the Elias forum: Digests of Essential Elias.











“Thus we see that the all important thing is not killing or giving life, drinking or not drinking, living in the town or the country, being lucky or unlucky, winning or losing. It is how we win, how we lose, how we live or die, finally, how we choose. We walk, and our religion is shown (even to the dullest and most insensitive person), in how we walk. Living in this world means choosing and the way we choose to walk is infallibly and perfectly expressed in the walk itself.” ~ R. H. Blyth

Paul’s note: this is a challenging Digest because it deals with very deep themes such as the relationship between aspects of subjective and objective awareness, free will, murder and other acts of violence, life after death, purpose, intention, meaning, suffering, compassion, and more. According to Elias, we hold two main types of complementary awareness: subjective and objective. Objective awareness is our perception in physical terms, or what he calls Regional Area 1. But our subjective awareness is nested with Regional Areas 2, 3, and 4 and further inward and plays a major role in our perception in Regional Area 1. But how?

Well, that’s the sixty-four skillion dollar question, because it deals with the mechanics of reality creation within at least four Regional Areas, three of which (2, 3, 4) have been reduced by modern sciences to nonexistence, since they cannot be perceived and measured consistently by the five outer senses. This is what emergent postmodern sciences are exploring with the intent to reap practical benefits in terms of personal and collective health, abundance, relationships, and fulfillment. So far, researchers like William Tiller, and theorists like Ken Wilber, Amit Goswami, Christian de Quincy, and many others are probing the quantum edges of Regional Area 2, and outlining ways to go even further.

Within Elias’ cosmology, subjective awareness works in harmony with objective awareness and plays a role in all reality creation. But just how much? How much say does subjective awareness get? Where does subjective end and objective begin? Is there really such a black and white borderline or dimensional veil? Elias has provided several examples of pre-birth or involutionary choices made solely by subjective awareness, with the intent and value fulfillment of potential objective awarenesses fully considered.

For example, our orientations, thought-emotional-political-religious focus, essence family alignments, essence fragmentation, counterpart relationships, babe essence, dispersed essence, and more are all choices made before our physical births. But are these subjective limitations imposed by what objective awareness perceives as an outside agency, or raw potentials enfolded creatively and joyfully for objective experience?

Given the richness of subjective awareness and its ability to make choices within Regional Areas 2, 3, 4, and further inward, it’s easy for our objective awareness to feel dwarfed by the immensity of what our physical perception arises from in subjective terms! Therefore, the relationship between subjective and objective aspects of essence is a very, very important area of exploration and personal growth.

Elias also distinguishes between choices and agreements, which is why I’ve chosen to include both in this Digest. Namely, choice exists on subjective and objective levels, of course, but there is a distinction made about essence agreements (subjective awareness) which impact physical lifetimes (objective awareness).

Subjective agreements are involutionary or pre-birth choices because the outer ego has yet to develop. Elias says, “they are quite complex and extensive.” For instance, when Elias talks about the subject of murder, on small or large scales, there is clearly something deeper occurring that allows for what we know as murder. This includes rape, assault, robbery, and other innate violations, too.

So we really need to ponder what Elias means when he talks about choices in relationship to agreements. Choice defines which probabilities we will objectively experience. Objective awareness includes free will, then, and it’s a very powerful tool, but it can become atrophied through excessive cultural conditioning in terms of belief systems and arrested development.

Subjective free will occurs in what Elias calls agreements. Objectively, we experience them as impulses, which Elias defines as “an automatic response urged by essence.” So there is a communication system or what Elias calls avenues of communication between subjective and objective awareness.

Most people would never admit they actually chose a debilitating accident or dis-ease, and yet, according to Elias, this is exactly what we do. But who chooses? Subjective or objective awareness? Or both? Is this just another unbridgeable dualism, like the modern Cartesian body/mind split?

An important part of our growth and fulfillment, then, is to learn why accidents, dis-ease, and other challenging experiences are chosen in the first place. Elias introduced the concepts of periphery and unofficial information to help us do just that. Further, it’s possible to know what agreements exist within essence by engaging the remembrance of essence. This is part of what Elias calls the shift in consciousness. Through learning to work with altered states, dreams, out-of-body projections, impressions, inner senses, and impulses we can begin to pierce the veils of separation between objective and subjective awareness that we’ve purposefully chosen for the purity of the physical experience.

In purely physical terms, this is as an evolutionary widening of awareness. However, Elias uses the word “choices” instead of “evolution” to indicate all growth and fulfillment because it is his stated intent to help redefine conventional thinking in these areas.

With adequate introspection, we can begin to notice how various automatic responses are actually choices based on our belief systems, which may lead to unhealthy and unpleasant behaviors. For example, anger is an extreme form of frustration, an emotional communication from subjective to objective awareness. If left unchecked, frustrations can build into anger that becomes violent. And it can go even further into chronic violations, like serial rapists and killers.

So learning to notice, identify, recognize, address to, and accept those automatic responses that serve to limit our growth and fulfillment in very important. I call this practice NIRAA (pronounced nigh-rah) and it’s Elias’ way to work with our automatic responses to make informed choices that promote growth, abundance, healthy, fulfilling relationships with self and others.

Another related concept is that reality creation doesn’t require a thought process, which is merely a translating mechanism between subjective and objective awareness. Thoughts can be more or less accurate translations of subjective urges. When they become more and more distorted, we experience confusion and the hamster wheel of repeated behaviors that often serve to arrest our growth and fulfillment. So the NIRAA process is not limited to noticing unhealthy thoughts or changing beliefs, but ultimately bridging the gap between subjective and objective awareness.

So learning to notice, identify, and recognize what we objective DO and CHOOSE is the first step. With practice, NIRAA leads toward accepting beliefs and neutralizing their ability to arrest our becoming. Agreements, on the other hand, are the stuff of essence and remembrance. Engaging periphery, unofficial information, and widening awareness are all a means toward the end of engaging the remembrance of essence while physically focused. This is closer to the perennial notion of enlightenment, but that doesn’t imply a finished or end state, just an ever opening flower of choices and becoming.

Elias “gems”

VICKI: [asking a question on Mary’s behalf] “‘I don’t understand the concept of spiritual evolution. If we already are, how can we evolve?’”

ELIAS: (Chuckling) “He [Michael] is quite amusing! You do not understand! Once again, language! I incorporate different words. I am conscious to be expressing the least conflicting use of your language, and I also understand how easily your words may confuse you, or may invoke belief systems to which I am wishing to avoid and not be perpetuating of! Therefore, I choose not to be incorporating the words of ‘karma’ or ‘evolution,’ for you already possess belief systems with regard to these words. I substitute ‘becoming’ and ‘choices.’ It is the same.” [session 66, January 14, 1996]

ELIAS: “You create your own reality! You choose your own choices for your own experiences, within each moment of physical existence. Therefore, you are not the victim of your past experiences, so to speak. In this, you engage another belief system; that you have been taught and influenced, throughout your focus, by other individuals who have exercised control over you; for obviously, you incorporate no mind of your own, and absolutely no free will! Therefore, you are reduced to nothing but the product of your experiences! This is incorrect! You have chosen your experiences, just as all other individuals choose their experiences. You do not hold the ‘better way.’ You hold the different way.” [session 102, June 30, 1996]

ELIAS: “We are presently battling very established belief systems. Whether you acknowledge within yourselves these belief systems or not, they exist. You also hold a belief system in karma. Whether you understand this term or whether you have studied this concept or not, you hold the belief system. It is a mass belief system. You believe that if you are experiencing any element that is harmful to another, this shall be to your detriment and you shall owe for this. Therefore, you shall manifest to be making payment. This is not true. It is a belief system. It reinforces your ideas of right and wrong and good and bad. It reinforces your belief systems of illness or oddities, but these are all choices. You all choose. No thing is thrust upon you. As I have stated, you may not instantaneously objectively understand your creations; but as we speak, you learn to learn your own language once again, and therefore you begin to understand your creation of your own manifestations, and the why’s.” [session 151, February 02, 1997]

ELIAS: “There is no difference with ‘supposed to be’ or ‘choose to be.’ It is the same, for all things are choice. All actions, all probabilities, are choice. You have chosen every action within your focus. You are where you have created yourself to be. If you are experiencing conflict within what you have created, you may look to yourself inwardly and explore the belief systems that hold you, that do not allow your movement and cloud your choices, to be experiencing no conflict.

“You hold many, many belief systems, many of which are in line with obligation to other individuals. You create your reality dependent upon your belief systems of the expectations of others. You must be appearing at your work place at a specific time. You must be accomplishing a specific task. You must speak within a certain manner, as to not be offensive to another individual. You must be caring for another individual. You must, you must, you must! All of these musts are belief systems. You may choose to hold these belief systems, and they may be efficient, and you may not experience conflict within them; but you also may experience conflict, and as you do, then you may evaluate these belief systems, recognizing that all that you accomplish, all that you do, is filtered through belief systems. Some of these belief systems are efficient for you; some are not.” [session 165, April 19, 1997]

ELIAS: “Within agreement to be entering into the cycle of physical manifestation within this dimension, you choose to manifest three times at the very least; therefore offering yourself the experience of sexual orientation of male, female, and that which you deem to be ‘other,’ or homosexual. This physical dimension incorporates great emphasis upon sexual orientation and the experience of that ... also of emotion. In this, you offer yourselves the experience of each of these orientations. You may not choose to be engaging a lengthy focus within certain gender orientation or within the expression of homosexuality. This is your choice, but you shall manifest within one each of these orientations for the experience.

“... Be remembering also that all of your focuses are simultaneous. They are all beside each other. They are not ‘in front of’ or before each other. They exist presently within the now, for this is what exists within consciousness is the now. There is no past or future. It is merely a perception within your creation of your time framework, which appears to be moving in a linear motion; but this being also why you may experience ease in viewing other focuses of your essence, for they are occurring simultaneously. As you are, they are also.

“As essence is choosing to be entering any physical manifestation, they are all choices. An essence may be choosing to enter only one physical dimension. An essence may be choosing to be entering thousands of physical dimensions. The choice to be entering physical manifestations occurs at once.” [session 202, August 02, 1997]

ELIAS: “There are no absolutes! You WANT absolutes, but there are no absolutes! In this, your acceptance of your belief systems allows you to hold an opinion concerning your belief systems, that you may choose to move within them or you may choose not to move within them, but you create no judgment that you attach to them. There is no right or wrong or good or bad that concerns your choices. They are recognized as merely choices, and in this you offer yourselves tremendous freedom, and this be the point.” [session 328, October 03, 1998]

ELIAS: “Now; let me express to you, previously within the forum of these sessions, I have engaged interaction with groups of individuals that I have designated as what we term to be ‘secret sessions.’

“I have engaged this activity with individuals quite purposefully, for this allows individuals to be viewing objectively many areas of their creations that they view very intensely through the lens of duplicity, which is extremely coloring.

“In this particular session and discussion that you and I engage presently, you may view this to be quite similar as a secret session, for you move into the area of allowing yourself a trustfulness, to a point, to be offering information that you view to be very bad, which invokes tremendous guilt, shame, disappointment, and judgment within yourself.

“Now; in addressing to these core issues, we may more efficiently move into areas of altering the creations that you have already set into motion. But be remembering, no probability is absolute. No choice, no action, is set in stone. Therefore, although within objective terms it may APPEAR that choices and probabilities are absolute, they are not, and you may be altering of ANY choices and ANY probabilities within ANY moment.” [session 427, July 19, 1999]

ELIAS: “The expression of victim is the identification of the lack of choice. It is not negative, it is not bad. It is merely the identification that you in the moment are not presenting to yourself the availability of choice, and this is your expression of freedom, the offering of choice.

“And you block your choices continuously. You express to yourselves you cannot – not that you may not, not that you will not, but that you cannot – that there are some expressions within your reality that are impossible. (Continues softly) And I express to you, what glorious freedom you actually hold, for there is no expression within your reality that is impossible.

“... If you are offering yourself the recognition that you hold choice in the moment that you are associating that you do not hold choice, it matters not whether you offer to yourself one other choice or hundreds of other choices. It is the recognition that you are not powerless.” [session 765, January 25, 2001]

ELIAS: “The point is to be paying attention to self and what creates triggers within you. For as you allow yourself to view what triggers automatic responses within yourself, you may also become more familiar with the beliefs that are influencing these automatic responses and thusly allow yourself more choice.” [session 928, October 16, 2001]

ELIAS: “I may express to you quite literally, the expression of the signal of anger is the feeling that is incorporated in the emotion which is communicating to you that you are denying ALL of your choices in that moment. You are not viewing any of your choices. Frustration is an expression in which you recognize that you incorporate choice but you are not quite sure objectively of which manner to maneuver your energy to generate choice.

“Anger is an extreme of frustration in which you move your association from the knowing that you do incorporate choice to an expression in which you view you no longer incorporate any choice and your attention AUTOMATICALLY projects outward and you become victim, for your attention thusly is projected outward to situations or scenarios or other individuals, and as I have stated, even objects, in which your association is expressing to you that this expression outside of you is generating choice for you and you no longer incorporate choice, or that it is dictating to you and you no longer incorporate choice. And this is quite significant. For as you are aware, I have expressed previously, worry and guilt may be the two expressions that almost are a waste of energy – for there is no waste of energy – but the lack of choice, the lack of your allowance of choice and denying choice to yourself, is so very contrary to the movement in natural flow of essence and of consciousness that this be the one expression that shall cause essence to weep ... and this is what generates anger. Therefore, in the moments in which you are experiencing that signal, recognize that the message that you are offering to yourself in that signal is that you are denying your choices and you are expressing to yourself that you incorporate no choice. Therefore offer yourself choice, and the signal shall dissipate and disappear.” [session 997, January 27, 2002]

ELIAS: “Your liberation lies in your knowing yourselves, in your knowing of what you express, what you do, and what motivates and influences what you do, for this is where your choices lie. Automatic responses are black and white. They are choice of merely one response, and how limiting is this to you. You incorporate endless choices.” [session 1167, October 26, 2002]

ELIAS: “Now; as I have stated many times, you may be expressing acceptance in entirety of your beliefs and continue to express your individual opinions and your preferences. They are not at odds with each other. Acceptance is an expression in which you do not incorporate judgment. This is not to say that you may not incorporate your individual preferences and individual expressions and your opinions, but knowing that they are your opinions and your preferences and they are not better or worse than any other individual’s. They are merely different. The acceptance is expressed in difference, and difference is quite challenging to be accepting. You automatically express the want for sameness, for if you are the same you validate yourself and each other. If you are the same, you are expressing that you understand each other objectively, and this is good.

“Now; as I have stated, the significance of recognizing what beliefs are influencing your actions throughout one day is that this offers you an intimate awareness of yourself. It allows you the freedom of choice. Do not misunderstand, automatic responses are choices also but they are limiting, for you are not intentionally directing objectively these automatic responses.

“I am not speaking of thinking continuously, for choice does not require thought. Action does not require thought. But thought is a powerful tool that you incorporate within your physical reality. It is an objective tool that translates information to you. It allows you, at times, more clarity in your understanding of what you are creating.

“Now; many times it does not offer you clarity. It offers you confusion, for you are not offering your thought mechanism information to be translating accurately. Therefore it translates generally, then you become confused and you spin upon your hamster wheel.” (Smiling) [session 1252, January 18, 2003]

ELIAS: “Freedom is simply choice and the knowing of it. You define freedom in many different ways. You define freedom in financial expressions, in activities, in the lack of activities. In actuality, freedom is merely the knowing of the expression of choice in any and every situation.” [session 1368, June 07, 2003]

ELIAS: “Caring and concerning are not the same. Concerning is the judgment and the comparison, and it disguises itself – you disguise it – in many different manners that you deem to be good: ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are very unhappy and they are not accepting of their situation,’ or, ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are very ill and they are very sad,’ ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are generating choices that may be harmful to themself or to another individual.’ It matters not. (Emphatically) Not that nothing matters!

“‘It matters not’ is an expression of no judgment. These are their choices. You may recognize that they are not YOUR choices and they are not your preferences, and therefore you may choose not to generate similar experiences; but they are generating these experiences, and regardless of whether the individual may objectively express that they are unhappy with their choices, they are generating them. They may not like their choices and they may not even want their choices – for you may generate many choices that you do not necessarily want – but they value their choices.

BALBINA: “And if they ask, ‘Help me’?”

ELIAS: “If an individual is inquiring and requesting your helpfulness, it is your choice in how you shall be responsive. I express to all of you that your most helpful expression is to be accepting of their choices without judgment, not to be fixing.

“If they are requesting input of information and you are genuinely paying attention to yourself and you are genuinely wishing to be compliant with their request and offering genuine helpfulness, the manner in which you may respond is to be supportive. And how may you be supportive? To share your experiences. Not to instruct, not to teach...” [session 1398, July 19, 2003]

ELIAS: “I may express to you, as I have expressed to these other individuals and many, many other individuals, do not confuse yourself. Thought does not create reality. It is not its function. Its function is to translate, to interpret what your communications are. Therefore, it is only as efficient as information that you offer to it. If you are not allowing your attention a flexibility to be listening to all of your communications and to be moving in awareness of what you are actually doing, which is what you are choosing, you do not offer accurate information to the thought mechanism, and therefore it may not offer you accurate translations of what you are communicating or what you are doing. This is the reason that many individuals become quite confused, as thought does not match what they are doing or what their communications are.

“But if you are generating a balance, recognizing that if you move your attention to all three factors or elements of yourself – thought, communication, and choice/doing, for doing and choice are synonymous – if you are allowing yourself a flexibility in attention to these three aspects of yourself, you shall notice when one is not in harmony with the other two, and in that you offer yourself information. That is the manner in which you begin to balance and you begin to recognize the ‘why’ of your creations.

“I encourage individuals to concentrate upon the ‘what’ of their creations, for you concentrate excessively upon the why and you offer yourself no answer, for the question is too familiar. But in paying attention and creating the balance of these three factors of yourself, you automatically offer yourself the why, without asking the question.” [session 1468, November 08, 2003]

ELIAS: “As I express to any of you in many, many, many situations that choices are choices and that it matters not, I am not expressing to you that it does not matter. There IS a difference, which I have expressed previously. There are many expressions that matter. In actuality, ALL of your expressions matter; ALL that you do matters. The expression of “it matters not” is directed to the recognition that choices are choices and that any choice is merely a choice, and that it is not necessary to be expressing judgment of one choice being better than another choice. That is not to say that your expressions do not matter, for they do.

“Being responsible for self is tremendous, and being responsible for self is what generates the natural action of essence to not be intrusive.” [session 1521, February 26, 2004]

Elias “gems”

VICKI: “I have a question. Can you give any further information on probabilities and what they are?

ELIAS: A probability is a possible choice; therefore, there are countless numbers. You incorporate them singularly, one at a time. You choose one action. You choose from myriads of possibilities, which are probable choices. Each of the choices that you do not choose manifests elsewhere. All probabilities are actualized. All are not actualized within your focus. You possess the ability to choose the most efficient probability; efficient being the probability which incorporates no conflict. You do not always find the probability which incorporates no conflict, but it is always available to you. (Pause) But as you are within your oubliette, you do not always view the most efficient probabilities, for many times they are within the ‘pit’ in front of you! (Pause, grinning at Vicki) Do not complicate the issue of probabilities! It is a simple concept. It is only choices and this is what your Regional Area 2 is comprised of – choices.

GUIN: Mostly collective, correct?

ELIAS: Within Regional Area 2, all of your personal choices for your individual focus are manifest. They also connect with all other individuals, but this is not a collective consciousness area. That we will be reserving for Regional Area 3. I choose, within probabilities, (grinning) to be holding on the subject of Regional Area 3, for I wish not to divert your attention to mass events before you have incorporated individual events!” [session 65, January 07, 1996]

CATHY: “Does Paul (Patel) have a group like you have a group, and do you compare notes for enjoyment? (Elias starts chuckling)

ELIAS: Presently, correct. (Still chuckling) The probabilities hold that this may change.

CATHY: That his group will change?

ELIAS: Correct; as did the probabilities change with my focus also.

CATHY: I don’t get that!

ELIAS: (Grinning) The connection has been made. The preparation has been initiated. The agreement has been incorporated. It remains static presently; but if choices are made to be changing this situation, (looking at Ron) others incorporated will drop away.

VICKI: Why? (The eternal ‘Why?’)

ELIAS: For they are not necessary. The awareness which is capable of incorporating Paul (Patel) is here! (Grinning at Ron) This does not discount the involvement, within this group, of our friend Paul (Patel); for this being where his focus is!

CATHY: His focus is here, but he has a group, somewhat like ours, simultaneously, somewhere else???

ELIAS: My focus was here also, and I incorporated other groups also!

CATHY: But you no longer incorporate other groups.

ELIAS: Correct; and he will neither.

CATHY: Well, I don’t get how it can be! With all these people, there isn’t another group that has the desire and the intent to learn this stuff???

ELIAS: Ah! There is! (Grinning) You are not the only individuals upon your planet who incorporate the desire! You are the individuals who have made agreements. We are also not the only essences within the universe! (We all laugh, including Elias)

I am quite amused at your thinking process, as we incorporated this when I was expressing to you that I would not focus with other groups; and your response, within your consciousness, was, ‘Oh my! I have been selected from the entire cosmos!’ As if to be saying that Elias may be the only essence who speaks within physical focus! Not true! There are many! Elias and Paul (Patel) are connected to you; and you have asked; and we are answering. Many essences are connected to many individuals, and they do not ask.

CATHY: So basically, the asking started when Vicki started going to those meetings that Mary was at, and the connections were made, and it just kind of went from there?

ELIAS: Incorrect!

CATHY: Okay, then what???

ELIAS: The asking began before you manifested!

CATHY: Because this was an agreement. Whoops! Forgot! An agreement that nobody remembered until she went to the meetings and did that?

ELIAS: And you are believing that Lawrence [Vicki] remembers presently??? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I do not think so! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Much laughter)

VICKI: If you were incorporated with other groups of people; I think this is where the question lies; if you were incorporated with other groups of people, that must have been per agreement also.

ELIAS: Correct; and we have discussed this issue also, if you are incorporating your previous material! I have expressed to you that my decision, as also Paul’s [Patel’s] decision, as also many other essences, has its basis in the most suitable consciousness, the agreement, and the ability of the individual in not blocking, through belief systems, the information which may be offered, most efficiently.

Many incorporate the agreement. Many possess the desire. Many involve belief systems which are blocking to the information which may be offered! Therefore, you are left with very many ‘peace, love, brotherhood,’ and not much else! We all incorporate peace and love and brotherhood, but you are in need of more information than these words!” [session 64, January 03, 1996]

(Vic’s note: reading Mary’s questions will be indicated by ‘quotation marks’)

VICKI: “Okay; questions instigated by the reading of this book. (1) ‘Please explain why a person would be affected by fatigue when involving the channeling phenomenon.’

ELIAS: You are wishing to understand why the connection may be affected, correct?

VICKI: Yes. Also, this individual in this book did state that it was undesirable for the person that was doing the channeling, in this case, to be doing this when he was very tired.

ELIAS: This is the desire of the physically focused individual. The essence is responding. The individual wishes not to be engaging in this phenomenon while experiencing fatigue or uncomfortableness. Therefore, this is expressed within essence, and responded to by the connecting essence acting as the through channel. In actuality, as I have expressed to you, your physical body will not be taxed during this phenomenon to any great degree, for the essences which are involved with this agreement will not be wishing to incorporate conflict or ‘taxingness’ of the physical individual. Much energy is required, but it is manipulated within such a way that the individual physically focused will not be incorporating any sufferage as resulting from this phenomenon. A mild fatigue may be following, but normally speaking, this should be the extent. Many individuals may feel exhilarated by the incorporation of other energy.” [session 66, January 14, 1996]

ELIAS: “We will also explain that within other areas of consciousness and essence, all things may be categorized as agreements. All action that transpires between any individuals are agreements; not in what you view to be agreements, for your definition of this word is quite limited to your physical understanding. These agreements are not expressed in the manner that you think of. Each element of your existence is not discussed with each other essence, and it is not debated back and forth. (Extends each hand out as if they were two people talking to each other) ‘I will do this.’ ‘Alright, this is acceptable.’ ‘No, I feel I should do this.’ ‘I disagree.’ ‘Well, acceptable.’ ‘We will compromise.’ ‘This is an agreement.’ Incorrect! No discussion is transpiring! Actions in this element are instantaneous. There is no ‘time element’ involved. They are spontaneous.

I will also express to you that although you create your own reality, as does each individual, you do not create another individual’s reality; but you do interact, and you do influence. This is where your agreements spontaneously lie, as a general understood agreement; that if one chooses to be responding, within consciousness, to your influence or your energy, for you may not always be influencing, in the definition that you hold, but you may be influencing within energy; and if the individual is responding to this, obviously they have agreed to be responding.

These, as I have stated, are not individual agreements. It is an overall agreement, within essence and other areas of consciousness, to be allowing or not allowing, within Regional Area 1, a response. Therefore, if you are viewing an individual seeming to be responding to thoughts that you possess which are unspoken, do not discount; for this is precisely what they are responding to! (Grinning at Vicki) Thoughts are energy. Energy is always in motion. Energy is reality.” [session 77, March 10, 1996]

ELIAS: “So, you hold wonderings of probabilities, or how you create your realities, or why you create your reality, or why you choose the experiences that you choose! Or perhaps, do you choose these experiences? You find it easier to be viewing all things as prearranged agreements. Probabilities are enacted, for you have previously agreed upon them. Within our sessions, I have expressed to you that you incorporate agreements, and you act upon these within probabilities. In actuality, if you are viewing from one perspective, this is quite accurate. All things are agreements. All interactions involving more than one focus are agreements; but just as we have spoken of dreams and layers of dreams, there are many layers of consciousness also, and within some layers, very close to your physical focus, and within your actual physical focus, you do not always make agreements as you think of them. You do not agree, somewhere in some unknown area of consciousness far removed from yourself, to be engaging in a very traumatic experience with other individuals!

Individuals choose probabilities. They make choices. Each of you, and others also, make choices for yourselves. In this, as I have expressed previously, you affect all consciousness. You view individuals, close to you physically, as being very affected; for this is what you allow yourselves to view, in confirmation of the connections within consciousness. You choose, many times, to be not viewing farther than this. Therefore, you confuse yourselves. ‘What have I created? What has another created?’ Within the choice of any one given individual, they create their reality. Within agreement to be affected, you draw yourselves to these creations for your own reasons. This is not to say that you have created the situation, but you enable yourselves to connect with the given creation, allowing yourselves to widen; just as you draw to yourselves a book to incorporate information that you are needing at that particular time period within your focus. You did not create the book. You are not the writer; but you have drawn yourself to this writing for your own benefit, for you have chosen to benefit.

Each experience that you involve yourself within, you choose for your benefit, within your own personal value fulfillment. You each may look upon what you view to be far removed previous experiences, experiences you have incorporated individually within your past, and you may view these and express to yourselves presently, that you understand why you created those situations previously. You may have not, in actuality, created all of the situation, but you engaged the actions, in allowing yourselves to benefit.

Benefit does not always mean what you term to be, in your thinking, ‘good’. You are quite conditioned to be thinking in terms of good or bad. ‘I attend a party; this is a good experience. I witness a death; this is a bad experience.’ You draw yourselves to all experiences to benefit you, within consciousness. Some, you may consciously, within your thinking, attach reasons for, within your future time. Your physical reasoning explanations to yourselves may be satisfying to you physically, but they may not completely be, in actuality, the beneficial aspect of why you drew these situations to yourself. Some of you view situations more easily, in thinking of more removed elements. It is easier to engage an understanding of a situation if you are looking to this situation in what you term to be your ‘bigger picture.’ Your bigger picture, in reality, is your smaller picture within you! (Grinning)

Within your thought processes, you think to yourselves, the bigger picture involves many individuals, mass events, Source Events, global incorporation, your shift, agreements; bigger and bigger and bigger; for you view a rock as small and a mountain as big! Therefore, you view ‘more,’ as far as physical aspects are concerned, to be bigger. In actuality, I express to you that the more and the bigger picture is what you view to be the small picture; the individual within; for the universe lies within, not outside where you view physically.” [session 101, June 24, 1996]

(Vic’s note: this pop-in occurred at around midnight, and lasted until about 2:00 AM.. It probably should be titled ‘The Middle Of The Night Session’, but then again, it’s such a good example of the hamster wheel! We turned the tape on a few minutes prior, as Elias was so very present. This is one of the few times that we have a brief example of the conversation that initiated a pop-in.) (2)

VICKI: “... accepting of where another individual is coming from, or a concept is coming from, or whatever? They’re all the same things. I mean, it’s an exaggerated example that I’ve presented to myself of my own issue, my own behavior, my own battle in consciousness presently, which I really didn’t get until your answer to your question, (refering to her friend Cathy’s question earlier that evening regarding an experience with a dog (3)) because I really didn’t think I was having any battle, but I can view that more clearly now.

(Elias pops-in immediately, with no pause)

ELIAS: And also a confinement of the self, and no allowance for free expression within your natural movement! You have created, in cooperation with each other in consciousness, a very creative expression outwardly. (Pause, as we adjust to the energy)

VICKI: I don’t understand the confinement thing.

ELIAS: What do you exhibit with this creature?

VICKI: Confinement. (Vic’s note: in reference to Cleo, aka Psycho Cat) (4)

ELIAS: Which parallels your own action upon your own free expression. You hold your identity and your control tightly to yourself in an expression of fear, therefore not allowing for its natural expression and movement within its natural course of probabilities.

VICKI: Well, I can apply that to myself, but I can’t apply it to the creature, because the creature may disappear.

ELIAS: You project expectations which you base upon what you view to be previous experiences, which have created belief systems, which you presently respond to.

VICKI: I can understand in the big picture of things that maybe we wouldn’t actually have it matter that the creature may disappear, but within an agreement with another individual that I will be as responsible as I can be with their creature, I can’t go there.

ELIAS: This being your choice. You do hold choices. You do have alternate choices of action. You choose to mirror outwardly an expression with this creature that you express within yourself.

VICKI: Okay, I can accept that.

ELIAS: Which allows you a feeling of comfort, acceptance, and non-intrusion into areas which you choose not to presently engage, and no inconvenience.

VICKI: Well, that’s really confusing. I don’t really get it.

ELIAS: Many times, when you are engaging base belief systems, as it has been stated previously, you initiate effort to be attaining your area or action of effortlessness. If you are unwilling to be exerting this initial effort to be moving within consciousness, you remain within the safety of your fear. You do not inconvenience yourself by engaging effort.

VICKI: So would it be possible to view the example, incorporate physical action of confinement, say, in order to be accommodating to people you have made agreements with, and still unincorporate that action within yourself?

ELIAS: It is entirely possible, although within what you have chosen as your manifestation, they are intimately connected.

VICKI: I just will have to see where I go with that. I don’t know.

ELIAS: You shall move. You temporarily hinder your movement. This is not a permanent situation, but you allow yourself to continue your conflict, as you allow yourself to hinder your movement.

VICKI: There must be a point one can reach where one can incorporate physically focused action on one hand, and incorporate a different subjective action on the other hand.

ELIAS: As I have stated, this is entirely possible.

VICKI: We’re dealing with other individuals here.

ELIAS: This is also, as I have said, directly, intimately connected with the issue that you engage. Therefore, as all things are possible, for they are, and you may choose any action to manifest and accomplish, all things are not completely probable within the directions that you choose.

VICKI: Within the concept of essences not being intrusive, there has to be a balance there somewhere, because even in physical focus, this would apply, correct?

ELIAS: This is correct.

VICKI: And so one must take that into consideration somewhere.

ELIAS: This is correct. Presently, within your holding to your issue, you shall also be offering yourself many reasons to continue!

CATHY: I’m confused. What exactly is the issue? (Laughter)

ELIAS: This would be the same issue that Shynla [Cathy] and Michael [Mary] also hold, within the area of personality responsibility.

CATHY: Oh, that! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Oh, that old thing! (Humorously)

VICKI: But you can’t say one thing and do another. That’s incorrect also. That’s not an expression of essence. You have to do the best you can.

ELIAS: (Grinning) You ‘cannot,’ and you have to!’ (Laughter)

VICKI: You can’t look at a person and say, I’ll do this, and then turn around the next second and not do that. That’s intrusive.

ELIAS: We are focusing in quite limited terms, quite efficiently reinforcing this belief system and offering expressions to be validating your hindrance.

VICKI: But there are other individuals involved. One must take that into consideration, correct?

ELIAS: And you view limited possibilities, probabilities, choices. You have many.

VICKI: All I know is that when I make an agreement with a person to do something, if I break that agreement ...

ELIAS: I express not to you to be breaking your agreement! I offer to you to be viewing your probabilities, your choices, to which you hold many. You view very few.

VICKI: Okay. I’ll think about that.

ELIAS: You may hold to your agreements, and you may choose different expressions and action to accomplish. You have many choices available to you.

VICKI: But some seem far safer than others.

ELIAS: Within your limitations of willingness to be inconvenienced! I shall express to you, it is not what you would term to be an issue of ‘life and death’ that you engage different probabilities! (Grinning) You shall move, regardless. You shall eliminate your conflict, regardless. Your choice presently is to eliminate conflict within a smaller or larger time element.

VICKI: But there are some physically focused situations in which your personal individual conflict, my personal individual conflict, is not the entire issue!

ELIAS: Within your present perception.

VICKI: Other people matter too!

ELIAS: I express not any difference in terms. Other individuals do ‘matter.’ Your choice of engagement of probabilities is always open. You always hold choices that you may engage, focused upon self within your most efficient expression, and not be intrusive to another.

VICKI: Okay. So, what if the choices that you have made appear to you to be your least conflict choices, within the entire picture? Are you fooling yourself?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon your own expression and engagement of your belief systems, or non-engagement of belief systems. It is entirely possible, as we have stated previously, that you may engage your least conflict scenario and not be expressing within an essence expression; which is also the expression to yourself, not only to others outside of you, in your terms.

VICKI: So, are we at the point where we can’t really play the no conflict game, and trust that?

ELIAS: No, but you are at your point, so to speak, that you may more carefully evaluate your expressions within this no conflict game (5); for you presently engage base belief systems, and are aware. You are also quite aware of your own ability to be deceiving yourself, in an effort to not be engaging these belief systems. You have shown yourself presently your identification of holding to certain areas that you view to be threatened. Therefore, you have already provided yourself with information.

This being where you incorporate responsibility for self; your true personal responsibility; to which I have seriously engaged you previously as to this subject. You move to an area of awareness to be changing your issue of personal responsibility, which you hold for all other individuals and creatures and every other manifestation that you may possibly create, and shifting this inwardly to yourself, which is great.

VICKI: If an individual trusts you, or you trust another individual to incorporate an action, isn’t that important?


VICKI: Shouldn’t that be responded to?


VICKI: Well then, it just doesn’t correlate. It doesn’t make sense.

ELIAS: You are only viewing few choices. We have spoken previously of your gray area, your black and white. All of your probabilities are not cause and effect; either, or; black or white. You have many choices. You only do not allow yourselves to see these.

VICKI: Well, I have the benefit of information. Some of the people I’m making agreements with don’t have that.

ELIAS: There you incorporate your responsibility for your choices, allowing yourself to view more of your choices ... or not!

VICKI: And I would have to wonder presently if this is a ‘sifting through’ area.

ELIAS: If you are choosing. I am not expressing evasiveness. I am not expressing non-information to be confusing to you. I am expressing, pointedly, that you have choices, within every situation, that you do not see; but you hold the ability to allow yourself to engage other choices of action which may be more efficient.

VICKI: And if I am unable to view those more efficient choices, what do I do then? Because in this present situation, I don’t view them.

ELIAS: You will continue within your present action until you are viewing a partial safety, and you will be incorporating a further action within a slight movement.

VICKI: This is my plan.

ELIAS: Which is your choice. Do not be attaching right, wrong, good, bad.

VICKI: I am doing that presently.

ELIAS: I am understanding of this. There is no right, wrong, good, bad. They are choices. Some of your probabilities may be more efficient choices, allowing you less conflict or less confusion, but they are only different.

As I have stated this very evening, you shall move. You shall accomplish. It is only a matter of your physical time element that you choose to continue within your conflict, or choose not to continue within your conflict. If you are uncomfortable within your conflict, you shall motivate yourself to view other probabilities within small actions.

VICKI: That’s kind of what I feel like I’ve done with this present example. My immediate action was based on my immediate belief systems. When it was obvious that these belief systems were not working in this specific circumstance, I engaged different action, action I don’t normally engage, and so I view this in that way. But if I’m not making efficient choices, I do want to know about it.

ELIAS: Partially; for within some areas, you are creating efficient choices, for you are allowing yourself to be connecting within understanding of these belief systems.

VICKI: I’m so confused! (Laughter)

ELIAS: You are engaging belief systems. You are offering yourselves, both, (looking at Cathy) information to be connecting with these belief systems. You are widening and you are beginning your process, so to speak, of acceptance, which also engages self; to which you are allowing yourselves, in small increments, an acceptance of self and a greater trust of self. You only do not view all of your probabilities, which, within physical focus, you most probably will never view all of your probabilities, but you do hold the ability to offer yourselves more probabilities and choices than you do presently, for you think in very limited terms; either, or.

VICKI: Well, it seems that sometimes it comes down to a matter of trusting the probabilities. Within an action of one’s self that doesn’t engage another individual, I can trust my probabilities easier; but when I’m engaging another individual, I can’t trust those probabilities quite so easily.

ELIAS: You do not trust you own self-expression. Therefore, you do not trust your own probabilities and choices.

VICKI: But that’s based on bunches of years of physical experience. It’s okay when it’s just your ...

ELIAS: (Interrupting) Which you engage presently.

VICKI: Pardon?

ELIAS: Which you engage presently; years of belief systems. I offer you only encouragement in knowing that you hold more choices than you allow yourself to view.

VICKI: I accept that, but it’s just difficult when other individuals are involved, which is where I guess the personal responsibility issue enters. But still, that’s very real.

ELIAS: Quite! All things that you manifest are very real, for they are your reality! As I have expressed previously, each individual’s reality is reality; yours also.

VICKI: I can go to a certain extent within my own belief systems and accomplish a ‘Well, I’ll go this far, and this person will go this far, and we’ll kind of meet in the gray area,’ but there still is a line as to how far you will trust those probabilities when you have a commitment to another person.

ELIAS: Which you engage presently. (To Cathy) Which you engage presently! (Laughter)

VICKI: Which Michael [Mary] engages presently.

ELIAS: Correct.

VICKI: It’s just really difficult. It is really difficult!

ELIAS: We are quite understanding of this expression. (Smiling)

VICKI: I’ll work on it.

ELIAS: Do not view, within your perception, a pushing from Elias, for I accept your choices. I only offer information for movement, in the area of viewing more of your choices to be lessening of your conflict.

VICKI: I don’t view a pushing. I appreciate the information and the exchange and the allowance to be asking these kinds of questions, because even in one singular event, one can learn a lot, and I’m aware of that.

ELIAS: Quite so.

VICKI: But it does get very confusing when you’re dealing with other individuals!

ELIAS: When you are dealing with base belief systems, irregardless of other individuals! I have expressed to you previously, these are difficult areas. I have expressed to you, within our most recent session, our understanding of the difficulty of engagement of these base belief systems, and offered reasoning for allowance within these areas; for it is understood the difficulty experienced.

VICKI: And then we would get back down to the original questions a year ago about impulses, and how to identify them and whether or not they’re impulses or they’re attached to belief systems, or all of that stuff. Even within one singular physically focused event, one can bring up a lot of things to one’s self.

ELIAS: We have engaged our game (6) for much of your time element. Within this present moment, not one individual within our small group truly identifies true impressions or impulses. You allow yourselves the opportunity to practice, but you do not truly understand what you are practicing with! You have still not identified what you are connecting with; this being why we continue with our game!

VICKI: I understand that! (Laughter)

ELIAS: You know only that you somehow, a little slightly more than accidentally, acquire a correct answer or an incorrect answer!

VICKI: Okay. To go back to the present physically focused example of the cat, there’s more involved than the other individual. There’s also personal responsibility on my own part involved with, say, this cat right here. (Indicating Jack the cat, a family pet)

ELIAS: I am quite understanding of your personal responsibility issue with your other creatures.

VICKI: I don’t understand.

ELIAS: I am aware of the ramifications of the entire issue, holding not only your responsibility to your agreement with another individual, but also with your agreement with your other creatures.

VICKI: Right. And so what I would identify as an impulse, maybe I’m incorrect, but what I presently identify as an impulse, to be following those agreements and to be taking the most efficient action of confinement presently, to protect everybody involved and all agreements involved ... am I like missing the point somewhere? (Yes!)

ELIAS: You are continuing to view in a correct/incorrect, good/bad, right/wrong area.

VICKI: But this is a living creature here! (Indicating Jack)

ELIAS: There is no good, bad, right, wrong, within your choice presently. You have chosen. You have actualized a probability. It is not ‘wrong!’

VICKI: But it is not the most efficient choice.

ELIAS: Within your probabilities. (Grinning)

VICKI: And the impulse, or what I identify as an impulse, that another choice could be harmful ...

ELIAS: This is not an impulse. This is a feeling.

VICKI: So obviously, I’m not even to the point where I can identify an impulse yet! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Neither are Shynla [Cathy] or Olivia [Ron] or Michael [Mary]; this being why we continue! I have expressed to you, within the beginnings of our sessions, an impulse is not a feeling. It is not a thought. It is not an emotion. (Here, we lose a few minutes due to a tape change)

VICKI: ... You know, it’s just amazing to think that after a year and a half, we still can’t identify a dang impulse!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) A quite small time period!

VICKI: We’ll go back to identification of impulses in the next few sessions, I can tell now! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Within probabilities, this shall incorporate nicely into our subject matter.

VICKI: So, I shall pursue it presently, because I can. I felt it was an impulse to agree to the action of taking the darn cat in the first place. Is this correct?

ELIAS: This was a choice. (Can you believe the patience here?)

VICKI: Not an impulse. This was a choice. Okay, that’s helpful.

ELIAS: You may view that some of your choices within probabilities are influenced choices by your subjective expressions, which you may view presently that this influence is obvious presently.

VICKI: But it’s still not what you would identify purely as an impulse.

ELIAS: No. An impulse, I may express simply, is an automatic response urged by essence.

VICKI: And when you do incorporate an automatic response, and directly thereafter incorporate conflict, what’s happening there?

ELIAS: This would be dependent upon the situation. Understand the entirety of the statement; an automatic response urged by essence. You may incorporate an automatic response to a given situation which may not be a response of essence, or you may incorporate an automatic response which is motivated or urged by essence and you may subsequently experience conflict; for within your fear, or your lack of trustfulness, you may react. This would be an action of blocking the response after.

Generally speaking, you block the response initially and do not recognize the impulse. Therefore, you have no automatic response! (Laughter) I have been expressing over and over, the subject matter of probabilities will be moving quite slowly, for this is a very difficult area and will incorporate much confusion and also much misinterpretation. Now you may evaluate within yourselves your readiness for this subject, in your hastiness within consciousness to be ‘jumping shells’ and wishing information before it was to be offered; but this also has been your choice, and you have chosen.

VICKI: It would still be my choice. I’d rather be in a state of confusion than a state of boredom!

ELIAS: Quite so, from the twins! (Chuckling)

VICKI: I would like to maybe ask a few questions about our little meditation the other night, in which we attempted to ‘take care of’ my cat bite and Cathy’s bladder.

ELIAS: (Grinning) Speaking of this subject, I shall temporarily interrupt Lawrence [Vicki] briefly, to be allowing Lawrence’s [Vicki’s] question within a moment, for I shall return Michael [Mary] presently. (Laughing)

VICKI: Speaking of bladders! (Here, Cathy and I totally lose it. The more we laugh, the harder Elias laughs, and none of us can stop)

ELIAS: This is quite amusing! (He’s really cracking up here)

VICKI: Well, at least we can laugh, huh?

ELIAS: He is experiencing uncomfortableness! (Vicki starts coughing) Now Lawrence [Vicki] shall be choking and experience uncomfortableness also! This is quite amusing! (We all lose it again)

VICKI: Physical focus!

ELIAS: Quite a nuisance, actually! (Elias is still laughing so hard he can barely make the next statement) But I shall be obliging of this situation presently. I shall return him to you. Quite fun! I shall return. (I don’t think I’ve ever seen Elias laugh so hard for so long. I’m sure the hamster wheel added to his amusement!)


ELIAS: Continuing ... an obvious relief of the problem! (We all lose it again) You may continue seriously.

VICKI: I’m having a hard time remembering where I was. Okay. To the meditation we had, in which we tried ... (We all lose it again)

ELIAS: Lawrence [Vicki] is expressing great difficulty continuing seriously!

VICKI: This is a good thing. We don’t want to get too serious!

ELIAS: I may be expressing in conference that physical focus may be quite fun when engaged!

VICKI: Sometimes! I don’t even remember my question. I remember I was going to the meditation, and the interaction between the four of us in attempting to affect these physical body parts, and we got to the bladder, and ... I lost it. (And we all lose it again!)

ELIAS: And ...

VICKI: And in this particular action that we incorporated that evening, we incorporated, in my ‘impression’ ... (more laughter)

ELIAS: Or shall we change this to ‘my thought process?’ (Grinning)

VICKI: Well, the original intent was clear and expressed by everybody here, but my impression was that we incorporated a more effective action in some other areas within just connecting, and ...

ELIAS: Quite right.

VICKI: And this was the point.

ELIAS: Do not be discounting of all of your supposed impressions, for many of them are correct, although you do not always recognize the validity of an impression; but I must be expressing to you that you connect with impressions much more efficiently than you connect with impulses. Great acknowledgment; this being a direct resulting of our game. One point for Elias! (Grinning)

CATHY: Good thing it’s not a game on impulses!

ELIAS: We may be creating this game!

VICKI: This might be a good thing. I mean, after a year and a half, we still can’t even get there! Maybe we should have this game!

ELIAS: Then, you may collectively initiate a new game based on impulses, for you collectively created a game to engage impressions, although I was organizing of this expression. Therefore, I receive the point! (Laughter)

VICKI: We shall maybe have to do that, because this might be very helpful since we still haven’t gotten there yet, except within a few isolated incidences. And what about Cathy’s continuing question about this dog? She doesn’t really understand what was going on with the dog physically.

ELIAS: (To Cathy) View the explanation you have been offered. If you continue within your confusion, I shall offer you more explanation. (To Vicki) And to your meditation.

VICKI: Well, all I can say is that I thought that the results physically of the meditation were just wonderful, but I don’t really think that was the important part of it.

ELIAS: Do not be discounting of any element, for there is no more important or less important.

VICKI: It’s all the same ... one affects the other?

ELIAS: Quite right, but I shall offer that your impression was also correct, in that you engaged more than only physical affectingness. Your physical manifestations mirror your movement, as we have expressed many times. Therefore, view your meditation. If you are physically manifesting movement, affectingness, you also inwardly affect movement, for you are outwardly objectively mirroring your subjective expression; an incorporation of trust. If you are not objectively affecting as greatly, you are also mirroring a resistance to be incorporating subjective movement. This is not to say that you do not move subjectively, but you may not be allowing the bleed-through or mergence into objective expression; this also being the mirroring of this situation that Lawrence [Vicki] physically manifests with the creature; a confinement; a partial acceptance, a partial allowance, but a holding back or hindrance to natural flowing of movement; a resistance.

VICKI: I still take issue with the confinement issue!

ELIAS: Acceptable. (Grinning; he’s egging me on here!)

VICKI: It’s not my normal expression!

ELIAS: You need not justify actions to Elias! (Still grinning)

VICKI: I understand that, but it’s helpful to discuss actions with Elias, and I have the opportunity to do that, so I will. (Oh, no, here we go again!) It’s confusing. I do understand the confinement issue within myself partially, but I guess I do have to somewhere separate out physical focus stuff. This confinement of this creature is not my normal method, so to speak. It was arrived at after much searching out of other information from physically focused people that I trust, and that are intelligent people, to incorporate a different method.

(Vic’s note: here, Elias turns and stares at Cathy, grinning, and we all crack up again. Cathy provided a very nice cage for the cat, and reinforced, through agreement, the decision to confine it.)

ELIAS: Which the individual that you incorporate helpfulness [from] incorporates the same issue! (Much laughter)

VICKI: And I do understand even that part. I guess I just don’t get the physical focus thing. The confinement appears to be the least conflict scenario for the creature, for myself, for the other people that live in the house, for the other creatures that live in the house. It appears to be the least conflict scenario. I really need to know if I’m just way off base here. (Obviously!)

ELIAS: This being your present perception, therefore your present choice, within your limitation of viewing your probabilities and your choices; which is the identical answer I have offered to you several times already! (Pause, during which she finally shuts up)

(Chuckling) As to your meditation, once again; you are affecting, within this action, a connection of this pyramid action (7) in an express desire for helpfulness within the movement of these belief systems. The collective energy between these individuals incorporated together is expressed within many layers of consciousness, affecting and acting upon many events within your objective expression. Therefore, within the issues that you currently choose to be engaging, you have expressed a desire for helpfulness from this pyramid action, and you have received.

VICKI: And within that, I did feel what I thought was an impulse at the time, or an impression. I felt an impulse to instigate the action of the meditation. I also felt that I was alone in that, and that I would have to be pushy in order to actually engage the action, which I decided to do. This takes us back to the question that I brought up this evening about Shynla’s [Cathy’s] question to me this afternoon. I felt like I was being pushy. I felt like that was what I needed to do in order to instigate the action, and I did do that because I felt like it was that important to me personally, just to me.

ELIAS: And within this personal expression, following subjective bleed-through information, expressing outwardly, you created no conflict and were not perceived as intrusive.

VICKI: So in the middle of the action though, of instigating it, I wasn’t aware of that. How do you know? How do you know what you should follow through with or not, in that sort of a pushy action? Because in the middle of it, it wasn’t clear to me.

ELIAS: As I have expressed early in our sessions, if you engage an action of intrusiveness, you will know.

VICKI: Well, I actually felt rather intrusive that night.

ELIAS: It will be expressed. It will be expressed in the form of either actual verbalization on the part of another individual, or you will experience an energy exchange allowing you to understand the reflection of the action. If you were to be continuing within your action of what you view to be pushing in this meditation, and there were to be a true expression on the part of the other individuals involved, you would know. You only interpret that individuals express an action out of obligation, for this is your perception. Individuals do not engage if they do not choose! We have expressed this previously. You will not engage without choosing to be engaging. Each individual creates their own reality and their own expression. This enters every aspect, every moment of your focus.

VICKI: And within that, I suppose it matters not whether or not the engagement is the most efficient or not.

ELIAS: Partially. Within your present perception and understanding and allowance, it is efficient; for within your present acceptance and trust and allowance, each of your expressions are efficient. This is not to say that you do not possess choices that may be more efficient, but you engage those choices which you view to be the most efficient presently, within your present moment, within your present awareness and your present perception. You ask if your expression is efficient. Therefore, I answer, you hold more efficient choices. I do not express that you are wrong. I also do not express that you hold more efficient choices, if you do not express a willingness to know! (Pause, smiling)

VICKI: Okay.

ELIAS: Much is withheld, as you are already aware, for you express no desire within this present moment for the information. Therefore, you are offered information that you express the desire to have.” (8) [session 114, August 18, 1996]

DREW: “I have a question about choices because I’m a little bit confused by this. You said last week that physical focus and physical manifestations are symbols for essence activity. If that’s true, then how can we as symbols be making the choices for things that are taking place within our essence?

ELIAS: For you look to a symbol as only a representation of something. I have expressed to you that a symbol holds a quality of representation of something else, an interpretation, but it also is itself. It holds its own integrity. It holds its own reality. Therefore, you are a symbol, for your manifestation is a symbol of a focus of essence. As you look through your physical eyes and view different objects, they are a part of your reality, although they are also symbols to you; but they are, within themselves, their own reality. You also are a vision of essence, but you are a reality. Therefore, you also are a thing within itself.

DREW: Similar to the way a child may be a reflection of its parents, but yet it still makes its own decisions and its own choices in life? Is that a metaphor that works?

ELIAS: You may view in this manner, although this creates also deceiving ideas. I shall express to you that you, as has been stated, are a part of all, as all is a part of you, correct? Correct!

DREW: I won’t argue with you! (Laughter)

ELIAS: As you walk out of your dwelling and view a flower, this flower is not you, although it is a part of you. It also is a symbol to you. It is simultaneously a thing within itself, holding its own integrity and its own reality; to your way of thinking, separate and apart from you, although it is not separate and apart from you. In this manner you, as a focus of essence, are a viewed image symbol projection of essence, but you are a reality within yourself; holding your own integrity, creating your own reality, and making your own choices.

DREW: Okay. Then the other question I have is ... I’m almost afraid to ask this! At what level are the choices made? Because there are choices I’m sure I’m making that I’m not consciously aware of. And I’m wondering, is there a difference between conscious awareness and what we might call daily awareness? If it’s true that everything happens to us as a result of our choices, I would venture to guess that those who are murder victims and those who are in car accidents and those who have terminal illnesses, in their daily awareness, aren’t making those choices. Just as if I could tomorrow, or right now, in my daily awareness make a choice to change my reality ... The choices I make in my daily awareness are not reflected in my reality quite often.

ELIAS: Or so it appears! (Grinning)

DREW: I’m wondering at what level these choices are made, and how to access that level?

ELIAS: This is the reason that we discuss unofficial information presently, that you may more understand how you are creating your reality by witnessing and paying attention to all of your reality, not only what you are accustomed to paying attention to. I express to you that in reality, murder victims, murderers, accident victims, or any individual within any situation or circumstance, if you are truly viewing all of the information available to you, you shall see that you do indicate these probabilities. Just as you may, within quite objective obvious circumstances, view a pattern within yourself leading to a certain accomplishment, you also may view objectively, if you are noticing, indications incorporating unofficial information that shall express to you the direction that you have chosen within your attention, and the probabilities that you are leaning to be creating.

You also, as with the dream mission (9) also, must be viewing creatively. Understand that you are creative beings. Therefore, an individual may choose a debilitating automobile accident, in your terms. This may occur quite surprisingly. In actuality, if you are noticing all of the information available within the reality of this individual, you shall see a ‘leading to’ the drastic, dramatic creation for the reasons within the probabilities that this individual has chosen.

... I understand that this is complicated, but if you are viewing closely you will view certain behaviors, certain choices, certain actions that are indications to you, clues of your own direction. You need engage your periphery and be understanding that all of your reality that you create is not within one narrow line. You pull from many, many angles within your probabilities, and you also interact and intersect with alternate selves. Much more is going on within your reality than you view!

In this, as you look to how you are creating your reality, you must also take into account all of reality and all of its angles, for there are many. Each action that you choose may not in actuality be directly related to the action quite previous to it. It may appear that the action is following within a line of probabilities or within a line of events, but this is not always the case; although simultaneously it shall also fit into the scheme of present motion, but it may hold ramifications beyond the present circumstances.

You do not think to yourselves of the influences that are pressing to you continuously. You hold many focuses within essence. You hold many alternates within one focus. Your future self, as you think of it, is also quite influencing of your present. This is not to say, once again, that you hold no objective control and direction, for you hold all. You only do not look to your own action.

I express to you that the smallest, to your way of thinking, actions that you alter within a daily routine are precisely chosen. You may awaken one morning and you may be choosing to comb your hair differently. You may choose to eat your porridge before your coffee or tea, as opposed to your normal routine of sipping your tea or coffee first. These seem to be insignificant alterations, but these also are conscious choices and affect you; for you have chosen, within this particular day, a different routine. You have chosen to alter your methods, and within this you alter the whole of you. Your perception changes. You may not notice a dramatic alteration of perception, but your perception shall alter. This is a very slight, small example which offers a very slight, small alteration of your reality; but it is an example of how each choice is created, which alters your perception and also creates your existing reality.

(Intently) It is all objective choices. You are not walking through this physical reality asleep! You are not engaging other individuals or your employment within your dream state! You are awake. You are objective. You are thinking. You are choosing. Your choices are made objectively. You are directing.

BOB: Can I ask a question? Would you say that this is a trial and error process?

ELIAS: No. (Firmly)

BOB: Which would imply that you know the results of your choices prior to making them.

ELIAS: In one manner of speaking.

BOB: So if I choose to eat my porridge before I sip my coffee, I have some idea of what the implied change in my life is?

ELIAS: If you are allowing yourself to be noticing your periphery and noticing your reality. In one manner of speaking, yes; within essence you are aware, for all events are simultaneous. There is no future. There is no past. Therefore, you are aware of your action within its entirety. Within another respect you are not aware, for you choose to be singularly focused and you also choose not to listen and notice unofficial information.

BOB: But regardless, you make choices. So those who are more aware of their subjective activity or unofficial information, whatever, make choices in light of that, at least arguably, and those who are not make their choices ...

ELIAS: ... the same. (Grinning)

BOB: Okay. I guess that’s not what I would have said!

ELIAS: You choose differently, for you choose to be engaging the action of widening ... and you have asked!

BOB: So the only difference is awareness. You make the choices with a result clear on some level to you, but your awareness of the results or the choices ... You’re either aware of them or you’re not.

ELIAS: It is not necessary for your awareness. Many, many, many individuals engage physical focus, and do not hold an understanding of probabilities objectively, and move efficiently through their objective focuses. You have asked for this information. You have drawn yourselves to this information. You wish this information for your own widening, for the express reasoning of engaging the shift and engaging transition within physical focus.” [session 152, February 09, 1997]

ELIAS: “As you within your present focus within this culture see fit to honor this day for your mothers, we shall be introducing a new subject matter this evening dealing with families, which shall also encompass your subject of genetics and those belief systems which are attached to this subject matter.

... Now; as you are aware, you choose to be entering into physical manifestation, and within this choice you choose parents. These individuals are already physically focused. You choose where you are wishing to be entering physical focus, at which time period, at which season, with which parents, and with the knowledge of the probabilities of other family members; whether you shall be incorporating yourself into a family of only one child, or twelve. The choices that you choose within non-physical focus before entry into physical manifestation are many. They are quite complex and extensive, for there are many elements that you must incorporate and consider as you are entering into physical focus.

The agreement on the part of the parents is merely to be incorporating a child. The essence entering physical focus is the one which is choosing of most of the probabilities and alignments. You may have speculated to yourselves previously that this is equal in choice and agreement upon the part of the entering focus and those of the parents. I shall express to you that the only agreement that the parents hold within physical focus is that they agree to be parents and have a child. The focus entering is the one which makes the choices, of which parents to be choosing and which family to be aligning with. I am not speaking of essence families. I am speaking of physically focused families.

You will notice, within your physical focus within families, that some children bear resemblances to one parent and some children bear resemblances to the other parent. Some bear resemblances to both parents. These are choices that the focus aligns with before entering physical focus.

They choose which parent they shall align with within physical manifestation. They choose which parent they shall align with within behavior, within emotional-focuses, within thought-focuses (!), within manifestations of personality type. They also align with certain family histories. Within the choice to physically manifest, you also choose alignments that are physical elements. You are not randomly born into physical focus and then hold genetic qualities that are, within your physical family tree, alone.

You also carry genetic qualities which are manifest within other of your own focuses. Some individuals have expressed this as reincarnational genetic qualities. We do not express reincarnational genetic qualities, as all of your focuses are simultaneous. Therefore, they are not past and previous to you, that you are carrying forward these genetic qualities; but as you may view already within this tiny amount of information, there is much to be considered by the focus choosing to manifest within physical reality.

Some essences choose to focus into physical manifestation and not be genetically aligning with physical family orientations. Therefore, you may view certain family histories which exhibit certain qualities that one individual may deviate from. Let us express as an example, you may view a family which holds a history of heart disease for many generations. A child born into this family may grow and may not develop and exhibit these qualities throughout the entirety of their focus. In like manner, you may view families with what you consider to be quite excellent health, and one individual within the family deviates and exhibits many dysfunctions within health areas. These are individuals that choose not to be aligning with the genetic codes of their family members.

Genetics is not an absolute, and it is not an inevitable creation. It is a choice. You choose to align with these genetic codes or not. Most of you within physical focus choose to be aligning within the mass creation of genetic codes. Therefore, you also may learn much of yourselves and your lineage within an individual focus based upon your genetic encryption, but you also carry genetic codes of your other focuses. This also is a choice, but this choice moves beyond the mere alignment that you choose within physical focus of your parents and family; for within your creation of physical manifestations of essence, you choose to be creating all of your focuses within each particular dimension with very similar physical elements. Therefore, your genetic pattern is very similar within all of your focuses. This is not to say that you may not manifest different displays within action within an individual focus. You may hold genetic codes of basic health throughout all of your focuses, and you may also within an individual focus choose to be disregarding this and creating of disease which does not manifest in alignment with genetics.

As we have spoken of focuses of essence holding similar tone, they also hold very similar creations physically. Your choice of circumstances may be quite different within each manifestation, but the elements that make up the physical manifestation are generally quite similar. We have spoken of this previously, but very briefly.

As you enter into any physical manifestation, you acquaint yourself with the physical manifestation of your parents. You choose these individuals quite carefully, in alignment with your individual intent and the direction that you are choosing to follow within probabilities within your individual focus; for these individuals that you shall manifest born to shall be quite instrumental with you, and shall be influencing quite heavily within your experience.

Some individuals choose not to be aligning with family at all. Therefore, at very young ages they are disassociated from those individuals that they choose to become physically manifest through. Some choose the experience of physical manifestation through birth through a certain individual for the experience which is gained within that time period and then disassociate, moving into their intent and direction involving other individuals; such as with Rose. (10)

There are many aspects of consideration, as I have stated, within this action of manifestation. We have expressed that although you create this physical form from its inception, from the moment of its first cell, you within essence do not necessarily enter into the body consciousness at that moment. Each essence chooses at which point they are desiring to be entering into their design of their physical manifestation. Some essences may choose to be creating of a physical body consciousness, and not enter into this consciousness at all. In these cases, the physical manifestation does not continue. These may be looked upon within your view as miscarriages within your gestation, and also as aborted forms. This is not to say that these forms are not actual individuals, for they hold individual body consciousness. They only do not incorporate also the entirety of essence, for they have chosen to experience only partially. This, in differentiation to a focus which is born and continues, is an agreement equally between the entering essence and the parent; being obviously for the experience of both individuals, and often for many other individuals also which these experiences are affecting of.

But as we move to individuals choosing to become manifest within what you view as the normal cycle of lifetime, the entering focus shall gather all of the information which constitutes the physical blueprints for manifestation within alignment of the physical individuals which they shall be interacting with within family. These alignments generally are quite strong. As I have expressed, there are individuals which choose not to be aligning with family, but within your accepted norm generally, most individuals choose to be aligning within the designs of family.

Even those individuals choosing to be manifest into families that you within your belief systems view to be negative and dysfunctional or destructive choose these particular parents and families for reasons of their own experience, which is influencing within their physical growth and the intent that they have chosen within an individual focus. As you ask why you choose such parents, they are quite instrumental in motivating within your own intent, to be manifesting in subsequent years what you manifest.

Therefore, there are benefits to all situations, although it may not appear so; for the relationship of the focus manifesting as the child and the focuses which are manifest as the parents is quite intimate and very influencing, even when they are not continuing physically together; for within consciousness they have chosen specifically to be manifesting through certain individuals within certain time periods, which is all very precise.

Many of you have wondered of relationships between family members; children and parents, siblings, and other relationships. These are all, as I have stated, very precise relationships which you have very intentionally specifically chosen within each focus to be manifesting with, to be furthering the accomplishment of your individual intents. Within each focus you hold an intent, and you shall present yourself with influences that shall suggest your intent to you and help to be guiding you into this manifestation. You only hold belief systems of right and wrong and good and bad, and in this you create judgments upon the behavior and activity that is experienced within the relationships; although you have lost sight of the situation that you have created for your own benefit.

Now also, within this choice and manifestation into physical focus, a consideration is also held quite seriously of the influence and benefit which shall be manifest to those individuals that are to be your parents and your siblings. Therefore, they also are contributed to within value fulfillment, within your choice of manifestation. If the individuals that are the parents or the siblings are not benefiting within value fulfillment in your choice to be manifesting in relationship to them, you shall not manifest with these individuals.

Within your physical focus, it does not always physically appear that you are all benefiting. It does not always appear that you are all receiving, but I do not use the word of benefit within a positive connotation. It is an ‘adding to’ experience. You view the word of benefit to be an element that is good. You are benefiting from this relationship. Therefore, you are receiving a good element from this relationship. You are always benefiting. You may not recognize the benefit, but you are always gaining. You gain information from all of your experiences.

You also may choose, within any given focus, to be experiencing what you think of as difficulty. You do not always manifest within physical focus to be carefree and joyous! At times you choose conflict, for this is another physical experience. Therefore, you may also choose individuals that shall perpetuate this experience with you within your physical manifestation. You may choose to engage this action temporarily. You may choose to engage this action throughout the entirety of your focus.

Let us view also those individuals that are choosing, which there are many of, situations within physical focus that to your way of thinking seem negative, or hurtful, or grotesque ... or even evil! You will notice that many individuals choose this type of manifestation to be experienced within young ages. This, to your belief systems, is quite terrible! Within actuality, this is quite efficient; for as you are very young, you have a much greater ability to be focusing subjectively and continuing subjective action and interaction, which as you grow older you define as imagination or withdrawal or whatever; but this provides you the opportunity to experience certain elements within physical focus which mass belief systems consider negative while simultaneously holding the ability to benefit and also be adjusting of self in whichever way you choose, for you hold more subjective leeway within young ages.

We have spoken previously that as you move into physical focus, you incorporate a time period of transition from subjective to objective. You continue to incorporate much of your subjective awareness within young ages, just as you continue within transition to incorporate objective awareness for a time period. As you move into adolescence and adulthood, you also move away from the experiences that you may view within older years as victimization. These are all choices; quite efficient choices, I shall say also! You express to yourselves the resiliency of children. You are quite right, for they hold the ability to drift back and forth between objective and subjective reality. As you move into an acceptance of mainly objective reality, you do not hold the ability to incorporate these actions as well; this being why as adults the same negative occurrences may be involved, and they are much more difficult for the individual to objectively deal with.” [session 173, May 11, 1997]

ELIAS: “Each essence choosing to be entering any area of physical focus, any dimension of physical focus, chooses a cycle of manifestation. (11) Within this, each physical dimension, in your terms, holds a requirement of minimal focuses to be accomplished within the action of experience. Within this dimension you choose within agreement to be manifesting, in the least amount of times, three. You may choose thousands. It is your choice as to the number of focuses that you are wishing to accomplish physically. In this, you choose your focuses and project from essence simultaneously. Therefore, all of your focuses are being accomplished within the now. It is only within your perception that they appear to be past or future. In this action, you also choose when you are wishing to disengage the action of physical manifestation.

Now; you may be choosing to disengage physical manifestation from one dimension and continue within different physical dimensions. You also do accomplish a point, in your terms, that you disengage entirely from the action of physical manifestation. In this, you shall be completely within non-physical focus and completely subjectively aware; holding no objective awareness any longer.

Individuals choosing to not be remanifesting hold a sense within them that they shall not be continuing after the disengagement of this focus, so to speak. Therefore, you shall hold an inner knowing of your final manifestation physically.” [session 187, June 28, 1997]

DREW: “So now let’s take this back to Vicki’s example of the cat. The cat holds no belief systems. Any action that Vicki would have with this cat could only be by agreement.

ELIAS: In one layer of consciousness. The agreement may not be objectively.

DREW: Well, if the cat holds no belief systems, what would cause the cat to see itself as a victim of displeasurable action?

ELIAS: It is not viewing itself as a victim. It is recognizing of its creation of its reality, and it is merely responding to its own desire to be creating its reality.

DREW: Which it is!

ELIAS: But the individual is attempting to alter its creation of its reality. Not all creatures may be responding in this manner. You may be attempting to alter a creature’s reality by offering it medication, as you have stated, and it shall be compliant with this if it is objectively in agreement with your action. If it is choosing to be creating of a specific event or experience and YOU through your belief systems are attempting to alter its creation, it MAY choose to comply with you, but it may choose initially to voice its opinion of its own creation.

DREW: If we all create our own reality – and if this is different for animals, that might be the distinction or why I’m getting confused – how can you alter someone else’s reality??

ELIAS: You may alter a creature’s reality. You may alter a plant’s reality. They are not essence.

DREW: But don’t they only draw to themselves the action by agreement? I don’t understand this. This doesn’t make sense. I’m totally lost here, because if I step on a bug and crush it, isn’t that only by agreement?

ELIAS: Not in the manner that you are thinking.

DREW: Subjectively.

ELIAS: Not entirely subjectively either. In another layer of consciousness, yes, it is an agreement, for every action is an agreement in another layer of consciousness. They agree to exist. Consciousness itself agrees to configure. It agrees to exist within a physical reality. It agrees to interact. But you are creating your reality spontaneously within each moment. Therefore, the idea that you hold of agreement to incidents or events is not the same as your thought process magnates to.

Consciousness agrees to experience. Therefore, in THIS respect, there is no right, there is no wrong, there are no victims, there are no perpetrators, there is no good, there is no bad. But within each individual dimension and reality, YOU choose the types of experiences. (Pause)

DREW: Well, I think that’s exactly my point. Let’s take it out of the realm of animals for a second, because that may be a distinction. That may be the difference. If I create my own reality, nobody in this room and nobody I interact with at any point in my life can alter my reality in any way that I don’t choose for them to do it.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: Okay. Is that true with animals as well?


DREW: Okay. So I just want to make sure I understand this, at least in terms of other individuals. If Stephen [Norm] were to get up and punch me in the nose, he could not do that unless I chose that as part of my reality.

ELIAS: Correct.

DREW: He could not alter my reality in any way I choose him not to.

ELIAS: Correct.


DREW: Not so with an animal.

ELIAS: Correct.” [session 260, January 18, 1998]

FORREST: “Just as an aside, the threshold on the severity of the choice, is that defined by belief systems local to this particular reality? In other words, in determining how severe a choice needs to be in order to be creating of probable selves/possible selves, is that threshold defined by beliefs within this reality?

ELIAS: In one manner of speaking the belief systems are influencing, for all that you move into within choice is influenced by your belief systems within this particular reality, but as to the actual creation of a probable self, it is not contingent upon your belief systems. Your belief systems are influencing, for they are influencing of your choice, therefore placing you with the situation of creating a choice. The choice – outside of the context of belief systems – shall be creating of a probable self. It is the action of the choice itself which is creating of the situation.

FORREST: Do all choices create probable selves or just some of them, just the most severe ones?

ELIAS: Not all choices create probable selves. You may choose to be walking from one of your rooms to another room. You may be choosing to engage in an action of acquiring a glass of water within your other room. This choice is not creating of a probable self that chooses not to be acquiring a glass of water.

FORREST: What defines the threshold between choices which do create probable selves and those which do not create probable selves?

ELIAS: Those choices which alter your reality; choices, as I have stated, which appear to you to hold more significance; choices that affect your direction within your focus, within your probabilities; relationships, movements.

FORREST: Recognition of those kinds of choices is a function of the belief systems of the individual making the choices.

ELIAS: The belief systems influence them. You do not create choices within this physical focus which are NOT influenced by your belief systems objectively. You may be creating of a choice subjectively; very infrequently, but it is possible to be engaging choices subjectively outside of the confines and influences of your belief systems. As I have stated, your objective and subjective awarenesses move in harmony. Therefore, it is quite infrequent that you shall be creating of a choice subjectively which shall be outside of the influence of your held belief system, but at times, within movement outside of your pool of probabilities, dependent upon the severity of the movement outside of your pool of probabilities, you may be creating of a choice which is not influenced by your individually held belief systems.” [session 269, March 19, 1998]

FEMALE: “May I just ask a brief question?

ELIAS: You may.

FEMALE: What happens when there is, for want of a better word, and I know this is not going to be the right one, a real....

ELIAS: Ah, ah, ah! Personal invalidation! (Laughter)

FEMALE: Okay, I’ll just say it! We just had an incident where two officers were shot, and we have to look at that incident, and it’s very hard to look at something like that non-judgmentally and to say, ‘Well, he was expressing himself.’ How do you deal with looking at somebody blowing up a building and killing a whole slew of people and know that that person was entitled to his expression? How do you deal with that on an individual basis in a non-judgmental way?

ELIAS: Within the direction of individuality, this be the point of accepting belief systems, for these belief systems also perpetuate actions that you are not accepting of. As you continue to create judgments, you perpetuate the actions that you judge. You create by lending energy to the very actions that you disdain.

FEMALE: In the mass consciousness?

ELIAS: Correct, but the mass is affected by each individual, for there is no mass without individuals! And in this, the very elements that you disdain within physical focus, that you deem to be negative, you lend energy to each time you move into the direction of judgment. Therefore, the point is to be accepting, and in this you may offer yourself more of an ability to move into this direction by recognizing that no action occurs between individuals within physical focus that is not agreed upon. You may not be affecting in any manner – underline entire sentence! – without being in agreement with another individual, for if another individual is not in agreement with your expression, it shall not be accomplished.

Essences are NOT intrusive. Therefore, it is required, so to speak, that there be agreement for ANY action to be accomplished, and in this, even that which you deem to be the most violent or distasteful, they are all beneficial in some manner, for you draw yourselves to the experience to be offering yourselves information in some manner, and they engage the action to be fulfilling their value fulfillment in some manner, and at times also to be lending energy to you for the accomplishment of your value fulfillment in areas that you have drawn information to yourselves. It may not always be very objectively clear to you why you are drawing yourselves to certain situations, but as you allow yourselves to be more aware of self and listening to your own language – your own impulses, your own impressions, your language of essence to self – and as you are moving in the direction of acceptance of self and addressing to your own belief systems, you also offer yourself more of an understanding of these aspects of which I speak.” [session 302, July 26, 1998]

MARCOS: “A different question now, regarding agreements that we make within essence. I’ve been talking about these with Cindel [Stella] and others, and reading about them in transcripts, and is there a way that we can ... when we are here in physical focus and in a conscious sense, is it possible for us to remember or to regain the memory of these agreements and to carry out these agreements? I mean, how does that happen?

ELIAS: Most definitely! You hold the ability to be offering yourselves the remembrance, and also, within the action of this shift, this would be an aspect of this shift in consciousness, to be allowing yourselves the remembrance of essence. In this, you already offer yourselves much of your remembrances, and are beginning to allow yourselves more and more of your remembrances as you move into connecting with other focuses and also other areas of consciousness.

Now; as to agreements that you have moved into within consciousness, you hold the ability to access this information also. At times it may be helpful to you, within objective terms, to be offering yourselves objective triggers, so to speak, to be jogging of your remembrance.

In this, what I am expressing is that you may be accessing certain locations or actions or events or individuals within your physical focus that may be in connection to other focuses which relate to agreements that have been made within consciousness. You may also access the remembrance of agreements through dream interaction and through the accessing of other areas of consciousness in many different manners.

All of this information is available to you, and it is your choice which direction you choose to be moving into to be accessing this information. Different ‘methods,’ so to speak – as you are so fond of methods – are accomplishing in these areas for different individuals. It is merely what you draw yourself to, within your individual methods that allow you to be connecting more efficiently, that shall be providing you with your remembrances. You may be choosing to access agreements through this out-of-body experiencing or through dream imagery, although you may also be connecting objectively with elements of agreements by allowing yourself to be revisiting certain locations in connection with other focuses, and this may offer you helpfulness in this area also.

MARCOS: Okay. Would you say that by following one’s intent, one can experience these remembrances? (Pause)

ELIAS: Your intent enters into all of your accomplishments.

Now; within an individual focus, your intent within that particular focus may be quite linked to a particular agreement which you have created within consciousness, in which it may be helpful to you to be offering yourself the remembrance, but the intent itself may not necessarily be facilitating the remembrance. It may motivate you in the direction of stimulating your remembrance in certain directions, but it is not necessarily creating of your remembrance. It is merely moving alongside of that action, and the remembrance itself may be conversely facilitating of more of an efficiency within the accomplishment of your intent within a particular focus. Are you understanding?

MARCOS: Yes I am, perfectly, and I think that’s what I was trying to say. As we follow or accomplish or carry out our intent in a very natural way, then I believe that would lead us to the locations or the individuals or the events in a very natural way, that would then trigger memory of the agreements.

ELIAS: Correct, for in this action you are following your desire, and this shall motivate you in the directions of your remembrances.” [session 341, November 21, 1998]

JEREMY: “I’ve noticed these areas we talked about in our last session, of me moving into, and I have been moving into areas of more trust and acceptance, correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEREMY: With this new job that I have at Six Flags, would that be one of the windows I was creating for myself that you talked about?

ELIAS: This may be a stepping stone, so to speak, offering you the opportunity to be introducing yourself to different individuals objectively and expressing yourself through your creativity, yes.

JEREMY: I was curious how efficient it might be, ’cause to me this may reinforce my trust in spontaneity and in myself. I was curious how efficient it might be for me to walk into this comic studio that I want to join, plop my portfolio down, and say, ‘Where’s my office?’

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! Ah! You are inquiring as to my opinion, so to speak, of your expression of confidence! Ha ha ha ha!

JEREMY: Exactly! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Let me express to you that in these matters, realistically speaking, I hold no opinion. HA HA! I shall express to you that in the area of confidence and what you term to be asserting yourself, I shall express to you that this also is an expression within physical focus and it matters not with myself, but I also do hold an awareness of the importance of these types of expressions within YOUR belief systems! (Laughing)

Therefore, I express to you that I am encouraging of you to be expressive of yourself in the manner that you recognize that you hold an ability of creative expression in a certain manner, and that you may be accomplishing in any direction that you are so choosing.

This may be translated in your terms as the expression of confidence, but I shall express also to you that this belief that you hold in what you term to be confidence is built upon shaky foundations, so to speak.

There is a difference between what you express as confidence and what I express as knowing, for in the knowing, you plant yourself within what you term as solid ground and are unwavering. Within what you term to be confidence, you may be shaken, for there is the element of duplicity that may be introduced and may be allowing you to be creating of wavering.

This be the reason that I continue to express to you to look to self and to your abilities, continue within your spontaneity, and also not to be allowing yourself to be slipping into the expressions of duplicity, but to hold to your trust and your acceptance of self, which allows you the knowing that you may be accomplishing ANY direction you are so choosing.

Now, in this, let me also express to you that the expression of knowing is not the pushing of your energy in projection to another individual. It is not the expression of attempting to be creating other individuals’ reality in the manner that you wish it to move, but the knowing that within the cooperation of energies of interaction with other individuals, you may be creating what you choose to be creating, and this may be efficiently accomplished without creating automatic barriers between yourself and other individuals.

What I am expressing in this is that your psychologists within your physical focus advocate self confidence and asserting yourself in the direction of other individuals, but once again, this is shaky ground, for you are engaging other individuals and each of you holds different perceptions.

This be the reason that I express to you all that as you are engaging other individuals, and your direction is to be accomplishing what YOU choose to be creating but in cooperation with other individuals, it shall be quite helpful to you to be allowing yourself to engage your inner senses, which communicates to you, through your empathic sense, the experience and the reception of another individual, and therefore offers you the opportunity to be objectively communicating more efficiently.

You all engage this inner sense quite often, but you all do not always pay attention to the information that it is offering to you. In this, I express to you, be aware of what your inner voice is expressing to you as you are encountering other individuals, and in this, you shall move much more efficiently.

I am not discouraging you from this direction that you wish to be proceeding within. Contrarily, I am quite encouraging of your movement in this area. I am merely cautioning you to be remembering of the knowing, not merely the illusion of confidence. (Chuckling) Are you understanding?

JEREMY: So, then how probable would that be, for me to like just go into the office and begin actualizing everything that way?

ELIAS: As I have stated to you previously, you are creating lines of probabilities in this area. Therefore, allow yourself the knowing of what you are creating, and you shall actualize what you choose to be moving into. This is entirely your choice. If you are allowing yourself the realization of knowing that there is no obstacle placed before you other than the obstacles you place before yourself, as you turn your attention in this direction, you also shall be actualizing this line of probabilities. I have already expressed to you that you are moving into this area of the more probable probabilities that you shall, in very physical terms, be successful.

JEREMY: That brings me to another question. I’ve had this feeling of the need for change and to start actualizing these things. Was that due to impatience and unacceptance of my current situation, or was that like a genuine feeling of me sensing that I want to change, that I want to do these other things instead of continuing with my current position?

ELIAS: This is your voice to yourself. This is not the expression of impatience. Now; let me explain one element to you in differentiating impatience from a message or an instruction that you offer to yourself within your intuition, within your impressions. You offer yourself information through your intuition, and this information you process into thoughts which motivate you into certain actions.

Now; the impatience appears subsequent to the message which is offered. The impatience develops, so to speak, as you already hold the message of the direction that you choose to be moving into. Once you hold the information of the direction that you are choosing objectively, you may – or you may not – move in the direction of allowing yourself to become impatient, expressing to yourself that you wish to be skipping shells and you wish to be accomplishing fully, in your terms, instantaneously.

Let me express to you that within your physical dimension, you have quite purposefully created this type of movement of processes. Much, very much, of what you create within your physical reality is created through processes, and the reason that you create in this manner is that you do not create confusion and trauma within yourselves in your movement as may occur if you are thrusting yourselves into unfamiliar actions quite quickly and immersing yourselves objectively in these types of directions. Therefore, the impatience springs from the desire to be accomplishing, but the want [is] for the accomplishment to occur quickly or instantaneously, but you shall accomplish in the time framework that is the most efficient for you.

Now; I shall express to you that within the personality type, so to speak, that you have chosen in this particular manifestation of this focus, you do lean in the direction of creating much spontaneity in your focus, and in this, you do also allow yourself to objectively be accomplishing directions that you choose quite quickly. But let me offer to you the information that at times you are forgetful of [this] objectively, for you also in your movement engage other individuals, and as you engage other individuals in your movement, you create agreements with other individuals. I am not expressing to you that you are creating the realities for other individuals, but you ARE creating within your reality your movement, which many times is affecting objectively of other individuals, for you have engaged agreements with other individuals and they allow the influence, but this influence many times may be confusing in their viewing of your movement.

Now; I am not expressing to you that you hold responsibility for the choices of other individuals, for you do not. You DO hold responsibility for the choices that YOU create, knowing their affectingness in conjunction with other individuals. This is not to be expressing to you that you should be moving into assuming personal responsibility for other individuals, but merely to allow yourself the awareness of what you are creating, and in this, also hold the awareness that certain choices that you may be creating may be affecting of other individuals, and if you are choosing to move into certain areas, the efficient expression of essence is also to hold the awareness of no expectation with respect to other individuals.

Are you understanding?

JEREMY: Yes, I am.

ELIAS: In quite blunt terminology, I express to you, the directions that you choose for yourself are your choices and shall be beneficial to you, but within the expression of essence, the expectation of pulling or dragging with you other individuals that become confused and are not necessarily in agreement with your choices IS your responsibility.” [session 448, August 18, 1999]

GINA: “What is the expression of my individual intent?

ELIAS: Your intent within this particular focus.... (Here, Elias starts chuckling, and Gina laughs)

GINA: Please, tell me!

ELIAS: Shall we engage in a hearty bit of laughter in this area?

GINA: Okay, I’m always up for a good laugh!

ELIAS: You have chosen in this particular manifestation, as your intent, to be creating of a movement within energy that is agitating.

GINA: A movement of energy that is agitating?

ELIAS: Correct. You create this type of energy within yourself as an exploration and an experimentation in viewing what you may be creating in this type of action. In relation to other individuals, you create this type of movement within energy to be offering yourself examples of different types of responses that individuals may hold as introduced to this type of energy, and also creating a movement within energy that offers other individuals the opportunity to view many of their own creations.

In a manner of speaking, what you create is a stirring of elements which creates a similar action to boiling water. The bubbles begin at the bottom, and increase in size and form as they surface and pop.

GINA: Hmm. Okay, what can I do to alleviate the irritation?

ELIAS: I express to you once again, as I have spoken with you previously, turn your attention to self.

You lean in the direction of holding your attention with other individuals, evaluating the actions of other individuals, evaluating and assessing the creations, the behaviors, the events concerning other individuals, the thought processes, the emotions of other individuals, and as I have expressed to you previously, turn your attention to self.

GINA: Okay. How has my movement been in the direction of accepting self? I think I’ve been a little bit better with it.

ELIAS: You ARE moving into the direction of more of an acceptance of self, but this is not what I am speaking to you of.

GINA: Okay.

ELIAS: I am acknowledging of you in the area that you do turn your attention to self and are allowing yourself less judgment upon self, but you continue to move your attention to the movements and the creations of other individuals, and this diverts your attention from self. These are different types of expressions.

You are allowing yourself the beginnings of movement into the acceptance of self, in which you look to certain expressions of self and you recognize within yourself that it is unnecessary for you to be creating judgments upon your choices, but you distract yourself quite often in the viewing of interactions with other individuals and the evaluation of their participation.

What I am expressing to you as I suggest that you turn your attention to self is that as you engage other individuals, regardless of who they may be, but as you turn your attention to self in your interactions with other individuals, be listening to self and not confusing the message that you are offering to yourself.

Now; hear this and pay attention, for in this, you have created a type of action within yourself that is very familiar and [that] you listen to very often, and it confuses your perception.

In this, let us express a very simple example.

You may be engaging an interaction with your partner. Your partner may be expressing ANY direction to you. It matters not. Hear that it genuinely matters not which direction your partner projects energy to you from. The expression may be humorous. It may be what you shall term to be rancorous. It may be the expression of lovingness. This is the projection of the energy.

Now; the confusion is in the reception of the energy, for within you, your inner voice, your intuition, is quite in working order and you are paying attention to this voice, but you also many times may be misinterpreting the message. It is not that you are not hearing the voice. It is the question of WHAT you are hearing within the voice.

Now; let us return to our example. Hypothetically speaking, quite figuratively, place yourself in the visualization – now – of an engagement of interaction between yourself and your partner. Your partner projects energy to you and physically extends a fist. This fist that is extended creates a contact with your physical body and is physically engaging your physical arm.

Now; the energy has been projected. The action and the movement has been engaged. Within you, your voice is speaking to you and is offering you information as to what you perceive to be the incoming – figuratively speaking – energy which has been projected by the other individual.

Now; in this, what oftentimes occurs is that the voice is expressing a message to you, but your perception is interpreting the message. Therefore, you are creating a perception which may be receiving the energy projected and the action differently from how it is projected.

Therefore, let us express that the intention or the direction of the energy – hypothetically – which is projected from your partner is expressed in playfulness. In the moment of hearing the voice within and the moment of interpretation, you project the impulse of energy to your perception in receiving that energy, and your interpretation may be, ‘I shall not be accepting of this projection of energy, for it is hurtful, and I dislike this.’

Now; think of electrical currents. This also is a movement of energy, and as you are visualizing these electrical currents of energy, two different elements need be connecting to be allowing a free flow of electrical current through a particular element. In this, if there is not this connection, there also shall not be the free flow of energy through the connection. The connection is broken.

GINA: I see. So in other words, I need to re-evaluate my perception once it has gotten to my inner being.

ELIAS: What I am expressing to you is to be turning your attention to self. What I am expressing to you is, it matters not what another individual projects. It matters not what the intention of the other individual may be. It matters not what another individual has created in energy. What holds importance is how you shall receive it, for you hold the choice.

Let us also express that in this same scenario, the individual, as your partner, is projecting the energy not in playfulness, not in fun, and is projecting the energy to you in the manner of hurtfulness. YOU HOLD THE CHOICE. Just as you hold the choice of the perception and how you choose to be receiving the energy in viewing it to be hurtful as it is not projected in a hurtful manner, you also hold the choice in what you may term to be the reverse.

You hold the choice always of how you receive the energy which is projected, and this is the point. The other individual may be projecting energy to you in the intention of being hurtful, and you may receive the energy in playfulness.

GINA: I see. Is that why I’ve been tired? I’ve been very tired lately. Is it the way that I’m accepting his energy sometimes?


GINA: Is that why?

ELIAS: You are correct, for in this, you have created what you....

GINA: A weak line! (Laughing)

ELIAS: No, no, no!


ELIAS: A very strong expression of protection. You have created a very strong, thick layer of energy around you which you hold very tightly, and this may be fatiguing.

GINA: This may be what? I’m sorry.

ELIAS: Fatiguing.

GINA: Fatiguing, okay. Well, is that the efficient way to do it? Am I doing it efficiently? I’ve been noticing that I’ve been very tired lately, and I don’t like feeling like that.

ELIAS: And I express to you that if you are relaxing your hold upon your energy, recognizing that it is unnecessary for you to be creating of this protection and that you hold the choice of how you receive any energy projected by any other individual, you shall relax your energy, and in this relaxation of your energy, you also create an automatic byproduct that allows the energy projection of another individual to figuratively bounce away.” [session 449, August 18, 1999]

PAUL: “... you refer to the nature of choices very often as you deliver your information, and I just wanted to mention how this is such a new and unfamiliar area for myself and so many of us too, realizing the tremendous power we hold potentially when we realize in the periphery that there are all of these choices we don’t recognize. I know Joanne and I in this situation have been exploring those things, and some of them are delightful and some of them are absolutely terrifying!

So I just wanted to state that, that it’s part of this challenge in this creation, learning that we hold a choice. We’re so used to not having the sense that we do hold a choice, that we are being dictated to in terms of government and family and businesses that we work for and so forth. So I’m curious what your comment would be on the shift that we’re experiencing, with realizing the power of choice and how scary that is for me.

ELIAS: And you are correct, and this is for ALL individuals, not merely yourself, for you are moving from the area of limitations into the area of freedoms. You are moving from the area of allowing yourselves to be dictated to into the area of choice, and these are very unfamiliar actions within your physical focus, and you DO automatically move in retreat into the familiar and you DO incorporate elements of fear and apprehensiveness in your viewing of choices.

You also incorporate much confusion, for you feel within you – you sense and you allow yourselves the movement into partial objective awareness – that you desire freedom, but you are very familiar with your confinement, and therefore, as you actualize and move into areas of expressions of more freedoms, you confuse yourselves and you do not objectively understand how to be manipulating those freedoms.

You view that you must be DOING some ‘thing’ with your energy, with your productivity, with your time, with your creativity. You must be engaging continuously movement and action in productive manners and directing yourselves within this, and you incorporate great confusion for you are unaccustomed to directing yourselves in ANY area of your focus. You allow yourselves to be dictated to, and this offers you guidelines and directions.

And now you move into the area of freedom and directing yourselves and NOT incorporating being dictated to, and in this is created confusion, for what shall you be incorporating with this freedom? How shall you manipulate it? What shall you do with this freedom? You know not objectively, and therefore you incorporate confusion, and in this confusion you retreat once again to the familiar, for it is comfortable. You understand your limitations. You understand your obstacles. You understand being dictated to. You do not hold an objective understanding of freedom and creativity!

Within limitations and belief systems and dictations, you understand creativity – creativity is an artistic expression. Quite incorrect, but this is your identification. It is quite limited and very specifically directed, and this is what your officially accepted reality dictates to you within your belief systems, but there are FAR MANY MORE choices of expressions of creativity than merely artistic expressions!

This word of creativity is not defined merely by the incorporation of artistic expressions, but this is your identification and therefore your incorporation of limitations. If you do not objectively avail yourself of certain talents within your physical reality, you also confuse yourself, for you do not hold a definition for creativity.

This is why I offer information to you all, to open your awarenesses, that you may view that your definitions within your reality as dictated by your belief systems are very small, and much more of your reality awaits your engagement in incorporating all of your creativities, all of your awarenesses, all of your freedoms.

But I hold an awareness in our interactions that this also creates a tremendous element of fear, for it is very unfamiliar, and this be the reason that I am encouraging of you all to be acknowledging of self, to be allowing yourselves the incorporation of trust of self. Allow this as your beginning, that you may validate to yourselves initially, and this shall allow you to extend your foot into your pond and incorporate your new movement into more of your freedoms.

How shall you identify your own individual creativity if you do not identify you? How shall you actualize your own expression of freedom and creativity if you do not recognize and identify your own expressions, your own creations, your own directions, your own desires? This be the reason that I continue to be expressing to you all to be identifying, to be recognizing, to be incorporating information of self, for you shall not allow yourselves to incorporate your own freedoms if you do not know yourselves!” [session 455, August 25, 1999]

GUIN: “Elias, I have a question regarding our little creatures, regarding my little creature [dog] that has seizures, and if you can offer me helpfulness on the relationship between the coinkidinks of the seizures and the death of other animals of people that are close to me, and if you could be offering of any information that would be helpful in my conflict with this! (Laughter, and Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: First of all, as you are aware, the physical manifestation within the choice of this creature moves in conjunction with your energy also. You hold an awareness of this already.

(Firmly) This is not bad!

CATHY: No, it’s good! (Laughter)

ELIAS: First of all, you are not inflicting energy upon this creature, and therefore it is subsequently creating these seizures, so to speak. There is no fault, there is no blame, and this is not a bad creation. It is merely an agreement and a responsiveness.

I shall also express to you that the action of a seizure, so to speak, incorporated within a creature is different than the action which is created in an individual of your species, and the physical elements associated with this creation are different.

Some individuals – not all, but some individuals – manifesting this type of creation in seizures experience painfulness physically, which also is in alignment with their individual belief systems that this type of action shall be creating of painfulness physically. Not all individuals that choose to be creating these seizures do experience painfulness in conjunction with the action of these seizures, which also would be influenced by their belief systems.

The creatures do not hold belief systems. Therefore, they also do not incorporate pain in these actions, for they do not associate negative, so to speak, in conjunction with this type of action, and recognize that this is merely a choice that they are creating in conjunction with energy which is expressed by the individuals that they are associating with.

As you are responsive to certain elements within your reality and as you create certain triggers within yourself in conjunction with your experiences, the creature also identifies those triggers that you are experiencing, and the creature creates a triggering mirror action in conjunction with you, and creates an objective expression of the seizures.

(With emphasis) I express to you strongly, this is not bad. I express to you strongly, you are not creating this in the creature. The creature holds a choice, and is creating this action in response – as a choice – to trigger actions.

You allow a triggering action within yourself in emotional situations. You create a triggering action within yourself as you present yourself with emotional situations in conjunction with yourself and with other individuals. You automatically respond. This is the trigger action, and as you automatically respond, hypothetically speaking, there is an action that is created in energy. Hypothetically, the action may be likened to a spark.

You create or draw yourself to situations and experiences which trigger an emotional automatic response within yourself. At times, you are pushing this emotional response and not allowing your expression of it objectively.

In that action, you are diverting your attention. This creates a spark, and the spark – this is a hypothetical example – creates a trigger, or the recognition of a trigger, within the creature, and the creature responds to its trigger and creates the seizure.

Now; you may not objectively be creating a tremendous emotional responsiveness outwardly or objectively each time the creature is creating a seizure, but underlyingly, the trigger within you has been engaged regardless of your choice of how you express this objectively or outwardly. Underlyingly, there is a recognition that you are responding in an automatic type of response. The creature identifies this action, notices the spark, and chooses to be responsive to that in conjunction with you.

Now; understand that previously I have engaged the language or the words of expressing to individuals that the creature that interacts with them may be creating a physical responsiveness or action for them, so to speak. Figuratively speaking, this is correct, and I may express that also to you, but I am altering of the terminology for the reason that those particular words also trigger an automatic response within you in assuming personal responsibility and guilt, (stopping and grinning at Guin, and everybody laughs) in which you express that you hold fault for the choice of the creature; that if the creature is creating an action for you, expressing the turmoil or the writhing that you do not allow yourself to be expressing, your immediate automatic interpretation of that explanation is to be expressing guilt and that you are inflicting an expression upon a creature which is helpless, and this is NOT the situation.

The creature holds an awareness of what it is creating, and has chosen to be engaging this action as a mirror expression. This in actuality, in like manner to many expressions of creatures that participate in relationship with you as individuals, is an expression of helpfulness, in a similar manner to those actions which are expressed through counterpart action.

Now; hear what I am expressing to you! For if you are allowing yourself to view counterpart action, you do not feel guilty for the counterpart action that another individual engages in conjunction to you. They are merely experiencing another action, and in that action, you – in a manner of speaking – reap the benefit of their experience without the actual physical manifestation or creation of those particular experiences within your focus, and you create this same action in like manner in conjunction with other individuals. You create experiences that they choose not to be creating, and they reap the benefit of those experiences through the counterpart action. There is no hurtfulness or harmfulness in this counterpart action, and you do not incorporate guilt or blame in viewing that type of action, but conversely view this action as a beneficial action.

In conjunction with the creature, you may view this also as a type of beneficial action. The creature, in agreement with you, has chosen to mirror what you shall not express, and creates an objective physical expression in extreme of what you choose not to allow to be expressed within yourself.

This also offers you an opportunity to turn your attention and allow yourself to move your perception slightly, recognizing that you are not creating the reality of the creature. It is creating its own reality through its own choices. It is not a victim, and in this, you are not responsible for the choices. You are participating in conjunction with each other. You are participating in your choices together, but you are not creating choices for each other.

I am understanding that within the beliefs of individuals in this physical dimension, as you do hold an underlying knowing that your creatures are a creation of you all and that they are not an element of essence, you translate that knowing objectively into an expression of responsibility, and you also translate that into an expression of objectifying that your creatures are ‘less than’ you are.

You as essence, you as human species, are ‘more than’ your creatures, and many individuals may argue very much with this statement, but this IS what you believe. And as they are ‘less than,’ you need be creating an expression of responsibility that you must be care-taking for them, for they do not hold choices and they do not create their reality. You create it for them.

They DO create their reality. They ARE consciousness. Consciousness is not less than essence. It is all consciousness. They are merely different expressions. They do create their individual choices.

They may not express their manifestation in the same manner that you express your manifestation; they do not hold the same type of thought process that you hold. They do not create their reality quite the same as you create your reality, and they do not hold belief systems as you hold belief systems.

But they DO hold free will and they DO create their choices quite purposefully and quite intentionally, not accidentally and not coincidentally! (Grinning at Guin)

Therefore, as you are triggered by different experiences – disengagements of other individuals, different expressions within yourself and your responses to yourself and to other individuals – the creature chooses to be manifesting a responsiveness, mirroring the trigger action and creating an expression that you do not allow yourself to create.

This creates a difficulty in your interaction with the creature, for as you all hold this belief that creatures are less than and that you need be responsible for and care-taking of, as a creature creates a choice in this type of manner, you translate this into responsibility of your own, and you create guilt.

Therefore, if you are allowing yourself to turn slightly ... and recognize that the reason you incorporate distress or anxiety as the creature creates the seizure is that you feel responsible. You believe that you are creating or inflicting a reality upon the creature. You experience a lack of acceptance within yourself, and in this also, you present yourself your expression of helplessness, and in this helplessness, there is a recognition of the underlying knowing that the creature in actuality does create its own choices, and that you may not create its choices for it.

Even within those choices that you view you are creating a choice for a creature – and there are choices that you incorporate within physical focus of altering certain elements of creatures’ realities, that you are not inquiring of permission from the creature to be altering their reality, and you engage that action – were the creature not in agreement with you, IT WOULD NOT OCCUR. The creature would create a choice to facilitate the action differently, and it would not occur, for they do hold participation and choice in agreement or lack of agreement with you.

(To Vic) And you may express to Michael [Mary] – and we shall not continue, in compliance with his wishes, so to speak (12) – that he is correct in his assessment of his creature’s choice to be creating a choice to not be altering its reality in a manner that it was not in compliance with, and the choice that it engaged was to be disengaging. This is merely a choice, and the creature, without belief systems, views it in no other manner but that it is a choice. It chooses not to participate in certain actions. Therefore, it shall choose to be creating of a different action.

(To Guin) And your creature is creating its actions and manifestations in like manner. It is its choice.

As you allow yourself to identify your own beliefs, as you allow yourself to recognize that your difficulty or your anxiety in viewing the choice of the creature is in actuality a responsiveness to your own beliefs, you may also offer yourself the opportunity to translate this in conjunction with other individuals, for other individuals create choices that you may not like either, and that you may hold an anxiety for in conjunction with their choices, but these are your beliefs, that you shall not engage what they are engaging.

GUIN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Smiling)

SUE: Elias, could I ask a quick question about my cat? You know she had asthma for several years, and a couple months ago, it went away. I can see a physical reason for it, a change in the environment that would explain it (13), but I’m wondering if it’s also a reflection of a change in my attitude.

ELIAS: You are correct.

SUE: Okay, thank you. I just wanted to confirm that.” [session 502, November 11, 1999]

FRAN: “Could you talk to me for a couple of minutes about the agreement I have with my son in this particular focus? (Pause, and more static)

ELIAS: And what are you inquiring of in agreements with your son?

FRAN: Oh, I was just curious. I have a very nice relationship with my son. We have a lot of interests in common, and it just seems like the relationship goes along very nicely. I was assuming that that’s probably what the agreement was with this relationship, was just one of support, of mutual support.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, this is a misconception.

This type of creation of relationship is a development moment-by-moment. It is not necessarily an establishment of an agreement that you have created as you have agreed to be manifest together. This is a direction of thought that many individuals move into in a misunderstanding of agreements.

The agreements that you create in manifesting within a relationship of parent and child are merely to be manifesting as parent and child; one as the facilitator for the entering focus into this physical dimension, and one as the entering focus.

But beyond this agreement, you hold no pre-set agreements with each other as to how you shall be creating your reality in conjunction with each other, and therefore, you are not creating of a type of destiny with each other.

As to the flow of the interaction and relationship between yourself and your son, within this particular focus you offer each other an expression of acceptance, which offers to you each an objective manifestation and example of how you may be offering this same expression to yourselves.

This has moved quite efficiently within your focus, and therefore you continue to be creating this type of movement in conjunction to each other, for it flows, so to speak, with ease.

But I may also express to you that this is a choice that is created within each moment, that this type of movement may be altered within any particular moment, and the reality of the relationship may be quite different. It is an expression that you have both chosen to be engaging as it continues to serve you in this....

FRAN: Thank you.” [session 505, November 20, 1999]

RODNEY: “I would like to talk to you about feelings. We have this list where people post correspondences back and forth on issues that you’ve talked about, and they were talking about the suffering that takes place in what we call Third World countries – people being brutalized either by starvation or other factors – and I jumped in with a comment that suffering is ... well, I misquoted you (laughing) and I quoted Seth. I said that both of you had said that the only reason for suffering is to learn how not to do it, and I’m not sure that you ever made that statement. That was pointed out to me by someone else on the list. So I looked up some sessions that you’ve done, and I found only one where you talk about suffering. It seems to me that you’ve made the statement pretty forcefully that we’re here simply to experience, and that it’s not necessarily true that we experience one thing so we can experience something else. I guess that’s kind of getting into the area of cause and effect, and you’ve made it rather clear that that’s not how reality works that much.

What I’m getting down to is that I’m reading a book – I was reading a book – in which the Dalai Lama of Tibet is quoted quite frequently, and he makes the statement that in their early training, the monks are taught to meditate on suffering, and they do this by considering an animal, like a fish with a hook in its mouth or something, and the object of this mediation is for them to learn compassion.

It seems a little strange to me that when we observe someone who is suffering, we do have a tendency to develop compassion, and that kind of, in a sense perhaps, redeems the fact that someone out there is suffering, or at least that’s an element of redemption. And then I got to thinking, is there another way to get to compassion besides meditating on suffering? It seems like an odd way to go about it, and I was hoping you might have some suggestions as to how to experience compassion directly.

ELIAS: Very well. Let us examine this subject matter of compassion and of suffering and of your reality in this physical dimension.

In this, you are correct that I have stated: within this physical dimension, you manifest to be experiencing.

You are not manifesting within this physical reality to be learning or to be elevating yourself through a teaching and learning process to higher planes of consciousness. You are not experiencing this particular dimension as a lower plane of consciousness.

You are merely manifesting, in an expression of creativity, into physical matter in a physical dimension – or area of consciousness which has been designated to be physical – and in this, you allow yourselves the opportunity to explore different expressions of creativity; different explorations of how you may manifest reality in any form within a physical experience.

Therefore, once again I express to you, you do not manifest within this dimension to be creating of a mission, so to speak. There is no element within your physical reality which is broken and needs be fixed. There is no element within your reality that needs be saved.


ELIAS: You are manifesting to be exploring and experiencing, and as any individual inquires as to what may be their purpose within this physical dimension, I shall continue to express that your purpose within this physical dimension and your manifestation is to experience.

You are not manifest to teach. You are not manifest to learn. You are not manifest to guide. You are not manifest to fix. You are not manifest to save. You are manifest to experience and to explore, and within this particular physical dimension, emotion is a base element of your reality.

Therefore, as you create a physical reality to be exploring, why shall you not explore every aspect of expression which may be created in conjunction with emotion?

This shall move you to the subject of compassion and to suffering, for suffering may be identified as any expression, physical or emotional or – as you identify it – mental, and in any of these expressions, that which you identify as pain, you also identify as suffering. That which you identify as hardship, you identify as suffering.

Now; this is a direct reflection of your beliefs and of your perception, your interpretation of your beliefs, your definitions of your beliefs.

You are correct also that I have expressed previously, there is no cause and effect in actuality. There IS the expression and the creation and the reality of cause and effect as you create it through the influence of your beliefs. As you believe that you may create any particular action and that it shall attach to another action or reaction, you do create the reality, in objective physical terms, of cause and effect. Therefore, it does occur.

But what I am expressing to you is that it is not an innate element of your reality. It is a creation that you have inserted into your reality as an influence of your belief systems, and therefore it is not an absolute. It is not a truth. It is relative merely to your dimension and your belief systems, but outside of your belief systems and outside of your physical reality, it may hold no relevance.

In this, you create certain definitions within your beliefs that you associate with actions, with emotions, with thoughts, and with all that you create within your physical dimension. What you identify as suffering is an experience.

Now; be recognizing that I am not expressing to you that you should not be concerning yourself with what you identify as suffering, or that you should not be responsive, or that you should not be incorporating compassion. I am expressing that I am also NOT saying to you that you SHOULD incorporate any of these responses. You may or you may not. This is a choice.

And this is the point, is that in offering yourselves automatic responses to any element within your reality, you incorporate the allowance for the limitations of your belief systems.

In this, you may be incorporating compassion, and you may also not be incorporating compassion. The expression itself is a choice and is merely an expression within your experience, and matters not. What you may consider to be mattering, within your widening of awareness, is your identification of judgment in conjunction with the expression or the lack of expression. You look to the expression of compassion as good. You look to the expression of a lack of compassion as bad.

RODNEY: Right.

ELIAS: Herein lies the importance; not the expression itself, but in your identification of the expression and your definition, and your association that you as an individual are good if you are expressing compassion, and an individual that does not express compassion is bad, that suffering is bad and joyfulness is good, that happiness is good and sadness is bad, that you incorporate compassion for individuals or even yourself as you may be manifesting any element in your reality or any action in your reality that you identify as bad, suffering, pain.

You do not identify in your expression that you hold compassion for yourself or for other individuals as they choose to be creating happiness or joyfulness! You DO express the actual emotion or feeling of compassion, but you do not define it as compassion as you look to yourself or any individual that is not creating a type of suffering. You incorporate the emotion; you merely do not define it as compassion.

And herein lies another point that may be incorporated now within the action of this shift – and IS being incorporated now, which is creating much confusion within many, many, many individuals – and that is the redefining of your terminology, of your language, of your association of meaning in your definitions of your terminologies, which is also a redefining of your reality.

And this, in actuality and in its movement, is a tremendous thrust in energy in this shift in consciousness, for this is the point of this shift in consciousness, and now you allow yourselves to view the objective movement and action of this shift in physical objective reality, for the reality that is familiar to you is being redefined.

And in this, there are many expressions of the redefinition of your reality, and one of these expressions is to be redefining your association of meaning to certain terms within your language and within your reality. Those terms that you identify with quite strongly and absolutely are becoming blurred and are holding less of an absolute quality.

In the recognition of this, you may look to your term of suffering. What is your definition of suffering? Your definition of suffering is the choice of an individual or a group of individuals to be creating a reality that you would not choose.

RODNEY: Right, yes, that we have judgment about.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; you may move further in your association with this definition and you may express to me, ‘But Elias, these individuals that create this reality wish not to be choosing this experience either, and they are identifying themselves as incorporating suffering.’ This is a mass belief. This is a mass definition.

RODNEY: We’ve had widespread starving in Africa for quite some time.

ELIAS: Quite. (Firmly) This is a choice. There are no victims.


ELIAS: Now; be remembering, I am not expressing this concept to you – and be clear in this – that you shall move your attention in the direction of disassociating your emotional responses to these types of creations.

RODNEY: I don’t hear you saying that at all. What I do hear you saying is that if I experience compassion out of an automatic – and the word automatic is important – if I experience it automatically out of a belief of what is right and wrong, then I am limiting my experience of compassion.

ELIAS: You are correct.

Now; let us examine how you limit your choices as you express within automatic responses. What is the choice of action in the automatic response of compassion – in how you may manifest and how it may be received – but to be perpetuating the identification of the belief of victimization.

RODNEY: I found myself the other day telling some other people that if I refuse to see a starving person as a victim, then what opens up for me is to sense, if nothing else, an element of respect that this individual, on some level, chose to experience their suffering. At least I’m open to the question of, ‘Why would they do this?’ And I suspect that the question of why someone would choose to experience a focus in which they starve to death is that there is meaning in that experience, and at least I’m opening myself up to perhaps discovering what that meaning might be. Whereas on the other hand, if I see them strictly as victims of a cruel world, then that is the end of the matter, and in terms of self-discovery, nothing further comes of it.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, Zacharie [Rodney], in addressing to this subject matter, each individual creates their choice of experience for different reasons, so to speak. This may be an expression of individual experience. It may incorporate interaction with other individuals’ experience. It may move in conjunction with mass experience. It may be created in a type of statement.

The point in this is that each individual is creating their exploration of experiences within this physical dimension in a particular direction.

Now; the direction may be equated within your thought process as their reason.

Now; in this, you – in your automatic responses with mass belief systems, in conjunction to certain expressions that you create – blanket certain types of expressions and you categorize them as the same, which eliminates the individuality in the expression and limits your interaction or your participation or your understanding objectively of what is being created, as you create a definition which shall broadly offer a limited explanation for certain creations.

Now; in terms of this particular type of creation which you discuss with myself in the example of suffering, individuals may participate in the creation of suffering, and each individual that participates in that action is creating their own individual direction with that experience.

In this, some individuals may be creating that experience in the direction of incorporating interaction with other individuals to be quite specifically altering, in physical terms, the experience through physical experience. Some individuals may be participating in that element of suffering to be offering themselves information in conjunction with that particular type of manifestation.

You speak of religious beliefs in conjunction with this subject matter....

RODNEY: By that, do you mean I used the word redemption?

ELIAS: In part, but you have also offered the identification of certain Eastern religious beliefs.

RODNEY: Yes, I did.

ELIAS: And in this, I may express to you that all religious beliefs identify with this subject matter of suffering, and accredit it with an aspect of nobility.

RODNEY: Yes, they do. The individual nailed to the cross is a fine example, I would think.

ELIAS: There are many, many examples throughout many different expressions of your religious beliefs.

But let us also be remembering that I have expressed to you that there is no element of your reality that is broken, and therefore there is no element of your reality which requires fixing.

In this, you look to the expression of suffering with the automatic response of fixing, for it is broken.

RODNEY: Yes, we do.

ELIAS: And what I am expressing to you is that this automatic response is quite limiting, for this moves you in the direction of placing upon your vision your blinders, and you do not allow yourself to incorporate the viewing of all that may be expressed.

All that you allow yourself to view is the identification of victim – which is the element of your reality which is broken – and that you need be fixing or rescuing the victim, and therefore the reality shall be acceptable, and in this, you do not allow yourself to view all of the other choices that are available in these experiences and you do not allow yourself to be acknowledging and accepting of self or of other individuals.

For as you move yourself in these automatic responses, you are also expressing quite strongly a reinforcement within self, not merely within the interaction and the assessment of another individual, but within SELF you are expressing a lack of acceptance, for your identification shall be that if YOU were to be incorporating this same suffering, it will be unacceptable and needs be fixed for it is broken, and therefore you are not accepting of self and of your creation. You are placing yourself into the role of the victim.

RODNEY: So what you’re saying is that if an individual is freezing to death on the street, whether or not I give this person something to keep them warm, a coat or a blanket or a wrap, whether or not I do that is really not the issue that you’re talking about, because that would be simply a matter of choice.

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: What you’re talking about is my viewing this person on the sidewalk freezing as being a victim, and therefore experiencing something that is bad and unacceptable.

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: And if I am viewing that person freezing as unacceptable, then I am saying to myself that if I were in that person’s place, the experience would be unacceptable, and in a sense, in doing that, I am reinforcing my lack of acceptance of my own experience.

ELIAS: Correct. I am expressing to you to be examining automatic responses, and therefore examining the motivation in them.

You may approach an individual that you perceive to be freezing upon your street, and you may be offering helpfulness to them in offering a covering that shall be physically warming to them. But in this action, examine to yourself your motivation.

Are you incorporating this action for the reason that you have engaged an interaction with the other individual, and that you empathically recognize that in their interaction with you, they are engaging a request that you may be sharing of this covering with them, and you shall experience together? Or are you offering the covering for the reason that this shall create a suggestion within yourself that you are good and worthy, for you are expressing compassion to another individual of less circumstance than yourself?

RODNEY: Right. These are the questions.

ELIAS: Correct. (Short pause)

In the expression of essence, of which you are moving into in the action of this shift in consciousness, your interaction with other individuals, your interaction with other essences, is in recognition that ALL is acceptable, and there is no necessity for judgment upon any manifestation, any element of reality, any choice of experience, but merely to be appreciating of the exploration of experiences together in a lack of separation.

RODNEY: Right. Wow.

ELIAS: This is quite a different direction of identification or defining of actions and terms than what you are familiar with presently.

RODNEY: It certainly is! Elias, I thank you very much. You treated that at some length.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

RODNEY: I thank you. Would you like to say more about this? It’s such an important....

ELIAS: Yes. I shall also express to you that within this time framework, there are many, many expressions objectively being created of trauma and of conflict and confusion, and in this, there are many expressions that may be incorporating that which you identify in your definitions as compassion for all that is being expressed within the trauma which is associated with this shift in consciousness.

In this, you move quite easily into the disguise or the camouflage of nobility in the assessment that you are offering helpfulness and the expression of compassion to other individuals which are in need, so to speak. But I shall suggest to you that you may offer yourselves movement into a new angle of thought which shall motivate you into a different avenue of expression.

And in this, as you view other individuals experiencing those expressions within their reality, of painfulness, of sorrow, of suffering, of trauma, of distress, you may allow yourselves to be recognizing this as an experience – without judgment – and if so choosing to be participating in these expressions, be inquiring of yourselves how you may be interactive without judgment and without the devaluation of the choice of the other individual.

For in your rescue, you are creating the outward, objective expression of devaluation of the choice of another individual or group of individuals, for you are expressing to them objectively that their choice is inadequate, insufficient, incorrect, unacceptable.

RODNEY: Wow. Alright.

ELIAS: This is not to say that you may not choose to participate in that action, but your greatest expression of what you identify to be helpfulness is the expression of recognition – acknowledgment of the individual’s choice – and the lack of judgment, and not to be devaluing the choice that the individual has created. And in their expression and choice to be interactive with you, you may together choose in agreement an alteration of the reality, but not in judgment, but in acknowledgment that the experience has been created, it has been explored, and there is gain in that in essence, for it is an exploration of consciousness and all of its manifestations.

Therefore, within the context of your beliefs, you may greet sorrow and suffering with your expression of acknowledgment and joyfulness.

RODNEY: Wow. That is certainly a different aspect. If I could rephrase something, what you’re saying is that the willingness to open to truly witnessing and acknowledging the validity of somebody else’s experience, even though that experience may be in my judgment painful, if I can see beyond my judgment and simply witness their experience and allow it and accept it as a valid experience, that in and of itself is of a high level of helpfulness.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking.

RODNEY: In a manner of speaking?


RODNEY: And that if the man on the street who is freezing asked me for something to keep him warm, that’s an entirely different issue.

ELIAS: Or, if you are offering without the request and without a judgment or an expectation within yourself, and the offering is accepted, you may be expressing to yourself that you are engaging in an expression of essence, and that you are participating and not merely perpetuating.

Let me express to you, Zacharie [Rodney], look to these peoples in what you identify in your cultures in Africa, those individuals that you view to be starving, those individuals that you view to be suffering. Identify singularly one family, and in this, hypothetically allow yourself your automatic movement in compassion, and let us express together that you may move into the incorporation of an individual expression, seeking out organizations that you objectively view as being helpful to these cultures in this location of Africa.

Now; in this, you singularly may choose one family. You may express to yourself that you hold limitation in your ability to be helpful to the world in its entirety. Therefore, you shall create your expression in conjunction with one singular family. This is, within the context of your belief systems en masse in this physical dimension, quite reasonable.

RODNEY: Right.

ELIAS: In this, you identify this one particular family, and you associate yourself with a particular establishment or organization that may facilitate your action of helpfulness in conjunction with this one family.

Now; initially, you may be offering of financial assistance. Subsequently, you recognize that your financial assistance is not offering the type of expression that you held within your thought process. Therefore, you choose to be creating of another action. The financial assistance has not manifest in the expression of your choosing. Therefore, you shall move into a different type of expression.

You identify within your mass beliefs the identification that the adults of this family may be caring for themselves, and you may also identify, quite reasonably within your mass belief systems, that these adults have chosen their reality – they are creating their reality, and this is a justification within yourself – but that the children of this family are victims in this situation. The children are starving. The parents are also starving, but your attention moves more to the small ones. This also is quite reasonable within your mass belief systems.

Therefore, you choose to be incorporating a physical trip to this country and to physically engage this family yourself, and in this trip, as you identify in interaction physically with this family, you offer the suggestion that the children be allowed to return with yourself to your dwelling, that you may provide for them a more adequate lifestyle, so to speak.

This scenario in its entirety thus far, within the context of mass belief systems, is quite reasonable.

RODNEY: Right, it is.

ELIAS: And is the expression of compassion.

RODNEY: Yes, it would be.

ELIAS: And therefore is viewed as acceptable and good.

RODNEY: Right.

ELIAS: AND helpful.


ELIAS: Now; in conjunction with these mass belief systems, the parents of these children also align with aspects of the beliefs and are in objective agreement, and you subsequently remove the children from that location and that family, and you offer them residence within your dwelling.

Now; the element which has not been incorporated in this scenario is the choice of the children.

RODNEY: Right; they choose to be experiencing this with the parents.

ELIAS: In this, you have objectively altered their reality.

Now; you may express to myself, quite legitimately, in your terms, ‘But would this not also be the choice of the individual? For you may not be creating of another individual’s reality,’ and you are correct. But in this action and in the context of the belief systems – which is the key point – what have you all participated in, in your helpfulness?

You have all participated in the perpetuation of the belief, the perpetuation of duplicity in the discounting and devalue-ization of the individuals, the false expression of generosity and acceptance within yourself, and the perpetuation of the belief that you hold the ability and the power to be creating another individual’s reality.

RODNEY: I see.

ELIAS: Therefore, it may be disguised or camouflaged in many, many different manners, and you may express many different justifications for the actions. But in actuality, in the context of this shift in consciousness and what we are addressing to in acceptance of individuals and of beliefs, you have created an entire scenario of thwarting that effort, for you have created a scenario of perpetuating the beliefs and their manifestations, in all of their splendor of limitation!

RODNEY: Right.

ELIAS: For there is no acknowledgment of the choice of each of the individuals. There is no acknowledgment of the experience of each of the individuals participating. There is an underlying movement of energy in devalue-ization of each individual’s choice. There is the incorporation of the aspects of the belief of control and lack of control, of acceptability and unacceptability of each individual’s reality. There is a definition of victim and savior. There is a definition of measurement of worth in association with action and possession.

View how very many expressions are incorporated in this act of nobility, in the perpetuation of the very elements that you choose to be moving through in the action of this shift.

THIS is where I draw your attention, not in the actions themselves, but in the motivation and the automatic responses and the definition of the action, the definition of the terms, the association of the beliefs in what you are creating, and THIS is what holds importance within this time framework, for this is the expression of the shift in its movement into acceptance of self, acceptance of each other, acceptance of beliefs.

RODNEY: I thank you, sir.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

RODNEY: If I were to go to Africa and I were to assist this family in the manner in which you describe, I would really be taking these actions, if I were to be operating out of our common belief systems, I would be doing this not so much to serve them but to serve myself.

ELIAS: Quite.

RODNEY: This is basically, I think, inherent in what you have said.

ELIAS: In the guise....

RODNEY: In the guise of helping them, we are basically being self-serving.

ELIAS: Quite; which the action of being self-serving is not wrong, but examine the motivation. Examine why you are creating certain actions and allow yourself the recognition in that examination, for in this, you offer yourselves your perception of your worth. (14)

RODNEY: Right. Thank you!

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.” [session 529, December 28, 1999]

ELIAS: “Continuing! And you may be incorporating your questions, if you are so choosing.


FEMALE: I have a question. You were talking about choices that we create ourselves. I want to understand from you, do we make these choices previous to them occurring, or are they concentric with each other? Do we make one choice, and when that choice happens, we make another choice? Or do we make all the choices from way back?

ELIAS: Choices create the enactment of probabilities. Probabilities are created in the moment. They are not created in what you view as the past or the future. All probabilities are actualized in the moment.

Now: let me express to you, you occupy your thoughts at times with the question of imagination, and you express to yourselves wonderings of what is imagination and what is not imagination.

You view different experiences within your focus, and you attribute them to imagination. You may encounter another focus of your essence. You may experience differences within your reality. You may allow yourself to be projecting within consciousness. You may be creating of many different types of actions, experiences, and subsequent to the experience, you shall question yourself in that action, as to whether that be your imagination or whether it be reality.

I shall express to you that your inventions, so to speak, of your dragons and fairies and leprechauns and angels and nymphs and ANY expression that you deem to be imagination is in actuality a memory of an expression that you have encountered or that you are knowing of within consciousness, and is not in actuality what you define as imagination.

Or, as you view within your physical vision some object to appear differently to you within a moment, and you are blinking of your eyes and expressing to yourself, ‘This must be my imagination that has created this illusion within my vision,’ I express to you, in conjunction with what we have been discussing this evening, no, this is not the identification, in your definition, of imagination. This is reality. You have created it. It has actually occurred.

What IS imagination is your identification of past and future, for these are illusions. There is no past and there is no future. All that exists is now, a continuous movement of now, and each now creates a past and a future.

Therefore, in the illusion of your perception, you project your attention into these elusive expressions of past and future, and you reinforce your association with them, as you have designed a physical reality that moves in the fashion of a linear time framework. But even within that linear time framework, all that you create is created NOW.

In relation to your question – do you create simultaneously in some expression of ‘before,’ so to speak, and does that materialize subsequently in what you view as future events – it APPEARS to you in this manner, but in actuality, you are creating your reality of the past and of the future within the now.

The reason that you may be confounded by what you create within what appears to be future is that you are not paying attention to what you are creating in the now.

And as the moments of the now continue in their motion within your linear time framework design, behold, it becomes the future, and the future is suddenly the now, and your choice has materialized or come to fruition, but the choice has already been created in the previous now, which is now the past! Ha ha ha!

For you are creating in each moment, and you create what you concentrate upon. Concentration is not the expression of thought. You may think and think and think. You may incorporate your thought process over and over, and you may express to yourselves mantras of your thoughts, and this may not necessarily be what shall actualize your reality.

For your reality, once again, is created through your perception, and your perception is influenced by your beliefs, and your attention and your concentration is held in your beliefs.

Therefore, you may express to yourself, quite simply, ‘I shall win the lottery, I shall win the lottery, I shall win the lottery,’ and you may concentrate within your thought process continuously, ‘I shall win the lottery,’ and you shall not win the lottery, and the reason you shall not win the lottery is that your belief is the center of your concentration, and your belief expresses to you, ‘I shall not win the lottery, for I am not lucky.’

THIS is what shall dictate what you create through your perception. This be the reason that there is importance and significance in allowing yourselves to be holding your attention within the now, to be allowing yourself an awareness of your beliefs in all of their expressions, and to be accepting of self in all of your abilities.

For if you are not allowing yourself to hold your attention within the now, you are not paying attention to what you are creating, and this sets into motion a reinforcement of the beliefs that you hold that you do not create your reality, for your reality surprises you, and it presents to you elements that you wish not to be engaging. Therefore, it is outside of your control – which is another belief, of control.

In this, you also reinforce your discounting of self in your discounting of your ability, that you do not hold the ability to be creating your reality in the manner that you wish to be creating, and you reinforce the role of victim, which renders you powerless.

Now; as you allow yourselves to be aware of what you are concentrating upon within your beliefs in the now ... which IS available to you! It is not hidden. There is no UN-consciousness. There is no sub-consciousness which hides things from your viewing. You merely do not pay attention to yourselves!

You do not pay attention to what you are creating and what you are concentrating upon. You do not even allow yourselves the recognition of the beliefs that you hold. You express quite openly that you do not hold beliefs, and you do!

As you allow yourself the awareness of the now, knowing that you are creating the future in the now and recognizing WHAT you are creating, you offer yourself more of an awareness of YOU.

Now; let me also be clear, that you not misunderstand.

In creating within the now – and as I express to you that you are creating the future within the now – as you may identify any particular, specific event or action or movement that you wish to be creating within the illusion of the future, you are moment by moment creating it in the now.

... you create a potentiality for what you express as future.

In this, you continue to hold the choice in every moment as to what you shall actualize, but many times within your reality, you continue to be creating a particular line of probabilities moment by moment, and in that action, as what you identify as the future approaches, you are continuing to be creating what you have been creating in each moment of the present.

Allow yourself to hold your attention within the now. Allow yourself the recognition of what motivates your movements. Allow yourself the recognition of the influence of your beliefs.

In this, also allow yourself the acknowledgment that you hold choice, for this is the expression of freedom and allows you to not be locked into any expression as an absolute, for within every moment, you hold the ability to alter your expression and your choice.” [session 646, June 17, 2000]

PAUL T: “Moving on to some other things that have to do with blueprints, a few months ago I had a very interesting experience. As I was walking into work, it was like a portal opened up, and I could visualize myself and my wife in what I believe was Regional Area 2 agreeing to disagree. (Laughs) We were having an argument, and I could see how it was being coordinated in what I believe is Regional Area 2. Could you confirm that experience?

ELIAS: Yes, I shall confirm.

PAUL T: Okay.

ELIAS: Be aware that this action that you view occurs simultaneous to its creation...

PAUL T: Oh, yes!

ELIAS: ...not prior to its creation within Regional Area 1.

PAUL T: Oh yeah, that was actually the next thing I was going to be talking about. In a dream of a couple days ago, I was participating in a meeting, and the person who was going to be speaking at that meeting asked me to lead it. I had the same sort of experience within that dream, that I recognized the agreement was being made in Regional Area 2 at that moment to participate in a creation which both of us created from our own individual standpoints for our own individual reasons, but yet we agreed that that would occur. Later on within context of the dream I recognized that he was altering the format of the meeting from what I was used to in that meeting, and it caused a fair amount of consternation on his part.

So what I’m leading up to is blueprints and how I attach myself to somebody else’s boat, to use your analogy, in the creation of my own reality. No specific question ... well, yes, there is, I take that back. I’m asking for some confirmation that my understanding of how the agreements made in Regional Area 2 come into existence here in Regional Area 1.

ELIAS: I may express to you, in relation to the freedom that you hold in choice and the lack of absolutes, you may be engaging agreement with other essences within Regional Area 2 as you are creating choices within Regional Area 1, but there is, in a manner of speaking, expressed the agreement in potentiality but not in absolute, therefore allowing the openness in freedom to be expressing the agreement in a myriad of manners and in each individual’s expression of creativity.

In this, as agreements are not absolute either and as you do continue to incorporate choice, the agreement may be altered in each moment also. But even within the choice to hold to an agreement, that may be expressed within your physical manifestations and objective imagery in countless choices and expressions, which offers you a very wide berth in how you may be expressing the agreement. Are you understanding?

PAUL T: Yes, I think so. Yes, I am creating my own reality, and in that, if I make an agreement to cooperate or – I won’t use the term co-create – but participate together in an agreement, I can change and alter that at any time, and I can choose many different ways of expressing how I meet that agreement.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL T: That implies by extension here that I am not necessarily in communication through Regional Area 2 when I choose a particular path. The imagery that I have in the dream and also in waking life is that there is a particular moment when the agreement is made, and then I sort of detach from that and ... I always operate autonomously, but it is not in conjunction with the other essence.

ELIAS: Yes and no. Each movement that you create, each choice that you create, each action that you incorporate in creation within your physical expression is being created by you and through the mechanism of your perception. But this also is being created through an assimilation of many, many, many, many avenues of communication that you are offering to yourself within each moment. One of those avenues IS an interaction within Regional Area 2.

In this, I may express to you that as there is in actuality no separation of essences and consciousness, you are, in a manner of speaking, incorporating a cooperation with other essences, not in the manner that you associate objectively but in what may be termed as an intertwining of essences and a lack of separation.

You are not in actuality singularly creating any expression within your physical focus. This be the reason that I have expressed previously, as you create any movement you are also affecting of every other essence participating in this reality, and they are also affecting of you.

What you create in relation to another individual, you create in relation to yourself. What you create in relation to yourself, you are also creating in relation to all other individuals. This is the aspect of no separation.

But I am recognizing this is a difficult concept within your objective understanding, for you have created a blueprint for this particular physical dimension that expresses separation in all of its manifestations.

PAUL T: Yes, it’s that veil between this focus of essence that I recognize as Paul and All-That-Is.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL T: Yes, I believe I’m understanding.

ELIAS: I may express to you also that in actuality, within consciousness, every moment that is experienced within your creations in Regional Area 1 is also influenced within your interactions of Regional Area 3.

PAUL T: Oh, I haven’t looked at Regional Area 3 too much yet.” (Elias chuckles) [session 795, March 11, 2001]

ELIAS: “I may express to you that you may create ANY expression or manifestation that you want, and in this, you may be allowing yourself to be actualizing your want by recognizing what you express within yourself that blocks that ability.

Generally speaking, you shall block that ability in denying yourself choice. As you deny yourself choice, for you incorporate influences of beliefs that express to you the statement that you cannot, you shall not. But as you allow yourself to discover what you express to yourself in denial of your own choice, you may also turn your attention and offer yourself permission that you may allow yourself to create what you want.

JEN: But which choice?

ELIAS: Any choice.

JEN: I’m thinking of what I could do, you know what I mean? Like when I hang up the phone, what I could do to give myself more choices.

ELIAS: Allow yourself to pay attention to you. Allow yourself to be noticing your own communications that you offer to yourself, pay attention to your emotional communications that you express to yourself, and in viewing a want, allow yourself to investigate inwardly what you express to yourself, what choice you deny yourself which creates the lack of what you want.

Many times individuals deny their choice in relation to other individuals, for many times you create an association within yourself, denying yourself certain choices as you allow other individuals or even establishments to dictate to you what you may or may not accomplish, what you can or cannot do. These, many times, are quite automatic associations, and you have become very familiar with your automatic responses. This be the reason that they have become automatic, and as they are automatic, you do not allow yourself an objective identification of what you are responding to.

JEN: You say all that, but still I don’t ... I mean, I could think of a few choices but...

ELIAS: Offer to myself one example.

JEN: Okay. Next weekend I would like to go to Washington, D.C. I would like to go down there in my car, and I would go dancing at this club. It would be really fun, and I could see Alonn [Jesse]. That would be fun. But I am limited by my money, because I have to pay tolls, I have to fill up my gas tank, I gotta pay to get in. Those are my limitations. So I don’t really see a lot of choices there as to how I could create that really, in reality how I could do that.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall incorporate this example, and offer explanation.

In this, you identify an action that you want to create. You also identify an objective expression that you view to be preventing you from accomplishing this action, or hindering you.

Now; this, in actuality, may be quite simply viewed. You view yourself to be limited in your ability to generate money.

JEN: Affirmative.

ELIAS: And in this, you express to yourself limitations in your choices. You view that you NEED money to be accomplishing certain actions. Therefore, you allow the money to dictate to you your choice.

JEN: Yes. It’s quite an establishment.

ELIAS: Now; as your perception creates ALL of your reality, you may incorporate the choice to turn your perception. You may be, quite simply, expressing to yourself the affirmation that you shall create your choice and that it matters not. You may trust that you do hold the ability to generate what you want, and if the expression of money accompanies what you want, then you shall offer yourself permission to trust that you shall generate that also.

I am understanding that what I am expressing to you presently seems objectively, to you, to be fantasy and oversimplifying, and that within your expression I, Elias, am not occupying your physical focus and therefore I have limited understanding of the workings of your physical dimension. And I may express to you, quite incorrect. This may appear initially to be quite simplified, but in actuality this IS the manner in which you may allow yourself to accomplish what you want. It IS that simple.

The mere recognition that you are allowing a thing, so to speak, a physical manifestation within your reality to dictate to you your choices, in genuineness, in itself is quite a realization, and in actualization offers you much more of an expression of freedom in allowing you to create your choices and to be directing of your movement rather than being directed by a manifestation.

JEN: I’m going to do this. I was going to say, ‘I’m going to try and do it.’ But then I changed it to, ‘I’m going to do this.’

ELIAS: Very well, my friend!

JEN: I really want to do this.

ELIAS: I may express to you also, do not incorporate continuous thought concentration in this manifestation, for that type of concentration is not the expression of trust. As you continue to incorporate concentration within thought upon the subject matter, in actuality what you are creating is a reinforcement of your lack of trust.

JEN: Right, because then I don’t really think I can do it, so I sit around thinking about it like that will help.

ELIAS: Correct. Therefore, allow yourself a genuine expression of trust in which you need no objective thought process and concentration, but that you do not doubt the power of your abilities and your perception.” [session 822, April 15, 2001]

TERRY: “Well, Elias, a lot of things have been happening in my life, a lot of uncertainty, and that’s sort of why I’m here. I just wanted to understand a little bit about what my opportunities are. I have my own business; I want to know whether my business will continue to be successful. I have aspirations for a baby. Then I have a husband that I’m just getting divorced from but I still love very much, and I want to know what my connection with him is. A lot of questions! (Laughter) ...

ELIAS: Very well, express to myself the nature of your concern in relation to your confusion.

TERRY: I think it’s not so much confusion as it is uncertainty about all of those things.

ELIAS: Uncertainty is incorporated in moments in which you are not listening to yourself. Uncertainty and clarity may be easily identified and altered merely in the action of paying attention to you and what you are generating – not what you are thinking but what you are actually generating, what you are doing. In this, individuals are quite unfamiliar with turning their attention to other aspects of themselves other than the thinking mechanism of themselves.

Now; this is not to say that you may not pay attention to what you are thinking, for thinking is a mechanism that is continuously moving and generating whether you are paying attention to it or not. Therefore, it is not a matter of disengaging your thought processes but allowing yourself to move your attention to other movements of yourself, communications and choices.

Now; in relation to your business, the manner in which you generate clarity as to what you are creating, what you are generating, is to be paying attention to your communications to yourself. You communicate to yourself through impressions, through impulses. Emotion is a very clear communication that individuals offer to themselves.

As I have expressed many times and shall continue to clarify, emotion is not a reaction. Emotion is NEVER a reaction. It is always a communication from your subjective awareness to your objective awareness. Therefore, in not merely paying attention to the signal or the feeling but allowing yourself to recognize what the communication is in emotion, you may more clearly identify the direction in which you are moving.

Paying attention in the now to what you are choosing is quite significant and offers you a tremendous expression of information.

Now; individuals may identify what they are doing, but this is not to say that you recognize that what you are doing you are also choosing. You may express to yourself, ‘I recognize I am doing this action, but I am not choosing this action. I am merely doing it. I am creating but I am not choosing this creation.’ Any action that you generate you have chosen. It is a choice. Choice is not always comfortable, but it is always beneficial.

As to movement concerning incorporating a new focus, what you term to be a child, this is a choice in agreement with another essence. I am aware that objectively you are unaware of the moment in which you generate these types of choices, although you do incorporate the ability to be aware objectively. If you are paying attention to self and listening to self, you may recognize the moment in which you generate that agreement. There are individuals of the female gender that may express to you that they have held an awareness of the moment of what you term to be conception. This is the moment of generating the agreement which translates into physical manifestation. This is not to say that the entering focus may choose to manifest or not, but there is an objective awareness in which you recognize the moment of the agreement, in like manner to the recognition objectively of the moment in which you choose to disengage. There is an objective awareness, and it is a choice.

In this I may express to you, for the most part there are focuses that are available to be manifesting within your physical dimension and in your terms – although this is figuratively speaking – [are] awaiting the choice. And in this, there are several focuses of essences that may be choosing prospective individuals that are already manifest within your physical dimension, assessing genetics and heritage and beliefs and associations and the structure, so to speak, of the family or lack of family that they choose to be manifest in conjunction with, and in this situation there are also several focuses of essences that generate probabilities to be creating that action of manifestation. The choice is yours to facilitate that action.

As I have stated previously, the choice of all else in manifestation is that of the manifesting focus; but the choice to facilitate that manifestation is of the focuses that are already manifest within your physical dimension. In actuality, this is the only choice that is required of you in participation, that you agree to be facilitating the manifestation. This is the one choice that is not the choice of the entering focus, so to speak. It may be their agreement, but without your agreement there is no entering focus to be manifest.

Therefore, as to the choice of incorporating a child, once again look to yourself and to the influence of your beliefs. You may choose this action in many manners, but it is your choice – but I am aware that you also incorporate beliefs concerning this action of parenting and how you shall incorporate a child, so to speak, and the responsibility that you view within your beliefs concerning this relationship of parent and child.

As to the situation of partnership and dissolving that partnership, so to speak, this also is a choice but one that you may offer yourself much information within. For if you are allowing yourself to genuinely pay attention and evaluate the situation and what you have generated in this choice, this is not an action that is occurring to you. It is a choice that you have engaged. It matters not that your assessment is that you love this individual. In actuality, I may express to you what you experience is attraction and affection. Love is a different expression.

Love is a truth, and the translation within your physical dimension of love is not attraction. It is that of knowing and appreciation, genuine appreciation, which appreciation is expressed in acceptance. In this, the knowing is also significant, actual knowing of yourself and knowing of another individual and expressing an acceptance which generates an appreciation. This is the genuine expression of love.

This is not to discount your feelings and your expression in relation to another individual, for you do express affection and attraction, but there are also other expressions which are generated in association with beliefs: expectations upon yourself, expectations concerning the other individual, expectations concerning relationships and how they should be generated and expressed, how you should be expressing within a relationship, and also underlyingly what you genuinely desire in your own expression, without expectations and without anticipation of the other individual’s perception or what they generate, but genuinely focusing upon yourself and allowing yourself to express your genuine offering of energy and not denying that expression within yourself.

A genuine expression of love between individuals objectively is the expression of allowance of yourself to generate what you want without restriction – without the restriction of what may or may not be perceived by the other individual, which generates blocks within you in the anticipation of the other individual’s perception, and therefore, in doubt of yourself or fear of the other individual’s expression and [in] not turning your attention to you and offering yourself permission to generate what you genuinely want, your attention projects outwardly to the other individual. You discontinue paying attention to you, and you create this circle of expectation and anticipation and conditions and comparisons which is responded to within the other individual.

For whether you verbally express or not, you all recognize energy. You are quite efficient at identifying energy immediately. Therefore even without verbal communication you associate with each other’s energy and you know what you are generating and what another individual is generating, and you respond to these energy exchanges regardless of what you objectively communicate.

Therefore in the moments that you restrict yourself, the other individual recognizes this energy and responds. The other individual may not express an identification in thought but shall automatically respond, for the manner in which you exchange is you project energy and the other individual allows the penetration of that energy or does not. If they allow the penetration of that energy, it is accepted and configured quite similar to the expression in which you project it, for the most part. If it is not allowed to penetrate, it is reconfigured entirely and the other individual configures that energy in a manner in which they choose.

And you generate the same action. Other individuals project energy to you. You either allow that energy to penetrate your energy field and you shall express it outwardly through your perception in an actual physical manifestation which is quite similar to the projection of energy which has been received, or you shall choose to buffer and not allow the penetration of energy, in which situation you shall reconfigure that energy in the manner in which you choose, which may be quite different from the projection of the other individual.

Now; the key is that what you view in physical manifestation, another actual physical-matter individual, is YOUR perception. YOU create that. What you interact with is energy, not physical manifestation. The physical manifestation is your projection of your perception. Therefore, you may configure that in any manner you choose regardless of the energy which has been projected, and generally the manner in which you all configure the energy and project it through your perception is in a manner that shall reflect you, not necessarily the other individual. This is the manner – which I may say to you is HIGHLY efficient in this physical dimension – in which you allow yourselves to view yourselves in a continuous reflection through your perception of other individuals.

Therefore in relation to all of your questions, I say to you turn your attention to you. Allow yourself, not in general terms but quite specifically, to pay attention to what you are generating, pay attention to the beliefs that you express. Allow yourself to recognize these beliefs, not to attempt to eliminate them, not to attempt to change them – for this is ludicrous, you may not change them – but merely to recognize them, and once recognizing them also recognize that you incorporate choice. You may choose to express them or not.

In this, allow yourself to pay attention to what you are DOING, and as you recognize what you are doing in each moment also express to yourself, ‘I am choosing this. Therefore if I am choosing what I am doing, what is the influence in relation to what I am choosing? What am I expressing within myself that is validating or denying within myself that generates these choices?’ and this shall offer you much more clarity in your movement and allow yourself the freedom to choose what you want and to implement that.

But the key is the choosing. For you may confuse yourself in merely paying attention to your thinking, for your thinking is not always accurate and may incorporate distortion or may move in black and white expressions. I may express to you, my friend, quite genuinely, any scenario that you may generate or that you may encounter has many more choices than either/or.

TERRY: (Softly) Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

MARCOS: ... My question is actually ... I feel very good about what I’ve been doing, creating, the last few months since we last spoke, and as always I have to thank you because you have been a great friend, a playful friend, a steady friend...

ELIAS: As always.

MARCOS: always. (Elias chuckles) I just feel very good about what I’m doing, yet at times I find myself very angry and rather frustrated. It used to be almost in a continuing fashion. Now it’s not so often but it’s there, yet it’s still there in a very strong fashion. What can you tell me about that? I realize many times it’s the lack of choice which you have spoken about...

ELIAS: Quite.

MARCOS: ...and I know it, but is there anything else?

ELIAS: This is quite significant, my friend. I may express to you, denying your choices and expressing a lack of trust in relation to your choices and your abilities is quite significant, for this is woeful to your essence.

MARCOS: I understand. I realize that, yes.

ELIAS: And therefore I may express to you, it may appear or seem objectively to you that this is an insignificant expression, that choice is merely choice and it matters not; but the denial of choice is QUITE significant and generates TREMENDOUS conflict and also may create much frustration.

I may express to you quite literally, the expression of the signal of anger is the feeling that is incorporated in the emotion which is communicating to you that you are denying ALL of your choices in that moment. You are not viewing any of your choices. Frustration is an expression in which you recognize that you incorporate choice but you are not quite sure objectively of which manner to maneuver your energy to generate choice.

Anger is an extreme of frustration in which you move your association from the knowing that you do incorporate choice to an expression in which you view you no longer incorporate any choice and your attention AUTOMATICALLY projects outward and you become victim, for your attention thusly is projected outward to situations or scenarios or other individuals, and as I have stated, even objects, in which your association is expressing to you that this expression outside of you is generating choice for you and you no longer incorporate choice, or that it is dictating to you and you no longer incorporate choice. And this is quite significant. For as you are aware, I have expressed previously, worry and guilt may be the two expressions that almost are a waste of energy – for there is no waste of energy – but the lack of choice, the lack of your allowance of choice and denying choice to yourself, is so very contrary to the movement in natural flow of essence and of consciousness that this be the one expression that shall cause essence to weep...

MARCOS: I hear you. But I pick that up, when that happens. I do.

ELIAS: ...and this is what generates anger. Therefore, in the moments in which you are experiencing that signal, recognize that the message that you are offering to yourself in that signal is that you are denying your choices and you are expressing to yourself that you incorporate no choice. Therefore offer yourself choice, and the signal shall dissipate and disappear.

MARCOS: Great. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend.” [session 997, January 27, 2002]

SHAHMA: “... I’ve had a lot of struggle in the physical aspect with what to be doing with my life, and I’m getting the feeling that it’s really not that important, what I’m doing on a physical level as much as paying attention to self.

ELIAS: You are correct.

SHAHMA: I mean, I used to just go through anguish: should I write a book, should I be painting? I can do all of those things but I’m kind of like a Jane-of-all-trades or something and master of none. (Laughs) I have this tendency to dabble in this and that and the other thing, but I can’t seem to hold my focus on one thing.

ELIAS: And it matters not, for they are all merely choices and what you choose in relation to your preference in the moment. For all of your choices are generated in association with your individual exploration of this reality. Therefore, it matters not what you choose.

This, my friend, is the reason that I continue to express to individuals [that] objective imagery is abstract and it matters not. You may generate countless expressions of objective imagery in extreme diversity to be expressing one movement that you are generating. It is extremely changeable.

What holds significance is your awareness of yourself, your awareness of your abilities, your acceptance of yourself and your allowance of yourself. For you may generate quite literally ANYTHING that you want. You may generate ANYTHING that you do NOT want. Your choices are unlimited and your ability is unlimited. What holds significance is that you allow yourself the objective recognition of what you are and who you are, that you allow yourself the freedom to express your creativity in generating any type of objective imagery that you choose – but you are not bound to any specific expression.

SHAHMA: Right, and that’s a big relief. (Laughs) I think I’ve created a lot of judgment on myself in the idea of thinking that I needed to be really good at one thing. It just feels like a big relief to me that I don’t have to keep focusing on one thing because I change a lot. I change my focus a lot, and I’ll just be really focused in on one thing and then it’s like all of a sudden, boom! I’m bored with it – okay, go on to the next thing. And to be okay with that and to not be judging myself that I’m not sticking with one thing...

ELIAS: These are mass beliefs, my friend, and recognize that you incorporate these mass beliefs also. This is not wrong or bad, and you are not eliminating these mass beliefs. Merely allow yourself the recognition of them, acknowledge to yourself, yes, you incorporate these beliefs also in like manner to every other individual within your physical reality, and it matters not for you also incorporate choice. Whether these beliefs are incorporated or not – which they are – you may choose what you prefer.

You are not locked into the expression of the belief that dictates to you ‘you must be focusing your attention in one direction and become accomplished in one expression.’ No, you may recognize that you incorporate that belief, and you may express to yourself, ‘I am acknowledging that I do incorporate this belief but I am choosing to be moving in other expressions.’

SHAHMA: Thank you, that feels really good to me. (Elias laughs)

... I’m still wondering about that whole channeling experience and if it’s something that... Well, I’m getting into shoulds here, but whether or not to pursue it or not.

ELIAS: This is your choice; you may if you are so choosing. What you have tapped into is information which you are offering to yourself through your essence, which is valid. You are allowing yourself to be tapping into an objective awareness of information which is available to you in the knowing of your essence. There are no higher or lower essences. Therefore all information is expressed in all essences. Your essence is no less incorporating information or wisdom than any other essence. Therefore, the information is as valid and may be as helpful as any information from any essence.

Now; whether you choose to be engaging this action or not is your choice. I may express to you that individuals that do allow this type of expression incorporate much less challenge and no physical affectingness in allowing this type of action. It is a different action than an energy exchange [and] is not affecting of your physical manifestation. Although it may be, in your terms, viewed by yourself as positively affecting, for some individuals do allow themselves energy surges in generating this type of action, but it shall not be affecting in what you assess as a negative manner.” [session 1024, March 04, 2002]

ELIAS: “This day, I have chosen as our subject matter to be discussing choice.

I hold an awareness that within your physical dimension presently, there is a wave in consciousness occurring, in which individuals are responding to in tremendous confusion. You have offered yourselves information as to what you create within your reality, and enough information in relation to choice, but there is being generated tremendous confusion in assessing how to be focusing your attention upon self and generating what you want within your reality.

The point of this shift in consciousness is that you widen your awareness objectively and allow yourself a recognition of your abilities in your individual focuses, and in that action, offer yourself the freedom to intentionally, objectively generate what you want through choice, and create an actualization of your direction.

This may be accomplished in ANY subject. It matters not what you present to yourself in your individual directions, in your individual objective imageries to yourselves. This is the direction in which you are moving in conjunction with this shift in consciousness: directing of yourselves.

Individuals presently are incorporating tremendous confusion and questioning in relation to ‘how.’ How do you pay attention to yourself? What is it to pay attention to yourself? Where is the direction of your attention? How do you direct your attention in creating what you want in relation to the beliefs that you hold?

First of all, I shall reiterate: you are not eliminating beliefs; you are not eliminating belief systems. They are intrinsic to the design of your physical dimension. Duplicity is also a belief system; therefore, you are not eliminating the belief system of duplicity, either.

I am aware that in offering yourselves information in relation to the material that I have presented, you generate this association that perhaps you shall accept all of the belief systems except duplicity, and this one you shall eliminate.

FEMALE: Amen! (Laughter, and Elias smiles)

ELIAS: And this is not the point. Duplicity is a belief system also, and it shall continue, as well as all of the other belief systems.

Within this time framework, you continue to be generating the waves in consciousness addressing to the belief systems of duplicity, and you continue in addressing to the belief system of sexuality. You have not discontinued either of these waves. I may express to you, sexuality is an IMMENSE belief system, incorporating many, many aspects, beliefs within the belief system.

Duplicity, as you are all aware, intertwines itself with all belief systems; therefore, it also is immense. I may offer a preparation, that as you futurely move into addressing the belief system of emotion, you may be addressing to this in a lengthy time framework also. As you are aware, emotion and sexuality are the base elements of your physical dimension. Therefore, you are incorporating much time framework addressing to sexuality. Sexuality is not sexual activity, although this also is a belief within the belief system.

Now; in allowing yourselves to accomplish the action of creating what you want, this requires paying attention to yourself. What is meant in these terms of ‘paying attention to yourselves’? Do you view that you are paying attention to yourselves? (Laughter from the group, and various responses such as ‘yes,’ ‘sometimes,’ ‘rarely,’ ‘maybe part of the time.’)

I may express to you all that individually you express to yourselves that you are paying attention to yourselves quite a bit. I may express to you, no, you are not! (Laughter) At times, you allow yourselves to pay attention to yourselves. For the most part, you have not quite incorporated an objective understanding of HOW to pay attention to yourselves.

And what shall be your definition of paying attention to yourself? Noticing what you are doing? Noticing how you are reacting? Noticing how you are responding? This is an accurate assessment of how you define paying attention to yourselves.

Now; in actuality, paying attention to yourselves is LISTENING to yourself and paying attention to what you want in every moment, turning your attention to your responsibility to yourself, not incorporating personal responsibility for other individuals, not concerning yourself with the expressions, behaviors or choices of other individuals; and I may say to you there is a tremendous difference in the expression of ‘caring’ and ‘concerning.’

I am not expressing to you that you do not CARE in relation to other individuals. This is a natural expression of essence.

CONCERNING yourself with the expressions or choices or behaviors of other individuals is an expression of judgment. It is a projection of your attention outside of yourself, not incorporating responsibility for self, and holding your attention upon other individuals, which is quite familiar. And in that familiarity, you generate an automatic response, which is also quite familiar, of judgment.

I may express to you all once again, positive is a judgment also. Your assessment of ‘better’ is also a judgment.

Concerning yourself with the choices of other individuals also lends to the expression of comparison, and comparison is an expression of discounting, discounting of yourselves and of other individuals, but ultimately discounting of yourselves. For what you express outwardly is a reflection of what you are generating inwardly.

Now; I may express to you that paying attention to yourself permeates all of your reality. It matters not whether you are engaging another individual or merely yourself or a situation. You think you are paying attention to yourself individually if there are no other individuals that you are interactive with. Even without the interaction of other individuals, you do not pay attention to you.

The point is that you offer yourself genuine permission to generate outwardly what you want. The confusion is, what is it that you want? You want other individuals to express differently. You want your reality to be expressed differently. (Humorously) You want to be cosmically enlightened! (Smiling, and the group laughs)

Cosmic enlightenment is a genuine awareness of yourselves.

(Very deliberately) You are all essence. You are all consciousness. You are all attentions. You are enacting within your physical dimension no differently than you enact in any other area of consciousness. You are continuously becoming and folding in upon self to expand, to create anew; to generate, in your terms, a thing from nothing. This is what you do, for this is the nature of consciousness, to continuously be creating.

It has been expressed this day the question of whether you shall continue to express surprise to yourselves. You shall always express surprise to yourselves, for you are consciousness and you are continuously creating anew. But how do you create? How do you focus your attention upon self?

In your interactions with other individuals, what do you generate?

MALE: A reflection of yourself.

ELIAS: This is an accurate textbook answer! (Laughter)

If you are engaging an interaction with another individual, what are you paying attention to?

MALE: Them.

ELIAS: You are correct. Do you incorporate an awareness of yourself? Are you expressing to yourself what you want? You are listening to the other individual.

Do you know YOU in the interaction with another individual? No, for your attention is outward.

Now; let me express to you, in this forum presently this day, most individuals are common. This orientation of common naturally expresses its attention outward. It manifests outward. You offer yourself information through objective imagery.

You generate objective imagery, and this speaks to you. You view street signs; you view colors. You view other individuals, but you are specific in what you notice in relation to other individuals: what they do, what they say, what garments they are wearing, how they present themselves physically.

You pay attention to objective imagery; you generate objective imagery. If your equipment is responding strangely ... ah! And in this time framework if your computers are malfunctioning, if your telephones are ringing ... you pay attention to physical manifestations. This is not bad; this is not wrong. This is a natural action that you generate as the common orientation.

What you are NOT familiar with is allowing yourselves to pay attention to you AND pay attention to what you generate in objective imagery. What you are familiar with is holding your attention outwardly, and not paying attention to what you are generating in your own individual communications to yourselves.

Now; if I present myself to you, hypothetically as another individual within your forum presently – (laughing) as we are all aware that I am a ghost! (group laughter) – and I express to you, I dislike this red shirt. (Looking at Jon, who is wearing a red shirt) Where is your attention?

JON: On my shirt.

ELIAS: What do you want?

JON: I don’t know! (Laughs)

ELIAS: If I continue, and I express to you, ‘I dislike your eyes.’ What do you want?

JON: Umm, I don’t know. (Laughter)

ELIAS: If I generate a conflict with you in continuation, what do you want?

JON: To leave.

ELIAS: Very well. This is an automatic response – you want to leave. No, you think you want to leave, for you are responding in an automatic response. You are generating uncomfortableness, and your wish is for it to discontinue. But you are not listening to what you want. What you want is generated from within, not from without. What you want is what you wish to express, and this is quite unfamiliar.

Now; your next step in paying attention to yourself perhaps may be to express to myself, ‘I want you to stop creating an uncomfortableness within me, for you are expressing to me and this is generating uncomfortableness. I am reacting.’

No, you are not reacting. You are offering yourself an emotional communication. Emotion is not a reaction. It is a communication, and it is a PRECISE communication. Your physical body consciousness is communicating intention. Your emotions are communicating a message: ‘Within this moment, you are denying yourself choice. You are allowing another individual to dictate to you what your choice shall be, and you are not directing of yourself,’ and this is expressed in uncomfortableness, for it is unnatural. Your natural inclination is to be directing of you, but what is familiar is to allow other individuals or situations to direct you in reaction.

I may present myself to one of you, and I may express what you identify as tremendous excitement and joy, and within the moment, you may be expressing a different type of energy, and you may also choose to leave. This is not necessarily what you want, for you are not paying attention.

In the moment that I may express to you, ‘I dislike your red shirt,’ in genuinely knowing you and understanding, paying attention to yourself and offering yourself permission to express you and what you want, you may reply to myself, ‘I like my red shirt; my energy is red this day. I appreciate your expression. I appreciate my expression.’ What you want is to openly outwardly express yourselves in genuineness in appreciation.

How many of you have expressed to yourselves and to other individuals what you want is to generate love; how wondrous would our world be created if all individuals are expressing love. What is love? Your definition of love is affection. The truth of love is KNOWING and appreciation. These are the expressions of love, the knowing of WHAT you are appreciating.

Now; how may you be expressing love if you do not know what you are appreciating, and if you are not appreciated? And how may you be appreciating if another individual is expressing differently from yourself?

Within this time framework, you have chosen to be manifest within this society, this country. Are you appreciating of individuals that you view to be murderous in other countries? They are expressing their beliefs, with passion. They are expressing themselves in what they want. Are you in this forum this day expressing no judgment? Or are you expressing your comfort in your betterness? (Smiles) And I shall express to you, in other areas of your world they are also expressing their comfort in their betterness, in this same judgment that you express – (ironically) but your judgment is better, (laughter) and their judgment is worse, for their judgment is violent, and nonviolent is better. Is it?

ROBERT: Generally.

ELIAS: (Shrugs) And what does it matter? It is different.

ROBERT: The difference would be if you decide to be violent enough to take a life, I think that would be a violation.

ELIAS: Is it?

ROBERT: I believe so.

ELIAS: Ah! And this is the key: you believe so. You believe many expressions. It matters not what you believe, for beliefs are not absolutes. They are not truths. What you value are not absolutes. What do you value, life?



ROBERT: I think any life that is created is worth valuing.

ELIAS: Do you value choice?


ELIAS: Do recognize that death is a choice?


ELIAS: Therefore, what does it matter? They are choices. No individual may incur any action in relation to you that you do not choose. Therefore, what does it matter?

ROBERT: It only matters to me.

ELIAS: Correct. It matters to you and within your perception, which is not an absolute and does not apply to any other individual.

ROBERT: It’s my truth.

ELIAS: Yes, in a manner of speaking, figuratively. It is your perception. It is your preference. It is your opinion, which is acceptable. The key is recognizing that it is not an absolute, and that each other individual also incorporates their unique perception.

Your perception is the mechanism that generates all of your physical reality. It is a MECHANISM that you incorporate within the design of your physical manifestation that projects an actual physical reality.

What you yourself presently interact with in this moment is the energy projection of myself and all of these individuals present. Every individual that you view, that you physically visually see, you have created through the mechanism of your perception. You interact merely with their energy. You create the physical manifestations. Therefore, they are all a reflection of you.

Every expression within your world that you perceive, you have created. If you incorporate an awareness of it, you have created it. Therefore, as you express judgment in absolutes, what do you judge? The reflection of you. You are not generating judgment of other individuals. Hypothetically, you are; genuinely, you are judging your own perception, your individual projection of your world.

Your beliefs are expressed in strength and are tremendously influencing, and this is the significance of allowing yourselves to become familiar with your beliefs and allowing yourselves to recognize their existence. Know that you incorporate choice, for you do. You are not locked to any belief, but you also are not denied any belief.

Individuals express, ‘Some beliefs are good, some beliefs are bad. I shall incorporate the good beliefs (laughter) and continue with the good beliefs, and I shall eliminate the bad beliefs,’ or, ‘I shall change the bad beliefs and create them to be good beliefs.’

Beliefs are merely beliefs.

Duplicity is merely a belief. You may continue within your focus, FULLY shifted, and express within yourselves, ‘My preference is this, my opinion is this, and I express to myself that it is good.’ You may also not generate judgment, for you also recognize that no expression or belief is an absolute, and therefore in presenting yourself with a difference of another individual and their choice and their preferences, you genuinely incorporate the knowing that either expression matters not, they are preferences, and you generate this in genuinely allowing yourself to become familiar with you. And the manner in which you accomplish this is in the moment – in every moment – to be aware of the now, and to be aware of you and what you express and what you want, knowing your preferences, knowing your opinions, and knowing they are not absolutes.

We shall break, and subsequent to the break, I shall engage interaction with all of you, and you may present scenarios to myself of your choices or scenarios in which you do not view you are allowing yourselves your choices, but you think you are recognizing of what you want. (Laughter) And we shall discuss what you THINK you want and perhaps what you actually want, and perhaps we shall move into an expression of insight (laughter) as to what you generate within yourselves and how you create an intentional reality.

STEVE M: ... I have a scenario. For the benefit of the transcript, my name is Steve. Let’s say I’m in the middle of a city, it’s late at night, I’m in a dark alley, and I run into some 400-pound guy who’s built like a dump truck, and he makes a comment that he doesn’t like the look on my face. I respond, saying that I rather like the look on my face and I don’t appreciate your expression, and he responds by slamming my face into the pavement. If I had run, I could have avoided that situation. So what is the appropriate course of action in that situation?

ELIAS: But if you run, are you paying attention to your choices?

STEVE M: I choose not to have my face slammed into the pavement.

ELIAS: And what did you communicate?

STEVE M: In what sense?

ELIAS: Your scenario is the individual expresses his dislike of you, and you express that you prefer – or you like – your look, and you express a judgment to the other individual of what you wish them not to express. This is not paying attention to you. You are projecting your attention to the other individual, and expressing an expectation to the other individual of what you wish the other individual to choose. What do you choose?

STEVE M: I don’t know.

ELIAS: This is the point of paying attention to you. You do create all of your reality; you create the other individual. What are you creating in this scenario? An expression of fear, an anticipation – expectation of the other individual’s behavior in relation to fear.

What is your expression of fear? That you do not trust your expression, that you do not trust that you create all of your reality, that you are not manipulating your reality, [that] you are co-creating with another individual; the other individual is creating part of your reality.

Another individual does not create your reality in ANY aspect. You create it.

Therefore, if you are presenting yourself with the scenario of interaction with another individual in darkness, and you are paying attention to you, and you are paying attention to your choices and what you want, you shall create the other individual to be expressing what you want. And in this scenario, the other individual shall not be threatening, for you do not project this.

You shall create what you project in energy. The energy that you project outwardly reflects to you. If you are expressing fear, you shall generate a manifestation that shall reflect that fear. If you are projecting an energy of awareness of yourself and trust of yourself, and not discounting of yourself, you shall manifest that reflection. (15)

JIM B: My name is Jim. I just wanted to comment that his return seemed to me to be a combative response that would generate aggression.

ELIAS: It matters not. The point is what the individual – you or you (looking at Steve M and then at Jim B) – as an individual is expressing. It may appear to be combative, and this is worthy of your noticing.

DIANNE: How do you trust yourself? I mean, it seems like such a simple thing. Do you say to yourself, ‘Okay, I trust myself. I’m okay; I might feel a little fear, but I trust myself. No harm is going to come to me’? Would that suffice?

ELIAS: You pay attention in the moment, in the now. You allow yourself an awareness objectively of the now. In the now, there is no element of fear.

FEMALE: Can you put that in concrete terms in his scenario?

ELIAS: Yes. Fear is generated in projection. You generate fear in association with projection outside of the now, in association with past experiences that you have solidified in absolutes in your perception or in anticipation of the future. And the future may be one moment next, but it is a projection of anticipation.

In the now, as you encounter another individual that may express to you, it is your choice how you receive the expression. It is your choice that you receive it in what you perceive to be negative or threatening. In the now, if you are receiving that projection of energy and translating it through your beliefs and your associations as threatening, you shall automatically anticipate the next moment, and project your attention and not listen to yourself. You shall view the fear.

DIANNE: How do you not do that? Given human nature, I mean...

MALE: You’re reacting.

DIANNE: I know it’s reacting, but...

ELIAS: It is not human nature. It is familiar associations.

DIANNE: Familiar, absolutely; habitual maybe.

ELIAS: It is NOT your nature. It is familiar associations with your beliefs and automatic responses. You have become familiar with generating your attention in the direction of what you may associate as automatic pilot.

FEMALE: Elias, what would be your response in that situation? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you, in an awareness of self, I may be generating this scenario – for you have generated the scenario yourself – of creating walking within your darkness and encountering another individual.

Now; I may express to you, in an awareness of myself, which is no different from you ... that I am not physically focused, do not delude yourselves that you are different from myself, for you are not. You incorporate all of the qualities that I incorporate, and all of the awareness that I incorporate. You merely are not paying attention.

In this scenario, I may choose to create an interaction with another individual in the darkness. In trust, there is nothing to fear. It matters not the size of the other individual. I know not the intention of the other individual objectively, and it matters not. What is significant is my intention, and what I am generating. Therefore, I may enact an encounter with this individual in passing, and the individual shall not be threatening or display aggressiveness, for I am not projecting that energy.

Your scenario is significant, for you incorporate strong beliefs concerning darkness and the cloak that it incorporates, and the fear that is automatically associated with the darkness. And what does this express to you? The darkness within yourself, the shadows within yourself that generate a fear, and I shall express to you as I have to others, my friend, the shadows of your experiences are the hue that present the depth of your focus. Without the shadows, your focus is flat; and as you incorporate the shadows, you incorporate the depth. And they are not to be feared, but appreciated as that which offers the richness of your picture.

STEVE M: So how can I incorporate that sort of awareness to avoid that sort of situation?

ELIAS: It is not a situation of avoidance. It is an expression of trust of yourself and acceptance of yourself, and paying attention to what you are generating in the moment. Knowing and acknowledging that perhaps within a particular moment you may be generating fear, and also knowing that you incorporate choice, all of your reality is yours. No individual may generate any expression in relation to yourself without your creation of it.

Regardless of how you perceive them, an individual may in your perception incorporate 400 pounds and you may incorporate 90, but as you genuinely recognize that you are creating that individual, you are merely interacting with their energy – which is not to devalue the interaction but to offer you the recognition of reality that you generate the perception, you create the physical manifestation – therefore, you also incorporate choice. You are not a victim. The role of victim is expressed only by yourself, and this is expressed in moments in which you view no choices.

GEORGE: I’ve got a variation, Elias. If you’re walking down the street in the worst ghetto in town and you believe that you live in a safe universe, then you’re not going to create an encounter like that?

ELIAS: At times. For individuals are not always objectively aware of all of their beliefs, and you may be incorporating conflicting beliefs and once again surprise yourself! (Laughter)

Be remembering, thought does not generate reality. The function of thought is to translate and to interpret communications. It does not precede reality; it does not create reality. This is not its function. You may think and think and think, but this is not to say that you shall manifest what you think, for this is not its function, and therefore it does not generate.

This is also the reason, for the most part, I do not encourage affirmations. At times with particular individuals, temporarily I may encourage an individual to be expressing an affirmation in recognition of a tremendous expression of fear, to allow them the opportunity to focus upon themselves and reinforce themselves in not continuing to discount themselves.

But for the most part I am not encouraging of affirmations, for this merely reinforces your discounting of yourselves. You may express to yourself one thousand times, ‘I am a wonderful individual; I am a glorious creature,’ (16) (laughter) and you shall continue to discount yourself and not reinforce your trust. I have expressed, at times I am encouraging of an affirmation temporarily, but generally speaking this type of action merely reinforces your distrust of yourself, and each time you affirm to yourself that you trust yourself, you are genuinely expressing, ‘I do not trust myself, therefore I must say that I am trusting myself.’

JIM B: What about the two conflicting realities? You have his reality on one hand, and you have the reality of the person who is built like a truck. If their reality is they’re going to beat you up no matter what your reality is, how does that play out?

ELIAS: I may not stress this strongly enough: you each individually create your own reality.

Now; how does this work, in your terms? Within your reality, you may choose to be trusting of yourself and express no harm; within the other individual’s reality, they may generate a perception that you have been pummeled; and there is no conflict in the differences of these realities. For you all present to yourselves examples in which you are interactive with another individual, and your perception of the scenario may be one expression and another individual’s perception of the scenario may be quite different.

There is not one individual within this forum that has not presented that experience to themselves in one capacity or another, in which you may be merely in conversation with another individual and subsequently you may be reviewing your conversation, and the other individual may express to you, ‘This is not what we have discussed. You have not expressed that to myself,’ and you may express, ‘I have!’ And the other individual shall be argumentative with you, and express to you, ‘No, this is not my experience,’ and you may express to the individual, ‘You have been present! I do not understand. We engaged the same conversation,’ and your perceptions may be entirely different.

You may be interactive with another individual, and you may be engaged in an experience with another individual ... hypothetically, you may be engaged in what you term to be an accident – as we are all aware, there are no accidents (laughter) – but hypothetically, in your terms perhaps you engage an accident within your vehicle, and you engage this scenario with another individual, and subsequent to this scenario you are engaging conversation in relation to your recall of this accident, and your perception may be one expression, and the other individual’s may be quite different.

As I have expressed previously, for the most part you do not deviate in these extremes. For the most part in your interactions with other individuals, you receive the energy that is projected, and you translate it quite similarly to the manner in which it has been projected. This is an automatic expression.

But you do offer yourselves evidence of what I am expressing to you, and in this, for the most part in your automatic expression of receiving energy from other individuals and translating it similarly to how they project it, you deny your choice, for you allow yourselves to be dictated to by scenarios and other individuals. And you do incorporate choice in every moment, in every scenario, with every individual, with every situation; you create it. It matters not whether your perception may be quite different from another individual’s perception. It does not invalidate either perception or either reality. Within the other individual’s scenario and perception and reality, you may be bloodied on the street; within your reality, you shall be unharmed.

STEVE M: What about passers-by on the street?

ELIAS: They view what they create, and which energy they align with.

STEVE B: ... Elias, this is another Steve, essence name Steffano. You have talked about the ball and stick analogy, where the ball is your perception and the stick is your beliefs, and that we play this game of moving the ball with our stick. (17) In one of the transcripts you mentioned that the point is to be able to move the ball with your finger rather than the stick, which seems to me to give you much more power to move your perception wherever you want. In this scenario we just discussed, you said that we automatically tend to have very similar perceptions of the same event. But if we are at the point of more consciously moving our perception, will there be more extreme differences, because we realize we have the power to have any perception we choose over any scenario?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. For you are interconnected, and you are forgetful – there is no separation. Therefore, in widening your awareness, you continue to be expressing similar perceptions but recognizing that they are your creation, and recognizing that you do incorporate the ability to deviate if you are so choosing. It is a matter of awareness, in similar manner to your awareness of beliefs.

As I express to you information concerning beliefs, I am not expressing to you a judgment. Beliefs are beliefs; it matters not. In this, you choose what you shall express in alignment with or not, for you recognize that it genuinely matters not. It is your choice. You do genuinely incorporate free will.

I am aware that your religious era has expressed the concept of free will for many centuries. Do you understand objectively the expression of free will? No. Do you allow yourself permission to be expressing free will? No. This is your empowerment of yourselves.

You each incorporate a tremendous expression of power, and as you are shifting, I may express to you a prior offering of information not to be generating fearfulness, but you are afraid of your own power. For within your beliefs, power is negative, for it holds the potential to be hurtful. But in genuineness, there is no hurtfulness other than what you generate yourselves.” [session 1105, June 08, 2002]

PAT: “If you consume something that is a known poison but yet you don’t consciously know that it’s a poison, and you take this and you die, you disengage, are you saying that it doesn’t necessarily have to end that way, that you could very well consume the poison and live, be fine and not have any adverse effects?

ELIAS: Correct.

PAT: So is there anything that an individual could do to make that work for them?

ELIAS: If you are consuming of what you term to be poison and you are disengaging, it is not associated with the poison. It is associated with your choice to be disengaging at that time framework in that moment and in association with the beliefs associated with that method.

PAT: So what I’m saying is if accidentally you consume...

ELIAS: (Firmly) You do not generate accidents. There are no accidents; there are no coincidences. There are choices.

PAT: On a different level than what we know...

ELIAS: No. Every individual incorporates an awareness. At the moment that they choose to be disengaging, they are aware of that choice. It is not an accident, and you do not incorporate any hidden information. YOU KNOW.

PAT: I want to narrow this down. As a focus, as an individual focus of me right now, if I do this sort of thing, is it within my awareness of this focus? I’m not talking essence – essence can do anything – but as a focus I would know what I’m doing when I do it?

ELIAS: At the moment of choice of disengagement, yes.

PAT: So if I chose to partake of a poison, but I didn’t know it was a poison...

ELIAS: Correct, I am understanding.

PAT: But I took this poison and I’m going to die, it was totally within this focus, not the essence but this focus? It’s totally within this focus to understand that I have chosen this and I am going to die.

ELIAS: At the moment of the choice of disengagement.

I am understanding what you are expressing. You may be objectively unaware that you may be consuming some substance that you believe shall be lethal, but at the moment of disengagement you shall be quite objectively aware of that choice and whether you choose to engage that choice or not.

PAT: I want to go back here. I’m in a bar, I don’t know that I’m going to have some substance, but somebody puts something in my drink. I’m innocent, and I am drinking this drink. I did not choose...

ELIAS: (Firmly) Yes, you did.

PAT: But you’re talking essence, you’re not talking focus.

ELIAS: I am speaking to you of the focus.

PAT: And I am fully aware, even though it’s out of my brain pattern that I have chosen...

ELIAS: The choice is not...

PAT: ...that I have chosen to die that day?

ELIAS: Or not.

PAT: Or not. You know what I mean.

NORM: Only subjectively, correct? Not objectively.

PAT: If somebody put something in my drink and I have no idea – I’m innocent – I am drinking that sucker and I’m going down that night. Okay, so what I want to know is have I really made that choice...


PAT: ...on a focus level, not on an essence level?

ELIAS: Not as essence, for YOU ARE ESSENCE.

PAT: I know I’m essence, but I want to know in which level...

ELIAS: (Loudly) In this...

PAT: I making this decision?

NORM: What consciousness of her focus are you referring to, subjective or...

ELIAS: Objective!

NORM: Even though she didn’t know?

PAT: I don’t want to die and I didn’t even participate as far as I knew.

ELIAS: Ah, but you are participating, for you are creating it!

MALE: Is that what you’re saying, that you’d be a victim?

PAT: Well, I’m just trying to understand.

ELIAS: You are creating every aspect of your reality, every moment, every action. There is no action that may be incorporated in your reality that you are not creating. Another individual, no circumstance, no situation, no scenario may create your choices or your reality for you.

PAT: Okay, but we’re talking FOCUS...

ELIAS: I am aware.

PAT: ...we’re not talking essence.

ELIAS: I am aware.

PAT: I believe that essence, all these things happen and we just go along with it and okay, but focus ... I am creating that?

ELIAS: Yes, and this is the significance of what we were discussing previously.

DON: Because we might create it but be creating it on autopilot.

ELIAS: Correct!

NORM: Now, I would like to have you define that, the difference between objective and subjective consciousness creating what we do.

ELIAS: There is quite little difference. As I have expressed many, many, many times, they move in harmony. Therefore, what you create in subjective awareness is what you also create in objective awareness.

The difference between subjective and objective is that the subjective is quite precise and literal, the objective is abstract. Therefore one action that you may be incorporating subjectively, one direction, one motion that you may be creating subjectively, may be incorporated in thousands of manners objectively, for the objective awareness is abstract.

It is quite the reverse of what you think. You associate your subjective awareness with dream state. Your dream state is quite objective. If you generate imagery in association with physical reality, it is objective.

ARTHUR: And abstract, in dream reality?

ELIAS: You are quite abstract in your dream reality, which is quite a mirror for your waking reality which is also quite abstract.

Your subjective awareness is quite precise and is not abstract. Your subjective awareness may be precisely identifying to you a belief that is influencing what you are creating quite precisely – one – and you may be generating hundreds of objective expressions of imagery to reflect that one belief.

DON: Is that independent of orientation? What you’re saying, that’s true for all...

ELIAS: Correct, correct. It matters not what orientation you incorporate. This action is the same, and you...

NICKY: Would you repeat what subjective is?

ELIAS: It is not abstract. It is the literal.

NICKY: What frame of mind... (unintelligible)?

ELIAS: It matters not. It is not a question of frame of mind, for that is implying association with thinking and this is not associated with thinking, which is what I was expressing previously in our discussion earlier. You do not incorporate thought to be generating choice and action.

But this is what is familiar to you, your identification of thought, your reliance upon thought and your expectation of thought to be accurate, and it is not always accurate. Its accuracy is entirely dependent upon what information is offered to it. Information is generated through communication; thought is not a communication.

PAT: That’s really hard for me. That’s really difficult, because we’re so used to using thought as being so much more, and no matter how much you tell us that thought is not it, we still have thought. We still are fighting that battle.

ELIAS: This is another association which is being misinterpreted, misunderstood. I am not expressing to any of you that you do not think.

PAT: We think whether you tell us to or not! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Correct, for this is a function of your objective physical manifestation. It is no less of a function of your physical consciousness...

PAT: So it’s valuable. Would you say it’s valuable?

ELIAS: Correct, it is no less a function than your heartbeat or than your breathing. It is quite valuable, and it is being generated continuously. It does not stop any more than your heartbeat stops or your breathing stops. What occurs is that you move your attention. At times you are paying attention intensely to your thoughts, and at times you are not.

ARTHUR: Therefore it may be valuable to notice when we are not thinking, correct?

ELIAS: Perhaps. What I am expressing to you is not a devaluation of the mechanism of thought, but to recognize what it is, to understand that it is not a communication, that it does not precede your creation of reality.

You may think and think and think and think, and it shall not create your reality. You may wish all that you may, and you may think of what you are wishing and not create it, and the reason that you may not create it is that thought does not generate reality. It does not create reality; it interprets. It translates communications, and you offer yourselves many avenues of communication. It is the function of thought to translate.

But if you are not offering this mechanism of thought adequate information in association with your communications, it is not translating accurately. It translates generally, and this is the significance of paying attention to what influences your choices and paying attention to your choices.

What you choose may be associated with your direction. Your choices are what you do, not necessarily what you think. You may think to yourself in one moment, ‘I am going to move across this room and consume appetizers.’ And what you may actually do is turn your attention to the individual that is sitting beside you and engage in conversation. You are not DOING what you thought, but [you] are doing what you desire, in association with your direction.

This is the significance in paying attention to what you are doing and what influences what you do. For your doing is your choosing, and what influences your choosing is quite significant, for your beliefs influence your choosing continuously.

PAT: So what is influencing our doing? If it’s not our thought, if it’s not what we want to do, what our thinking pattern is, then what is the doing part?

ELIAS: Your desire moving in association with your beliefs, and this is tremendously significant. You may identify your wants, although at times that may be quite challenging also. Many of you are...

(4:35 PM., audio tape recording was interrupted; the remainder of this paragraph and the following paragraph was lip-read from the video tape)

...objectively unaware of your wants, which is quite an objective expression. What you desire is a subjective expression, which is not hidden from you. Your desire influences your direction, and your direction is expressed objectively through your choices and your doing; but you do not pay attention. Therefore, you are not aware objectively of what your desire is, what your direction is, and what you are choosing – for you are not always choosing what you want.” [session 1252, January 18, 2003]

RODNEY: ... If I look about me and I see all of these things that I refer to as truths, like my ... well, the list is endless, but I could start with paying my rent and the fact that I need a retirement plan. I could say that these are all just beliefs, I choose not to align with them, so I’m just going to call up my boss and say I won’t be in there any more. What comes up for me is I’m going to play a little game until the checkbook runs dry, and then I’m confronted with the significance of my choices. So I could probably look at most of what I consider to be truths and say, ‘This is a belief. I can either align with that belief or not align. I’m not going to change it, but I can either express it or not express it. Well, I choose not to express it.’

ELIAS: Do you?

RODNEY: Well, no, because I’m afraid I won’t have any money at the end of the month. (Laughter) I hear what you’re saying, but I’m kind of lost for a working model as to how to approach this.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, remember thought does not create. It translates. Thought is a mechanism to translate information. It does not create your reality. Therefore you may think, ‘I am choosing not to express this belief any longer. I am choosing to express another belief.’ That is thinking. That is not creating. Your evidence of what your expressed beliefs are is shown in what you do and your responses.

Now; this is the significance of identifying specifically what beliefs you incorporate and recognizing what their influences are. For if you recognize and identify what a belief is and what its influences are, thusly you may choose how you shall move, how you shall express yourself whether in alignment or not with a particular expressed belief, knowing that you continue to incorporate that belief but in any particular moment allowing yourself choices. In this, there are many beliefs that are in play, so to speak, in any scenario.

RODNEY: I’m overwhelmed by the number.

ELIAS: But may you identify one?

RODNEY: That there are authority figures in my life that have the power to ... I’m a victim to their choices.

ELIAS: And may you identify all of the influences of this one belief that there are authorities within your focus?

RODNEY: The organization that owns my apartment building would be one. The man who directs my company would be another.

ELIAS: How is this influencing of you? Not an identification of who the authorities are, but what is that influence of this belief that there are authorities in your reality?

RODNEY: The one controls the amount of money that is paid for rent, and the other one controls the amount of money that I receive in my check every other week. Am I understanding you correctly?

ELIAS: No! (Laughter)

RODNEY: That’s par for the course! (More laughter)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! I am inquiring of you to identify the influence of the belief. You are continuing to project your attention outside of yourself and identifying other individuals and what they do.

RODNEY: I would say one influence would be that they handle aspects of my reality that I do not have to pay too much attention to.

ELIAS: (Loudly and enunciating crisply) What is the influence of the belief of authority within you? How does this influence your choices, your responses, what you create, what you do, what your choices are?

RODNEY: One aspect of that would be I do not question.

ELIAS: You do not question what?

RODNEY: I do not question when the rent goes up.

I know I’m banging my head against the wall here – I don’t know where to go with this.

ELIAS: This is the point. This is the illustration. You have identified one belief, but you do not view the influences of that belief. You do not objectively incorporate an understanding or an awareness of how that belief is affecting of your perception and therefore affecting of your reality, for your perception creates your reality. Other individuals may not even identify the belief.

This is what is significant. How does this belief in authority affect your choices? It affects your choices in how you move throughout your day, the choices that you incorporate to not be opposing laws, to be generating certain behaviors. It influences you in your choice of employment. It influences you in what is acceptable and what is not acceptable within your reality. It influences you to project your attention outside of yourself and to not pay attention to you. For in the expressed belief of authority, some other individual other than yourself is being allowed to dictate your choices and your reality for you, and steer your ship.

RODNEY: I know this is what this belief is doing, and I want to work with it...

ELIAS: You may continue to express the belief of authority, and also incorporate your choices in association with your preferences. They are not at odds. They are at odds if you continue to move in automatic responses and not pay attention to what the influences are of the belief, for this does not afford you choice.

RODNEY: You’re saying that a detailed examination of those influences would reveal where I do not see choices now, and I would begin to see choices.


RODNEY: Thank you for spelling that out more clearly. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: You are welcome!

JOE: Elias, I have a question – I’m Joe, for the camera – concerning choices. I had an interesting experience yesterday. I was lighting a cigarette from a cigarette lighter, and the flame went onto my thumb. It was on there long enough that I would expect to be burned and have a pretty good blister. In that particular moment, I said to myself that this is a choice, I can choose to be burned or not to be burned. About 30 seconds later, there was nothing there. It just was very interesting to me that that occurred that way. Now talking about truths and absolutes, it kind of brings it all together for me. If you could comment on that, and tell me what happened.

ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you, and to each of you, that you all present yourselves with moments in which you offer yourself an evidence that you do incorporate choice and that you do incorporate the power to manipulate your reality in the manner that you want.

Now; you present these moments to yourselves as your evidences to reinforce your motivation to allow yourself to move in these types of expressions more freely and more frequently, to reinforce your trust of your abilities.

Now; this also offers you the opportunity to appreciate what you do. I may express to you all that you all incorporate many, many moments of not appreciating your abilities and what you do, and this is an example of allowing yourself a moment to physically witness your power of choice and how real that is.

JOE: So it was actually a choice of whether to be burned or not to be burned?


FEMALE: Mind over matter!

ELIAS: It is NOT mind over matter. It is genuinely a choice. THAT is a belief also.

JOE: When it happened, that was exactly what I said to myself, that this was a choice one way or the other, and saying I would really prefer not to be burned. (Laughter, and Elias chuckles)

One other quick question, just an impression I’d like confirmed. Am I a final focus?


DONNA: Elias, I have a question about freedom. You said that our definition of freedom was not accurate. Could you provide us with your definition or a true definition of freedom?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) In the true theme of truth! Ha ha ha ha! (Laughter)

Freedom is simply choice and the knowing of it. You define freedom in many different ways. You define freedom in financial expressions, in activities, in the lack of activities. In actuality, freedom is merely the knowing of the expression of choice in any and every situation.” [session 1368, June 07, 2003]

ELIAS: “... even in death, [you] incorporate choice, for you choose how to direct your energy. You choose. Shall you direct your energy in allowing yourself the natural expression of your energy, for in the moment this is what you want to feel? Or are you forcing your expression, for you SHOULD feel? And if you do not feel, what is your choice? To force yourself to feel, or to allow yourself your natural expression, (humorously) which may be quite bad!

PATRICK: But then one shouldn’t really feel compassion.

ELIAS: Ah. Compassion is different. What is compassion? I understand what your definition of compassion is. What?

PATRICK: My definition?


PATRICK: It affects you to feel sorry for someone else.

ELIAS: Pity. And why shall you pity?

PATRICK: Because I don’t necessarily see that a person has chosen to end up in the mess, if you like, that the person is in.

ELIAS: Ah, but this is the point. They have!

PATRICK: That’s why I’m throwing it back at you... (Laughter)

ELIAS: Each of you create all of your reality, every experience. You do not believe this, but it does not matter whether you believe or do not believe, it is!

This is the reason that I am engaging this discussion with you concerning truths. Because truths, it matters not whether you believe or you do not believe, you express them, and in this you each create your reality whether you believe that you create it or not.

Now; ‘compassion,’ in our redefining of terms ... which is a movement of this shift in consciousness, for you are also redefining your reality, and the manner in which you redefine your reality is to redefine your terms, your meanings. In the redefinition of compassion, genuine compassion is understanding, not pity; for this is not to say that you do not care. Individuals confuse caring with concern. You define those terms as the same, as synonymous. Concern and caring – no.

Caring is a natural expression that you incorporate. This is a natural flow of energy, of interconnectedness. It is a recognition of interconnectedness, that you are not actually separated from all that is within your reality, regardless of the appearance of it in your individual manifestations. There is more than merely your individual manifestations, and this expression of caring springs from that knowing of interconnectedness.

Concern is different. Concern is a projection of your attention outside of yourself and focusing your attention on outside elements in judgments. You express concern in comparisons and judgments that one direction is better and one direction is worse. You concern yourself with another individual for they are not expressing well enough. They are not creating their reality well enough, and you within yourself know a better method.

Now; how are you discounting yourself if you know a better method?

BALBINA: If it is my projection, I see myself in ... if I discount these people which I perceive, I see myself in them.

ELIAS: Do you?

BALBINA: Often...

ELIAS: Or do you continue to view that your method is better? If you continue to express in any manner that your method is better, you are continuing to discount the other individual; but this is not my question. My question is, how are you discounting of yourself if your method is better?

GOTTLIEB: I am discounting my projection. It’s mine.

ELIAS: Partially; you are correct.

GERHARD: It’s not easy to live up to standards, so always there’s the fact that, for myself too, if I want to be better, I am discounting because I never reach the top level of that idea.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE M.: So by actually elevating yourself, there’s still some way to go?

ELIAS: Yes. Not merely that there is ‘some way to go,’ so to speak, for expansion is a natural movement of consciousness, but that you are not good enough yet, which is a difference.

Your natural expression is to expand, to explore, to move beyond what you view as your own limitations, to experiment with your abilities, to generate new experiences, to generate the becoming, continuous expansion, continuous knowing of yourself more and more. This is a natural movement of consciousness, a natural expression. This is quite different from striving.

Striving is an action in which you attempt to be better, for you are not adequate enough now. You are not good enough now, therefore you must be better.

And if you are elevating of yourself in comparison to another individual, you generate that judgment and that expression in relation to another individual for you are expressing it within yourself that you are not good enough yet, either. Therefore, you attempt to offer yourself a false validation: ‘I am better than this individual, or my circumstances are better than this individual, or my choices are better than this individual; therefore I may validate myself.’ But this is a false validation, for you would not be expressing that judgment were you viewing yourself as acceptable now. Striving and expanding are not the same.

Caring and concerning are not the same. Concerning is the judgment and the comparison, and it disguises itself – you disguise it – in many different manners that you deem to be good: ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are very unhappy and they are not accepting of their situation,’ or, ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are very ill and they are very sad,’ ‘I am concerned with this individual for they are generating choices that may be harmful to themself or to another individual.’ It matters not. (Emphatically) Not that nothing matters!

‘It matters not’ is an expression of no judgment. These are their choices. You may recognize that they are not YOUR choices and they are not your preferences, and therefore you may choose not to generate similar experiences; but they are generating these experiences, and regardless of whether the individual may objectively express that they are unhappy with their choices, they are generating them. They may not like their choices and they may not even want their choices – for you may generate many choices that you do not necessarily want – but they value their choices.

BALBINA: And if they ask, ‘Help me’?

ELIAS: If an individual is inquiring and requesting your helpfulness, it is your choice in how you shall be responsive. I express to all of you that your most helpful expression is to be accepting of their choices without judgment, not to be fixing.

If they are requesting input of information and you are genuinely paying attention to yourself and you are genuinely wishing to be compliant with their request and offering genuine helpfulness, the manner in which you may respond is to be supportive. And how may you be supportive? To share your experiences. Not to instruct, not to teach...

FEMALE: Share possessions?

ELIAS: If you are so choosing. Or share experiences in an expression of genuine understanding, share similarities of experiences. This may seem very simplistic once again, but what you do not recognize is that in that sharing you offer differences in perceptions, and in the differences in perceptions you may express an experience that another individual has not incorporated. It is not within their experience.

HELMUT: If I use words to create a pointer to an experience, can then the other individual relate to this experience...


HELMUT: ...if I just use words?

ELIAS: Yes, for you are also projecting energy and the other individual is receiving that energy. If you are attempting to fix, the other individual is receiving that energy.

BALBINA: Is then charity fixing?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon your motivation.

BALBINA: Those poor children in Africa, they are so poor I have to give them...

ELIAS: And if you choose to offer some physical expression without expectation, this is your free expression.

ANNE M.: But most of the time we actually give out of guilt, to be honest.

ELIAS: Or expectation.

BALBINA: Ja, ja.

ELIAS: Your expectation is, ‘I shall offer this physical expression, food or money or garments or whatever, and that shall fix the situation, and I expect the individuals receiving to incorporate this gift in a particular manner.’ If you offer them clothing, you expect them to wear it. If you offer them food, you expect them to eat it. If you offer them money, you expect many different expressions.

The key is that if you are genuinely offering, you offer with no expectation, and that is YOUR choice. You choose to be offering in conjunction with your preferences and your beliefs, but you incorporate no expectation and therefore no judgment.

BALBINA: And when you say the best thing you can give is to share your experience, is this kind of to teach fishing instead of giving fish?

ELIAS: No, I expressed ‘with no instruction, no teaching.’ For that is another expression of discounting the other individual and ultimately discounting yourself, that they are not creating their reality well enough and you incorporate a better method.

BALBINA: So it is my choice to give or not to give?


BALBINA: But if I give or not, no judgment.

ELIAS: Correct. (Chuckles)

BALBINA: This is a strong belief.

ELIAS: Quite.” [session 1398, July 19, 2003]

ELIAS: “We shall incorporate one more question and discontinue.

STEVE: Elias, I liked your answer, as I sit here thinking about it, whereby you finished my sentence in spite of the fact that my beliefs are a hindrance. You finished that sentence, ‘I accept it because I have other choices.’

Now by that I’m hoping you meant that I shouldn’t be thinking negatively about any of my beliefs because I have the ability to neutralize them, and therefore they won’t have any power over me and I can make other choices. How can I complain about something I can change? Is that the idea?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking.

STEVE: When you say that, you usually don’t mean that I really got it right. (Laughter)

ELIAS: (Elias grins) It is not a matter of right. Let me express to you, my friend, within your beliefs and within your perception I shall express to you, yes, you have incorporated an understanding right, in this moment.

STEVE: In my world or yours?

ELIAS: In YOUR world.

STEVE: In my world I got it right and in your world I missed it?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of missing; it is a matter of your perception.

STEVE: Give it to us in your world, maybe by expanding it slightly.

ELIAS: You are not limited, for you do incorporate choice. You are not eliminating the beliefs...

STEVE: I know that, that’s why I used this ‘neutralized’ thing.

ELIAS: I am quite understanding that this is the reason you incorporated that word, but I am also understanding that your association continues to be that you will rid yourself of certain beliefs.

STEVE: No, no, no, I understand where you’re coming from. I understand how you want us to believe on that. You don’t have to worry about that.

ELIAS: Very well! (Much laughter, and Elias continues humorously) I shall take this under advisement and not worry!

STEVE: So I got it right from both of our points of view then evidently, right?

ELIAS: Very well. (Laughter) And I offer you my encouragement to continue and my supportiveness in your rightness! (Chuckles)

I express to you all as always, pay attention! Notice! Be aware! And remember, you already have widened your awarenesses, all of you, and many of your methods that you have incorporated previously are not necessarily, in your common vernacular, working any longer. Express a willingness to be exploring the unfamiliar, for it fits more acceptably in your reality now, and the familiar does not fit as well any longer. You may choose difficulty or you may choose ease. Whichever you choose, I express my supportiveness and encouragement to you, for whatever you choose is to your benefit and is worth.” [session 1496, January 17, 2004]

ELIAS: “... Intrusiveness is an action in which you project energy to another individual intentionally, knowing that it is most likely to be received and configured in a hurtful manner. This is an irresponsible act; this is not an expression of essence. This is not a natural expression of essence.

I am understanding that within this time framework there is tremendous challenge in association with this wave addressing to truths, and many individuals are experiencing considerable difficulty and confusion. But your difficulty and your conflict may be considerably lessened if you are genuinely paying attention to your own energies and to how you are projecting, and being responsible in your projections to other individuals.

For I may express to you, the reason that intrusiveness is not a natural expression of essence is that within consciousness it is known that any action that you incorporate with other individuals, with other essences, if it is intended to be intrusive or hurtful, what it accomplishes is being much more hurtful to yourself. It may not appear in that manner initially, but I may assure you that you cannot incorporate an action of hurtfulness without being more hurtful to yourself. And in that hurtfulness to yourself, you do deny yourself awareness and you do deny yourself choice, and you weep. (Pause)

Denial of choice is not a natural expression of essence; intrusiveness is not a natural expression of essence.

Understand that I am not incorporating this information concerning wars or violence, for those actions – even murder – are not necessarily intrusive, for individuals may be merely expressing their preferences, and they engage agreement. Wars are not incorporated without agreement; violence is not incorporated without agreement.

The type of intrusiveness that I am speaking to you of is the type of intrusiveness that devalues, the type that attempts to block choice, the type of irresponsibility that perpetuates trauma, that devalues the expressions regardless of whether you agree. I have expressed many times, you may be accepting and not be in agreement; you may be accepting and cooperating with each other and not agree with each other and not LIKE expressions of each other. But to intentionally express an energy to any other individual of devaluation of their self, to intentionally disregard the value of another individual is intrusive. And you do not necessarily devalue each other in violence, contrary to how it appears.

You devalue in expressing ‘it matters not’ in a distorted context. I have been expressing this term of ‘it matters not’ from the onset of my interactions with all of you, but I also have expressed the definition that I am not expressing that nothing matters. But in the expression of ‘it matters not,’ it is the lack of a judgment, the recognition that there is no judgment in association with certain choices or any choices, but not that choices do not matter, merely that they are not judged. But obviously they do matter, for the choices that you engage set your directions, and if you are incorporating certain choices in certain directions you may be expressing intrusiveness. ....

LORRAINE: Elias, this is Lorraine. I’m still having a problem with the intrusiveness. If I get into a discussion with someone about politics or anything, and I get upset and angry and I disagree with them and I call them a name – I call them an asshole or whatever – that’s hurtful to them, maybe. So that’s a hurtful thing, and you’re saying that if I ... and at that time I’m not gonna feel real guilty about it or anything. But when you said earlier that murder is not necessarily intrusive, so if I killed them it would better? I’m not sure... (Laughter)

ELIAS: It is not necessarily better or worse. They are merely different actions. In an action such as murder there is an agreement.

LORRAINE: There isn’t an agreement in an argument? Calling each other names is not an agreement?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the situation. It is dependent upon whether both individuals are choosing to be in agreement to be generating the conflict. In certain scenarios both individuals are in agreement to generate conflict and they are participating together purposefully. All of acceptance is not necessarily expressed in joy and calm and euphoria.

LORRAINE: I think I was under the impression that in any situation where anything was going back and forth that it was always the person receiving that always made the choice whether to receive or to reject that energy.

ELIAS: Correct.

LORRAINE: So if they are receiving it, they have chosen it.

ELIAS: Correct, but are you aware of that choice?

LORRAINE: I’m assuming that that’s true. I make the assumption that it’s true.

ELIAS: In practical terms, in actual experiences, not intellectually but in actual experiences in a situation in which another individual is intentionally expressing hurtfulness to you and you are receiving it, in that moment I express to you, I dare say you shall not be expressing to yourself ‘I chose to receive this.’

LORRAINE: And that’s what we would call taking it personally, if you take it personally? No?

ELIAS: Not necessarily; at times, yes, but not necessarily. What I would be expressing to you in inquiry would be if you are engaging conversation with another individual concerning any subject – your example was politics – and you are not in agreement with their opinion, what is your motivation for expressing argument and expressing name-calling and expressing in anger?

LORRAINE: I’m right and they’re wrong, that kind of thing? Nothing wrong in that! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Which would be the point in this wave in truths, to be recognizing difference and to be accepting of difference and to be examining your responses to difference and to be examining what motivates you to be expressing judgment and to be pushing against difference. What does it threaten within you?

LORRAINE: I was gonna say, I think fear is a big part of it.

ELIAS: And discounting and defending. If you are defending, you are discounting. If you perceive that you need to be defending of your self, of your position, of your expression, of your behavior, you are already discounting yourself. Whatever you are defending, you are doing so for your perception is that that expression that is being defended is not adequate enough and therefore it must be protected.

LORRAINE: Don’t people kill each other for those same reasons though? It can go that far?

ELIAS: At times.

LORRAINE: So murder is a discounting of self?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the situation; it is dependent upon the scenario.

LORRAINE: But it can be.

ELIAS: It can be. In the action of the perpetrator, not necessarily in the action of the victim.

LORRAINE: They may or may not have a different reason.

ELIAS: Correct.” [session 1532, March 20, 2004]

End Notes:

(1) Vic’s note: the book referred to is titled Reaching For The Oversoul by Eugene G. Jussek, M.D.

(2) Vic’s note: pop-ins, as we term them, used to be quite frequent occurrences, although their frequency has diminished. They are an interesting element of this phenomenon, an element that seems to be related to several different actions; misinterpretations expressed during conversation, fear or lack of fear within those present, an offering up of information for clarification, a response to connecting within consciousness. The most important element, though, seems to be Mary’s willingness to incorporate them. Bear in mind that we don’t really understand what initiates a pop-in. We just suddenly find ourselves talking to Elias instead of to Mary, which can be a little unnerving at times! As a result, the transcribed part of the pop-in begins whenever somebody remembers to turn on the tape recorder! Many pop-ins are never transcribed, as quite often they occur in places where there is no tape recorder.

(3) Paul’s note: Cathy is an animal trainer in the movie business. Her experience occurred in the office where she works. The dog she refers to was an adult German Shepard.

CATHY: Can I ask a question? About ten days ago, when I had the dog put his feet on my lap and growl in my face, and I chose at that particular moment to just call the other trainer there and the other trainer called the dog and it got off my lap and went away, and then about a week ago when we had another meditation, right at the end of the meditation I felt an energy in my body, and then I saw this dog once again sitting on my lap with both his feet on me and growling in my face, only I chose to grab the dog and throw it out the window in that particular case. Could you explain that to me? Was that another probability, obviously that I chose to do, but could you explain that a little bit to me?

ELIAS: Very well. Within the struggle of conflict that you presently engage, you have chosen an action of engagement physically, to be allowing yourself to gain your own attention. This will be working nicely into our subject matter of probabilities, for you may allow yourselves the opportunity to view the movement within consciousness and agreement, even with your creatures, for your benefiting.

Within the action physically of the creature, this was manifest by you. You chose to be engaging certain elements of your belief systems and your conflict presently, allowing yourself the actualization, within action, of what you view within consciousness. You feel confused and attacked. You feel “out of control" presently. Therefore, you present yourself with a very creative expression, actualizing this action physically, although you were not objectively understanding your expression. Therefore, you presented this action to yourself once again within the meditation, allowing yourself the opportunity to be regaining what you view to be your control.

CATHY: Interesting. Funny thing about that is, I knew that dog was gonna approach me before I even walked in the door, and I did it anyway.

ELIAS: And this is surprising to you?

CATHY: No, not at all! Guess not! (Laughing)

ELIAS: For you have created this action to begin with! Therefore, you would be recognizing of your own creation! (Smiling)

CATHY: Or belief systems that I have about that type of dog with that type of personality?

ELIAS: This is what you have physically manifest; the issue having nothing to do with the creature or its specific breed within its species.” session 113, August 18, 1996]

(4) Paul’s note: Vicki agreed to take a cat, Cleo, from a friend’s brother who had a baby that was allergic to cats. When the cat first came into the house, it ran and hid under a couch for several days, hissing whenever Vicki attempted to get close. So she just left food and water under the couch and checked in once in a while.

Vicki’s friend Cathy, a professional animal trainer, suggested that she’d bring a puppy pen over for the cat to live in and get used to the three other cats that lived with Vicki and husband Ron. When Vicki attempted to put Cleo in the cage, she bit her on the right hand. The bite was a nasty one and the entire hand swelled up for several days. Ironically after Vicki’s attempt to put Cleo in the cage, her son Arum managed to do so without a scratch.

Vicki mentioned that she was bothered in this exchange with Elias because he said that confinement was unnecessary and a reflection of Vicki’s own confinement/freedom issues. And all Vicki was attempting to do was the “right thing” for all the creatures in the house so they could all co-exist in harmony.

Eventually, Vicki released Cleo from the cage and the cat acclimated to the house and other cats, though remaining hissy at anyone who tried to touch her. Several weeks later, Cleo didn’t return for meal time and never returned again.

(5) Paul’s note: Elias offers an exercise to help reduce personal conflict.

Exercises: find out more about the no-conflict game exercise.

(6) Paul’s note: Elias plays a game with forum participants, in which they try and connect their impressions of various categories of objects, people, even concepts to the nine essence families. The goal is to learn how to recognize the working together of our intuitions and our intellect through our impressions.

In each public session, participants can offer their impressions and Elias usually responds with an answer of one point, acceptable, or less probable.

Digests: find out more about the game.

(7) Paul’s note: this is one of those concepts that is very easy to distort within the context of our spiritual/religious belief systems. Elias uses the terms, the pyramid, pyramid action, pyramid energy, pyramid focus, and pyramid points to describe this action in the context of the collective consciousness, while at the same time identifying five individuals as “points”: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), Ron (Olivia), Cathy (Shynla), and David (Mylo).

In the context of our spiritual/religious belief systems, including our belief that we as individuals are separated from all others within consciousness, it is easy to believe that being labeled a “pyramid point” denotes some special, apostolic, or closer-to-god status. This is NOT the case.

At the time of this note, January 29, 2000, David lives and works in London, England, Cathy is working on a film job in Vancouver, Canada until late November, Mary bases her session activities in Brattleboro, Vermont, and Vicki and Ron live here in Castaic, California where the sessions are transcribed, disseminated, and archived. While in touch via phone and email, these five individuals have chosen to live in separate parts of the planet for their own reasons, while still pursuing their interests in the Elias phenomenon.

Digests: find out more about pyramid focuses.

(8) Vic’s final note: to anyone who actually reads this entire transcript, I would like to express my apologies for running on the hamster wheel so long! It was an interesting, entertaining, and fun interaction though, at least for Cathy and I. I don’t think we’ve ever had a pop-in that lasted this long, except for one that didn’t get recorded. That was a fascinating exchange and contained a lot of very interesting information, and we all regret the fact that we didn’t tape it. This brings questions to mind about the pop-ins themselves, and what an interesting part of the phenomenon they are. I know Jane Roberts had similar experiences with Seth, but other than that, I haven’t found any information in this area. Anyway, I hope you got a few laughs. We sure did!

(9) Vic’s note: the intent of the dream mission is to connect with subjective activity which is represented by dream and waking imagery, thus being able to translate our language to ourselves of activity that occurs in Regional Area 2, thus becoming aware of how we create our reality.

Paul’s note: also see sessions:

> 493, October 26, 1999
> 506, November 24, 1999
> 530, December 29, 1999
> 1246, January 16, 2003

Digests: find out more about the dream mission.

(10) Paul’s note: the essence of Rose plays a significant role in Elias’ cosmology and theology, though he has never used those words descriptively. Simply put, the information offered to date on the essence of Rose deals with a variety religious and spiritual belief systems, including Elias’ variation of the messiah mythos (nine children), the action of essence fragmentation, and foundational causal energies involved in the creation of our multiverse.

Digests: find out more about the nine children of the essence of Rose.

Digests: find out more about fragmentation.

Digests: find out more about the essence of Rose.

(11) Paul’s note: according to Elias we choose a minimum of three focuses or lifetimes: male, female, and other which includes a gay/lesbain focus.

Digests: find out more about the cycle of manifestation.

Elias also expands on this information with the concept of orientations – the manner in which we translate subjective, inner source energy into physical perceptions and events. There are three distinct “flavors” of orientation – common, intermediate, and soft.

As Elias delivered this information during the course of 1999, he said that it superceded the previous notion of male, female, and other. In other words, when choosing the minimum of three focuses, the choices of manifestation are based upon these “flavors” of perception available, and gender and sexual preference are secondary aspects of these choices.

This is a great example of how complex and subtle the information presented by Elias is and how, like any good teacher, he introduces a concept in a very preliminary way and proceeds to flesh it out later.

Digests: find out more about the belief system of sexuality; gender, orientation, and preference.

(12) Paul’s note: Mary specifically stated before this session to the entire group that she didn’t wish anyone to ask any questions regarding her dog, Chelsea, who had just passed away several days earlier after a sudden illness.

(13) Paul’s note: Sue recently moved to Berkeley, California to pursue a Masters degree program in Library Science.

(14) Vic’s note: I have rearranged some words in the following sentence: “Examine why you are creating certain actions and allow yourself the recognition in that examination, for in this, you offer yourselves your perception of your worth.”

It was originally stated as such: “Examine why you are creating certain actions, and the recognition in that examination allow yourself, for in this, you offer yourselves your perception of your worth.”

(15) Bobbi’s note: This sentence was changed for clarity from “If you are projecting an energy of awareness of yourself, and not discounting of yourself, and trust of yourself, you shall manifest that reflection.”

(16) Paul’s note: Elias refers to an earlier exercise:

ELIAS: “I shall express to you this small exercise – which is not so very small – to be recognizing each time you are experiencing the first twinges of guilt, and in those moments express to yourself, ‘Stop!’ Be accepting and recognizing that this expression is inefficient and unnecessary, and once you have expressed this to yourself, reinforce yourself by expressing, ‘I am a worthy, glorious creature!’” [session 351, January 03, 1999]

Exercises: find out more about “I am a worthy, glorious creature!” (accepting self).

(17) Paul’s note: Elias presented a stick and ball analogy in session 331, October 16, 1998 to help describe the relationship between belief systems – the stick – and our perception – the ball. The point is that the stick is neutral, but the action of our perception in relation to our beliefs is a whole other story.

Transcripts: find out more about the stick and ball analogy.

Digests – see also: | absolutes | accepting self | alternate selves | attention (doing and choosing) | avenues of communication | becoming | being in the now | belief systems; an overview | bleed-through | blueprints | counterpart action | desires/wants | dimension | disengage (“death”) | dream mission | duplicity | effortlessness | elements of essence (emotional, political, religious, thought) | energy exchanges; Elias, Paul (Patel) | essence; an overview | essence families; an overview | “evolution” | expression of essence | fear | focus of essence; an overview | focus of essence; pyramid focuses (action) | fun/pleasure | the game | hamster wheel | imagery | imagination | impressions | impulses | information | inner senses; empathic | intents | “karma” | manifestation | mass events | mergence | mirror action | noticing self | objective/subjective awareness | offically accepted reality | oubliette | out-of-body experiences | Paul (Patel) | perception | engaging periphery | personal invalidation | probabilities | probable selves | Regional Areas; an overview | Regional Area 1 | Regional Area 2 | Regional Area 3 | relationships | remembrance of essence | essence of Rose | separation | Seth/Jane Roberts | sexuality; gender, orientation, preference | shift in consciousness | skipping shells | Source Events | transition | trauma of the shift | triggers | trusting self | truth | twin focuses | unofficial information | value fulfillment | vicitms/perpetrators | widening awareness | you create your reality |

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