infancy and continue to develop as we grow through childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and seniorhood.

There are no guarantees, either, that our belief systems will all develop at the same rate. They don’t. But they do complement each other and are nested together. For example, someone can have wide spiritual experiences and understanding, and yet have rather narrow moral beliefs. Or someone can have wide scientific understanding and very narrow, even arrested emotional or interpersonal beliefs, and so on. Together, they cover a wide matrix of potential experience.

So this month, we're going to begin a ten month adventure through these core value systems in the order Elias originally presented beginning with the belief system of relationships. It seems appropriate to begin here because it is with our intra- and interpersonal skills that we learn to engage the action of accepting self and others! The two go hand in hand.

ELIAS: “Now; let me express that you separate your ideas of relationships into many different areas. I shall also express to you a reminder that this is one belief system. Each belief system that you hold, as I have stated previously, holds many, many aspects.

“Therefore, I shall reiterate, in my analogy of belief systems in comparison, that the belief system itself is as that of a bird cage, and the aspects of the belief system are all of the birds that the cage holds. These cages, the belief systems, hold many, many, many birds. There are hundreds of aspects to each given belief system.

“Therefore, as you address to the belief system of relationships, this also holds very many aspects. You separate these aspects into different compartments, so to speak. You create individual ideas in differentiating one type of relationship from another type of relationship. You think very differently as to your relationship with your employer than you do in looking to a relationship with your child. You look at relationships involving other individuals romantically very differently from relationships of friendships or relationships that you look to in your parents. There are many different types of relationships that you identify with.

“You also hold relationships with your communities, with your governments, with your world. You hold relationships with what you believe to be your ‘higher self’ or other aspects of consciousness. You hold relationships with that which you may term to be god or other such ‘beings,’ so to speak. This shift in consciousness moves these belief systems into your objective awareness, that you may address to the belief systems and all of the aspects that are connected to these belief systems, that you may offer yourselves the opportunity to be accepting of these belief systems.” [session 301, July 25, 1998]

ELIAS: “Relationships – another ‘truth’ – and each of you incorporates your own variation of this ‘truth,’ of its standards, of its qualifications, how it shall be expressed, of its categories. For you all incorporate categories of relationships. Romantic relationships are different from family relationships. Parent and child relationships are different from co-workers. All of your relationships are categorized in different avenues, but each incorporates its own checklist, all of the criteria that are expected to be qualifying as a particular type of relationship. And if the relationship does not fit those qualifications, there is conflict and it is wrong, and there is a better method to be accomplishing the relationship. These are merely a few of your ‘truths’.” [session 1398, July 19, 2003]

The key things to remember are the two basic elements involved – self and other. Thus, our relationships encompass our all our aspects – self, family, work, culture, and the whole planet. A simple practice for this month is to NIRAA your relationship with yourself for a week. Then NIRAA your relationships with others and explore just how rich that web of relationships is. As usual, don't go crazy, simply notice for 5-10 minutes a day and let it go at that. The basic idea is to notice how well we know ourselves in relation to the others in our lives, and bring a sense of deep appreciation to all these aspects.

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2005 Schedule and Updates

July 2005 Elias Group Session - Chicago, Illinois

Saturday, July 16, 2005 at 1:00 PM. Cost is $95.

Hosted by Lynda Symans, or (802) 257-9443.

Follow this link for more info.

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Speak to Elias: Hold Your Own Private or Group Session

Mary Ennis holds private and group sessions. Rates are:

Private: approx. one hour phone or in person = $250 (includes audio tape)

Group: (50 or more people) = $1,500 plus travel expenses

Note: can now use your credit card through PayPal.

To schedule contact Mary Ennis:

Phone: 802-258-6574

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Order Video and Audio Tapes

Group sessions are available to everyone, and individual private sessions are available to the participant, or with the participant’s expressed permission. The proceeds go toward converting the existing videotape archive into a more stable DVD format, and other forum-related projects.

Now available from Ron Churchman:

$25 per session/video or DVD

$10 per session/audio

$25 current transcripts on CD-R. Available in MS-Word or text formats.


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New & Updated! Order The Shift: A Time of Change
compiled by David Tate

Click here to enlarge. Publication date 25 October 2004
Mind, Body, Spirit; Philosophy
365pp; paperback
UK publication date 25 October 2004
Published by Contact Publishing Ltd.

For more information, please contact

Click here to order.

At this time in our world we are all asking questions of ourselves and others such as, “What is my purpose?” and “What is truth?” and “What is death?” We are questioning the validity of our governments and our religious institutions. The Shift: A Time of Change offers the answer to these questions.

First time author David Tate has waded through the voluminous information delivered by Elias/Mary Ennis to compile a GEM of the Elias material and has shaped The Shift: A Time of Change into a definitive reference guide of the most popular topics of the Elias material.

All of the readers of the popular Seth/Jane Roberts books will identify with the information delivered by Elias/Mary Ennis in that it is channelled material. Like Seth, Elias is an essence who brings forth explanations of our world, ourselves and that we create our reality. The mantra, “You create your own reality,” was originated by Seth. Seth further explained that our beliefs create our reality. However, Elias clarifies that in order to change our realities we must accept our beliefs.

In The Shift, Elias delves deep into the fundamental questions we all have concerning truth, karma, beliefs systems and God.

“You are moving to the creation of a new expression of your physical reality as you know it. In this, not only your technology shall advance and be created differently, but all of your reality shall be altered and shall be different.”


The Shift: A Time of Change is a compilation of transcripts that have been delivered by Elias/Mary Ennis since 1995. The phenomenon of Elias began in 1995 and, through Mary Ennis, Elias has given private and group readings to people around the globe. This book encompasses the gems of that information that addresses everyone on the planet.

This is the first book within a series.


    The Shift
    Elias in his own words
Chapter 1     Your Purpose Is Experience
Chapter 2     The Shift
Chapter 3     A Shifty Question
Chapter 4     Why Are We Here?
Chapter 5     Who Am I and What Is Essence?
Chapter 6     What About God?
Chapter 7     What Is Truth?
Chapter 8     A Divine Plan
Chapter 9     Intent – Desire
Chapter 10   If It Isn’t Fun, Don’t Do It!
Chapter 11   You Shall Not Betray You
Chapter 12   Birth–Death–Transition
Chapter 13   Regional Areas of Consciousness
Chapter 14   Reincarnation
Chapter 15   Karma
Chapter 16   Belief Systems
Chapter 17   Duplicity
Chapter 18   Mass Belief Systems
Chapter 19   New Horizons
Appendix 1   The Sapling Story
Appendix 2   Glossary of Terms

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New & Updated! Order Mindscapes Music CD

“A picture is worth a thousand words, but a mindscape is worth a thousand pictures.”

Mindscapes Music CD

From the sublime to the ridiculous, the sacred to the profane, Mindscapes explore the boundless world of dreams and imagination. Now available from Paul Helfrich.

> Listen to all 22 tracks:

> Read an interview:

> Order online or by regular mail:

New & Updated! Order Mindscapes from iTunes for Mac and Windows!

Download individual tracks in mp3 format for 99¢ USD, or the entire CD, all 22 tracks, for $9.99 USD.

Check out the requirements at:


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New & Updated! Order The Cellophane Prophecy

The Cellophane Prophecy

Wickedly funny sendup of new age mega-seller, The Celestine Prophecy, a novel about a man who goes to Peru to find manuscripts that contain the secrets of life. His intentions are good – he wishes to share the manuscripts with the world – but his efforts are impeded by power-hungry factions, extremists, and high-ranking church officials.

In J.K. Greenfield’s parody, The Cellophane Prophecy, our hero’s intentions are not so good! Set up by an ex-girlfriend promising sexual favors, he goes to Italy to uncover manuscripts said to contain the secrets of life-secrets, he finds, like “If you stare at something long enough, it will glow.”

The book is a must for people who read The Celestine Prophecy and found themselves in need of a laugh, or even a subplot! Treat yourself and your loved ones to The Cellophane Prophecy.

> Order online at


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Public Email Lists

Check out the Elias List on Yahoo! Groups, moderated by Gerhard Fuchs <>

Check out the NewWorldView Discussion Forums, moderated by Paul Helfrich <> Ellen Gilbert <> and Serge Grandbois/Mark Bukator <>

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Please forward (email or print) this Newsletter to anyone you think may be interested.

To receive this newsletter, transcripts, other news, by email, or update your personal info, go to:

To stop receiving transcripts contact Bobbi H. at

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