the Elias forum: Digests of Essential Elias.










the belief system of truth

“When you spell out the truth it loses its essence and becomes either ‘my’ truth or ‘your’ truth; it becomes an end in itself. When you spell out the truth, you are spending your capital while no one gets any profit. It becomes undignified, a giveaway. By implying the truth, the truth doesn’t become anyone’s property. When the dragon wants a rainstorm, he causes thunder and lightning. That brings the rain. Truth is generated from its environment; in that way it becomes a powerful reality. From this point of view, studying the imprint of the truth is more important than the truth itself. The truth doesn’t need a handle.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior

Paul’s note: Elias talks about what I call Absolute Universal Truths very rarely because, more often than not, we deal with beliefs about Universals, and not authentic Universals. However, in quite practical terms, he acknowledges that our belief systems are more consequential, more important, and more relevant to our every day lives.

The Truths mentioned to date include:

> reality
> color
> tone
> energy
> vibration
> reality creation
> personality
> consciousness
> imagination
> love
> multidimensionality
> essence
> objective/subjective awareness

In terms of moral truth, Elias repeatedly states that values like good/evil, right/wrong, scientific facts, even mathematics, are all belief systems relative to our multiverse, cultural contexts, and focus personalities. But they are not Universals. Again, this doesn’t mean that our beliefs aren’t very important in everyday practical terms, they ultimately are! It’s just Elias’ way of prodding our rational minds toward what integral philosopher Ken Wilber calls vision-logic. It’s an integral view of a relativistic reality that features contexts within contexts within contexts. Strap yourself in for the ride on this one...

The following are the ten primary belief systems according to Elias. He adds that there are many, many, many aspects to each belief system. However, these are not discrete, separated parts, but primary aspects that all work together seamlessly in the conscious mind of every individual. For example, aspects of the belief system of duplicity are present, in varying degrees, in each of the other nine.

Digests of Essential Elias relationships (interpersonal/intrapersonal = other/self)
Digests of Essential Elias duplicity (morality/ethics)
Digests of Essential Elias sexuality (sexuality/gender/orientation/preference)
Digests of Essential Elias truth (relative truths/Absolute Truth)
Digests of Essential Elias emotion (emotional/feeling)
Digests of Essential Elias perception (perceptual/attention)
Digests of Essential Elias the senses (inner/physical sensing)
Digests of Essential Elias religious/spirituality (exoteric/esoteric)
Digests of Essential Elias scientific/elements of physical reality (scientific/rational)
Digests of Essential Elias physical creation of the universe, including accidents and coincidences (creation mythos)

Here’s the excerpt from the session in which Elias delivered this important information (I have underlined each belief system for clarity, as Elias did not originally instruct for this to be done):

JAMES: “Would you tell me what the belief systems are?” (12-second pause)

ELIAS: “You are inquiring of the belief systems in conjunction with this blocking of action?”

JAMES: “No. I was inquiring in general; the belief systems in total that we hold; the bird cages.”

ELIAS: “Ah! You are inquiring of a listing of all of your belief systems!” (Grinning)

JAMES: “Yes, correct.”

ELIAS: “I shall express to you that you hold fewer belief systems than you think, although within these belief systems, you hold many more aspects than you think.

“In this, (pause) you hold belief systems of relationship. You hold belief system of duplicity. You hold belief system of sexuality. You hold belief system of truth.

“... This being also those in conjunction with emotion, and perception. You also hold the belief system of certain senses. You hold religious belief system, which we shall identify as spirituality, and you hold scientific belief system, which shall be the designation of physical reality and the elements of it.

“These are the basic belief systems that you hold within this particular reality.

“You hold one other belief system also, which may be viewed to be more encompassing, and this would be the belief system of your physical creation of your universe, which is slightly different from your scientific belief system or your religious belief system. In this, that particular belief system involves the aspects of coincidences and accidents.

“As I have stated, these are the basic creations of your belief systems within this dimension, but each of these expressed holds a tremendous amount of aspects within them. Therefore, although the designation of the belief systems – the cages themselves – may be few, the aspects or the birds within them are very many, and many of these birds may appear in manners that you do not even associate with these particular belief systems.” [session 364, February 24, 1999]

Finally, we need to explore an important, yet subtle, distinction Elias implies with this concept, namely, the difference between duality and nonduality. Elias’ truths (relative) and Truths (Absolute) apply only to dualistic constructions within all of consciousness. They do not apply to the nondual, ever-present, always already shunyata or emptiness that is the Primal Cause of all be-ing. Therefore, what Elias is talking about thus far only applies to dualistic manifestations or constructions that he is familiar with. The great nondual philosophers, for example Patanjali and Nagarjuna in the East, have all shown that nondual reality can never be fully described or expressed, only experienced. According to Nagarjuna, as cited by Ken Wilber:

“It cannot be called void or not void,
“Or both or neither;
“But in order to point it out,
“It is called Void.”

In this context, nondual reality is not something to be attained or sought. It is simply the realization of the ever-present, always already opening in our awareness in which the action of consciousness occurs. It can be talked about, and pointed out, but all those are secondary, dualistic constructions. Another way to understand this simple feeling of be-ing is to inquire, “What Aspect of my awareness never changes, even as my perception changes, from waking state to dream state to deep dreamless state to waking state?” In other words, no matter what state we experience, which by definition is temporary because we cycle through them every day, what remains constant in all states is eternal, timeless, nondual Spirit: Primal Cause of all of consciousness. Therefore, this Primal Cause can never be fully realized by the words Elias uses to describe the Absolute Truths within all manifest, dualistic realities, for it can only be directly experienced. It has no beginning and no end. Thus, the ONLY Absolute Universal Truth is the ineffable, radically unqualifiable, nondual Primal Cause. Everything else, like tone, color, love, consciousness, etc. are dualistic to the core and, as such, are always secondary constructions. So it’s important to properly situate Elias’ relative truths as human belief systems and Absolute Truths as qualities in all manifest, dualistic constructions in relation to all of consciousness.

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “Belief systems are those inventions that you create to explain what you do not understand. Truths are unchanging. Reality is a truth, but your viewing of reality is a belief system.” [session 45, October 15, 1995]

ELIAS: “It matters not what each individual believes within their religious belief systems, or their political belief systems, or their social belief systems. They shall know truth. It matters not the intensity of their belief systems. The truth will ring within them. They may incorporate difficulty in reconciling themselves to a cooperation of some information as opposed to their belief systems, but they shall develop a ‘method’ to incorporate the truth into their accepted belief systems. They may rearrange the concepts, they may change the words; but the truth shall be at its base.” [session 139, December 12, 1996]

ELIAS: “You shall become aware that I speak of truths seldom, for truths are constants and absolutes throughout all of consciousness, which within any particular dimension, they are not recognized. They are distorted and not completely understood, and the importance placed on them is little. You search for truths within your beliefs and you look to philosophical areas or religious areas. Truths, within consciousness, are those elements of consciousness that are within ALL dimensions and that hold an element of significance within ALL areas of consciousness, physical and nonphysical. Their translation may be different, but they are constants. Color is one. Tone is another.” [session 275, April 23, 1998]

ELIAS: “A truth, as I have expressed, may be defined as an expression that holds throughout all dimensions and throughout all aspects of consciousness.

“Many of the expressions that you create within this particular physical dimension are relative to this dimension and NOT applicable within other dimensions or other areas of consciousness, even mathematics. (Laughing) This is not the universal language! Ha ha ha ha ha!” [session 800, March 18, 2001]

ELIAS: “Love is a truth, and the translation within your physical dimension of love is not attraction. It is that of knowing and appreciation, genuine appreciation, which appreciation is expressed in acceptance. In this, the knowing is also significant, actual knowing of yourself and knowing of another individual and expressing an acceptance which generates an appreciation. This is the genuine expression of love.

“This is not to discount your feelings and your expression in relation to another individual, for you do express affection and attraction, but there are also other expressions which are generated in association with beliefs: expectations upon yourself, expectations concerning the other individual, expectations concerning relationships and how they should be generated and expressed, how you should be expressing within a relationship, and also underlyingly what you genuinely desire in your own expression, without expectations and without anticipation of the other individual’s perception or what they generate, but genuinely focusing upon yourself and allowing yourself to express your genuine offering of energy and not denying that expression within yourself.

“A genuine expression of love between individuals objectively is the expression of allowance of yourself to generate what you want without restriction...” [session 997, January 26, 2002]

JO: “Is there an element of humor that’s a truth?”

ELIAS: “This is associated with your physical dimension. Therefore in a manner of speaking, as associated with emotional communications, it is not necessarily relevant to other dimensions or areas of consciousness, and therefore may not necessarily be translatable in another manner. Truths are translatable in some manner in EVERY area of consciousness.”

JO: “I’m not sure I want to go, then! (Elias laughs with the group) If there aren’t any laughs...”

ELIAS: “Ha ha ha ha! Another element to appreciate within your physical dimension!” [session 1167, October 26, 2002]

ELIAS: “Truth in association with your physical dimension incorporates little interplay in your expressed values. Truth is not what you assess it to be. There are many truths within consciousness, but the expression of them within your reality appears to be insignificant.

“The one truth that you somewhat value – somewhat – is love. But I express to you that you ‘somewhat’ value it for, for the most part you incorporate an incorrect definition of it as a truth; therefore your understanding of the truth of love is limited.

“Most truths that hold within consciousness you would deem to be insignificant and not necessarily valuable to your exploration within this physical dimension, for you are more familiar with the expression of beliefs.

“Is there an expressed truth in beliefs? No. Do you seek to find the expressed truth in beliefs? Yes, and this is your snare. For there is no expressed truth in beliefs, and this is what you are moving into an awareness of in the action of this shift: being aware of your beliefs, recognizing that they are not your enemy, they are merely the design of this physical dimension, and you are not singular and you are not merely this one attention. You are essence, and as essence you incorporate countless, literally numberless, attentions.” [session 1290, March 15, 2003]

ELIAS: “THAT [i.e. beliefs expressed as Absolute Universal Truth] is what is being addressed in this wave in association with this belief system of truth. You express it each and every day within your focuses. You associate with it continuously. Many of your automatic responses are associated within yourselves as truth.

“Many of your beliefs are not even identified as beliefs, for you identify them as truth. Therefore they are not questioned. You do what you do, for this is true. You do not question many expressions within your environments and within each other, for you assess that they are truths and therefore they are absolutes within YOUR estimations.

“This particular belief system may be one of the most insidious and one of the most difficult to identify and to notice, for this particular wave addresses to all of those automatic responses that you do not notice, and you identify them as merely truth. Therefore, they are entirely unquestioned.

“You all incorporate many beliefs that you do not notice, that you do not pay attention to, that you do not question, for you assume that it is a truth and there is no other manner in which it may be perceived. This generates tremendous conflict, for it is a tremendous lack of acceptance.

“This is what generates the tremendous conflict that you witness now within your planet, within your world: individuals that express their truths and their differences in their truths, and there is no bending. For you do not question your own truths, and therefore they must be absolute and they must be accepted by all other individuals, for your truth is THE truth and another individual’s truth is wrong, and it is questioned.

“I expressed previously that there was a possibility that you would be addressing the belief system of emotion, and that altered. That has been altered in association with the mass expression of energy which is occurring throughout your world, not merely in this small area. But the tremendous expression of conflict which is being exhibited throughout your world has moved the collective consciousness in the direction of choosing THIS belief system to be addressing now.

“In this, I may express to each of you, I am aware of the challenge that you are incorporating even identifying your own expressed beliefs in this time framework. Now it is more challenging, for you are not merely moving yourselves into an awareness of identifying your own expressed beliefs but becoming aware of what your truths are, and recognizing that they are not truths.” [session 1368, June 07, 2003]

ELIAS: “Many individuals express opinions of negativity in association with mass decisions that are being expressed presently with governments, but what they are not paying attention to is that they themselves may be expressing a contribution to the very expressions that they dislike in their own energy, regardless of their opinions. You may disagree with many of the choices that governments are engaging presently, but look to yourselves also and pay attention to what type of energy you are expressing in each of your days, and whether you are expressing a lack of acceptance in differences and whether you are expressing protection in your own energies, whether you are generating comparisons, what your perception is of equality – and that is tricky.

“Equality is a dangerous area, for you view yourselves to be quite noble and good if your opinion is that every individual should be equal. But if you encounter another individual that is expressing differently, you immediately move into judgment that any expression outside of equality is bad. Therefore the subject of equality is equally as narrow as any other expression, for it only allows for one expression of sameness and no difference. Difference is what is generating the conflict now and the lack of acceptance of differences, for the differences are the truths and the absolutes.” [session 1447, September 27, 2003]

PAT: “Does essence have its truth, or only as focuses do we have truths?”

ELIAS: “Essence is consciousness, and there are some expressions of consciousness that would be considered truths; but those are truths that are not associated with beliefs. A truth that is not associated with beliefs may be translatable in some manner in every area of consciousness, regardless of whether it is physical or non-physical, but they are not associated with what you term to be concepts or ideas.” (Laughter) [session 1496, January 17, 2004]

ELENA: “Earlier did you say that there are truths unconnected to belief systems?”

ELIAS: “Yes.”

ELENA: “Can you tell us about that?”

ELIAS: “These are truths that are qualities of consciousness. They are not expressions of beliefs and they are translatable within every area of consciousness in some manner. They are not associated with concept. They are associated with action.”

ELENA: “Like what kind of action?”

ELIAS: “Choice.”

ELENA: “Are there any others?”

ELIAS: “There are many different expressions of truths. I have offered some listing of truths previously...”

ELENA: “Color?”

ELIAS: “Yes. Tone, consciousness, reality. There are many, but they are actions. They are not concepts, for consciousness is an action. It is not a thing. Therefore the truths are not things.

“Truths that we are speaking of in this conversation are YOUR truths in association with your beliefs. They are beliefs that you have generated into absolutes, and therefore they become your truths. But your truths are not true.” [session 1496, January 17, 2004]

BOBBI: “... Is the belief that we create our own reality actually a belief, and would that be a new belief?”

ELIAS: “No”.

BOBBI: “It’s a reality.”

ELIAS: “That is a reality and that is a truth – what you would term to be a real truth.” (Chuckles)

BOBBI: “I was thinking if that was a belief, I could pick up that belief, so to speak, and that might be the one overriding belief that would kind of speed you on your road to acceptance of other beliefs, that one. So it’s not really believing it...”

ELIAS: “Correct.”

BOBBI: “’s simply knowing it.”

ELIAS: “Whether you believe it or not, you do it.”

BOBBI: “It is a reality.”

ELIAS: “Yes, that is a truth, and therefore it matters not whether you believe it or do not believe it; you do it, regardless.” [session 1500, January 19, 2004]

ELIAS: “Experience is what generates reality. If you have not generated an experience, it is concept. It is not that you may not incorporate some understanding of some expressions – you may, intellectually – but it is not reality if you have not offered yourself the actual experience. It is concept, and that is different. In this, as real as all of your experiences are to you and as right as your right experiences are to you, another individual may express very differently, and their experience and their right is equally as right to them.

“Therefore if you are aware of your own truths, of your own beliefs, of your own guidelines, recognizing that they are your truths but they are not true, therefore they are merely your truths – regardless of how many other individuals share similarities in your truths.

“Generally speaking, all individuals generally draw most other individuals in similarity to themselves in association with their truths. Generally speaking, you shall not incorporate a group of individuals in which half of the individuals are crusading for peace and for nonviolence and are harmoniously interacting with the other half who are crusading for terrorism. You shall draw to yourself individuals or an environment that is similar to you and your truths.

“Let me express to you, if you witnessed another individual being what you perceive to be unkind in association with race, if you witnessed another individual expressing harshly and what you assess as hatefully to another individual in that type of scenario, I may suggest to you that you could incorporate interaction and conversation with fifty or more other individuals that you could relay and share that experience with and they would all agree with your assessment of it.

“Conversely, another individual may view you as weak and not protective of your environment or your family and not perceiving the threat that is quite real in their reality. They may express to fifty or more other individuals in opposition to you and your position, and all of those individuals would agree with them also, for that is what you draw to yourself. That does not mean you are right. It merely means that you draw similarity to yourself to reinforce your own rightness – but it is not true.

“In recognizing your own beliefs and the lack of truth to them, you recognize that they are not wrong, they are not bad, and that they are efficient for you but they are not necessarily applicable to other individuals. It is not a matter of altering other individuals. It is a matter of you engaging your creativity to discover a manner in which you can generate a cooperation with other individuals in which you are not compromising you but you are also not discounting or opposing the other individual. Let me express to you, if you are not projecting an opposing energy to another individual, whether you dislike them or disagree with them, the other individual shall not project an opposing energy to you either, which neutralizes the conflict.” [session 1799, July 16, 2005]

ELIAS: “Each of you incorporates your own truths. We have defined truths as your own beliefs that you have set into absolute, that you do not even question.

“In these truths, there is some association of preference, and in this, as we have discussed previously, your truths are not bad. They are your guidelines. They are your individual guidelines that guide you in how you shall behave, how you shall interact, how you shall create. Therefore, for you individually, they are good for they are your guidelines. They allow you to measure your behavior. They also influence you to not be engaging some behavior, for your truths express a preference and not a preference. There are judgments associated with your own truths. Your truths all incorporate some element of what you assess to be good and bad.

“You are not eliminating belief systems; you are not eliminating beliefs. Therefore, you are not eliminating duplicity. You are continuing to express your own evaluations of good and bad and right and wrong within yourself. What you are changing is not applying that to every other individual within your reality, for their truths may be different. This is the element of difference.

“It is not necessary to agree. You may be interacting with another individual that you do not agree with and it is not necessary for you to alter your truth to accommodate the other individual. It is also not necessary for you to instruct and convince the other individual that your truth is right. It may be absolute for you and that is what is important, but it is not absolute for the other individual. It is not necessary to agree to cooperate.

“You may be expressing differences but it matters not. The other individual may be expressing, ‘I do this action in this manner,’ and you may express, ‘I do this action in another manner.’ You may be expressing back and forth, offering your reasons why you do a particular action in a particular manner, but it actually matters not, for the other individual is not actually affecting you or changing you. You continue to express in your guidelines.

“An individual may express a truth that they express violence is wrong and therefore it should not be expressed. Another individual may incorporate violent behavior – but you are not. That is the point of your truths. They are YOUR guidelines.” [session 1861, October 22, 2005]

ELIAS: “Generally speaking, your truths become tapped when you are presented or when you present yourself with a difference. The difference threatens your truth, for your truth is absolute and there are many avenues of your truth that are comfortable and that are not conflicting.” [session 1970, April 01, 2006]

DANIIL: “How many truths on average does an individual have? Is it hundreds and hundreds, or is it a few major ones?”

ELIAS: “I would express that each individual incorporates many truths, but that each individual may incorporate a few that would be considered the core truths.” [session 1970, April 01, 2006]

ELIAS: “None of your truths are bad. They do incorporate influences that limit you, but only in association with automatic responses. You become so very familiar with your truths that in being unquestioned, they incorporate many, many automatic responses.

“Some of your automatic responses you would evaluate as good and you would not change and you would appreciate. Some of your automatic responses lead you into conflict and lead you into bad things occurring, in your terminology. This is the reason that it is so very important and significant that you identify what your truths are, and that you not merely identify what your truths are but that you recognize what the influences are, and in that, allow yourself to recognize that you incorporate choice.

“Let me also express to you, when you genuinely recognize [and] identify your truth, the element of ‘you do not create all of your reality’ becomes a moot point, for in accepting the responsibility of your own truth, you begin to recognize and perceive in reality that you ARE creating all of your reality. You are not a victim to circumstances, to scenarios, to situations, to other individuals, for YOU incorporate the choices and you can choose different actions to allow yourself to continue in the expression of your truth but not be dissuaded by other individuals’ choices, expressions or behaviors. They literally move into the expression of ‘it matters not.’ You shall incorporate no judgment associated with differences, for you shall offer yourself choices that open new avenues, even in association with washing your clothes. Even in the mundane actions that you generate each day, you shall not be placing that energy into that container, for you shall allow yourself to engage choices that circumvent that expression of setting yourself into motion to trigger yourself.

“Other individuals are merely a catalyst in reflection; they are not actually DOING the action of triggering you. YOU are doing the action of triggering you, and you began that before you presented the scenario to yourself in which you become triggered, for you engaged choices that set you in a direction to be triggered. But if you are aware of your truths, you are intentionally directing and intentionally creating.

“What is the intention of every individual within this room or within this forum? The intention of every individual is to be aware of themselves objectively to the point that you can objectively intentionally create your reality in the manner that you want, whether it be associated with relationships or money or home or family or children or your employment; it matters not.

“What you want is to intentionally direct yourselves to create what you want. That being such an intense desire, it is motivating you to be generating all of these experiences, the experiences that you do not like, the experiences that generate discomfort. The reason that you generate these experiences is associated with that desire. But you lose sight of that desire and you express to yourselves, ‘Why can I not create what I want now?’ Why can you not create what you want now? You are not aware of what influences you NOW in all that you do.

“I have been expressing for an extended time framework the significance and the importance of paying attention to all that you do. There is NO element hidden from you. There is no subconscious. ALL is available to you. It is merely a matter of paying attention and not placing yourself in the position of the co-pilot of your airplane, with no pilot. Without the pilot, it is quite a guess where the plane shall fly, and you incorporate no sense of control! In that, you open the door to be the victim of situations, of circumstances, of other individuals – even of yourselves! You sabotage yourselves, for you are not directing.

“The question in each individual is ‘How do I direct? What does this mean? And what do I pay attention to?’ You wish to be incorporating a formula. You wish for me to offer you the formula. I HAVE, repeatedly. But the formula is too simple, and without the complication, the formula is not being received, for you continue to look for more of the formula: ‘Complicate it, Elias. Generate more of it, Elias. This is simple. This cannot be accomplished; it cannot be all that there is.’

“I express to you to pay attention to what you are doing, and you incorporate questions in your mind. ‘What am I doing? I am sitting, I am listening; I am doing nothing.’ You are never doing nothing. You are always engaging choices and you are always doing in many more expressions than you allow yourself to be aware of. Your body consciousness is always doing. You are always generating choices, every moment. Each of you in this moment is generating a choice to sit, to listen...

(Enunciating slowly and extra clearly) “PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This is the official formula! Ha ha!” [session 1970, April 01, 2006]

Elias “gems”

RON: “I have a question. I’m awake! (Laughter) I know that through all of the sessions you have mentioned certain truths, and I would just like to hear sort of a run-down of the truths that have come up in our sessions, as opposed to belief systems. I’m aware of some, but I know I’ve missed some as well. You could give me some that you haven’t talked about too, if you want!

ELIAS: Some truths. (Pause) Truths are constants that may not be eliminated or annihilated. Energy is a truth. Color is a truth. Vibration is a truth. Reality is a truth. You creating your reality is a truth. Consciousness and its different areas of awareness are truths. You are a truth. Belief systems incorporate a much wider area, for they incorporate much imagination, but even within this you incorporate truth, for all thought becomes imagination and all thought is energy, which is truth, which is also reality. Therefore, all imagination is a reality, which is also a truth! (Smiling)

RON: I guess I didn’t want to be that confused! (Laughter)

ELIAS: You are wishing me to give you a small box that is saying, ‘This is Ron’s box of truths.’

RON: Well, yeah!

ELIAS: I will put this box.... (Here, Elias picks up a box of tissues and holds the box up in front of him, looking at Cathy) Did you notice? (He then places the box in front of Ron, who is sitting to his right) To Ron: This is Ron’s truths box! (Amidst much laughter, he proceeds to pluck tissues out, labeling them one by one and giving them to Ron) This is reality truth! This is essence truth! This is (this tissue gets tossed over his left knee) belief systems! This is color! This is music! This is ... (here, he pulls out quite a few, placing the entire pile in front of Ron) essence! (We are all cracking up) This is a very big pile of truths! [session 45, October 15, 1995]

VICKI: “I have a question for Michael [Mary] tonight too. I almost forgot. Do you view yourself as a pragmatist?

ELIAS: (Laughing) I will express to Michael [Mary] that in one respect, I will be saying affirmative; but there also is a key point, within pragmatism, to which I know differently; this being that you will find that your pragmatists view truth as relative. Truth, in this philosophy, is dependent upon experience. I express to you that there are truths that are unchanging. A pragmatist incorporates all of philosophy, and creates their own truth relative to their experience; but not beyond.

There are truths beyond physical experience; constants that are, within themselves, a priori, to which a pragmatist does not subscribe; but with the acceptance of reality, and also those things beyond physical reality, yes. I would agree to this. You may express to Michael [Mary] that I am quite knowing that he incorporates the philosophy of pragmatism, as does also Ron, as do also many of you. Your truths, you believe, are based upon your experiences; and as they hold to be efficient, you hold them to be truthful. (Pause) I will express to you also that your view of efficiency is distorted.

RON: Can you explain that?

ELIAS: You view efficiency as what may be easiest. You believe this to be expedient. What you incorporate within physical focus may not always be your easiest path, so to speak, but it may be your most efficient for your intent. You may incorporate action which is needing of some effort initially, for you have trained yourselves within one direction; but within your action, your effortlessness comes.

Therefore, the pragmatist views the experiences as being true, if they are efficient, temporarily; but once another philosophy introduces itself and they are viewing this as efficient also, they are inclined to be discontinuing in one and moving to another, much as a leaf blowing through the wind. It incorporates effortlessness in allowing the wind to carry it, but it does not direct itself. In this same way, the pragmatist floats with what he views to be an efficient philosophy, on a temporary basis.

I express to you that there are truths which are unchanging. Pragmatists do not believe in unchanging truths. All things, to the pragmatist, are changing; even truths. There is no truth within pragmatism! They are very aware of this fact, which they also incorporate quite well! Facts are very much within their focus. If a fact is presented, it is accepted.

Facts are changing. Truths are not. Throughout your history, many facts have changed! Within your present time, facts are changing! You will be learning, not from me, but from those around you and from what you incorporate around you, that many elements of your reality are changing; but these are facts! Your scientists incorporate them as fact! You also incorporate them as fact. They are learning that their facts are not so ‘factual!’ (Grinning)

GUIN: Is that because of the simultaneous time, and the changing of probabilities, would ultimately change the facts?

ELIAS: Correct. (Pause) You do not incorporate a basic understanding of what and who you are. Therefore, how do you determine to understand what you have created within a universe? You do incorporate what you choose to call ‘genius minds.’ All of you possess genius minds, but you look to these individuals as your geniuses, who connect slightly more, momentarily, with some information. They offer this information to you as great revelations of fact. They are, through their most powerful and magnificently gigantic scopes, viewing a pinpoint of reality!

You are all multidimensional creatures, and you study one dimension! Therefore, you base facts upon one dimension, and you express these as temporary truths. There are myriads of dimensions! (Pause, looking at Guin) Are you understanding [that] time is meaningless?

GUIN: I try!

ELIAS: No! (Looking at Ron) Are you understanding that all space is here? (Ron nods his head) No! (Looking at Vicki) Do you view other dimensions? (Vicki shakes her head, laughing) No! Therefore, how can you base truths and facts upon one dimension? (Pause)

Your own outer senses, to which you trust in viewing a table or a wall, prove you to be perceiving, and prove themselves to be truthful to you; but you do not incorporate a trustfulness of these same senses when you are viewing another visualization of yourself! You are hallucinating, or your eyes are crossing, or you are being very creatively imagining! (Grinning at everybody) Your self is your truest reflection to you; but you reach, still, for objective facts. When your scientists learn to be reversing their focus to be examining subjective reality, they will more incorporate truthfulness than looking to the object outside! (Looking at Guin) Just as your wider awarenesses go in, and in, and in!” [session 65, January 07, 1996]

ELIAS: “Everyone is connected with everyone! All, underline all, consciousness is connected with all consciousness. Energy may not be separated. It is.

NORM: I’m thinking about the library, the akashic records. You’re smiling! That is there for anybody. It is energy that I can attract, if I were properly trained to be able to do that?

ELIAS: I shall express to you that this concept of your akashic records is ... a concept. It is an invention, as an explanation to yourselves of your own innate knowledge.

Now; as has been stated previously, there are areas of consciousness, which you may term to be world views of individuals that are deposited and available to all consciousness, that you may access within physical focus. This you may view as your library, if you are wishing. These are energy deposits within consciousness that are placed by every focused individual, and may be accessed for all information as perceived by that individual.

As to truths, as your ancient records supposedly hold, these are not held in ancient ruins or cosmic records. There is no angel standing beside a gate with an enormous multidimensional book! (Laughter) There is no record in the cosmos which is ancient and filled with all knowledge. There is you! There is essence, which holds all knowledge. All may be accessed by you through you, for you hold all of these things. There is no thing outside of you.

RETA: And we just have to learn how to access that. So if you’re saying there’s an energy body that was this person’s record and that person’s record, but then you say truth besides that, there is no person telling you whether that record that was their focus is true?

ELIAS: This is an imprint, within consciousness, of the individual’s perception; their view.

RETA: And their view may not be what your knowledge terms as all truth?

ELIAS: Correct; for it is influenced by belief systems, for it is directly related to physical focus. It is an energy deposit of knowledge, imprinted within consciousness, accessible to you; just as you view your Einstein to be a great genius, and you may wish to access this individual’s world view. This is not their view of the world! It is their view of all, as seen through the perception of physical focus. Now; this may be added to within an area of transition, but it is continued to be closely related to physical focus. It is accessible to physical focus to be beneficial to you, and to be helpful to your understanding.

RETA: Alright. We have, say, four people’s perceptions of a subject. How would you come to knowledge of the truth within those four views?

ELIAS: The knowledge of the truth shall be accessed by you.

RETA: And I will know the difference?

ELIAS: You know the truth. It is similar to viewing your philosophers. Do you look to your philosophers for truth?

RETA: Most of the time, but I have my belief systems.

ELIAS: In absolute terms? (Here, Reta starts to answer, but Elias interrupts) You are understanding that these individuals, as philosophers, are individuals.

RETA: Right.

ELIAS: You are understanding that these individuals work within a framework of belief systems. Therefore, you may view their philosophy and if it is containing of truth, you will know; for you hold the same truth.

RETA: I will know through my belief systems though, so is that absolute truth?

ELIAS: Beyond your belief systems!” [session 132, November 10, 1996]

RETA: “… I have a very deep belief in my religion which is quite acceptable to me, and I’m trying to change or adjust or allow this to come through, these new concepts to come through. Is there a better way to do that?

ELIAS: I have expressed to you all, your religious belief systems are not wrong.

RETA: Oh, I don’t think it’s wrong. I think it’s lovely!

ELIAS: They are what you have created. All of your belief systems are what you have created. Therefore, they also serve you in certain areas. There is no conflict within your religious beliefs and truth, if you are looking for truth; for your religious belief systems are based in truth. They have sprung from truth.

RETA: That’s interesting that you might mention that because on the way up here we were discussing how you would explain truth and light.

NORM: How do you determine truth?

ELIAS: Truths are absolutes. Truths are those elements which are not confined to one focus, or to one dimension, or to one reality. Truths are those elements of consciousness that are filtered through all of consciousness. Your belief systems are based upon truths. All belief systems within all physical focuses are based within truths, but they are distorted and they are interpreted. Therefore, they appear removed from the truths. This is the method that you have chosen within physical focus. You translate all subjective knowing and activity. Therefore, in one respect you view the translation as distortion. In another respect, it is not distortion, for it is your creation of your reality. As to the significance of elements as compared to nonphysical, we would view your translations as distortions.

NORM: Are you acquiring new truths in your area or region? (Pause)

ELIAS: I would express to you that truths are not new. They are.

NORM: The statement has been made that when we pass on, a lot of people expect, and I no longer expect, to know everything. So I’m not going to know all the truths. So how do you on the other side determine truths? That’s my question, as to how you do that.

ELIAS: There are areas of consciousness that you move through subsequent to what you believe to be death. Initially, you do not spring into the area of consciousness in which Elias occupies presently. Initially, you shall pass through an area of consciousness that you would term to be transition. This area of consciousness will be directly that action of widening belief systems, accepting of belief systems. As you widen your belief systems, you also open your objective awareness to subjective activity. You believe that as you move from physical focus into nonphysical focus that you automatically shed your objective element of consciousness, and you function within subjective consciousness. This is incorrect. As you move into nonphysical focus within the area of transition, you continue to hold objective consciousness. You widen your awareness, which meshes the objective and subjective consciousness. You become more aware of the subjective activity. In this, as you become more aware of subjective knowing, you shall also understand and know what you seek as your truths.

RETA: Is there a method that I could use today to learn to not distort or mistranslate the truths? How could I have a feeling or knowledge or something to let me know that my truths are correct, and not distorted or mistranslated? Is there any method that I could use?

ELIAS: These are difficult areas. I speak to you to allow you to become familiar with yourselves. Until you recognize yourself and are familiar with yourself, you will hold confusion in what you think of as distortion of truths, for you will be untrusting of yourself. You will be continuously questioning. ‘Is this correct? Is this incorrect? Is this right? Is this wrong? Is this the way? Is this not?’ As you widen your awareness and become more trustful of self, you shall also begin to identify these truths. You shall trust what rings true. You already trust to a slight extent what rings true to you, but you also discount much. As you learn to trust self more, you shall also learn to listen to your own language more. In this, you will understand. You will know. Each time that you experience small impulses and small knowings that you acknowledge, you will know. As you practice within physical focus, you become more accomplished at this action; this being also why we continue with our game, for this allows you the opportunity to be listening to self.

(Intently) Within belief systems, believe this. You may trust yourselves. You will know truths. You will also know non-truths. You may distinguish between them.” [session 137, December 01, 1996]

ELIAS: “You may express to yourselves repeatedly that you accept the concept that you create your reality. You will also accept this limitedly, for you shall find areas and aspects of your reality that you do not accept that you create. Every moment of your existence within physical focus, within any focus, you create. Every experience that you experience, you create.

These are concepts. You accept the concept; as within your religious-focus, for many centuries you accepted the concept of your father god. You did not accept the reality, although it is not a reality, but you accepted the concept. You do not accept the reality of this concept, which is a reality!

You do not accept many realities that are truth, for you do not understand. As I have stated previously, truth within your focus is inconsequential. Your belief systems are consequential. You do not rule your lives by truth, although you think you do! But I shall venture to express that I know not any individual that rules their life and their focus by color vibration! I know not any individual physically focused that directs the entirety of their life within the truth of tone! These are truths. They are, within physical focus, inconsequential. Your belief systems are your gauge. Your belief systems, once again, are not bad; are not wrong. They are.” [session 147, January 12, 1997]

BOB: “So love is a truth of essence? Love is a truth that is part of essence? It exists as a part of essence?

ELIAS: It is a truth, period.

BOB: Okay, and you defined it largely as an action.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOB: As we see it as a feeling, that’s somewhat of a mislabeling.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This is your interpretation within this dimension within this physical creation, just as you interpret Source Events into physical actuality within mass events and individual events. These are realities also. They do not encompass the entirety of the Source Event, for it does not fit within the framework and confines of your physical reality; just as truths do not fit within the confines and framework of any physical reality, for they are boundless. All truths are dimensional, and action.

DREW: ... I want to clarify a term. When you say love is dimensional and color is dimensional, does that mean multidimensional?

ELIAS: Correct.

BOB: However, if I understand what you’re saying when you say that love is a truth, that does not mean that our typical interpretations of love and descriptions of love are truth.

DREW: Right. Those are our interpretations, but it is a fundamental truth of being.

BOB: Right, which we have very little understanding of, if I heard correctly. So the characteristics that we impose upon love are not necessarily accurate. They’re not necessarily the picture. They are not the truth. The truth of love is something apart from the character that we give it.

ELIAS: This is not to diminish the reality of your interpretation!

BOB: Okay, but the point being that lots of people equate love and hate as sort of equal counterparts to one another. Based on your definition, that would not be true because ...

ELIAS: Correct.

BOB: ... love is a truth and hate is an emotion filtered through belief systems. So love is not technically something that is filtered through belief systems, but our description of what we perceive to be love is filtered through belief systems, correct? So love is something truly apart from that, that we don’t particularly understand very well and that we take an awful lot of liberties describing, and whether some of those liberties are valid or not is a separate discussion. (Vicki loses it. I’ve been on this hamster wheel a few other times, Bob!)

ELIAS: You approach [a] dangerous area! (Much laughter)

BOB: Seems like I’m on a roll tonight!

ELIAS: I take great issue with discounting of your creation, for you are quite accomplished and adept at discounting your creations and invalidating yourselves! Your creations are interpretations, but they are reality. They are not to be discounted. Your interpretation of a truth may be an interpretation in terms of consciousness nonphysically focused within its entirety, but your interpretation of a truth within physical focus is reality. It also is not negative. It also is, is, creative!

BOB: Okay, but reality is not truth. (We all lose it)

ELIAS: (Grinning at Bob) Reality is truth!

BOB: So all experience and anything you create is truth!

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking.

BOB: Okay. If you create your reality and reality is truth, then you create truth! (Elias grins seductively at Bob, who backs off) Well, I’ll give that some thought! (Vic’s note: I’d like to acknowledge Bob here for braving the hamster wheel!)” [session 152, February 09, 1997]

BOB#1: “Would a sensation of different actions or thoughts be a different sensation, identifiable over time? For instance, if you could merge with love and that created some sort of sensation, would that sensation be consistent from time to time if you were able to accomplish merging with that, and a different sensation be created if you were merging with hate or prosperity or whatever idea you were thinking of or trying to merge with?


BOB#1: So the sensations would be consistent over time?

ELIAS: If the conceptualization is accomplished with a truth, yes, it shall be consistent throughout your time framework, and each time that you accomplish the mergence, the sensation or the action shall be the same, although it may vary within intensity as you allow more or less of the experience. If you are merging with a concept that is not a truth, this may be changeable.

BOB#1: And if it was a truth, would the sensation from one person to the next be consistent?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, for each of you holds your own interpretation. Within the actual action that is occurring, yes, it is the same. Your interpretation of the action shall be different; just as I may approach each of you within this forum, and I may hold a hammer and I may smash your toe. I may create the identical same action with each of you. Each of you shall basically experience pain, but each of you shall experience this action within your own individual interpretation. Therefore, it shall be different within each of you.

BOB#1: However, there would be a certain commonality of experience.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOB#1: So if different people in the group attempted to merge with the same concept, it’s conceivable that there could be some sort of sharing of experience to validate whether or not, or to what extent, they were able to accomplish this.

ELIAS: Correct; if, as I have stated, you are choosing to be conceptualizing a truth, for these are unchanging.

BOB#1: Now, how many truths have we identified here? One, that I remember. (Much laughter, as we know what’s coming next!)

ELIAS: Ah! My favorite game! Shall we be offering to Simon [Bob] the truths for this evening? (And Elias proceeds to pull twelve tissues out of the box, scattering them everywhere) You may stop me at will!

BOB#1: At your pleasure! I may choose not to! (And there go five more tissues)

ELIAS: (Grinning) Truths are constant. They transcend all areas of consciousness and all dimensions, physical and nonphysical.

BOB#1: Okay. But we identified love as a truth.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOB#1: That’s the only one that I remember being here for when you discussed it. So I was just wondering if, at the risk of seeing more tissues, whether there are any others you care to identify?

ELIAS: Color is a truth. Tone is a truth. Reality is a truth. Consciousness is a truth. Energy is a truth.” [session 162, April 06, 1997]

DREW: “Regarding truths, which Norm touched on, we have discussed many truths in these sessions. Have we discussed them all? (Vic’s note: Ron and Cathy both grab for the tissue box, snatching it and placing it outside of Elias’ reach, and we all crack up. Elias has a habit of playing with tissue boxes whenever somebody asks about truths, and the tissues go flying!) I ask because I wanted to offer one. I have a question about ... (and his words are obliterated by our laughter) Uh oh!

ELIAS: They have removed our truths! (Humorously appearing insulted)

DREW: I remember that! Well, let me offer one.

ELIAS: You may.

DREW: Light.

ELIAS: (Pausing) I shall say, the vibration of light is a truth. The manifestation of light is not, for the manifestation of light is relative.

DREW: Would that be the same way that color is a truth, but in our physical manifestation it’s an interpretation of the truth?

ELIAS: It is slightly different, for you interpret color. Although distorted, you do hold some understanding of this truth. Light you view as light, as opposed to darkness or no light. It is, in your interpretation, an illumination. In reality, in truth, it is not an illumination.

DREW: It is multidimensional.


DREW: And so, while it is multidimensional and a truth, our interpretation of it is so distorted that what we think of as light is not close enough to the truth for us to have an understanding of what you mean when you say light.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: The reason I asked if it’s a truth is because it holds many aspects for us besides just illumination. There is emotional attachment with light. It has depth for us, beyond illumination.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: And therefore, I was wondering if it was multidimensional and a truth.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct; although I feel it necessary to be expressing to you that this is a further removal, within interpretation within your reality, than your concept of tone or color.

DREW: Okay. Thank you.” [session 167, April 27, 1997]

JULIE: “I have another question, kind of off the subject. I don’t really view that there is a right and wrong as far as everyone else is concerned. I have my own views, but I understand that they’re different for everybody, so that’s not a hard concept for me. But the concept of there being like a truth, it’s kind of contradictory to me. I don’t really understand how that all works.

ELIAS: You do not understand for within this physical focus the truths, within the mass belief systems, are inconsequential.

The mass belief systems attach the idea of truth to belief systems. These are not truths. Truths are unchanging and are relative to all areas of consciousness, not merely this dimension. Therefore, the constants that are in actuality truths are not recognized by the masses within physical focuses; not only this particular physical focus and dimension, but within any physical manifestation.

Truths are not regarded in actuality with much value. Truths are those elements of which we have spoken previously; of consciousness, and energy, and tone, and color, and dimension, and essence; but individuals within physical focuses attach the term truth to beliefs that they hold to be true and right.

What you view within physical focus is quite changing. Your facts are not truths, for they also are changing. Your own truths within belief systems are changing within your own time periods, within different societies.

JULIE: It’s confusing.

ELIAS: Therefore, recognize that what the masses identify as truths are not. They are belief systems that they hold to be true, for they are elements of their reality. They are real, but they are not truths. They are inconstants. Truths shall be valued outside of the context of physical focus, where you hold no moral belief systems and no scientific belief systems. All ideas, thoughts, expressions, manifestations, are reality. This is not the same as truth, although truth is reality also; but they are not synonymous.

JULIE: Okay, that helps. I was trying to lump it all into ... I wasn’t really separating it. I was trying to figure it out so that they all somehow work together and it wasn’t making sense, but now it does.

ELIAS: It is most amusing to be listening with individuals within our forum exploring their ideas of truths and wishing for examples of truths to be offered to them, for they shall not value those truths which are offered! They do not understand that these are constants within consciousness; not changing regardless of any area or focus of consciousness and manifestation and reality. They are wishing to be told that truths hold moral value, which they do not; for your moral value within your dimension holds no meaning within another dimension. Within your own dimension within different societies, your moral truths hold no meaning for other societies. Therefore, they are inconstant. How may they be truths? They are not absolute.

As you may relate to, color does not change. It is a vibrational quality. You may hold interpretations, within different dimensions and focuses, of color. You may manifest representations of this within what you view to be paint, or within creations such as your vegetation or your creatures or your atmosphere, but it continues, even within the interpretation, to hold the vibrational quality that it is.” [session 172, May 06, 1997]

NORM: “Well, I’ve been working on trying to understand my views and belief systems in regard to the relationship between the focus and the essence. We’re here as a focus and separated from essence, and yet duplicity is stating that we shouldn’t be thinking that way. We shouldn’t be thinking of what we are here for and accomplishing, and it seems to be a contradiction. Yet I realize that we should realize that we are truly of essence. Am I stating this right? The shift is the thing that is going to make us not have duplicity, or think that we are really who we are. That is going to make a lot of changes, not only in our own personalities but in society in general. I have several questions. For example, is personality a truth?


NORM: Thank you. I’ve been having dreams lately that are unusual ... I guess not too unusual, but to me they’re indicating that I am beginning to close the gap and realize my belief systems in regard to whom I am and what I am. For example, I’ve had a recurring dream about a large machine carrying a caterpillar, a bulldozer, which is a very heavy object, and it was flying through the air! I wondered, ‘What is making that thing fly through the air?’ I did notice that it had a propeller on the front of it, but it was ridiculous because in physical life or in standard physics that would not create a lifting amount great enough to lift perhaps ten tons, and there were no wings involved. So in my efforts to resolve who I am, which has been a question with me for a very long time, I feel that I would like to have any comments that you would like to say about that.

ELIAS: As to your dream, or as to who you are? (Grinning, and we all laugh.)

NORM: All of this! All of it! Philosophize, as you’re well aware or capable of doing.

ELIAS: Within your imagery of your dream, you are offering yourself alternate imagery in viewing elements that do not make sense logically. You are offering yourself a new viewing of reality beyond the rigidity that you have held throughout most of your focus. You have directed your focus to be viewing elements of reality as solid, concrete, logical. Not all of reality follows this pattern. Although you may be creating your reality in this manner, there is more to reality than merely the physics that you teach yourself.

As to the relationship between the focus and essence, they are the same. Essence is not a THING outside of you. It is within you. It IS you, although it seems contradictory, for you hold many focuses and in your thought process you think to yourselves that these are all elements other than you, for you think of yourselves very limitedly. You think of yourselves as an entity. I have expressed to you terminology such as ‘attention’ intentionally, that you may open your thought process about yourselves as being much more than what you view within this one focus.

You use terminology as ‘only this focus.’ This is an expression of your duplicity. It is an expression of how you devalue yourselves. This is duplicity. You are only separated from essence, so to speak, in your attention. You are not separated from essence in reality, but you focus your attention in different areas. One area of you – your essence, which IS you – is focused here, just as within this physical focus you may focus your attention in many different areas.

As I have expressed previously, your attention may be diverted in several areas at once. You may occupy yourself within any moment and your attention may be split, so to speak, in several different directions at once. The main aspect of your attention may be focused in one direction upon one activity, but you are also focusing different elements in what you may term to be a lesser capacity in many other areas.

Let us use an example: Within your physical focus, within any moment within your day, you may occupy yourself with a project. Let us express that you are focusing your attention upon writing a letter. The main element of your attention is focused upon writing a letter, but your attention may also be occupied with listening to music while you are writing the letter. You may be also aware of a dog barking. You are also aware of the temperature within your room. You are also aware of different sounds and movements. You are aware of your physical body. You may be drinking a glass of water while you are writing. All of these actions are elements of your attention. Some appear to you as being lesser in your attention, for you are focused upon one action. In this same manner, you as essence are focusing an aspect of your attention in this focus. Therefore, for this focus the attention seems to be directed to this particular focus more so than to all of the other elements and actions of the essence, but you also allow yourselves bleed-throughs, or what we speak of as bleed-throughs, of many other focuses and many other actions of essence, for the attention is held there also. Each focus holds the same element of attention.

These are difficult areas for your thought process, for you think of yourselves very singularly. You do this, that you do not distract yourselves. Essence holds tremendous ability. Unlike the attention that you allow yourself within each focus, you do not believe within your belief systems that you may focus your attention in more than one event at one time. You shall always hold your attention directed in one area more than another area. This is a belief system which you have developed, but it also provides you with clarity or purity in each of your experiences. It allows you to separate out all of your experiences, and therefore allows you less confusion within the individual focus.

I have offered an exercise in clarity (1), that you may practice with your own abilities and recognize that you may be focusing your attention in several areas simultaneously, and you MAY accomplish this! This offers you information as to the reality of essence and answers part of your own questions as to HOW this may be possible – ‘How may essence be equally focused in all of these focuses? How may its attention be equal in all of these events simultaneously?’ – for your logic, your rationale, dictates to you within your belief systems that one area of attention must be predominant.” [session 257, January 11, 1998]

DREW: “Isn’t every interaction with a creature and everything else an agreement?

ELIAS: (With a touch of exasperation) Not in the manner of speaking that your thought process leans in.

DREW: Well, wasn’t there an agreement between her and the cat? (2)

ELIAS: You agree to exist. You agree to interact. But in the same manner, in alignment with your thought process, that you may interact with another individual, in one layer of consciousness you are in agreement for any interaction to be occurring, but objectively you may not be in agreement for Stephen [Norm] to rise presently and punch you!

DREW: Well, that’s the same analogy as somebody being murdered by somebody else.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: That only happens by agreement.

ELIAS: But the agreement is not necessarily objectively.

DREW: As I understand it, that’s only because of belief systems.

ELIAS: Here we enter into another area of misinterpretation! You automatically move into the areas of placing judgments and misinterpretations upon this information. I offer you realities, truth within essence, but I have also stated to you many times that your physical reality IS YOUR REALITY. Therefore, within your physical reality you DO hold right and wrong, good and bad, AS REALITY.

You DO hold very strong belief systems in what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. When I am expressing to you that there is no right and wrong and that all is an agreement, this is WITHIN ESSENCE. But your physical reality IS reality, and therefore you have created rules that you abide by that make up your officially accepted reality. In this, agreements, which I have stated many times previously, are not the same as what your thought process in physical focus dictates.

DREW: Well, I understand that there’s a difference between what I call theory and practice. Basically, here we’re learning theory, which is a little different from objective practice. But isn’t the whole point of this to try to expand and get beyond the illusion of victim and perpetrator and someone being subjected to someone else’s action and activity?

ELIAS: It is to widen your awareness. The perpetrator and the victim are NOT illusions. They are your reality!

DREW: They’re belief systems.

ELIAS: They are belief systems, but they are reality!

DREW: Well, but they would only be reality to those people who held those belief systems.

ELIAS: And do you not hold these belief systems?

DREW: It depends on the situation. There may be a circumstance where ... there are people who murder. Those people obviously have different belief systems than someone who would consider it wrong to murder, I would venture to say.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

DREW: Not necessarily, but even if there’s ONE person for whom that’s true, then that disproves it as a rule. If we’re creating our own realities and we all have our own belief systems, then everyone’s reality is different based on their belief systems. Would that be correct to say?

ELIAS: In some aspects.

DREW: So if my belief systems differ from someone else’s, then my reality and my vision of what is right and wrong and good and bad will be different from theirs.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: So good and bad and right and wrong are not truths.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: So, we’re starting to blur the lines. No, we’re actually creating a distinction that I’ve been working for the past year to some extent to eliminate. We’ve talked about this before in terms of car accidents and murder victims and how it was all by agreement and there are no victims and there are no perpetrators, there is no right, there is no wrong, in the big picture of things.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: And I’ve been making an effort to incorporate some of that within my belief systems, to put some of that into practice. So NOW to say, ‘Well, that’s all the big picture of it, but in reality it doesn’t work that way, and....’

ELIAS: It MAY, as you are widening your awareness. I am merely stating to you that you are not discounting of the reality that is officially accepted, for in discounting the reality that is officially accepted, you also automatically move into the area of discounting Acceptance 102.

DREW: If Stephen [Norm] got up right now and punched me in the nose, I might not like it and I might think it’s wrong, but it could only happen by agreement. Isn’t that true?

ELIAS: In another layer of consciousness, true. But objectively, not necessarily, not in the manner that you think of.

DREW: I understand. I’d probably want to punch him back or defend myself or....

ELIAS: You may not! You may be accepting of this. It is dependent upon the wideness of your awareness ...

DREW: Well, I’m not that wide yet! (Laughter)

ELIAS: ... and your acceptance of self and other individuals’ realities.

DREW: Which gets back to this incorporation of the big picture, the theory within our practical daily life.

ELIAS: Correct.” [session 260, January 18, 1998]

JEN: “You talked about truths of color and tone, and I wonder what other truths?

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Truths! And you have no truths box at your availability? (Still chuckling) Lawrence [Vicki] shall be amused at this disadvantage of not holding a truths box objectively, and you may inquire of this ... jokingly! (3)

ELIAS: There are truths within consciousness, but as I have stated previously many times, these are not viewed by yourselves within physical focus as holding tremendous meaning, for your belief systems dictate to you what you think of as truths in many different areas.

Color is a truth. Tone is a truth. Energy is a truth. Consciousness and essence are truths. Reality is a truth. These are all constants within All-That-Is. Any aspect, any element that is a constant which occupies every area of consciousness may be defined as a truth. Not all that you view within your belief systems and within your reality within this dimension are truths, for they are relative merely to this dimension and this reality.

You look to many elements in this particular dimension as being constants and as being truths, for you define this reality as ‘universal,’ meaning that this universe encompasses all of reality, which it does not. There are many universes within universes within many different dimensions which are all occurring simultaneously, and as I have expressed at our last meeting, all of your space arrangements, all of your dimensions are within each other. All dimensions, all universes occupy the same space arrangements. They are configured differently, but they are all superimposed upon each other. They are merely veiled from each other....

JEN: So there’s bleed-throughs?

ELIAS: There are bleed-throughs, but for the most part they are veiled from each other to allow each dimension, each reality the purity of its particular experiences.” [session 288, June 20, 1998]

MIKE: “I’ve been pondering this one, and there’s a lot of belief systems going for it and against it, but the belief of black being a color. A lot of people say black is not a color because it’s nothing; it’s the absence of color. And I was curious as to, how can it be classified as a color? I mean, are these beliefs, or is it a truth that black isn’t a color?

ELIAS: Black is the incorporation of all colors and holds its own vibrational quality as such, for it incorporates all of these colors. Your translation in physical terms of this color is not in actuality what its actual quality is. It is a translation into physical terms, but in actuality, this is a color unique to itself and holding its own vibrational quality, and is a truth.

MIKE: Okay. As to the beliefs surrounding why it’s not, scientists believe that when you look at something like a pair of blue jeans, what you’re seeing is a light vibrational quality of blue reflecting back. But they say when you look at black, it’s absorbing all the colors, so you’re not seeing any color reflecting. So their argument is, if something is blue, then that means it’s every other color but blue. Do you know what I’m saying?

ELIAS: I am quite aware of what you are expressing and of the beliefs of your sciences, and I am expressing to you that these are their interpretations and their belief in this area.

I am also expressing to you that color is truth, and that it holds a vibrational quality of which your sciences do not understand. They are interpreting within their beliefs the identification of the vibrational qualities of color and its relation to what they identify as light, but their identification of light is quite limited also, and they do not understand the vibrational quality of this element any more than they understand the vibrational quality of color.

As to their interpretation of the absence of color within the expression of black, and that this is creating what you may term to be a vacuum as to the vibrational quality of color, I am expressing to you that this is incorrect.

Black is an expressed, unique quality in itself and holds its own vibrational quality, and is a truth and is a color, in like manner to all other colors.

MIKE: Okay.

ELIAS: And I express to you the questioning of, what shall you designate as light?

MIKE: As light or white?

ELIAS: Light.

MIKE: Oh gosh, I don’t know! (Laughing) I don’t even think they know!

ELIAS: QUITE! They do not understand the quality of light or its designation. They view this to be merely an illumination of some sort, but they are not quite understanding what its quality is, in actuality.

Although your physicists believe and your mathematicians believe that they hold the answer to these questionings, I express to you that they merely hold a translation in part to these questions, and that beyond their partial explanations, they do not understand the qualities of consciousness that they are investigating or expressing knowledge of. These are elements of consciousness, and they are truths.” [session 363, February 21, 1999]

JAMES: “How did they make color in the beginning of the world? (4)

ELIAS: (Grinning) Ah! Color within the beginning of the world! Let me say to you, they are you! Therefore, THEY did not make color in the beginning of the world. YOU made color in the beginning of the world!

(Vic’s note: In the following explanation, Elias uses hand gestures to demonstrate the different movements of energy.)

ELIAS: Now; look to yourself as a great painter, and as the first great painter at the beginning of the world, you have noticed that you have great amounts of energy similar to electricity, and this energy, you notice, vibrates. It moves, but each element of energy moves differently. One moves in this manner, one moves in this manner, one moves in this manner. And you express to yourself, ‘How very fun to play with these moving energies!’

And you as the painter take hold of each of these moving energies, and splash them into the beginning of the world, and you express, ‘I identify you as blue.’ And within the moment that you say to this energy, ‘It shall be blue and this is its identity,’ in the beginning of the world, it becomes the color blue. And you turn and look to another energy which is moving much slower, and you express to this energy, ‘You are red,’ and you splash the red into the beginning of the world, and it colors red.

And you watch that each of these movements of energy are made together of little particles, little beads that are that color. Therefore, you may take each of these little beads and you may look to a little flower, and you may move the little beads to the flower and create a red flower or a blue flower.

It is all energy. YOU are energy. All that you see is energy.

And this is how you have created color in the beginning of the world! (Chuckling) And what shall you create next?

JAMES: Green! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Ah, green! A very good color! And you may create very much green, for many, many objects within your reality are green! (Grinning) And which color is the most favorite color?

JAMES: Blue.

ELIAS: Blue. The reason that this color is so very favorite is that you like the movement of the energy of blue, and it, in the middle of all of the colors, is very playful!” [session 472, September 19, 1999]

JOE: “Some philosophies point to ego as the reason for complications in people’s lives. What do you consider ego to be? And is that a way to put it, in a nutshell?

ELIAS: This also would be a complication in explanation to yourselves of an aspect of yourselves. You are quite fond in this physical focus of classifications and separations. You entertain yourselves with segregations of elements of your reality, even to the point of separation and segregation of yourselves into sections and different parts, so to speak.

Therefore, within your psychology, you separate your awareness into sections. [You identify] that element which drives you, that element which focuses attention upon yourself, that element which holds the quality of selfishness or what you identify as self-centeredness, self-indulging, self-focusing, as the ego, self-perpetuating, and you also identify elements of negativity with this designation of ego.

You identify certain elements of negativity with what you identify as subconscious, for this is an element of yourself that you have created as a section of yourself which identifies that aspect of yourself that is unbeknownst to you, that is outside of your control.

JOE: But not necessarily negative.

ELIAS: At times you attach negative to this, for you assess that there are certain behaviors that you may be creating which are influenced by your subconscious which are not within your control, and this is not necessarily good.

JOE: But the truth.

ELIAS: Not necessarily truth either. But within your beliefs, you may identify that what appears to be offered to you through your subconscious shall be truth. I shall express to you that this also is a belief. It is not necessarily truth. It may be truth that it is a reality and that reality is truth, but beyond reality, it is merely a belief.

I may express to you, you may incorporate an action of engaging interaction with another individual, and you may engage a process that you identify as hypnosis, and this process you believe shall allow you the ability to access areas of your subconscious – or that which you identify as your subconscious – and this shall unlock secrets that you do not allow yourself to access objectively, and you may offer to yourself a recalling of an experience of an encounter with what you identify as an extraterrestrial, and as you disengage this action of your hypnosis, you may hold an objective memory of what you have accessed in recall within this action of hypnosis.

Now; is your recall, is your memory truth?

JOE: To you, I believe it would be.

ELIAS: Your experience, in a manner of speaking, is truth, for it is a reality, and reality is truth. The experience or the recall of the experience may not necessarily be what you identify as truth, but may be a translation and may be an interpretation.

You may hold a very clear memory. You may hold great clarity in your recall of a particular experience, but the experience itself may be a translation. It is a reality. It is not what you identify as a distinguishment that some elements within this dimension are not real.

JOE: What’s wrong with my translation?

ELIAS: There is no element that is wrong with your translation. Your translation is a reality. It is your interpretation, through your perception and your objective understanding, of an experience. It is not wrong.

JOE: Is it not what counts?

ELIAS: It is, in your terms, what counts or what matters, and it also is not what matters, for it is a filtration through a perception.

Therefore, it is a reality in conjunction with this physical reality, with this physical dimension, and it is relative to this physical dimension. It is a reality in the experience of consciousness as a creation of consciousness, but it is not necessarily a truth.

JOE: Then why were we made individual?

ELIAS: Ah, but you were not made!

JOE: Then ... wrong terminology. Why ARE we individual?

ELIAS: This offers you an opportunity of exploration. As I have stated previously, essence or consciousness is continually within a state of becoming, and therefore is continuously within a state of exploration, and in this state of exploration, it is continuously creating and manifesting. Imagination is reality.

You, within this physical dimension, mirror many elements of consciousness – not all, but many elements of the natural state of consciousness – and you objectify these elements into physical, solid terms. You create physical movement. You create objects. You create imagery within a thickness that you may move through in a physical manner, which creates a slowing of action and offers you the opportunity to view intensely every aspect of this particular area of consciousness.

All of what you create within this dimension is a mirror of different aspects of movement of consciousness. It also is all a translation. It is translated into physical solidity.

Even your thoughts and your communication holds a physical quality to it and a thickness in energy that is translated through a time framework, an element of time, which creates a thickness within the expressions of all that you create within this physical dimension.

And therefore, what is the point? (Grinning at Joe) The point of this physical dimension is merely to be experiencing. You are not conducting a mission. You are not upon a holy quest.” [session 510, December 04, 1999]

PAMELA: “I would like to start with exploring the idea of resonance. It seems to be something that has been such a hallmark of my life, so important to me, and I understand it to have to do with frequency. Somehow, it seems wrapped up also with integrity and color. It just seems to be such an important signpost for me, telling me when I want to move forward with something and explore it further or when I want to stop in that direction and move in another direction.

I’m wondering what you can share with me about it. I think I recognize that resonance is perhaps involved with consciousness versus the mental aspect of my mind. But there’s something so nurturing about it that I’d like to know what you might say about it.

ELIAS: Very well. What you are speaking of in this terminology is an action, an action that is created through a vibrational quality, and what you have generated within your focus is incorporating vibrational qualities in resonance as a type of method, so to speak, that you allow yourself to be listening to yourself, to be recognizing impulses and impressions in relation to essence, and to be allowing yourself a flow of energy that you trust.

Now; you are correct in your assessment that vibrational quality is associated with color and tone. Therefore within your translation of what you experience in this resonance, you may also associate that or translate that into an incorporation of either color or tone, and it shall fit.

The term, as I have stated, of ‘resonance’ is actually an action, not necessarily a thing or an entity. It is an action of recognizing and allowing particular vibrational qualities.

Now; these vibrational qualities are expressions of consciousness. Therefore they are truths, for truths translate in some manner or another into every area of consciousness. There are many expressions within your physical dimension that individuals associate as truths or believe to be truths, when in actuality they are merely expressions of beliefs associated with this physical dimension and are relative to this physical dimension, and do not necessarily translate within other areas of consciousness or within other physical dimensions.

Truths, in actuality, translate into your physical dimension – for they translate throughout consciousness – but are generally viewed as unimportant within your dimension. Tone and color are both truths. They are expressions of consciousness that translate throughout all of consciousness.

I may express to you this word of ‘translate’ is quite accurate, for the expression of the truth of color or tone within nonphysical expressions of essence are displayed differently than they are within your physical dimension. Therefore, they are translated. But regardless of the translation, there is an allowance of some aspect of fitting into your physical dimension. Therefore, there also is some aspect that translates into knowing within your physical dimension. Many individuals pay little attention to these truths, but they are translated throughout the design of your physical dimension.

You allow yourself to open and to accept the vibrational quality of these truths and incorporate that as your method within your focus of paying attention to yourself and trusting movement. I may express to you, this is quite efficient. For if you are choosing to incorporate a method – which all of you within this physical dimension are so very fond of choosing methods – and if you are incorporating a method, one that is associated with a truth is quite efficient.

PAMELA: Thank you for sharing that.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 992, January 22, 2002]

HOWARD: “One of the things that catches my eye is the truths, the truths that we have here that are actually universal and are the truths for all time and dimensions. We have color, consciousness, energy, love, reality, and tone. However, additionally in the readings I have come across other truths. Would dreaming and imagination be a truth, or dreaming be a truth? You’ve said that, but then if it is a truth, would it be a subcategory to consciousness?

ELIAS: It is a truth in action, for all aspects of consciousness incorporate this action. Therefore it translates in every area of consciousness, and this is the criteria of identifying a truth.

HOWARD: This is a dimensional thing – I’m crossing categories here, and I realize I’m going into Atlantean stuff – but the truth that Thoth talked about, he only spoke of three: law, life, and light. I would take light to be a combination of energy and tone, life to be the subject of love, but law – is law a reality or a truth?

ELIAS: No, for this implies rules and absolutes, and there are no absolutes.

HOWARD: Regarding the objective and subjective, I believe David in one of the sessions back in Castaic – I think it was him – was wondering if, or the way I took it to be – and excuse me, David, if I’ve got this wrong – subjectiveness would be a truth but objective would not be. (5) (Pause)

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, for the subjective awareness is an awareness that is translatable in all areas of consciousness, but the objective awareness is an awareness that is generated merely in association with physical dimensions, and not all physical dimensions, but many.

HOWARD: That seems right to me, which brings me to reality itself, because not all realities are the same.

ELIAS: Correct.

HOWARD: How is reality itself a truth?

ELIAS: For reality IS, and this is translatable in any area of consciousness. It may be generated differently, but it is translatable; just as any of these other truths may be configured differently in association with different expressions of consciousness, but they are translatable in some capacity. In some areas of consciousness objective awareness is not translatable; therefore it is not a truth.

HOWARD: Some areas of subjective awareness cannot be translatable?

ELIAS: No. Some areas of objective...

HOWARD: Oh, oh, okay. I do understand that.

A basic philosophical premise on which just about every philosophy of the world is based upon includes logic. It strikes me that logic is not a truth.

ELIAS: No, it is not.

HOWARD: So we’re spending time watching water go down, or run uphill or something. Logic would not be a good place to spend a lot of time trying to describe truth.

ELIAS: Correct.” [session 1018, February 25, 2002]

ELIAS: “This day we shall be identifying your next wave in consciousness, which is the most affecting of those individuals belonging to the family of Sumari. This would be the belief system of truth.

RODNEY: When you said ‘belonging to the family of Sumari,’ how about those aligned with Sumari?

ELIAS: This shall also be quite affecting of those individuals, more so than individuals belonging to or aligning with other families; although, as you are aware, you all participate in these waves in consciousness.

Now; shall you identify any element of this belief system of truth, any aspect of it?

TED: It is, throughout all of consciousness, unchangeable. That’s the definition I believe I have.

ELIAS: Of truth?

TED: Of truth.

RODNEY: But as a practical down-to-earth matter, it should represent accurately my awareness of something. If I were to repeat what someone said, or if I were to explain what I did, then my common definition of it would be that I presented that information as accurately as possible to the person.

ELIAS: And therefore expressing truth.

RODNEY: That’s the definition I grew up with.

JON: Truths are absolutes. (Elias nods)

RODNEY: Then of course there’s my mathematics, which I’m starting to get it’s not so absolute. (Elias chuckles)

SANDY: And one person’s absolute is not necessarily my perception.

BARRY: But it comes from somewhere else; it doesn’t come from you.

RODNEY: Also, an aspect of the belief system of truth is that it’s good to be truthful and bad to be a liar.

ELIAS: What do you identify in yourselves as truth?

DIANNE: That we exist is a truth.

BARRY: Anything that comes from the universe through us.

JIM: Our strongest belief systems we identify to ourselves as truths.

ELIAS: Correct!

RODNEY: What was that?

JIM: The belief systems that are strongest to us individually, we would call that a truth...


JIM: ...because if somebody says something to contradict that...

RODNEY: For the tape, what is your name? (Transcriber’s note: Thanks, Rodney!)

JIM: I’m James, Jim/Andrel.

ELIAS: THAT is correct, and THAT is what is being addressed in this wave in association with this belief system of truth. You express it each and every day within your focuses. You associate with it continuously. Many of your automatic responses are associated within yourselves as truth.

Many of your beliefs are not even identified as beliefs, for you identify them as truth. Therefore they are not questioned. You do what you do, for this is true. You do not question many expressions within your environments and within each other, for you assess that they are truths and therefore they are absolutes within YOUR estimations.

This particular belief system may be one of the most insidious and one of the most difficult to identify and to notice, for this particular wave addresses to all of those automatic responses that you do not notice, and you identify them as merely truth. Therefore, they are entirely unquestioned.

You all incorporate many beliefs that you do not notice, that you do not pay attention to, that you do not question, for you assume that it is a truth and there is no other manner in which it may be perceived. This generates tremendous conflict, for it is a tremendous lack of acceptance.

This is what generates the tremendous conflict that you witness now within your planet, within your world: individuals that express their truths and their differences in their truths, and there is no bending. For you do not question your own truths, and therefore they must be absolute and they must be accepted by all other individuals, for your truth is THE truth and another individual’s truth is wrong, and it is questioned.

I expressed previously that there was a possibility that you would be addressing the belief system of emotion, and that altered. That has been altered in association with the mass expression of energy which is occurring throughout your world, not merely in this small area. But the tremendous expression of conflict which is being exhibited throughout your world has moved the collective consciousness in the direction of choosing THIS belief system to be addressing now.

In this, I may express to each of you, I am aware of the challenge that you are incorporating even identifying your own expressed beliefs in this time framework. Now it is more challenging, for you are not merely moving yourselves into an awareness of identifying your own expressed beliefs but becoming aware of what your truths are, and recognizing that they are not truths.

CAROLE: But Elias, isn’t that what we’ve been doing all along? I don’t hear anything that seems different here, or am I missing something?

ELIAS: In theory. This is what you think you have been moving into.

CAROLE: Many times I feel like none of this is truth; it’s all beliefs. So sometimes that leaves me in a really strange place, just feeling like I understand that it’s just all beliefs. Even if I take two aspirins, I say to myself, ‘This is just a belief, and I’m going to choose to believe it,’ or inside me I do, I know that, because I take it. So I always just watch whatever it is I do, and that’s how I know what my beliefs are and how I create my reality. But I don’t think any of them are truths.

ELIAS: But most individuals within your world do. I may be acknowledging of you, that you pay attention to what you do and you pay attention to your emotional communications and to your translations of thoughts, but within your world most individuals do not.

Now; what is your participation in this action? If you are aware of you, if you are familiar with yourself and you are recognizing and identifying your expressed beliefs, now move your attention to how you project energy outwardly and how that offers a contribution within your world in what manner you choose to be generating that energy and how it is affecting of other individuals.

CAROLE: I used to do a lot in that direction, as we’ve talked about before, do talks, do a TV show, do seminars. Then I decided not to do any of it anymore, because it felt like I was putting myself in a position above, and I no longer have that understanding or belief that there’s above or below, so I totally withdrew from any of that, and I don’t do it at all now unless somebody specifically wants to talk to me. If somebody says something to me and I understand that it’s a belief, I don’t say to them – well, sometimes I may say to them ‘in my understanding,’ I use that term ... I’ve drawn back from pretty much all of that.

ELIAS: I am not merely expressing being aware of the energy that you are projecting outwardly in interaction with other individuals, but all of the energy that you project in any action.

CAROLE: Even in an interaction where you just feel like an adjunct, because lately I’ve been trying something new. Because of my doing what I was just describing, I felt in some ways I had really isolated myself, so lately I have been doing random acts of kindness, if you want to use that term, and I am enjoying the energy that I get back from that. I used to do it all the time when I was a Catholic, a Christian. I had to be a good girl and all that. But then I did away with all that, and now I feel like I’m in a different understanding but enjoying doing that. It’s like I’m a whole different energy ball here.

ELIAS: I am understanding. I shall also address to a statement that you incorporated which many, many of you express quite similarly, that you do not incorporate a particular belief any longer for you have altered your behavior or you have chosen to move into different directions or expressions. Let me be clear: none of you do not incorporate a belief any longer. You do not eliminate beliefs. You may change which beliefs are expressed; you do not change the belief. You do not eliminate the beliefs, but as you change your preferences you also change expressed beliefs. But you incorporate ALL of the beliefs within ALL of the belief systems, and they are not eliminated if you continue to participate in this particular physical reality. Therefore, you do continue to incorporate that belief, you merely choose not to express it, which there is a difference.

Now; you may also incorporate an expressed belief and not allow that expressed belief to dictate your choices. You may incorporate choices that appear to you to be contrary to an expressed belief, but in actuality this is the point, to identify your beliefs, to recognize what their influences are and to allow yourself choice. For in not recognizing your beliefs and in not recognizing the influences of the beliefs, you continue to express automatic responses without thinking and many, many times without offering yourselves any emotional communication, for it is so very automatic. Automatic responses are as easily expressed as breathing, which does not require your attention.

LUANNE: Elias, is that saying if people don’t recognize their beliefs then they can’t really speak the truth, because they don’t know what their truth is?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. Regardless of whether you identify your beliefs or not, you each express your own truth. You shall identify certain expressions within yourselves that you define as truth.

This is what may be somewhat tricky. For as we have stated, many of your truths – all of your truths – are beliefs, but as you identify them as truths, you do not see them as beliefs.

DIANNE: Nor express them?

ELIAS: You do express them, but you do not identify them as beliefs.

Your sun rises every day. You view this as a truth. Your night follows your day. You view this as a truth. There are many, many, many expressions within your perception that you do not question for you view them as truths. They are absolutes; there is no question.

RODNEY: And that is not an absolute, the sun rising every day?

ELIAS: Correct.

TED: If you’re an astronaut, it rises many times a day.

LUANNE: Are there any absolutes?


JIM: So the problem is when trying to communicate your truth to somebody who is different, it almost ... there becomes a question of honesty, rather than truth. You’re not being dishonest if you’re communicating your truth to another individual whose truth is different than yours, but they may perceive it that way. Is that where the conflict that you’re talking about is coming to Sumari, the wave that we’re going to be addressing?

ELIAS: The conflict is expressed in identifying truths as absolutes, and in that rigidness of the absoluteness there is no expression of acceptance, and as you recognize that truths within your physical reality are not actually truths, they are beliefs. This is not to say that they are not real – they are quite real – but they are not absolutes. They are not truths. You associate them as truths and therefore you generate a perception of absolutes, and in that perception of absolutes there is no allowance for difference.

JUNE: So if we speak for our truth, the conflict is when other people speak of their truth, that we want their truth to be our truth? Or vice versa?

ELIAS: Both.

JUNE: So if there is no absolute, then everyone speaks from their own truth?

ELIAS: You speak from your own beliefs, your own expressed beliefs. This is the point.

There are truths, and what is the definition of a truth? A truth is some expression which is translatable in every area of consciousness in some manner. What is translatable in every area of consciousness, in some manner? Reality, tone, color – not YOUR associations.

JUNE: What about the idea that we exist? Does that translate into every...

ELIAS: Awareness, yes.

JUNE: So awareness is what we are.


CURTIS: Elias – this is Curtis – do we need truths to propel us forward? Some of the most vital, engaged people I know are the people who have some of the deepest belief systems. Why be a surgeon and save people’s lives if you understand that everyone’s creating their own reality and they’ll either live through the operation or not according to their own belief system and what they need in their life?

ELIAS: But you all create in cooperation.

CURTIS: I’ve been incorporating the ‘it matters not’ energy and trying to see things from a larger perspective, and it’s made me kind of wishy-washy and ambiguous about things, and not really...

ELIAS: (Strongly) I am understanding, and let me clarify. This is a misunderstanding and a distortion of what I have expressed throughout the entire time framework of this forum. I express to you, in the acceptance of a belief your expression shall be that it matters not, for you have removed the judgment. I have NOT expressed to you that nothing matters, which is quite different. There is purpose. There is experience. There is exploration. There is interaction and cooperation. The expression that it matters not is merely the identification of the removal of judgment, not that there is no matter.

CURTIS: But to undertake the operation in the first place, you have to have a judgment that it’s the proper thing to do, that it will be beneficial to the patient, right?

ELIAS: You all incorporate expressed beliefs. All that you do, all that you generate, all that you express is filtered through beliefs. They are not your enemy. They are not bad. They merely are. They are an aspect of the blueprint of this reality. Therefore, you express through these beliefs as they influence your perception and you allow yourself to recognize your preferences which motivate you in certain directions. Preferences are merely preferred beliefs.

As you allow yourself to express those preferred beliefs, you motivate yourself in movements in different directions and in cooperation – NOT CO-CREATION – but in cooperation with other individuals that incorporate similar expressed beliefs.

The individual that incorporates the action of seeking out a physician to be healed of an illness is expressing their beliefs in association with their confidence in another individual to perform that action. The physician is expressing their beliefs in allowing their abilities to be in cooperation with the individual that incorporates the illness, and in the cooperation of the action, yes, the individual that is incorporating the illness is actually healing themself – for no individual may create another individual’s reality – but in that cooperation of actions, in the expressed beliefs of both individuals, they generate certain outcomes.

The expressed beliefs of the physician are not bad. They fit within your societies, within your construct of your reality. The individual that incorporates the illness is also generating expressed beliefs that also fit within the construct of your reality in the official accepted reality. It is a cooperation.

This is another misunderstanding in association with this shift in consciousness. This shift in consciousness is a design that allows you to widen your awareness, identify your beliefs, therefore allowing you to incorporate moving your attention to all of the beliefs that are available to you, and therefore allowing you to expand your abilities and recognize what you do incorporate in your abilities and therefore expand your exploration.

It is NOT being generated to create Utopia. It is NOT an ending of conflict. But if you generate conflict, you shall incorporate that action intentionally and KNOW that you are generating the conflict and why, and that it is a choice.

Therefore, what becomes eliminated in this widening of awareness is what you may term to be your own involuntary victims – which are not precisely involuntary, but in your truths you assess that there are involuntary victims. If you choose to be a victim, you shall know that you are choosing to be a victim, and you shall know that you have chosen that action quite intentionally to experience.

CURTIS: Doesn’t that take the edge off of victimhood, though?

ELIAS: Not necessarily! (Laughter) That you know that you are being a victim and that you know that you are creating that intentionally does not detract from the element of surprise in how you choose to be incorporating that role.

CURTIS: I thought that’s why we incarnated like this to begin with, to pare down our consciousness so that we can concentrate on smaller portions of experience, rather than be big and all encompassing in our consciousness. Is that a misunderstanding?

ELIAS: This would also be associated with the identifications of truths: how you view yourselves, and how black and white you view your reality or your movement. Either you are very small and you are learning and you are moving to higher and greater enlightenment states, or you are vast and all-knowing, or that if you are widening your awareness you shall be incorporating all of the knowledge of the universe within your physical reality. This is not the point.

You have chosen to be manifest here in this physical reality. You have chosen to be participating in its blueprint. You are expanding your awareness in association with this reality, and becoming familiar and aware of yourselves and your abilities to allow you freedom within your choices. But you are not becoming your idea of gods. You already are! (Chuckles, and group laughter)

SANDY: What is the purpose of exploring being a victim?

ELIAS: It is merely a choice, to explore the experience.

BARB: Elias, may I just say something about the choice of being a victim or whatever role we choose to play? I think what I see you doing for us, and also Seth did this, is revealing to us that our beliefs sometimes limit our choices, and that we may choose to look at ourselves differently, even though we don’t realize sometimes we may have other choices available in our perspective.

ELIAS: Correct.

BARB: Thank you for doing all this. (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Thank yourself! Ha ha ha!

RODNEY: I’d like to make a point for the tape that if people don’t identify who they are, you’re going to get a transcript where you don’t know where the questions are coming from, and it’s going to be very difficult to read.

BARB: My name’s Barb.

RODNEY: Thank you.

CHRISTINE: Sumafi police! (Elias laughs loudly with the group)

RODNEY: The Sumafi police are here! (Laughter) The essence of Vicki speaks through me! (Much laughter)

CHRISTINE: This is Christine, and I’m asking why in particular are the Sumari to be more affected or are being affected by this particular wave?

ELIAS: Each belief system is associated with a particular essence family. Each essence family resonates in association with the qualities of that family with a particular belief system. The Sumari family is associated with this particular belief system of truth.

Now; in each wave that occurs in consciousness, each belief system that is being addressed, the family that is associated with that belief system is more affected, more strongly affected and more obviously affected.

Now; this also is not bad. It is dependent upon your choices and how you choose to incorporate the energy. There is a tremendous surge of energy associated with each one of these waves on consciousness, and you may choose to incorporate that energy in any manner, in what you view to be beneficial or in what you view to be challenging. But if you are not aware of the beliefs and if you are not aware of the energy, you may be expressing automatic beliefs more strongly, which many times becomes quite confusing to individuals and even conflicting.

CAROLE: Elias – this is Carole – Sumari being pot-stirrers and creative and quite adept at making their beliefs sound like truths, and being very talented at having other people believe that their beliefs are truths, would this be part of why they’re being singled out? I know as a Sumari-aligned and knowing other Sumari-aligned, we are like that. We’re very persuasive, and we find ourselves using our creativity and our pot-stirring abilities to haul people over into what we’re expressing.

ELIAS: Quite.

RODNEY: But if you’re noticing, Elias kind of taps you on the knuckles when he catches you doing that.

TED: ... Elias – this is Ted – in my Sumari-ness, I’m very confused. I’ve been stirring the pot, telling all my constituents that we’re going to collapse the financial system and eliminate our government to an insignificant role, and our religions are going to go away. (Elias raises his eyebrows and smirks, and laughter) Is this truth not true?


TED: Then why have we been espousing this in our togetherness in this past five years?

ELIAS: You are not eliminating the beliefs; therefore, how shall religion be eliminated?

TED: That is my question.

ELIAS: It is not.

TED: It’s just going to become a choice?

ELIAS: Yes, and the recognition and appreciation of difference.

TED: So we’ll no longer have Christian/non-Christian conflicts?

ELIAS: Correct – unless you choose. But if you choose, you shall know that you are choosing, and the conflict shall be different. It shall not be a conflict to be expressing conversion or expressing the absoluteness of one or the other. The conflict may be more likened to debate than struggle.

TED: Okay, I understand that difference. The same with our monetary systems and our government systems?

ELIAS: As I have stated, eventually at the completion of this shift in consciousness your monetary system shall be quite different, for the need for exchange in the manner that you express it now shall be unnecessary. If each of you are genuinely familiar with yourselves and are genuinely directing yourselves, it becomes unnecessary to express the type of systems that you incorporate within your societies now. For the system that you incorporate now expresses hierarchies and leaders, authorities, individuals that you look to to steer you, that you follow; but in the expression of this shift in consciousness, its direction moves to the individual and your incorporation of directing and steering yourselves rather than allowing other individuals to dictate to you your choices.

TED: To put it simply, I no longer have to wear my seatbelt, right?

ELIAS: If you are so choosing. (Chuckles)

TED: Correct. Thank you, Elias.

RODNEY: I don’t wear mine, by choice.

CAROLE: I don’t go for pap smears by choice. (Laughter) Or the other thing...

FEMALE: So Elias, are you saying that all human beings will come to understand the choice?

ELIAS: Yes. At the completion of this shift in consciousness, this shall be throughout your world.

BARRY: Does that mean there won’t be new young souls?

ELIAS: Clarify.

BARRY: What we’ve gone through, we’ll have reached a certain point when we understand about these choices, but there will be others that won’t have had as many lives. How will they...

ELIAS: It is not dependent upon how many focuses you incorporate. It is the design of your world, so to speak, the structure of it, which is changing. In that change, any essence that chooses to be manifesting within this physical reality, within this physical dimension, shall know of the design or the structure of your reality, just as you in entering this focus know the structure and the design of the reality. No individual explained to you as an infant that you are an infant now and you shall breathe air and you shall grow physically. You merely do, for you know this intrinsically.

It is already being evidenced within your world now. Look to your small ones. They are directing of themselves. Individuals that incorporate families with small children recognize that these small ones are directing of themselves, which is also generating an affect in association with your family structures already for they do not incorporate the same types of relationships that they have previously throughout your history, for they adapt to the alteration of the awareness of the small ones. They are not willing to be directed, for they know. Their awareness is in a position of this shift in consciousness, and they intrinsically know that they are directing of themselves, for this is the new structure.

CURTIS: Elias – this is Curtis again – could you relate some of the mass events on the world stage to this new exploration of truth, like the search for weapons of mass destruction and maybe the justifications for the Iraqi war? Does that have to do with this new exploration?


CURTIS: Could you talk a little bit about that, what we might expect in the future?

ELIAS: This is your choice. This is the reason that I express the significance of paying attention to yourselves and to the energy that you are projecting. This is each of your responsibility, not to any other individual but to yourselves and how that affects the energy of the whole of the collective.

Within your focus within each day, what energy do you project? Are you projecting an energy of protection? Are you contributing to the expression of protection within your world, in expressing that within your day? Are you projecting an energy of acceptance in difference, or are you aligning with your truth in absoluteness and NOT projecting an acceptance and contributing to the energy of the collective to be aggressive?

CURTIS: So my distain for the neo-conservatives is helping to cement their power?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. How is it different?

CURTIS: Different from what?

ELIAS: From what you perceive to be the opposite. Are you matching energy? Yes. This is the point of being aware, to recognize if you are matching energy in association with your truth, with what you view to be right.

JEANNE: ... I have found myself dealing with religious beliefs such as ‘am I supposed to be doing any particular thing to be helping,’ as if there’s some sort of problem that we’re addressing. I guess I believe that there are problems in this world that we need to be helping out, so there is a concern energy, very much. I’m finding that when I just let myself enjoy the waves of energy that are coming through, that somehow then it’s not really a concern.

ELIAS: There are many individuals presently that are noticing many beliefs associated with religious beliefs. In actuality, many individuals within this forum speculated that that would be the wave, addressing to the belief system of religious.

But the reason that these types of beliefs are surfacing, so to speak, or you are noticing is that they are associated with truth and how you view your truth, one of which is that there are ills within the world that need be fixed and that should be addressed to. This is one of your truths – not that individuals are creating their reality, not that individuals choose to be in situations or environments that you view to be depressed, for no individual would choose those types of experiences for these are not experiences that move in conjunction with your truths. Individuals do not create willingly suffering – yes, they do.

You do not suffer if you do not choose to suffer. You may not necessarily be objectively aware of your beliefs that are influencing those choices but they are choices, and each individual does create their reality. This is not to say that it is wrong or bad for you to incorporate other expressed beliefs or that you need not incorporate caring. Caring is different from concern. Concern moves you into an expression of wanting to or attempting to alter another individual’s reality, which you cannot.

Within your world, how many times have many, many, many collectives of individuals come together with a common cause to eliminate hunger, to eliminate dis-ease, to eliminate homelessness? Have they been eliminated? No. For you do not create other individual’s reality, and your truth is that if you are helpful, this is good. I am not expressing that it is good or bad, it merely is. But this is an example of what you view to be true. Some individuals incorporate an intent within their focus to be generating dis-ease or conflict or struggle, for this is their choice of experience.

If you are familiarizing yourselves with you as essence, each of you incorporate many more than merely one focus within this physical dimension. Do you assume that all of your focuses are blissfully tripping through this reality, and not experiencing any conflict or dis-ease or what you view within your beliefs, within your truths, as negative or bad? (Laughter) They are experiences.

You are essences. You incorporate many, many attentions which are all manifestations in this reality, and your purpose in choosing to participate in this particular reality is to experience, to generate a physical experience in association with your beliefs in the blueprint of this physical dimension, to be exploring emotion and sexuality – the physical manifestations and physical communication. Therefore, why shall you not incorporate an exploration of EVERY type of experience?

I may identify another common truth that you ALL express in some capacity. One of your largest concerns, associations, and what occupies your attention is money, and you incorporate your own truths concerning money and the acquisition of it and the position of the individual with it or without it, that if you incorporate money this is good, but only to a point. (Laughter) If you incorporate too much money, this is bad. If you incorporate too little money, this is bad. But if you incorporate enough money to be comfortable and to not infringe upon your freedom – which freedom is another term that you do not even incorporate an accurate definition for or understanding of – but in your definition, if you incorporate enough money to allow you freedom, this is good. This be one of your truths which motivates you to continue to strive to attain money. You do not attain money; you create it.

RODNEY: ... If I look about me and I see all of these things that I refer to as truths, like my ... well, the list is endless, but I could start with paying my rent and the fact that I need a retirement plan. I could say that these are all just beliefs, I choose not to align with them, so I’m just going to call up my boss and say I won’t be in there any more. What comes up for me is I’m going to play a little game until the checkbook runs dry, and then I’m confronted with the significance of my choices. So I could probably look at most of what I consider to be truths and say, ‘This is a belief. I can either align with that belief or not align. I’m not going to change it, but I can either express it or not express it. Well, I choose not to express it.’

ELIAS: Do you?

RODNEY: Well, no, because I’m afraid I won’t have any money at the end of the month. (Laughter) I hear what you’re saying, but I’m kind of lost for a working model as to how to approach this.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, remember thought does not create. It translates. Thought is a mechanism to translate information. It does not create your reality. Therefore you may think, ‘I am choosing not to express this belief any longer. I am choosing to express another belief.’ That is thinking. That is not creating. Your evidence of what your expressed beliefs are is shown in what you do and your responses.

Now; this is the significance of identifying specifically what beliefs you incorporate and recognizing what their influences are. For if you recognize and identify what a belief is and what its influences are, thusly you may choose how you shall move, how you shall express yourself whether in alignment or not with a particular expressed belief, knowing that you continue to incorporate that belief but in any particular moment allowing yourself choices. In this, there are many beliefs that are in play, so to speak, in any scenario.

RODNEY: I’m overwhelmed by the number.

ELIAS: But may you identify one?

RODNEY: That there are authority figures in my life that have the power to ... I’m a victim to their choices.

ELIAS: And may you identify all of the influences of this one belief that there are authorities within your focus?

RODNEY: The organization that owns my apartment building would be one. The man who directs my company would be another.

ELIAS: How is this influencing of you? Not an identification of who the authorities are, but what is that influence of this belief that there are authorities in your reality?

RODNEY: The one controls the amount of money that is paid for rent, and the other one controls the amount of money that I receive in my check every other week. Am I understanding you correctly?

ELIAS: No! (Laughter)

RODNEY: That’s par for the course! (More laughter)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! I am inquiring of you to identify the influence of the belief. You are continuing to project your attention outside of yourself and identifying other individuals and what they do.

RODNEY: I would say one influence would be that they handle aspects of my reality that I do not have to pay too much attention to.

ELIAS: (Loudly and enunciating crisply) What is the influence of the belief of authority within you? How does this influence your choices, your responses, what you create, what you do, what your choices are?

RODNEY: One aspect of that would be I do not question.

ELIAS: You do not question what?

RODNEY: I do not question when the rent goes up.

I know I’m banging my head against the wall here – I don’t know where to go with this.

ELIAS: This is the point. This is the illustration. You have identified one belief, but you do not view the influences of that belief. You do not objectively incorporate an understanding or an awareness of how that belief is affecting of your perception and therefore affecting of your reality, for your perception creates your reality. Other individuals may not even identify the belief.

This is what is significant. How does this belief in authority affect your choices? It affects your choices in how you move throughout your day, the choices that you incorporate to not be opposing laws, to be generating certain behaviors. It influences you in your choice of employment. It influences you in what is acceptable and what is not acceptable within your reality. It influences you to project your attention outside of yourself and to not pay attention to you. For in the expressed belief of authority, some other individual other than yourself is being allowed to dictate your choices and your reality for you, and steer your ship.

RODNEY: I know this is what this belief is doing, and I want to work with it...

ELIAS: You may continue to express the belief of authority, and also incorporate your choices in association with your preferences. They are not at odds. They are at odds if you continue to move in automatic responses and not pay attention to what the influences are of the belief, for this does not afford you choice.

RODNEY: You’re saying that a detailed examination of those influences would reveal where I do not see choices now, and I would begin to see choices.


RODNEY: Thank you for spelling that out more clearly. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: You are welcome!” [session 1368, June 07, 2003]

ELIAS: “This day we shall be participating in a discussion, and I shall be engaging all of you and you shall be participating in the conversation, not merely listening as quiet little mice and allowing myself to be offering a dissertation. I shall be engaging you in conversation in relation to our subject matter.

Now; what do you view offers you your experience of freedom? How do you engage your experience and exercise your freedom?

ANNE M.: Travel.

ELIAS: Travel – this offers you freedom?

FEMALE: Choosing fun things you like to do.

JENS: Wasting money.

AXEL: Whenever I’m going with my flow, the free-flow.

BALBINA: Each time I think ‘should/must,’ I try to stop. I don’t stop always, but I try! (Laughter, and Elias chuckles)


DOROTHEA: Awareness, I try to always ... awareness of me.

MALE: Not thinking.

ELIAS: Hmph! Now; what offers you GENUINE freedom? (Laughter)

BALBINA: Belief leaps.

ELIAS: ‘Belief leaps.’ And what is meant in this?

BALBINA: To be able to choose a belief instead of suffering of a belief or feeling a victim of a belief.

ELIAS: Very well. And how do you identify your truths?

ANNE M.: Whatever feels best.

ELIAS: Perhaps, or is this not a preference?

GERHARD: A reality that belongs to me, my reality.

ELIAS: ‘Your reality’ – this is quite general! And what is meant by ‘your reality’?

GERHARD: What I feel is important and what I want to create, and what direction I think I go.

ELIAS: Very well.

JENS: If it’s absolute for me, it’s a truth.


JENS: It is unchangeable.

ELIAS: Correct. This is a truth.

Now; in experiencing and exercising your freedom, you identify your truth, and you allow yourself to recognize that your truth is not true and that it is not absolute.

Now; what are examples of your truths? Money? (Laughter) And whether you incorporate money or whether you do not incorporate money? Whether you have money or if you do not have money? This is a strong truth.

BALBINA: Health?

ELIAS: Health. (Nodding)

HELMUT: Light and love.

ANNE M.: Well, basically, don’t you consider anything a truth that is visible to you at that point in time? I mean, if you’re not feeling well, that’s the truth at that time.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE M.: If you’re feeling well, then that’s the truth.

ELIAS: Partially. For in relation to health, if you are feeling unwell in the moment, it may not necessarily be a truth for it is not necessarily an absolute. For you may not be feeling well within the moment, but you also incorporate a knowledge that you incorporate the ability to change that and that you may regain your health.

But health may be a truth in a broader sense, in the manner in which you view it in relation to how you express health, in relation to how you affect yourself in illness or lack of illness, whether you incorporate an absolute direction that you must be healing yourself and therefore this is absolute and this is the good method, and if you are incorporating another method this is the bad method – not merely for yourselves but in relation to all other individuals. If another individual presents to you an issue of ill health and chooses to move in a direction of addressing to that in a different manner from yourself, you automatically generate an assessment that their method is bad and your method is better.

ANNE M.: Yes, that’s true.

MALE: That’s true! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Yours is better for you know more, and you are more informed and you are more enlightened, and therefore your method is better.

Money, another truth: you do not generate money, you acquire money, you receive money; you do not create money. You create your stars, your universe, your moons, your suns, your world, every other individual within your physical reality, every structure, every atom, every molecule, but you do not create paper or coins! (Laughter) No coins, no paper! This is another truth, an absolute. It is not true, but it is one of your truths.

Relationships – another truth – and each of you incorporates your own variation of this truth, of its standards, of its qualifications, how it shall be expressed, of its categories. For you all incorporate categories of relationships. Romantic relationships are different from family relationships. Parent and child relationships are different from co-workers. All of your relationships are categorized in different avenues, but each incorporates its own checklist, all of the criteria that are expected to be qualifying as a particular type of relationship. And if the relationship does not fit those qualifications, there is conflict and it is wrong, and there is a better method to be accomplishing the relationship. These are merely a few of your truths.

Religion! Ah, and every individual within this room shall flinch and express, ‘I do not believe in religion any longer. Therefore this is not a truth, and I do not incorporate THAT belief.’ (Chuckles slyly, and group laughter) Ah, but you do! You may THINK that you do not, for you do not participate in an establishment, you do not attend a congregation with other individuals and worship. Ah, but do you not worship? Are you so very sure?

I may express that every individual within this room incorporates some metaphysical beliefs in tremendous strength, and is this not merely your new religion? And it incorporates the same beliefs, the same expressions as every other religion. It is merely expressed in a different manner, in which you view yourselves to be very enlightened and progressive.

BALBINA: Aren’t we? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Are you?

BALBINA: I hope so! (Laughter)

ELIAS: And do you think that an individual that worships Allah does not believe that they are very enlightened?

BALBINA: Oh yes, they believe like everybody...

ELIAS: Correct, and do you say that your enlightenment is not a belief?

BALBINA: Yes, probably, but it’s also...

ELIAS: (Interrupting her and grinning) Yes! These are not beliefs – this is a truth!

BALBINA: Well, yes, it’s a truth, but larger than...

ELIAS: AH! Larger! (Laughter) Ah! And I may express to you that any Christian also shall express to you that their belief and their truth is larger than yours!

BALBINA: I know. They even told me. (Laughter)

ELIAS: Yes, and the Buddhists shall express to you that they have attained true enlightenment, and their truth is larger than yours.

Now; in this, what do you notice as a commonality? What do truths do?

HELMUT: Separate.

ANNE M.: Judgments.

ELIAS: Correct. They separate and they perpetuate judgments, and they block acceptance. You are no more enlightened than any other individual residing upon your planet. You merely incorporate different information.

You draw yourselves to this information for it is compatible with your movement; it is your preference. Preferences are merely preferred beliefs. There are no expressions within your physical reality that are not influenced by beliefs. There is no ‘other’ reality. There is not your reality that you create individually and also the other reality that you are striving to attain to, the official reality, the reality beyond your beliefs, the REAL reality. (Laughter)

The real reality is the reality that you each individually create. That IS real. And it is, in every moment, in every expression – if you choose to participate and to continue participating in this physical dimension – influenced by beliefs. Every moment, every action, every choice is filtered through beliefs.

Now; beliefs are not your enemy. You have CHOSEN to be manifest in this physical dimension. It has been a choice. No entity, no force, no element of consciousness greater than yourself has thrust you into this physical reality. You have chosen. Why have you chosen?

HELMUT: Because we want to be one with consciousness.

ELIAS: No. There are COUNTLESS dimensions within consciousness. Yes, there is one consciousness, although it may not be deemed as ‘one consciousness’ for that would be a distortion, for that suggests an entity and consciousness is not an entity. It is a movement.

Now; in this, you have chosen to be manifest in this physical reality in curiosity. For you are consciousness, for you are essence, and you are also manifest in other physical dimensions, and you are present in all areas of consciousness. This is merely one.

And why should you not explore? As I have stated from the onset of this forum, this particular physical dimension is one of the most diverse and complex of all of the physical dimensions. Therefore, it is intriguing. You have created an immensely complex and diverse arena for exploration, and it has been designed with two extensively diverse base elements, emotion and sexuality – physicality and communication. In this, the exploration is limitless, for your guidelines are very few. Your boundaries, so to speak, are very few.

And this brings us circling ‘round to our point of truths and of your freedom, and how do you experience and express and exercise your freedom, for this is the point. I express to you that you are expanding your awareness. What is meant in this? What are you doing if you are expanding your awareness? What is your awareness? Do you know?

HELMUT: I am awareness.

ANNE M.: To get information from different angles that you haven’t had before, hadn’t noticed before.

ELIAS: That is an action.

HARTMUT: It is the direction in which I move.

ELIAS: Is your awareness? Partially.

AXEL: Isn’t it my consciousness?

ELIAS: It is, but what is that? It is not a thing.

ANNE M.: Is it yourself?

ELIAS: It is yourself.

Now; in expansion of yourself in relation to your manifestation – which is you now, here – how is that accomplished?

ANNE M.: By paying attention to yourself, by listening to yourself, by feeling yourself, by knowing yourself.

ELIAS: Correct, and how do you accomplish that?

ANNE M.: By not taking everybody else into account, by only taking yourself into account.

ELIAS: Ah, but in this you are also perpetuating a separation, for you are generating another absolute in turning your attention to yourself to the exclusion of other individuals.

ANNE M.: How do you pay attention to yourself and everybody else, all at the same time?

ELIAS: Ah, and you may!

ANNE M.: I haven’t managed to do that.

ELIAS: Ah! I am aware. Most of you may incorporate a moment in which you recognize you have accomplished this action, and you surprise yourself and you excite yourself for you notice, ‘Ah! I have paid attention to myself and I am also paying attention to all that is about me and to another individual.’ But it is infrequent, and it may be so very momentary that your memory of it is quite fleeting.

You automatically, naturally – naturally – pay attention to what is occurring outside of yourself. What are you incorporating in this moment? You are listening to me. Your attention is being projected to me and listening to what I am expressing to you.

Now; simultaneously you may be listening to me [and] you are also translating, for you are thinking. Your thinking mechanism is being paid attention to. Your attention is moving – your attention is not thought – your attention is moving in this moment. It is moving to me and to your thoughts and to what I am expressing and to your thoughts which are translating. Your thoughts are also translating some communications that you are expressing to yourselves in questions and in other evaluations concerning what I am expressing to you. Therefore there are many actions that are occurring presently in this now with each of you.

Now; that is a familiar action. That is not necessarily paying attention to you. You THINK that is paying attention to you, for you recognize that your attention is moving between myself and your thoughts. What else is occurring within each of you, other than your thoughts – not to eliminate your thoughts, but to be incorporating the continuation of your translation mechanism with your thoughts, but also noticing what other expressions are occurring?

Are you experiencing calm? Are you experiencing tension? Are you nervous, are you anxious? Are you uncomfortable? Are you excited? Are you neutral? Are you aware of the other individuals surrounding you? What is your body consciousness experiencing? Are you warm, are you cold? Are you perspiring? Are you tense? Are you relaxed? These are all communications. What do you want?

As I am interacting with you, this is an example of what you experience of every day of your focus. You are interactive in some manner, either with each other, with other individuals, with your environment, with creatures, with plants, with materials. You are interactive with some element of your reality in each of your days. In this moment you are interactive with myself; therefore, let us engage the example of how you pay attention to yourself as you are engaging another individual or any other aspect of your environment.

Now; we shall practice together. Each of you attempt to be paying attention to yourselves as you are also listening to myself.

Now; the key in what I want you to be paying attention to is what you want in this moment – not what you think you want, but what you are each expressing to yourselves in this moment of what you want while you are also participating with myself. (6) And I shall not accept any answer of ‘I want to be engaging conversation with you, Elias’ for you are already accomplishing that, and that is general and that is a common theme in this room. But each of you also, in listening to yourselves, are expressing some want in this now. This is what is unfamiliar to you. This is how we begin to exercise your freedom. Therefore, what do you want?

ANNE M.: I want to understand.

ELIAS: You want to understand.

KATRIN: I want to listen to you to get more relaxed and find out about...

ELIAS: ‘To become more relaxed.’ Are you not relaxed?

KATRIN: I am relaxed, yes. I think I want this freedom you’re talking about...

ELIAS: Ah-ah-ah-ah! No, no, no, no, no! (Laughs loudly)

KATRIN: This is my genuine...

ELIAS: But this is an example. For most individuals express in the like, that they are waiting for this event of this freedom, and this is not the point. It is to be engaging now, not to be waiting for the spark and then suddenly you have found it, you have grasped it. That becomes another truth. And once that becomes another truth, what occurs? Separation and judgment, for if every other individual within your physical reality has not grasped that spark also, you have accomplished better, and they are slow and they must catch up for they are lagging behind in the race – and this is not a race.

JENS: Are you sure? (Laughter)

ELIAS: I am! (Laughter)

... Very well! And I have engaged exchange with two individuals identifying what they want in this present now, and there are many others present. What do you want?

FEMALE: Magic.

ELIAS: Magic!

FEMALE: All the time, magic.

ELIAS: Ah! Very well. (To Balbina) What do you want?

BALBINA: To be able to decide what the natural laws do instead of being victim of them. So if I want to fly, I fly – if I want to go through walls, for example.

ELIAS: Very well.

LISBETH: I want to get the freedom.

ELIAS: You want to have the freedom. You want to ACQUIRE the freedom. But what do you want in this moment?

LISBETH: I am not aware that I want... (The rest of the statement is lost in the sound of a passing vehicle.)

ELIAS: (To Gerhard) And?

GERHARD: In this moment I want to get an idea of what I want. (Loud laughter)

ELIAS: (Laughing) Very well! And Sebastia, what do you want? (Grinning) You want your glass of water. (7)

(To Anne S.) And?

ANNE S.: I want to understand myself.

ELIAS: In this moment, what do you want? What is your physical expression? What are you doing within yourself? In this moment, what do you want?

ANNE S.: To understand what you’re saying, what you mean, and I want to learn from this moment.

ELIAS: What do you want to learn?

ANNE S.: Everything.

ELIAS: Ah, the secrets of the universe! Ha ha ha ha ha! (To Marlies) And you?

MARLIES: I want to go to the toilet. (Laughter)


Now; I shall be acknowledging of this as a fine example of paying attention to what you want in this moment and also engaging conversation with myself, for you are paying attention to what you are actually engaging in this moment. It may appear quite simplistic, but in actuality how very often do you dismiss what you want in the moment for you are engaging an interaction outside of yourself?

You want to engage a bodily function now. But how often may you be presenting such a simple example to yourself and not act upon that want dependent upon the situation? You do not wish to be rude; you do not wish to miss a word. Therefore, you shall dismiss your want and override that for there is another want that is being expressed that you want to be listening to the interaction. But you may incorporate both, for you may express to myself, ‘Elias, I want to engage the bathroom,’ and this is not a question. You are not inquiring of my permission, for you need not my permission.

MARLIES: But the other persons then have to wait.

ELIAS: (Humorously) Ah! Therefore you are creating their reality also, and you are all victims now!

MARLIES: Of me! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Yes! (Humorously) How immensely powerful you are! (Chuckles)

ANNE M.: Well, she could go to the loo and ask you, for instance, ‘Do you mind stopping for a moment while I go to the loo?’ And I could easily say, ‘Actually, she can go to the loo but I want to continue to listen, so can you please continue to talk?’ So at that point I guess you would say, ‘I’ll do whatever I want to do’? Is that the case?

ELIAS: Correct, but the point is what YOU want to do. The point is listening to yourselves and not being directed by other individuals’ choices, but cooperating with each other even if you do not agree. Cooperation does not require agreement. You may cooperate with each other and not necessarily agree. It is the acceptance of difference.

As an example, you may be engaging conversation with another individual and perhaps each of you incorporate very different opinions.

Now; your opinions are reflections of your preferences, and your preferences once again are preferred beliefs.

Now; you may incorporate one opinion and the other individual incorporates another opinion, and in your assessment these two opinions may appear quite polarized or, in your assessment, quite opposite.

Now; you may continue to engage conversation without conflict – which how often do you create that? Not very, I may express! – you may without conflict continue to engage your conversation and your discussion, and not agree with each other and accept each other’s differences, and experience within yourself no push to be comparing, to be attempting to convince, to be overriding the other individual, to be dismissing the other individual. And do not confuse acceptance for dismissal, which is quite commonly expressed: ‘Oh, I accept what you are expressing, but I view the situation differently,’ and you dismiss them. ‘You may think what you think, and you may express what you express and I shall express what I express, and we shall agree to disagree,’ and you deceive yourselves into thinking that this is acceptance, and it is not.

Acceptance is a genuine lack of judgment. For in your expression of ‘you may think what you think and I may think what I think, and we shall agree to disagree,’ you are continuing to view your opinion as right and their opinion as wrong, but you are agreeing not to argue. You are agreeing not to challenge each other.

You are agreeing not to engage conflict, but you continue to hold to your judgment that the other individual continues to be wrong and you continue to be right, and it would be lovely if the other individual would change their opinion (laughter), and therefore you may discuss in harmony and you shall avoid conflict naturally and easily, rather than disengaging the conversation with this twinge continuing within you and your concentration continuing on the conversation as you depart and thinking, ‘That lunatic! How may they view in this manner? Ridiculous! They are obviously not informed.’ (Laughter) ‘This individual is an idiot, or they are obviously uneducated or merely stupid.’

(Ironically) No judgments in this! (Laughter) Abounding with acceptance, are we? For these are your truths and truths are absolute, but there is little freedom in your truths.

Freedom is expressed in recognizing what your truths are and daring to expand your awareness and risk that you are not right – but you are also not wrong. They are merely your truths, and it is unnecessary to compare or to convince, for in both you discount yourselves and you discount the other individual also.

Comparison is a dangerous game, and it always discounts yourself. Even if you are comparing and elevating yourself, that you compare yourself to another individual and you deem yourself to be better than the other individual in your comparison, you are discounting yourself in that also. For what do you experience if another individual elevates you above themself in comparison? Does this...

BALBINA: It is disagreeable.

ELIAS: Correct. Are you accepting of that or are you automatically receding from that type of expression? For you automatically feel within you that this is a discounting of yourself for it is a discounting of themselves, and your truth is to be equal – which is another truth that is not true, for you are perhaps equal that you are all consciousness, but you are also all unique.

You equate equality with sameness, and you are not the same. You are all different; you are each unique. Therefore, in your terms, you are not equal. You are not the same.

BALBINA: But the same value.

ELIAS: Do you value the same? No.

BALBINA: No, if each person or focus is the same value, we would say we are equal.

ELIAS: You are all consciousness. ‘Value’ is not necessarily associated with consciousness. That is associated with perception, and perception is an objective expression. Perception is associated with objective realities. There are many areas of consciousness that incorporate no objective expression, for they are not physical. They are subjective.

‘Worth’ is an inherent expression within consciousness.

BALBINA: Yes, and that was ... okay.

ELIAS: ‘Value’ is an individual expression associated with your preferences, and even with what you deem not to be your preferences – but they may be your preferences. They may merely be another angle of your preferences. For you view the word of ‘preference’ to be positive and you view the word of ‘value’ to be positive. Preference and value are neither positive or negative. They are neutral, and they incorporate both.

At times you view suffering to be of value, which is not in your assessment positive. At times, you view struggle to be of value. You even view pain to be of value at times. Therefore, once again, no absolutes. For if value is positive then pain is positive, for pain is valued at times.

If value is positive then struggle is positive, for you value struggle also. If you work hard you shall reap your rewards and they shall be more valuable, for you have incorporated struggle to attain. If you incorporate no struggle to attain, if it is easy to attain, the value is less.

Money as a truth: if you incorporate hard work and struggle, and you acquire – for you do not create – if you acquire great amounts of money, you shall incorporate a pride within yourself and you shall value that money, for you have incorporated struggle to attain it.

If you acquire great amounts of money unexpectedly from an objectively unknown source, and it merely appears and it is now belonging to you, it is not valued as much. You may be excited and you may be pleased that you have received this, and you may incorporate many plans of how you may be incorporating the dispensing of this money, but you shall not value it as much as if you are incorporating work to attain it. This is another one of your truths, and how limiting is this?

And I may express to each of you, in this moment I would be hard pressed to express that ANY individual within this room wants to be struggling and working to attain great amounts of money. Each of you wish to be incorporating great amounts of money that you shall be incorporating your freedom – another truth, note. If you incorporate great amounts of money you also shall afford yourself freedom – not true, but a truth. But in this, how many of you wish in this moment that you may incorporate any action that you wish and that money shall flow and flow to you, and you may incorporate no effort? Perhaps all? (Chuckles)

Now; I may express to you, this is quite possible, but your beliefs are quite strong.

ANNE M.: That’s what I was going to say. The beliefs are so strong that it is very difficult to alter those beliefs from the way that we are at the moment.

ELIAS: Correct, but this is also the point. You have not quite yet grasped this concept that you are not actually altering beliefs. You are not changing them, you are not altering them, you are not eliminating them.

ANNE M.: How about exchanging them?

ELIAS: You may exchange, but it is not quite an exchange either. It is a movement of attention. For in ‘exchange’ there is the implication that you change one for another, therefore the former is discarded.

ANNE M.: Yes, you don’t quite know what to do with it.

ELIAS: But this is the point, it is not discarded. It may even continue to be expressed, but you choose how it shall be expressed, and this IS the point.

This is the point of recognizing what your truths are, that you may identify all of the influences of your truths, for they each incorporate what you term to be positive and negative. Each of your truths incorporates some element of preference, but it also incorporates limitations and judgments. In knowing your truths objectively, you begin to genuinely express, exercise and experience your freedom, for you allow yourself to choose how you shall be expressing that truth.

... Loss is the common factor in the expression of sadness: loss of choice, loss of possession, loss of interactions, loss of perceived possessions, loss of action. Loss is the common factor in association with sadness, and this is the reason that you experience sadness in degrees, for you experience degrees of loss. Some loss is more intense than other loss, dependent upon your expression of value in association with that loss.

Now; if you are experiencing some action that triggers an association of loss with you, and you generate the feeling, the signal, of sadness, if you move another step rather than being fixed upon the feeling...

Now; as an aside, I shall express to you, this is not to say to ignore the feeling. I am not expressing to you to dismiss the feeling or to not express the feeling, for that defeats the purpose also. But in acknowledgment of the feeling, which is the signal, and identifying ‘I am feeling sad,’ now you move into your evaluation. What is generating this sadness?

Now we move to what I expressed to you – which I am aware of your energy was questioning in conjunction with many others – remove the outside source, for your automatic response to yourself is, ‘I am sad for this has occurred.’ No, it is not cause and effect. You are not sad for this outside action has occurred. You are offering yourself a signal.

Now; what is generating that signal? You may identify generally, as we are right now: ‘The signal is being generated for I am experiencing loss.’ Very well, this is not offering you much information, is it? It is merely identifying what you are experiencing. What is influencing that? What belief is influencing that?

Loss is not always influenced by the same belief. There are many different types of loss, and in those different types of loss there are different beliefs that influence that expression. Therefore, once you have identified that you are expressing loss within yourself, what is influencing that? What is motivating that expression?

Now you begin to evaluate: ‘What is the belief that is influencing that expression?’ Now you are becoming more specific, and in that specificness you begin to allow yourself to question not merely the influence, but is this influence true? For perhaps in some situations you may evaluate yes, it is true; but perhaps in your evaluation you may express to yourselves it is not true. In that moment, the signal entirely dissipates for you have received the message.

Now; even if you deem the influence to be true, you may also continue your evaluation and express the questioning to yourselves what are your choices in this situation, for you always incorporate choices – not to fix it, for it needs not to be fixed, but what are your choices in that moment? And perhaps your choice may be merely to accept that this is one of your truths. Yes, you recognize that it may not be an absolute but within yourself it is, in this moment, and your choice is to feel sad.

For in certain situations you do generate absolutes – death. You may intellectualize over and over this concept that death is not an absolute, that death is not an end, that you continue, that other individuals continue, but the fact remains – and this is an interesting term, ‘fact’ (grinning), for facts are not absolutes and they change – but in your assessment the fact remains that in the moment death has occurred you are separated from whatever has died and it shall not return. Therefore it is one of your truths, for it has become an absolute.

But you also, even in death, incorporate choice, for you choose how to direct your energy. You choose. Shall you direct your energy in allowing yourself the natural expression of your energy, for in the moment this is what you want to feel? Or are you forcing your expression, for you SHOULD feel? And if you do not feel, what is your choice? To force yourself to feel, or to allow yourself your natural expression, (humorously) which may be quite bad!

PATRICK: But then one shouldn’t really feel compassion.

ELIAS: Ah. Compassion is different. What is compassion? I understand what your definition of compassion is. What?

PATRICK: My definition?


PATRICK: It affects you to feel sorry for someone else.

ELIAS: Pity. And why shall you pity?

PATRICK: Because I don’t necessarily see that a person has chosen to end up in the mess, if you like, that the person is in.

ELIAS: Ah, but this is the point. They have!

PATRICK: That’s why I’m throwing it back at you... (Laughter)

ELIAS: Each of you create all of your reality, every experience. You do not believe this, but it does not matter whether you believe or do not believe, it is!

This is the reason that I am engaging this discussion with you concerning truths. Because truths, it matters not whether you believe or you do not believe, you express them, and in this you each create your reality whether you believe that you create it or not.” [session 1398, July 19, 2003]

ELIAS: (Chuckles) “This day I shall be engaging all of you with your questions. For I am aware that many of you are experiencing challenges with this new wave in consciousness, and therefore I have chosen to allow you to present your questions rather than engaging a dissertation within this session. Therefore, YOU may conduct the forum.

SUE: Which wave in consciousness are we in?

ELIAS: Addressing to the belief system of truth.

NAOMI: Elias, this is Naomi. Elena asked me to ask you a question. She perceives that there is a lot of vindictiveness within the current situation in the world and in our country. Can you comment on that? Is that what is really happening, and if it is, why?

ELIAS: This is QUITE associated with this wave. Individuals throughout your world are engaging the action of addressing to truths, individual truths.

Now; addressing to a truth begins in expressing them. Expressing these truths generates conflict, for there is little or no acceptance of differences in association with truths. Truths are truths, they may not be compromised, and in this they are not questioned. They ARE and therefore they are absolute, and if there is a difference it must be wrong.

This is what is being expressed throughout your world, individuals expressing their truths and generating tremendous conflict in the differences of these truths. But this is an initial step. You cannot address to a truth if you do not recognize it, if you do not identify it; and how you identify it is to present yourself with a difference, another truth – another individual’s truth, another culture’s truth. That emphasizes your own truth, for it sparks your lack of tolerance or acceptance in association with difference. This is the reason that it is significant and important to be paying attention.

Now; let me also express to you all, within this wave in consciousness addressing to this belief system of truth, it is significant that each of you recognize and pay attention to the type of energy that you each are expressing outwardly in association with your own truths, for that either contributes to the perpetuation of the conflict or it contributes to the dissipation of the conflict. Regardless of whether you view yourselves to be individually involved directly with any expression of conflict within your world or not, your energy is affecting.

Many individuals express opinions of negativity in association with mass decisions that are being expressed presently with governments, but what they are not paying attention to is that they themselves may be expressing a contribution to the very expressions that they dislike in their own energy, regardless of their opinions. You may disagree with many of the choices that governments are engaging presently, but look to yourselves also and pay attention to what type of energy you are expressing in each of your days, and whether you are expressing a lack of acceptance in differences and whether you are expressing protection in your own energies, whether you are generating comparisons, what your perception is of equality – and that is tricky.

Equality is a dangerous area, for you view yourselves to be quite noble and good if your opinion is that every individual should be equal. But if you encounter another individual that is expressing differently, you immediately move into judgment that any expression outside of equality is bad. Therefore the subject of equality is equally as narrow as any other expression, for it only allows for one expression of sameness and no difference. Difference is what is generating the conflict now and the lack of acceptance of differences, for the differences are the truths and the absolutes.

(To the group) What absolutes do you incorporate? You are exempt, Zacharie [Rodney]. We have already discussed your truths! (Laughing)

RODNEY: Thank you! (Group laughter)

ELIAS: What do you identify as your own truths?

KC: Elias, this is KC. Could we just take a small local truth of mine?

ELIAS: Very well.

KC: Expressway noise – the expressway is very close to my house, and when I moved into the house I don’t remember hearing the expressway noise. Then a few years ago, I’m getting tenser and more tense and more tense, and finally ... I wasn’t really noticing what it was, and then I noticed this whine. You probably heard it at this hotel. The expressway is right here, and I live right around the corner.

So I go over what I know about creating my reality. Therefore, I am creating the entire expressway, the cement, the tires, the cars, the people driving the cars, the location of my house, the distance, the wind, the median strip that’s cement – which, of course, is what I blame on the sound. (Laughs) So I’ve been trying to think, okay, my attention lies in the trust of this truth that when the cars go by they are going to generate this noise and the wind’s going to carry it to my house and I’m going to hear it; but now I don’t know how to move my attention if I want to create that differently. Is that an example of a truth?


KC: Because that’s an absolute to me.

ELIAS: Yes, and this is not what you qualify as small.

KC: No, it’s not to me!

ELIAS: For none of your truths are small. (Laughter) They are absolutes and they are challenging.

Now; remember, you are not eliminating beliefs, and this is also one of your snares, for you automatically move into an association of eliminating. You do not allow yourselves the objective understanding that you may continue to express a belief and not be affected, or that you may continue to express a belief but choose how you manipulate your energy and how you create what you want, continuing to express the belief.

Now; this is an example, for this is an absolute with you, that the sound is generated by the vehicles and it is close to your dwelling and therefore you hear it. You may continue to incorporate that information and that belief as an expressed belief that the vehicles generate sound and the vehicles in relation to pavement generate sound and the larger the vehicle the larger the sound; you may continue to hold that belief and move your attention.

Practice distraction. I have expressed this many times and I shall reiterate once again, distraction is one of your greatest tools and it is efficient. You continue to be expressing the tension, for where is your attention? Upon the sound.

KC: Upon the vibrations of the sound, yes.

ELIAS: Correct! And as you continue to concentrate upon that vibration, you continue to perpetuate it.

Now; in distraction, you automatically interrupt your attention and you automatically move your attention. This is the reason that this is one of your greatest tools, for it is easy and it requires little effort and no thought. You need no method and you need no plan to distract yourself. You may incorporate a myriad of actions to be distracting of yourself.

Now; in the distraction, notice how your attention moves and the sound disappears.

KC: All I have to do is be talking to somebody else and paying attention to the conversation and it always goes right away, and I notice that. But when I notice that, I move my attention right back to the noise and I say, ‘Oh, yes, it’s still there.’ (Laughter, and Elias grins) I haven’t done anything, because it’s still there.

ELIAS: Ah! Now; this is significant also, for this is an expression that you all incorporate, of generating an actual change in your perception and changing your reality, [then] reincorporating the previous annoyance and discounting yourselves and expressing to yourselves that you have not accomplished anything – but you have. You have moved your attention, you have created differently, but you do not allow yourselves to acknowledge that, and therefore you return to the familiar.

RODNEY: ... In attempting to focus attention on myself ... you gave all of those examples prior to the break, and I can understand that if the distraction is something that’s going to happen next week or something that happened last week, but you gave the example of “I have to go to the bathroom; I hope this ends quickly.” Well, when I pay attention to self I become very aware of all of my physical feelings and sensations, almost like an exercise in clarity, and I may be aware that I have to relieve myself. Is that ... am I missing the point here? I mean, when I focus my attention on self, I’m confronted with my body, my physicalness. I try to go beyond that or open to what’s beyond that, but I’m not sure of how successful I’m being.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

RODNEY: So is it the physicalness of my body, is that something I need to go beyond in focusing on self?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, for that is merely one element of you. You may be paying attention to physical sensations, but what are you actually communicating to yourself?

RODNEY: (Laughs) Just it’s those physical sensations.

ELIAS: And what are you actually doing?

RODNEY: Not much.

ELIAS: And what energy are you projecting?

RODNEY: I haven’t been in touch with it enough to even think of answering that question.

ELIAS: (Nodding vigorously in agreement) Correct – that’s the point, being aware of what type of energy you are expressing. For you are continuously expressing energy, but what type of energy are you expressing?

RODNEY: Well, I could move my attention – and I do – as to how I’m feeling. That would be moving more in the direction that you’re talking about, correct?

ELIAS: In the example of moving your attention to relieving yourself and the physical sensation, you may be in that moment expressing an energy of anxiousness or frustration and tension for you are focusing upon an anticipation. That example was purposeful, to illustrate how you are not aware of what type of energy you are projecting and the significance of knowing what type of energy you are projecting continuously.

Prior to that offering of examples I expressed to you all, you concern yourselves with your viewing of your cultures and your governments and your disagreement with what they may be generating collectively, but you are unaware of the similarity of energy that each of you are expressing also, which is a contribution to the collective, to the mass.

RODNEY: So when I write a letter to my congressman telling him that I don’t approve of dah-dah-dah or that I would vote for something else, there’s a really good chance that I would be contributing to the same energy?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.


ELIAS: It is dependent upon what energy you are expressing in your own choices, in your own actions. Are you expressing an energy of suspicion? Are you expressing an energy of anxiousness? Are you expressing an energy of protection? Are you expressing an energy of lack? Are you expressing an energy that you need to acquire?

What is the mass creating, and how are you aligning with it? There can be no mass without individuals.

RODNEY: One of the exercises that I do – because I do listen to or at least I try to feed myself with the most accurate description of what’s happening in the world, which is one reason I don’t own a television set – and one of the things I make an effort to do is to see what’s happening as a movement in this shift. I look for the shift in a change of what’s happening, as in Iraq. It’s such a tremendous crosscurrent at the moment of a whole lot of probabilities taking shape and taking form. Without saying one is right and one is wrong, I simply view it as, “Wow, look at this volcano, if you will, of probabilities coming to the surface. I wonder what the results are going to be?” And that kind of takes me away from, in my view – and that’s the reason I’m explaining this – it kind of takes me away from placing a judgment, or at least a lesser judgment, and simply kind of being fascinated by what is actually happening there.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

RODNEY: Is this more of lending energy to an ease...


RODNEY: ...or am I tricking myself?

ELIAS: No, but it is significant that you are aware and that you evaluate what you are actually expressing. In your example with your letter to your congressman, it is dependent upon what you are actually expressing what you shall be offering energy to. If you are aware that you are expressing your opinion and that it is relevant to you, but you are also aware that you are not judging that individual in what they are choosing, you are merely stating that it is not your preference but that the other individual is not wrong...

RODNEY: I recently wrote a letter, an email, to my congressman stating that I personally disapprove of reinforcement of the so-called Patriot Act and would rather see it dismembered than to see it increase the power of the federal government. That’s kind of the way I put it, I would disapprove of more spying on our citizens, et cetera. Am I lending energy here?


RODNEY: To what, to which side? I’m actually trying to protect myself, aren’t I? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Yes, and you are expressing in the disapproval that what is being expressed by other individuals is wrong. You may disagree and not express a judgment. It is not necessary for you to agree to cooperate.

RODNEY: So if I simply state and truly see myself, I disagree with the necessity of the Patriot Act as a method of increasing our security, if I really feel that and say that, then I am not...

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: ...I’m safe, so to speak. (Laughter) Forgive me for the use of the words here. But I am not lending to the conflict, I am lending energy to the ease.

ELIAS: Correct. There are fine lines, and it is important to be paying attention, for in those fine lines it may be confusing to recognize what you are actually offering energy to in your expression, which you define in evaluating your motivation and your judgments.

You may define your judgments, in actuality, quite simply. If you view another expression that is different from your own choices or your own preferences as wrong, you are expressing energy in the direction of perpetuating what you do not want, for you are expressing the same as the masses that are generating choices that you disagree with. They are generating judgments and absolutes; you are also. Yours are merely different, and you believe yours to be right and theirs to be wrong. They believe theirs to be right and yours to be wrong.

RODNEY: I recognize that.

ELIAS: For there are no absolute rights and wrongs, there are merely different perceptions and different expressed beliefs. And the more that you generate expressions of these judgments of what is absolutely right and what is absolutely wrong, the more you perpetuate the conflict and you offer energy to the collective, to the mass, and this is what is generated. You may each sit with yourselves and express quite righteously that you are not participating, for you view these actions to be wrong – and you are participating! (Laughter)

LORRAINE: How many of us are not participating? Is there anybody on the planet who is not participating in that kind of a way?

ELIAS: Yes, there are many.

LORRAINE: Are they aboriginal and bushmen?

ELIAS: No. There are many within this culture, and there are many within this forum, and there are many more of you that are striving to that! (Laughter) You are accomplishing and you are paying more attention, but remember it is the process that is significant, not the finish line.

NAOMI: This is Naomi. Would that be more indicative of people with intermediate orientation, who are not involved in the mass?

ELIAS: No! (Chuckling and shaking his head; laughter) It is an individual expression, and any one orientation is no more inclined to be expressing acceptance than any other orientation.” (Chuckles) [session 1447, September 27, 2003]

ELIAS: (Chuckles) “Now; this day YOU shall be interactive with myself, rather than vice versa, and you shall be offering myself information concerning YOUR movements. As you are aware, you are all participating in the wave addressing to truths; and I am aware that you are ALL engaging your own individual truths and to some extent each of you are presenting to yourselves your challenges in association with your individual truths.

Therefore we shall be discussing your truths, and perhaps we shall be discussing how to be reconfiguring energy and how to direct your attention that you may accomplish redirecting and reconfiguring energy that you project, and therefore affect your reality in whatever you may be engaging in any particular situation. But first we shall engage identifying your movements and your truths.

Now; which individual shall volunteer first? (Nervous laughter and a slight pause) Ha ha ha!

LETTY: ... My movement right now is being part of the drama and the trauma at our work place. Cindel’s here – she’s a witness! (Elias chuckles) We continue to have problems or create problems of finding people to work with. We have a lot of conflict with people, starting with Bruce [Adriana]. I know she mirrors a lot of what we feel, the truth of the righteousness of work and human resources and trying to find people but they don’t pass background checks, and it’s gotten to be big. I do recognize how we see it in our truths and the matter of accepting people or the differences. It’s hard to accept.

ELIAS: Difference is a very STRONG challenge, which within this particular wave is being addressed quite strongly, and individuals are experiencing considerable frustration and conflict and confusion in association with attempting to be accepting of difference.

But before you may be accepting of difference, it is important to identify within yourself what your difference is and identify what your truth is in association with your difference, and therefore allow yourself to recognize that your truth is YOUR truth, but it is not true.

It is quite easily recognized what the difference is of other individuals. You automatically immediately recognize other individuals’ difference; but that is the point that you stop and you do not turn your attention to yourself to identify what your difference is and how that associates to your truth.

Now; you present the scenario of recognizing Bruce’s [Adriana’s] difference. What is your difference to Bruce [Adriana]? How is your perception different?

LETTY: Well, in the sense that I try to be more open to accepting people to work in our institution that’s very strict to get into, without having to have that very exaggerated background check, where if they have one bad credit or one ticket they’re scratched off. I know that she looks at paper and I look at a person, and that’s a big difference.


Now; in this scenario, identify what you are recognizing specifically is the difference.

LETTY: I’m not sure. You mean, the difference that I see of myself?


LETTY: Well, that I’m right and she’s wrong. (Laughter)

ELIAS: Partially, which is significant, and this is a significant example. For this is a situation that you all engage in some manner or another, and this is the reason that it is important to evaluate.

You view the behavior and the perception of the other individual to be rigid and too meticulous and impersonal.

Now; as you view those behaviors and perception of the other individual, you automatically generate a comparison with yourself that you are more flexible, that you are more allowing, that you are more personable; and in that, you automatically deem your perception and your expression to be better and therefore justify, and in the justification is the judgment, and this is the obstacle that prevents the acceptance of the difference, for there is no question of YOUR perception and of YOUR beliefs and your expressions. This is a truth; it is unquestioned. It is better to be more allowing; it is better to be more flexible; it is better to be more personable. And as you justify without questioning your own truths, you automatically express the judgment of the other individual in their difference.

But as you turn your attention to yourself and you question your truth and you acknowledge it, that this is your truth and therefore this is also associated with your preference, you begin to recognize that the other individual in their difference is not wrong, they are not bad. They are different, and their perception of difference is mirroring the same.

Bruce’s [Adriana’s] perception of rigidity and of preciseness and of paperwork is...

LETTY: Hers.

ELIAS: Yes. And in that you are viewed as wrong, as being too lax and not conscientious enough.

Now you view both perceptions, and you do not necessarily incorporate agreement, for you continue with your perception and your preferences and she continues with her preferences; but in recognizing that your truth is not an absolute, you may allow yourself to move into cooperation. For you no longer incorporate the need to justify and therefore you also do not judge, and that opens an avenue for cooperation. Without noticing and evaluating your own perception, your own truths, that door remains closed and there is no acceptance and there is conflict.

Who may offer another scenario of a truth that generates conflict in interaction with other individuals, or what you are moving in presently and what you are directing presently?

KRIS: I have one. I’m new to this; I’ve never been here before.

ELIAS: Welcome.

KRIS: Thank you. I’m practicing creating my own reality and going along with what you just talked about, and being able to go back into myself and figure out where my judgments are. I can kind of catch myself doing that more and more, but what I can’t do is my body consciousness. I keep seeming to bring up different illness and different little things, and I don’t know what that’s about or what that has to do ... I guess it has to do with the overall picture of creating your reality not only outwardly but inwardly? Do you know what I mean?


KRIS: So that’s my struggle.

ELIAS: Therefore one of your truths is that you may create outwardly but you do not necessarily control or create what occurs inwardly. This is another very strongly expressed truth with many, many, many individuals: what is generated inwardly is created by some other source, the subjective awareness, which is obviously the enemy for it creates havoc in many different directions that you do not expect and you do not understand and you quite do not want!

This is not true. But it is a truth, for you have generated it into an absolute that may be associated with your body consciousness and what is generated in physical manifestations. It may be associated with anxieties; it may be associated with different actions that you engage that you surprise yourself and you question yourself, ‘WHY have I engaged THAT action? Ah yes, that subjective force is driving me once again, that unconscious element that I have no control over and is quite hidden from me.’ An absolute, but not true. This is a matter of attention and being aware.

Many individuals struggle, for what they generate physically they also associate automatically as an attack. In a manner of speaking, it is, in your perceptions, the reverse of what you project outwardly.

You project outwardly into your world, so to speak, and you view yourselves creating physically outside of yourself, but there are elements of your world that are unseen and penetrate inwardly to you and attack you and therefore generate physical manifestations. This is not true, but it is quite strongly held as an absolute. No element outside of yourself attacks you, and no element outside of yourself penetrates you, unless you allow it. But what is it that may penetrate you that you allow? A thing? No. A germ? No. A virus? No.

What may penetrate through your energy field is energy of another individual, but that is not an actual manifestation. It is energy, it is a movement, and that is automatically immediately configured into a manifestation. Any physical element that you perceive to be outside of your physical body, outside of yourself, is in actuality part of you. Therefore it cannot penetrate, for it already is.

In the moments in which you generate physical manifestations, you are generating a communication from your subjective awareness in an action, for this is how the subjective awareness communicates to the objective awareness. I shall repeat, the subjective awareness and the objective awareness are in harmony, with very RARE exceptions. As there are no absolutes there are some very rare exceptions, but I may emphasize this is very rare. Generally speaking, the objective awareness and the subjective awareness are continuously in harmony. Therefore, what one is generating in action the other is also. They merely generate them in different manners.

Objective generates in imagery, which is abstract; subjective generates in action, which associates with one subject. The objective mirrors that one subject in many, many, many different manners, for it is abstract. Therefore, one action of the subjective may be mirrored in hundreds of actions in the objective.

But the point is that if you are generating a physical manifestation within your body consciousness, as the subjective awareness directs the body consciousness it is a communication to the objective awareness offering you information, in similar manner to emotions which are also a communication. Your signal is the feeling.

Your signal with the physical manifestation is the feeling also. You generate pain or uncomfortableness or an annoyance, and this is your signal that you are offering yourself a message, and this is all being generated within you.

Now; the manner in which you interpret what the communication is is to pay attention to what you are doing, which is challenging for you are not accustomed to actually paying attention to what you are doing. You are very accustomed to paying attention to what you are thinking, but you are not accustomed to paying attention to what you are DOING, and what you are doing may be quite different from what you are thinking.

As you begin to pay attention to what you are actually doing and what energy you are actually expressing, this offers you information as to what you are creating in your physical manifestation, and in actuality they are less complicated and difficult to identify than you think. It is merely a matter of genuinely paying attention.

As an example in this group, if you are an individual that generates a physical manifestation of asthma, what are you doing? You are generating a constriction of your breath. What is that signal? What are you also constricting in what you are doing, in your energy, in that time framework or surrounding time frameworks? How are you blocking and not allowing a free flow of energy?

As you begin to listen to your communications and evaluate what you are doing in the abstract – which is the objective, which is your waking actions – you begin to recognize and notice what actions you are actually incorporating in association with that signal.

But the key is remembering and knowing that you are creating that, that you have CHOSEN that action for it is an efficient signal and you are paying attention to it.

SHARON: “... So I have a question, Elias. Back when we weren’t so well informed and knowledgeable, why did it seem to be so much easier?

FRAN: Why has everything gone to hell in a hand-basket? (Laughter)

ELIAS: For you have not quite generated an understanding of how incorporating your own responsibility offers you freedom. That is the key. You are correct, your perceptions – many of you – you view your reality now to be much more difficult, for you incorporate no other individual to blame. (Laughter)

But the key is not concerning blame, but that is the familiar and automatic response. Therefore now you blame yourself rather than other individuals; although at times you continue to blame other individuals also, but less so. You have merely turned the action from blaming other individuals to blaming yourself, which is not the point. This is not an offering of freedom. It is an offering of more struggle.

Now; as you continue and you move these concepts from intellectual understandings into experiential knowing and reality by allowing yourself to EXPERIENCE the actions of these concepts, you move into a genuine expression of recognizing your responsibility to yourself and how, in that responsibility to yourself, this is not bad. It is not blame-worthy, it is an acknowledgment and it allows you freedom. For if you are genuinely expressing that responsibility to yourself, you shall never be a victim and there is no need for blame, for you are choosing and you know genuinely that you are choosing.

Presently you incorporate enough information to be moving in that direction, but you have not quite accomplished yet. You are moving more, all of you, into acceptance in different expressions and you do express acceptance at times of different beliefs, and in some situations you are moving into expressions of genuine acceptance on-going, continuing to be accepting of different beliefs, and therefore altering your perceptions and altering your reality and genuinely generating more of an ease in some directions.

But I may express to you repeatedly over and over how tremendously challenging it is to move into the unfamiliar, and this is received intellectually. You view yourselves differently, for you incorporate the knowledge intellectually and therefore you also automatically express that you know. But knowing and intellectually understanding are different. You express to yourselves and to each other, ‘I KNOW this,’ but you generate actions that contradict that, and in generating the actions you also generate the automatic response of blame.

But now you incorporate information KNOWING, not merely intellectually understanding, but knowing that other individuals are not to blame but not knowing how to turn that blame and generate it into a different expression and reconfigure your own energy and generate a different perception in which you accept what you have created. And even if it is uncomfortable, or even if it is unsettling, or even if it is some action that you deem to be distasteful or that you do not like, you may recognize that this has been your choice and that you are not to blame, either; that in the moment this was your choice and it was purposeful, regardless of whether it was comfortable. But what is familiar is to continuously strive for utopia. And you do not genuinely recognize in a knowing yet, although perhaps at times.

SHARON: I get a little lost. (Laughs)

ELIAS: But not continuously, and in that you do not continuously recognize that beneficial is not always comfortable and that value is not always expressed in comfort or in what you deem to be positive.

As we have discussed previously in questioning what you value, your automatic responses, all of you, initially express all positive associations. No individual automatically expresses, ‘I value pain. I value heartache. I value uncomfortableness.’ No. These are expressions that you automatically attempt to eliminate, and you do not recognize that you do incorporate value in them also, and if you did not, you would not create them, and you do.

This is another truth that is being strongly addressed to, and many, many, many individuals are incorporating frustration and difficulty and challenge and conflict with it, that of eliminating. You all express to yourselves intellectually that you understand that you are not eliminating. But in paying attention to what you do, you shall recognize that you are continuing to attempt to eliminate in some area, and this presents conflict for you cannot. You can if you choose to disengage, which is also a choice. But if you choose to continue in participation in this physical reality, it is the blueprint and you cannot eliminate.

Therefore this presents a conflict for it is an automatic response, and I shall express once again in reiteration, automatic responses are precisely that, automatic. You do not notice them for they require no thought. You are becoming much more accomplished at recognizing some of your automatic responses, which is to be acknowledged; but this is not to say that you do not continue to express them, for you do. And this is not bad, but it is limiting.

You may continue to express automatic responses once you identify what they are, for they may be your choice. You may prefer some of your automatic responses, and that is your choice also.

But the point in our discussions is that you request information to allow yourselves more freedom and less conflict and more of an ease in your movements and in your manifestations, and therefore we discuss and we identify.

And I shall express to you all one very important point before we break. In all of this identifying and discussing, the one expression that I may offer to you each now, as I have previously but in more strength now, is to genuinely allow yourselves not to discount yourselves if you fall short of what you perceive to be the best. Every action you incorporate is purposeful, and there is no necessity to discount yourself or to devalue yourselves merely that you have not attained the measure that you expect of yourselves.

FRAN: ... Elias, can I ask a question that is off the subject that we were on? It has to do with the fact that this whole session was sort of in a state of flux. A lot of people dropped out of it, and at the last minute the dog was not allowed in the hotel and we all ended up in this wonderful comfortable place. (8) What was that all about?

ELIAS: Precisely what we have been discussing.

FRAN: It was an example?

ELIAS: Of individual’s truths and how they limit, but also how they may not be limiting.

All of you incorporate your truths, but as you encounter other individuals’ truths you incorporate choices. You may reconfigure and create your scenario regardless of other individuals’ truths, and regardless of other individuals’ rules you may create your own, and it does not prevent you from accomplishing.

HOWARD: Would that apply also to the recent recall election followed by the massive fires? (9) Are they related also? Margot and I had decided there was a connection. One was a tremendous release of energy, followed by an imagery in Mother Earth itself releasing that additional energy, pent up rage, if you will, or emotion.

ELIAS: That was not your earth releasing energy, that is all of you releasing energy which, you are correct, is also associated with this wave. You have been generating quite extremes in this wave in many different manners, all involving power.

STELLA: Are the fires also related to value? Because it seems like people are losing their valuables and stuff, but it’s also looking at the value that we feel within ourselves, what we value.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but more to the point it is associated with power and the powerfulness of energy and how it may be directed in any manner. It may be consuming and it may be quite powerful, and it is your choice how to be directing it, whether to be destructive or whether to be productive.

DEBI: Is it as easy to make that determination by acknowledging that there’s a choice to be made there, or does it just depend on ... you know what I mean? Personally, sometimes I see that I’m doing something along those lines, it can be productive or destructive, or it can be trauma or something else. Sometimes it seems incredibly impossible to grasp what is it I do that makes that choice, makes it go one way or the other. But it seems like sometimes it’s just a matter of realizing there’s a choice, then the choice actualizes.

ELIAS: It is much more simple than you believe it to be.

FRAN: Another truth is that nothing is worth getting unless you have to suffer to get it. It has no value unless you have to suffer for it.

ELIAS: This is quite a strong truth that many, many individuals hold.

But the point of any truth is to recognize that it is not true (laughter), and to recognize that although it may be one of your truths, that there are choices regardless and that you do incorporate the ability to reconfigure energy and to choose what you want rather than being stuck, as you term it to be, in what you do not necessarily want.” [session 1468, November 08, 2003]

ELIAS: “Welcome!

Now; this day we shall be engaging a conversation, a discussion, concerning, initially, distortion.

What is your definition of distortion, and what is the meaning of distortion in your assessment? (Pause)

MARGOT: A representation of an idea that is not representing the material that is trying to be presented, a change in the way the material is presented from even just a slight angle – the meaning of the material, I should say.

ELIAS: And what defines the ‘meaning of the material’?

MARGOT: Well, that goes back to absolutes. Was that the right answer? (Group laughter)

ELIAS: If there is a right answer! (Laughs) This is what is significant.

Each of you incorporates an assessment of what constitutes distortion; but each of you assess that through your own perception, and each of you generates your meaning of distortion in association with your truths.

Now; as we continue to be engaging this wave in consciousness addressing to truths, this is a significant factor to be considering, for this generates many differences, many conflicts, and it is, generally speaking, a common ground for absolutes and truths.

How do you assess the information that I offer to you? For I have expressed to you that I offer this information to you in association with my direction and what you may term to be my agenda in the least amount of distortion, and I have expressed that to you from the onset of this forum. But what does that mean to you, to each of you, and how do you process that information? What is your association with that statement, and what does that influence in association with your beliefs and how you allow your beliefs to influence your actions, your interactions, and your assessments of other information? (Slight pause) This is a question. (Laughter)

PAUL H: Less distortion – this is Paul H, for the record – less distortion is better, so anything that is more distorted, any other information that holds greater distortion is badder or worse.

ELIAS: This is quite accurate.

PAUL H: And if that information is offered by one of the other essence family intents, since you’ve associated that concept with Sumafi intent, then it is badder or worse.

ELIAS: But what is the guideline? The essence family?

WENDY: This is Wendy. When I receive information with less distortion, I sometimes experience it as unfamiliar and a little bit difficult to integrate with my everyday life. I am not Sumafi – but that’s okay – and I have been aware that there is sort of a belief system of Elias that we kind of built up. I don’t think I understand or that I’m familiar enough with information that is not distorted to really make judgments. So I use that, I keep that in mind when I am trying to integrate the information. I’m always wary when I’m judging something as better or worse. That’s about as far as I’ve gotten with it.

ELIAS: Very well.

STEVE: I just had the thought that you used to say that Seth’s material was more distorted than yours. (10) He would say things like you can just affirm to yourself with your thoughts that you want something and create it that way, and you absolutely say that is not correct. Therefore, it must be that distortion means more not true than undistorted material.

ELIAS: Ah! This is the point. This is a general association that all of you in some capacity generate, that if there is distortion in information, it is not true, and undistorted information is more true – which is not true. (Laughter)

For, what is significant that you understand is that regardless of what information is offered to you, regardless of whether I or any other essence may express any information to any of you – and per se perhaps it may be entirely undistorted, which would be another absolute; which there is no entirely undistorted information, for it is all filtered through layers of consciousness and languages and energies and perceptions – and this is the key, that regardless of what information you draw to yourselves – for this is the action that you are engaging; it is not that I am offering information to you – it is that you are drawing this information to yourselves. You each individually engage a choice to interact with myself, and that is an element of your method or your process of offering yourself information. I am merely an avenue of that.

Now; in that offering of information, you each incorporate that information through your own perceptions. Therefore, what is true and what is not true? I am aware that many individuals within this time framework, in association with this wave addressing to truths, are incorporating confusion and difficulty – perhaps not quite conflict with many individuals, although that is being expressed also presently and even trauma. But for many individuals there is an expression of frustration that is occurring, for their truths may conflict with other individuals’ truths, and therefore the right and wrong, the true and untrue, the distorted and undistorted are being much more emphasized, and the questioning of what is right or who is right and what is wrong or who is wrong becomes also much more emphasized.

In this time framework, there is much comparison that is being expressed, and I have expressed to all of you many times, comparison is dangerous for it is an automatic discounting of yourselves and of other individuals. There is no absolute right; there is no absolute wrong. There are many different perceptions of individuals’ preferences and their opinions.

And I may express to you and allow me to emphasize, duplicity is a belief system. It is an element of the design of your reality. It is a belief system. It is not being eliminated in any manner, as none of the belief systems are being eliminated. This is the reason that I have expressed to you all from the onset of this forum that regardless that you are moving in this shift in consciousness and regardless that you are moving into acceptance, you shall continue to incorporate your opinions and your preferences; but you may hold your opinions and your preferences knowing that they are not wrong but also moving into a knowing that they are not absolutely right, either. They are your opinions and your preferences, and in your terms, they are right with you but that does not invalidate the rightness of another individual’s expressions – or not even another individual’s expression but the possibility of an expression.

Individuals generally speaking incorporate their own perception of right behavior. One expression of right behavior is honesty. Each of you incorporates your own definition of honesty and how it should be expressed.

Now; as a truth, you set this into an absolute within your perception, your definition of honesty, and that is the only definition of honesty. Therefore it is not what you merely shall express, although you automatically hold to your own definition of honesty, but more importantly it is your expectation of how other individuals should be behaving and expressing in association with your definition of honesty. In this, you set into motion this cycle of judgment.

Now; you may incorporate your definition of honesty and (Polly, Mary’s little dog, suddenly jumps up and begins growling and racing back and forth across the front of the room between Elias and the participants, which generates some muted comments and amusement from the group) you may incorporate your opinion concerning behavior, concerning right behavior, concerning what is acceptable behavior, and you may express that yourself. (Polly continues to race back and forth, growling) What generates conflict is that you set that for guidelines for other individuals or other expressions of consciousness. (Chuckles, and group laughter) Once again, there are no accidents! Ha ha ha! An example of unacceptable, not right behavior in a particular setting or scenario! (Laughter)

CATHY: Oh, you got that right!

ELIAS: (Humorously) We have once again provided not merely entertainment but an example of what we are speaking of: right behavior and what is expected in that, and how you automatically respond and the automatic judgment that is expressed. Even if you are not translating in thought that you are generating a judgment, if you are experiencing a feeling, a twinge, within you at the display of not right behavior, I may assure you that you are expressing a judgment. You merely have not identified it.

CATHY: I didn’t identify that?!

ELIAS: Yes, you did, Shynla [Cathy]. But how many other individuals presently did not necessarily incorporate a thought of judgment or of identifying uncomfortableness but did experience some twinge? Regardless of whether your twinge was humorous or whether it was uncomfortable, it matters not; for if you experienced a twinge at all, it was a signal.

STELLA: Even if it was amusement?


STELLA: Is that a twinge?


DON: Amusement’s a judgment?

ELIAS: In itself, no. But in reaction to certain behaviors and to certain actions or scenarios, it may be, for many times individuals express in an automatic manner that they assess is more acceptable.

STELLA: So is that what I’m doing?

ELIAS: You already have generated associations in conjunction with this information of what is right and wrong for you to be expressing yourselves. You already express within yourselves your own guidelines that set a tone for what you define as accepting or not accepting. I may express to you that many of you have not quite understood fully what acceptance is; but you generate a concept of acceptance, and you express that within yourself you must be responding in a certain manner or you are not being accepting.

Therefore, you may not necessarily be accepting and you may not necessarily be comfortable with a particular situation or behavior, and in conjunction with how you are interpreting and how you are perceiving this concept of acceptance, you may turn your response automatically from an uncomfortable twinge to a humorous twinge or an amusing twinge, for that is more acceptable. But the reaction occurred.

If the behavior was actually accepted, even incorporating your own opinion and your own preference, if your own truths were addressed to genuinely, the twinge would not occur. It would matter not, for you would understand that your truths are yours and they are applicable to you, and that it matters not that they may not be expressed in others, regardless of what the others are. (Chuckles)

I may assess that it is quite amusing in your physical time framework that each year in this particular forum we seem to incorporate some form of entertainment that is associated with the topic at hand! Ha ha ha ha! Which is not necessarily associated with myself! (11)

KEITH: Elias, can you make the distinction between judgment and a belief system? I’m kind of picking up that judgments are bad, whereas you can’t get away from belief systems but judgments... You’re saying if we’re aware of a belief system then we wouldn’t be judging?

ELIAS: Not necessarily! You may be quite aware of beliefs that you express, beliefs that other individuals express. You may incorporate the ability objectively to be identifying many different beliefs and what belief systems they are associated with, and understand conceptually what is being expressed and that they are beliefs; but beliefs are quite real.

In this, what I am expressing to you is not an eradication of judgment entirely, for that would be an elimination of the belief system of duplicity. The belief system of duplicity intertwines itself with every other belief, and it is an assessment of good and bad, of right and wrong.

Now; what you are moving into in acceptance is not that you shall discontinue to incorporate your individual opinions concerning right and wrong or good and bad, but that they are relative to you and the recognition that they are not absolutes, and this is the key. For what you generate in the judgment that I am speaking of is an expression of absolutes in accordance with these rights and wrongs and goods and bads, that it is not merely applicable to you but that it is an absolute that is expected of what you term to be everyone and everything, that your reality moves in a particular manner and that it must move in a particular manner, that the manifestations in it, the movements in it are absolute and unchangeable, and that it is expressed throughout your universe in a particular manner that is what it is which is outside of you – that there is some reality outside of your reality, an official reality that is not your individual reality but a bigger reality, that is the guiding reality and that is the absolute reality. That is what you are striving to attain, this absolute real reality in which the truth resides, and there is no other reality.

There is the reality that each of you generates, and that is the official reality. That IS the real reality, and no other power is setting its rules or guiding it greater than you. There is no outside manipulation.

Therefore in the appreciation and the value of every individual – for every individual is an expression of essence, of consciousness; every individual is equally as valuable as every other individual; none are more valuable and none are less valuable – and in that, if every individual is unique and valuable and an expression of consciousness, and if every expression of consciousness in that value is worth in equal measure, how may you determine what is absolutely right and what is absolutely wrong, or what is absolutely good and what is absolutely bad?

Not one individual within this forum presently this day incorporates all of their focuses as what you now in this present moment would consider to be moral, good, ethical individuals. Regardless of how right you view yourselves to be now, you all incorporate some scoundrel within your focuses. And why? For you choose to be engaging this physical reality to explore and to experience, and if your purpose is to experience, why shall you not choose a tremendous variety of experiences?

Let me express to each of you – for I remember and am quite pleased with the remembrance! – I may express to each of you that those scoundrels, those knaves, those individuals that you view to be dark and evil are quite colorful, and they perceive themselves to be quite right also and would view you to be quite wrong; for this is what motivates all of you, your rightness in whatever you do. And the scurvy knaves believe themselves to be quite right also and within their rights to be generating whatever choices and actions that they incorporate. They do not view themselves to be scoundrels; they do not view themselves to be wrong. They view all other individuals to be wrong, as many of you do now. ‘It is not I that am wrong – it is the rest of the world!’

The rest of the world is not wrong, either. You merely incorporate differences in your perceptions, and this motivates you in different actions. The significance is to recognize that your rightness in whatever you generate is associated with your truths, and your truths are not wrong but they are YOUR truths, and they are not absolute to your world.

Individuals recently have incorporated discussion with myself concerning the reality of the roundness of your earth or the flatness of your earth and whether your earth actually incorporated this flatness within the time framework in which it was believed to be flat. And I may express to you, in the reality of the mass expression, your world was flat for that is what was generated.

What is real is what you perceive. If you perceive yourself to be sitting within a chair, that is where you are and that is what you are doing and that is real. I may express to you that you are sitting within the air, but your reality is that you are sitting within a chair and it is quite real and it is quite solid and it is supporting you.

And I may express once again, there are tricky areas in this wave in truth, for it is not even necessary for you to believe some expression to incorporate a belief and to express it. You may believe one expression, but what is it that you believe? What you believe is a translation of what you think, and what is it that you think?

Your thinking is an interpretation. Therefore, you may think, which may be at times an expression of what you say you believe, but that may be quite different from what you actually incorporate as a belief that is actually expressed, and this generates tremendous confusion also. For what you view is that you believe one expression – what you think – and you do another. This is the reason that this wave is so very powerful.

It is also significant that we speak of distortions, for regardless of what I express to you, every individual within this room incorporates their own unique perception; therefore, every individual within this room is incorporating their own action of distortion of what I am expressing. Regardless that you incorporate your tape recording, regardless that you incorporate the action of your transcriptions and that you are meticulous in recording each word in what you assess to be perfectness, it matters not. For every individual shall hear differently, for every individual incorporates their own unique perception. Therefore, through that filter you shall each incorporate the information somewhat differently. Now which of you is right? (Paul H raises his hand.) Ah, are you? (Laughter)

PAUL H: (Laughing) I was just being a shill! (Laughter)

LETTY: Elias, I have a question. When you say – oh sorry, Letty/Castille – when you say that we think we understand a belief system and we do something else, like when we’ve talked in the past about things that happened to me or illnesses or whatever, you have mentioned that I aligned with a mass belief and it’s usually a belief that I didn’t know I had. So is that what you mean? Is that what you explained about the thinking process versus the doing, that we think we have one belief system but in action we are doing another belief?

ELIAS: At times, yes. You think as a mechanism of translation.

Now; as I have explained previously, you are translating in association with how you are directing your attention.

Now; many times your thinking is a translation of your ideals: your ideals of yourself, your ideals in association with your beliefs – which they may not necessarily be identifying beliefs, but it is associated with your beliefs – the elements of yourself or your world that are comfortable for you, that you prefer, that you appreciate. You automatically gravitate in thought translations to these ideals. You automatically gravitate to what you assess as good or better or comfortable or pleasurable, and the reason that you generate that automatic action is that you automatically generate an assessment in conjunction with your beliefs moving into the expression of utopia, that the right is good, that the comfortable, that the joyful, is associated with value.

In a physical example, if you hold in one hand a diamond or a ruby and you hold within another hand a mere pebble, which do you assess that you value? If you are inquired of, which of these stones incorporates value? You automatically move to what you term to be the precious stone, the valuable, the shiny, the bright, the reflective. You do not move to the rock for this is common, for there are many, many, many stones that you may discover in any location; they are very common. Therefore, what is less common is more valued. This is an interesting point. The reason that you value the joyfulness is for it is less common.

If you genuinely evaluate your focuses, your hours and days and minutes and months and years, how much of your actual time is experienced in actual joy and excitement, and how much of your actual time is experienced in neutrality or confusion or conflict or uncomfortableness or drama in an association with bad – for many, many, many individuals associate any expression of drama as bad. You generate much more of those expressions, and therefore you create an assessment that what is less commonly expressed is more valuable.

This is again not true, for if you did not value these other expressions of uncomfortableness or of conflict or of frustration, you would not generate them. Many times they are quite motivating. Many times excitement is not necessarily motivating. For uncomfortableness presents a challenge; it is a puzzle and puzzles are a fascination, for you are fascinated with discovering solutions, problems and solutions, and problems and solutions are also good.

PAT: Elias, I have a question – this is Pat B – with a truth, when one is born, when you are a fresh baby and you’re born, are you born with your truths right there? For instance, obviously if you’re hungry or you’re wet or you’re crying, you already have your feeling of what’s good: good to be fed, bad to be starving. If when you’re born, you choose your parents and they agree to that, do you already have your truth out there before you ever actually emerge into this world, or is the truth coming to you from cultural mass beliefs, all those other areas?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, you develop your truths.

PAT: So when you’re born, fresh, you don’t have a truth?

ELIAS: Yes, you do. You do immediately begin to incorporate truths, absolutes, as you have expressed.

PAT: There’s no way out of it! (Laughter)

ELIAS: It is not a question of a way out, my friend. It is a question of recognizing what is and what you have chosen. You are in this reality for you chose to be in this reality. You chose this as an exploration. You chose to be experiencing in a physical manifestation in conjunction with the blueprint of this particular physical reality. There are many, many, many physical realities, and you participate in many of them. This is merely one, and in this one you choose to be participating in conjunction with its blueprint.

PAT: So are you saying that when you’re born you have a little bit of truths, but as you grow you take on more truths?

ELIAS: You develop different truths, and truths change. (12) They are influenced by your preferences, and your preferences are preferred beliefs. In this, as you associate stronger and stronger with particular beliefs and begin to express them in absolutes, they become your truths.

But in response to your statement of ‘there is no way out,’ in a manner of speaking there is. For although you continue to express your truths and you continue to express your beliefs for you continue to be manifest within this reality, you also incorporate the ability and the energy of this shift in consciousness to assist you in a manner of speaking, for collective energy does generate more of an ease in change. You incorporate the ability to widen your awareness to a capacity in which you understand your own truths and you understand that they are not absolutes.

PAT: Does essence have its truth, or only as focuses do we have truths?

ELIAS: Essence is consciousness, and there are some expressions of consciousness that would be considered truths; but those are truths that are not associated with beliefs. A truth that is not associated with beliefs may be translatable in some manner in every area of consciousness, regardless of whether it is physical or non-physical, but they are not associated with what you term to be concepts or ideas.

JON: So let’s say I believe that my thoughts create my reality and Erin doesn’t believe that, she believes she creates her reality by directing her attention and that type of thing. Would you say that either of us is more correct than the other? (Pause)

ELIAS: In your identification, yes; in your action, no. In your accuracy of how you assess how you are creating, your assessment is less accurate; in what you do – for thought does not create your reality – therefore in what you do, automatically, regardless of what you think, you are generating the same action as the other individual. How you view what you are doing, how you understand objectively what you are doing, is less accurate.

PAUL H: Does that also apply to the flat earth versus the spherical earth assessment, so those individuals who think they live on a flat planet do and those individuals who think they live on a spherical planet do? But you said a yes/no to Jon’s question, so would that apply...

ELIAS: Not necessarily. There is a distinction, for this is an assessment of how you are creating your reality, an objective understanding of how you are creating your reality and a questioning of how you are creating your reality. This is not an assessment of how the reality is being created; it is merely being generated and not questioned. Therefore, as I have expressed with you (looking at Jon), yes and no, for you are generating your reality in similar manner, but your assessment of it, your understanding of it, is less accurate.

The actions are the same in your scenario (looking at Paul H). The individuals that are creating the flatness of your planet are generating that reality of the flatness of it. The individuals that are generating the spherical aspect of your planet are creating that.

(Turning back to Jon) You are both creating your reality similarly, but your understanding of how you are creating it may be more or less accurate in how it is actually being created.

(To Paul H) Their realities are being created similarly, and their ideas or their understanding of how they are creating it is also similar.

STEVE: Elias, may I follow up on this question? You’re using the words ‘less accurate’ now. When we started this conversation, I said that Seth says we can successfully create what we want by our thoughts, by just expressing over and over again we want this or that. You have said to us many times that that won’t work, that’s not how it’s done.

Your whole theme here now is there are no absolute truths. Therefore would you say that Seth’s methods may indeed work with a certain individual and that your method may not, and vice versa?


STEVE: So when you say that he’s less accurate in how it actually works, that’s your opinion, that’s your preference, and that is not necessarily going to be some other essence’s opinion or preference.

ELIAS: It is not an opinion and it is not a preference, for I do not incorporate your beliefs and those are associated with beliefs. It is an assessment.

In this, in recognizing that an individual may successfully incorporate an action of suggestibility with themselves – which you all incorporate an element of yourselves of suggestibility – and in the incorporation of that suggestibility, you may engage an action of engaging your own suggestibility, concentrating your attention upon thought. What you may actually be doing is moving your attention to different beliefs, which allows you to generate what you assess as thinking and thusly creating from thought. This shall be your reality. Your understanding objectively of what you are actually doing may be less accurate, but that is not to say that it will not occur.

STEVE: Are you therefore saying that it is an absolute truth that thoughts do not create reality?

ELIAS: It is not an absolute truth, no. But...

STEVE: So in fact they might?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but not in the manner that you are associating with.

Thought is not a thing. Thought is a mechanism. It is an objective mechanism that is incorporated within your physical reality to translate to you in an objective manner communications and choices or actions that you are incorporating in association with your beliefs.

STEVE: In what sense is that not an absolute truth? You seem to be describing it as an absolute truth. ‘That’s the way it works; that’s what the deal is.’

ELIAS: It is a mechanism. But depending on how you manipulate that mechanism and what beliefs you incorporate to work in conjunction with that mechanism, you may be generating evidence that your thoughts precede what you create. What I am expressing to you is...

STEVE: As an absolute truth?


STEVE: Why not?

ELIAS: There are no absolutes.

STEVE: Then there’s a possibility that you’re wrong; is that what you mean by there’s not an absolute truth to that?

ELIAS: It is not a question of right or wrong. This is the point of this discussion. There are no absolute rights or wrongs; it is what YOU create and what you perceive.

STEVE: So I could create a reality for me that my thoughts, not just as a misinterpretation but as in fact, that my thoughts are creating my reality?

ELIAS: You may.

DON: I think I sort of see his point. I wonder also how can you speak of the accuracy of an assessment as being greater or less than?

ELIAS: I am understanding.

What I am expressing to you is in conjunction with what you have chosen. I am not the designer of your reality; you are. In this, I am also not participating physically in manifestation within your reality; you are. You ARE incorporating your beliefs. You ARE incorporating the design. Regardless of whether you MAY change that reality and that you MAY incorporate a different reality and transform the mechanism of thought into a creating mechanism – which you may – it is not an absolute.

You can; will you? That is less likely. Do you presently? No.

STEVE: Nobody? Not even people that are telepathic like Uri Geller or somebody?


STEVE: He bends those spoons!

ELIAS: That is not an action that is incorporated through thought.

Regardless of whether you CAN incorporate an action – you CAN presently in this moment stand and walk and move physically through that wall; it is possible. Will you? In most likelihood, no, for your beliefs are strong and they influence what you create. Can you create through thought if you are reconfiguring the design of thought and its function? Yes.

Therefore, I may not express to you that this is an absolute and that I am expressing to you an absolute truth that you cannot generate reality through thought. But will you, in this time framework in this present manifestation in this now? No. Are you? No.

STEVE: Then how does Uri Gellar bend the spoon? He’s thinking about the spoon being bent. That’s how he would claim he’s doing it.

ELIAS: That is his assessment.

STEVE: Then how does he in fact do it?

ELIAS: In energy, in a concentration in mergence with the object and allowing the energy of himself and the energy of the object to move together and to bend.

STEVE: But the thoughts do instigate it, right?

ELIAS: The thought is a translation simultaneous to the action of what is occurring. That is your confusion.

STEVE: But if he didn’t think about it, the energy wouldn’t be released like that.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: It only happens when he thinks about it; it doesn’t happen when he’s driving down the street!

ELIAS: That is his translation. He is generating the thought within the time framework simultaneously to the action.

Now; if you sit and you think, presently in this moment with a spoon before you, shall you bend it?



STEVE: Negative.

ELIAS: What is the difference? If thought is what is generating the bending of the spoon...

STEVE: Well, he might have a different set of wiring in his brain that allows that to be effective.

ELIAS: But if you are all equal in power and in value and in measure, any ability that any one of you incorporates, you all incorporate.

STEVE: But for the fact that we’re wired differently and maybe have a block on our telepathic ability therefore, or we have belief systems that do the same thing. He seems to have gotten rid of his, if he ever had them in the first place.

ELIAS: Ah, I may assure you that he has not ‘gotten rid of’ his beliefs. Were that to be the scenario, he would not be incorporating manifestation within this physical reality for he would not be choosing to participate, for that is the design of this reality.

What I may express to you in emphasis is that your manifestation within this reality is a choice. You chose to be manifest in this reality, and I am understanding that for many individuals this is a difficult concept to be accepting, that you chose to be manifest and you chose to participate in this particular reality to explore the elements of this particular reality in conjunction with the beliefs that are its blueprint. But you also are not confined to this reality; you are also not singularly choosing merely to be manifest within this reality. You are choosing also simultaneously many realities.

This is the significance of this wave: your individual truths and how you view them and the strength of them. They may be incorporated in power to be empowering of yourselves, or they may be incorporated in power to be limiting you and to be generating you as a victim of yourself with them, and that may be very powerful also. This is the point of recognizing them and identifying them and understanding them.

This expression of absolutes in distortion is another truth that you incorporate, that there are some absolutes and there are some not, that there are some expressions that are distorted and there are some that are absolutely not. This is NOT true.

DON: This is where my confusion came in, but I didn’t quite express it. If you can have a concept of something being less accurate and then another assessment being more accurate, that implies an assessment that is most accurate that would be an absolute...

ELIAS: No, it is not an absolute. I am speaking to you in conjunction with what you are expressing and in conjunction with your beliefs in this present time framework. It is pointless to be offering information to you that you cannot assess and that you cannot incorporate within your actual experience and your actual objective understanding.

You and I have incorporated discussion concerning the lack of absolutes in conjunction with the lack of separation, and the expression of individuals generating singularities in conjunction with focuses and the inaccuracy of that. In this, to be offering the information that each of you individually is drawing to yourself, as I began, I am an avenue of your own questioning, of your own process. You are drawing this information to yourselves. Were you not to be drawing this information to yourselves, I would not be speaking to you.

Each of you within your own individual process is inquiring of information that YOU want, and your method – or one of your methods – of offering yourselves that information is to incorporate a discussion with myself, individually or collectively. This also is a point that is significant for you to understand, for it is a very common occurrence with many, many, many of you that you become frustrated within yourselves and you discount yourselves: why have you not offered this information to yourself, why did you need to be incorporating a discussion or a conversation with myself to be offering yourself that information? That IS you offering yourself that information! For that is an avenue of one of your methods.

I shall not offer information that you are not drawing to yourself, that you are not seeking. I am merely another one of your avenues.

ERIN: I have a question. I find it really difficult to identify my truths and my beliefs. I’m wondering if it has to do with a block that I have, that maybe I don’t want to identify them for some reason, like I think they’re bad or I don’t want to deal with them or something. I guess my question is, why is it so difficult for me to identify my beliefs and truths?

ELIAS: I may express to you that especially within this time framework of this wave, it is difficult for many individuals, for you are all collectively cooperatively expressing the movement of this wave differently from other waves. You have incorporated an action which you are familiar with, of identifying intellectually. You identify through thought. You think, and that is your identification of your beliefs or your truths.

This wave is designed differently, and you all have designed it. The expression of your truths is not being presented through the translation of thought but through action. Therefore it is significant that you pay attention to what you are actually doing and engaging, which it is also not an accident that prior to the beginning of this wave I incorporated many discussions with all of you concerning paying attention to what you are actually doing, in preparation for this wave for this is how it is being expressed. If you are not paying attention to what you are actually doing, you shall also incorporate difficulty in identifying what your truths are. (13)

ERIN: I had an experience where I was talking to my sister on the phone about my brother. I realize now in talking to you that I was expressing my belief as an absolute during the conversation, but when I was having it, it was a truth and it felt like... During that moment I couldn’t identify it; I couldn’t identify it until looking backwards at it. So I’m generating experiences that seem almost somehow dangerous; I don’t know if that’s the right word...

ELIAS: But even in the incorporation of recognition subsequent to the event, you do offer yourself objective identification and understanding of the action that you have incorporated, which allows you more of an awareness in different situations and different actions in which you may be paying attention and trigger associations with the same truth.

It is significant to be aware of what you are doing, and how you are expressing in the moment, and how you are projecting energy, and what absolutes you are expressing. I am aware that this is challenging, for it is an unfamiliar action to be paying attention to how you are expressing an absolute, for it is an absolute and it is familiar and it is not questioned. If it is an absolute, it IS. And therefore, what else may be expressed?

ERIN: That’s what I remember; that’s what it felt like, that it had to be the way I was expressing it. I also remember in that moment feeling that I disliked my expression in that conversation.

ELIAS: Which offers you the opportunity to evaluate what you are expressing.

PAT: ... This is Pat B, for the record. I’m not the only who has this question, but I’m voicing it for a number of us. How long is this wave of truth going to be here and affect us? Because some of us are having a heck of a time, to put it lightly.

ELIAS: I cannot say (laughter), for this is your choice.

PAT: What are the probabilities that it’s going to be shorter than longer?

ELIAS: In this present moment?

PAT: Yes.

ELIAS: The probabilities are that it is on-going.

PAT: Well, shit! (Much group laughter)

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I may express to you that it may be dissipating, and you may notice it dissipating, in the time framework in which you have addressed to your truths and it is not a challenge any longer.

PAT: So we take responsibility for our own...? Okay.

DON: Does that mean it has an individual time course, like if we’re having an easy time of it it may already be waning?


PAT: And if some of our truths were stronger than others, we’d have a longer period of time being confronted?

ELIAS: Not necessarily; it is your direction, it is your choice. You may be addressing to truths that are stronger than other truths and incorporate a relatively short time in addressing to them or a longer time. It is dependent upon how you are paying attention and whether you are recognizing them or not, and once recognizing them whether you are allowing yourself to accept them as your truths and evaluate that and move into a genuine expression of acceptance and understanding.

PAT: So when you use the term ‘the wave of truth,’ it’s not like one wave that’s out there for everybody. It could be a little bit for one person and a big bit for another person.

ELIAS: Correct. It is a general wave in energy.

Now; in that general wave in energy, ALL of the individuals are participating in some capacity. Some individuals may be evaluating and addressing to their truths in what you term to be a short time framework and continue to participate in energy in the wave in an offering of energy to other individuals in cooperation with them, in a supportiveness to the individuals that may be incorporating more time framework.

STEVE: Elias, I’ve been trying to adopt a mind-set of chronic acceptance of everything that comes down the pike: other individuals, conditions in my life, what I think are my beliefs. But you say we all create perfectly and for our best value fulfillment, and then I think to myself, does Elias mean I create perfectly including the influence of my belief systems or not including them? Because you don’t speak that well of our belief systems, and if we’re creating perfectly with them, that seems to contradict how you feel about our belief systems.

You’re going to say, ‘I don’t feel negatively about it; I don’t pass judgment on them, but they are less efficient than other methods of creation.’ So if it’s perfect, how can it be less efficient? Or are you not speaking of creating perfectly including our belief systems being part of the influence?

ELIAS: Including, with your beliefs being an aspect of influencing.

What do you define as a more efficient method of creating within your reality, considering that your belief systems are an aspect of the blueprint of this particular physical reality?

STEVE: They’re your words, when you speak of ‘try to accept your belief systems, but at the same time if you wish to alter them because they are not serving you as efficiently as you’d like...’ You speak of that, that if they’re not serving you efficiently then you can change them. Would you agree as you sit here that our belief systems are holding us back from the shift? I’d like to get into the shift...

ELIAS: (Patiently) No, your belief systems...

STEVE: ...and my belief systems are holding me back; therefore I don’t think that well of my belief systems. I get a negative feeling about them when I think they’re holding me back from the thrill of the shift. So how can that be said to be perfectly created?

ELIAS: They are not, in your terms, holding you back from participating within this shift, and you are not eliminating them. They are not negative, but some influences of some beliefs may be limiting or may be hindering; but those are also choices.

They are moving perfectly in conjunction with what you are creating in the moment in conjunction with your intent in the moment; but in conjunction with your awareness and widening your awareness, they may be somewhat hindering in some of their influences – not the belief itself, but the influences that occur in relation to the belief.

There are many influences associated with every belief. There are many beliefs associated with every belief system, and in this some influences are what you may term to be good, for they are expressed in conjunction with your preferences, and some you may consider to not be good, for they are not in conjunction with your preferences.

Now; if your direction in the movement of this shift and in widening your awareness is to be objectively directing yourself in what you want, in creating what you want, it is significant to recognize what the influences of your beliefs are, for some influences may be expressed in influencing your perception and your choices to be generated in opposition to what you want. But what is significant first of all is to be aware and to be clear as to what you want.

STEVE: Elias, since you’ve now said they are a hindrance to us achieving certain things that we may want or they are a hindrance to us passing into this shift in consciousness, how am I ever going to get myself to the point where I can accept these belief systems, meaning passing no judgment on something that is a hindrance?

ELIAS: For once you are recognizing that one belief incorporates many different influences, you may also recognize that you possess the quality of choice and you may objectively, knowingly, choose.

You are objectively choosing, but this is not to say that you are objectively aware of what you are choosing in any particular moment for you may not be paying attention to what you are actually doing, and therefore you are not necessarily aware of what you are choosing.

Every action that you incorporate is a choice, but you may not perceive it as a choice. You may perceive it as merely an occurrence or you may perceive an action that you incorporate as being dictated by some outside influence and that it is not being generated by yourself. You may also not recognize how all of your actions are interrelated and interconnected, for it is the projection of the type of energy that you are expressing outwardly that generates the different choices that you create and that you implement.

Many, many, many choices may be generated in a relatively short time framework and they may appear surfacely to you to be quite unrelated and that they do not generate any association with each other; but in actuality, it is the type of energy that you project outwardly through your perception that generates a general expression of energy which is affecting of every direction that you engage within your day.

Now; if you are allowing a belief that is expressed that concerns not being in control of your reality or not creating all of your reality and co-creating your reality, you shall be projecting a type of energy that allows for your choice of many actions that appear to you to not be your choice. If you are generating and allowing yourself through automatic responses and not genuinely paying attention to what you are expressing, if you are allowing yourself to be expressing a belief that there is some other outside influence or even inside influence that is directing you without your permission, you shall be generating a perception that moves with that belief and projects an energy that shall validate that belief and shall generate that reality.

Beliefs are real, and they influence what you create, and they influence your perception. Your perception creates your actual reality. It creates you, your physical manifestation; it creates your building; it creates your chair; it creates the other individuals in the room. It creates every aspect of your reality that you experience, and it is influenced by your expressed beliefs.

You incorporate all beliefs within all of the belief systems. You choose to express some, not all.

Now; in your terms of ‘changing a belief,’ you are not actually changing a belief. You are not transfiguring it into another belief or a different belief. You are not eliminating one and creating a new one. What you are doing is redirecting your energy through your awareness and allowing your attention to move to the expression of DIFFERENT beliefs. They are all already incorporated...

STEVE: Through acceptance of the belief system, right?

ELIAS: Yes. In acceptance of the belief, you recognize that you continue to hold that belief. It has not been eliminated.

STEVE: And am I recognizing that it is a hindrance?

ELIAS: You recognize that there are influences of that belief in some directions that may be what you view as a hindrance, but you also recognize...

STEVE: I don’t accept hindrances!

ELIAS: (Patiently and slower) You also recognize that there are some influences that you prefer. Therefore, in association with that recognition, you choose what influences you shall express and that you shall allow.

STEVE: So give us a sentence to use...

WILL: Excuse me, Steve; I have an example related to what you’re talking about. I’m trying to understand what both of you are talking about and just to see if I understand this. My name is Will.

I have three teenagers at home. Earlier you were talking about the twinge, when the dog was running around. When I come home I experience twinges as I see clothes draped around the couch, and I see food out. I have all these twinges and frustration about why this house isn’t more clean. What I began to reflect on a few weeks ago is that I have this belief that a clean house is a better house, and if my house was clean my life would be better. So that became conscious for me, which it wasn’t before. That was step one.

The second step was I began to have this idea that the house was perfect the way it was. That just came to me; I’d never thought that before. So I came to the house, it was the same way, and all of a sudden it seemed that sock is supposed to be there, that glass is supposed to be there, and the twinges went away for me.

Now from what both of you are saying, what I’m hearing is that’s an experience for me of this isn’t right or wrong, but of acceptance.

ELIAS: Yes. For this is what I have expressed to many individuals, that many times you may be generating an acceptance and you shall experience that, but it is not necessarily an action that necessitates an analyzation through thought. You merely do, and it automatically occurs. This is an interesting and a valuable example that you have offered, for it is a simple example of an action that did not necessarily incorporate tremendous thought but did incorporate a recognition of a truth.

Now; the recognition of the truth may not have necessarily been generated entirely clearly in thought. You may not have expressed in thought to yourself, ‘Ah, I have recognized a truth, that regardless of your status or your position or your wealth or your poverty within your society, the measure of your worth in your expression of acceptability is in cleanliness.’ You did not even generate that much of an identification, but you did offer yourself somewhat of an identification, a translation in thought, that a clean house is a good house. This also is a religious belief.

Now; in this, you have not evaluated or analyzed in conjunction with thought all of these elements of this belief, nor have you identified it as a truth per se, but you identified it clearly enough and recognized the strength of it enough that you have identified this as one of your truths.

Now; in recognizing that, without analyzation, without incorporating all of these steps in thought that many of you incorporate, for it is familiar to you for this is the manner in which you have addressed to other waves, you merely allowed yourself to recognize your responses, your action, and what you were generating within yourself, your automatic response. That was an identification of automatic responses.

In that recognition of the automatic response, you allowed yourself to relax and move your attention in a different manner, not to hold to the original perception as an absolute with no other choice, but recognizing you prefer the house to be clean, but it is not and that is not necessarily bad. It is an identification of your preference and your opinion, but not an absolute. Therefore, you allowed yourself to perceive the house differently, moving your attention.

This is not an elimination of the belief; you continue to incorporate the preference that the clean house is better, which is not wrong and is not bad and need not be eliminated. It is your preference, but you recognize that it is not an absolute and that other individuals may not express the same preference or the same attention in that manner, and that other individuals may express that whether the house is clean or not matters not, and their preference may be not to pay attention to whether the house is messy. But as you accept that this is your preference and you recognize that it is not an absolute, the perception changes.

Now; the belief, as I have stated, remains. It is not eliminated. It continues to be expressed but it is NEUTRALIZED, for the judgment concerning differences no longer remains.

Now; this is generated in the moment. You may return to your home another day and you may express that same twinge, for acceptance is not an action that is generated once and forever; for that negates choice and it also negates change. Therefore as choice and change are innate qualities of consciousness, which is what you are, that is your free will, and in that you present yourself with the opportunity to be accepting of any belief in any moment.

At times you may be accepting of a belief and the experience within your perception may be powerful enough that you easily generate that acceptance repeatedly, and it does not become a challenge any longer. It becomes familiar to repeatedly be generating that acceptance.

At times it may be more challenging. You may be accepting of a belief in some scenarios, and in other scenarios that same belief may be expressed and you may experience more challenge in generating that acceptance. That also is a matter of energy and whether the energy that you are expressing is familiar with energy that other individuals are expressing, and whether you are genuinely allowing yourselves the ease in the acceptance of differences, which is a tremendous challenge in this wave, for you are presenting yourselves with many examples of differences and this is what generates absolutes. You recognize or you notice YOUR preferences, and this is what you expect in the expressions and behaviors of other individuals.

Now; in this also, a recognition of your own energy expression is quite significant. For if you are not recognizing that you are generating these expressions, that you are generating the twinge, that it is your truth that is creating this scenario, that it is your perception that is generating these feelings, these communications, these responses, you do not allow yourself choice and you express a type of energy that does not incorporate responsibility for your own choices.

Responsibility is not a bad term. It is a very liberating action. For if you are responsible, you are directing and you cannot be a victim.

STEVE: Elias, if I could ask one last question on that theme I was asking you about? Could you finish this sentence so I could maybe understand what kind of mind-set I’m supposed to attack this with, if you’ll pardon my expression. ‘Although my beliefs are a hindrance to me entering the shift in consciousness in the immediate future, I accept them anyway because...’ If you could finish that sentence for me, how you would want our mind-sets to be. (Pause)

ELIAS: ‘Because I offer myself choice.’

Now; I have completed your sentence and I shall clarify the beginning of your sentence: you already ARE participating in this shift in consciousness.

STEVE: Okay, but I want to complete it; I want to get to the end. That’s the goal!

ELIAS: There is no end to the shift in consciousness.

STEVE: ‘Because I have choices,’ is your answer. I wonder if any of us could get into a true acceptance of things that are causing us hindrances by a mind-set of ‘okay, I may have hindrances but I have choices.’ I’m trying to understand what that means, exactly. I’m trying to wrap myself around what that means exactly. I have choices, therefore I make no judgment about the hindrance because I have choices not to be hindered by it, is that the idea?

ELIAS: Offer an example of a belief that you identify.

STEVE: I’ll tell you what. It would be helpful to us if you would tell us what is the reason, what is the payoff, for us to be in this area of consciousness which does not include the shift. What is the payoff for us in being stuck in a non-psychic, non-clairvoyant, non-telepathic, non-aware world?

ELIAS: (Quietly) But you are not.

STEVE: That’s the belief that’s hindering us.

ELIAS: You ARE participating in this shift in consciousness.

STEVE: Well, before that happened, before 1900. What was hanging us up? What’s hanging us up now from getting as far as we can with the shift?

ELIAS: It is not...

STEVE: We’re still being hindered by whatever the beliefs are. Why did we create these beliefs in the first place? What was the payoff for us to have created these beliefs that keep us in this narrow focus?

ELIAS: (Gently) To experience, to explore.

STEVE: So that’s my example, that’s my belief. My belief apparently is I want to be exploring a narrow limited world.

ELIAS: Is it?

STEVE: Well, you said it was.

ELIAS: I did not.

STEVE: That’s why we created it, you said.

ELIAS: To explore, not in limitation.

STEVE: That’s what it is, you think. You think that.

ELIAS: I do not. (Scattered laughter)

STEVE: You find it limited. You use the word all the time, ‘limited.’

ELIAS: I am reflecting you.

STEVE: You only use that word because we think it’s limited?

ELIAS: You do. And this is your collective choice, to be moving into this shift and offering yourself information concerning WHAT you are actually doing. Therefore I am responding and expressing to you an identification of what you are actually doing. You are not asking me how to do it; you are doing it. You are choosing what you are choosing. You are asking me what you are doing.

YOU generate the judgments concerning what you are doing. YOU express the evaluation concerning what you are doing, whether it is good or bad or acceptable or unacceptable. I do not express to any of you any valuation if whether what you are doing is good or bad or better or worse. It matters not; it is what you are doing.

STEVE: I’ll leave you out of it, and I’ll just say that that’s the belief system I’d like to get rid of. That’s the reason you’re saying we created this, to explore – and I won’t use a charged word like ‘limited’ any more – to explore an awareness that apparently is not the widest that we can achieve. That’s what’s hindering me, that mood, that’s...

ELIAS: That you are not participating in this shift?

STEVE: I suppose everybody you say is to some degree, but we haven’t gotten very far so far, right?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual and how each individual widens their awareness and their willingness to be incorporating an openness to unfamiliar.

Now; what is familiar to you? All that you have expressed. You express to me that your identification of this shift in consciousness is to become more telepathic, more psychic.

STEVE: That’d be good! (Laughter)

ELIAS: That is what your identification of what this shift in consciousness is, and that you are not participating in this shift in consciousness for you don’t offer yourself evidence of those expressions.

STEVE: I think that that part of me is being blocked by my beliefs.

ELIAS: And what influences that association that you are being blocked?

STEVE: It’s obvious I can’t do it; at least I don’t know of any method of doing it, and I would like to do it.

ELIAS: But what is your belief?

STEVE: A wider awareness would create that ability more easily; it would facilitate it.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

STEVE: To be clairvoyant equals a wider awareness – it’s the same words, really.

ELIAS: Ah, are they? Individuals have incorporated clairvoyance, as you term it, for centuries and have not incorporated the wideness of awareness associated with this shift in consciousness.

(Calling on Elena, who has been waving her hand) Yes?

ELENA: Earlier did you say that there are truths unconnected to belief systems?


ELENA: Can you tell us about that?

ELIAS: These are truths that are qualities of consciousness. They are not expressions of beliefs and they are translatable within every area of consciousness in some manner. They are not associated with concept. They are associated with action.

ELENA: Like what kind of action?

ELIAS: Choice.

ELENA: Are there any others?

ELIAS: There are many different expressions of truths. I have offered some listing of truths previously...

ELENA: Color?

ELIAS: Yes. Tone, consciousness, reality. There are many, but they are actions. They are not concepts, for consciousness is an action. It is not a thing. Therefore the truths are not things.

Truths that we are speaking of in this conversation are YOUR truths in association with your beliefs. They are beliefs that you have generated into absolutes, and therefore they become your truths. But your truths are not true.

PAT: Are our truths equal to our judgments? Because if we don’t make a judgment on something, how do we decide what a truth is? Are you saying that our truth is also our judgments?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

PAT: Can you explain that? Because my truth comes ‘I believe this is correct,’ and that would come from my judgment that something’s not correct or something is correct or good or bad or blah, blah, blah.


PAT: Could truth equal judgment?

ELIAS: In association with your individual preferences, yes. It is an evaluation of what you prefer and what you do not prefer.

PAT: And what I prefer is according to my truths.

ELIAS: Yes, but your truths also are associated with what you do not prefer. Murder is wrong – absolute. That is not what you prefer; it is what you do not prefer.

PAT: But that’s also my judgment that it is wrong, therefore...


PAT: So would every truth that anyone would ever have be based on their judgment?


NANCY: Elias, how does that relate to feeling tones, when you identify or assess knowledge through a feeling tone? How does that fit in with what you’re talking about?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

NANCY: In an identification of information that you would hold as a truth of your own.

ELIAS: Quite similarly. You may offer yourself information through this method and in conjunction with your beliefs and what you are presenting to yourself and your preferences. That also may be generated into a truth in creating an absolute.

NANCY: So the apprehension of a feeling tone...

ELIAS: They are not absolutes, either. But you draw that to yourself or you generate that to offer yourself information. That is not to say that the information that you offer to yourself is absolute, although it may be in conjunction with your preferences, and it may be an offering to you to generate a greater understanding of certain movements that you create.

NANCY: Because that is how I would assess the truth. The value of the truth for me comes through what I used to call my truth meter. By using that feeling tone I’m recognizing ‘this is what’s bothering me.’

ELIAS: But this is what I have expressed from the onset of this forum. The point is generating your own remembrance, which is not memory. It is an intimacy with yourself, a knowing of yourself. You offer yourself information in many different manners; I am merely one. You offer yourselves information to generate that remembrance, that knowing of yourself, and you know for it rings true to you. That is not to say that it is an absolute, for differences may ring true to other individuals. But what you shall evaluate in your gauge of what measures with your preferences and your movement and your exploration is whether is rings true to you.

NANCY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

ERIN: My question is, I’ve been paying attention to the energy that I’m projecting, and I know this is probably going to get real personal about what my beliefs are, but sometimes I’m projecting a certain energy and I feel like I can’t change it. Whatever energy I’m projecting is where I am at that moment. Whether it’s a feeling or a feeling of energy, I don’t actually feel like I could change it. What is my personal belief that makes me feel like I don’t have a choice over the energy I’m projecting or even an emotion, either way, that I’m experiencing in the moment?

ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you in identification, many individuals generate quite similarly in different capacities, for it is quite commonly expressed the belief that the subjective aspect of yourself is more powerful and more directing than the objective aspect of yourself. The objective aspect of yourself you view to be less controlling, less directing, less powerful, and subject to the subjective.

Therefore any element that you assess as a subjective action – a communication, a projection of energy – you do not necessarily associate those with objective. For you continue to separate the objective and the subjective as two entities, and not necessarily as entities that move in harmony with each other but entities that follow each other, and that the subjective is the more powerful, the directing awareness, and that the objective follows the subjective. Therefore, being the weaker of the two, it does not always incorporate the ability to change or to choose an action that is being expressed in the moment. This once again is not true, but it is a strong influence of a belief.

DON: Is that a belief more commonly expressed by intermediates? (14)

ELIAS: Not necessarily, no. This is not necessarily associated with an orientation. This is an expression, a belief, that is expressed by many, many, many individuals, and it is also associated with the religious belief system, for there are many beliefs that reinforce this expression of not directing yourselves, that there are aspects of yourselves that you do not control and that are directing of you without your will. You merely exchanged names.

You incorporated the identity of ‘god’ previously, and you moved from the identification of god to ‘a higher power,’ and you moved from the identification of a higher power to an ‘essence,’ and you moved from the identification of an essence to ‘subjective awareness.’ But in actuality they are all the same, they merely incorporate different names, and subjective awareness continues to be associated as the god.

PAM: What about the choosing aspect, because to me it kind of relates to what you were talking about in a recent transcript. It was so fascinating to me. As I understood what you said, it was separate from our influencing beliefs, this choosing aspect. I think it’s this choosing aspect that does the creation, but I don’t feel this choosing aspect. I don’t grasp it, I don’t understand it, I don’t have an objective view of this part of me because to me, I choose based on a belief. Either something happened that I didn’t want and here’s my limitation belief, or I choose a preference which is based on a belief, so my choices are based on beliefs...

ELIAS: Yes, they are.

PAM: ...but the transcript says that this choosing aspect is really quite separate, can be totally separate from this belief.

ELIAS: This is a misunderstanding. This is associated with attention.

PAM: And what is attention but thought?

ELIAS: It is not thought.

PAM: That’s something else I need help with! I keep thinking how else do we concentrate but thinking on something. So how else do we concentrate?

ELIAS: You may concentrate in many different manners, and attention is not thought. It may be directed to thought, but it is not thought in itself.

PAM: And it’s also not emotion, correct?

ELIAS: No, that is a communication.

Now; the information that was presented was in association with attention and your awareness of what is occurring.

Now; in association with attention, your choosing action may not necessarily be concerned with any particular belief. That is not to say that specific beliefs are not influencing your choosing, but your attention may not be directed to the belief, and therefore you may be choosing in conjunction with a belief but BELIEVING something different; for believing is not necessarily associated with your expressed beliefs.

NAOMI: Elias, if I may ask – this is Naomi – this is where I get a little confused as far as understanding. If I look at where I am and I don’t feel I like where I am, but at some point I chose this. Now I realize that maybe wants are not beliefs. Is that what you’re saying, a belief is not necessarily a want? Sometimes we do things not in conjunction with what we really believe.

ELIAS: Correct.

NAOMI: That helps me with that. If we could go back to acceptance, at what point do we accept where we are and at what point do we choose to go on? Is it when we become too uncomfortable to accept where we are?

ELIAS: That is dependent upon the individual.

NAOMI: I thought you’d say that! (Laughs)

ELIAS: It is dependent upon your individual expression and what motivates you and what you listen to. Each individual is different, for you each incorporate a different perception. It also is associated with what you value.

NAOMI: Sometimes I feel that if our energy is going somewhere else – and I understand that that’s okay because that’s consciousness, it’s movement, it’s a natural thing to do – but if our energy’s going somewhere else, sometimes it can be a real struggle to make that happen because of the situation a person is in at the moment.

If I could use the example of the clean house – what if you don’t want a messy house? And your energy is so strong and not accepting of a dirty house that you insist that it’s clean. You really have to work hard to make that happen. Or is that a belief that I have?

ELIAS: That is also a belief. It is dependent upon the energy that you are projecting. If you are projecting an energy of difficulty and of work, this is what you shall create. If you are projecting an energy of ease and knowing that this is what you want and therefore this is what you shall create, you may not necessarily be incorporating difficulty or strenuousness.

This is the significance of being aware of what type of energy you are expressing and whether you are expressing a forcing of energy and a fighting of energy, or whether you are expressing an ease, whether you are expressing an energy in fear or doubt, or whether you are expressing an energy of confidence and acknowledgment of yourself, whether you are expressing an energy of expectation of other individuals and waiting for other individuals to express first and therefore allow yourself to respond for you cannot initiate. There are many different types of expression and energy, and it is significant to be aware of what type of energy you are projecting.

The manner in which you allow yourself to be aware of what type of energy you are projecting is to be aware of those three elements of yourself, not merely what you are thinking but what you are communicating to yourself and what you are actually doing, and whether you are actually projecting energy in anticipation or whether you are present with yourself in the moment.

NAOMI: I had an emotional experience last week – I was very proud of myself that I recognized it, to start with – but at work, I realized I didn’t want to be in that situation; at least that’s what my emotions were communicating to me. This is where patience comes in, because I think I want to make a change, but it’s not happening right now and I have to wait for me to insert it into my objective reality.

ELIAS: That is not patience; that is waiting. Patience is an action of allowance, and waiting is not an action of allowance. It is waiting and anticipating, and it is expecting that some occurrence or action shall be inserted into your reality, not by you but by some miraculous cosmic action (laughter), and that shall be your sign and thusly you shall act. Which is a method and it is not wrong, but I am merely clarifying that patience is not waiting.

WENDY: Could you just review patience again?

ELIAS: Patience is an action of allowance. It is an action of relaxing and allowing the flow of energy within yourself and allowing yourself to participate with other energies around you in allowance in whatever direction it shall naturally flow, without an expectation.

WENDY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.” [session 1496, January 17, 2004]

ELIAS: “Welcome! This afternoon we shall be discussing tsunamis in their many forms, and we shall be participating together in this discussion – not lecture – concerning this subject matter and how you perceive it and what you generate within your own focuses in your own individual tsunamis that also contribute to mass events.

Therefore, what are your realities in association with your own energies, and what do you notice that you have been generating that has created the participation in the mass event?

DEBI: Judgment – lots and lots of judgment, wanting to be right and being really pissed off because everybody doesn’t agree with me.

DARYL: And wanting to fix people.

ELIAS: Ah, for of course they are wrong and of course they are broken.

You are aware that you create your reality – in theory or in concept. You have been privy to much of the information that I have expressed. You understand intellectually the concepts, but are you actually aware of what type of energy you are projecting? Are you actually aware that your individual self generates a contribution to all of consciousness in every action that you do, in every expression of energy?

You are NOT singular. You think you are singular, but you are not. You generate one individual body form manifestation, but you are not disconnected from all of your universe and all of consciousness, and you are participating with each other. There is an exchange of energy which occurs continuously with you all. Whether you are objectively aware of that energy exchange or not, the reality is that it is continuously occurring.

Whether you physically are participating in a location in which a mass event occurs or not is not to say that you are not participating, and whether you are aware of the mass event occurring objectively is not to say that you are not participating.

Your energy is being projected continuously. The reason that I have expressed so very many times within this previous year, in association with this wave addressing to truths, that it is significant to be aware of what type of energy you are projecting is that that energy ripples outward throughout consciousness and throughout your world.

Let me remind you once again, you cannot generate a mass event without individuals. The individual is the most significant element of the mass, and what creates a mass event is many individuals projecting similar energies and moving in similar directions. Therefore, what do you view within your realities that you have been creating in your waves – in your large waves?

This mass event was no accident. The manner in which it was presented was quite precise and purposeful. It was generated in terms of tremendous power of energy erupting to generate an enormous wave – or many enormous waves. The choice of the waves was quite precise, for this is what you are experiencing, this wave addressing to truths. Although you may intellectually express to yourselves that you understand the strength of the intensity of this particular wave, now look to your physical wave and view the strength and the power of that wave. That wave is dwarfed in association with this wave that you are engaging and have been engaging for some time framework – and it is growing. (Low uncomfortable laughter and murmurs)

STELLA: Is there a place to hide? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Ah! Now; that generated an attention, did it not!

This wave is not dissipating; it is increasing. Those waves that you viewed of water shall appear to you to be ripples in association with this wave, which is affecting of the entirety of your world, and you are ALL participating. Now how shall you participate is the question. How are you generating energy and what type of energy are you generating? Are you generating energy that is contributing to that type of experience, or are you moving into balance?

I may express that most of you are not balancing. Most of you are experiencing not necessarily conflict, for many of you are not experiencing conflict, but confusion and struggle.

PAMELA: Overwhelm.

ELIAS: And difficulty.

In this, you are presenting yourselves with the experiences of your truths. How are you addressing to them and how are you responding to them? And in that, what type of energy are you expressing? What occurred in your physical mass event was not merely generated by the energy of the individuals that were physically involved.

CAROL: It felt to me like it was a reflection of the energy from Iraq, in a situation that just couldn’t take anymore and then it went over to...

ELIAS: No. I shall express to you, this wave was quite purposeful. All of the individuals that physically participated in that event at the moment of their death were aware of what they were choosing. ALL of the individuals in that mass event were also aware of each other. ALL of the individuals that disengaged in that mass event were also aware of the purpose of its creation and what it was designed to express. This is unusual.

Mass events occur and many individuals participate, and at the moment of their disengagement or their death they are aware of their choice to be disengaging, but they may not be objectively aware of what they are participating in. These individuals incorporated an awareness and continue to incorporate an awareness of what they chose and why they chose it and what they were participating in.

I have been expressing for an extended time framework that there is a tremendous energy of polarization that has been occurring and that has been building also and expanding and intensifying. In addition to the polarization, there has been a tremendous expression and energy of opposition that has been being generated throughout your world.

In this, these individuals chose to be expressing an energy together as a collective to effect your physical environment to generate this imagery of waves, and chose to engage the action that they did in death to send a message to all of the rest of you to remember appreciation and cooperation, and to generate a reason to create that action or to instigate that action of cooperation rather than opposition, of appreciation rather than polarization, to remind you of what you value.

I am aware, as you are aware, that you value many different expressions, but one element within your physical reality that you value quite highly is that which you define as life. Regardless of your differences, regardless of your conflicts, regardless of your philosophies, you all share the commonality of valuing life. And to remove such an enormous expression of life from your reality in one wave has generated a significant impact. You are paying attention and your world is paying attention, not merely individuals that engage conversations with myself and congregate within this forum and are privy to this information. (Humorously) Which of course is the highest information (laughter), for of course I am the highest entity. You may all feel free to worship! For of course, I am God! (Laughter)

But in this, you all as YOUR highest entities, yourselves, value your manifestations and you do value each other. Even if you do not like each other, you value each other, for you value what you signify, and you signify life.

STEPHEN: Elias, when this event happened I felt a lot of conflict because I knew the world would pay a lot of attention to it and a lot of money to it, but they don’t pay a lot of attention to 800,000 people dying in Rwanda or some other part of the world. I felt that it was unfair that they pay attention to this and they don’t pay attention to something else.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, this is a comparison, first of all. Comparison is an automatic discounting and judgment. Also, that may be one of your truths that you are experiencing, fairness – what is fair and what is not.

This is the point of this mass event, to be emphasizing that you are engaging this wave addressing to truths, which are merely your beliefs which have been set into absolutes; but to you they are true, but they are not necessarily true to another individual. That is not to say that your truth is right or wrong or that another individual’s truth is right or wrong; it is right to you. But it is not wrong that another individual or many other individuals express a difference, and this is the point.

What has generated such tremendous polarization in conjunction with this wave addressing to truths? Difference. This is what generates the polarization.

The reason that you are generating this polarization in association with differences may seem to you initially to be contradictory. You are engaging this wave addressing to truths, therefore you should be recognizing that your truths are not true and you should not be expressing judgment. But what have I expressed to you from the onset of this particular wave? It is not a wave that shall be addressed intellectually. It is being addressed experientially. If it is being addressed experientially, you are experiencing your truths.

You are experiencing your anger or frustration or irritation of a lack of what you perceive to be fairness, for that is YOUR truth. And what is the automatic response to your own truths if you are presented with differences? To oppose.

STEPHEN: Judgment.

ELIAS: And that is what is generating this polarization, for that is an automatic response, to oppose any difference that threatens your truth or that opposes your truth. The automatic response is to match energy, and this is the point that has been expressed with all of these individuals in this mass event, to pay attention.

PAT: Elias, was there any significance for the area of the world where this happened, why there and not here?

ELIAS: Yes. The significance is that it would involve more of your world. It would be a physical location that is rich in trade with many, many, many countries. It is also an area in which there is much travel. There is a large influx of individuals from many, many, many other areas of your world. Therefore it would be quite impactful not merely to one country but to many countries, and therefore would be quite noticed.

GEORGE: Well, God... (Laughter)

ELIAS: Yes? (Grinning)

GEORGE: The interesting thing is that almost no animals perished in this whole event.

ELIAS: Quite! Which is quite significant, but not unusual and quite natural. Why do you think that is?

GEORGE: Because we have lost a sense that they still retain?

ELIAS: No, you have not lost those senses. You merely do not pay attention to them, and you do not pay attention to what you are creating within your energy, and you have generated such a separation between yourself and all that you create, which is all of your reality, all of your universe, your planet, your environment, your atmosphere. All that is within your reality – ALL that is within your reality – you are each individually creating, but you generate this belief of separation, which creates a reality of separation of yourself from your environment. Your environment is merely an extension of you.

Your creatures know that and experience that, and your creatures recognize what is churning within their atmosphere and choose not to participate in that action and know that that is being created by your energy. Therefore they flee and they are unharmed. For it is not their energy that is generating this mass event, it is YOUR energy that is creating this mass event. It is unnecessary for your creatures to participate. They are already cooperating; they are already appreciating.

GEORGE: Do they still have the knowingness?


PAT: With that in mind, Elias, with the massive mudslides that we had recently in California, there were a lot of animals that were affected and were covered by the mud, some of them found with their families, almost protecting the families. Why did those creatures choose to be...

ELIAS: That was a different event.

PAT: There’s no correlation between the two?

ELIAS: No. This is your location. I have spoken of this physical location and other locations previously. Individuals dwell and choose to dwell in physical locations that resonate with their energy. You resonate with each other. You generate a similarity of energy, which is what creates your environment.

In this physical location, you generate extremes, and the individuals that dwell in this physical location generate an energy of extremes. It may not appear to you that you are generating extremes, for it is natural and it is what you term to be normal. Therefore, you do not perceive it as extremes, but your energies together create an intensity and your environment reflects that. It is an environment of drama.

PAT: Back to the creatures – how come they didn’t decide to leave?

ELIAS: For the creatures also dwell in this environment and they are connected with you and they are participating with you.

This event was designed to express a message. The creatures in that area already understand the message. They are already experiencing the message. Therefore, there is no need for them to participate in the mass event.

The creatures that dwell in this area, in this location where you dwell, they are a part of your environment; they are a part of you. You are not generating a statement to yourselves continuously. You are merely generating your natural flow of energy, which your environment reflects in extremes and in drama. Which is not bad; you enjoy more excitement than other individuals in other locations. Therefore, this is what you generate and it is reflected in your environment also. Other locations may not necessarily enjoy that type of excitement, and therefore they do not create that.

But the environment, the natural movements or what you term to be disasters or even weather patterns, they are all created by you collectively. They are orchestrated by the individuals collectively that dwell in particular areas.

Therefore, once again I inquire of you: how are YOU participating in the tsunami? What are you generating in your reality that is creating polarization or opposition?

NICOLETTE: To be honest, I think I’d have to say that my participation is a wake-up call, and my judgment is that we need to wake up and maybe something like this would cause a wake-up.

ELIAS: Very well. I am aware that there are some of you that may not necessarily be generating extremes in this time framework and you may not necessarily be generating much opposition. You may be generating your own movement into balance and you may be presenting yourself with some of your truths and understanding them.

This is the point, that whether you are generating an energy of opposition or not, what is important is that you are allowing yourselves to move into a recognition of what your truths are and how you express them. For although we have spoken of these truths many times, they are more elusive than you think, for they are so very absolute and unquestioned that you do not see them. This is the reason that this wave is being expressed in experience, and this is the reason that it is important to be paying attention to your experiences and what you are actually doing.

STELLA: Elias, I think that’s what is happening with me. That’s where I’m going, right? I need your validation! (Laughter, and Elias laughs) I think that’s where I’m going.

ELIAS: Where are you going?

STELLA: The direction of coming to terms with the opposition and having more cooperation and being the angel that I always wanted to be! That’s my experience right now. I am having a hard time, I really am, with this wave. I think with the bad times that I’m having, I’m getting close to the area of appreciation, do you think?

ELIAS: By recognizing your own truths and also recognizing your natural expressions of energy, and allowing yourself to move more into a balance in that.

STELLA: I’m sorry, Elias, but you told me yesterday that I don’t have to go to that balance. I’m the only one! (Laughter) I don’t have to reach balance.

ELIAS: Ah, but your balance is your extremes!

LETTY: But that’s good!

STELLA: But ... what a second! (Laughter) That’s why I don’t have to work towards balance.

ELIAS: For your balance is your extremes.

STELLA: Right, because I was concerned and I was going to really work on balance. Now I don’t have to work on balance – I just wanted to make that clear. Everybody else does except me! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Very well, Cindel. You do not deal with balance and you mind your extremes, and we shall see. And perhaps we shall be speaking with each other sooner than later! (Laughs loudly)

CAROL: I find myself becoming really interested in conflict resolution and mediation, being able to do that. I’ve just been to my conservative relatives who have a lot of money and a lot of conservative values, and I realized that they live in me. I came to see a median, that this is a another part of me. All of these people and all of these viewpoints feel like they’re in me, that I’m the Republican and that I’m all of these... So I became interested in conflict resolution. Our community is very polarized, but it feels like I can see that, that I’m all of them.

ELIAS: Quite, yes.

CAROL: I didn’t have to go to one or the other of them, I could just mediate.

ELIAS: Without the expectation of changing other individuals, correct. Very well.

JOHN: Elias, I’ve been generating my intention on my balance towards my goals, and I find myself creating without manifesting my true reality, where I want to be.

ELIAS: Which is?

JOHN: Which is fulfillment of the mission in my mind.

ELIAS: And what is your mission?

JOHN: My mission is to heal.

ELIAS: Ah. To heal what?

JOHN: To heal others, to give my gifts that I have. But it hasn’t manifested and I don’t know why. I’ve been working in every area, I believe.

ELIAS: And the reason that you generate obstacles is that you also generate expectations.

You may engage a direction of healing and create quite a successfulness in that, but the manner in which you shall be successful is to recognize that you are not healing another individual or another expression of consciousness, that you are cooperating with another individual and that you are offering your energy in supportiveness, and not to generate an expectation that the energy that you offer shall be received and configured in the manner that you want [but] that it may be received and configured in the manner that the other individual wants, which may not necessarily be in conjunction with what you want. In allowing yourself a genuine cooperation with another individual without expectation, you project a very different type of energy, one that is received by the other individual that may encourage the other individual to generate their own healing.

The other aspect of this is that in attempting to instruct and also attempting to do and generating the expectations, you draw different types of individuals to you, not necessarily those that genuinely wish to cooperate and genuinely heal themselves. You draw to yourself individuals that are moving in a reflective manner to you of expectation also, individuals that do not necessarily want to be healing and therefore they configure the energy differently. They configure it in the manner which reflects your expectations, that you may view your own expectation and therefore allow you to actually recognize what you are doing.

Now; if you move in another expression and allow yourself to genuinely create a cooperation with another individual and merely share – share your energy, your experience freely with the other individual without an expectation and allow them to receive that energy in what ever manner they choose – you shall incorporate much more of a successfulness and you shall draw much more to yourself.

GEORGE: Elias, if I may, it seems like acceptance balances a lot of these extremes, at least for myself. Once acceptance comes in, judgment flies out the window. As long as one is open and just lets it be somehow, there’s a lot less conflict coming one’s way.


GEORGE: There’s not energy that one has to fight off.

ELIAS: Yes. Acceptance is a significant key, but acceptance may be challenging at times if you are presenting significant differences to yourself that trigger your own truths and generate a threat. Differences generate automatic threat, and if the difference is what you term to be big enough, the expression of acceptance may be challenging to incorporate.

This is the reason that it is important to notice what your truths are and therefore incorporate the ability to identify those differences and why they trigger within you, and in that generate an awareness within yourself, a reminder within yourself, that your truths are true for you and that they are your guidelines. Therefore, for you they are right and good.

Duplicity is not being eliminated any more than any other belief system. It is being expressed differently, it is being incorporated differently, but it is not being eliminated. You continue to incorporate your opinions and your preferences. I have expressed that from the onset of this forum. You shall, even fully shifted and in complete acceptance, continue to incorporate your own opinions and your own preferences and your own guidelines. That is an element of your uniqueness, each of you.

But the expression of the good and the bad and the right and the wrong shall be different, for you shall apply it to yourself and not necessarily to other individuals. You may view actions or choices of other individuals and you may express within yourself that you do not agree or that you do not like them, that you do not prefer them, and you recognize that your choice is to move with your guideline. Therefore, YOU shall not express in that manner for it is not your preference, but not incorporate the judgment of the other individual if they choose to be expressing in a particular manner. That is the significance of being aware of your own truths and recognizing that they are only true to you.

DREW: ... doesn’t everything spring from love? (Pause)

ELIAS: ‘Spring from love.’ That is an interesting terminology, which would imply that love is a thing that all other things are generated from. (Pause)

Yes and no. For love is not a thing, it is an expression. It is a quality, it is a knowing, and it is an action of appreciation. Knowing and appreciation, that is love and that is a quality of consciousness. It is an innate quality of consciousness.

But consciousness is not a thing, either. It is an action. And yes, all is created as consciousness, not from consciousness but as consciousness, in different manners – that also including form. Therefore as a quality and action of the action of consciousness, yes, it is an innate quality within all that is expressed as consciousness, but no, all does not spring from love.

DREW: But it is THE innate quality, isn’t it?

ELIAS: It is one of the innate qualities.

PAUL H: You’ve said love is a truth, in the ‘Absolute Universal’ sense.

ELIAS: Yes, but reality is also.” [session 1695, January 15, 2005]

End Notes:

(1) Paul’s note: the clarity exercise is a tool that sharpens the physical senses by enhancing our ability to concentrate, observe, and focus in the present moment. While fine-tuning the five physical senses, its purpose is also to maintain the clarity of focus in altered states and projections of consciousness.

ELIAS: “The point of the exercise in clarity is to be allowing you the opportunity to be manipulating outer senses, which may also offer you more of an understanding of how to be manipulating inner senses more efficiently and to be using your inner senses in conjunction with each other as you use your outer senses in conjunction with each other, but you do not allow yourselves to be efficiently manipulating your OUTER senses, which you are quite familiar with!

Therefore, I have offered that particular exercise that you may become more familiar with manipulating these senses that you hold familiarity with, and in this you may offer yourself the opportunity to more efficiently manipulate your inner senses, which shall be offering you more information within consciousness, and also, it shall be helpful to you in manipulating energy within the action of this shift.” [session 336, October 27, 1998]

Exercises: find out more about the clarity exercise.

(2) Paul’s note: Drew’s question is in reference to an earlier question that Vicki had posed:

VICKI: “I have a question about how animals think. I had an experience where I was medicating one of my cats, which the cat didn’t like. What I found interesting was that the cat started to bite me, and I know that it was an automatic response on the cat’s part. It stopped itself as it got to my finger. It was very clear that there was an automatic response that was stopped on the part of the animal. I’m curious what that indicates about how they think?”

(3) Vic’s note: a truths box is ... a box of tissues!

(4) Paul’s note: James is Vivien’s very cute son, who was seven years old when he asked this question.

(5) Paul’s note: Howard may be referring to an exchange between Norm Farb and Elias during an earlier group session in Castiac, California. That excerpt from session 257, January 11, 1998, is included in this Digest.

(6) Bobbi’s note: Originally expressed as: “...not what you think you want but what are you each expressing to yourselves in this moment of what you want and you are also participating with myself.”

(7) Bobbi’s note: Gerhard had just gotten up to get a glass of water for himself and Lisbeth.

(8) Bobbi’s note: The hotel where the conference room was reserved would not allow Mary’s dog into the facility; therefore about an hour before the session the location was changed to Sabrina’s house a few miles away.

(9) Bobbi’s note: Howard is referring to the gubernatorial recall election in California (October 2003) and a week of extremely damaging firestorms throughout southern California soon after.

(10) Paul’s note: it was interesting that Elias chose not to challenge or clarify Steve’s claim, as I was present and found myself quietly disagreeing with his perception, but felt no need to debate either. Still, here’s what Elias has said about Seth/Jane Roberts, Sumari intent, and distortion. Recall that Seth holds Sumari intent and Elias holds Sumafi intent. My point is that we need to focus on the deeper complementary nature of these intents, and not get lost in surface level differences.

ELIAS:“The Sumafi is greatly involved with Sumari, for Sumafi incorporates before and after. When your Sumaris appear, they are taught by Sumafi. When they disappear, their ideas are continued and held steadfast by Sumafi. Within your present time, the Sumari have initiated, they have manifest, they have ‘stirred your pot’ temporarily, they have altered your focus. Now, the Sumafi incorporates the carrying on of this in teaching.” [session 67, January 21, 1997]

ELIAS: [to Jene] “The idea has been put forth; the initiation, the fire, sprung from Seth. Within that element, although the essence incorporated great care to hold very little distortion, your time element within your physical focus was allowing of great movement within energy, which was also allowing of distortion. The continuation is the fine tuning, so to speak; the commitment to widening awareness, within truth, with as little distortion as physical focus affords. This also demands great acceptance.” [session 91, May 01, 1996]

ELIAS: “Truths are absolutes. Truths are those elements which are not confined to one focus, or to one dimension, or to one reality. Truths are those elements of consciousness that are filtered through all of consciousness. Your belief systems are based upon truths. All belief systems within all physical focuses are based within truths, but they are distorted and they are interpreted. Therefore, they appear removed from the truths. This is the method that you have chosen within physical focus. You translate all subjective knowing and activity. Therefore, in one respect you view the translation as distortion. In another respect, it is not distortion, for it is your creation of your reality. As to the significance of elements as compared to non-physical, we would view your translations as distortions.” [session 137, December 01, 1996]

So we could even claim that Elias’ information is distorted by the fact that it’s a translation from a nonphysical area of consciousness into our physical belief systems. Jane Roberts called the impact of our belief systems “prejudiced perception.” Seth used the term “divine camouflage.” The Buddhist term “samsara,” and Hindu “maya” all mean something similar. Namely, we need to discern and “see” truth, distortion, and falsehoods with more than our physical eyes and rational minds.

To explore these subtleties further, see A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview: What are some Differences between Seth and Elias?.

(11) Paul’s note: Elias refers to the fact that someone or something has served as an example of the main themes presented in recent January group sessions in Castaic, CA. For example:

In 2002 – Mary’s granddaughter Jewel was innocently playing while Mary/Elias engaged the session. The session began with Jewel in his lap, and later, Jewel returned to Elias’ lap and hung out, much to the amusement of the group. Of course, Elias included Jewel’s focus on self in his talk.

In 2003 – “someone” forgot to turn on the sound on Mary’s camcorder, and no sound was recorded. However, other folks did record the session and Bobbi Houle used those tapes to transcribe the session. Elias later referred to this as intentional and imagery to “pay attention to self”, which was the main theme.

In 2004 – Mary’s dog Polly, named after American painter Jackson Pollack, began to run back and forth and growl and play during Elias’ talk. Again, much to the amusement and chagrin of various folks. Again, Elias tied in the imagery to his talk.

(12) Paul’s note: developmental psychologists like Piaget, Kohlberg, Loevinger, Kegan, Graves, Beck, and Wilber have studied the ways humans change over time. They have discerned three very general stages that are universal to first-, second-, and third-world populations: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. The majority, for a variety of reasons, never make it to postconventional stages, which means that the majority of focuses in this Now are in the pre- and conventional areas. The implication is that our belief systems, or what scientists call schemas, memes, values, and worldviews also roughly follow these stages.

Since Elias’ focus is upon the changing nature of truth (i.e. belief systems, not Absolute Universals), we can also better understand the way truths or beliefs develop from infancy to childhood to adolescence to adulthood to seniors. They, too, in very general terms, follow preconventional, conventional, and postconventional patterns. That is, they evolve from egocentric (me only) toward ethnocentric (family, tribal groups) toward sociocentric (my country or nation or religion) toward worldcentric (global concerns). Thus, our truths or belief systems also follow this pattern of development.

(13) Paul’s note: Elias preceded his teaching on doing and choosing with the basics or four steps of accepting self that I call NIRAA: Noticing, Identifying, Recognizing, Addressing to, and Acceptance. So these waves in consciousness, including this truth wave, provide opportunities to use the NIRAA technique to notice what we do and choose, to pay attention to self in the Now, with the goal of accepting self and others. According to Elias, the action of accepting self and others are central to the shift in consciousness.

Digests: find out more about accepting self and NIRAA.

(14) Paul’s note: the concept of the three orientations (common, intermediate, soft) was introduced originally in the context of the ten fundamental belief systems in 1999. The orientations are thus a subset of the belief system of sexuality: gender, orientation, and preference. The orientations are a distinct “language of perception” that affects how we literally perceive our version of the world. They form a typology unique to the blueprints of our dimension in that each essence must experience at least all three orientations when engaging the cycle of manifestations. Thus, the minimum number of lifetimes equals three and has nothing to do with the conventional mythic belief systems of linear cause and effect reincarnation. According to Elias, the average cycle of manifestations engages roughly 300-600 focuses of attention.

Digests: find out more about the orientations (common, intermediate, and soft).

Digests: find out more about focuses of essence.

Digests: find out more about the cycle of manifestation.

Digests – see also: | absolutes | acceptance 102 | attention (doing and choosing) | avenues of communication | belief systems; an overview | bleed-through | blueprints | choices/agreements | Creating Universal One And Whole/all of consciousness | dimension | dimensional veils | disengage (“death”) | distortion | duplicity | effortlessness | energy deposits (world views) | energy fields | essence; an overview | essence families: an overview (Sumari, Sumafi) | essence tones | focus of essence; an overview | extraterrestrials | forum | hamster wheel | imagination | information | inner senses; conceptualization | manifestation | mass events | noticing self | objective/subjective awareness | officially accepted reality | perception | probabilities | relationships | religion (spirituality) | separation | Seth/Jane Roberts | sexuality and emotion | sexuality; gender, orientation, and preference | shift in consciousness | simultaneous time | Source Events | time frameworks | transition | trusting self | vicitms/perpetrators | waves in consciousness | widening awareness | trusting self | you create your reality |

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